Exeter Times, 1876-4-20, Page 1Office
elleJ W,
WAteltidgeiO, 0. 1
C011ege,Metelber COle-
'Ort PAT1I.VnytD;
ta Old let
ytIuuenrage 'Vee,
Oilteet2reeidence-i-leaeter. O'er. '
, Oelice lealteleir;te'teeeleeileneeeeted7,to 1
le,AN (1* In; trte':;41\ L. II, Cee,
P. S. 0, (irecluete of Trinity ,CollopiiialgaM;
er ot College pltysfelanE lieirgeierlet
lettle io, callice-l)rne titOze, Mail). St.
And le also proptecter of the inuig. eteee, cud cou-
eelelediv koops on handi. lztrge stook, of pure iletlee
iMedieinge, and Dye etude.
, Graiiten, Jule 18,1874. , 45-0111.
iI lid I
he VI i11 g0 azt
rireitna that 1. 11.
Surgeon Dentist
aisiecetea permanentleen Exeter. Pince in Fan -
eon Neve Meek, 113.1Y
,.v.rERINAll'Y MIRO/10N, li:Notor, Out, (Sans
ptoteptly attended to, Office mid eesidenee-
,nearly opposite John% 1T1e Slum,
TT .KINSUAN, Surgeon Dentist,
_Len .ealo has been in LI xeter over 4 yre.les still oil
and telltale time. °trice aaaresiaonceeleet dew to
0. EiteretVe Hereeee Shop, Main etreet, His -wife
,aIaci is alweye on hand to attend lady patients. -
His wore 10 guaranteed luferioe to none, mid en-
Terior to that of most others, , Terms more liberal
;diem tiny 011100 111 this county ; upper set -very pest
--$15.00. Piilinos 1Vtir0kl,hteahVO, years. To prevent
beine unsditected. take care tOeuqnire for the Old
Established Dental Oilice.
1,1 1ARDI& .11ARDING, Barris
NCI ter's, ttorneys, Solicitors, Commissioners
13. lee ‘to.
i tee mit--Hurroaree Baoore, Water Street, St.
Maly's, •
.ete Barristers, A.ttorneyB•at -law, Solicitors 111
Lha neery, Conveyancers, Complesioners in QB,
and Notaries Public, St, Mary's
k)U rioE-liuttoP's Block, W,aterSt., St. Mary
Celt, 1-1
erriege Licenses, underthe LIOW Act,Credi-
ton, Ont. .24-ly
v . Marriage Licenses under the new Act
nt theyost Office store. Zurich, Om, 40-10
IL BROWN, Public A.uctioneer,
• Winchesea. Sales prompt). attended to
1.1 rms reasonable.
'Whichelseti, Oct. 15, 1871 ,
w.. tioneer for the Co of Huronsales prcuipt-
ly attend, d to, and terms reasonable Post Melee
zo ',trees, Exeter, o tober 4
1: 'NG'S HOTEL, Market Square,
1'.. Stratford, Robert Shore, proprieteer. This
Am Eel has lately been ourcha,od aud overhauled.
Excellent luta roomy stables. Attentive bo. 101ei.
3 very att000n datioalor the traxed ling bublic,and
best 'hollers and cigars at the bae. e
Stratford, itlai en %NM. SO-Ccueis
-- _........_-_-._-.
1 f) 0 YAL II 0 T E L,--elates.lioeteri-"
i t,. ee, mete . tee managemoitt of•Mt....A.-67.1.1 .,..
bie;, who has thoroughl y refitted et:m.6,-4ft
it, 110.V1t0A'gessbs orery acoOn.od:K4,,,s. 25
long -
lie. Splendid (.,•.13.1 blingfp.nflirOi7) "
' attentive hoz..ti. • *s.. ftz?,..,,,,, , „
So' /AIN S't REET,
1 EN -1--'4A-L 544, res-/?Fe.'6ettoi,iistsul))tit'n' it71:1bYtJir.a.:-
..,) • Exeter Greto•r' I paid to the WILIA., of t o
- z i..s Tide -hotel 1 •
t 1 zwelling pp
ecerotal .
, e,srle . z 101\3 HOUSE, ...11• ‘. XlilT.E 11
----'''''r- ..-2-.7f5.nt., tv......ar,0"-E. if :ill', Proprietor. ' Thi
tal cominoellous he- e' is now completed, s 1101
_„.„---lIttall up througnout with first -furniture. The
" f .ust of Liguori; end the choicest of Clears at the
3110. The honse is capable of accommodatinu 35
guests. Excellent stables i.iiid an attentive hos-
, tiers.
rgo Sanntle 100010 froown-
. Good•stabling and attentive.
le 130 WEY, Proprietor. This first -clue, hotel
hes lately changed halals Mein W. le. Wili . us to
W. Dewey), and is fitted with new fun• iture
througliout. Free 'bus to and front the etatiun
tatlice for the new -line of 'busses to Londom The
bar is replete with tho choicest Ltill.01'S n,ncl frag-
emit ifavanzts. Your commercial sample11
li uod stabling and attentive hostlers. ill-ly
..1-/ Fliarn Stre
rank and Wilets, Lucan. The
above 'Intel has been rented by Mr. Isaac White,.
and theroughlyerentted for the comfort of the
:traveling public. Good liquors and Cigars at the
bar. Attentive hostler always in attendance.
Luean,April 15,1875
r ,
Harry Brown, of Wincheisea, informs lffs friends
(that he can sueply them wiLh 11 manner of reap.
dug, mowing and threshing machiae repairs. Ile
is always ready to eneet his friends, andelo his
• bast for them by supplying them with wood or
iron work. . HARRY BROWN
A meeting of the Ratepayers of tho Township
o f ljshorne, will be held in the town hall,on S -
turday loth Arnil at 5 o'clock P. M. tor the
purpose cf giving information regarding the
Townebip Ineurance (Joy. and obtaining the
names of subscribers. ALL DuNce.N
Air ANI -100D. ---HO \V LOST HOW
RESTORE1).:--just published, a new addi-
t ion of Dr. Culverwell's Oolobrated Essay on the
radical cure (without medieine) ef Spermatorrhcea
ior Seminal Weekness, Involuntary Seminal
Lessee, Impotence*, Mental 111102Phyeical Incapa-
city, Impediments to Marriage, etee; also, Con-
sumption, BP/10,13V (11)8 5)11,, induced by solf.in-
delgence' or ScAual extratutgance, &c., Price of
.sealed envelop°, ooly 0 cents. The celebrated
Author, in his admireble Eseity, clearly demon-
etrates, from 11 thirty years' successful practice,
.that the alarming ‘ionscequences ofsdllullueo
• Tthafeilliy etired without tno clangorous use of in.
