HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-24, Page 4E W • .,$4: : . • • -trs ago, while still working at Ab hat r, Clor ; 11011); .t oe(1ayt9teUpy ews almto fil0101e COWS., I Open0(r. the fitfibi tf,'00 the Ontario „tl'ov,erinnent itt„r-10q:,.'4}A:,th0 (1100ii, thu yan't—ok teheet to the new uenc flu1I pNr04,44, inale.--etartc‘i in, but stopped ju,s V11111) INtlien a man hae namle tan Ills, Mina t'o go „mad, he !night at leaot ehooso e Ina time, better than aid Portaiin, jo7: ilyoi ati Qa twxl!,0501,ettott,001,tiotriiguttafiifilot4(11, '1).4:g91:474.181,,,,,elle''a',1!v9alit of lrl„.1#4,1qti.:Qb.11a4t1t9u:.e1;laltgi91(18#4 about, tt8 appoare , be the enetout that city, to go round and shave hie customers when he was seized with hi- sanitV, ITIMou,sciotts,' of (mitre°, of tine objectidn'td hie profession; the poor Man oallea P4 the Art of th.e tierre., 4i1 ffieial of high standing, whoee laved 'Vial soon well in, hie gresp. When the lanatic began as tosual to entertain hie Patient with the itewseoa the day, the etatedi his mind heCanae, 46.1:).arent to the lueltless patient, who lietChed in terror while the barber tleseribed hie winnings in the lottery, and the great improvemente m,eart „te efteet' Alke, 'appear,anaO ty,4,100q,„; gQ,..,1.1tt14 1:owever the Preeence.ei mind' to make no reply, and.' the lunatic art length bowed himeelf,onc. The next custom - ergot rid of laim at the expense of go- titig ehout ell day with one half of his boa Ail 84 V89 . The lidw eve r; fared' far Worse: The hmatic was b,y this. tirne a raving maniac,' and his ra- vings, accompanied by the wild flour- ishes of his razor;:po appalled the gen- tleman that noW prepared to shave, that the latter ieolt reftwe in another roonz-sloelting the ebarbber hie-, Qin tidi eli4aS-pedbui'ecl'.1" Thcniltaa'A in- sanity was prodneed, by the continued use of strong drink, and gembling in ; Doubtless the narration of the macliiiati's raid and its cause has tradied the'bitizens- .of Prague into hirsnta but„tem.peratn4aa ecenomical ocniiminirtY" peed by thign, Thr„,, irsideof t„he .40;or and would go a/r 'At wth it-nt by our .teadaS e6,t 441,4444,44h,) 90,1441 prosent stabto WitS dO and* 1 urged „her 'bat o 1easny Pepartineat, to purpose. ) kieled,, and found. two To en-10'Feb 1.1 1676j ould play at that game, Tier conduc - t beg t)tdize.,.6 your atteirion was 'so amtt Illat 1 theu. began to fellowleg pi-0,'„ieioes of the At 11:iv() it:gate, and feuzitlthat a sunbeam jobt ;ptissed aniouding the laoy, 68/4„toiA e due through a crack and remilied ,,,efettet„ fee sate of iefeoet,t,eaele, across the stable just before her, mak- fy 1. (1`1.1., '','.:tvers of the „Volice Cona,ling the little dancingmotes plainly visa mis rnersw eitiee, and ti iiioj. ble, and looking for all the world, like )rkovik ii towcp, , in,o.poratert Iagesnnitovnsli Etl:C; treneierred the iiew az 6L10JO 19 Oo2n1531' ta ts to be appointed bv the Governing 9 The time for granting licenses inideOhre ninendinent A.ct begins from tbc fist day of My in .eaph „yrear- Between this date (11th ,tnetiet), and' the fiftentijidy4f Lruh, all OK - sting lieensee, may be renewed MAU the telt day of May next on payment of one-sixth ofthe prceout dut vincial and enonlepal. The s :are a her newly pelt n'pe eyer Which she could seareely leap, and, under whieh she felt it leipossible to ef.awl, Enjoy, iaag her perplexity now that the cause was plain, I waited and laughed to see her UR hol .1.mmk .'(exidintitly, ,compating th9„heig1it of %ail s1i)P5s(dnibetriact1on \Oh tiOlne hinge °yea' which the mis- chievous ereature had broken in past y6) mid thou give it up, as Was plain the feet that she began tp calculate le chances of crawlihei tinder,e4tal*, ,took , t head over, it: Explanation r .: t;he Malnampal duty, shallbo paid to e .4%,.',wits a 5s, os A i.