HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-3-30, Page 1• ieeliy, if I eiloola eismft WOuldit't hese teeth, 0404, d supper with, I'a Ulok*tltel4 dOWA infernal thioat, So don't you bey any more," Tile starter got ea and to another ,oter. Theu tbo old man teroeed to MY frieod oral said , e " am very touch MOigeti, to Yen, sir Or your offer ef essistanceph0 didel eileeS1 it, sir ; really didn't needit., You iiecOr(lience he cast bis eyee down, as $f" his cleanepittriarchal appearance might belie him), I was once just a !cede rough iyoU—U,a unto rough, you jillefW,, 1 could rutnip he dukes in estY,daY, eonfess. I was rough, rough ---but, sir, 1 neverhita °Mut in my life. No, sir, nor allowed anybody to hit A 011114 iny presencie.-New l'o)* Letter. 11, C. .ollego, Mem. SutliectOS Pt t. elrauten aed eon - pine dregs VOL 3 NO,. $2,--WOLE NO '139 10t. OrnCQ ',Ieseter„ Ont. Oahe , Moe and resideoce- • DRUGS 0, VANDUSEN and GO. Shop. Surgeon Dentist, *.i,404:04erovtIV4,1t4,1t4tllIou andresideliee,ilext door to ewes Shop, giln), street, Ilia Wife nagd, to attend lad7 pationts,-, ari'gred inferior te none, and su- nnf';it others. %krona anore title county; lipPer set -very aet WeIrraated fix° years, 'Po prevent eastass care to enquire for the Old 1 Othee, , LEGA4, _____ Ai & IIA1111., Barris i. teseee sodsetoes, ... .iaissioaers ntr's: oc1, Water Street, St. / fo, E, IV, 31Annixo . JONES &'/CODC01J GALL , Mime\sait-law Aoliettoi‘e in niveyaneees, 1.,comiriislepere • q..B, Ouiliet St, a attoiok lt1 t. t"ifery's BecO.„ gatelsTOTO.RIO CONVEYAIVER, &C., K cenetantly On nand tho largeSt and Best Assortment of ISSUER OP er,the 1111AN1 IJER OF , e nviv Act - 46 tf Auctioneer, y attended to. PURE DRUGS', ChEIVIICALS_IL DYE:-STT3FleS Patent Medicines HORSE & CATTLE • MEDICINES, Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth SED AU0- ,les prompt- nable Post office oetober 4 Square, This, tiers. and MISCELLANEOUS V °OD,00D.-00 cords of wood want ed at PARSONS 61'. WALKERS, Contra. lia-hoth dry and green. Highest price paid in cash, 28.3t INCIIELSEA. Herry Brown,01 Wineheleen, informs hie frionde that he van suyply them with ell manner of reap- ing, mowiug au d threshing ineehine repairs. Ire is always ready to meet his friends, and do his best for them by supplying them with wood or iron work. HARRY BROWN UMP BUSINESS IN EXETER non saseo-reettelooleber effete his Well establiedecl bus, ,ess•for sae. M tho work 41)1111 1)y, horse power, this IS a capital opening for a piddling man. A good businese has been done durieg the last thirteen yeare and is$t11doing. Terms lihora,l. Reason for selling, giving U p business. J. eaLITHCOTTE. XfOTE LOST -On December 27th oote of littnilT6110, drawn in favor "of Daniel McKinnon and against P. litiyhen, due on the 10th, March, Negotiation for the same is f bidden, as payment has been stopped. 30 -St DANIEL MoEINNOW. „ 11 E sAUTION.-All parties nre hereby PERF UMEY,TOILT -Sr 0 AP &c. STATIONERY I' School Book, Toy Books, BlanleoBooks, Megasinesi A lbann-Faney. Goods ' Pencil Sia es, Lead Pen- cils, &e. • ( ltri Age. LAY ABU S I.tCh1iXS, ) ()J.'s e lied Perfected Spectacles an ive-g1a c. t •-iievriptions an d Recipes emeels and &Can - ratt,l$ dispeneed. Remembei the Place -Di. racily oppoSite the "Central 'Hata: lititia.st., C. VAN DU 00. Exeter, January 7, 1874. 7111. , cautioned from gi‘ leg credit te my vie e- .01are, Auderson (or any other narty)-iis elle on the nightof the 8th March, threatened to take my , 1 ,life by peison, and forced me to leave my own house, as I will not be resnonsible Mr any debts contracted by any one but myself after.this date, ' rimless by my writtenArder„ 0.08. ANDERSON. MANIIOOD.---1:10W tOST, HOW` .....ti -RESTORED. -Just publiehed, a new addi- tion of Br. Culverwell's Celebrated ssay on the radical cure (without meclicitie)of Spormatorrhom or Seminal Weekneee, Involuntery Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mentaland Physical Incapa- city, Impediments to Marriage, et.; also, Oon- sump tion, Epilepsy and Fits, inducei by self-in- delgeuee or sexual extravagance, &o., Pries of seeded envelope, only • 0 cents. The celebrated author, hi his admirable Essay, clearly demon- strates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radii:ally eared without the dangeronsuse of in- ternal inedicine or the adplioaticu or the knife, ,pointing out a mode of auto at once simple, eor- tain and effectual, by means of which every 9U - fever, no matter what his condition may be, 01.57 cure himself cheanly,privately, and radical -1Y. This lecture should tis i e n t.lie hands of every youtn and everyman in tem land Sent under eeal, iu a plain envelope, to any address, nost-paid, on re- ceipt a si e cents or two post starape. Address the publiehers.,e7e. 13RUG A N & SON, 41 Ann st. tem York Pest 011ie° Box4580. 0-6moe -This house, eta Mr. E, Chhis- d eau). overhauled ac.leen, for thomitt dahcd-ei 64110 ir.iong-- o liquors and'cletire. 25 e •°,11issett, Proprie- W)TELTAIN STREET, Ok lis ndw andt. tedup in the ber • attention paid to the wants of t lie. Large maul° rooms for com- avellers. Good stabling and attenti,ve • 106-tf 'SION HOUSE, EXETER e.