Exeter Times, 1876-3-30, Page 4at, The meet iteportant proillietions1)1 iegneeriette Ofintales ,ie Wheat. Vpou thia cereal the life Of IPA •in tliese re' glen§ Realign 4epqnk§, Ayvo(lueod. 0134046011Y flita" f011914.4,; efteily 'Veined and refinede ie eeadile peeked, univereally agreeable in 3its flamer, and coutelue oearly all the eiseential el emente of nutrition. '.1;t is 'probable that the health, ttild iliehtttl and hgail'Y vigour of the enhabitante of temperate eliwittes are apore attrilooteble ,th this food that tp ,palyepther eingle •eituse. The two pelecipleileiuds of wimiet arc; white and red. The tekie the,etron- . gest food, end grein -18 oettally smaller and teenier.: nthile the white is a largengralo, Adapted to the production ef fine white flour, and to 1min •ivith re a wheat for the samepurpoee. 'The redneriety ie the' •mese widely growo, and in nutriment •to be prefekred. ' The (peaty varies not only wilittlie seleotiou qf peed and ,nultivation,buteeitleeegeop p,nd,olimate, exo that a hot ennereer anti a sunny (dime produce gritiuwith the lest,prepotion of water audnimegreatest of. nitrogen, Hence wheet produded in temperate climates, in whinli the heat of the teen is grett#o uuring t4111.1 gliwkflur inontonole preferred. Xt does ootehowever, flour- ish uuder a tropical sun. or in a high porthern latitude. The effect of season practically as great as that of climate andothe product of a het season is hard er •and more nitrogeneous than that of a wet or cold season. Hence the art- of the miller consists xiot lose in properly mixing the kinds of grain to ;produce the best flour than in well .grinding and preparing it for food. The ibran of wheat is of value in the nourish.' ,ment alike of man and of, the inferior' animals, and its reeloterits are- better' ,appreciated now then at au previnue ,period. lt cannot be detacbs4 entire, bat in the process -or griOding it heenee Jeto of various sizes Dna einetities. Th.e inner parts adds iv the conversion of starchy food into eng- .ar several layers become thiener and whiter as they ,approach the kernel. The market price is, in a rough way, a measure ef the nutritive value of these layers, for their properties have been .well tested in teeding the inferior ani- mal., and it increases .s one proceeds from without inward. -pee. outside layer is the lead nuttitieun; aid as the ;exterior is covered with a layer of silicia it is so fen in4igeseiteleis and. irreritates ,the .bowls. Ilefine-its" nutritive value in this form is Ltimited tO 'the search and gluten whielnlie on its side ; but if it irritate the bowels, it maybe remov- ed before these have been digested, and en its reinoeal cerry away other nutri- tive mater -al, an l rather lessen than increase nnteitioei. The finest white dour is rerived 'chiefly front the cen- • Aral parts of t ie kernel, while all tite ,eucceedn g portions very in color and dnenessacconlieg to the degree of ad- anieeire of the different layers of coats of the skin. The finest fleuntherefore liee lost every:trace of the skin and is , composed of starch, in the starch cells, aud of the glutinous matters which are emulated with thstn. Se,far ita heat- poducing elements are coucerned, it is superior to any dtlier'qinality of flour. The other qualities 'vary only, in the proportion of the levers of the skin which they contain, and as they -possess ,a larger proportioo of gluten and other nitrogenous materials With phosphoric acid and vaemes salte by so.much does the flour contain. less starch afia more of ilia flesh-f...rming.arail otlyas,riatrierit ineneones. -Home' if the nutritive quality and not the flavor be the test, the so-called inferior qualities axe to be preferred by the ' least pronortionate cost. Therels'no' doubt that a good Aecend flour is the cheapest and most .nutritious, if not the most digestible of the series. 