HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-24, Page 3I I 11 ,, I I . I I I I I I . I I .. I I I . I I , I I I I I - I - - I I I - 1-1 I , - , I I I 1 I I I I I I -, , . I I I I - I . I i I I I .1, I 1 7 -1 - - 7 - --- - -1 -1 I --I--- - - 1: I I I 11 I I I I I 11 I I, I 11 I . ;A ) .11.11, I I I I I I I I I . I I I ,--1'--1-
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,. I ""t ."_MorMAM!MMr_4""t , ".1M7!,1-,; 1i pt!111!111 111 !11 ooi.t oil ov"M*" 11 1 410" .
yl I 11 " . - _.- __ " ! I I'll I , , ,, _- - -_-__-r-1 ;-; _, i ,,_ ;I lq! 7_"r A ,,_ I -111,-- ,. 1V1_"FMK1""*V#M"-19,WrNR"""W .,
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J , " -- . I . : I I I I I " , , ,, 11.1 I
AQ74 'A r=l TrAi*s Srooretary Of$iate, roopoQ411g, Qy,pw4s, I I I 1, I ,.. , 1, 11 14, 1 4 1 1, I I., " A,AAJ(XTX4,",i *, - -,#; . i
I . I 11 . 11 I I 11 I I I I I . I I
I =P"X f la'srogativo .of morcy) x0ai(I as fol. I , . I s# W k,4wi . ,, ,,, (02 , to I 0 "
OVR, OTTA"WIt 110L 0, , I I 1 I I
. I I _ I , ;Q ahall, .. - I I I I I I .1 I wto*C " -1 W w 6% I
I I . $ low$ -, -T110 S,eo,retary of 0,tol .
. , I I Ql;;*))'*, rob,,i',, 10. I .1 I I I 04 40
,, I I i , r , n4 of V! ob0f"' I ' 40h yegi TT__U 1. : I I I ,. I I I I , ko, to W
. ,ij ed before tile (" I , y %ne "I ,, I
I ; 'il I ,
I ,:: ;::, 0, m) V .,
I 0 I Dro Truts,,lilip, ses,61ou %)Q11 calls$ to be. 4110(111p, 0114 tral Ar N - I I .10", _ - - 40_'00 'I
1 I A '"" AN]164' U " '" ,SALE , ", 11.4
I withmoro than u4,Uft1 00,10t, So, far AS, to thp, Minister ,of A !,,o , ,. saw, 01-1-Ei 11 ___ I . I :.1 " - , To 19 ''
... ,-
1 11 , gr _qJtpro, o . - 3 v 0 14
I . 11
I 11 I tile poillpatid sple'ridour, of tile oerolllo,, other Mi0stor no, WO N.' 406KI1404, I . "'W""", , ""', ,,, -V To , ow
I I , ; , . 119 to I I
I I I r,
ilif)5, worg conoorimt it was o grap d isuch schedules fq 'tb() pte9"e4Wg :year, - I I I MOM Alarld 11 "' "' "' :"" 11 0, 10
#1L1.0 . X" ,":"",",""."""""",, .... ?; _ OD %PL I )
11 , , , re , I I . pro. -,oxmn 4MMUM01 U- X O& 00 I ' I ,
. I ggaj,r; but, next day when the wqxk, oi , Igtive I I . '' 0 - 'SIR swomex I I , I'll 0 0 " ,,
,, ,olthe p.4'ses
% " r , , in which tile I .. I I . . "I'll", I I , 00) V 1 "
the. Session commen'ced, in the consider, ro,gittivo Of MMY 1160 *0 0100004, As I -Mas oommenoed. _ , 1,11.1111111.11111, * 0 '". ai,q
. I I I I ,:, .* I . I ........ 16 0 - tio
I : I I ation of the Address, to any ono who, ho Shall from time to time rpQejvq, fron I .r_ , 11 , " " #e_ :' -111 11 )
. r, ; ', ;0 W to 19 va
I I . I r . I "; :, ,, , I , ...... .... I ........
' - I 76 try ; (0
I . I I I I like Pat, was ,, spoililig fol. a fight.,, it the Xinister 0 1 4, . L . r .: . I . , - I','! 114.11 I
11 11 , . , f Agricultore or ou L ,,,, , r . 0 1 1-1 10
I ' ft . A k IF, ::11::-'-`--' i's 10
I ' I
I I r I I "I— I I ., ,
:1 "I presented al'VQryr t'alllo 1q)peafa wo, and oth6r Minister as aforesaid. , .1 . I 0 , "I "I "I I., I ... 1 1,1' 14 W 14
11.11 11 . 11W . I I . I I 'Wcq r
I . I when thopopular leader ofthe 0 )Posl_ --I--- I . I I I 111tituys'. " ::, . ., I I 1, I I :'_ &Y to I 00 , , *
I —, I ,
1: I I I -1 I - I"ROVINCIAL G nAND L, 0. L. op WY,ST, I I . I I I I 1111111-111, 11 , 1.1111- I
; L 11. tion announced that ho did Xx9t, propose 1 . ""' - - .. "", .. ........... .. ..... '" *'), & 0 1 .
I I .—Attor the ordinary busi. r I v r "I'll" 1-1 1. ",
I I . I - I to offer Any amendinent, and adopted I I A., IN, I I " " ,,i4: .:" ,, , ............. ... so tolft ,
. r , ST, Vol's, I
I ,
I . I I I I I supll a very x,nodorf td tolle it, Was 04- ness of the 41 oetiilg, the election of,(.)Aio 1. I 410 . ,i I I I (1R#V0?44rs91)141%y by A, dar'brAft"'NA0 . I
I , I I I I I orne, that I the Milleninui—in OrP took place : Wlm Varlthill, ITel uty- GREAT INDUCEMENTS - .. I I _ - ,
. I .1 I I I ge5tecl by a I I wbo at, Ott outiol ; 94 t'A I
I 40 I - I',, , I . derigiffly '00yao, Reeve, Ralidwicl , U 'W I I ' . JgWbOAS ' ,,, ; - 00 to 6 1
1 a political seuse-11A . , ,, GrandXaut6r. I . . I . ,,, ............ to 40 I
. 13ut . Jas W.kl WILL Bt OFFERED " . . . Y ........ ' ......... ......... ,
To le, raph itq the GArdher SelvIng Na. upo'll the questio;ii beh g le Major Jas.Bellinet, Tor,olltor; , , I .1, 111'1 Sto 60 1
1 - Put 10 11 I aster, 11. W., Deptity Grand I I t,o to
I I Ohio, 6ilipwoly, 4411111(011. Hopse it was seen th'.0 the illonibels soll, Ano I I I 4i;ion,t',_ "' ' "' .1, I I to .10 1,
I I , S 6T I'VVEED, REMNA T$ OF CLOTH$, . . " 11, .11 .1, I -1. ,% , , . 14 1A Vy ,; .