„ W. HAWK HAW, Proprietor. Thi ;ono:tedious hot ells now completed, and thtoughout with liret-furniture. The ictrors and the choicest of Cigars at the ouse is capable of aecommodatinu 85 Ixeellent stables and an attentive hos- 1.' • il0TeeL, LUCAN. W V•I',Y,&Proprietor. This first-clm hotel IgeK.Ilands (from W. E. Will ;us to ,e is fitted with new furl iture a 'pus to and from the station - e of 'busses to London. The •e choicest .pore and 'rag- •_ commercial sample room. 'If/attentive hostlers. 32-ly plse, ettff tt/r:. H USE CORNER OF mum Streets, Lucan. The _11e u rented by Mr. Isaac White, fitted for the comfort of the Good liquors and cigars at the pip4s,Sostior always in attendance. IsAAC 1VRITE, Prop. . 5 1875 85-3m. vPROPERTY. E • cuttersnearly new. see DBMOONE 3ALE.-Two corner Lots oppo- De. Hindman's. Apply to JOHN F Exeter. UABLE PROPERTY FR . *-'The undersigned offers his substan- 7,1wellhighouse for sale, situated one t)f awn yii.i , The perehlISer Can have iiintity of .anclhe may want; not ex - :Ares with house. Terms easy. For 'ETearlary enquire of Tnences Arnpnwil,, O. :r 81-tf -. FLE.-The sebscriber offers hoube mild steal°, and one acre of , n't,Imile south of the Village of Exeter, It'0,:`,41ninge alight iv,..gori-nearly new - 1 an11/?ib1 liaP,rt Zili1101fIth, Oehnot17:11a. nd 'In 22,1876. FOE SALE. --ONE HUN- ,0,1,fres of wild laud, being lot 4in the chesterin the County of Essex with marketable timber. To be 0nns, ne or net:11313d for suitable tow] , ' For Mailer pert °Mara apply to in jaute., r..^1.,10,11'4 cotiiirre. 1. - it ,,,r,,.....,. ,i 4 f fs, ,,n re tors' the .W. 4, 4.4144h44. . coff40. cmto,thif,,-; .44 :4 c ,,,,‘ t',..celleut pau V arca, 14,Lie, al.t, VC11 1:C1`(!kl. a dw ?,,,,;,, ',a anti Rtat,i:' f 14,4 14,,,?4ueetg, sle n',.44.g 4..:ct.,4frit 01 er ti, t tiu,, :rim It tie ve -'" g. , tr,17 ilflia i•;Vrtar foot,/ taal/to . l)t,MP - sr 71-11' , - "-That well•o8tIlulirht,a ,I1,Wa, 1101V/1 as the 1 V0.0 :J`PoAo Offide, ThO'llnuee 10 V, 011111,64 % atitottrodation for the travelling bit - i -1 9t1l17d1, of ',rater, goitd cellars Of the , best in n.,,W11. Proprietor lefty. y to ill health Particulare, apply to A , Prop SALE,--I,ot l.l. in the 14th • niccesion of Stephen, containing 100 over 50 ',e,cres Cleared; remainder in Penns uctederato. Apply to D. T1101V1P. King-st. East, Hamilton, Or B. V, ET.1-, Esq., Exoter. 88-41. ORGANS.ETC. LOOK TO YOUR OWN NTiiR EST. P 0iI E THE BEST ORGAN CONTINENT. SE r; TEE ' Silver Tongue AND ALSO: THE Clough & Warren EXE TER ON'I'ARIO0 TRURS • ECIFr To icerosn LOOIC etetoK--11XLLevrMID --- I 11710)1,1)indoyteoe., oliretv:e tho\,dsohwinoirlli5a Toet:Lue 1,? DIG FOR IT LT 11030. Following a lie eting ph entom--, Stay and dig for it at home. Do not heed the lurieg eterY Treasiires Cli1i1 /brit hillsides hold ; "ren adventurers, disappointed Stand for every ounce of gold. Wishing still for 13ompthing better, NI any fancies youth will roar; Meuntains of the yellow tea if•ii thc flistanee golde," r.' Anti thelonging is conte,giouS, Drinking iron a leaden imp, For the mearis of grander living, 'n1 highways to pick. it uP. 1]t,]l11a Fortune is too fickle Inher train afar to roam; Would you win her golden treasure, Stay and dig for it at home. In the land that lies before you Find year 'wealth by honest toil Never .votary r1isappointed Rightly sought tho generous soil. Only faint, weak hearts repining Cast Elway the good at hand; Fortune's smile wili rarolylerown them Sought for in a diataut laud. But succees rides on bef ore you, Grapple it and you willwin ; Lo I e'en now the mists are rifting, Ana the tides aro rushing in. Let no foreign exeedition Lure your restlesa stops to roam; Gold is nearer than the muuntains- Stay rind dig for it at hoMe. THE RUMBLING BRIDGE. $1.50AY, MABOH&O 1876. ANNUM Feel!" • He catigitt, v96:11\11\ joloiadllitaarEoll ce'dyv4oebi ;Tice: dro mad D a t710;,ts5710-°ultili'lliNefviii21111is tyobuo "Anil yoor it in his own. von know where inv lo bfoerooymotei ?forDyootly?tenu len my wife! Answer ou eanTierWhabuYday°eYt 'to ii.ltisliftsiigiltasup, shor wer- clear eyes looking ed : " glve you, the;daeloga l "sed uontfeir- nish reitsons. T 00 up, rn,, iviwmpirte. aoguesi, nw! alc,' gi Uali1)01s1180,11yn0f1.117a14nfid'se0001- dem ;• thee; -.zoo • coming row, the i thwart /a dead tether's last and e ,erest wish / "4y °eosin, had n lived he would not have thwaeted me." . " Christina, youebring mortal sin upon your soul and upon ine." 1• " Let Heaven jadge ue'i Ellsworth 1" "You svill be pone." ' "1 am Young."34 O And with such Parryings she met his 1.30icl 1eoadilg ingl heiIi,ifhacs eaciesiftwfatintaleb. ,withal, he " This is your ifi ii word? Wait, do not speak. Look what do you see ?" He pointed fret , he window; folow- inglits gesttuei:strou i ccgalance, even throue:tlegjoaiing,diseoveredsome ones1dngjlntheshdowofthe oak -wall. " Who is its , " Arthur Bertram," she faltered. "The neiliew of old Colson, our housekeeper; an insolent upstart, who, having caught at Sdrap8 of knowledge as a cur might ceten, at bits and bone-, now makes merelyI idise of his