1414t te r Vt ZYMe. Ae ere cowling towardithe end of March, opw in the season forklift/Union to nraetioe nen tieuees toward their NAYS. The meek -eyed, Motherly beasts an- 146aeh Yeey imar to tho ham& those enalitionwhich cittian the tenderest re- ginatfer OW idled whe have to deal with them, and every eoneideration of both merey judgrueut should beinactive exerciee during this particular period of their eeieteoce. What man, haying a soul of his own e'en look into the gentle eyes of a well-bred co 4' and not see the reflection of setnothing Which answers soul in her ? Atid since 141(3.4; denied a gift of epeech, the Mote p1)6£0. of this. in telligeot eye ebould be ell Unitas needed to SOM.() ter her the provident care of het; master and a sympetleatic consideration for the bar- den.of her,life, which she is made to bear for his benefit. This talk may seem to some people like a gushing sentimentalism, but,if it has not in it the salt and savor Of the, deepest and highest truth, I b. ,ave nus -learned the beet attributes and qualities of hu- manity. And now let us make a practical ap- plioation of this truth. The troubles Top Dressing. -- At a meeting of the New Hampshire Agricultural 7 Society, manures and their application were discussed, and one of the members said when he got hold of his farm it was in suet' et con- dition thet it was either manure or go to the poor house. He ensnared. As to the result he said:. ,..4. 'i have ale ays feund that iny crops efiern direct .ratio to the quantity of Mannre I a,ppg.ed .to the land. Last pen e I seeded gown, eight acres, and pat on 200 loinis of manure and 1,600 bushels of leached ashes. I raised tweuty-five tonsfrom that land of one crop. The leod was a ceay,ey and grav- elly loam. I sowed iu'August, after I 0114 the sod in the spring, sowing the geain with the grass. In order to get manure I have fed out considerable ' rain. I am willing to feed out grain \ Jen woe neoe she land, but the ma - 1 can get enormous crops that will y for the feed. The manure from y has not • all ..the bagredients in it e from Vein -acts in in, ways, me. nically and chemically, WM eneee do notrnetnttee mechanical we get chemicat'aletien. The ashes cost ty-fivenintina; bushel delivered at tatiou Manure is worth five er Ilarsneped, , I believe tnere is h wined on.alm- oet eveiv farm to 0 a lindred acres of land. When amain saying everything for ma- .. kne he heon the road to pros- A Fennen Ilene -Yee' Heincon---A Pat, is despatch as u ereh ef the bridge oyer the river Ill, )(war Latter- baelf, geve Wee' wader presure of tile geode. A. peSeenger tram whioh was pressing et the Odle, WAS precipeted in npi to the riyer. The eoaritegee fell on top h 1 ldt 0 0 RI rnoTocin4r ,,IlAS, lurvbin removed to rEssii AillUITAL$ ) tug s4"i'llatk4 C'ouViot by Mr. SOnttl, * 0 t0,00y, Inks completely rmeovaled. the lame , 36 twU W.lt,A40(1, bW Audi() 50 am to neeinane .' • 0110 Of the Best 1,ights awed% M. ople s Grocer Store. UNNICAT( a °AO Allot er anc were eines ie nieces, ()win to the Yioleuce of the Stream lione ef the paesengere could be saved ; etl were crushed or drowned, Thirty oorpees hay() alreedy beau re- covered. Tril$ tx4.1) lAtsrried—On Wednesday, at the residence of Mr. Wayman Clark, by E. A. Williams Esq., Mrs. Peggy Glover, to Tammy Baaret. Said Peggy is, of the tender f age of fifty. aro\ ng neater o single blessedness she set out last Senday morning on a leap year cowling .ex- cursion. Alter. visiting seYeral elegible single men, end tinning to take "No" for an answer, she lo,st celled at the house of Mrs. Barrett, mother of her iutended victiin. He is nineteen yettre old, and has lived ih