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Times Advocate, 1996-12-11, Page 27
Morley - Luoan John and Geraldine Lucan of Aivinston, Bruce and Dorothy Peat of Grand Bend and Ge- rald and Cathie Morley of Port Stanley are pleased to an- nounce the marriage of their children Lorre Ann and Daniel Brent. The ceremony took place on August 24, 1996 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ro- man Catholic Church. Father John Pirt officiated the cere- mony. Photo by William Mason of Exeter Your Views Letters to the edit Road needs repair Deaf Editor: The management and employees of Exeter Co -Op Do -It Center would like to apologize to our cus- tomers for the condition of the ac- cess road into our new loca- tion,Walper Street. The employees and management of both McDonalds Restaurants and the Do -it Center take great pride in maintaining clean, well presented retail operations that en- hance the economical viability of our community through major tax contributions as well as highly visi- MIttelholtz - Crawford !Darla Crawford and Chris Mit- telholtz announce their mar- riage September 7, 1996 at Exeter United Church. Parents of the bride are Basil and Phyllis Crawford. Parents of the groom are Ed and Cecilia Mittelholtz. Attendants were Julie Beattie, Ann Marie Mit- telholtz, Jeff Mittelholtz and Dennis Crawford. Darla and Chris reside in London. Thanks to everyone who shared in our special day. Jaques - Irwin Casey Lessard is pleased to announce the marriage of his best friend Matthew Jaques of Huron Park to Sarah Irwin of Calgary, Alberta. They were married November 12, 1996 in a private wedding in Nanai- rpo B.C. where they reside. FNC:1GO SKID FRAME WELT RELIT CONE RODIN AXON OVERA I CANTAKEANYAMOUNTOF SNAP ROTC GYPS AMASS SPAT ©ORS SPOIL NOELCOWARD EURE NISS PEER MAXIXE WAS BALERS QOUDA NEVE RAW OAK REDS JIG IMPOSED illiEELED EVEN BASSES WEIDER CRITICISM AIMAT VALISE MOBS STRODE ARS©NIC BAY ASPS RON CAPE EGO DERMA MANUAL FEDORA ANN RENT WOLON©'SIT MULE NONE FES TOWS VENT SERF I SUNQUAL I F I EDPRA I SE DOCS UNGER OREO GEENA ALAS ADAGE READ ESTOP BAR© TORSO SYNE STALE ble and well maintained stores. We will be working with the Town of Exeter and Hay Township to resolve the maintenance and up- grade costs to bring the infrastruc- ture of this street up to the stan- dards that it should be. Many of our customers have ex- pressed their displeasure at the con- dition of the road and we acknowl- edge your concerns and hope to have the road upgraded by early spring. To those customers that wish to express their views to the local municipalities concerned, the following are the phone numbers of the contact persons: Hay Township Office, 236-4351; Town of Exeter Office, 235-3304. On behalf of the employees and management of Exeter Co -Op Do- lt Center we wish all our customers a very safe and happy Christmas! Gene & Anne featuring "The Desperados" Fri., Dec. 20 at Larry's Town and Country Restaurant Crediton 234-6310 Licensed under LLB.O. l� David W. Campbell Retail Stores Manager Times -Advocate, December 11, 1996 Page 27 Friday Dec. 13, 9 p.m. -s a.m. "Jerry Hendrix, Jimmy Hsndr$chs Tribute" with opening sots "Them Damn Joh>rltson." at THE DRESSING ROOM BAR Huron Park sozsiga 111rAWArAgr ir r - Santa eats at the Ranch House! Y' Have your picture taken with Santa Sat., Dec. 14, 11 - 2 p.m. All proceeds go to Huron County Christmas bureau Rata House Eati ; ' & EiI1('4tain'ment Country All the Time!! This weekend - Dec. 13 & 14, The Nora Galloway Band Thursday Wing Night 25¢ jumbo wings 6 - 9 p.m. \ Ol'LN!! •I he Ranch Ilouse Inn Conference Room!' Book your C hristm.i' Party or L'usines,' Conference Now!! Sunday Brunch 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Two can dine for $13.39 414 Main St. 235-3141 #i.dr" Air 004rOdiov, • Christmas can be the loneliest time of the year When many families are in the comfort of their homes with warmth and plenty of food, it is hard to believe that there are still families today that live with less than enough resources to see them through this festive time of the year. On December 25th, • when most of us will be ,sitting down to a turkey dinner opening up numerous presents fp that we give to our friends and family, there will be those who scrape together what •i1 /u0 (r u. they can and maybe recycle some gifts from previous years. There is no harm in that yet we live in a country where there is so much given to us and so much that we obtain so many material possessions around us, it is hard to believe that there are those that can not supply their family with the basic necessities. At Christmas our hearts go out to those who find themselves less fortunate than we, and it is at Christmas time that we can show the great love and give thanks for the many things that we do have by sharing it with others. Our work at the Salvation Army goes beyond the parameters of Christmas and reaches out to the full twelve months of the year. Nearly 60 families a month come to us for help of food, clothing, sometimes shelter and medical needs. Wouldn't it be nice if you could give a gift this Christmas, a gift that would last beyond just the date of December 25th? A gift that would last throughout this next year. We ask that you help us meet the needs of those less fortunate. Why not take the time and some of your resources and give to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. Mail your donation to the address below and in doing that, you help make someone's Christmas bright for this year, Help us meet the need. Give generously and share the gift of:.Christmas thisyear. God bless you and ha'e a Merry Chriftmas; - = 'n?ptain=f r -Reici r L Send Receipt To: ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF: THE SALVATION ARMY P.O. Box 29 St. Marys, Ontario N4X 1A9 ❑ No Receipt Requested ❑ Receipt Requested i -D J Come in and browse our fully stocked shelves 1