ignorance and writes Sims!, 'lawyer 1' Silence 1. hoeuar wmitehY fihrsist.bas..40",eaatsmsiotTsh;as0intishlateteede Dunoansby Castle was once the grand o est estate in -shire, containing nearly two thousand tunes of the finest soil in Scotland, which had been divided, into a number of roll kept farms, forests, si well Rept paie It had \ 4'. • .i ' Christina started back, ond with a like these women,' he groe Sed; 'a man , listened, and-sh LI I say it ?" strip or sloping beach, acress which If. es ; i you mean that I have lov- wild, piercing shriek, fell back ripon her might come in here and o: iirry off the stands an old and fast decaying bridge, eg,Oity it. It is true, I love him 1"- knees before him, and then begged for whole house out of the dt or, and that known as the " Rumbling Bridge." It NSe'n falteriug nose, a calm, defiant memo • . . stupid woman'denever krto Iten it. Won't had a bit of romance about it which a`,.eirage. • He Sprang forward, and lifted her far T have the joke on Luein da, though,' happened. a. couple or more centuries ee•" And you dare acknowledge this to above his head; in the next instant he he aaid, in rapture, as he 'pocketed tlie back; but, my dear readers, I am going ae, Christieaildruueil?" had thrown her down into the abyss spoonti and forks. Lo retold it to you as though it happen.' "{Phis, =dimwit more. Why not'?" beneath. Thou he put his hand to his At this moment the doo r opened. and ed yeeterday. • " have yoino fears, Christina, ?" head in bewilderment, and, as Christina Mrs. Brunizell entered. 81.‘e gave a My story is supposed to open on o • " Nene vvInitever." rose for the last time, he madly plunged shriek, and eeemedesurprir led, and then summer morning, and the-sien v P,' '4' Theusym hear me. As the Lord down -down into the fathomless abyss said faintly : . • , shining brightly in the drawing Ted- 1 joeflie atoneineut shall °Gine in blood of waters, to meet a terrible and watery "What d'o you want, si r I'? Duncansbef Castle, which was fittedrIP, and tears. Gat and remember that id fate, such as poor Christina's had The assumed tramp rep lited-"I wand with a maguificence of ancient colfk• He almost sr shed lier hands in his been.•• • some hot dinner and a sin t of clothes. Under the chandelier, aud b fuot the nervous grasp, %hen passionately -------- and a vast y , 113111RICX STORE & DivELTANG a ,nsilie of frontage of e, picturesque bay, .1.1 HOUSE, wuicu was shut in by tall cliffs, and a ewe. to his fate, there, where he had left so magi:. Cover it -hide the white face. That strong man, Ellsworth Deneansby, trembled like a startled -•••••' without any further romarks or the slightest expression of anger, "You burn ? Yoe must cool in the Bosplior•• us," In a few minutes more the dervish child- but that had been almost a was in a bag. aud the hag ammediately friend. • after eva,s•in the 33osphotrus; while the In a chamber above, wondering wo- Sultan rode back to his imam - men wore gathered arernoll poor Chris- ponied by his horisehold and m'inisters, tine Bruneil. Sarah had found her mis- who wowed not to ejaculate, " Mersa - tress apparently lifeless. The maid's ! Allah is great There is no god cries had brought assistance, and death but God, and Mohammed is the proyhet being battled with, the' wretched girl of God 1" Christiset 11/Seeis. openel her eyes upon a dreary and heartless world. 'Practical Jokes. * * is only this, Ellsworth. We were Mr. Philipander Bumzoll resides at engaged." • Rogers .Park. He is very fond of play - Sir Ellsworth Due cansby stood in the • ing practical jokes. Alt summer n he middle of theRumbling Bridge, looking has been amiably entertaining his down upon the handsome Christina wife, who is a timid woman, and does Bruneil, who gazed at the foaming not keep a servant, with tramp l• item• water beneath.• tune, ad instructing her what to do in To start and. cry at such simple CASQ one of the fraternity enould c mil at words, to grasp her hands and drag her the house daring his ftbsenee. "See, down until his gleaming eyes • were Lucinda," he would say, "if e lee. of fiashin; into hers, and so to whisper, thee tramps comes to the hous e and hoarsely,- • carries on rough just yeu say, you'll " Tell me again! • Is that true ?" call your husband or you'll set t he big "Wo were engaged, Ellsworth." dog on him, and if he don't get up and " Ah 1" go, just you. yell out ;ander • "Ellsworth, I had this weary weight Philipander r or say Sic hine,1 lowser.' upon my heart and dared tot reveal it. Don't be scored; Lucinda, ion't be Through all this wretched time have I scared.' It recurred to Mr. 3 3ruirizell borne it." that it would be well to test his wife, " Go on !" he said, still gazing upon and if she was RS efficieut ie. practice her. as she claimed to be thoretica Ily,so one " That is all." day he told her he had to ge to Mil - "Look up, woman! That man, Ar- waukee, and woulOn't be home till thur Bertram, died by my hand. I mur- late. • Then he cunuingly disguised dered him 1" himself as a vagrant man with some "Ellsworth !"