HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-3-30, Page 2ire
STANLN'sY ,LERMYN.S. in suoirot ting fht etood np fer the
ticerpose deuying Most emphatietilly
tiect, lessisinilueoced his votehots
Haynie, tolo- . cva,,,,,no„ g too tuo priuoiple to he toed refereed ;
extremes tight {0,4S (A lajW,10( o.A0,4g t1,1A t he loot not beeci,approaeheii by any
the abtainfkkofw,ors No,wic,,0„ internee. Of tee 0 sign went or itity
&Alton threuettout the Ise/tenon, et thete suppoi tiers In regent ,to the
we neve witb (-att. er tee(/' eectiveti';
$rane asterradilie bergrune for ree
eprolg end earamet tribi.le, and aro
t„, &Ay receiviug Stud °Peeing thew
icon,. They eousist of Pet Goods, i
0 i.otrerree, Boots and i„:,noes, Hats
; and Caps, it-atily,,inade
DOD' in Glassware, eteo etc.
THE LucknOW Sentinel, speakingg of
riding ier farmer's wagon, saYs, ," whets
thet ire did not consider it huy
diqg1'1100 fettner," Farmers have,
a well as editors, though, privilege of:
Bro SALE.----Ivir, John Elliott's Med-,
Garin TioinataNun
intensely iiiterestinit debate tech:
in the town hall on Feldary ()Vol:1W' asP,
on the Subject of Prohibition, betweei.
, tleree ;members of the Sear( rth. i'eraey
matter role) rod to 10 the. artole„, autt ew Leek tiowere secure 0 tRir Shan) or, . , ' •
ttrat the oharge mado thereie wos nta patreuage ni this section. 'Men Co Ryon ••,,'41,1"ii•Y 4.°;". aso 0,,kkInber
steekey Society (or As Alley are bette,
teri withnot fimudatiolo auything
of the ningt oceurreil, the Premier
would he the person to know, nod he
(Mr, Greeitivay),, was sure the lien,
ge,Ottkint ar1 wolild hint the fax() L"
standieg up and denying the charge
• e • 4. • whielt heti been made against lihn.
11,0. 0SSUrea the ne,nlemau who thEl
Olson eeict was prorated to take his oloce
in the Rouse, that he was not likely to
have an opportunity of doing so for
three, yeas to come. •
Mr. Meaikensie s rid that be felt
bolted to stote me )(rate to the mem
ber for South 'Hon thet 90 no oc.
cesion heel be (Mr. etenway) perseu-
efly or by tiny frierai or other person
solicited anything whatever at the
hands of the Government, either for
itimeelf or for the pithier, lltany gen-
tlemen on heti' eides of 'the House had
oeeesion to call meta hiel (Mr. Macken-
zie) about public works in their vicinity,
bat it so happened that evert about
such a matter ;LS th/Lt be had no visit
or reprenentation of any kiwi from OW
11013, gentleman, nor had he (Mr. Mac-
kenzie) any knowledge whatever of any
desire of the hon. gentleman to seek or
obtain any office under the governmeut
or any favor of any kind 'from the ad-
ministration. He was sure no' offer
had been male to him (Mr. Greenway)
by himself or any member of the Asl-
!ministration, nor had the Government
in anyway whatever had anything io
do with influencing the hon. gentlemao
in 'the vote thet he referred to.
The Only noreeetheitsereetere eetreeitt eonat
Probably rie iudividnel of Mr, °leen-.
\trey e ituportan p end. .nesitiou ever re-
cuived in politica eireles ineeli at-
tentiun, On Thursday night lest Mr.
, Green way rose ie the House, defeud:
itig himealf, earl aske 1 the Premier If
the Statetneni,s mule by the opposition
p titers were trete that Ite h:03. beeni of-
fered it p0616i011 11111.18C the Goverumeitt
The Premier said Mr. Greenwaen had
ever been approttchech We allow our
member to hese everyettlyantage of ftily '
1:101ilit which 'nay' exist, yet we 013111i0t
"blefc,811ide tO b 3 so inaniac-
late to the wiles of the politieal sphere
its 130t tt) five sefficient Of the fox in.
bits natiire tO allure his vietim in some
betape or another. Mr. Mpliettizie may
be au upright man, and he „may be s
revised edition of George Washington,
yet we liettra that gentleman in thie
town, whm assisting Mr. Oameron in
eleotiou campaegn dietert truth till
there wart Ito knowing it, Ou tinnier
ouceniint to that ef Thursday night, he
wasaeiried that a certaittgeotlemaa \VAS
eveu likely to get all apnbintment,
when the'rep y w '118;Ni011 d have t in
less then theee molt the. 1 1 tree e treks
the tiezeete had a notice uf neriappoint-
merit ter a Judgeship, Ittr, Greenway
rimy nut have hect the promise of en
appointineut, aud att he eaye' so pub-
liety„ we allew Iran any benefit to be
deri.ved therefrom. Bet neverthelees,
hie putition it' rriorrt enornalons ene.
Much Had beeto,ss4i1 with regard to the
stead teken by him oii 'the giteetfon ot
fete trade aunt protection, and that hie
Vote was given couseientioasly, lie be-
ing 8,11, uuceci free-trader, This Vie,
uuliee the Mitchell .400u/tee are unable
to deny iniplicitly, never haviug hetied
. 10m express himeelf other than genitally
upon this important matter., From his
own positiun we ehould nate testi-Wish-
ed. ware he 'a protectionist to tha bask -
bone bet we do pot ehink this defeuce
builttnp fur hieu by the GoYernment And
its orteaus helps hie poeition h.) the
least. It is too much Ilikwa loop -hole
,thiough 'which he may cranandeustify
:hie y‘,te. lie was sent to. Ottawa really
'hth aseist the Opposition in their ,work, one wl-o enjoy)) Ins eiesta in the
foto:. of them a TRW iteys sineeon-
The Plexerix .Woelts .(leoreloo) -tho
most eXtonsiVe'i11 140 West,
toros wst first-clase tilaeWOOS,
Soota .'PESuisteasona-A t the regular
Meeting. of Eketer Pigisioo No, Q% .014 I was thislairoble tilancida at the 1:40.4
following wero elepted 011.190-beti.r,or4“01." sent time,\Wttlie, Morsoo mon, '4Vk'Ilg
the deStinig (porter the neofttike, .The'St. IsiLtry's
t1ro, J., Ross, NV.
Ana now the member forSoath Oda' t
i has issued " a private and conficteo End"
circular which is now °ageing some
little heace scratching. amongst . the
members of the party to whom :it. is
addressed. -It inin alert pelitee'dun
t tl e perty "of professed $opurity" as? $
Mg to be recouped for mooies which he
baa expended in "eleyation material."