I Corwivtkll, 00tob0r2.l875;--1tQTa1 got first pV1Z Maoters. Rev. Hugh', Cooper, Brftssels RE UXANT r X , "
t(ilengarryCountyPitir, over tile Webs had been, l4oring under a, delusion,— I i 11 I . 0, i() 0 1
. ter, us. I I ,' 11, W. Grand Chrtplitj, Tli6mas Keyes, RE MNANTS OF 14'L&NNE11P,'REMNANT8 OF'ORESS GOODS, I I . I . . I I ..""I".. ".....1-111-1.1 ..... qc l
torn ii,na New 'York Sinoei, . jAmx,,s mKito-Y, . Tile charni was brouen,. the old Adam I I I I I I . I I I I ; . 1JONPOI(I . .
; I I . ) (illeyill6,80) t,wtli,'1875-( tptfli-stpl,izQqn the still 6hoN s blm6ct,f, but from, an uilex- St. Catlia.rines, R..W. Cirand Secretary. r 0 1 4 -I Vni4most elroolatn'l 1.1-1111_- 1440"Ifllw ^ .
Poy . M -1 NE S"15t p, 1; DOOR TO :OHN'S TIN SHOP , Ata4woll..',7* ........ _ 1worG.1
I eye 51 ,it Fair hero, b"ting )XIbooler& 'wilson nnd peot , ajor James. 1. , Bessie, J. P ,, St Cath- RE $ . W 101M , ZXT IT", _11 P, ., ....... _ ..' 16 1
1 ry other maolitne., Groat Qojn test ed quartor., .19 .ANNTS OV 1X8TRZS, REMNANTS OF PRINTS, . . 3904 wiutorw,l eit_ .- , 0 v I F,,6 I
I U)04 11,%Tt,RT'n 'I Itofi takes Huntington to tash for ftfiil9s, R- W. Orrand Treasuror, JTBS. , REMNANTS OF COTTON. I I . . 811rittg W .." ....... '_ ............. 1% to Is$ I
BrockTille, papt 25,1075-1toyal took ftri wizoat 1-0 1 6noing" It.W. r . . ,,he*$, 11, 1..,7.--.1. 11,501 ov I
I 2186 1 hid delebrated Argenteuil Speech, hand , D-gloy, - ... , "; , ...... "' Ilptolm I I I
nionville. competing with the Wheeler &t k 1- McCiure, t sq., Holland Lo ,, Vo ;:_..",.,._::, .1 ." , I .
ivinqer, auil others Ev1,.nTT8 &H,&GA1%wAN 6s R.Vrownlee I I . I . 01_' ... .... "I ". I I
, iat ing that gentlemim without glovips, and 6 -rand Lecturer. Thome ,' ' ,, 06to._ .......... .11 I a V"oo 90 .
'1! if Mxurigbl oct 11,1 1875-Virst prize fo , Roya: I I 8, . .1 . I . . .
I Unfqi)i I tion 11( L iro ovei alfcompdiVra , delionnoing his mpeedh as a hiosi uu- E sq., Doplity-lleevej St. Oatharia'o' A so a Lot of Woolen goods, I 2 , I 0FA-.V,o]RTF(.
, , MATTHEW OTEWAUT I I , , , ' "o % - - ... I . '. M. to "', ,
16416 1675-1i4ylii took At' I . I F e osmisol- ,
I I .0., W ,Ai i : :.':_: ... : - , -I:,.,,-,.. ....' , ... 960 W
A , ... owta 1W
ors I ffi
t wood4to6k; prize tit called -for attack upon the Roman R. W . Grand Director of Ceremonies. .
Exhibition here orer all oom ,T I Alet, gansom, Al. A. Toronto; , J,,- ffittg, Cloudg, S"rfa, Felt skirts, Breakfast Shawls, Menla shirts and Drawera, and 16 - ! ., F, ::::: ... ::: ... :'...— ........ 'ro to ""
I 4'eti,, S ,
LIEW ' EWART Catholic hierarchy, of the ProvilloP Of Rev . Of : , I f'" , , .1-11.11 11. ... .... 1-11-1.. ".... 1.
I fe, , --naye taken first prize with -mp oice Blankets, Woolen shawls, end a few sets of obildrews Fars, ' , . I I
,__ "
, , , . I , , * .11111..... 0 65 to ri I
ris, Oct 9, 1675 Rev. Thomas Rp , St; Cathatines ; , few pairs of Ch . 1, r "
I . I at Fair bore, beatiug the Raymowl and Quebec# and his views were shared ill, 11 "i -1 . . .1 I .
Pova I -::::::::: ::::::": ..,.;,... -.-".'.' , . 0 )I to Is
... *,",
- more or loss, by all who favored Rev. Fran fis I yi n Vjiet6f ; Rev. Alex. together with,mome job lots. All to lie sold very cheap. I ,I %
, r
si0 )vILLIAIVE 814ID111% the I . iWel .,... I., ... I ... 17-1 ..... 11 ... ...... .. ,;, VA to. M I I
lig ' - , I I I
I Napenee, Oct 15, 1676-Itoyfil has taken fir 11b. 0. Chambers, Cl fton ,, ' Vev. Th,)Mas I I I I
:)Yor 9frger, Howe, Nvanzer:'t I I I Lft, AN, I
P r, 1ouse with their views upon the s I as- . , ,
.1.141est Fair here, 4 ,TT Mackenziomade arathor non. G. Porter, Goorgetoth! Rev., E.. Or 4 ,on, to 0
hers. JAMES 13ARRr ject. . 111. , I "I'll,
I ,hHarlaiy. Oct ISi 1 7 -Ijoyal takes first orize A . -eetor,r 11. D,) Simcoel We- 11 -11-11 ... ., pa I to in I .