this wicked world . . long encetgle to experience all the in- convenience and desolation of the boy whe is too high for his mummy to spank, and yet has no ono to sow on his buttons. She made her proposal with true bissextile boldness, and he overcame with modesty and confusion at first blushed, sighed and hung down his head. But after tentalionee, hot for some with Inc coyness ho linaily sank upon her breast and was 'encloeed in her loving arms. About seven hundred years ago there was a country in Europe called Modena, and another country lying be- side it called Bologna. Some soldiers belonging to the state of Bologna took a bucket froth a well in the state of Bol- ogna, and carried it away. It was of no value, and might have, been replaced by a few cents; and it is said the soldiers carried it away in niere fun and frolic. But the Teeple of•Bologna took it as a great inselt. They declar- ed war against Modene, and had a long 'and bloody conflict ebout it. More than ten thousand human beings were butchered because of the old bucket ! w1'1' okalvitig tip fo ecov are ofteneet and best mot in advance by the ounce of prevention, which is bet- ter than a pound of cure, or the many paunch', of attempt to cure. Especially is this true in the ease of heifers nine ; their first calves, when it is all impor- tant to establish a geed and healthy habit of coming iu right. Old or mid. (Wag aged coves, which are well estab lished in good liebits of this sort, may be ztble to go through by themselves at ter having been carefully teoded in 'the main operrattreeseef feeding and keep- ing. fecono-exposure to cold and wet. Rollie heifer is entering, upon a new experience; which will subject her vital forces to the most extromktenelon. A generalearefulness in tlete,tnernment of breeding cows shoulclbeeigidly enfoi o id Tney should be keplefrom all sorts of' violence and from the fear of it; 11.ny should. not be made't strain- or jump in getting over elle bars, fences or wa- ter gullies; they ehould not be inade to travel faster then it walk; they should not ben, eteghly spoken to; they should not ke:- feitnled and jostled among oth- When can ,a lamp be said to be er cattil'Con subjected to the pushing a bad ternper ? When it is put out. itt or hoOking of others; bee' in all ways they should be handielt gently and be `made to feel that their master is their friend. The swelling udder of the heifer should be carefully watched in this its new experience, the most iniportaiat function of her existence, since, with- out a good bag, she will be of small ac - comet as a cow. in the case of heifers, and cows which come in early in the seeson, there in less danger in inflam- ation from a toe great flow ,of milk than in thoge which COME. in when geass is abundant; but this thing should be attended to at all seasons. If the ud- der is full and herd before calving time and is likely to become inflamed, the best thing to be done is to draw off some of the milk before esting to outward aplioations. If no milk can be drawn, in consequence of the "bag having become herd before it was at- tended to, it should be carefully bathee With warm water, in which a little salt has been dissolved, or iu it warm weak soapsuds. An ointment of hoe's lard and cream, or fresh butter with cam- phor in it may be rubbed on the bag and' teats by the hand. If every thing seems to 1?o going on, right with the animal, it is best to terfere with the healthy preeese drybeds and shelte, from the cold eei fie tine s -food, ture, only to provide storms. if it seers necessary to a d - minister intermit, nireyeetatives or rem edies for milk eler, the meet approved medicine a Aotfg our dairymen is a solution of saltpetre two teaspeonfulls a week for two or three weeks before calving, given as a drench. Plenty pure water to drink, as well as plenty of good food tootle, is a staple item in the care of cows &Vale time of calving ; as well as at all other times. Cows E=teter Times Office which ai:o in high flesh are most likely to be troubled with milk fever. f•-• Owners of horses should see our speci- men of Cuts before ordering elserhore. Immedietely after having dropped' LT Y„voi).