,termil medicine or the aclplicatien or the knife,
pointingout a mode 00 011041 at once 9imple, cer-
tithe and effectual, by means of which every
:furor, no matter wha t his condition may be, may
.cure 'himself cheanly, privrttoly, and 1111 001113'
'This lecture should. be ia the hands of every yinith
and everyman in tue laudfient under 1301111 11 a
;plain envelope, to any address, 1001(1 1)111)1, on re-
.ceipt of si cente er two post stamps. Addrees the
,publishere. F. BlITYG t. 41 And' fa.
.Now York. Pest Office Box 4153.
NOTE LOST. --On December 27th,
a, note of hand for $10, drawn in favor of
1)4M/a MeKtIltiOTI Una against 1'. 1(1711011, tine 021
tiO 10111 March. negotiation fel. the saint) is for-
a ulden, as pa•yrnent bas been stopped.
30-8t "UNDO. Mourn NO A'.
roe the protection of the pnblia of 13ritieh
,North Ameeleit I deem it my duty to State
&hat my Pills end Ointment neither.
;Inanufacturoanor Seta in any part of the tinited,
States ' leaeh , pub and box boars the
ede GotheeneteneStanteawith the Word ii,'Holkee
'envie Pine and Ointtnent,London,'engraved there.
eel). On thelabel is the adelreee, 583 Oxford seeeet,
London. Thie notioe has become: heeoseery, 111
.conseinienee of vile ,atte spurious inotatiotis of
llolloveayie Pills , ' a n d Ointment "
b ' at78eletden Lane
„New Fork, by par the; styling them.
selvite " Holloway arid Co.," with an
t r a, de MA.* theft -
'H rt. prin elided veralore 01111ob-
tain this trash at .
te very low priee,
eendeodeceive you by Fsonine tba
eente foe lay, genuine Holloway's Pills and Oint-
MOM, Whibh 1.11.0 rn rintiftictUred only at 533 Oxford
eteeet, London, Perstaie wire tney be deceived
pie a110 bOtil 41111100,t0 With In edefany reepectible Oriels
in the Ilritieb Provinces Who Obtain My in eclicieee
direct /rota here, 11 100 very prOperly sneeestea
plate should, 001 0))' benefit Of theineolves and
the public, 3110011 111»)) namee iti the ,plIverti, 'Diet
it may be Ice own that medieinee dim be had Wiwi
ene trorn trion. Tao following ig Lbligt of t,110 filen
tri; awl I ' Particillarly 1 edetenneed theme
wive (10410e, 6)) got iny 111011041111013 to apply to fieine
of the 3!' (P' named :-Meesre. A veey, theiwn 10
Co., Halifax, S; 1110Sti41 GO, 14. S..
MOSSITI. T 1.1 'halter & eone, jobli• N I,' Mr, T
Des BrIeity, Cherlotte 'Town, Pie t ; -;1 1) Lang-
loy 11, 'tool'' 31 Ce; Messrs, efeore
teria, It C; Dr, John Pallel, Olie tem, N 13; Mtlf.n.'fi.
Mamie tie (1 ,, Mont -reel; ,\[''o-. -1 Winer & Co,
If Mr. II J10, Mr. A Chip.,
lean ,St, John, le e Me
r, joint ona.teoaer.
fob; eiesse Al 110 tr Po o ; elhitioner,
115 oint, N 13 ; Mosere, efeeirnettar Bleat., et johti
N 13 ; eie it Priddy, i,Vintlsoy; gsg '10 (11, 'Norden
rt o h ocorgo Haut, je,,, Fredrieltten, N B; itr
WI) limn peon, frerbor (OSlo, N 10; 3,; 5M
eViltry,feeedricletna, 7 II; 21SF1Rrh W 17 'Yu 310,
A10116001. T1.0 YtiOhliOiliog JIM sate ;la the lowest
wholesale fent pelees, in (310 (1- of inn, lege
than •P2' 00ertirei-Vi0e,'"86, 03, 1114., ;11t4,1101" (107441
11000(10 rbt Pills or ergs of otetmeet, fere which re.
Inittance meet be eent 1 xle nee.
'3(1)) (13 00 fihoWAY
VANDUSEN and 0013
17-EYee'constanny on liana the largest and
Best Assortment of
Patent Medicines!
Tooth, Nail, 'Inv, aria Cloth
' Unmistakabiy a gentlerna Were
it otherwise .1 shoUld detect it in a ino-
ment. middle-aged besniese num, 1
Two glittersreeaqe eowesce,,,reetetooup•
SALE. --Two corner Lots onp,o-
,e.. site Dr. ennainates. A.pine to eater P
MARSHALL, Exeter..
sitle.-The undersigned offers 1118 eubstcM.
tial brick dwelling.house for Setae', eituated
mile north of Le. T140 p1505031500 01111 have
whatever q nullity of I and he enay, want, not ex.
ceeding 0 acree with house. Terms etiey. For
further particula,ry enqiiire of T110MAS ANDRLAV$
Elimville Pi 0. 31-10
T4 -10R SALE. -The subscriber offers
for saio a house and staele, 11110 01)0 acre of,
land, olie-lealf mile south of the Village of Exeter,
and would exchange a light wegon-nearly new -
for a buggy. For particulars for tho houso and
hind apply to ANDREW WALKER, Centreline
Centralia Jan 22, 1$70. 23- tf
pnaln acres of vilelld being lot 4 anin. the
leth eon of Colchestee, in the' County of Essex
well timbered with marketable timber. To be
sold 0)100153'terms, or 00051111.113108 for imitable
S 1 town property. For further parti Mars apply to
• COUCH, in Za11105 ranson's cettatte,
School Books, Toy Books,
BlankoBoolte, Magazines,
A IbunisFaney Goods
P-encil Sia es, Lead Pen-
cils, &c.