He Bar "I spent time tend money in
"carrying South Ontario and defeating
"a Mintiter of Jastiee." Shortly' af-
tet his election in 1875 a demoultra-
tion was heldin Ottawa at which Mi.
Cameron said "46 had been.:West, and
"elected, without any expense to him-
`etelf, his , Lien& having cheerfully
"subscribed all the legitimate expense
`‘incurred," "Hie ,outlay had been but
$7.50," If, then, he spent money
in canyassing South Qatari°, and his
friends paid all. legal. expeoses, this
paragon of uprightoese who said that
the battle "was .fought between vice
"and corruption on. the one side, and
"political virtue and uprightness, on the
"other," must have surelyttbeen 'fight-
ing the ntdevil with fire," and done
much evilthat good might Come there-
from, for he said at thitt. time "the clay
of Corrtiptien was paste" ID. the clime,
lar, he says, he also eXpended $6000`iu
Russel election. Thiecotning from
M polite circles the Cowman'
or irctoiver Hens() from too fact that thort.
roomSotre mideo those of the Lords
anti-llIntakeye) of St. ',Mary's. (11ine 8e11'
forth dd, aders of -140110g that Proldhitio!'
Afr, C. S. jeires, leitiler of liegati. Ur-
1)re )11, Vir. A., 0, at-olr au&Dr. 11rittlicson tl `10't-
„ .
Ben n, eine g S
c • 1 fOrt tOMII ()onto 0$ d' P.
D, linen A, it.
elitian. The lerg h011 ts fit ed.froi'll
C131'.'oliArtic°e11.1., 1`111:3%teSe.ete 1.) t fOr In t 0 (loot\ d no -my we tumble
even to obi oin advai attee, ,a(j'' a re )ter
'o MoN'ibh, Con.,
‘s. AY, ilrigg, Chap,*
was maintained tot rigliouts
standiog, the discom rt
Sis White, Asst. Cone .
(raced 10 not finding a at. Pia
Bra C. Connor L 8.,
" Grigg, Q. 8,
commenced at 8 0'0100 by th(
CARELESSNESS, --A. few deye ehiee, a mous election of Rev. 11' .
brIsinois man et emit rec.a&G,1 a yegis. the chair, which he fillet et los
tored letter at this office 00,0 iutPPy mautier. Atter tltitro,
eizittotta tient,es ort -accoeet. It bore rentarks stating the Posi
370 late mune or other by rosPective silkle- 1)0 00/10d, n, n
it might be imall`n to the reeeiver where :P. Hays to lead off in the afli elan
W140 it was from, This gentleante eetteavoretreet
Sroaroiorsgs.--Breparatioris are nows
beiog made for the speedy eyeetiou of
three grain storolionses s000 5s the
weather will permit of it, Mesere. Jas.
Pickard, Wm, Bieeett and, Jae. Swener-
ton ere the iitaivideals chiefly utter,
work not the pr ‘chit(11 ,1013.7P4P ' crE grit 1"41.14 -tin issosiszsr sto
they upheld, ana if lie did not choose to wardly,tranic, thetf We are apt to think
the word "pure" innet undergo an. ent
tlo this. ha should have said .ilecidealy
tirely different version in the next batch
what his views w ere, and that they
of lexicons, renieed btt the Govern -
dui rionaceord with throe of the Liberal-
,ment of the day. In short. we imag'•
Ponseevetiye party. Then those wile
Mr. Cauaeron has been the victim
supported him and clung to him would ine
of "misplaced coufidence" ae he so apt-
eartv.e knewn hoer to measure their fine.
phts it, and that,.if saoh scandals as
Itue, ostensibly, he wetit to Ottawa as a
the Steel Reil, .the Oka, and others
'proxy foe gtef. Cameron, his n,ntagonist
utth as the Cameron Scandal, keep
in .two campaigns. HIS defence, whIch s
pouring in comempt will be the only
is to be fuund,in another columa, if the
wey in which notiCe be taken of
strongest he can lind, is not, we think,
our country and thorte who . make its
entfiCiept. te sitteify the minds of hie
„coostitaients here. A. man certainly has
, a ri *tn.() change Ifite mind, but 'because
lie tines enn. that di es,not exempt others
.from Asking 'liins 'wit:file' doe s so, and We
have exercised (Mr righe in that respect.
,Tiiitil 'tltit loll knowledge of the circum-
stanee the hand.) of' a journelist
we centiot think him juitified in posi-
tively aPply.ng I h ;terms 'ootitor," 'chat-
.#01newhat the party with which I am lidedtified.
tele etc., ,hough whith savor
nIspent $6,000 in contesting Rus -
of the tole indulged in by fish-etives.:-.
ell, 'tibial boutest claim to have had
-A' condemnatory' feature in the Mitchell subsequently seCuring
Advocate, whichos with us in censnriog a g"a effec
Mr. Greeilway, is the 1) reefaced assieettp-
floe of kainyledge which it puts to -elle
fore. In its test iesue it rays :--"ittt
. iseievertheless a fact that both in this
" tient his own county it was known,
" menthe. befoee threlee was going to
turn traitor. So satisfied werehis old
." supporters of tine, and expecting an
b have been hy my 0280,11S and mon-
." election at an early , day, that Mr. I "--eY.
es- frOm the visual dbmands that every
fs 'Lilac Carling, Of Exeter, was clibsen •
a4go .,as Party ih „mud to stiffer in the mainten•
" a meeting held eenie tithe
." tive party." We are hi a position to
say that our coterie. has -certainly been
misinformed, Ms sueli meeting was
held., neither has Mr:Isibac Carling beep
are the Coannisioners mid Inspectors
for the eerie:tending ridiugs: South iitte
rem, James Lang, Rienard Manning,
Edward Cash; 'William Ballantyne. --
East Hereto Ins. W. j. Shannon,
Julio McRae, 'Robert Miller, Ins., Don-
ald Scott, West I-ItivonO Com. B.
Doyle, -A. Worthington P. Fisher; Tue.
S. Yates,. North illiddlesex, Com;
,T.ohn Dawson, D. Junes, rt. smith ;
Ine„ P, Shoff. South Perth, Conan
Wlielittan, "legit grunbell, N,
Ford; Ins., Coppin.
Coavristros1O-Partios- wiehing gotels
from London, by.leaving their order at,
tne office of the Americeta Express Con
here, before. 9 o'clook.a. M.:will have iG
eetenana to immediately on the arrIvat
ef the erein iu Isoedon eo that they may'
have their goods brought -out the inune
bY Express. Low rates : money
and other valuables carriea.