„4. execute wOrk Ar5l,elass • AeltifewlotION Puet Patrolmen, to IMP3 •:%9U• • 0)10,4110e t10 141°00M of the, public) Atten on 0,11fed to iklk3 stook of Ioramos eee: havind4on, Amid. 001,10010Ct1011, 0 f mouldings, and being pveptbred ta make frames at 11-m0,o-rate ratoli,.. 110Sisienees 149t,of1ruP,hod• Bliotograplis Aybk01 (m00(1, E),,'2, y00 410 Z.; Cabinets, 54, Duporiaif,, 55 t•-•,,•••••^ has 4 eivod a largo Steck GlIOCEILIZq CilOCICERIT also \t,i.rge Welt of BOOTS', SHOE 'Suitable for Vali andvinter,temasipting0 Men's, Women\ and Chl a- ron's Marsh, the important! witness in tho Belknapp trial while in Montreal had his picture taken. An artist of the New York Graphic, unable to get a chance to photograph. him, sketched' him at his meal, by eecuring at sea op- posite Marsh, one able away, and car- ry on his ob4eitions under the flap of the table cloth. Three sittipp,s of this sort secured a very truhful likeness of the unsuspeciing atues. It is rumofed that a projeet is on foot in London at the head of which are several peonainent teetotallers, to organize a limited liability. cm:weeny, with a capital of $5,000, in $25 shares. to erect a temperance hotel for A:-.1;e'tr men employed in the city. TV' - s ox the lieved to be one if the.. Molsons BanOras Tsmperadve, .ueague. jurchased from lately. Loudon Mr. ELL Harris, e4if COpa,ex. of Talbot and P'e Telreets, 'St. Thom- as, for $4,700. a bank building of about $20,00 Bill Chiehelrne and penitentane an B. Circtsit-Gourt Port•Huron, for having idoieu-iiitYpetty in his possession ---the same being, ,a horse Bill rode off with from Mount Brydges. Seven or eight charges of horse stealing aro laid to him in London. is proposed to erect e the ground at a cost Lie noted horse thief letectiye, has been ROUTE BILLS Printed neatly, cheaply, and. quickly, at the her calf, the cow should be treated to a pailfull of warm, thin mush of mill - feed in water, which will expel the af- ter -birth, and enable her to go on with the motherly care of her calf, which she knows how to do, and in the doing- of which she should not be meddled with, if the calf is able to get on its feet and go for its dinner. 21* EXPERIMENT IN TRANSFUS1ON.—In the Buffalo Medical College ProfessorManon performed an operation on the 6th of Febreary, in illustration of the transfu- sion of blood. Two dogs were rendered 3nsensible with ether. One end of it thin rubber tube, filled with bicathonite of soap to keep the blood from coagulat- ing was inderted into the carotid artery enethe lanes,- one, ani thei other end in- to the jugular vele of the smaller dog. The tube was securely fastened. A vein was epened elsee here of the sinall- er dog, and the bleed drawn off until respiration ceased and the dog was to all intents and purposes dead. By the air -pump artificial respiration was kept up in the body and the bleed turned OD through the tube from dog No. 1. ID a few minutes, When about four, outcee of blood had been transferred into the carcass ef the dog, he began to breathe. His respirations gradually returned and in a short timeevere neer"enas strong as before the operetieee THE QUEEN'S VISIT no GERMANY. --A Berlin despatch says, a private villa has been engaged for Queen Victoria nn,13eden Baden durihg her sojourn there. She will "ttavel incognito. It is stated she will receive the title of