§„ita sundry like oases •:;;;ea.'etar,er of the inunicipality, and tilt- Fitmong, moreititellient animals., „and 4,0,,,e'rirovince to thloproseat,i;st' sugit tlhe fun was toe good to spoil by coer- "rim Provincial iesaers' wair.", tipon this Oon, kt length I Went round and ri.-ejteiseet'oele, ,,end(aee the renewal 'of 'loured the sliced turnips slowly into eaal Iii3e4se ekdr the first day of May OW Illauger- 'Xhie,WAs.tee.ml-lon- 01(1 nex,k., 1. The inspeetors neretolore. Irintlio evidently Made"%iii,'.; her Mind tiplecent4by the Police Commissioners, Oiat BAG nillst risk, e.vekt1n1A-f°1''tfle oreigemeapal Councilet. have no 14,14er 'Ile"' So with 5 . S4a'clen- I"P; she fl'o'°tio'ne 031-Vovi'ere, and cos ioW, eleared the obstruotion," withont ,69,tich- "4e etiist. 5. - The inspectors to bet' - ipgAtlao,ngla she came down jii4e0ere tnitted be the Government - it w u h ' e -Lea feat which ovi- :ovine die, issuers after the ;den . y 'a oni.6 nit 1 er —tind took hgr .4.1.tzatche net ; and. excepfitig '. placeat the -manger-. r$118,1,00ked,„ as if filit'pOSq;'pf atedewing the 1,z;esent I she coul lino ttseefA95,t400,04 IR ,itla 0 es J,ilf the first da,y uf Mity next, ' shout that greeted: her. It .was serious i " Titiee of all ereeeet,issnere w' al ()ease, business to her., And ever stlilFgftt '; The Act ' previcles the maxie see one delaying 66 do plain cl:hg,' te'r iinnt, for the, j.ssue ef tavern lloo. " ;adoes„'dtas:thre ,- vb. I. Petal iee_ an ', i' 4 Ca ' • t —'d :In c4ifetoje,d,e aod, in 30,-poitae vii4 comforteble to him, but aro only sun, 041.44 Which shall 'nidehe new License shine—or ettoonshine—to any ,one oleo,- puara, viz, -1 for each full 250 Ofillie t,Ittlwaye think of old, -Brindle, and en-' ekete909,,,, ft, , th 0,,,,:p,9,1) watioxl,,40044.„ ,t,, .de3dtt.Le td, 1-1 n 11, out ' Nyhat is turntip i,. tto' to .Doeniop,Aegol -la .,:, , . , ,, .,-,.., . ' dame isOorderin.mAdita% , Ens. en, 0 1 - One for, ealf.-'4 Cf over the*first 1,000 te . of„ the .popu1ati..01, apeordingeto ,the 11.mnipien pensus, ;hilt no.t SIer license. nIcY Oa i iexceed the ntunbar now um 1.: cities the DLL nber for naxt year may to b. theee-fourth 8,9f. the p.t, eseat illitlIber. :N-tanitiiptil Coaneals pose is',',„b-041444..rhkt lisdiction to the folloWing'q'Sfeki,t.iWil ,Ths Council of eVory citS,"; Cewn, villitee 'pr township muzzicipality may, by Cy: itltv .rd* be paes ;d ber- ra ths. first day of i , . e ,111arch n auy. yo, r, 1 mit the number of ., favern lacenees below the lint imposed y Vie Ac; ; and'm ty‘alie limit the . . umber of shop licenses lo be granted. i2r) T1t9 °"beil of a"IY citY'' c'r 'town icy' Seel -ding to recognize her, he ItnLY, by 3 8'4154' 1-1Y"1"?, Presorloe 'teetIlied briskly op to tie", and .seiziug - , µniter reqairements as f 0 the (Leanne-, , 'her hand- with -the familterity of an old acquaintance, aeoosted her with'e " My dear , ',M14,a„,,howdo you do ?, : how left you sent; ivy . tfatber, and veuJritble mother; Aila when did you co inet to. town PI • ' 4 ut Inaiwnitneene fk4@k3,,AS Ull'iledesFary na.icialetts-tis•'it iniiviivieltin'g clear of ;imaginary obstructions as 'did old Brill'. ung Qt,. aretp. Scetchnanaster of, some humor iN17di8 0331Uldiy, r0 tIghf, the.etreets, of Edinbu.tgli, dressed in his rough itynntry clothes, when a yonng lady,' the leader of a group of, fa hionable belle, surveyed him through her, quiz zin glass,yeither.ssspro cnrintloy:: than leAhotight'iceelastent with fentiaie deli- tt. tiou to ,he possessed by trw'grals, and $ - iso confine, tile basinep of the shop- - Porter px'eltisiVely Ici,!the keeping an& elling of liquor. (3) The Counch of any municipality -may, also by a 74K. . eitanlar,by,law, increase,duty on tagern t , . 