HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-24, Page 2L' - ON, netece. init reel, ••reete • .-• ' busotio.i.ou ..• Otattbant., Sarela , Lepana ratertnn • " t,tleielJo..),i „ Itoti,,e11. • ' • 140eti40. , . (.."11.,ater4 1,0)0i4,,,inni•Neg 31.•!4r..1„s. . ; Oi.4:4,?;4 Ai; 4.0 tIA;L:LIC.,4i. tete:et. .. t ti“.•••ti Proc.,1101,4 Idippon 4„.A q•or . f.ondou 5:-. Teem is "' 1' ee fonown 0 00 b 10 0 4 AS "- 5 Pik " 0 10 10 OA " 11 4° 1 045 " 1 45 8.,tx• • " 4.091"io • - 4: WI 1,4 • • 00 " Azgz Afized ,7 e„,. $.1 10 45 ' " 11 20 15 " 11 50 0 " .10 05 " 9 rk 0' 1 do P.1.1, ' " 140 " -40711 " 4 10 " • B.15 P•Di• •• • 1 .1' t•• • 7 Q4' " 0, la. Suspensiou irldgei /„.0. :'.I Lit Vraitis run daily rexo'6,1-4,Kunda;vsl. `tit.7t04, Norta-.Montley Wodinor4ALY 0 . saturatty,-- e In t “tati VCXtb Gra" Trani' to rind rivet Deitertelt, l/rand Cw --sifatMLin AtUfaN0EHENTs. 1 • e, tees:el ente eer 1.45: d • A. it. ker. 7.35 r2.1.5, , '''"'• . " m' '. niiieht here' tx"Ctit that 8,1)4 the whole tIOINti W sicr 1.15 5.41 r' ' ' •,i .„... , , 3 . . pt. it. nilliNiNol.: , ,,rnnte of the new road, :iqually as high Lticen..luge 1, 1s75. ' . iiricas have been paid for grain as itt .4. - OnTer4enes of lhe 13, well'hi be tattli advantage el retes tteetle' eta leee eic141,8 for Ientden: Kee At 1)00',11)1i1D AltiP Ariuttiot Our cotea of Another adventegei • wbielt enay est he nonciipiainted,riml which t„...c peopls () ratv 4,10,1 thenteeivee of, neer the road which e'dvisetl, "the residents of titeplieit tend • Mcel illivray, to veto sternest g re n tln g• a A liones." La shipping cattle eor • Vt411100, sey from Leeter, over the lion - don, Unruh- adidl .Vrit't 0, tile slieeper exte• elle e'dvatteese el two elaske se- Tol'oo to and eleetrettleessf, a rate ten didittee leee tears e the gmne jAdv",„ ta,g4"is taken by a shipper,on the Grand, from ihuilin yr Vorrlaiill; Cho latter instatioes his,ear is billed heiveugli to Montreal, and he hltV,41 blit that one market,' As the Great 'Western 'on- ly rcos to Toronto, lie has ,to tri6ishie , t any way, awl ilk doing :has Efie pri. vilege of T(Ii.outp market, awn if not sq.lakte oan pl'i,e0 his stk•elt oh tliA' Orturd Trtink for Alontreal, it itestiog him tie mere than tho Grand Tituult 81:4)1)6* WhO ships 1 lk rough ,t) Nront real. Another item far peotee., espeeially tO the north? have to hold up hands iy Uvor or Vie & D. is tips: „1 rpt'xt flitit,on to LOD- (inn, 1'0M -tit ti,*ts are isstiod over the rk at greatly ,redilicecl‘ rates, yoti esti fur one tdOoderieli ;4, ceeeot geione tweet:, y eensideeit- 'tem. 4' The result of conipsetition. We • • 4% 441.R.TIN, •••••114VITS,alq11.. ....E.PRCHAYT . •••••••••••••*.i GEN Li -IN hr LE AR ING SALE. auction beim ug, is oes)., -7. ;Fon"; on .th,o TeeellY OASE STorte. le let- ter qoe,•,is deseriptions Itre below ,their arignal cost 'price. Thera ito.i t of,,,ptio2 a t . e 'Jet no Rtd,,ban krnpt .0 v.., atnaged FOOds but ye,tire air uretil$ o Ting. yeu od neW Si 0CII W111811 0:,0 0 411;1'0,7 sideet ,,t less then hanitrupt 4..ric 08. We are determined to clear otr Om. remainder of our sii.titer‘titctek 11Z thiti th no mittu r eveattee sae- iftee may be. „ \lee enlyereeze nothing (tut weettsweneette ;de; sie inespecti;e1 tel. our