Countess of Resenao, after the lete .Prince Consort's favourite residence in Thuringia. The Emperor William proposes to visit her., Vietotia has pertieularly requested that t o official reception be extended to her anywhete on bet journey. The 28th of Varch hen been finally fixed as the day of de- partere from Lohdon. RAM: from roans- Sows. 4 • , rn lf a 'thing as breeding. / so that are quite too young to ie Gina .t'ear a litter of pigs which lshoits of a niedium size. It la sehitiOnclable`praetiee to allow ientiOtoebreectebefore the caroass ' rix ied,evelOped. ..8 very 'pomologist zkitts iiiitious to yoong froit lqtittoilOW therato bear abundantly jq' if the, enenglea Ought to be con - se 41 towandapromoting the devote A,pi fi,i Of the,,t0pi. Aefarmor of per, itenintarine, 'whey has had exteneige eittiende :ie, breeding swine, States gin hie ii feeelify it is quite common 0 / ed froin .:Yotitig sows, say fall, pigs 0 e hi with a ligter of pigs When nOne` ar old. This, pkftetiee should be ,atterlY,coademned, ,If 66 fitilltlefl ih be same faintitfor a,(few generations twine, 'i67'witibersottha to dwindle Wu front," thee() - to 'fear handfed Ppitd attienale that *ill:Weigh orlly two 0 tires hundred pohhas.It is /huh bey r to keep the senile tilted 'ot four lea1\ and ttoh longer. he :Vitt knotfi ne' fteen yearS it ofetit -tO' aV$ows 00tieffigto hiaiiitity, it is a known fact tit lesiat to. ovory. Tilghmanfrom, the "old 6011 t Will grow'n to hogs tIente thirty or fatty ry,°''thatiVgs fretia old. Sows poittulfebeolei•than 'those from you)* *VA Whe shoats 'fine growingi the Jetta ehteninnot be allowed to breed gh• ti the lite weight *ill et °ea eine hundred (04 ft y roods gross 'weight. "What are yell doing heroc hiding smiled my house ?" savagely Inc -faired 4' Michigan Avenue nut, thetthex day, 41 be espied a dapper' looking youth dodging behind it hay wiridow. " Oh, sir., riot it thief I' xlaim. ed the young mete Yoll'io not --What then l(lemma- da the house Orler, " VOti-,-y0t1 Seat SitYl, 'Wag the stann theriog rerlsy, iV leap year, aria T- ies% see my girl coining clown the sreett Then he kinctlearted man, ashing in the, Sithatieh, extentle4 the right hand of felloWship to the yodth, And sad:, t(13oyythl hoc) i1y sympathioc" GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO PUR- CHASERS. 30 or 40 Village lots with frontage to Zurich Boad, for sale at HENSA.LL. • hosril.. about you, and what have Those in want of it lint -040a allele in the )oo MANUFACTURES. I. C. U. R. HERE; COMMON SENSE STRAWOUTTER, and &me lino should 110 Milt° beard is true. Pile best -second. to „ono EXAMINE Mr 'El06/( , Before purchasing , as my experience of thirty years in that liao ens 'Mos me in. pure 'lasing to Boleti t that only which eau recomumud. Already at this place the are abont to be erected n, number of buildings; There is :also a good GRAIN MARKET ESTABLISHED Splendid opening for Blacksmith, Joiner and Carpenter, Shoemaker, and all alter branches of Trade. Tile Station is numbered second point of business on the L., H. & B. R. R. For further particulars, apply lo G. & J. PETTY, • Rodgerville. (30,-3m,) 0.L. NO. 924 •.Night of moot ing—First Eriday in ev- ery month, over Stan, ley & Jerreyn's store, Drew's new block, Main st: Visiting Brethrer cordially invited to at tend. OATEN WILLYS, JOHN WHITE, . 75-1y: Secrete; A. LARGE LOT OF First Class Bacon JUST RECEIVE CRUNNI AN I3RODERICK'S OLD STAND. STOVES Why. Don't You Go to Johns? 'rams keeps up Main streot, at his old Stall:a, whore he lias been for 13 years. Johns has moved into his new shop now. Anybody Will tell you whore Johns".12in-shop 15 you do not know where to find it, ask Cie first Mall you. 80010 Exeter to show you. Ho'lltie it. When you got thole you'll know it's theplee because then is no4kther •place just like it in the world. Johns sells stoves, tinware and things; You'll soo them lying clear out on Um sidowalk—all of them markec, in plain figures. You don't aced to ask for what you want, You can pick thvm up anywhere. 