• •false hair, and hair dye, and 1 a suit of "'Yes, murdered hiaz, 'as I shall mur- ragged clothes, and about le alf-post ten der yeu." • o'clock he walked around t his own "Mercy, mercy I" kitchen door. He founditt unkeked, " No mercy for youehehristina, he and walking into the kitolt en was sur - hissed. Attchigan Lore Scorn, Amelia (Foster, darighter of 'William' Foster, living in the town of Com. merce, (14kland County, was engaged, tie marry Austin Parks, whose Ftrents reside about a mile booth of the lake, in the town of Novi. Monday NY ap- pointedhas the wedding -day, but 118 t110 time drew „near, the girl told him she would not have him, and receiveil the attentions of widower, named Ab0I Smith •of the same village. This ar- oused the deenon of jealousy in the' bo - sent of Perks, and he one day told tho girl if he saw. her with Smith again he would make it unoomfortable for her. She paid no ea,ttention to the threat, • and occ le • ay 'Went to C' r elf Or to an ,entertitireinent with Smith. On Sunday night, Miss Foster and ' r, Smith went t the Methodist chuinch, After services were over end the cong- regation dismiesed, Miss Smith and. Mr. Fester left the building, Parks standing and looking on. When they had got a lit& distantfrom the chap- el, Park.: got tthead of them and score - bed himself alongside of a building. -- Waiting until they were close -by, he stepWed. out, and: raising a revolver,, fired, sending one of the balls through,. one of the girl's cheeks.' In a moment:: he fired- auother he. the back ac)f, here neck. The poot girl dropnell tae thaa sidewalk, and her companion Seams& ) made a move' as though to: defend here Placing theileistol. evithin two!, feet of Smith Parks exclaimed., ° moveca step, arrrhideurlsitsolo-ipoio,itgebioeesii.;.e thTahniroa, esitverrelaBwine: Smith ton/i he made no further affedle-- .Paiks her:with one hand,. wtitith' with the other he put a bullet intodeme body, e s if determined toeffeetnallseendl his bloody work. Another moment and bewas lost in daelmess. The Mee scusIble body of the girl Was carried hom e. and Dr. Hoyt was &anemone& The wound in the cheek was not neoece- sae:11y fatal, and the hall which enteria the girl's body was extriteted, lent tie bidl through the neck ,re,maine lose the Viead. It is said this may prole, CRAW. 'Miss Foster is said to be a eeuelekeileole fensive girl of about sevenieeni )SW6 of aregpet.itaPtiaorakts 0(69 110.1:igaNdOil Selo • ' prised to find his wife not t here. 'Just AT Senior's Photograph Gallery ALAIN STREET, EXETER F11,ANIC 11, SOLE AGENT men•nnet=see, LUMBER. LUMBER T. BLACK ASH, RAILS, CORDWOOD LATH, AND CEDAR POSTS Cheap for Cash B 1 S S ET T'S Sawmill, two and a half rules west of Ex- eter, on the town line of Stephen and Hay. Bill staff cut on the shortest notice lets than fifty feet. R. BISSETT. NAVIGATION - r IVERFOOL, LONDONDERRY & 1...AGLASGOW e also Frame Cottage and stable DJ BE SOLD either in one or two lote. WM. GRIGG, Main -V., Exeter. l`winily and rocket Bibles, .4.11.1yran Books, Prayer Books unday School Requisites "ft • . tittionery of im deseriptions ,Alburne, Concertinas Vi1Ork `1, °MINION GUN SHOP AND RI- R-, FLE FACTORY. R. W. SOPER Manufacturer' of and dealer in Alines, Shot Guns, litevolvers, Pistols, Fishing Tackle and Hunters' upplies Gun -stocking done in first-class style. PinFire Guns altered to Central Fire. Sign of Golden Key, Clarence -street, between Dundee and King, London, THE ONTARIO Savings and Investment SOCIETY OF LONDON Debenures tad rgages Purchased Parties requiring Money can obtain ad vances promptly on approved City Or Farm Property, • On application at Mete office • WILLIAM E. BULLEN, • ' Manager. London, ,Ian 1202,1866. • 22-2m NEW BUTCHER SHOP T e undersigned would inform the inhabi. thants of Exeter and vicinity that he hae OPENED A NEW BUTCHER -SHOP oite door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopos the same liberal patronage that has bean • act corded to him in the letiOntneWla AND wA6014 2tArOtio line will be extended to him in his new branch o eueinees,• meat wagon "will c all at the real donee of the villagera three timee each week an • all ki nds liert conStalltly natal tub 01n. Line.!,, shop. MEAT carryiog tho Canadian and United States Mails. ,ine el the ilret-clast, folltpowered Clyde -built steamships of the above lino, constructed cape. cially for the navigation of the Atlantic, averag- ing irom 3,056 to 4,200 tons Willlee,ve itiebec every Saturday !Or Liverpool aid Londond rry, , , , Prepaid passage c ortfileatos issued at lowest • etas to p ersone wishing to bring out friende. GLASGOW DIRECT. The abeamehfpe of the Glasgow Line will be pa c torn Quebec, For tickate and everrinformation apply to JOHN WHITE & SON, Time( office, Exeter "1",ri'latavniel"•111111101.1"•ALIC, NE W , •-• ds th lf 1M FOR SALE—Lot 21, ,,,outh-. stern boliadary lieberno, eonrainii, g 100 There aro two log w ;toes, good faine th frame Ecucci stalde, two imoci wells orchaid. There aro about 17 aerse of 00600W81, and a considerable quantity of ughhig dine, ty rieros tr1W'1!‘) 1. t.11nYniS hie. Vor ,111)3,y to loDONA IAD on ...lie p;arr ro 1,0•Pf...; .111 0 1 Lit cilb,;00.1/0e (few Cnr Fcti, , quarter ttplote .ise 011 riiet t deceit iittleifig Ilene.) 