'Ail this was expressed with the en - pr -shop licenses;to $1100. '1. in ruttire all applications for tavern licenses must elms," that'the tavern is a well appointed .c e•' pia sufficient eating house, as well as in other respects possessing the a0001110- ilation requiled'hy law. 8. Th' appli- cations for new licenses should be made Lefore the first day of Am il. 9, WhOle- gale licenses are now strictly Iinited to •ifliblecate dettlera; Ida The duties fix - for, licenses are ai follows ?ale. $150 • Shopand Tavern, in cities, 100; Shop and, Tavern; -In ;Itcraoas, 4480.; Shop and Tavevn.,:in ottier muni- ;,41palities, $60. One-third goinbr-toethe •f)ro'vince,, and two-thirds to the Munici. intlity after all the expenses are eray and rapidity of recognition of an old familiar friend, and with an air of eqditlityItlittle 'savoring of superiority.' The astonishek fair ,one Bad not time to withdrawher liabdpr t� Make a r.2- TIT until he paused, 8,8 if out of breath, and waited for her to.return his mita, greetings, looking her still in tilre face. , •• . The fine youngelady'by thislitne. re- co-ered from her confusion, and hasti- 10a-drawing' gier 'saiate with sOine` alar " You are mist•Aten, " What," replied. he, " is it ,possible, my dear, that yond'oilot identan Tudeed,'I "'!'• llerdu'de,a*. 'Me -wme of "Y exeqss " Neither do Tyou," said the parson ; prescribed. by hy-law also gdes letethe. ‘, Municipality good morualf- mbar' ett -and ma - mg a ceremonious bow, he walked I have the,:honou 6o be Sir -2 'Yon r etc ent,servant, ALidCitotuts, .Treesurer. MflGLIt4 --eareeet . • T,1-1E,ArNt1).1.E OF A.ND CATTLE. The acoumulations ofthe horse .stablese and, also of the stables of cows and otker 1147 cattle, should always bs mingled together ika the yard or COMpOSt heap. Hence stabiesi,elteald open into yards over whicli.lbIittcr fhlf,-1-7 AP horses -and 9o,,vs sh,9,nikehe rsel„itlatijy spread every day, 11S thid'ineane alphe - will it ,good reeult 4k; eiehkiitztfl. OThei,, .respective merits cf boxea_and foldyard4 for fattening cattle in ,,great measure,,( depend updit Atte A tialtV (itt dung they! ttiris oat., t the bui la eenenaleal in the matter or strum, ,bad. NI ill be.pateena pd '6i this reason Li suburban districts. Xt is also favorable for ,the manufacture of good manure, as being nucler,t,cover,; ,the liquor ip wetted,by the droppings -of animals tily.(,,, ,the .,=,;01;e`t1,:':SEtyp fin .agricuttiiral paner,is:Stillnidre eboiJO-. mica.' of straw. but it is not favorabl-t to ,.. dile manufaatIre qf good manure, owing, to the, ttAlitia***004115:1 /. I it,ter Ire,isit )554'04?..,ikbe:'0..,A4.041,3..Y.:0,9,0 hit° tit co arts aiii.11,4r'' ' 04,44* -4.? Y ',:,.,'yo.utig .stook . "' '-',10ild ' . lititikii r ,,' V lit, ter its theycareia Veraete,t s open,e '41111.1 are for this '1.4l1;ion preferred in rural districts, where the value of straw not yet felt. Excellent manure May -be manufactured in small troligheti ,folds, with a considerable portion of ,shechling. Cattle will do well in any of, these forms of accern9datimi, liut, if tied up in byres it Wills bd 41im:the, as well a profitable, •-{.91•04/11,ht'kru8lie 'Maitipeattbet,k,,,alaitt'l membered that arnta mals thus ee fine cannot lick or rub theanselteo, tfildr.that thsy are depriVed of the tooling effeets „of air and rain. The ajcin,,Under these ,cireurnstances beociriCerritftble,, and, Atlicroa 11 -1 el 4? 'Vet. :Brushing and 'cleansing the skin', 6:nd ,attention to the 'state of the feet, cannot, be too Strongly* 64foreed.