'JOHNS SELLS CHEAP so his store is always full of men aud women Last Saturday his store was chock full of mon ain't W0111011, and ho had as much as he could do to take the money. Such a lot of money 1 toll you those New Patterns of Stoves • .are 'Stunners, Nothing like heiu in these parts. Then then ir such lots oi Hot -Air Drums • and other things. Such beautifn IleNV cuandeliers. Table Cutlery. Cruets, Mats, Brass and Enamelled Eettles, Sauce], aus and Pots, Churns and Broom s, Basket s and Butcher Knives, Sumsage Machines and scales, Goal Oil, Black lead,„ stove pipe varnish, and hundreds of other thins,•.; —ali usefnl and good, and you'll 'find from the cellar up to the ceiing. NOW ovV7A1110, 3OHNS IS No ..,,,„(1.111113 and ask so 3nany hquuctsftoilloinssdaovitcroltil-h 1 lis g. r as nO 214y/1-y0f cdOoLnir.1,5)litzkehitIgltss, taLotut.114tttkitli7eftcouilusticated and loses eg COUNTING HIS y ,ite he b (vifalhhas any). Tc0t-16il; iso(1' -aalways around iheM but if ydir 3 raindays,. Pi' _tdi, gl I lstt tf eueIuik,\ernLliiontalft ara,esn0aeneehdt4yiyleljfbeealse insmon will alipvaplk)otiieitsif;otweie ahorne, and:rarseiyntagsohearerhan you 0/1/but lem elsewhoee, T HE W.D.MoGLOCHLON 'WATCH the best in the market Bo alii70 end got tho W. ILMe(llechlori Watch before buSfing.. You will have no ether afteesoe', ing there,. All WhO Wear thom recoinniend their. Gold and Sikeet, Ledios and Gonbleinan'S 81808. 7.1 Dondus street, Lendon, Soo tho teatinioniala The largest, hes t and cheaneat, stook of Si:M.(40w Jewelry, Clodka, Silver, and :Plated Ware, Vatad$ atiods,,Ctd.,&eth ., in e rreviben, ItePaiting Of every deScriptiori, .W,t h. PRAIA tfCHLN, 11.Dundita - . tRAYI.ill) ON Tun rirthaviist, s at tlia fittbErdribijf, Cou,5, T.�t1, Oplitin, Oil Or about NoV.:10, 18115;.6. rain: The eWS,Or la *data od )8'0V0vropotty ort1ricimar.wli4tit - tAit,..4ittii6 to. the , ekotoioott &the litlatitniglibd 801116 tithe in the iiihrith 'OfNOVOMbilt,,,Ifl7,4".t...efie' throe Year rod, heifer e rinkledWIth Ode' White The Other Is rbfittare terliftrAS Droperto and hike her, fito41, 11 BUXIBACIt lot 10,ZetietieSfeli12, fiteOlteMt `1114441.`ls'SJOIIN OYsTERS oysTERs 1 Oysters! Oysters AND GROCERIES CHEAP, AT G. SANDER'S Store, Post Office Block. An excellent stock of Croceries and Confect ery on hand, CHOIE TOBACCOES and CIGARS. Sportsman supplied with Ammunition. School Books, Stationery, Magazines ALL THE LATESP NOVELS. N.B.—owing Machine Needlesof every kind fo sale. G SANDER. the country. Who sells Tov. ? Wily, it. is IC. Dyas, at Drew' is o tel Sta. ' blos, who also pays cash for 'de., and Sheepskins, fr ei ter there or at D. JOHNS'. -4 TOBACCO ENGLISH "SHAG -1' -AT- KEMP'S TOBACCO STORE If you want _A Good 5 cent Cigar TRY KEMP' . FINE CUT Smokin.g. & Chewing Tobacco Cigars -Wholesale and Retail. HOTELS SUPPLIED. Opposite Ross's Planing Mills EXETER. Cr) 02 4g:. e+c-o' Ili Pe'? 0 Ad --I-- r't 8 ce eon .t..,,_ j - re r!'l 41 - 4 0 `,', ,•,.•P- ,.• 0 o) I-• • O d N a) L1D r. •!ii C) "3 O 11 re O ;4rz' e >°e o to 00 ig .4 4g r,g re, n A g, ee c -i e g z ,FF 6 rai , c) 4 i cl tc on ,c) g'' I -1 al "e Let .F,, ‘, ,cl A ,t :1' Z d Z p4 Fri gg' „re ce reel r:i44 4 -4 1 A 11 z ri9 .....„ XEtt REAM RAKE CRADLE FACTORY GEO. C 0 T TLE , ArAnurneruitnu oip Wooden. Har7est Tools Rakes, Snaitlioeis, Fi!,G:Irroa.icir acues,adins tto will have reinlyafeelitItilltiotoc ring harvest, tho Sulkey ,Ha v - Rake A -Novelty uth1 section. • MER 11 ANTS will find it tt ' Their Advantage to But t ir Stock from tine, as 1(1110 prepared to deal with Ilona as reasona- bly ae any alio establishment, nd to give prompt ifttention to all orers. WHOLESALE & itTAIL. I ' , Turniag of 2U 3tinAl blade 0.