CAN'T Penuset.-The cast-iron 'lite
ettunot be laid aside, and. we cannot
publish " Subscriber's " St Mary's cor-
respondence, as no neme is .sent there-
with. r
Division Gneemee-Prince Albert Di-
vision GTange mot at the Central Hotel,
Exeter, on Saturday last,and transacted
no small amourit of business in COD1183-
tion with and in the interests of the
society. About eighty representativee
were'present from the Lumley, Elim -
vine, Thames Road, Rodgerville and
Tuckersmith Grrangetn
NEW DRY GOODS Eerantosuarasty. --
A. Et. Liglithourn, " Englisth House,"
has opened out a dry goods establish-
ment Fanson's Block, Exeter, (north
of Oarliucr's store) comprieing a large
seleotion obf new spring dry geods'of all
kinds; See adv't.
Minntes of the Con ncil moeting held
purduant to adjournment at .Deew's
Hall, Exeter 1Vlarelo 20th 1876.
' Present -The- Reeve, Councillors
Verity, Hardy and Pickard..
Minutes of previous meeting read,
and confirmed.
Au account of $45.50 from Ur. Jos.
Smith, for Hose cart, rope and strap.
was ordered to be paid, on motion of
W. II. 'Verity. seconded by L. Hardy.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
hews. After speaking of the purchase L. liardy,That twenty-five more copies
of the Ottawa, Times newspaper, Mr. I of by-law No. 5 be ordered. -Carried.
Cameron says :- I The petition for sidewalk which was
"Were this my only sacrifice for the laid over at the last meeting of the
cause of the Liberal party, I would be &email was taken up and action there -
content to bear it; but I claim over and on indefinitely postponed, ou motion of
above this.to have taken au active part W. H. Verity, seconded by L. Hardy.
generally to the best of my ability, and Moved by W. H. Verity, That . this
in means to promitte the intetests of Council adjouin for 3 weeks, there be-
ing no secondenand no business before
the Council, the Reeve declared. the
meeting closed.
111.EACRETT, '
that coustetuendy to the Reform party,
".1, spent arils and naming in carry.
mg South Ootario and defeetieg ,e, Min
Met of the CroWne
"I Went tWice to Montreal to secure
Maeltenziehr deetton, and subSo-
vently in Mr. Worltman's deetiou ;
arisO put it to the party if ex nelpt
" the stancittrd-bearer of the Coneerya- aim° t)t. tb0ir puty they should
longer lessve me the victim of my mis
pieced. ema/idence in my friends."
In all he , has OD ly receivi-d $2,000
(Aavitig nothient of the $6.000 spent it,
Russel,) and /talcs for tne other $8,750.
spoken of. and what is more were he
„made web tbli Offer it is not 'likely he eimmenalpitsimumitiamoraelleateirattexamismaatin
1:470nid eteeept. . Any movement of the
kind would be folly on the part of the
Ottnservatives of the riding 'tail Mr,
Greenway re:HMIS* WIliCh it is not y
he will do, unlees he receives his ap-
pointineett. •
xcler aid unpin.
occupy a „considerable nortion of 'the
crilinial calendar at theePondentssizes,
ety ses.siont '
tet telTIEST10.4* salt WHITE 11(sno*An order ill dolmen is
published in G-azet e ,f ullows:-
-- "Seining for white' fish with nets of
On Thursday night lastt Mr. Thee. no less then four inches -iei,tension
Greenway arose on the order of ptivie measure in the ineslies, sllall "t',.49` per-,
itv,e0 and In.otetdtti to call tbe at`ien. mitted 1 etween the thirteenth .44.4,Y of
tion of the license to an,otlier question
of privilege,. saying tbat _regretted
that it .shouldi be ..his duty, to, do si'ittbut
he felt thakit wee, his duty to ,lthenfelf
slid to the Itonse that the matter sheitIO.
be set right. ,He referred to.some ar-
tielee which leadappeared in a -leading
paper, viz., the erforonto , He
read the item with regartl to his v.tte, in
Sir John Mendota rtlett3 amenelmen , to
'fife motion', to go „into ,Continittee of
$11PIAY which ,o,npearedin, 'clocipatch
tf theOttewit cerrespolident of the
Sinti.that this might have t)sen,
lowed to pase,as , 0110 , thee()
vho believed en renewing :the grerttesV
Ittitude to the ,press, bee the telegrant
inplied toot° than ,it expressed. The
;Ise of, the word chattel iintlied the
tharge that a ptirdhase had been made.
ite then reed ilte editetial article in the.
igen einitled " The Traitor Graenway,"
and *Mid tor It Wile lite IO
rettoed hie votee this Itotige in snob
manner tlitts,be shotia ab e to grit,
4ti intelligent reason ;Or thein to hie
ent end if the, polio? einteeit
may and the first day of Ati,guet n eel)
year. '
Ponens roe 'Ariveivrisnece-leon't nat.
venire) unless ..you have soinethingS
worth boying. A great many petagins
,supposa, advertising alone 18 sufficient.
This hi nearly ite bedew error cre to
'stipposeddiat having theincds is sof,
fiction t alone. Yoir.nititit do boths-have
the goods,and lut people know yon, have
them: '
0'.13yrne *& Co, Hard-
ware dealers lia,ye opened a ',coal ,yard
opposite Chrietie's EfotiefMniit street,
and will keep ou hand. „Laild',
Calcined,Plaster ,and„ Waterlime. In
the matter of c,oal it will he found to
be a great convetionch to Blachsrniths,
as heretofore 11 lind to bo fiotai,
Lucian Clinton &es' Tlid enterprise
def. Off to )re',0iliroitritged. . a
limetirit/#01.4.,•7•dit the meeting, of' the
'Prince A.),I)063)07. Grinige, held in Exe-
eter on Sittord y elie following
rssolutien ttfiSed unanimously ;-.
".r.Phat this ,(31r lige deeply regret the'
aetith of an ea mei brother, Samuel
Mannitee, end eh te expresS our syni,
patby' for his eireaVed, faintly in the
bas 140tolitti
41 -
that the trede of the country wield be
sadly injured, and that the fiftencial
loss to the governmeat in the eitlie of
dutiee would be so stoneedous ity the.
Nosing of a peohibitory liquor law that
they would be utterly umble to carry on
the affairs of the couotrS; thatiou blie
works would be at a stood -still s , that
the country would be hopenssly'atsinad.