—New Herald. '„` lire always ,Valiiable in all en terpris,es and 'rsieetipta- tione ; but they, preduce,,ketfer results in farming thatr itt anythingielso., Int illitstratiott Of. the difference between farming with or without brains, the 111,1$,taclorset18 Piou;flottan lovving Two mon, hoth of 'correct habits, both industrieu,s, settled on 'farms adjoining hatI,01)ottt the , area. The one had his. farnt given Itito ; the ether bought, his arid ,paid $100 110SYli and a mortgage not; foe the balance, Twenty years aftv footickti,O4 gift ferro'clOpit'ed with wort - gage it the o&mpatits ,e,Oinpolled to ;move off. The, other had paid for his 4rni itt hill, educated three boya, n;built ov„1 /tat a triode]. barn, and had etn of ar)tpley ITI -mortgage I stitAqo the farna ; but f i T0 WAS' (vi efit„ One pit a i-ft(140.40 all ar'e of braille 'into his at mind the IMilding diseoneOlately the tail. e' other farmed it blind." til their thargeo equte ottt, ., ,. '..* „...,,, awav. comenti tha following extract to the thotightintstudyfethe pang. Nothing ete ,sti:disgiastingand. repugtamit to the feelings of the good and thought- ful as to hear the young, or even the old, use profane, low, or vulgar langu- age. The young oi the towns are par- ticularly guilty 9f ,Rrpfgpity: In. Mfr. day it scAni6:;tbil, toy dose not feel him- self unless he can excel in this peat vie. ,„, 'giiardithe young cadain3i the use of every word that is not striCt- 1 roper-,Us,(3,4,0 ProfaPP exPresPio.P. te'no Sentence that!pdt to - blush the most sensitive."'' You blow not , the tenslency of hebithadly using indeceni dr. prO'fitnel.languageo It .4-..issy life-ohlitetittetfrotheYonr-listirt.— Theiirey.ouegr.owt. up,. yetj, may find at LICE ON LIVE LTOCK. . . At the: last: meeting.. Of tile .,Central New York Farmers' Club, the following statiments' were. made • Ilene Iiarritt; Lewis ---I have 'found that hd„dflii'L'Ar Carbolic soap is the best freMerly for lice uneneattle, but Ideeire the opinien 9f the club regarding treat. went for hoe during Whiter, Hon; Samuel 'Canipbell--Phe,bdst retnedyrjs ,theapplictution,,o1„,-gr,egeta..or PitI'flfiCd'heabiettOd aolintPgritfitslY,, ta'firi6441. by licoywithwhale oil, anct this remedy quickly cured hini. „ '5i%; L, found!, .pe,t ;CA ettr(Miet,- J,otsyj Iapp1iod gi"tease 0.00,7 Tho' patinae!, sWelled oVer the entire surface of his body, and seemed about to die.:''Thos"lice-were destroyet1„; but .respiration in the, anniml was ,olietaked, I concluded that the applica- tion of much grease was dangerous. -- The safest remedy is a washt).repared by boiling,mnall potatoes. OntiOn juiee is also a valuable remedy. • set. ..4,:igEwarsE4s,E Arvioric( SABEI'1.—The effect'of the remarkable' weather of. this .„ aititOF emysti,entking;to show A peculiar feier has broken out in se- veral large floaks of sheep iu the coun- ty which, in many instances, has'prov- ed fatal. This has been originated by the. ,wet weather keeping the coats of the sheep in a damp ana unhealthy state.. ,..Sheepethe mongrel breeds espe- ailly;,Wotild,..iii:ixiosk ins.ttnicead'rather tiist to bare, wet fields 0 pport than submit to regular rations of dry hay and turnips. The eating of the frozen gre,ss,apd sleeping in the wet fields has started this disease, whion shows itself by a heavy discharge. from the r ostrils. The Weal 'loosens and cair'.tie away in handftilS, the feet S.Well;' and the rmitnta silts out its cud without chewing it. If, when -the first.aymptom ShoWs iteelf,.the.Sheepls -Putein a close, warm pan,,, and fed boy, grain and other, stimifiattng foQI an1 .1,tept .,from water and turnips for a couple of days, the ,siSeessee will be .ehecked and thEr ffrhowever, the ani., mal is allowed to run in the fiells, the disease will undoubtedly prove fatal. , A man rushed in to Thomson's drug shire the other .day and called for ome brandy. As he seemed very Much overcome by something, Thomsen uickly gave him 80,113e. After the man lad taken a good drink, Thomson von -- tired to ask what was the riptte,r, with LOcking up -1,+ his late th'e, nen, in a sad tone; said, "Yon 900 lye back in tile couiitry 'a pieee,',arld I, ante here to bear Moody and ' Sankey', bd that sot me tc thinking about, the; And as. 1,t,,was coming by liele„' happen6dtb thilt how it would be, if ehad the same law now that they ad in the time of Moses. 