geods, ii,10,1pri,ces W1,11. „BOO Vince cot of, the tintit .0 (this, st otetnet: Stanley & Jernivn: t ••• 1, i it W (rhe eennes t TIIURSDAY, FEB. 24, '1 1370 r 2 . sibe only fatitiroi-c5tisorvativo Journal in South any market along the Grand Trunk. The same advantages for selling are of- f*P:ed, the fao,ilities for shippiug fully as good, and in seine cases better: ,Parithilt will threfure find it has la Exeter not a Mole hill hal a whole inoterittut to compete With, T 11S Is rap- idly becoming apparent to farmers in tileanquet as well as .Steplien, Ifiqe it)ronAy Made their appeatence here with gran, erid seism thordughly satiefied. Fa Correspondents: a Vi inNite an who can do so, to gp.nd,ne „Short at-sCriptions, of. 9,.celdenito otecn;i i'enct,s in arty p•y•qt,OF ,tbc Ootinty. Write on pee elite. of th‘.; 'paper only. Mail your letters, ret. Monday or Tu. sday, to be sure of insertion m the Times of the sante week. One cone pays the postage if you leave the envelope open, and send it as "printers' copy.", TittiSE liffitiArtil BtES. . ialk ha's hem - indulged in Sine() hisi week's is,stie, 'Owing to . sow° remarks made. therein,egniiiit i,ratiting lik,„bits,,e for billiard tables. In Piot the tail: witied snail and the erten • • "'see'. -te" ''• 'ti 7neni.g n! viikhlet o e. es that it is not worthy a reply. *e, are pleased to know t'tat the village 'CD011- ;lil bought so. too. At the meeting, t )161 on Nippily ni;:lit last, for the pnr- pose ,,f grandrig„, lliterizee; the annual Sorrell motion of needing ..liCenee for . . billeted bible)) lees indulged . The eem, though, for !inch lioeuse was not tto formal'. That bedy placed a fee of' $100 the -Pat table ; $75 err the se- ., cowl ; oil the third --sums seesich nit table elietialetor :etre for investing in Exatee.fdr time. Teo stipulation •wes aleo enad- thea each shoed(' be. the license tee . should licenses be granted etiolate were greeted, llowever and We 104 'assured none W.11 be ; at least, nidet the pit- 's:int Creineil. _se ..., *MAR11 A. .159T1?, POST01.1ST41-tWE.VEltilL5* REPORT. The Postmaster:Generars' Report, :11 endine ,Tene 30,1875, is before tis, from whieli we 'dictate the frelloet•ing stetistiee utaler the head -of firgfig revenee, we fine the following sunie get dp.p.osite the dif- ferent Post.0ffices ntinied Adare, $71.28 ; $g.2.0d. An- derson, 57.03 say., 24:00. Beyfteld, 174.65 ; eal., 182..00. Bluevale, 817.55 ; stile 112.00. Blyte; 487„21 ; 156. Verrivelere soi; 1100. 14 HISPel8; 11g8.‘26 ; sal., 203.0d. Centralist, e91,- 57 , sal y, 56.00. Exetet, 1111.53 , sal., 820.00. Goderich. 4,706.65 ; 1.484 00. Grand.Band, 67.67 ; sal.. 16.00. Hay, 89:72i ; sal., 16.50.— Green, 48.68 ; sal.; 22:0p: Kin - :exam, 8,149.48 ; sal., 902.80: Mp- h:NI,. 122. 86 44,00, Eirkton, 1141.2,i sal,,. 52.00. ' Iitican; 642.12 ; sal.; ,2d4.00 flirsWitrding 125.00 and rent, 40. St. Kary's, 8,- 844.60 ; 856.00 ; forwarding al- lowances, 80. aud rent, 120.00, Sea- ford), 3.502.19 ; and . forwarding allowances, 984.00. Woodham, 126.88 ; sal., 36.00. Rodgerville, 216.88 ; sale 06.00: Crediton, 174.78 ; sal.. 62.00 ; Elinivtile 6.4103 ; eeee., 22.00. 'Michel -- sea; fi0.04.; sal., 22.00. Sarepta, 30.