C OLE Agealo ic LAZADT.,7S, .M0111i1S,
(M.'s Le.emated Perfected Spectacles an
Eye -glasses.
, Prescriptions and Recipes quickly and aeon -
lately dispensed. ' etemember the Place -Di-
rectly opposite the " Contral Hotel," M15111 -St.,
Exotei. C. VA.NDU & Co.
Exeter, January 7, 1874. 71-v1.
Silver Tongue
Clough & Warren
Senior's Photograph Gallery
II..0 P 17:+,
Of an8 dealer in"
Rifles, Shot Guns,
Pistols, Fishing Tackle and Hunters' upplies
Gun-stoekianI3oanieteiraedfigtc-ceinatsTs2noo. PinFire
Sign of Golden Key, ellarence-stree. between
Dundas and King, London, '
Carrying the Canadian and Hinted States
ono of 1110 f11 1-011555, full-prewer6ddiseleebulit
steamships of tho above nno, censtruotea eseo.
ciany fey the eevigation of the Atlantic, averag-
ing iron). 3,030 to 4,200 tons, willleave Quebec every
Seturday for Liverpool and Londonderry, .
Prepaid passage Certificates issued at Itriyest
ates to 1 ono ns wishing to liking out friends.
The eteamsletps of the Glasgow Line w111 Iso
despatched from Quiebee.
'For tiekete and evory infoemation apply to
'Tinted office, Exeter
Machine Shop in Saforth,
TTAVING fittea up the preetisee formerly
occopio4 by Gray 81 8cot114 eto are lire-
parett to eontract for
meting, Ctrist awl Sew Mille, Sh ingla, Read
hag, Steed alai Ileeip
nleckswitli work end general repeit prompt
ly attended to.
Slitefting;Pelloye, Grate Dar and other castings'
nraseseull Iron Fattens. ?lee, Jo. seeellea,
Voiliedryltranitteettirfeg eowpany,
FARN1 FOR SALE. -Tho undersign -
ea offers his farm composing lot 1, con, 0,
'Osborne, 7i 0)1105 010171 the rising village of Exeter.
Good two story Meek house, good barns and she Is
33008 011110118 bearing, end pleutiful supply of
'never-fe,iling,avitter. The farm 05 is in 0133000 state
00 outtieatioe. The farni eontains 10011e1'es of good
lend, 130001013 cleared. For terms apply to
32-50) THOMAS eeeeens, Diemen] P.O.
-I- scriber offeee for sale the N.We,3 of lot 3
con.3,17eborne, containing 50 acree of- excellent
Laud, 40 acres cleared, balunce well timbered., a
dwelling house, barn and stable c..1 the promises,
also a good young orcn aril of graft fruit au0 tie
ver -failing spring. Distant from Exeter roue
• , leer further particulars apply to J. DF,A1P.
S EY. proprieror, Exeter P.O. , 73-14.
, v The subscriber offers for sine, two quarter
acre lots 0)0(0 00 1059 on sinut Andrew's street
good clweIiing, house 011 011011. with Weil. atte4n-
ad stable on cornerlot. Ferrule:her pieeileeniArs
apply.to J NE WOO a tiE the' 110011116e9 -Exeto,
PROPERTY FOR SAL, -Two lots on Main
street, contenting ono-eafth acre each;
gooa frame cottage, containing tii7C rooms good
\411ailfiilv;th :,stble 0!1t.hP.:1Pilis:i-
tars apply eo
I hereby 011010071 all persona itgai List cutting
eemcving 11 ether from the lands of the Canzula
Dompze, as I am authorized to prosecute al
xespassers with tho utmost rigor of the law.
JOHIO 'Bator, May lq gno.
. C
Timber Aent Ca
ee a I. re le in Lumber
An extensive Stock 011 01(18. The Lumber, for
quztlitv or' price, cannot be beat. A good. assort-
nieut za ways ou tutu& Cheep for Cash.
Ward East BMAClalo Street, between Gictly and
Victoria Streees.
Cheap for Cash
e aw mill, two and a half nflos west of Ex-
t er, on the town line of Stephen and lay.
Bill stuff cut on the shortest notice le;'s than
fifty feet.
If11111.1...••••••...• •Im••••••••.••••=•....•
Frame Co t tago
and etale:e
either in one or two lots.
Family anelPocket
)4IIymn B °eke,. Prayer BookES
unday School Requisitos
e" tationery of all descriptions
Albums, Concertinas
%-e Work Boxes,WritingDesee
Sn'ings and Investment
Debentures and Mortgages Purchased
Parties rrquiringWoney can 'obtain ad
130)1119 p3 0'3/approved (.4ty or .Varnt
On appliaation at Their 'office
London Jan 12111, 1000.
is titebestin the+ market
4,0a da:torkf
Ore e
t33oiso Mid got 11341 VVbelloGlectiloa watch'
I eieee buying. '1011 (011 iio olltot titter ee411314 tiloOl Al) (53113 '00(11 1)1410111 (O011ltf.1333(t tL1i313.
Yo time eechniceray t'en :tuft efiaight-lhubdcl
• Whop° poles the 97r311111111 winds haVe bleneilied,'
pot bent
We've done at last, vans froste and ,131109713 018
iitlt171 110°T -t.110111 for a Willie to bauislaneuf.
This is ypur hoer ; ye sheil 1100)0)0 bo iloute'd
With tentless honors b the vaunting spruce,
Vi(hose yeedent arms old Winter's legions routed,
While all your blazoned banners drifted ioeso.
Airoaey have its glowing slows grown dusky,
While emerald tints' are deepening hi the brake;
And odors, resinous no more, but musky,
emaifeoet the bean evbere the , eoungi violets
mark your sionaor twigs against the azure
Grow bossy with the rounding of their gems,
Ane rape seek ioeyes woi oviieech ,ane, emtaa-•
13010 1
Aua crown yoser ample brows 011111 8111800)5
For every b1a0 that through the spruce went
A gentle 'broom? your tonaer breasts shoal scr'
Yeee grateful shade shall woo the lovers' noon.