'An eye for eye.and a too„thiek ? /laid hen I thOUght of what woufdtavehe- otne:lof me -then, I wil.ted.” Yes but; at makes it affect you so?' asked, hemson. "Sir 1 you see before you a entist, who has:svent his life in puli- ng teeth,',' and wiping his eyes, the than fergetting tri pay, for the randy he had taken. 1 NV a nzt,c,„Afgts end seine 'expression ,c which; you would not use for any money. w It Was Used,Wheii quite yolingoBy u-s- itlg care you,ivih save yourself 6, great la deals,of thortificution az.4„,e,ercetv.. Goo met] have' been taken erucl.becaine; delirious. In thesple9ineute the/en:so the most vile and indecent language their restoration to health they liad no idea of the pain they had caused. Thep, had „le ar ITO ions (I , afic .41i4ithe', Year 'tad passed since, the121,41)Teep,,itide1-... ibly stamped upon their heart. think of ,thi(itti'ilicriVei,iif4dAoim, p rept r 1fl yoarself or your frlenati, IIALIVNOMIM11•11.440•11*11.111•111k Btprp.„&,.(Foop,d3,IDE,u..,-- itiTt:;,,de'rie0epi ssrrSeV.iSit- ,et4 hantlaiii Suez en .cornparzy, w ItlietVidir,iromEthoinet• Said, the fiatureecanal-,rnalterleapt his Arabda- oaf.° bf 4141.1illedilste's"5steeds—over a 149P1.0"00,1401.441: for a rfenclirila n-'`dh atsi v ;few, hotire tato:ward, thy were called ,nitts'te;Np listen to do Les- sep's Ole 'Canal, they being in his own, snore tIti to judge of niece of lib-rer t • than of a greet undertaki were of the cipinien Mod, whom they h- wnfl 80 Einiarrtl, 00n a(1006 r and 00 they nnat vo vaeir atIliesion to th*d1 ridr1e impros4ed the sheiks, generals ietere of tbeNiceroy itis-eimmiwitteamte. -4Orantamesumemstinat ,,. • Cip : . 0 .0 "tf) ;t1 ; 0, , 44,11 as,gn ••=.• •••. W0 rc? 0? o; (33 ch .41 C.) ' g o , '.O r..) '81 0:1 o 4, tfg fac,14,, g ' , a cict•, • project, Towarttii; throe o*cloolt in the,- after- iwon the streets surrounding the Hip.' podipme were crowded wigs wOndeir and girls hurrying toward the different ontranceg, Sosno had Bi.b168; others books and a, large proportion of thon ca,rried 110 books ob all. l‘lany of theta hio,eseort8--yontlorvion Who re•4 itiotryopttad with (lion et tile doore, for it W11,3 txdjusiVely n NVOTtiell'S meet. ing--abri 1014 a,,Itind of int'ortnal meet, ;rig ot their uwxl ouMitle, or' otrollert QBOCEROEL 4.g044 V". ...AT 1 •'l •S-•- ..P:e7ople DBU has rAleived a large stock of tory OCEI1 croozEive Sko. 6189 a laige Stocic moorlit'fisd sizots , imitable forlzall and Winter, coosistibg 161).'s, .r01 Those in want of a first-cittss article iu the Boo and shoe line should. not fall to • , . EXAMINE MY STOCK Befor,e inkroilasnag,, as -my experience of thirty years in thatline en a Ides 100 in purchasing to select that only which sun recoluntiend. A LARGE LOT OF irst liasBacon JUST RECEIVED• 3. CRUNNICAN BRODERICK'S OLD S1.-,'AIND. 'a- • STOVES` Wiiy Don't You Cio to Johns? -rohns keeps up Main streot, at his old stain', wh ere he has been for 18 years. Johns has nacre(' into his now shop now. Anybody will( toll you where ablins; Tiu-shop is. If you do not know \dors to find it, ask tho first man. y ou• see hi 'Exeter td,fihOW you, 'He'd do it. Nt'llext you get Ulan kilo tho. place because there is no other place ill/4 t. like it In e world, Jaime stills armies, Unwire an‘things. You'll see thee•ilyitYC g Chitty out on the sidewalk -allot them nutrked 111 plain figures.. You don't need to ask tor what you want, You oan pick them up anywhere. ' 'JOHNS 8 LLSCHEAP so his store is always full of anon Last Saturday his store was chock full,of mon and women, anti ho laut as muelin as lie ,c'sculds,i-o 'to talc° the money, Such a Ibt of moneyl I toll •S,oe those New Patterns '.of