. is F& r for 2anifly work jiud T iqh Ma=r, oon inittal 'reply. -lidlton wlig ljot sett, M. A.; (R I T . . :i '- ': .. . ...... * --.1. 8a to 02
r, lkx 1\1 ,P -:: .....
Ing. Li satisfied—made a second attaoki move Rev. A. Wilson,, Toronto ; Rev. Peter O.T ... .... I ....... :.:,.::. :11 ... a so t_1 1%
. I I .. tile first, in which he char. Campbell, Campbell's Cross ; Rev.Syl- A U C T I 0 1 S ALEIQr PRICES AS LOW AS- ANY. , Fees ..... ...... .... ........................... 0 so to 0 M
- Theo a victories conclusively provo that th severf) than . . I 11 to in
I .. Light Running Royal is the Poopre'a F&voriti an , - . 1 ; Rev. T. W. Mitgahy, 21z"ItLe 711._11.- - _.-._.- I I'..- 11-. . . I . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .,. . I . . . . . . . . . . .. . , , . - . . , I . . I%, to " .
t - mitt , . I . .
I tne Best Family sewing machine. Th6 manutal motorized the Hoii; P. Al. General as ve8ter 8 I or dolqu_ .............. to If
4 1 6.11.---- ... I.- ... : , 1, * , '.',. -, .- * 1 .
ur'cra have lately addedto it the greatestnovelt occilpying his position by mero accident, I i t1well ; Rev. Henry Hughes, Dunn- IS NOW GOING ON I. . Z5 t4 0,30
, of the age, the Royal hamp, Holder, forsewin I
I machince, The lamp can never upset northeoi and a strong insinuation that he ought vilie, R. W. Deputy GrandlChaplains. . ...1.1 ... .... I .......... _ .... .... 32 to Ill
4 .., ...... I ......... I .... I ...... I—— A to 7
0041 the work end it is arranged to thr iw the t - 01i the The next annual meeting will be held I?Aftember eLe plage, sign of this PUS. . ... ...... .......... ... ........... .... a 00 to 10 00
11 sign, was thrown out. 11 .
. ghteon any p A of the work, enabling the opera o rti " . se*4 ............................. - a 25 to a W
'. work sq well by night as by day. sold by adjournment of the houed there *as a at Oril'ia. The following resolution A T CARRROLL'S H 0 TZ L _11. .1 - - ______ .1 - -ttION&W,007,440 . , .4, . ........ ......... 11 ... ... 6 00 to a 74
I I . ... . ,
I . JAMES PICKARD, Exeter. rumor that Hubtington bad tendered was adopted t--4hat, in the opi-3ion of I ...... ...::.:::.: .................. _ 35 to 1%5
' '_ 0 ............... _ ........ ..... I 09 to I W
I 1 4 - . %0-" his esignation. This the Qi2tarlo sup the Riglit til, __ ,i ',
jjr ql iffiil Groi,,4 49dga, CREDITONs ONTARIO, , - .1 . . ..... I .... -.--.,.._...1 .... .. 00, to a do
I _—, - tie t ft'J' " "' &'when the Orange- I O "I ........ I ..... .................. I ... .... 11 9 to a
. I t I I hjj'j EXET i ... I
I porters of the Government would no . 1 #,J- nr.jrre o; .. ..................... ..................... 7 tk I 80 I I
, CORRESPONDENCB. listen to, for he bad certainly raised men f ',' 'without reference to . -1 I - 0 -------- W- . GRANTOR.
himself in their estimation by a reitera- politics or political pRrties, must unite I N N E N I)sibl wheat. 9 )o Treadwell. 90s to Pot,; Splizig 11 I I
I , A. SK POSO.'6641D 00. 0011
! d political' phalaux to stop ftto"o- Barloy.45tc,6&
I . 4 I" --- tion of his Sentiments in the House ; in one gran, . 2k to SD. Beef. a to 60. PutterfA119 20c Egr I&
I I , Whileour columns aip open for dim- not so much on account of the senti- the encroacliments oft -lie RomiAt hier W11OLISA.L1 AND RETAIL BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Firk 114ties, per th. dicts V*r. 1b rty
I abioiryklo . Is ok to I 00. I . I
cussion, we do not hold ourselves responsible ' A LA RGE: BANKRIPPT STOCK I
I korthe opinions expressed by correspondents. menta themselves, as an acccunt of the archy upon the body politic of the coun . H3Xf4ALT_-, 11 I
— _. - manly position taken by bim--not back. try, and that the following platforin be . 7 . takes this opportunity of thanking his fridnas and the inhabitants of B.,,.*,,, 5TANk"To-well Wheat Is tow. "ring r',
. I ., in- down 4b ie iota. A meeting, adopted :—Unswervitig and untiring A% ' Xxotor and vioinity for thairpsot liberal patronage. hopin tereerit the sante by suppl7lbs #j to 99-. Barley ao to im; Peas 00 to Go: oats 161in M- . I
7o the Editor of the Tinies . nd' OF T. T-YMA-N & CO., 11ONTREA1, 0014SISTING OF his austamers with svery"9 in hior f be . kor1r. 7 tio 7.40 I .
. .
. To Messrs Hunter and Hodgson, : dev6g. liowev r, of the faithful was called for allegiance to the Mother (jountry a I . I SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER BBFORB OFFERLD IN EXZTER — _ I
next morning, Holton was whipped into tile British connection. No grai,ts of ' I I I VV I N'T X3L
I . GiNTLrzmEx,- I observe in the min- the trsce8, and has Since been mum, m0ney from tile publid purse for secta- DRY MOD39 ENGLtt SCOTCH ama CANADIAN WgDDING CARER MADE TO ORDER. FOCIALS AND PAZT1ZR&S*Z0tAZTft . . :
I :, intes 6fthe County Council contuined and till goes on as before. The question rian purposes. No rs(iparate schools, . 9&' F AM ILIE 8 W AITED 0 N DAILY . . -
, i xeter frims of tllb tariff is likely to excite n good but freo secular education for 611. Tax- CLEARINGSALE .,
, in the last issue of the E . -- _taxatioii of all proper. 11
that you introduce' it successful motion deal of interest. Free trade and pro- ation for all . IT * * * * 0 3rnZSZ 33REAM ClOnSt&UU7 03L NO=' '
. for the revival of e ty held by ieligious bodies upon its fair . . .
die I I D, .g Tax" which tection will probably meet in fierc. .1 ecMMENCED AT
has been abroaated in this county for cs)mbat, in which the Government will assosased value. The opening of all At the Exeter Worth Pos"Mce. eAd T. ShaWs. CreWton, an&MItcholro. C*uixalfa, . k .