-OpecirdAin the business. ' Oheril COTTLE iitv °ter, April 8, isrit. 82-0m THOMPSON&• Milt= BQII.er a ngike Works J. fTCHk_;L,• ONT. Two-b,rse power wI Saving m.achin6 This chine has peen thoroughly tested and Or la machinery, nitIeui. extra en,e,..-41 (.1 All kinds; of ' Sg'iievTenISFACTION iiNTIRE Itis sneetiect nite s. ND WIIEEL, S w C-fu_ora',ilLg a Grain urusher, copt for tlic, It li. TRIAL OFPRED . Firmingimplements kept constantly on hand. - of all siz_es to orde:. •:TZ P 41. 3111. B ILER 8UOT ENGINES In full dPeriti ion. Kept at Bissett'S1 Tin shop, "Edzeter. promptly 011011(1111 to. Ad dresif- THOMPSON & Mitchell.Ont. • H N i CLOTHING, Ezeter Clothing Store I rpini subsernw wi.$119$ to return hie sjo- cero tleinke for past patrotiego, iced would 06%1111 eves rullititsr4t taorrtilyteea,niiiilemSyfoeackf ttolf assortment, of the newest alaniorit fashionable materials for °MIN wear, English and French Amoy Onitiugs, ongish, nootek and Canaaian rrw-REDS Broadcloths, Docotips aud,Fanoy Yestings. °hone stook ot 1-14,t.S and Caps 05 1110 latest fashion, Gents desiring 4 flOh- tenable and peefoot fitcing suit sheuhl their orders at the Exeter Clothing Store... - Perfect satisfitction grutrantPed in every in- stance. Mit, II. HARRIS still has charge of tee Cutting nopertmeot. All clogs bought of me era nee of charge. • J. P. MaciAtyr0 Exeter, March 10 -- Enlargement of Premises fillEIE UNDERSIGNED, ,ciii4valgori FOR "-L. the liberal patronage bestoVed. on him since he c'oniineneecl business, would acquaint his numerous friends and, customers with the fact that he has enlarged his present plaoo of business, and added largely to his stock of Leather, including French, Canadian and American, and he is prepared to fill all orders thatile. may be favored with on the shortest no. tice, and in a style that cannot be surpassed in the County of uron. W. 11 Exeter, Ian. 18, 1870. 221:-°inT. sT rinum, 1 LUMBER. WILLIS, WHOLE SA L E AND RETAIL • D.,- a 1 r.,.) . In 1D e SHINGLE, 5, LATH AND' CE DAR POSTS. FLOOR- ING AND SIDING—DRESSED AND UN- DRESSED. An extensive Stook oa hand, The Lumber, for Quality or .iwice,'canuot be beat. A good assort- ment always on han(1, Cheap for Cash. Ward East side Main Street, between Gidly and Victoria Streets. • • • 319-1v) r. EXPRESS. The Ameriran ExprcsECo. HAVE Openecl an oifi.ce —IN-- .Aleile iiE P tiE PA Pele D To ..i0I1V 03T 110e.ey encl. ve.leable(1 tt) q !Joint. t.• ee W ,e.ieniers 11 Y lens 7,ttii Inv I 0 U Corner :aathli..^st Sts., 1_,(3NDoNT, k JAPil EILIOT'T, PROPRIETOR. MANDFACTITDED 00 Site*dottr LexktWayer and. tealS'51 gazig-Inwstra Common SellSe.3 S 1-.17n.,\N- 11 ttal,"i-4,, _ AND ALL IMPLEMENTS USED BY FARMERS. PARMERS' "Ir0 ItVi .4 CRY. ND XNJvAIO.0 An 00, 114ril,ware Store Among other goods we have the following, which .15 SOLD AT BOTTOM PRIG WILL BE Hourigan's Peerless Axei, 13$ oad Chopping Adoeil, Babbit Metal• 13rushes ef all kinds, Bells, Bunch Screws, Boring Machines, Borax, Chain # Cordage, Door Sp.iings, Dumb -bells, Fuse, Faucets, Glass, Glue, Grindstones, Hinges, Horse Shoes, Hammers, Lead ineterne, Lace Leather, MOO, Machine & Paint 0/19 Paints • Pritt.fp ) Pow er, Revolvers s. Rope, Rubber d. e rap P'e. c Spades and s1iovol5, .5ca1es, Shot, Saws, Turpentine, bag Twine, Vices, 'Varnish, Wir ' Zia Plans, Specifications and. Estimates prepared for building. , CO. • ""••••••••• 0: M. wEB/3,e,aiR,A.N-ToN House Gents' rurnisbolg E FOB mving just received a biro° Rplo CLOTHING pluck of Plain and Fancy Tweeds, Overcoating a'ORDE eaoadoloths, Doe -skins, Etc. A