One -four tli of the revenue oitheactuntry
was derived. from the Janes' enpesed Mr
wines, liquors, trtfc., and We' would be
quite unable to ritise tlris atientit, in eny
other 1110311101.. ,lie aleo refeer it to the
phase of tue question -the vet rdeight
-which the prohibitionists 11. cl ' the
most difficifity in combatine tiettinst
and which, iadoed, is about toe only ar-
gument which can with any forte be
egad against prohibition. He cennAted
the dmonLit of capital employed in 'elle
traffic' at somothiug above fifty millions
of dollars. This sum he conteuded
would have to be poid out by the coun-
try if those were not en gagedin the MilD•
ufactureand,sitle of wines and liquors.--
TheMaine Law and the Dunkin,. -1.also
received 0 share of his riatent' 1, he
claiming that both had been rea y in-
operative where they had been',Wed.-
These were about the principarpoints.
which he attempted to make' His
opening address wos weak and disjoint-
ed. as was also that of Mr. 0. S, Jones,
the -leader of the negative. He -read a
few extracts from the report of the corn-
miesionere ertnitinted by the Canadian
Government to enquire into the work-
ing of the Maine Law in theStateslof
the Union in which it witiin operation
He contemled that the revenue whtli
we might lose by a prohibitory law
would be more thanomade up by Vie in-
creased happiness and comfort of the
people ; Unit with rt more peeeperoas
country: --the natural mutt of 11: thor-
oughly sober people -we w000ld be quite
aa bl Lee., t,..08 1 ioary ciotittmilutmerleittliEeer t.Y
wuich Would
on, other
more than shake up 04 defiqienbetY0.701111.
the loss of liquor nivenne illig
and Sir Stafford. Northcote, two'of -the
He quota& Bggiott.Hon, Mr. Gladstone
go reetalitieSs -at'tElt renifigitsulit.11111Til..eiIerrosre' aier4 sollti'DVS'e°9.4.-t
forth, the „next speaker', referred. to the
action of all coercive laws in .iill ages,
and tried. so draw au analogy between
a prohibitory liquor law and thp coer-
cive religions laws passed in Hiftiand
while .the Reformatten was dews its
noble work, and the law edirplling
rod the Mit, and the groat majori- WiNGIIA,ii,,,
rad Jewett it hieificient. Ono ease ,i .,,
Mu under his notieu init in which 1 Soionm. 4 r Ati iNs4,31,,,, iNamin,.....,),„0
nrsitivo harm hid becto don- Air 1 inquest was held oni Fiolay last hy(juro.
„McMillan attempted to show that as net° Scott, in lihka MI wpalosli, 014 tho
prohibition would W unpopolar with A betty of 40t1,,,NfeCourt, who do Thursday
pecially for carriage ancl wagon nisicer,
Cabinet and Furniture maker, BUilder,
"Mason, Plasterer, Tinsmith, Tailoro&e.
Flour and Grist Mill, tonudry and
Agricultutal Implement manufactory.
Vrroetos Lers are selling from $50 and
up wards, according to situation. FARM
of GO acres creljoiniug the Railway
Statiou for sale, wit't new frame barn
and 10 acres of bush. Address.
very brisk during the past week, and
laroe amounts of grain of various des-
criptions have been bought aud ship-
ped off. The trade in lumber, tan -bark
atict cOrdwood, especially the latter,has
also attained considerable proportions.
great noinber or 1,0010, Ats
„Qum be eyed( el, linieve .0ooteietpt for
law woold awl whore' Contempt
for one law, eenteilipt TOr all the rest.
would erieettiftge belie()
itritmoraiii,Y and dishollestY ; arAl 011 our 1,1t:t trac14's Nvere siaai„ A xer4.1401 of
frontiers would have to bo' lined by a suicide eounintimi ,(4 1(ti)Oring 110der
ast number of patrol officers, at an a tinon'ariny fit of iusimiby was return -
norm ms expellee, tio road an extract 0 d.
front, a late nawber et the 11oston Pi/ot,
stattng that there was less artuilseness
DOW unler a license itet than there had
beep nrider operation of prohibition.
ile further clatuted that 130 narlizonent
could. be returned agent which had pas-
sed prohibition, and this the law would
havo,4o repeal, awl the works of good
done 070v again- The next spealer,Dr.
ilfatheson, attacked the position of each
Ineriong last rese early awl ,ran
to tlie river evidently de-
liberately jinnpeil in, for lie wita tracked
to (tie wator'inedge his remains were
found 0 Osort distolice boon where
y , 9
,i.megnow on itnareetty'
afternoou 000 of the railway empleyes,
found a ;annplete set of burglar's tools
under a grain storehouse near the Stop.'
(1011, being two hunched and fifty 'keys.
of ell sizQs Ana shapes, a lereechtloader
revolver ; in foot, everyteing thet would
speaker on the affirmative. He stoted mahe .4 burglar lab.
that ZWO would not be compelled it we
gained prohibition to pay the actual
ali1011111 Of eilpitia Wil,iell wits represent.
ed by the various estaelishmeuts engag.
ed in the traffic ; hut tuna would repre-
sent the depreciation from their preseut
value to wooers and theirs value when
turtiN1 to some other usen4All the
buildings would be used fox something
that woeld be of veld mail apparent Yalu()
tO the country. Ilfatinfactures would
epring up, people would be. entirely
sober and more wealthy; hence o greater
clenatud for labor. The manufacture
and sale of liquor represent an apparent
though not real gain to tho country of
2 cents on the dollar, and tin mauufac-
ture of boots and shoes and kindred
. .
tudustries represent a real gain of 11
cents on the dollar, so that if oll the
capital employed in the MRTIllfacture of
drink were by prohibitiou turned to
some more legitimate ana useful pun
pose, we would.. gain 9 per cent. on the
money at the least. Then the 'amount
of lobar lost to the country through in-
temperance represente‘ono day out of
,every ten for every man 10 tne Domin-
ion. Taking the estimated worth (about
$1500) of itvery able-bodied man
brought into the Dominion. he proved
that iu a year the eon 0 try would have
a clear gaM of over $406,000,000, quite
enoligh to buy up every whiskey shop
and distillery in the country. Dr.