Some yeais. As this tax, in this forin very -likely be 11 wounded in the house public inspection by Goverment offidi- Black Broadcloth, Brown axcl Grey Meltons, Doesli-ins, Ovor- Zxetar. Desembor 28th. 75. - (19.1y) 11 - _km, -- ".. -- L I I EEE14DERSOIT
. ir, which it is reimposed is Jistasteful of its frietids." A session of unusufil FLN. That it Shall he the, duty of the coatings, Wool and Paisley Ghawls, Coniwall Blankets, I
I . I
4jo many of your edustituetlis and ap- length will ensuej of whf0i "a,)i;d ii,gilin, County Alasierin every 0: ange o:); nj, . , Horse Blankets, Laoe birtains', Marseilles
in the event of a -eneral election ei,.her DOMINI.Oli LABORATOR &
i PeA.rS :tv be unequai in its operatidn. __ Quilts, CounterpaDesi Table LiAen I
I E. M7; "
I .yourattention is respectfully solicited - for the Local or Dominion Parliament, Towelk, I I IW-HITE'S
I to the following,object . ion's *lil6h tirc- the Gov'ernment has GlEd a bill to sillmlit tile platform to tile candi- I Androgynous I
urged against it. , 14. This tax is ob- - (,l . date or candidates to ascertain if the .
Ill lallcery in England to compel Ali. y
. jectionable because altnonall dogs are t:) Hawes, of Liverpool, to disclose the will support thein or not, and then to TWILLED SHEETSj PRINTS, GREY AND WHITrl, 6OT- Lacoba SUCEMRS TO G. P. SWTHI
be taxed, still tslieep destroved by dogs facts in connection fvith the pm call a county meeting before the day of' . TON'Si BILK POPLINS, - .
I -chfise 0 Titiens. - -
are not to be paid !'d,; iind thus your olling, and if neither of the caudidfLtes . I
. ,if cf the Halifax lightship,and the ratil V 31eigh Rugs, Carpetq, Oil Clotb, Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Overcoats; Fa(story Flannel, . S T. M__ A R Y'S,
. .' will impport the said plAtforrn, then it _ I .
I motion is -outiary to h! spirit and in- f -o V the Intercolonial railmty. Mr - Ladies' Overshoes, Felt Shoes, Men and Boy's Braces. All kinds ol ranoy Drees
, tention of t lie law i% 1) .- first intro duc- iiaives, however, lins left England, aut i shall be the duty of the county lodge to Gnods, Table Cutlery. Pon and Pockipt Knives, Watches, TIAV13 this day appointed the Proprietors of the DOMINIO14 LABORATORY my 9,01a I
e0i and will fivs tile stro gest'argilment brin- out a candidate, - Jewelry, &c. I .&Sonts in Exeter for the above
' 0 0 , is supposed to be in South America ; 0 .
1. , S llpot.t ' __. The whole Stock to be disposed of Without Reserve. FINFI-FLAVORED C I G A. R S - Selling out their Winter Pat,ock
that cd,11 be b on-,i , .n its It . uatil lie returns nothing cWi be (lone ii, - -
2nd. This titx is kiectiont,ble. becaus I r- tl!e Parliarrentfiry, eno,tiry, qet oil foot CAPTURE OF A MURDERER IN I
it is uneopl:al in its operation. Petmit -r, T ' ' .. - Sale each day and eTening at'l stud 7 o'clock P. M, . Sign M. LESSER, .- -
by M . McLeod, N-1. P., ill this niattel WINDSOR of They will always have on hand a full stock. -
me to take two c.ases I'Dr i!lnst:atidn; A ,k n __ .
. . d- iitation consisting of Senator the Red Flag. Montreal.
and B iire neiglihors, occupaul§ (f farms Gira,rd and Suffien-land,and Dr. Scilult G(,o. W. Alvey has boen ap,prehend- . I Exeter, February, Stb, 1476. rRiCES AND BARFAINSi
., of equal extent and tallio, A Owns " Lm . P. . Mr. Ryan, H. P., nnd Mr. ed iu 'Windsor ou a charge of murder. SMITH & BENNETT, Auctioneers . .
I I 0
: d f) -, B h sts i-, o n (!; h e 71 e (I A 1) ays i 11 t I J (' r a till atvne, M. P,, waiked on the miiiis. In November Alvey, was 'it ivock with I I
M , .1 . . , - .1 _. .1 - I
. generfd tax4P8 of the 6.1drity $1 more ter'ofAgrieulturn, for the ptirpose ol it negro nanied- George, when a diipute _ TINUSUAL AT RETAIL
0 . 0 -_ . I
thwi B ivlri lvt.z ii: )Y.603' Vf !is. mucIJ if possible,arlditinnal rolief ii occurred, the liegr:) rkl.-;Iiiijg tit the form- F11 I ' . . . LOOKED FOR.
, I obtilining, 0
value (ttid voss -i,sp i all tile rights, priv- t lie way of seed grfLill an Alvey WIE AND EXURNE PRICP,,S
I , d provisions er, and tbreatuing to hill him. C . . GROCERIES. GROC R ES. MAY BE
4. I . ileges and ffimcljisw twat A does- for scl lors"in Afanitobn. and the North- took up a shot gun. and le'vellin" it at . . . , I . .
. Again C and b are iwivlibors C owns ivest, ,who are suffering from the grass. the ne-ro, killed him on t1io spot. At- HENDERSON & WRITE
4 '200 acres, D fifty, em!h )iits a (log alid hripper'viqitation of last year. V e vey atoonce deoamped, and eatne to . AT -_ . I - .
U14,%fore ea'ell I f'Li , s n drAlar: rinAr it is Public Accounts Committe held th6 NVindsori where he has sindo resided .- I . I 1.