• ing, 1 •
when ho win read sweet perabies to her -
so swoot the neld.day enence &samba golden
Of thrush and oriole, ia the morn tlint sing ;
Lose dear their notes than thosO, both 110W and
2371 i oh Love's young ecstasies 'to young heart s
And.0niy 10013518l ta1and vendure-meested• ,
vo Fetal:fling badlc the floutings of the spruce
Till the bright minstrel.; iu your boos nested
With happy even -songs etrife given t nes
I love you all, *roes, thateound my garden '
Stand eerartos 'tweet me and the °oilmen air ;
Noe fess the spruce than maple count I warden, -
To shut without tie; ill, within the fair
1VII.LIAM U. BICHARDS, 111. ..Harper's
Magazine for May.
BY' Si) eicee.eaeeele415 ,WEIR.
44 Not at hotne I" said Mrs. Briggs,
positively, as Bridget put her head in
at the door of tha dressing -room, be-
fore answering the street -boll.
,A.nd the lady, who was preparMg her
toilet for diuner, went cat industriously
.flutling her hair criaips, and wonder-
ing who could have called at this un-
seasonable hour. '
Bridget reappeared.' .
''Snre, 112)11)1, its yer frrend.--begor-
ra, but it's foreot her name 111 ti I
have --brit I mane the ono wid the loug
neck an' red checks ;end -i' she seys she
must see yeas, perticular, mum."
' AIiss Winkletou, is it? Show ber
up, Bridget. Wonder what she wants
so particularly ?' soliloquized lire.
Briggs, as "idle hastily kicked off her
old cloth slippers for new velvet ones,
and replaced ft shabby dressing -gown
with one of twilled silks ..4 What a leali-
er to Imve to receive people when -Oh,
1.my dear, I'm so glad to see you 1 But
(what's the matter ?'--as Miss Winkle -
ton in a flutter of feathers and agita-
tion, and sank exhaustedly upon a
4 Oh, Fannie dear, I'reso-so.flurri-
ed 1' responded Miss Winkleton, rais-
ing her eyes to heaven, a ith a fatint
s ire per, and fanning herself violently
' Not ill, are you ? Shalt I ring for
a gless of watereor, open the window?'
, Not for the worldmy dear ! Why,'
he's out there, and will think it's me.'
' He l Who ?'
' Why, the man.'
' A man ! . A. pickpoeket, is it ?
Dear me ! I wonder if Bridget hes
looked the. door ?' "
4 Nensense, Fanny ! He's a gentle-
' kVhat's his name ?'
• I don't know really.'
11Irs. Briggs, hair -brush in hand, sat
clown opposite her visitor, with a look
of patient resignation.
',Euplietnia, Wieltleton, when yort
have recovered your compostire, and
yorir senses, perhaps you will explain
yourseif,' -
ob, of com•saeFanny, it must ap-
'Pear'vCry odd. to yon ; but it was just
this that I • came to talk to you about.
And only think of my, meeting him
again, almost at your very door 1
Thoro seems to be it foto a destiny .in
it,' added 'Miss Euphemia, with a, re-
signed air. 'But I will tell you the
wholestory, for indeed I need your , ,
ad -
13100.' '
The story Wag, OS to inaegazine crit-
ics say, 4 brief, but -fell of interest.'
The fair Euphomia related how, about
two weeks snide, sly.: had been caught
in a sudden shoWer.'she 'on her way to
the Ladies' Independence Club, and
mindfu1 of her new epring hat, vainly
signaled a peseing oufnibus; how a'
gentleman had come to her assistance,
:hid not onlyeescorted her to the veni-
Cie, beneath the shelter of his umbrel-
la, Ina eotered With her, 01151 01) her
alighting, had'again offered the mnbrel-
la, and accompanied her to the door of
the club -rooms. They bad exchanged
some remarks by the Way, and the 'un.
known had appeared plerteed and in-
terested. A day or two after, she had
met him on the street, mud slightly
glancing back, after passing, 'observed i
that he had tarried and was lustily fol-
lowing, evidently with the clesien of
addeeseing, her.
'1 lteow it waS silly of nee,' added
Miss Euplionia, girlishly ; but I was
so startled and fluetered, that I refilled
into old Dr. Butte' office Without ring -
Mg, and 'had to pretent to a sudden
palpitation' of the heart, or Vdetige-I
don't know exactly what he called it -
and swallow eon...ebbing horrible. But,
iny dear, only imagine eny feelings,
when, yestertley; jubt filter breaktitet,
I eaw this vory gentleman wrtikieg
slowly poet our nottse, and looking up
itt tho number awl at the windows.
Ile must have seeti me, ler lie croesed
directly °vet (anti I had berely time to
eaution Reee upon no iteeotint to adroit
that I lived there -eel W018 00 afraid of
time prying Mee Seeiggins, you 'wee)
mid he 119 1(113] for inee-for Miss ill it Ole ,i
mitt, Witiltieton 1 lIow on earth lie
came to learn my. name, I :MIA imag-
shaeld sa,,y, freSir and suli:,,,tantial-loolt-
-mg, and with the evidences pt reqieet-
ability in his wlmle appearance --gold
eYe-gl ass, gold heeded Cane-- oh, there's
no doubt of his being a gentleman.=
Besides, Fanny, 1 saw 11013 j110t 110W --
for lie fiellow`ed zneAreUnd the 'corner
into, this street --estop and shake hends
with ,eld, Gen. l'Iunter ;„ very eeedially,
too, on both sides„"
14 That io in its favor, 1 admit. The
general would not be on 00011 terms with
one who is ilet 31 geatlemene and it a
gentleman,„ 14 Call ilaVd 110 itinveGetily
'motive ios thio evident, interest in yoar-
self." '
" What an idea, Fanny ! Certainly
not," saicl s.t.,.y..inkleten, in maideilly
" My dear, it is no unusual thing for
gentlemen ty become interested in ladies
who are strangers to them, from merely
seeing them on the street, or in public
places, We all know that; and I as-
sure you many liappy niarriages have
origiaatedunder such circumstance, --
The g,outleman of course takes any
means that offers of ascertaining who
the lady iss, and this done mu seek ar
introduction, There's nothing to blame
in it at all.