00 each, wit,i attach- W.Ile„NWOO IF, On taw p• tligeg JTItrvolt SktilT on Iota On Mein Ntredt, eltaimb, g ons-aftli sere oach ; 'ram containing i rooms geed. ltd punD,4. till stabler on .11 uraslon. abOve-A,611,,tti3y situated for bosine.a, 09 otso4 "ota POit ant( coneithiatit 00 Ito/leading to t5Ic station For narticn- tiV 10 wITITE ,r/mts offidt), txotdr. TIM TO TIOISPA8SIIItS ON. 7140 CANADA, COMPANY'S LANDS. eatiee ell passead teaser, eiettieg or felbeetritni tbes Javeik et the Ciewada at X OA nueribritect te vroseento coll lou.Athost er efThe la* 40111,:elk:YtIVAN, %Abet asene cite, roe Machine Shop in Sbaforth ING ettea up the premises formerly JI....L4eVoettpied. by Gray & Scott, Ws are pre - *lima to contradt for BOILERS AND ENGINES vicorbig, Grist and Saw Mills, 8h highs, Head- ing, Stave alul Hoop Mashinery- Els,clisinitit work 4nd general repair prompt' ly attended. to. , Shaffieg, Palleye, Grate 1301 and other' castings Drees arid Ireei Vittings. Pipe, &o. supplied. Venixdry Marnifsetaring company, Pitt tt'r *nage r Near elancion House, Soefortio Feb. 6, 1870, 25 'Vibe N.13. Blackemithing and wagon making carried ones usual in all Its branches; R .RAVIS. BEWARE OF COUNTERFErilS. Ear the protection of the public of British North Anterioa, I deem it my duty to state. that my Pille and Ointment are neither manufactured. nor sold In any part of the United. States, Noah pot and box beare the British (4ovOnhn t Stamp,with the words, 'Hello - way's Pille and Ointment,Londom'engraved there- on, On the label hi the teddress, 583 etsinid street, Londen, This 111000 has bectinto necessary, in doneequenee of Vile and spuriorie imitatione of " Holloway's Pills an cl Ointment" at78 Maiden Lane tic e styling thonit and Co.," with an meek thus -- vendors can ob- it Yery lo* price being fabricated NeW'York, by par selves " Holloway ELBstume (1 Oracle ti nprin Meier] tain this beish at andeodoceire you by 'genii* the same for 1 rg genuine iloiloway'S Pills' ma & Mont, V7hi* tire Manufactured only at 6150Tford arcet, Loidon. Persons who may berdedeited plc ase COT Militate witlithe.Many respeet'bleflignii in tho Ibi fob Provincee who obtain my inetlidinee aired free here, /retie Very' properly suggeetedt that I alit Itt, for the benefit of themselves and the ptibli lagert their nainop in the paperf‘that f. ( 1 inayb6 :no - th-t di ' 1 ittf gelid Ns ftoin '01,4. TIA folloWing la a listOf the IBM alladed tt l' Mid I particularly 1 000211 moitd thOtto Wild, defii tef set toy ine(licifies to 1,' 11 11 - of the h Ietlithithiedt-4106srs, Avery, Drawn & Go 111711 ally FT,8111.1essrP. Forsyth & Co., N, S. Moseys. B nitrites & sets, st Jobe, tl" 13; Mr. 'T.' 'Des Brit) y, Marlette 'I own, I Is 1 , Messrs, Lang- ley &CO, Viotafit, ll 04 Iffessm Moore & f 0,,Vic• 10110, 13 ' ,„.. DI 70140 Vella, Chaffin, 1713; 1Ni esers. Matte 74 GOA Maltreat; Messre .1' Winer .k5 CO, Habelltb '; Mr; It .1` Roth, TorMitol Mr. A Chip, Mai Sfe b, ,St. ,Telin.N BO MkaahallanitGfider. fall Iffe..r. Elliot & On., Taal IY• 1,':02.,,, tritilledier. St JOhn, 11, ; Messrs. Hallingtal Brea,. St ifohn It (Ur Priatty, Witideer; MI'S Ofyen, ilterdoti, 17 Si Mr teorgo limit, jet, Fretleickteri, N 11; ItIr Wli Ph mon, leash:SY Grade, X liII,Ir tt M Wilfry,Itedeicktolir If II; NieeerH W 'le' 3). Yllitoi Montreal, Dm niediclees aro sold at the lowost whokaah tett picas,. in quantities of notleaa then 42( Wertli-viet 85,0., 220,10(1)1 5414, per dozen b(XeS 0)I , a el' pc) ft 6 Ointment, tor iyhieh re. firer, stood a, handsome ro an0able, flung her from h m, cl so left her. et. 'in, wit oovered with a crimson vel • -At this table, in three al arm,chairs, opposite to eac three persons -two gentl young @lel. 1,41 -first -was -rd Da Tm a tall, sil1iter-irtan,,,A4iii of. itge",--witistUtii._, ug,.d fa - having a high. forehettd:keen upeys, a slender, aquiline nose, and Icing hair suit ieved "Victory 00n18;"- she whispered softly, still wedeln s happy eyes the fast retreating figure. yes vie_ velvet her, sat n and a sby, who' ttY Y"; chin, all framed in by silver-gre ,and whiskers. 'He was attired in of black broadcloth, which was ri only by a white cravat. The second. gentleman was Sir Ells- worth Duni:mushy, only son of Lord Duncansby. He was tall and sl eider. He was young and handsome, after the purest Saxon type, withfair hair and biue eyes, and with a golden moustache shading his firm mouth 'end. dropping upon his delicate chin. ri'kewas refined Deittene meetbo eoot le6geeoeni)i ae Onnoevel 1 4111111110. tory aim Peace at•last 50 We leave her, with the she:loses of th,e'ilying day keeling about her, as, the ahadioiv, of.a pitiful,sorrow and deS-pair wore ,shioudir4-tindistifling the puleiees of her new-born happiness, • now SoturShurp Plagers Trick- ed the Lottery „Ran. An interesting feature of the lottery " th ystem which business is e envelope s , was introduced by the purchase,. s of lot- te„rsv„ policy tickets to prevent the m.au- ngers from ehanging the number On the "sline:',after,,thaArrival of the deessisseel,- its this city. when the restiltsof the drawings came