- 15 ; sal., 16:00. Dashwood, 137.81 ; eal., 24.00. • The reporker it tains it gereet mass of statistical f r mitt, h, which, thmiall 'dry reeding; is ne,verthelese of interest, as etliteincles. ,•ate forded to the public'. The tot al utiiiilier of; post °feces in the Doniinion is 4892 ; the number of lettere and post cards sent by post 4,600,000; newspapers, 31,300,000; registered letters, 1,750, - op() ;„ free letters, 1,290,000 ; parcels, 13 Tto total Nista' revenue for the Dontiividn.wes $1,5.36;509:50 ; the expenditeye. $78. 241. . • s , e•-ese ee..) Q'Binrnit 0, -,,,,Very interesting and profitable reading elatter will be foane 0`,Beetieek CtVe. (henget of ttetvertieeteent OtS'eOlere. 'it' SWow,77A welcome Itiftit0),' WAS the E3:110W W11i01 lent (el iXtle8a. leete, About s'e,lieti itachea fell, eneliteg very g )(al swig -1)1,0g,, No,r, eeply to many ,in- .iittirce mado the eest felt ileys, 100T1 that tee fedi wheet has .eot state:eta 10 may greet , extent at ell, It 0$3 D'owe e —A s et' d , s•• Chyle was drieleg ins tether teens along tln). ,Slnd,on 4'010; .911 obe,of t.ho Miet,h4. two the (wee or dee Wilkie:1 fut., Theil• • wr4,Feso rrivir ENc4 1,114' ricr, . . (Front or owo Belierter), I , A feeeeeetree ente0DeMeektee'e INTEEtrPlap, On Monday last, the ratepayers of -. vit. filliVrial Tost,„„t, SNIMO-'4,rrmiT the towns, ,cf stePlieni t6) W0 ..,4 „ • AT 1N0KNIDX411i41—"RHAI*404•V/W3 It)1 l'pon,1140P Met in the Towe Hell, °ref- . AiXIDEIR`ra;4-4, 11015. Ulla Aliikolak. - •„, ),,,), ,, , , . , , , ---- tote for We Istrpoete or einitdring into To' the nunicrous inquiries ma.de re- finanoes Of the muniesentlity end aseete epeedeg tee 1.seuees of tee lk;,te dies; wining, if poseible, hew the fniele for there hes generally been the elle ex"pre,S, Lite fiast few yeers fieve,been exeeeeided, ed opieion, thee they ward tlie it:seat' of or foe We adoptior of eorne ruetival to 0061deut ; 801110 few, lioeteer, assertee' thet end: The tneetiog was AIM re -asserted otleirwise eepecially in t ugh wit bout doeig 16' y father OpiAliOU nOW $00111,3 ll'itY0 1/0011 fDt.! 0 )12* berm; reet else, Jest1•00 Flittereoll will 0 1 Tueethey morulug lees; Mr; Teems hold. the Spring fOr Brook Circuit at , , , , . . ewelt.09t teosezi,nul 30)1Taatle Ns, 2t7t.sofi 1 ,.L‘l ratisath ',sarong wee tennewtiat staseteu, ou visite • r, Owen lioudni, Monday 10t11 April. uoiletieb, Morelay, 17th April. etranord, Monday, 24ih Walkerton, Monday, sth May. ltuLus.—Visitori ad the station cese not but observe elee tray obliging rules posted up in tliteeityate office. In feet rapst ,oVsecitinnts nee tirey that, no de On, :some of the buinreere who hall; around Wet vicinity will ;note want hoard rep Well ae tObacco tine lodging ter nothing: t • Ari,t,1105 Anensstotee--ele Mee- , day eveniug lest, while Exefor Division of,,T, was in seseiip, a men who tees In a situation t() 1111Stalie ft 1) amp- haudle for the eiteseled digits of an old friend, applied at the doot of the rope:fie. for lodging over eight Ti16. spirit, of the division wasn't up id that sneuidea bat was proqf against such eisitora, A isit.1 • . The bounty Conneil met yesterday to transact some special business. , • - 40TEL AT THE' SRA.TION.