" " I suppose not," assented 1N11s0
WinItleton, moaestly ; " though it is like aspect.
trying to orie's nerves and Aenso of 'What have you done?' shrieked she.,
fecninine-hem " hysterically. 'Haven't you been that would suit me,. and if you are sin.
She was evidently unwilling to say glecting your lawful wife to follow other
ne. I
cere, Briggs, and really do care fir
11 propriety." " Hunter is an, old friend women about the street, ruling with Your wife, yen 11 no refuse her this lit-
of rny husband -were boys together, them, calling at thoir doors, making tle indulgence.
you see -and I'll make Briggs find out yourself ridiculous and contemptible, You shall have the shawl,' said
through him who is this unknown ad- and -Oh, oh, oh,' Briggs, d,sperat ely.
mirer of yours. Perhaps Brigg himself 'Bless my soul 1' littered the cou• 4Thank you, tie:tr. It is a 'comfort to
enll tell, from description --he knows founded Briggs, staring blankly at the have akind husband. I'll never listen
teeee ere, e„ 1.. ...wince at you, Fanny.
everybody in town ; and then, dear, all accusingavife ()ibis bosom. 'T'in as- to emit ; and 111)1)0.01)0 will
feel when she sees me on Sinolay ni
hon. Dear me, it will be charming 1" 'Oh, yes ; no doubt of it. Of course that hat arid shawl.'
said aIrs, Briggs, who was romantic, yen are. You never suspected that I And sincerely and triumpnantly,
and had been, since her earliest child- could find it all out,' sobbed she, hys. Briggs went'to dinner, leanim; ou her
hood,when she was altvays having doll's terically. 'Naturally you are astonish. husband's arm.
weddings, an inveterate match -maker. ed.
This amiable trait in her friend's protest ---1
- teiilleilel ie. C'IClc:t 41:"f-rr. i e 1)
.,, i
o 0I'Vv,-I
The fittins ereand Itiekings ,redoithlod, 1 "I don't, want a dozen, ad to replace 1 8°111001.Y thfOlt4,1. 'e
Poor Briggs looked, lieltneeely around. , tlie ontY:YOn've destreYed wrnli nity foe I 1lill
,11 lt.' the "33* ‘le,..te'd,Pt '+ l 1
If'teee. e-
lle eee ro;o,,1 to hee his wife 'excite l' what yoe• fi done to my bat,' 'Sobbed , 'lig 114111"nernelle. ' v''llt ':.° .141124,-
and ,liervotir,, htkt eviitehtly these pre. l ihif:01,021.illi.eo. ray sio,w yoursoit a, .3em,.i 1):0 1 IC y, 1)w -oared, tC1'41 baVe' tivilltt .41 ' RIVi-
Sell t BIOnstratiells eurpassed anYthing ' 'Then Il, givo Yoll sonlethil)`" eicl' I il)10'0''''itsta'113iljoe'i'k‘:33.Qreit 111,..(;e0fil'11,,,l'es'"i"1116K.twei;Ite, 11.
tuat bad before witnessed.D.
`I do wish that I hod a eensible we- wo_trittiyin_dost,oi‘tp, t8liiirsigrrieotors jeatiel‘el.:11 such lillito itt", willeill 1 will ii'ilitt Ci.'
stood lio/PlesslY serittellitig hie load. N'iOleilee that grate a little ehind ot duet fw: '1() Pei:sail-114j'
rnan foe my wifo,' lie muttered it3 Ile At tl i t I
; iwtoirit: ed.
• iirigs gave a faint el4rielt and sPliellred around the onThroidered vel
Vet slippers.
Briggs was alarmed. lie had oriee 'If you will be quiet, Fenny, and
before Seell her in a swoon, and re- forget all this novesense. I'll-
merribered having heard the cook re- 'I'libat ?' murmirred his wife, with
mark that burnt feetlieee aini laittelie,s closed eyes.
were the restoratives ,ou siteli oeca- ''Why, I'll 800 'ftbout the black silk
sions. dross,' said Bigg-, resignedly:
1 -le glanced aloimil, and his eye tell 'And the --the hat ? I rnust have an.
upon his wile's new walking -bat which other bat, after what you've -done to
friend. He seized ;writ; tore, •out ell ,.0., piccea,an14-D, ig 0)10eYe7,-Inale
she had just been exhibiting to her mine. You've no doubt. pulled it all
,, ,
ostrich tip, ignited and applical it to, ---it. look --as welleas-it (-ha beillOTO t
WEI eVlfe'S 110so. - I Sebbfal Inn. Briggs, brokenly.
A faint sniff Was the only sign of I :Well, then, the 11,:,1,totwo,o,,'Fsitatilc.nly12,411gIcl
1rni fe/A3, test:I:I:elle: caiding. fhl teere21,11:seoliin: dchreae ife)ertilr.,eiciebae4efelifceual°. nmt:Ise. II' )11'0Kitin or 101 lilluoi 1 Yt 0. '-'1i4lAl nno(1.1'', a ri dbe a st.'"sible
Briggs' rather prominent nose -nay ;
°eine in contact tlierewitlige-tliat much
tried lady started tip with sediriek, inid
vigoi.ously-rubbed the injarecl feature.
'Go away ! Do you cruel, false, I 'Come. come. We can go out after
treacherous 'man.' diuner and look at the dress and hetlf
'Why, what lave I done ?' inquired you like.' ' the wretched Brings with a inartyr But I'Ve no wrap fit to wear on, the
street. I wish I had a light, shawl --a
lace one, for iestan,:e. There is otte
Woltiori rinel never again thinit of such
noriesee4e as We've hien worried with
toolay ?'
I -I don't know. Melt are euch
character WilS well known to Miss ' Don't utter a falsehoodit,gls.