Stoves are Stunners. N othing Uke bem in those parts. ,"Then ,thore is such lots .1 1 *Hot -Air Drum:s and other things. Suth .bercutifu 1 amps, ritw unandeliers Table Cutlery. Cruets, Mats,,Brass and Enamelled .Ketiles,o'Bituce) ans and • Pots, :Churns and Brooms, Baskets and Butcher Knives, • Sausage Machines and scales, Coal Oil, Black lead, etovp pipe varnish, eau! hun (trade of other things -alt useful and good, and you'll end them piled from. the cellar up to the ceting.' . • NOW JOHNS IS NO GOV\TARD, but follus do crn*a arofruct. Min and ask 95 many questiths and pay„,biln so , mealy 4colnplimente about his stook and his grand way of doing things, that he gets 111220 01 contusticatod, and leses him- self upeln the garret COUNTING HIS MONEY (if bei has any). The best time to see biro isann rainy days, He is always aro inattlifin,' you want things that aro usofurt 4101 ornamentel it makes no difference what day you call, because his men will adrave make you feel 118 11 you were at home, and Will ABU you things ()beeper than YOU 01111buy_thern eisowhere. TI -X47.7.6 ,70X-11\TS dYSTERS OYSTERS! Oysters! Oysters! , GROCERIES bREAP, AT G. SA_NDIE3B.'„ i'ost Office Block. An exthlleut stock of Groceries andConfeet ory on 119211. CHOIE TOBACCOES and CIGARS. Sportsmeu supplied with Ammunition. ..S411001,1?,0010, Seationary, Magazines ALL THE LA.TES I' NOVELS. gam. ._-01,,thig whine Needlesof every End fo , G SX.NDERS. TOBACCO ENGLISH SHAG --AT— KEMP'S TOBACCO STORE If you walit A. d-pdf 5it Cigar TRYEMP'. FINE CUT SMOltill 64 Cheting_ Tobacco Cigars -wholesale ancl Iletail. 11:diE1 LS SUP.PLIED: opposite Rbs .Plampg,taWs EXETER, „ N W &lin SHUR lie undersgnoct would inform the inhaln- thants of Eieter afid y that ;,he lis OPENED A,4.4kirLW BUTCHER Si -IOP 011'0 door south of his 131aAsoi1t1i shop and hopeff the BlIna0 liberal patronage that. P114,boan aO eoyde4 to him in tilt, I , nr,e.ortiuxrir AND wAeoil line will be toktandod to binl in his new branch cy business, His meat wagon0fl-call at the rest derive of the villagers three times each week an It s titi kinds hart 6on sin utlY bn Itand at tis ha elm shop, , 11. .B11clelhithirig mini wagon making carried as urinal In alP itf3 bY2,31.91f1A; • R DAVIS. ' - GUN iHr.f. I*OX $110V1. AlqD Litira.ca oxrie :".)- N,101.1 having real ()veil to teix.P.P.Pal.dea,ey, ,Mr. kf, Sonth,„ co onflActoly r-Onovate(i 046 pflini; 0iglti&,4 .404 Lib fottitio,so aft , to eexamatio ' "Oiloi--ii'0.H:dst,TAight4L'114',4,'„%ti.', , . „ is prepared to exccute wialf, in 6Mt-ola66 a'),160- Acanowlodging past patronage, he be a von- , tlananue of the 14,100. 0 'O'C PIA'119. Attenti°u Is 99-1194 te his if teek, of Vrafacs Afc,, having oh 14,44.etsees/ate.491-1 '''' "tt' glee:4:es, osse teete; 34 ' illealf,"5,,,,tg 410100 99 at moderate rates,- peidences p4OtOgr ft Photographs•when re- alaaloa, $,42 Per dO(44 Cnbincts, $4; Intlieritt14, 0 MANUFACTUREs. 0. I. COMMON SENSE s1 liaVe h"cai'cl abortf, you," aifirwluft 1haVe 110ar4 i8 ',VIVO. The best -second to none iu ;t1.ib ' • „ ' '17:Tho #613.3. 11.H, Dyas, st .4:01.es Hotel Sta- bles, who also payspash for :141;46 • '.(;ititor'thero6t id D.JbNS. STEM RAK&1CRADLE ,FACTORY C 0 T TLE mAririf,aorunt( wooltinHarvesf, 1,004 .Fork FlanAles, Grain Cradles, Ve will haye-roady for ;tbe .coming harvest, the • •' celebrated ulkeY Hay- Rake ovelty in this section. , -,A113110:14.A_I\TTS, flnd it to Their Advantage 14Buy their Sleek from llt as 1111.)aprepared to ‘deatIivith them as 1101180/10- 11iy 118 any otherm establishment, anilto give prompt attention to all orders, W1101.03SLE Ss RETAIL, Turning Of 'all kinds maae a specialty in the business. G-EORGE COTTLE RX(.1iC1', Aprll 8, 3875. THOMPS011a 'W'ILLI4XS 1111. A.GRICULTURAL IMPLEITE NTb, Boiler nd 19 -"he Works IVIITCIIELL; ONT. Two -horse power