--W8 lertrn that a 'berremedious hotel. le ito be open- ed at the statiitm in die epring. It on Saeie—lefe. W. Cid& pffers fOr sale hie very valuable villa, to Pteperty Refer to advt., for particular,: VAI,ENTINES.,A. great ntineber . : " these missiles—lovieg end odierwise' • -passed thrmigh Beetee Post Ott& ibis Peer: . • attenfirm wits nailed at tne time ITAteees.,A. wandering Italian band es an ertiele which .appeared in the mede tts entree into this town on Tties• Perehill Gazetirof two er' eeks since. re- day last, and favored the eesorts with ta•ivo to the price paid for grain in that a le W of their seelections. 'villagt, 10 nomparison with that Paid ' Smoot, REPoliTS.--Teaohers-requiririg , . the &etherizer' scut -lel eeports can have in IlIet0i', 'elit t Weis eeerlookecl uhtil l'i, eeMe emcee t,e, teem peseeete teem tlie l'reet"erit, : Per ihe e,eieete anthorit,y Ithi; offiCe; fOr /6e`. per hundred. ,, .• • . eet high es 97 ee.nts per' bushel wae• paid SALE RE0tSTER.-60 Totirsday, the ',het weee foe, fell wheat, whilnonly 93 293-11 February, dr. T. Elston's este of ee,,,„„ Wee peie ea Exetee. tree re. IIotel Furnitiire ete;, at Ireland „will marks in connection 'with 'these two takenlece, Mr. W. Hodesen haudling the hammer, ',series were not ef enerse the most torn- , 'plitrieninry to the rexeter market, and the trintion, aria Bellee RS an arlyani•ectecele evict fee ..thipping facie- ' ties And privileges recelved tie encour- aging i'verd; ‘Whiele, when net eirPected from thet senrce, we're not looked fon • As high as 97 ceete per bushel wars We wonlcl not he 80 disediirteouti ste 0 a•tesset that die Partible". i`xiati was ever lisieeteen, 'We evoi.eld, 'theft ••.• •,. elie betels 01 P.trIchell beyers,are more illeeiteed than we asset. d.etenied it possible nocille of a greitlefeiYer 'to b leeriest, • e . • • .t t,., Willett they were, ovule; e011tS "rer ENOANIPMENT,--A. orroher of lite Mena - hers of Exeter Lodge of Odd -Fellows (trete to Seafcreth, on Thursday *of lase. week, and' Were that' evening made members of Seaford] Enetunpment, A lod'ge Of tills high ordey ef Odd -Fellows will he tieteblished hare itinnediately, leiowerts.-00 Saturday last, , Edward 8trothy, of this .town, passing through the garden. picked a full bloonsee pansy, looking very healthy despite" the ;wintry cloek which sue- itunded it. v Fine re seateTeet nonies.--seen ete• nesday evening of last week. abent dusk, the dwelling-liciese of Mr. Frank Wright ems diecoveted to be on fire. The Carms SniPPsn,---The first consign- ment of cattle from Beak Steam' took place on Monday hiat: , Mr. I; Willis loaded twenty-one head for the Mon- gers!' rifethets; A steer 7114 *he bo agh t fro Mr: ler eden e .of Helibeei; weighed the ormous weight of 2:000 lbs. At the same time Mr. Winters, of Hensel', passed through with a car -lead of cattle, shipped front that poilit. Peesoriee,,T. Greeuway, Esq. M. P. itriveit horfte Ottatvae Satur- dae mglit last, in order td ere Cedeene tit the investigetion rHeeting held at Creditoe, OH *Monday IA, to enquire into the financial pdsition of the -town- ship of Stephen. , : W. N. kllisndeirmerly of Eie• ter, but now of .the'Newcastle Machine Works, left per. L., H. it B. on Tees - day niorniug last, having been -on a duel, pyrite" visiting -his friends liere rind appoulthignin