in, a,ncl the purchaser learned thet he had a "hit," he would go to the managers'. office and demand that the envelope be opened in hie pres- ence, and then for the first time (?) the manager would be informed what tee numbers were. A person in this city some time ago made an ink that would fade away with- in a specified time -say two hours -and also an invisible ink that Would appear about two hours after the invisible ink diaappeared. • He wrote several num- bers in both kinds of ink, and inclosed them in an envelope. • If the number written in visible ink proved to be a "hit" on the arrival of the results of the drawings, he would go at once to the managers' office and demand his pay. - If not a "hitudie would wait until the visible ink had faded away, and •the numbers written in invisible ink hart, appeared and then go and claim a "hit' on the second set of numbers. This gave the buyer a great advantage, as if he bought twenty nunabers he would have ale advantage of forty. This scheme succeeded for saven menthe, drawing several thousand dollars from the pockets of the managers, but in fi- nally aroesed the suspicions of •Zecha- riah. E. Simi -mins, who saw that the per cent:nee of "hits" was greater than it should be. fie heel& the seals of the suspected, persons' envelepee and dis- covered thetrick.-N. Y. Trilpote, Arthur Bertram came hastening ao ern the oak walk.' • Not until then were the heavy crimsoir eartains of Christina's chamber windOw drawn aside, end 'a face all white snit haggard looked out to greet him. , Upon the lawn 'stood Lord Duncansbtsand Ellsworth. "Well, my ley, I am glad to see you, declared tit former, with the re- serve that so b' sines a courteous gen- digree toward one of the s that anu*eying busi- r hands? Are we to ble about it 2" . • . Good morning,. Sir his blue eyes bad in them at times a seraallitorfdh. ttlae m in appearance, almost to effixenacy,and light like the flashing of a swurd in the sunlight. The youog girl, who sat a little apatt from the lord and his. son, wes Christina Brunneil. She was a splerdid beauty. Her form was tall and full; her bead was elegantly shaped, and covered with wavy black hair. • Her eyes were dark, large and4ustrous ; her features were of the pureet classic type; her com- plexion clear. fair and pearly, and ote her lips and cheek glowed a roseate bloom. Christina arose and stepped back a space, with her both nands clasped. to- gether. :1 No," said she, "I would not marry you if you were a crowned. king. Indeed I could not ! " "We were saying then," resumed the the lord, "that we may name the seven- teer th of July as the wedding day. Bear tnat in mind, Christiva." ' "1 cannot marry him 1 I shall not marry him ! I would sooner die than marry him 1 " Lord Duncansby arose with an oath, then seated himself with a simile. a Speak to ber, Ellsworth," said he, turning to his son. " He need not," burst in Christina. " need not ; you will make me bate you Let me go away from here Let me go before 11 18 too late f Ah, you do not know what you are doing! " "By your 'We father's will I was ap- pointed 3010 guardian of his only child. My brother knew my north. .Until the age of twenty -One, you, madam, are to remain beneath iny watchful caro; then c, I will transfer all responsibility to tils- fe his voice radg out in the stillness - worth, there. It was our father's wish, 1 No ilanir,Pr Ellsworth I have you know; your fortune is but small.— itnow." My son loves you, and we have but to 1And thenjolkiving quickly upon the. nese well off have further ti "None, sir. Ellsworth." 1 Ellsworth g sped his hand eagerly. "You are home, Arthut. You came directlyr, eh? You did not atop on the w ?" "1 came dixtly, you may be sure. 1 Where could I top ?" "Very true. By -the -by, Arthur, you are just en t e. leo you see that branch of ivy jting out up there ?" " Over the It wing? Yes." " Father -WI were speaking of it as 3 ou came up. It looks bad. Will you aid me with ilih some way? About there the footne is safe enough, for the roof is flat; buil confess that I dare net look down fre4 such a height, but I 33 have not forgo en your contempt of clanger. to 11 case, hotvever, there can be none, fo I will hold your hand whilst you lean ver." " Nonsense! broke in Lord Dun- cansby. "Let ,rtnur get hie breakfast first ; let sonkpf these rascals around here do it." rf. , "Nay, my led Sir Ellsworth, I am at your service. moment or "There," ntii told you that b Come, Arthut, y it can be down before breakfast iii :int d " Lord Danceneby m below. The wan e from the half -drawn 0 , he narrow foothold of f to 112011 wore standing • . , We'll be back in a Allsworth, quietly; would not refuse. - They were stood watching face still pe curtains. U the th Ile down ; it was Arthur, decide upon the days" LordDuncansby said this as he might ea eeneryY, fttn7lcZhtsmthela,a tahres°wien'Ydowoi, have repeated a leeson by heart. Evi- e hoed 11, for, citsbing through the ivy dently this man was one •whof might viise, fell the boiiy of it limn! A man have gone through life, a passive son, nojonger, wheiiit lay at Lord DlInCanS- enough. Now, the lesson recited, he by \s feel, ..but,l1, maimed and ghastly foreseeing signs of turbulence and opei tliitr, wliilo a;' urly wound lay bare disregard, grew furioasly angry. Hard the1 blaciconed temple, and, lotting out thoughts were in his heart, and harder the life (Ica gaVo, spoke more titan eve' words upon his lips, but Ellsworth in- agaib might $$ gasping lips. ThOY terposed. •raised it up a4 bore it within. Elis - "You forget yourself, father—leave worth, whitp 4k1 stern, came dotrn, 00USiO. TOO time," he Whispered, " In the tate of IIeaven, how did it as he held open the door. 0.T1,11 me to happen ?" ii1811001 hib 1011.1Ship, •a wait and hope." frighterted !ens. But she, giving tto Sign, paesed quick- " Whic does he.ssy ?" WAS asked. 