Winkleton, though we do not hereby Don't further lower yourself as to telThere are many householders whose
imply ally insinuations in regard to the untruths. Can you stand thein end meaus 97111 130(1 enable them to lmy it
latter lady's motive in making a confldelibertttely declare to ine that you did es w, or provide keeping for her were
dent of
n t MrsBrigs. not, two iI, a dnintt'session of o ne
e. But ti ie‘.igsago,nindlayoheyitpo
will e e eliehtfulif it all turns on omnibus in therand thei sIbsex
out ' resume°. Fiume, ; ''though day meet and follow her on the street 723033' be °gnat to the PtirehaSe of a "1'
one can never foresee how such thinge Did you, or did you not, ire Luis ?'
will tern' out. Men are strange, selfish 'Why, yes ; I certainly did,' respond- swarms resnIting therefr
creatures at the best, and we poor wo- ed the wretched Brigge, vaguelyother stock, require pestutesik'JinWiiii
mom once merried, have many trials to 1:V11e7eopen MrA. Briggs felt back and like horses, cattle and sl2eeI01lt0f111„1e
1)03414rIwaiLihn:s'ure, Fanny, you seem to be 'But
her kickingfree commoners, ranging at'711 1t li
t what fault can you find with it, search of stores, 1101 eau they be attest-
happily situated," observed her friend, Fanny ?' inqu'r-scl the puzzled men, ed and prinislied for teeir intrusion or
sympathizingly, feeling just now parti- eernestly. 'Would it have been civil, premises, lilies their owners, A si»gle
cularly grateful toward Fanny, on ac- or kind, or geutlennudy to pass a blay colonv of bees, in good comlitior tin
count of her intentions towttrd her, in a vain, both getting into thesame spring, may be counted upon to deuhlt
° 1 lieve. uever seen Mr. Briggs, 111 101 omnibus, .witheale efferieg hor the sind br...treble their numbers -in a single:sea
true, buf from all that C .iettr, he must ter of my umbrella ? And would it son, secnient; ample stores for whit o.
be quite a model husband ." have been honest to pick up a Pocket coneumption, while supplying a grittily
"Ah, my deir, very far from it re• bool: which she had dropped, and next ing surplus each autumn for househoh
turned her ,friend, with a sigh. “He's day pass her on the street without seek- rises. This accumulation will prove
too practieel and matter of fact to an hag to eestore it ? I could niit overtake most acceptable in faneilies, especialb
while the price of butter rules so higi
es -to place it beyond the reach of th s
not blessed with eloneatect and pletho i
purses. Try a colony of bees as a:
experimen4. -Fanners' Union.
.1 Olonse SON'illoweti, by cc Bor.
oey of bcos and provide hivesefor the
preeiate me, and although I can't coin- bereshe walked so fast--noither have l
pi an of positive ill -usage, yet he might, seen her again, nor discovered he:
be more considerate and indulgent. name-'
Only thi,ilt of his refusing me' that 'Don't tell any more iintrntlis,Brigrgs,
lovely hat at 11.1adam Viglin's--eonly I hriplore you ! ' Didn't you call 02,
fifty dollars --and unfeelingly remark- her ---on your wife's own friend, Alist-•
hig, When I hinted 311 11 new black silk \Viukletom-eonly yeeterdity morning,
dress, that I already had had five of atal never sae, a %%era to me about it?'
them in the six years of our marriage. Why, Penny, this lady of the om-
As if a silk dress -especially at black Mime was not Miss Winkleton-that is,
51110 stress --should be expected to last a not that I know. And as to the call
woman forever. Then the lovely laceyesterday, have you foi notten that,
shawl at lereey's-the one • that you when I started for my office after break -
were wishime for and couldn't get --he fast, you gave nie a small parcel'- here
declared that neither could he afford Briggs felt in his 1)reast-pocket-4 de-
siring me to leave it for Miss Winkle -
ton, at No. in Blossom Terrace ? The
girl essayed me' that no such eureou
lived there, so 1 fergot all about it-alse
the pocket -book. But nere is the par-
cel, and the other 08 your own bureau
drilever, where 11)1311 it, and, as I said,
I forgot all about it.'
Mrs. Briggs raised herself on th
lounge, and looked doubtfully at her
• Ye4,' she said with a little gleem of
triumph iu her eyes, as she glanced
toward the cluset door--' yee, certainly.
I did desire you to leave the picket--
Euplietnia's locket, which I got Bennet
to mend --and so far tto matter is.,, ex-
plaiued. llow silly M her to put such
a conkt 1 011 1 h thiig ! And
so vaiu 1 t could never imagine that,
because a man assisted me iitto an
nibus,'he must be in love ‘N ilii me.'
Li love with her ? 131ess ,my soul I
was that lady with the serawley neck
painted e.heeks your friend Miss--'
.4 Hush I' ertitl Mrs. Briggs, warning-
ly, but evidently not altogether
'p'eased teat, her presumt Lieu 3 friend
eitouhl have overheard this criticism. --
She's in there
And to Briggs' coneerna ion, and
amazement, the hicly of the omnibus
walked out of the closet into his pros-
ence--this time with a vorys
01)16 natural color on her face.
It was an awldwatd position. Mrs.
Briggs made the best of it.-
Euolienent, did you lose a pocIet-
hook on that day of -of the (minibus ?'
I think I did. Yes; this is mine.
Thank yon, sir,' as 13riggs hastened to
orodtice from his wife'e bureau drawer
the article in qiiestion. Fenny, tail
tellme where to find.my haand
But you will stay twainner ?'
Certainly not, after what I hare jest
heard,' said Mise Winkletoh, with dig-
nity. And as she gaited out, of the
apartment, She observed to her friend
111 paseitig,' 4 You may believe him tr" I
hope that you may.'
fis Vain, ti 013011010l111 -trortture I'
etelaimed Mrs. Beigge, excitedle' ; and
you, Briggs, are no better. limy de 1
know that you havo spoken the truth ?
I novae can trtiet, yort again -novo.,
never 1 On, osii, oh I what 1400 not
eaffered r end the Hobe eisceirimeteed,
accompanied by quite it tattoo on tbe
foot of the twinge, 'And you've ruin.
O] rnv hat I' she iihrielted, ae her eye
fell upon the fragmeer, of it single
oetrich featleer. "Thotie tipps Wnro
(ran dollara 11 pieee.
Ob, oh, ob
Fanny, yen shall intee another
dozen' of ''erri if you Will r s361 the to.
inetsehil Briggs.
it. As if don't know that he lets al-
ways ft great deal more money than he
pretends to have, but they are all alike
-selfish to the core, witl: eb feeling fur
poor unfortnnete „women."