I ievident that the twi, UN-- thus "ro"911" first meeting, and elected Air. Young. with relatives. $450 was ofiered ns n d% I - Y STOCK now being aomplete, an,J tt&IV . ing T630111ed to (50ntiVTO Mlling at ATCH LOST. -On Monday, 14th I
I ii)tr) the Imblic chest ought not to 11"ve . of Watprloo, c!iairnim.i. That gentle- reward, wid the wheteabouts " a n B Y R N E & C 0 .' S M . . . I W inst. between John Ross' Planing 3ifll ameL
n of tllc - -
I . V I The Railway Crossing on Huren-stTeet-, o% silver
bf,64`0011trlbuled in equal portinns by man not bei -ng pres,ent, the I -Ion. Petei ninrdarer coming to the ears of the My .V3E;]RsV of& 4W ]P3ftX(;Zf; levorw&tah. Any pervou returning it to the ur-
ed will be sultabiV reworded. - Ir. ENO-
. -
1_0"R men, for it -is a r .cgnised priiici- Mitch,11 ttetr-,dttscll,t'itiii,,tiil)i,ote?t?.. Tho Uetroit wathonties 360 I ISM
I Al , . b i officer Vatoil was . I le'rNslir . .
111,6 mid pt'-Rbti" in our law.,z and, mu" Committee then adjourned. I detailed t:) wairli for an opportunity to CI-1-111VP I An . d also by using my very best endeavors I . I I I - - I , I
! 1-licipal 1ristittitions tl1Rt PR611 811'01 Pfl ' It is stated that the Governinent bru, take him in custody. On Wedrie--day ]PUNIP BUSINESB IN EXBTEIC .
-A- FOR sALT%-Tbc Enbecriber offershia ,%volt
t to the common fui-d accor4iii- to tht- annulled the cont ra6t entei ed irato with of last neek that officer saw Alvey rk to all ,
. 0 1. . , tion established busitteps for sale. An t-bewo
Valtie of his property. To be plain, h Senator Foster to build the Georgian along with his father and other friends, m Hardware Store > —1 To give all entire Satisfac i (lone by horse power. this JR a capital dperjn%; .
for a pushing man. A good bnxiness bqa beem, . I
I ithe first instance A pays fifty bouts or Bfty ext sn_qlou-, ftnd that *qeu deeined on tneir way to the G. , W.. R. devot. I - done during the last thirteen years nud::ia SKI) I I
, I "To & reasonable share otpublio.-%". nage. . doivtr.' Terms liberal. Reason for rolling, giving
') Bt nnil in the second D 60 clailts of 8 m-oper new tenders will be jpallcct for, Tile office!- hid behind a %voodpile where -0 Lua I that efore 11ore, to roe i 1fr lmolaefis. J. sO1UTHC,01,Tr,.
I tax for C wll() owns fou- times bi- qiisn ATr Mitchell moved on Mon,lay for an lie coul I see the train as it came in and ., - - - - i I
l I litv of land. The nneqnRlity is ftlipar- adreSs to his E xcellency tile the Gover- could also got a full view of the inter- .Among other goods we be,N-otht followifig, which Flour and Meal now in 8tock. RICK STORE & 1). WE I , I i VL; G -
1811; to every one. 3),d,. This" tax is vb- --opies of all correspon- ior of the depot, and prepared bimself B HOUSE, .i: :
, . . nor-Gereral for (, I . 1 11 .. .
j,octiriilabI6 bebause, t does not discrim. done& or comninnications since t1le first to watch. What was his surprise to I - - . a I." . .
inat- betwon tile asibldss monarel b,b,,l day of Janunry, 1874, between the Gov- see the quartetto enter the yard by 11 WILL BE SOLD AT 80TTOM P RICVIS ALSO A 1,AROE, LOT OF . , :,_4 / I
I I ` , .
-elping 6uis, - Vra3:X1(-- CIO,
of 3 and the Useful and erment of Caiiad4, cr the departments circuitous route, and coming directly f a _C"y 0
; . "" 'I..
! watchful Rr"mbi, s dog. It may be the or officers thereof, ,and merchants and toward him secrete themselves behind Hourigan s PeQrless Axes, Broad Cht,pping Adzesi and Eft.b.s.-Ij." .
I . , ' '
. ]k7l : — .," -
[ duty of wise Councillors to endeavor to other parties. if any there be, relating tile identical lumber pile which shelter- I Vftmvent " ds of Fi81L ' T 0 B E - . *1 8 0 T-) _D 1.
lessen'the former, which are undonlit to the changes in the klaties on tpa, and ed him. Not daring to move, the de- Botbl,it Metal, . . Fuse I tado . . . , I le I
edly a nuisance and increase the lf,tter, aslubg f&j br fiolating to, compersri'- tective held his po's'ition about tbie2 Brushes of a l 1-ind.,T., Fancetpij ' - Lelithor, . WHICH WILL BB SOLD CHEAP. oitbor M one, or two lots. -
" a great benefit to than, but this law tion ilesiAltilig from such chaucres, to- hours, the other parties passing the Bel1q, Glass, h1ats, . I : . . I
: .4 i0ontemplates theni all its dqualiy nlike 0 - Buncli Screws, Gln.y, Machine& Paint Oils H%yiug resolved to onagage in . WIL GRIGG,
I . gethez with the statoment in detail of time away by smoking and conve"Sa- BorkigINIachines, Grindstonefr., Nails, . . 1Wr-sk,rXV A?-. .
. wol-lbless or Veluhbiib. Tilat everY all duties with the riarnes of tl,b link- tion. At last the whistle -Sounded, Borax, Hinges. Paints SHIPPING EGGS To THE AMERICAN MARKET, I -
, farmer slionld 'be nermitteA to keep a ti -es to whoffi the reftind w!, s made. and the train slion aftor entered the cliaiu Horse Shoes, Pntty-, ; .
aop,-, tax frep, may be matter for debate, I -Ion. Dr. Tupper moveA yestcrilay for yard, find at slalelcenei speoa was pass- Cordage, . Hammers, . P Wdor, Would inform the publia that the 7amily tadrockst 330W.
but the gentleman ,who g,.tve utterance Door Spiingq, t.efka . Revolvers . I
, an addres to His tc-xcellency the Gov- ing, when i he anx-ious watchers got on Dumb -bells, Lanterns, Rope. . ' urmn rooko, Pre -or Booles: .
to this sentiment in .your Council bad a I CA S 3E1 A, - I
. ernor General, for a return 'of copies of aboard the cars; and *ere goon -wheel- HIGECAEUS T PRICE IN - . .