troda. Sawing machine thhis machine has been th.ormiglxIi, tested. and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION Its supplied with a :E3A_NI) f or driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crasher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex cept for the belt. TRIAL OFFRED. All kinds of Farmingimplements 110131 constantly on hand. 1 BOILER SI -101:1 in full operation: GI E of all sizes to order. PII1E.B -Kept issett's Tin shop, Exeter. , promptly dttehtled ,THOMPSGN & WILLIAMS, Michell.Ont. :EA argernont of Premises 11'tf tOFtil()Vb),), tat/ATIFTED, FOB pationv),.boStowed on 1* -tdxito Ile eoinnumeed teiwriess, would acquaint Itis TaalaaCiatt fEkna$ kUiti„ OtAfStON),(nli W4h, the fact that hdhlts enlarged bit present ptico of linsiness, and addeil largely to his stoa of, Loather, including French, Canadian awl Nuaerroan, and he Js Prepared to fill all orders 11,w,140 WY bitNYored with on the shorteet no. ty1etbnt Cannot be surpassed in the CoUntY ortIeion. W. TROTT, Meter, Jan. 1,570. 20.1118 CLOTHING. Exeter Clothing House ,. The undersigned having secured the servi- ces of a fliet`-'4144 Outtor, (LATE OF (JHIdA6b),' , is prepared to fill satisfactorily all orders with yhieti he inay be fit'voied.' ,,Thc expelionce and et -moose Of Mi. Starri's in cutting and fit- ting gainunfts 'warrant Me itt g ttranteeing. , PERVECT FIT 01 everythie who favors me with his order. 011account of the hard times am deter- ' mined to,,sell clothing at, A„ lew,prices as any o thor.clo thing heuse.in the Wetit: :1 I BUY AND SELL FOR CASH. A choice lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods ill reoeived. Cloth beuent from me cut freest barge. • J P DelcINTlatE .75) PALL, (75 Gen ts Furnish' Outfit itiiiishmoni THE SIMSORTEER, EEG -S it/4N, flounce that he has just received a splendid ;assortment of CANADIAN, SCOTCH 36 ENOLISH -TWEEDS BLACK BROADCLOTHS, Ltz DOESKINS; ETC., which for STYLE AND QUALITY WILL BE HAF,D TO BEAT I TAILORING Department is replete with every modern im- provement, and furnished monthly with meal -17,0N PLAtAS OF American Styles and Cuts All Work guaranteed, and cut in the me fashionable style. Call early and see one of the choicest and best selected stocks in town, and offering low prices for cash. C.SOTITHOOT 7 ••••••11.. FLOUR McLENNAN'S OLD GRIST MILL Exeter, TTIIIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN- A. timate that haying recently overhauled and Refitted the MaOhinery, He is now prepared to do ciusirxilt in a Brstelasi manner; and for a few weeks while there is plenty of water power, wil chop clean DRY GRAIN FOR 8 CENTS PER BifW Hurry it along before the stream' freezes up, PLOLIN 'AND' FEED as mufti at Who: esalb Prices, When taker from the Mill by the pur bha,ser. And from additional improvement that he has completed, he is now pre- pared to do I -I 0 IY 13,. I G every working day. Parties can have .their gfist home the some day ,t with them'. , D. M'LENNAN EXetei• Defc §0, 1875. waessinswilfgasestwat '�NIH FO D R Bathia:st & Wilinton Sts., - T.A.R.To JOHN EILIOTT, PROPRIETOR. l'IANUIPAUTURIlk 11tovror, - to, FlowP, garg-Flows. 'Common. Sense S tte 14g ; -AND AL IMPLE111ENTs USEJU 13Y FARA/Rub. PARIVIERS' 6 ettaillia. eft Kett Ciallotee-strOet, bortifiett drirdidodir ' VI) s 1impt(A6,itt has a dnahle dfstribtithig ritin'erlii", fi:rid i'l ailniittd'a to be the boAt telota lip public, I am maw bosirlyjeugagod ractiti# lel Ole epilog seeding, and will be tore- parefi't,ci fluffily them 0, 10„1.r, 12 ttlies 8111,111ati latter drwithinit, neeordtua to Or- ,41hia"WW6lidettVer. to koop ou lona, i dti& at WO Co Onunly any wlio 'limy nOt hoe given. thelr-o,t(ter., ,.;".r,he ctylo flni5h, an. tr it,Slo( *Ill to iiintia, all that, eau. be desired, and it beittftlloci, hot entuitssCi,ci ill WeSte flti, , .., , , ,,, ELLiOTT . 