Matheson made an ex.cellent speech,
shewing that 'the 'subject must have re-
ceived his corefal attention. The lead-
ers replied, havini fifspen minutes ea
Mr. Hays summing up the varitu
points mentioned, and declaring nioral
suaiion to be the only proper way of
advaacing teniperance, instaneing as
proorkliat our Saviour could haYe co-
erced A men into accepting him as their
salvati 4, yet he chose to do so by the
forea a osnasion. His reply wool well
deliverect• Tile reply of Ithe Jones was
clear and \onvin Ging. Moral suasien
had been Lied for thousands nf -years,
and yet sul/e4ng and misery, caused by
the stisonstrolutemperauce.,- could be
seen son evetr nd, blightilsg‘prospents,-
blasting hdoes, aud ruhatng eterwilly
niftily noble soul '
bud surely time
the same state w
many more years t
not step in and putt,
The giving of the cl
the andience, the S
were declaren vintori(
jority of the *dies p. selitstandinglup
-air the negative, ,i,•_= -5,r1 iet aoes,„3,biais•-
,judg111011 t in fin* epedil: , "The"Stiafortb.
Men had uncloubt dly the most difficult
side of the questi ii, and they, deserv;
praise for the in nner in which they
contested the gr and with their more
fortunately sitroei d opponents.
Irners.-The rattier that the member
of the society whose counnou expres-
sion is -W—tite Bible ; I don't believe
a word of it," was about to. be expell-
ed is officially denied.
The M- eociety wi
able desire to instruc
people to go terbed and to ri
stated hone.' The liberty of thc
being tampered with, public feeltn
roused, itreedoin exerted hersdf
compelled the removal of diesel r
nant laws. In enacting a proti
law, thra undoubtedly' wen coerci4
interfered with the liberty of the
who cotild utelight wines in model
and withoet injury to himsell,
then be retrogressien in our his
much la,w could not be popelar,
publie voice would eomoef its a
e,nt a
' ople
r5 ;
tion. While he was prepared to s,
that "intemperance was a giant
against which he had to combat, h
not prepared to say the best weap
fight with was legislative coerci 1. -
Mr. Moir, the next speaker, the
place of Mr. J. II. Gould, who ould
not take part on heconnt of the de„th of
vionsly. Ete had therefore only a, aisle
his sister oecurring a few ditylpre.
of days in which to prepare ail adress,
which. however, did him credit, it
one of the 1110Sti argumentaty
logical given. He defined the fit
a goveroment as consisting e
ing not for the interest of a let but for
+he good of the many. Tho item -lents
which had been made use olby the
gentlemen from Seaforth mitt with
equal truth have reference h other
lemt, such as against murder, teft; &c.
'there was scarcely a law on tit statute
books whieb did not in somettaer cur•
tail tlle liberty of certain p le and
• Wit8
nee oh -
n the
bg and
s in-
ies of
islet -
yet because the liberty.of the
interfered with, were NVO per
liged to have them expunge('
books more especially w
people et large, the
SET/LEMENT Or CORDWOOD BATES. -It peace -loving citii,ens, were rec,
alltears flom Hen- John Carhtlg's oil' talculable benefits from the o
Leto -16o from,Centralia, and other stag tion ? Not by any moans. , tr,
cular, that cordwood. is to be taken to
tions north ate,tlie,vatiptitom cilartot ditoevrelstouoirei ttibineei,nstielrof:irte)rgiciehmwtitt4r11
rates ; and from Ildertont Brecon fin(L no ground for tile aualogY, sottliit
Clandeboye, at the'fixea rate of $4.60 a
eraser' by the previous spertkan inns -
per, ear, for drY wood, and $5.50 f°r much /LS the laws, he had ref*ed !o'Its
green. 11 may be added, that in the interferingSvith the liberty ef 16 p ople
event orthe Gyvernment of 'Ontario \vete opposed to the advan anent of
consenting to give the boons solicited ehoistianoy ono morality. .6 °Rim
for (hes 4s. miles between Hyde park net be said es a lase pyohibiti a dial,
,a7h1 t1,19 city, the RiiiiwaY allthoritles from doing tliat which was 'stsfulo as,
4'v111 Waive all diatiublibrio an, d adol? witliont donbt, deiniting and coinniaing
''''ek.r4\.:Ivi.liti°nrittrealtye.8 f rTo Imre ' aellii e igif earti°rn:teli.111(1'ikilt °Iirgitt.illoers, ''coNViths ii:intlitilli diner tItiellee xitir)eiliti.\,coll°1 el
two nod one next epealter, ltiniele Milian, of 'terife'rth,
,cord' „for allilasit!l'f'icoeiti'st! c;x1)0691:deinotlirgitli9,7,A1p)reteYrr tdgersicioeidigde. dlioonsptelateksopvio/roysiterogai 444,5'clidttechit.
tntleee And three Con tri t
mile retiree all starioU4:44 t,, II.3,,,i,1,Ph1, ,haif a never -failing snpply ft werdt,
.48 Vie. Gi. p. 42, Sec., , ,
''' which:lie seldont mkso,PPluoi, t, tIgh In
,, , . ., s
Now Gres,714,Storcis Idonsts rammar 1 s very indifferent. . fiiin lc
tat if the opinion of tile wee Ad had
t?,rpriiiiiig gre,iii merchants, 1.1.tessr,
Woodhall ittlX C. Walker IlitV0 ti 0 been asked at the cloSe of „)./i8,, ly ad, ells, tlie Grttl
, , . : .
timber on ttoto Station ,, grounds for, dress, our St, Mory'S friends wo.,t1 110V0 " no bill." result witl be halloa
er°cting a fi I:St thliAfk13 1ittlin slure-110113o. 0 uo out.ut the o011 1981 with" 61114id with satisfaction by the. friends of the
1:t is to be 36 feefo7crugiot;y 01) feet Wid i "'hors. aril the Sosforth mon mraild reverend gent,leas mit, Ite'will noW, no
and. two sto 'eta` lit fieIght >twi'll 1)1'0W 0 goue Immo lietor8i Nbb that 1\tr, dOrtht, lie mare pnPriliir than before.
i'Ati,f,forrns 03118ide, ,.-i)i'nfirir 1() tilos() ot til is av,close a re,isoner es his assn. Dourao 111,-.0arg.--I3otioeen ten find
the Station , House. ,s The tlitne#sionit brf Ni", HP/.0.3., but he has tin ",traeriiin
wilt afford storage roony, for a great, ary corn/nand of languages; „la 1-ery
in that time suasion
legislature did
cid to the traffic.
sion being left to
that commute'.
and amuse the
public have mai:tied an or.thestra,
the principal. i est rfim t s used being
wind instrumeutel The first perform,
ances were given during the last debate
during the 'passes in the speedh of citi-
zen J. ttlioine Sweet. Home," with
ft.aVent,t.ion s was rendered with startling
The reason "that man" who has as
much right to be hiug al any other
tnan did not Wea.r IliS "liberty cap" id'
that it WAS tO0 Small. A supply hes
been orderedoby the sociely direct from
Paris, together isith a goddess of rea-
son. simipirotd the one used ip the
palmy day8 of the revolution. The
citizen who is not over fond of `.ftiltl,t
mem GeOrp" (ig. George 11. of Eng-
land) and who was referred to his
school history by the "missing' link"
(recently found) deserves credit for the
enterprising spirit displayed in this
The following inetto, is respectfully
dedicated to the Me -e beciety with the
earnest hope that it abay be inscribed,
surrounded by a wreath of Tvforike:?.S
tails nver the door of the rooms of' the
associatioi,, "Turk, Jew dr Atheist
may enter here, but not a Christictio,"
Sr. MARY'S CRIORE'l CLU13.-The an-
nual meeting of this club iyas 1101(7 ,in
the Nationitl Hotel on the 25th inst.