Tx_ftST-CLASS TAILOR I„,,ntscs, and perfect fit guaranteed. Now is the timo for a good OS "cjioap Milt 0). overcoat Gent's Furnishings will be found complete in all its branches, consisting inPart ,1 - 41. e” an u. s Linn Collars & Cuffs : Paper Collars &Pule Moto • ' Wool " Duke of Coupaught General Tourist,' e -Yeneol Shirts & Drawers Club House Traveller, Military, \ Cashmere Mufflers Challenge Mulligan Guards, ' Windsor & F'cy Scarfs Alexis, Captain. Sydenham, Ties, Bows, &c. Shirt Studs, Come, Royal, Gloves and Mitts: Solitaires, Dolly Varden, Buck, Kid, Calf, Cloth Scarf Pius, Rings, Dundee, You Bet, and Wool. Wach-chains &Keeps Rubenstein A Fresh stock of Teas and Fruits just corning for X-mas. C. M. NVEBB. GROCERIES.GROCERIES. lilt TOOK now being complete, and having resolved to continuo selling at --II MY. VERY b0W best ondefavorR TO -gi*e all entire Satisfatan • E D DRILL pttisltO • ka„If them: 0., 10, 15,12 tittles (wilt, With tube shifter or Withenf,1,:, ha.6 , fele how Vastly mope 015k1111(thoin for tee , elegise, seeaieen iniAseetllebncra; and '01 efPleaVet to keep On eitherkind tola eize to oniony any 151 10 nuLy giV011 00(541,di. T1,L) style, 051 nIObiSI 00e1l Wilt be foun4. rill a(153 JY° hnPlOit,entl4lta$ a double distribi thig gralit citp, and la ficittittail to be the best before fielpubliC. Pkiebnix;,'Peandry,i;coriter Bathfirstand Wellington Sts,y London; A SgOattlit,NL ,,,Dven4iwios 141.:01.001,TT, A And I 1horefore hope to receive a reasonable share of public patronage. Flour and Meal now in Stock, ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Different kinds of Fish, WHICH WILt BE SOLD CHEAP. Having resolved to enagage in SHIPPING EGGS TO THE AMERICAN MARKET, Wouldinform the public that the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH Will be paid for Eggs from- the opening of the ..prosent egg season at mY Grocory Store, south 6181e Drew's Block. Main St., Exeter. B. A. 1.1EGETEC. 1,^ok ola Green., TUST AT HE j1 'Tl ,LIIECEIVED St an d uqure 3ar A large stock of ax,) -art, 'Young Hysort and b.ac er Teas, liJurivearits, PrunGS r.) 1.i..T.azaD rainT, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon • , • 1,4 Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Illandies, Gins, Wines and syrups, Fye, Malt, Scotch, and ,Conimon Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, iolesale ancl Retail. C. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. aataselasneneseeesen UNDERTAKING ee • Under take.rs AATOULD SAY TO. V V those kWh() intend pure:hating to do so from tho manufacturer. dealer who buys to sou 150111 IMISt 110008811,0i13' b0810 a, pron. 'We claim to give tin, purchasers the be n oil t, which cannot ta to meet tbe V1ONVE3 Of 't110 G1)0ig01:(3. Our sxpetiA,s hire laaa 141111101000 Of ata.0t111110f1,60118001011t,. ly 100 011)11011 Cht),A4)00 Lin t• I t 1 Ina for all the Different Sooleties, • 4.J 4 41 .cxnzin-gr. ExETErc.. bald Furritixtre V.,an-afacturer. T%T E W 0 L co.11 special attontion te Cur undertaking depart, merit, whitkli inert corn - plebe than ever, RH we have , added 5(850 111 now aesigno 05 13(10. The hest coffins, caskets, shrowla,and ()Very fmnutki requisite at the . lowest prices. Our new hoarse is pronounced by competent itulgett to be Seetnel td notio 511 .(ho' livovinee, k;• 0 rt s w ritr. czIU szvvixvc 11,Azzillt AC3EITIr AA107,0-41:;.:0-1,- 8 °I' .00to 0 1660 0yr:0110111,conNtviinhst<;)Itiereiclvs ery,, ef,Set0,14,.,4,.: 10a b 141, ryti) h 'ways on linna. Any hind futtishea to ota_e!4 tttge to those In want of ein, to i foll4titoat; :444 *1.) 411 61164Pi• ""n" mlgs SowingMaohineg, and iindSettOld -upp-ilL ors aetir 'West of the 00 Met ehtne them tb •• ors. style - tray 1110533Ie08 31 t';eiv ant 1, p Var. '1' wets, N.08e. NUE 0 Vtr go