'IY " SaY ?; He is dead!" That evening she met this man:Ellstiwasacorpse that lay thoro worth in the hall, Ile stood before "Hew cei it happen, Vilsworth her, thus barring the passage -way. Try to thmit,'Ity hoy,'1 1 " Christina," in eager passionate tliswerth p1l3ansby had staggered tones," give the my anewer novv. 1 back an.4444p1 "leaete- s UpAll , cannot wait." the table.. Jew had it happened ? He The Mellow lIghtotthe harvest Innen endeavored to tell them, aid he sne, eithie glistening thee:nigh the great hell cooded. It ettnt have boonIt di7,tin0sa, windows, and fell abont the pair. an 01110°0d fr afr udl hVO owliness,osdenyOf love from Me you Cala Arai:lee grasp had roue& teo.tvote, ho )6 now and for all time t art1 as fak hafota. her Elletverth, Could obiteh from you ,as hoaVi',111 10 from 19,WYel',411e unfortunatb tont liad earth," balanced bianidlt Old so gone hastain lb -11-1014-4 t,noler. Soon after tlie accession to power ,of the late Sultan of Turkey, he 'entered on a career of reform, opposed to the prole and the prejudice of the Turks. To arrest in this deingareusscourse was the 'abject of toe Ulemas(Thrldsh Jesu- its), who resolved, if possible, to work on the young despot's mind by exciting his superstitions fears. One day, RS he Was on his knees, according to custom, in his father's' tomb, he heard a low voice reiterating from beneath, " I burn, I burn 1" The next time he prayed there (the 'same terrible words were ut. tered and none.other. The Sultan ap- plied to the chief of the Imams for an interpretation of this strange phenome- non, and was told that kis father had been a great reformer, and Wil8 DOW and any money and plate you haves in the house, and a hiss." "Go away you bad man virtuous matron ; go awae then dog on you, and Boes fierce, He bit a man twine I you on Taesday," she adr 1 4' Ha 1 he !" laughed' " that's too thin. Youvc •-.w.,.,-ba...int.p.n.,,otince of San the place.' 4' If you don't keep qui Brumzell, " rn call my bad mau. Here, Fred, shrieked, as the tramp seci ring. - "Yell away,"saidle, w laugh; your husband ain his llamas Ain t Fred, dale " He isn't, isn't he? it ?" ejaculated a big red whom Mr. Brumzell had fore, as he boueded in hit from an inner room. scoundrel," he cried, as, kick, he lifted Mr. Brum teor out of the back doo: eao ," replied the r, or I'll set fun Is awful oe as big as: led. 1 the tramp, 3 got no dog sage meat on _ pt," said Mrs husband, you Fred .!" ilhe ized a napkin ith.fti mocking J.IPTel ,Ut,1 aint, ain't -heeeled man lever seeti be- . slliet sleeves ' You info; snal wide a feat n•fal MODELS FOIL SC13121 ,g PAINTERS - jotrihr'ge8:4:"4:ettthrst7tweitelitliej.91 bitgick(3:111.eat:bstysiTt:81315.;°aet'h'b..„„e'ri.-- ingTengagedl It awtraaiedi;lee4asacre,o.: aPm:priorr dr lpotly tdi roelvsi nee' rnbeerflo. re. asynnedaarpisua, cisnroatiedirwistlisite:eP. wir is(31;r1iLithserlig , he Ptt nt:e'model nix• le :el: eeelyurillictiaeteliPlic et: et°0ilesinr ee8:1 lb" Ivo:: ir oil 'am° €:11:lo:f0;tteh:uo:: entire' . are capaEle of posing for' the i atherseradeiP1 e to QthseairiabeYanfotrytahndeireeseltevtrir444: hi ;he ague° receiving, of course, the stor -It pay. A eaelsese:c belt painful ..i,thiese med. . theta t esetl eabur ast.e a to411:31szw li1111/7 Yo2aPhceang171rEeecintig.onliistilielegtliririte, enecIrttcilees:;-)fi;Iften,1)..rtn,ilisrheiliw: 1. i1 the ioaLhea o -ht I wasn'tire Brunezell's twO in't got no dog, • rsook 1" and a d like a piece of lower jaw like 'art, and applied Mr. Brumzell't barrel.;. "I'll teach you. wife 1" awl he hauled Mr by the peek tied ewabbe• , with him. "Yeu thoue •• eh,?" and knocked Mr. eyes hit° one. . "Hai ueither ? Here, Nero - big bull -deg, with a tai maccstroni, droppedihie a tailboard of a coal c: himself' to the alai* of I11 1;al non 8. " Ili 1 Mercy! I shoot! Police I I-Ier papers. reicinda I yelled the unfortunate After some ilitlicul 6 a large percentage Of te and put it to bed, wly Fet4;11e11111:13sonir'fitillc:Bel:1!ilei.1:i(011181el‘1.13jit Yrauissi'.0ki arri d froin s t ,3rurrizell's brotl ler Lords as hor husban( ioalt n perfectly and radiantl b y eautiful • • her services as amodel were eageri • .; engaged for months ahead at the rate of fifteen francs a cloy.: She was un- der the charge of an old Italian woman and was a thoroughly naive and chilli:. like little creature, delighted to pose foi English and American artists, because