60„ix 'earthy, sorrier Britharatand Wollingtou Sts. T.ontiou ' DItA.s', Agatit Drew '$ii itotel„ TilzeteV urn sit N.J.:;.17.S.TE.14T-3 i,,,,I,cp;gcs 1.3 ORDER rJlovhtg )14 x40(ived a larf.;a s oek' of Plain and' :galioy bTw0o41s 1.3Voadc1olies, Doo-skintr, E e„, the oititee,e, e:t.,,,a,111,1,:tf.,:bd'tlaeiite.aiii::::1:rol,tiesei:It„;:ziasittite.,tinis for a g004 A.' F1RST-CLA$S TA . eboap'euit or overcoat Udtit'u ViumslifUgs will bo found complete Club '1-Iouee - Vi'llito 6 p alloy 1),irs LinentOollait,s & Cufl's z' Papm. Collars* Cuffs' CPI;unl'eli:e1:111 °Cllur-titsr:ls, \IIVIv'eedet(11141i\rVe,o&olPraw"ers Trttvellcr, Miliary, Dalze et Connatigli TweiaeisIslhd,insBeerorleyt 1:1,4;,-ffecyliersse' 04,f,63 . Challenge S clenharn, Gloves and Mi. s : ; Buck, Kict, Cali, Cloth ASSS hc°1:111:ir*aifiSs'iP:11:ic°81:8119sP, tn,'.1 'i.'nLg' s , Waeh-cintins & neept; and Wool. A Fresh stosk of T4n aua Venitsjust corning fot X-mas. , , me, Royal, Dolly Vardpu,' Dundee, You Bet; Rubeneeiu Q. lvt. 1,V1111313. TEE 41 ' • .. *OA. PA)Etriairitd. bogs leavis to thank his friends in ,,Exeteri and surrounding country for their libeial ,p'atonagd An,the past,and hopes to' merit a -fair share of their trade mfiLe future,'Itaving • „.„ 4-P ONHANDt �e � he Largest and Best Assorted Usually found ii a General store; CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, GtOceri0s, Etc Ready-lnade Cothing,wines dind li- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots Riad Shdes. Leather, eto. Please give I. C. a call as he is determined n6t to be under: . sold by any establishment in this section of coimrty-. jUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER, Grocery And Liquor Store A large stock of • Green, Jaiian, Young Hyson nd - Black Teasi zsins. Curreditso rumo CANNED 3911.T.TIT, sardines Loi?„sters, Salmo(li .• Bitter Sauce and PiadeS, Brandies, Gil* Winds and ,9,yrups,. Rye, Mgolt, Scotch, Irish and Conlidon Whiskies, Tobaccoesi and Cigars, WholeStle and itebail. 6. A. MA, Main Street, Exeter'. SAMWELL PICKARD , Beg 'inform the piab116 that they have engaged RIGHT iterSte.B=C+1.W.N. 4,47.-sienClarimill•COMR2E1C-CitCr...A,SOMS” Formerbi with MeIntyre 8c Co, to conduct their tAiLORINQ • PE:04.A.T.P.I.„. and feel couffdent that all orders entrusted to them will give •ENTII1E SATISFACTION 111 cloths purchased from them will bo CUT • FREE OF CHARGE Thr have also fecelVd4 a large kit All:.wool Shawls and. Blankets, bought much beloW their value, which they are now offering at Grea t Bargain6.. Stook Full in all Departmentsr 11111111111,==11111114011411111101111.1i kTlyil,_1111.11111011111.11SMITINEOWIEWIll ONDERTAHING C. s. t1zza'r, TTnclortakors aficl. Furniture Manufacturer .i,vouLD sky T V tho,0 li intend purchashig to de So iron), 'the rumaffi10111:03:, The dolor who buys to 5e11 14010 must necesseriiy, /,ffivo a prof3. .Wo 1111 01giVo the purobiwors the benefit, which cermet fail to meet the views of tho Gremgors, Our aspoMos late lass thamthese ot city mireorketurets,eoriSeqUent,. 1,5Ndo Mtn kill Ohot,i)Or, E W 0 tI snccisittttontion to out undertaking depart'. 100111, 18 111011) corn; pieta than 01131? 0,8 DO,Ve added covcirti now d aligns Is,to. The bost coffins; ritsice ts, ehrou ds,e,m1 every' -Muer ,1 requisite at tho lbwost prices. Our now hoarse is pronounced by competent liffigee to. be ccoond Id noos in 114 province. Z01610*..16-i-411,•11ie C.,44i • 4,thDLE • • •••••• • ".••.-...• ti N.° NV -Y szvrx110•114,01Eit Olt10131 " ASfii.olighil),,A,s$Olithorib always 6,i 10,1,1 Aiiy kind i'itrnishod .t� '6146t.. 1. 115150 tPin,geViiiNgtet tam theatighly,16*Iili DO ti &I:vensge 011120420 1042,5 111 cute tb titre/0Po it: i3Offt it01. 20 *V. dfiroideat41401rOggiti.teratd to, Ihnon-s1, ers deer West of the CeVotutirOltd Itoto.1,!1.0 t