Thus Pt:easel:illy and sympathetictilly
disceuraginge the two ladies passed the
moments, Miss'
Winkletou having beep
prevailed upon to stay to dim. er, sylien
she would see her frtend'r husband,and
be a witness .to the result of her in-
quiries in regard to 'her own unknown
The fact of ltliss Winkleton having
never before met Mr. Briggs may be
explained by the fact of her having
gone to reside in a neighboring State
previous to Fanny's marriage and on-
ly rscontly returned, on a vibit to her
relatives. •
'I think we may go down now,' sail
l'anny, as she gave the finishing
touches to her always elaborate toilet,
'Briggs is later than ueual. I wonder
---Wrly what's the matter ?'
Miss Winkleton, in passing the win-
dow, hatt started back, with an EX) 13ination
"CA, Fenny! there he is again I'
'Whore ?' cried Fanny, eagerly, peep-
ing out through the blincle.
oehore 1 that gentleman on the op-
posite sido of the way -the otte looking
over hole. And nos he's crossing, I
declare I My goodness I what does he
mean ? What shall 1 49, 2'
Mr. Briggs looked, rte directed, and
then turned to,Mise Wiukleton, With a
pallid countenanee.
'It -is -that the naan yoli have been
sPeaking of 2'
'Yes -certainly.'
Mrs Briggs gaye a shriek, and :sank
upoti a lounge. ,
Taney, you frighten me I Who 18 he,
Fanny, deer ? you know him ?' '
'1)&1 know }lira 2 Oli, the wretch,
'There -he's in the hall-ou the,
stairs--conaing straight into this room,
I declare' I Oh, Fanny, he innet be a
lunatic, and will inro:der
And itliers`Witikleton, with a hasty
and despairineeloolt around, rtished in-
to tee closet.
The room door opened and a teat
florid-faoed little gentleman presetited
hirneeif ewith smile, which tniiiished at
the spectatile before him,
'Why, dear lite, Fanny -what's' the
matter ?'
Ntrs, Briggs soroarned, and boat 'ler
heels Oa the lounge..
,My dem. Fanny--
'Wretch I base dedeiVet I Go aWay
Don't tottelt Me I rh get a divorce.
e,I 'Yleir• get, hloet;4eed e' lbee,peet etouc Ioe
f 110 (.4018 y, seemage .ld MeeB
riBrigs Oood hpirtir
e (It at.
fe03I1 11"'1 t'V"`" verea.gg, gtto
NeatMatieaiferee, eie)Th`&ecee.in tee Ipiting wt a teotworit, AnduEeey tOnsirient and denty..
rbytIOA, 6v""elilt°4"haooks like agenti8inat2' y
Twiny, What has happ noi ?'
71 Ininenee Leedoe,
• A curious and singeler accident lee -
entired to 118053 of James O'Helan, w Ito
esides (,21 Saratoga street, says the
Cohoes (N. Y.) Eagle. It seems that
Willie, the youngest child, 43 blight loie
el twelve or fifteen years of age, laid
down in a corner of' tlie kitchen hts
night, and beieg tiered out from elay
was eoon fast asleep. The lathe:: wits
reading at a table pieced in the centre
of the room the rest of the fainily
were all in bed, and conemplently the
house %yes perfectly still. Suddenly a
startline cry cameefienn the child whicl
armiseethe father, who ovule ft
for the •boy itnd lisked him what Wits I
the 1111 tter. The boy claeped hie fath-
er hi his arms, and with startling eyes
te2at her I have ewallowed a ironic,
and rfeel him biting iusi
IIi an instant the futher Inul_ the..
house Arens: d, and a, messenger was
sent for a doctor, who somi arived,
and aultaiiinstered an emetio, which hail
the desired effect, anti the boy afi133
some terrible retching, threw nit tht representing the sovereign, people, tile
mouse; and, strange to relote, the grea', deinocracy of Poil delphia, and
mouse was still alive and active, and
made his eseape in a hole in floor.
It appoars that while the child slept he
Mid his month open, elm' the mouse.
which 213118 a very small one got frigh.
tened at the lnusetdar neti n of the
child, jumped into Ms montn 01 1(1 3 0 n
hisihroiit ; but how he 10113 111103] 111
the boys stomacii alive, is • a inys ory.
'We fear too little ahetition, id
.to this 0111111.1'.Exeieriaietite
beyond a clmehott tat the frequ-nt 31(1,3
of seeds ‘vill aft )rd litrge pee, coat. 'if profit on. 1.130' te)et, Tint, li1;:e .other
farm 011453-1304)1,it.caits f(ie tile'dearciee
„ ,
of sound j3idgtelealt. While ,it ,ie
'stile in, gro in ,31 111:11-
latitilde iS •erat tienalle; 'AO
tli.tt of It .lower onmeatIne; 'Ie.:wove.), .4.
need never be reetored toe al a rad:
Change GE Heil bo 3'111,1at' no-gretrt eeicitang'4.1
those grown uputi-ti. berrtm or ' Lriet
ly to °tie ttf 11111 '.21110 ('004,will fremieetly be teaded I:Nettie veily
best results.'
It i; well Itoce.Ve i1 2'? -no •c,rviiig
f .rmer t11133- (1 (10)1)11 :101 'use of seetis
grown on tile 13111 3(1 of et)il it; It
tunlifie eatise'of ileteri..tration ce'ops.
0(133 (go setel, o'ten find seiliciroisi:V 1111
the results 16.11 not 'all :to .be
Peahape 0)1311e- ttielei.ea is 11111'll
lion .age t'r. 01 the 10(09711 :1 Settee Thos.
1*Ketni, 'then DelegateIe Got ores,
iifterivards cimr-.Ju . one
of the first of (Mit, old stock of 2 eitisel-
viveians, of which- ono or '(Wo .aged
epeeiniens yet 10335)10, of atinerinal
111Z0 0111(1 etrengtlobcite 113 mind 'and
hotly. Judge was ,..07,01A,14,x, feet,
erept, even iti7 31(1agrefill;:a... pipe trop,
and *noted for theeeK)ptioital 'shit elinces
of his carri:tgo. Ile always, wore ea
in -111.10080 0201(45(1liat and it searldt gown
upon the Inencle 1314 1)1.0110)30
ClItief:Jes ice. slit/Tom:led himself ea: 11
all the state and solemer
1)31711) WhC1
belong to Lite judielary of -Englamit--
The sheriff, eta., sitYmtl):1V1.1
Pittil Brown; seeelled the, retinue el
Jralge Mdienr: as lie 1)3181301 in preces-
sion throng': the steeete te'opeteeconrt.