I .; I
dim foresbado wing -of the eogen`cy o kill corresi)on lenco felating to tho con- ed aboard the ferry -boat, Nvhere the . , 0. ., jtgchaolSoqulsltsep
+ 0
l'ot ni- & 10 39 L= 9 . to
this ob e'ction allthobgh tie did f tracts entured ihi,6 by t1i'd Government officer made fasthis prisoner. , 0y, . I
11 Canada, or ,tiiy Department thereof, S 4 . till be paiA for E 99a from the opening of the prenent egg season 4 1 .1 >
presi it. 4tl). Tbis tax is objection I ' I - I . Stationery Of oil Aescriptione
ixeter. ; V.% . I
use no reason has beenas,ign for the purell, . 'bag Twide, Vices, Varnllsh Wire, Whips Grocery Store, south side Draw's Block, Main St., V . T #W
Ale 'I)eca* i; E-11 A-E.- , -is, le, I
ase of steel rails in the GE p ades and Shovel-.;, Scales, Shot, Saws, Turpenti .
led why it Should be imposed now ar d year 1874, including correspondence, - I . ziub, .. '
_Nk Albnmo, Coneertinfie
. because the ratepayers were never con- if any, with pqrties before the adver- ' A Smumisn BVTWV, FnnNcil SOLDIERS . 1 __o`_ . . It. A.. LIEGET9C. if .
suited as to its -revival in this form. tisemeat and names of the newspapers AND CARLISTS.-SOMe Carlists recently .. . I . . .- - _. I. . - --- Work Doxoa.Writ4ngVos%g
It way be quite true that we are will*, in which they werepublished, with the entered French territory, mistook I
, ing to Sing the song "Tax the -dOgF;,' date of the first insertion in each of French Eoldiers for Alfonsists, and fir- tar Plans, Specifications and ustimates prepsrod for building. - ia THE lu., He & B. Re IS COMINO i .
' -
but then, please observe, We nbver omit, them ; all c(irrespondence oil the sub- ed upon them. The French riplied, 0%YRNE & C - I
&S you have done, the IlAindefing '6110- tliet el'# in the timo of itnd the eilg-.-wement lasted ten minutes. I . . - __ __
ject of the fur Z 0 - . Ana we are Still Ahead. . EXP IR E S S -e ;
rus, 11 Pay for sheep destroyed by them. re,-eiving tenders ;,copies of all advor- One French soldier war, killed. . and have opened out t1its
I I . I I
Gentlemen. iio selfisli motiVe .18 11"Pilt- tisellient'i Postponing tilfIG for receiv Tax RESIGNATiON OF GEN. SCHEN10311- 1. I . . I I i
. fed to you, no otheii absire is attributed I ing tenders, with tile name of tholiews- -A Washington debpatch announce. 4 * 32 V - S 14 39 T * V - IE,A,.]R I . I
toyon thwi that . o wishing to Serve ared his . . . . " — - ,, " 1.1-,
I 1 P pers in which they were published ; thst Gen. 8'ehenok hall tend 920- otmk at Goods'ever trought 'into Blot*., , - I .1 , . .
your elepAo f to the bevt-of'your knov-,- all tonders received for the resignaiion, Pa.d ii has been accepted. Is 01-11plriug Special Bargains in the . . .. -
led -re and P),ility, but this tax F.'eems so IS1,01plip"llyloolf steel rails, with all corres. ROCKING MURDER IN Mi ssissippi.-- A . 'Of E,Vorytbin I I of -Bali.ness- I I I
S 1, g in the General 1 iaa,
Fo?i'trary to tile spii 'it of our laws Ind pmdence in relation to them, find the ,merchant of Holly SpringR, Miss., nam- . following goods : I I . ,.4 , . - , '- -
I . '04 ,
I . 1, . . '66nd , " - I
ills titutinn -i that there is an evident n, files of persons by 'whom, or through ed Marcus Louis, 'was found in his . , , , . 0 ot, 1 .4. - . .
I ____ -
noressity for sovio cx ianation which W lom, Such tendera'wQxe submitted or store murdered and mutillated,., with an t I I I
I p le, & Fancy D Goods, Millinery . .
!will ins,ver the Iuestjonings of many 3ks fur sets,tadieselouds wa' ) . I
. . M Lde; all corresponponce with any of axe. A negro arrested on oaspicion, Ladie I .
. 11: - I was I I I . 11 I A 4 -Co
and satisfy the Winds of all. It le Parties tendering (be quantity of c,;nfessed lie [)resent but that the . . :Ready- =&di otblaff . ML 0, Amerk= Exprou -
I I . . I :, R. P(Rftn. r" 'Is to be supplied by them, copies of deed was. done by a colored man naineil . X I , 6 I 1 6rpots.ttowm.Pctrnishlult,Hsrdwosi GroewW B". . . " ,, - '
I . Y. r 1. . A S, pants, Flaftighinga, Rate & Capsi Ca , . I
, HirlAoli,, rob. 15 01, 1876. . I contracts entered into, and of all eor. Kenned . adi '08 4 "Wint,er* 'Jacket lisswige'.pa"At, modWROO, &*;, Ais. 'J
I I . I . I I I . I I . I and she" 64"Onery, Wall Papers, Orockery w34 0 .
I . .. . rmpondence relating to them.. Copies EXTENSIVE, INDIAN OUTBREK THREAT- I I I I I U]Z4 . L I . . I . YJALV11- I
"SUDDEN. A TT.k(,' mr tratisport of steel gNr,D._It is stated on most competent I he L 6,1%fie #W01110d.tho services of . I . I I I i
IH .,NT. -It is related of contracts for the , If . I I I I .
.,of0irran, the famous Irishbrator Rnd' rail -orn Iontrcal to tLe different and reliable official authority that the GENT'S P 2APS , I
, a ft 1),, r I I . .1 I 11 11 . 'I .