The meeting was well attended, awl a
good deal of enthusiasm was manifest-
ed. Tbe following g,entlerneit were
elected offixers for the year 1870: .
E. W. Hardt-cps, Esq., President.,
Escio Vice President,
Crooks'etsq. Secty.- -Treas.
Allarge nuraliet of gentlemen en -
themselves es members, and
with/the new blood'infusecl into it, the
club'ibids fair to have tlie most suzcess-
fut geaeon silica its organization.
1 -JE site persons of Petersville, who
Wete;arresti•d'for acing eniteernet. 10 le
I 1" 1
r4,b6ry ,of synl. Guest, 1'1'D:octet), were
all discharged at the, A8sizos pow being
11'3144 there being no evidence whittevi3e
he:theft t.fteta.
'leer Iten, c. (.4'reen lias been nc•
iplittecl of the charge of forge,ry bror gilt
'against Jinn 11;, ne of church ward•
/plying rottirimeli itinohnt of tile roll tor 18,7.5,„ ttio. emigromi ship stilt inhore , from
I 001001. , 1-les°1v°(1, 11(''t th's u.e1.11)64 (1'4 'London id New Ziealand, haste boon re-
in IT C 1-1E LL
'an CASE ON $HICIDE.-A, young num
b -
earned David Hendereon, of Elmee it
appears lately married the daughter of a
respectable fanner of the toweelnp.-
Seou after notrriage les was charged
by. another girl "with seduction. On.
imarilig the case he WOS committed to
the coaoty gaol by a magistrate, blit
WAS, a day or two afterwards, let out on
bell. lo the meantime Ile NV08 endea-
voring to effect a settlement with his
prosecutor, knit early on Wednesday
morning let retitea to his barn, end
committed suicide by hanging itimself.
Bre Dias' Wome-On Thursday of
laet week a geng of men, comprieing
Messrs. John, Robert, Charles, and
Richard Sims, and A. Krauss perform-
ed a clays' work w hich may well be con-
sidered a " ft big clays' work." Com-
mencing at 9 o'olock A. ht, they sawed
with a machine eighty Ligs into stove -
wood ; also ereeted a frame building
(roofing it as well), 16'x 26 feet, quitting
at 5 o'clock- A. Ain The work was doee
on Mr. Simms' fern, lot 3, concession
6, Stephen. Of trOtilee, they ask for it.
to be beatea.
Methoaists have b ten holding revival
meetings in this place for some time
past, and are having great success. The
churon has been crammed almost every
nignit, so much so that many have had
to go aevey. The altar has been crowd-
ed with penitents, some thirty in all
having gone forward. The reeetiugs axe
being conducted by the iteveMnBrown,
the esteemed pastor of the Church, a
gentleman who possesses the enthe
confidence and affection of his flock.
Loarnas.--Will u-othing prevent those
unemployed clerks and 11 rinrillfil wheat -
buyers from sitting in front of storbs on
shutters awl empty I) ixes, making
coarse remarks and rudely snaring at
ledies as they press ?
THAT fiG.--Ti.w ,,,Imr°'"Ig.-11'4'stdbig•
„,,.... ji.4„-i,,,, -...,..,..ewinch iii diridenfly nore-
sueri4,--- 0 persons. Lett Niriday this
playful animal wi-,,,i3 seen Makin.. after
ono of otir councilloss in a very avenge
manner: ancl upon seaching him began
worrying the buttons ilehis ,gaitere, and
bearing off the hem of one of his trow-
SOL' legs as a trophy. That councillor
is down on the (repine tribe, encl. we
heer, will try and hew, a by-law passect
to the eilttct time all malicious dogs be
INTERESTING RELIC. -0 Ur enterprising
townsman, Mr. Rebert Haskett, has in
his. posseSsion, we understand, a curi-
ously carved pipe, used by the poet
'Wordsworth. It was given by the poet
to Mr. Geerge, uncle of Mr. Haskett.-
It is ca'refully.kept in r), silver hex inlaid
with gold. Hr. Hoskett; with hi3 nsital
politeness, will, no doubt, he very will-
ibog to show his relic to all lovers . of
INDOSTRY.-1-1t ls rumored that Ur. 3.
, .
Walker is tueily engaged in making , a
sot of harness to exhibit at the -Centen-
nial. This is no more than We expected
from Mr. Walker, yet it must be flighty
gratifying to alt his friends. '
- - --
The Council met pursuant to adjourn
won't, tha Beel7e-aud members of Coun-
cil present'. Minutes of last meeting'
were read,. approved of, and signed by
the Reeve. Moved by Mr. Dagg, se,-
ended:by Mr. Hudgins, that the follow-
ing aecounts be. paid, and that the
Reeve stgn °eclair of the same : Mrs.
Carol], indigence, $3; George Washing -
'ton, indigene, $14; Mrs..O'Brine, indi-
gence, $36; MrS. Cosby, indioence,
$13. Motion earried. Moved b°y Mr.
Stanley, seconded hy Mr.. Hodgins,
thatIlie Clerk be: instructed to to noti-
,, , e - •
ty Wm. Jerrilyri;g5O0dhlaster for Gran-
ton; to return his road list for 1875
properly filled to him imniedinaely.-
,Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Stanley
S'eh'Ohned by Mr, Degg, that the Clerk
be instructed to notify the. Manager of
the Grand Trunk 4ailway to have tne
crossing on the town -lino between Bid..
1141politiatinida,, 141ic. C7.-.1 3; ,1,1ievoi ino .a: , ;ill ao.79,1 inet oont ,o rs es -
paired without &Irby, as heal are col).
sidered dangerous to publie travel.,' The
cotemnitication,frem the Crown Lands
department ' was received mei cudered
to be fyled. Moved by Mr. Deng sec-
onded bY Ildr. Hodgins, 'Una the re-
port of the Auditors be recetved and
that the Clerk be instructed to get 250.
copies printed in sheet form ite 80031
its poiisible. . Motion carried, Moved
by Mr. Collihson, 'seconded by 'Yin
Daig, that the following accounts be
•ettid, and thftt the Roeve sign orders
tor the some : James Noise, county tax
refunded, he lievtug his properly de-
stroyod by fire, $10.86. Moved by Mr.