Tlione IIT'Iiean 1-4 etleDOWleagrid
have been an able Iftwver and e r 011r'1,1
of inflexible int.egeity, bat it tene 1)130(10(1by jealoureontpittriers that t'it'atet
and grin) reserve was 13881111114(1 to hele
his early breeding. Ile' fought for the
Declara.tina , lit,a it. StiliOreel for
11)18 signing wit -h his usual' iniloo.iteble
firmness, being in 1777 hunted like a
fox the st,ato, compelled to ('03-
44)120his family five times, and hide
tliern at last in a little log 11 'rise in the
Itlany anecdotes remain of
the groat jurist, hoth Claiefellestico
ad Governorw
, hich .forcibly' ilbistritte
the clutlige of manners since tlieri. 0 le
k101*, when a mob had assembled oateiae
of the Supreme Court, lie seut fir the
sheriff and coannanil
deliiin to 1)111)11300.8111e t.
''I cannot do it," replied the ti•eni-
tili rig, official.
" Why do n yeimt suirimoil your
n9se 2" thyuurod the' scowling. Chaf-
o lievp eurnmoned t110.111,1)71(1 they
are ineffectual."
sir, why de yert not 8011111071Tile sheriff, 01)17103)1 for ft 1110infill t,
ga815ed out, ''I do 0110141101) you -sir."
Wnereupon the gioantie 04ief-Jast.
ice, scarlet gown, cocIced line, :mut ell,
swooped. 'down on the nieb 11(44) 4301
ettele nn a, fleck of sheep' "end catching
two of the iii)gleaders by t‘le throat,
Trolled the riot.
An'other story is of an effort pilule by
tire Philadelphiene, when he Was Gov-
ernor, to prevent his nonithation of
Tilghman ns Chief -Justice. A cornmit•
tee MIS sent' of 1)310100. Eiener. and
others,' who ennounced themselves as
isvpent Eveat?rtgs.
cleaning that theYconld lievee approve
thie mrnination. Tile Governor listen-
ed with his 41111111.'hauglity courtesy,
awl, bowing profonti dly, " 11)-
0(511(13oznistitnerits that I ii(y.iv with
submission to the great democraey of
:Philadelphia • 'but, by (1-3] I 'William
Tilghman shol/ be Chief •;fustice of Phil-
itdelphia," And he wee.
M'Rean'e.clitr gh ter, a wernan Of great
beauty, married.the Marquis de 'Yr 'jai
'Tire boy who'epeeds an hour of each a' SPenisli grendee °f bluest bl°°a' but
, „
evening lounging idly on tile street l'Av,,bv°esreeq.13nraillleedotflnbl teo3frillIrs pwl d tt:)°)ehri:
corners wrtstes in the year 365 precious in-law.-Vroin "Old Philadelphia," ii,
hours, which it anplieilto etudy, would flarper's Aleeitzfile for May.
fitiniliaeize him with the rudirriontte, of
almost arly er the familiar sicences. If
in addition to wasting hour °itch
WritrN Gannic IntlETS
everting lie spends ten cents for a cigar
s,strallim) wt
eeetliO4 ,avoaryfO
oii tirt friend of tile Drawer, at DaYtoO, Chia+.
send ns the .following rerniniseevee:
aten,otfrytlie leading, PeriodicalsCon
, of the In versation with one' of our vene';',
Boy84 tiank or tiles° tliingo.,/,/link able' citizene elle other day, whose title
131 11114 3-e"lon
ithlioorirWn ottnrffi itoillarediteedti,giinitlyretilsamtni Idootiinlitl goo :lei eioept'101.:Vai,leelyl.et obao,rirot. 061;111:1):it:nil t,00.
wasting, and for what? The gratifica- will dielmte; he related this 1)100101111
positively hurtful. Yon cannot' in- it memlair of the aloe Ilegielatnee, and
clulge in. that tiraetice without serionely ambiteees to shoe, ere hie eeeoniplieb-
!forting Yonrsolvos. Yoo iteeptire molt-. 0:10 day he coilellitled term of
and wee:Ariel lothite, 'which ‘vill cling to his seeeelles With trite totlallay fi 111131
you with eh eticeemliog yette. 'Yoe ,Afto• taken hie
+nay itr after life shake them olio hitt S'ff.t, Pr'VOy 1)V1' t‘t14111 1 SO -
n1'01;0, 731(40 741(1 tho ftt tiqd fireff
the; probalnlities nee that the lotbite t nf
ttOe ,400.401', aria tirocer.1 ',el to
h formed in eatly life Will tem tin 1 s'
with yore till your dying day. Ile a Ntryand. t Indian see ei in the nrigi-
warned je time, end ieieolve the! tomeriee At .the eenclesioe 114) 11)11
MOTO honrs Will be Spent in idleness, entnly took his epee, All evee W01'0
mid thereby tit s'011 t'11451111''3 for tiseltillitte.9 hirned itpon the 1)10131 1'' 111 *Ydittler
ant Atpinness:
' and annymmont ontil ho ftwishotl, then,
11,03131 11115 timo (1,forroott po.sonq ft,/if fripFW of V91" ftnfl ej`W.
$1011101 eh °t4rii (;11‘1,1,11 tr'181 it:ti 6: or 600/)gf:ttgacil,(11 ffit))rl` fo, )11 t.) , rt )oer of Iron:titter fitirly
4, t,e. Jeanie. It ie eiire (0 84)3' fter
tJIA 3113ee8011 with the ettensos, The that " Val " W.tsfea tio More Ti Ain ton.
(13 ippor 11104 POtno strange initiortise. tatione thitt'lloneeee.Ennroit`a Dieleee
tnente in that line- "A horned trittii" I,Jt, in fittypoot ;:ttteitriitiae frir Uvoic