'*it that he was one evening sitting in parts oi the minion,with any changes Sioux Cheyennes, and Arq;hoo Indi- I , . M . W o A -IVZ'S . I . i
. KNIT S11IRTS AND DRAVV7tR81 Openedan office
T box at,the, French' 6pera be n an made in suca*6o the '
. . kn - littacts', and the cor- &ns have been and arc yet maldog 4 ble . I I -1. . efnowmanvilla,latonfT6rozito,sor4Awitgarofmy(3lotbingDapattment, A611 *01t4bIt"T I I I . , I I
, , ;
, -16.511 lian, .Gm`he,ha.d ,a,3- t,,,spoodemee relating to Buell charges most extensive preparations possi S r WA second to none in tho Dominion. Not eutting a 1006". iii. , Aq I I I I . I I
I I , ,, , ,
L. a. I ill land the goo4a oind prieso right. 110met , ,
Comww ldd there, 'abd it very -a"it the time the contracts were entered for fill ofttbr eak it! a "tY few Mee HEAVY OVER -COAT I TER- b .y ,',-O,m,gfu4,-.,rxi,,,-,Igo-,Idg ,; tj: a o4it wi mb4tj this is O's, I
I - I . young- .JPJ ,V - I . I pl.as to 4.t .0, - -All kinds of FArsa hodisde Iskm . -IN- I I I 11,
lady, 'I'll'o ladies soon mm)Vested a into, with a statemen t of dates of the can of intra.. glycerin a lost in the , I I ,Q,ythi4 y 4a wsiat at low ]prices. X. B. I I
I ; .
11 ,
I . 11
Strong desir6'to converse, but n,i ther payin I e I h . t . of all nionieg oil A Port Colborne PROOF'COA-11S - - . 'eackangs. . d 0 . . 11.1
I , '' Witter at the entrance to I I 111 I . Exoter,9, 1875. I JAS FICKA3AD .
of them klJeWa word of the other's tract, the pr Sent location of the ra"Si harbor is cl-ealing, quito sensation in 11 . . .
I a a I I I . .1 I 11 . . I I I .,__' , . .1, I 11 -a I , , ,, I , I . I .
language. Carran't -of eftrse, voluti. and a1 Ontges for transportation or that neighborl,00d', Villess itis found Undotcoats, 'Patto and Vests, Heavy B8aVP I is ii, , - __ __ I
' ,r$, I PeterghaMg, Ind - _ __ - — - qVP
. I teered to intervebt ,,pi-Jii hisl6wri words storage 6f the aame. I It will be A risky business for vessels to i I . I . I 1.11 , I 1: X US ,Nr Z A
MantI6 Clothes ' Strong Canadian Tweedo, an I d Fayady I,. I I . - UNDERTAKING ' , I I I .
I I ',to ,be carrier of their tbougbts, so. 'there is a good deal Of bomPlairt ljftss in or,cut $100.1s,offer6d for its r I I 1. I . I 11 j 1, - I I - 11 I . I , ,
6bo utable for Weir saib delilvoky," Tbey among the m6m6rs of the,,Hous'd coil- , C4nadian Tweeds. I _ . --- - ,
reooVery.. : .1 Pl kin itnd I I , I PItEP'Luxt)
I I I I 1. I 11 0 T, A UE
Vent at if onde,, with all the rtrdot And corning the delay' in digtriVufifig the I I " ---',._1- -, Ch6ok Winoies, Fanoy Flannel Shirtiagg, I-Iea*y R H4 .1 11 ' 0 S IS , I / .
- ! ` ! , , , i
- , I - W I . 10 W1.
furepr I , , DRE "I I
. , St of tile Irish ana Fren,ah na ,int6d debates '6f Pttklaimonf. taet, , 11130UNt I Bed Blaiikota, Horse Blankets in great VatiOtY Cgr D I I
I combined ; but the int rpret&6olc the year each day's proceedings was li icl 1).67' 1 _ 1 1 - 1. 00, H.em I Unio-0) all Wool, and Tapdgtm I I I I I .1 4 .. I . . I , 1.
I hberty:of substAd till g 111s,6*11 Vh6vgtits or6 the 146tis(011 1)rinted form on the AN'i)uitifo -At4ndork6n, on th6'06th hist,th ,. I 1P p I I I I 11 I I I 11 I I I To 10onvey. Goods I
. .' -, or very cl.Wb tller6to. , Wife of 14r,16lin AuaekRanj ,of 6, danittor . 4 I . . 11 I . I
for theirs, all(! instead of rematim lipon toll6witig (lay 11 I I .r, . HE WOUILD CALL I .1.1 I I I 11 I
fllepl y, hitro(lu,teA go -On tbei occasion o d6bate f -of eiteaor- . ,, I
I the dvesseg and . 0 ar t , 114, tont-ovetor ! jiARRIED. , . , . nkAo I . i I ' I I .1
, _ 11 , k I , 1, Aud y0or'blot 0 env, point . I
I I Inany fintly turned comptilnents thilt dinarylengt1l this Y I , , . It . 1. , . Mon . . I
I the ldd' i Soon became c6nipldb)l f &9 '86ems to be 1)ormitt,'od 'to 16ns'nit ]lie I "" 0. 's 4-" WA %w 41* xm . 1:1
.1 . 1, J6 - I %,,W,1s,,_ltiN0,_1" stogtford on Veb, lhid, b s I " .11 13 * V . I 1:11 I I I I . I I
. .
I I I I I efflatei'l ,with m ll 6ther, At laotj th6i? owil couvenienbe Tathet th n t1ifit,of thb ROVO R Bofts n - Mr li(jlhug 961les, of I . I I I I -1- .., I I I I I I I I I I I
Of,.X0Sti'dp`S 11 %n 0 , ,;, I .
. X ;p 1, . . .