Dagg, seeonded by Mr: Hodgins, that
the botalstf the Towethip Colleetor
bo cancelled, he having' paid, the NI
a fresh lot Alackorel
--- 7i„
Jusr 131i:0k:4(314n 111
Y arinotith Bliss
1 ilicislies. Call itit. lies. oi,
ocloApta ot,p_leet,in 'Idle, Libeeithttje
fixoter,ttelielel on the 25int. filet '' the
followiliettOselotien Nvas nowt-lin:10081y
Sek vativ) 'Asa( „tattoo Of '1110 vi1,14gir''
'an', Oils Association deeply regrets the
coarse, rsued, by Mr- T: Ureenway, Me picit•
ent re esentati've of tb° South ltiding of (Le
einortuf Hurol 10 Ow Dentintoo Logi latitte,
showlog clearly by his pondnet that he 11314
t,Ori6414 ,,ttic confidence 'Natio(' 10 Min by a
majority of the electors. et tills riding, ai 4
that lie deserves the eendeinnotion itot ems
nt ells association hot of all right thinking
mat lioaurabie moo, irrespective of polific ;
and that this resolution be foiwardial I) 0(0
filxeter ',121Dies°, Maili and Loudon r‘leo Pro1Ji
newspapeia for publication,
1874 YEItSUS 1042.
ep,nnyrvell cloth. purge nuelaacliolly and
dom comfort° the stomach() and tlic spyrites
ot man (IlySsop) Clonboth visors Bourne
tote it geed for the biotite and for the lungs;
.ttoosniary is good. for paises mut for the Ian-
ynge iychenes, and for the cowghe and good
against eelde ; noses be a eerclyan, and cloth
,comforte the bort° aria blayne."-Boordo's
Dthy:t1aLeriy.y9081,Itraeartlitoliveigeil.n10101.4:e.holly Ana ,restom,4
Fellows, Itypophospliites, by giving tone to
the spirits, promotes expectoration by strengt,
ening the muscios of the chest, and is ()wise-
qucntly the remedy for congestion and cold.
Vrom ite peat nerve strengthening propertie8
it is *mid to prevent a recant ofsepileptie fits,
a gives power of endurance to the brain, and
strougtlkons the action of the heart.
, 2714e Salt interests.
In the Committee off the Salt Inter-
ests, Mr. Platt, salt manufacturer of
Godertch, gave evidence that the Cana -
dime ealt interests vvere depressed on
account of it coming into coetact with
English salt at a low figure as far as
Toronto, and with a certain amount of
American salt that comes into Canadian,
ports,say from Port Hope west, 'to King-
ston east, at one dollar and ten cents
per barrel, About 25,000 barrels ef
American salt creme in annually. Its
exclusion would raise the prices here.
It was the object of the Americae man-
facturers in 1868 to crush the salt in-
terests of Canada, but they did irot
succeed. The Americans are now send-
ing salt into Canada at a loss to them-
selves. It costs about 75 cents a barrel
to manufacture soh etiGodericht inehnl-
ing iuterest on caPital; 550,000 barrels
eef salt are manufactared in Canada
annually. About 100,000 barrels go to
the Uoited,.• States, the remainder it;
wensumed insrCatatetta. n Huron salt
makers can gupply 011taPk. aslar east
as Toronto without fear of competition,
and compete'witliftlerited States makers
in their own wegtern. ports. Surplus
United States .sitleis sent to Canada. -
He sent salt to Quebec and St. Johns,
N. B. It paid as well as Ontario salert.
Chicago packers prefer Canadian salt.
The manufa.ituring of salt is generally
unprofitable in Ontario. He hoped
to have a duty of .about $2 per ton im-
posed, which would make 'it profitable.
lie made 21 barrels of salt from one ton
of coal.
Mr. Grey, of Seaforth. gave further
evidence. .IIe said the price received
by him for salt sold wholesale in the
United States was about $6 per barrel,
and for a similar quail ti ty sold for.hosne-
consumption lieoraossese-oe li'ients per
tilatastlIcal t ye; 1.;. Eer ,11-2:13:16a00.1 i iz :11.1.1feriaoS :on& ific.:(141
the profits ixera good., because in the
former period the demand exceeded the
snpply, and in 1873 there was an in-
oreaee in the price of English salt, and
the.; 'salt interests of the 'Western
wee as yet comparatively uudeveloo:g1 ;
the bulk of Canadian salt sad; to the
United States goes to Chicago atel Mil-
waukee : he did not expect the presehe
price of salt in Canada to be materially
teduced ; he coueidered it the duty ot
the Government to put a duty 01 r,111. ).
live cents per „hundred pounik ,,t/.t.
8i) as to enable the Canadiau ttiantifsn-
turer8 to supply a "artier area nt c untry
than at present, wgroli consists of the
Province of Ontario and a small portinn
of Quebec ; did not tatink ditty 441
United States salt alone would be yeiy
beneficial to the mailufacturers ; tile
rate of freight from Seaforth to Mon-
treal is about $4.50 tier ton ; if a trade
could be ,established betweeo Western
Callftdit 1\l'ova Scotia in which coal
eta salt could be exchanged it would
be of mutual advantage.
Nutriment is lsteut force, and is the
accumulation of force is dependent
upon the activity of that part which ab
sorbs nutriment, it follews that any
process or means which provides for
the assimilation of food must augment
the energies of the great nervous eau-
tres. Hypc phosphites con-
ning the principles which acting upon
the stomach and lacteals, cause the duo Prk
and perfect assitnilation of food, and "
thus restores that energy which makes '
a strong and :Vigorous manhood.
By Telegraph to the Gardner So
91111143 Company, Ilamlltato.
Carmel', October?... 1875-1307131 4VA,
at Olengarrv County Fair, over the W
bon-L(131a N(hV 1:ork 8inger
Oelievilie, Sept 30th, 1875 -Got first
Royal at Fair here, beating Wheeler e
overy other machine, Great eootett•
• ,TAttlie.„
Brockville, sopt 85, 1875-4toyal took th
Unionville, competing with the 'Wheeler o
Singer, and others EvEriTTSAHAOABitAN
Tilsonburg, Oct 11, 1875 -First prize for Royal at
Union Bithibition here over all competitors
ernermew senwtorr
Woodstock, Oct 0, 1879 -Royal took nrst prize at \
Exhibition here oyor all competitors
Blarrnnw emENAMT
PAris, Oct 8, 1875-Havo taken first prize with
130Yal Fair bore, beating the neetriona and
singor. WXMI/134,SNIPEA,
Nitpanee, Oct 15, 1875-Itoyal has taken, ftrat
prize at Fair hero, over sirger, Howe, Wanser
and others. JAMES BARRVTW.