they spoke her language, MEd far More -- interested in the cakes andsugar-plurns that were liberally bestoyed'npon :her than in the money she was making or in the degradation of her position. One of her own countrynie.u, by dint agues coning ber, drew from her the story' of her entrance unml her questionable end gperilous • career. She was the daughter of a small thop-Iteeper in London. Her parents svere very poor, and the Italian woman agreed to bring the girl to Paris, to school, clothe her and to pay her parents one shilling a day or her services. taying she was to • sit in leslian peasant costume to the Iurrender ! Don' t your en o rn s I'm Brumzell 1 inane y, they recover ee bee the de e it was identi a. Philasider Bru It atibsegner ,t1 3 JUSTLY P The other night liorso-car started fi fice t run up tow; east side avenues. left forMilwan Icein i French liTti8t as a blonde cantadinh Instead of keepieg her contract the wreched Italian had hired out the poor child as a model for the entire figure, and was reaping a rich harvest for her services. The Englishman laid the caee before the authorities, and the Italian was arrested, tried for that of- fence and convicted. The lovely girl model was placed in a convent to be educated. at a tale 110' ar, ae0TtIlniiireterahiregalini:owwiiiieopf elet-tstartsie. the cars ---that 11 s the fellow located down town, who with a little whistle signals the drive rs when to go 'aboard this particular et er to go home. In the car were a you ng friend ofthree, an aged gentlemen e, and a lilac ragged newsboy with le apers in his he aid. The burly starter ne n Sooner saw he gainin than he seized him by the • collar. throw him bed , of the door with cinch reliably suffering the penalty of his im- force that thi little chap :fell heavily prudent course. against pe t• ailing, and, be gan to cry The young sovereign, lectreely credit. bitterly„ Ai ; this the aged gentleana ; ramoVed in g his owli eats, then sent his brother. indaw to 'pray in the same spots and afterwaiela several others of his house- hold, They went, and eFtcli time the word8 " I burn 1" sonmied in their ears Ps though from the grave of the bneied I 'n 1 At length the Sultan proclaimed 140 intention of going in ft ,procession if state to his father's tomb. He nt with a magnificent train, Itccompenied, IV the principal doctors Mohatnine- dan law, and again during his devotions the words were heard, " burn t" trembled etteopt the Stilt:tit,' Rising froth his iniyer.,carpet, he lcalla his gthirae and cominanded Quint to dig up the pavement and reinov6 the tomb. It was in vain th at the Muftis inter, posrep ed, robating so ,groat peeforis, Lion and uttered dreadftil Warnings as to its cohseqttences. The Soltati per. slated. The foundatiOns of the toMb were Ito Ntre,hutt in onvit$,. thilttully loft hi tho stonfrosvorlt Whet femtid, not h bytoitirfinigngra'OSnlatiTho rrtgilif,700611itiltiatirVailelot.t 6 tit 0 • n rose and said it TA Wa i a very mean. 'Thing for you to do," The stal er brutally eerie' "1 can attend to nee own busineat without yon troubling "go ureelf The n ion replied with et severely : " 13itt 11'wa $ the get of a power& Sir." "I'll ou' rard you," saki the holly, wheroup en the old gentlemapt Said, "Ge ill." Il tny young frienl rose, and began te gut in a word; lett tho old trim bet ye, Land said, " lam very much °timed to you, sir ; bet 1 ne arguing this Otteio, 1 f yon please.' • At etib is' he slapped the Starter eneer UM clic( k 110 that the 1b101,V aotinded like torpeJlo ixploding. The titrter was about tee se ittare off when the Old hublie let hurt hP i've a stmget ithe othtit 4 Laughable Story. Some tins° ago there was'ins London for the season a lady who18 very well known in the Etencli fashionable world. One day slie ha-ppeneci to see in the streets a monkey lyegging pence froin the publio 'lie prettiest manner for the benefit of his roaster, au organ - grinder. The Illarquise took a fancy to it, bought it, dressed it in the gaud- lest of ettiment,and made it fli pet, 'the lady the other day bad in Paris 06 fashionable reception for the benefit'of /nodes, and, of course her pet was the wender of the room. In the course of the etconing a young lady Sat down at the piano, and; aecompaoying herself, sang with exquisite taste a little drattr- • ing rootn song. As soon as the may had finished, the monkey, oho, though now partiEdlY civilized, had not for- ' gotten Iris former dutiea, seized a ht' ' mut holding it before eaeh guest, he: cording to hie '011010111, donemeneed it coltection. The vocalist laughed; 0630 the Alarquise looked vexed, but to the orrinsoment of everybody, 'the *filmic,' Went the rounds' and' telleeted a le c1 lee1 t. 11 ho brattitieVe leenal11j 8tlin' 11'4 6351 66, itithOod totqattit tnie dear, old ',loan fol. 01v.t1,10 kn, ea of tlittoTtiger, amidn'atioutit towirvg n up arid deilitig Oat) after Alla 1411811141'r 461)Ogited the eehtetifit alap over eyes and eare. When elle his lott leollectierfwrit, starter got Outside he oried to the old ot oottriii*o deVeted to tbe otailiatae maxi, who had Sitt dowil • hold, lytitSiboitute n it, 001110ltt