en thi mlasni WMiffiig suff1r6en t1v -grokt, ,.!&A014, The A,Miistev xippiin, to klgg'b liz4eth Ann kingo of . I ' I
I , I I -
. I I Mll 010deimi0al stittistica provides 110 wiek, I 11 I I I ' I I . I I . I I . I I I I 1 11 4 1
th. wily intetpteter,io ,cou'voying some n e w ^ I I
. 'S %A I I I
I , I court, li;qoN,."(,Itt)ut4ttrt,t ,-t ., fild lldvtG. Uot,erk, ' , E 81 , I ,
I 11011C of 0' Ory cr1minftl 1 01) TOCK OF' DR' ' ' #'N 0 0 D, S i 1
I I I ,ery innocent question Mtu big coun- that the C , Ad" O,t & regid6fidd 61 Mt, B. Thornhill, Z ) I I I . I I . . I ..*.A,- I I Vor t4irillor,partitillocro rvp 1 ly ,t) I
lfl;dy, wi%rd 6 ,Ixl ,q, RTIA sheriffs I I I
I . on Wotlnosda , evel,1111g, Feb, 16th, mr Aj 0 i1v a . I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . 11 I I ,
, 11 i! gl'-Fill trjtn fflit to 61 * flobitsoii, pt blfshdt, of tile Tivetton Tratch I I I I
. I trywoo,tatio asked the Provd1i obs ot p6n't t.)tf
I She lvoul(l &,v6r her witli & 1 188," In to Mlinsu rot Agri- ,r , Many hoog -of wliio bought ,,At lob Pkieeg "on of th6 Flit 16 to Ili$ krgo stock of I I . . I ., . I I
I 11 qjjliflyr sl)rijIgil ig aero" tile orator, '01 6 601filto, boforo fjli, ' efla of Vol). in boeh , " man'to,W85 AticoThorfflilftlo 61&Watleh- Vill b6 sold 66 AbOtit half their *klt,6, Ad 9,0646 861d Subjeef t6r WOVLP ezil tile Attetit, I I I I I
1. I r I
, I
i 6ut6d a hkq on onali cht,elc of the Car. Aell'oduloff of ,tlie stritisffc , au -1 Vbt -of Mr , 111, 1"h6rAllill, Xinaittdinm 9, dodut of 3 pot, 0ent" for cash ht timt of' mtloj 6r pqiiblo on I . 1. I - i I I I . I I I I I I . I I . i
.1 L 0 18 I .T'IF L i
, Via " dro . P - , r* I
I y , , I Ofiicor nww reqlli,fed to tiiftjlo rtihc I tov(sC,u1N6 _At Jj61jA()ri. oq the 2f6t I , ko' I
I I Ilill, 11 lady, wh O m,f a am A ,O(l y4t I'61, su d I 134vt OVOTY , t by 1.16vi mt lNoh of St'. Vloiliag$ ut ,kpffl ,text ; othetwise ititeremi, ki .8 per dOtt, per ilifi,uoo, will . P86'rioro %A.A.64wilig ex, be om * urniture W , WH ., I i
I (Ion (ltf,P,0,(, 0,11d 6ft I afte0tyArdN, ask6d thit to file Vino'n06 Ali'llipter colples of ur, J yro6ioi,s of that towti, to Jotfi , I 11 I I I I
I 'L I I owl d6aghtor, of A , " ,I 'n 0 A lat-go tt6ok bf Old at&ra aba othtf t1kiiattva, on h4ta, eVA,V14,111 Will tt WA hi Voerly wfua 4, . I . i
I Afi, 0(11-1'ftnt I Vflnfi In ff rouvig m0o b6 invo.ritbly eharge4. sdtor thfit, dato, p6i'
,, )o wofltl V10 by Justices of the too Ir `fhob Ching, 14fty ' ' q -L
-_ I " I
eoul(l t1lat F enet, ,irl fiavoL M(.,&nt I I ),y 1. O&C a 0(, y,,Laf,an, 11 I ot )i0dem, I I i
. . r 'b 6 uraer tho' tllnfnnyy ,'OnVjOtidug b1Ad,kWVJ& 110W'09"Af til t 40k prioe, Tho'publia are ToOpeedtilly, retlilosted to eill 1.6.11a ,aNP6 1 1 1 . i
I , jt Av opiesjo the qlAt ffl8tw by 60 toy NV Logan, it 0 I .1 (101al; IDUPAW4 'i I _ ,."I
, ,tj 811allin fix imr6 Sena ,,ticli 6. Ir of the to,WnAhip : f . 11 ,,,
I - ,§ I I I'V ,, I
,,, ,
I . I I udli cmi 416b in 'Such it plavo 2 I , ut, Vidliata,010,4*01 , . those gooAsi mad J udgo for'theinselvei, . r,t#tor, robmVy 16. 16*. - A,! , .
P V -
91 I
I 1) S&V
. %1'
; 11 . ;"
ill V1110.4 ,
ar e
I've's .
01at , 0
L; y _
T *O : - .., "
.., 4
W . _
C1 " I "
. ,-
iti . ,* I
1 .
, V
I ,
. I
.1 .
0! 111 11! ,
i I
Zl! 0
I ,, WrMA'16fl the gocreff tiLjd t1le lyisll tfio,l Aflnistok' 6tAgfietiltito 1)ef6ro fbo ke sfr gMOA6,0111ydmig .. . 1,0- I 1- 1 ' ' . I I I i
, I '.,*i01V( I I I I I blddqp i, t6 M, , 0'04 of tho J6 111&jp . 11 "UR oigft, 'XWON I I L kow I
, ,
L' L ''I f6a. , thought Vfbildh girig Wore toty at -A of, flolbruaty; pffidorg neglodiing to tot' of John'llodglog, I 4 I I I 1 I . 6 L = I .00 oorth V66a WmAt#A lu 01rAmip fbr Aftnittito". I I I I 6", v % # 1 .
I L . it&Atwl w4doti, it ,f a u 1ps , e of Goilq*my , I i I : is I I I L I , I
; , I, lkir,-44601 16nts All'op Rud'oftlin 06 § 110 to , . I I I ,., I I I I I L 0 1 ': 1 4 1
I . I : I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I . . , , .
. I I I I I I I I I I I : I
I ,. L I I I I I .1 , . . , I I I . I I I . I I 1 1. , .
I I . I I I r . I . . I o 4 1 . I L
I I I I I I I L I . I . I . . : I 11 I I . I I I I I I . I I I I I I 11 : I . , . I
1, I I I L .. I . I I I I I I ,., . , I I 11 I I I I I , ,:, ,
I I I . 1 4, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :
, I ! i . I I 11 : . I 1, I I 1 1-1 .. I I I 1. I
-1111 1.11,11,11 - ,r I I . I . -1 11.11,111, I 1. 'I I I 1. I 1 ,4 I I . I I . I '. i r - 1, - , I ___ I I .1 ,, 1, I I r I -1 . 11 11.111 ---r-1'- I I '. I 11-1 I Adl
--1 '' 11-11 I I I I . 11 r I 11 1.11 1.11 1. .1.1 I . I 1-1111 1. - I I I I., I .11 I I -1 I . ,, _, ,. _, I 1. .