Hit,40Y, Cot 13, 1875 --Royal takes first prise al/
this riiir for family work and Light Manufactnr-
ing. Wiminix SNIDER
These victories cenehisively prove that '
Light Running Boys,' iS the People's Faveriten
the Bast Family sowing inachIne. The mitnufate
turers have lately added to it the greatestnevelt
of the age, the Royal rams goat:a, for sewin
machines. The lawn can riever upset nor the of,
soil' the -work, and it is arranged to throw 'the
light on any part of the work, enabling the opera
ors to work 96 wen by night as by day, sad by
In the Hoase of Commons 1VIrnIte
ry Fawcett, one of the inembers for the
metropolis, gave notiee of the event of
the Queen's Titles Bill receiving the
acisent of both Houses of Partiment, he
will move for en address to the Queen
praying for her non -assumption of. the
title of Empress of India.
Mr. Elijah Wismer, Of Markham,
has a sow which gave birth to 51 pigs t
inside of eleyen and oneehalf months.en
The first time it gave birth tre thhe
second to 16, and the third to 20s e
A. Plympton man tien Titeel`t
nest brought to the Sarr44`,'ilc,
office a goose -egg weighinen.itt".
longitudinal circumference
aud the girth 91 in
youl geese some Of yio
Messrs. Perrin and
wei-e murderously attac
in.the tosenship of Bro
inst., are recovering..
named Erglish, a her
with them, and was pi'
their receiving the' mo
*Tested on stispteion.
At Port Stanley on M
steamer City of Sander
and was soon ni `fatal
Mr. John Wilson
three miles from N
eight years of age.
twice ; by his fl
with fourteen eh
ond tansgosown-rea'
bab9 fi.
age, and the youngcst.on
About hiiifiast eig.)a't
Stras -aVartgAligre:af
of the Norte American' Hots
wood discovered a new ,bor
the water cloSet. She iiinaelW
formed Mr. Miller. It i7fas siiago.„,e
although it had been there nearly
licit. Dr. Stevens was sent for and
sock:ended reatoring animation, and
it is likely to hve. The mother is a
wornae hy the name of Shorted, who
hes only been in tom) a 'few days, ane
was engaged as a servant at the North'
Amt Pecan Hotel. She is a married yeo
man tout hae been parted fruw her bus -
beret for eeveral years.
Although Youman's Dictionary of
Every -Day Wants is a vary large book
contair mg over a thousond columns,
on royal ectavo sieed pages yet there
is not in it one superfluous receipt -
not receipt any one would be will-
ing to have expunged. All are of val-
ue -none worthless.
Neither time nor expense has been
considered in endeavouring to melte
Yourcian's Dictionary of Evtente Dee"'
Wants better te•ed ehteaPet man any
b° et ten"Phn'bils1°Iredli.kei An lalt urreec etnbta ilTillapsroVYeet•
ments and discoveries np to date heve
been ineluded.
Tint object of all study,. and the end
of all wisdom is practical utility, mid
Yournan's colleotion of 20,000 tried and
approved Receipts 111 all the 'Arts of
Domestic and 'Social Life; may be con-
sidered as a voltime containing nearly
the whole of the wisdom of man worth,1
of preservation. Youman's Dictionary
of Every.day Wants embodies the re-
sult of two years' hard and patiebt
Nvork among all manner of books, and
, ,
among all manner of practical allti on -
serving men, and contains the latest
and "best of everything" fotind any-
where and everywnere, Mr. John T,
WITtlersotcno.tt is sole agent for the County of
The following details of the loss, of
now fedi (own to nicc. ,
Rost Mondoy in April, ot the Cott.'0
Room, village of Ireland, at the lin&
'Jaycee o'clock on Saturday moroing,, itS ,
of 10, o'clock, ao tat tIodgin4.,
Clerk ",
many thottsand bushels, ' - yociferous. and tottlinsiastic, flow sono,
pletely Carrying with Ilim th A (I,.
dries of tile erossol, Ile ref re( very
frequently do soMo. remarks 4t4:o 1;34
13,0 txus,,,Mr,W,r.4ewis, Stephen, goo. IkAr. Maekenzio tosit 'peomee,
ints the larrib'Of the eetteon. cenW ldaetthlation whieletweited ten a,
light of." t. otie day last Week,13.' 1110
Itlretleric1( Powell was being oonaoyed, 11,1rs, Geo, Antiolit of the townshiP
froiri the conrt house to the jail after 13rooke, met with a poinsat Aden:1001,s
being sentenced to one year's imprison few (lays since.. It anneare that MI'S'
Mont, he breke tooter) froin the gsreSp 'of` Annett, who was ltnittivig,had occasiot
the constithle at the bead ot the et4,irs, to attend to a rap t the doer, slit?
and reit OfT .:vitle ail his' speed. Going slie4(1. arid fell, t,WO the
through the eonrt, .square, he n niisg h,0 her earinbontIthrei
short time ag, rommis wbre turned OP 1011(.4'Hfroot, which he ,es and breaking therein, Thi
a 11 .seighea e ny t. )1, t I" 'I'
e 6.0e t egalt18., s ran tin lie tofuth , 0.,„640v,I v, wine4
• • • -7' litakehzie"etleting filet sneetat fitettiete' .heoentered 4 ''&"w4"..1,:tst.,
(spitted t -The trot More istruCk the
reelts among the Corset groop of is .
landa, in the Smith PeCifie,on July 1St;
and Went to pieees immediately. Forty
four nerrione were drovvned. The cots
vivors saved nothing wilateveroind soh-
sistecl themselves or on the mein for
sia months upon sea birds and 'their
eggN. 'When they Were r9,4iped they
wore initeli emaciated, Minot naked.
Pive died troavettioseire and wont. The
0013111'n of an Arnerican whaler, the
Young Plunnix, Of, Nelv Bedford, Yes-
pieue,s haVe been eettreetedt end Mee, cited them, 8411101.9d thO1u 'wlfh
Annett is In re fair wan .of rocoVery. ing, and treated them With ',limb s,.
American Exprem
E X ET' E,
To Convey Goods
Money and valuables to any point,//
cr TIE p, N._ 13 ACXS