agent in the person of Mr. Jetties Farrebn. , , Cineeneete WAYLAID AND ROBBED. . A telegetten frotn Port Senilac, dated tete says Ketchpew, frem Cana- albj was Waylaid and roblied on the higliwae•Of t-322 ibis, mernii;g, helf mile north of this village; Mr. Petal - paw WAS on his way to Huron bounty to purchase land. John Miller end Sidepy Yakes have b,eou greened; and in defetilt of bail *ill be Crinineitted to ; Jae. . Ailieanoveouse—Whal *next? Ton Metter td spell dime but the Domin Labdratoly finds room to chsplay the Ware stud try the orthographical powere of customers.. The mausiger, Mr. Thexton Mums as, that a sure cure for any attack which nee), fellow an attempt to spell the word is forted in theandrogynous cigar, for which thee .preprieturs of the' Laboratory eave -been 'appoitited sole agents la Exeter. AT Tan STATION.—On Saturday last, Mr. 'JasePickard shipped a lerge quan- tity of clover seed.' The same morns log..? gaits a quantity of grain was breeget in. Mr. 'Wilkins the clay be- fo:eoitirehaeed one thousand bushel. , ditele'Yeitte49 et,e; Cin Monday the see:rehouse -wile Cie4ded: ,„Mr; Jas. Pickard paid ite higit, me 9fiets fee a choice sample of tail w beet. The pres- ent sleighing- will make a brisk trade. even more so. Or INTEREST To teneseetes.—Several of the agencies estahlialied by tee Grangers m the different States are Meeti4go with &minded troubles: It was (City e fed. dijetsesiget eteitt die heaviest Grange a,e,Oney die Pacific slope she- called to order, .iset , Joseph Aehesim Fele ese Eenteet: aieethited to onair, and 11,,apon, ,li',.044„ of ill() enote placo to net eeeyetery. follo hie bueieese 841.5 then newsiest. tug en epen shoe i a the rear of hie fra:fee 00 '111 kidOel'ie(1)13b, atepayers or the 'Neu:ship of Stephen are disatiefied wit") tee expetalittei • of tlacs puttee; moiliee of tltie Tows:Ishii) es tcdoptect bY the man icipal corporation el this ittudic.pality, through i,ou.tnissiott- ors that "ante stuns of Toney have placed ha the battik 61 ettid Oslo- missiorsers atulexpended ley them; and et) teiedie taken by teem id detail. — Cak de,t1'," , Movkidriy Thomas Greenway, second. by T. Co'eglni, That whereas the petititei lately presented to S. Hogart Esq., Itee'Ve of this Township, request- ing hire to isell Lie tneetieg, sete oral efeirg,es again the et -nitwit end of- ficers fa the paSt IOW years' WittiOUt stating specifititelly what said charge', werei Wade:re be it resolved thee the opinion or this meeting, each Itod every knowin,,,‘ ausdetiog agstittet, sate acnincil and officers, should now be re- .. guested to hand in, in writing' over their aigneAtte, the charges pre'feeted againet said Lemuel' mid ()eiders, mien: ing the person aeaitiet Whotn the charge is niatte; and the deture Or such charge, in (leder tlitit said perties may Intve ari oPPortunity of answering such Charge ;' and that ttit thii Meeting there etistIl a free dismission of such eharges; end tliat 6dmmitteW of (Ibsen- terested parties bei eppoihind iwees- tigate the matter,—Carried. Atter some lively discussion, it Wil.9 moved by Thomas Greenway, seconded by S. levolcenshire, That the council ap- point smother. man, and if thr tew een- uot agree, the satne two appoint a thild itcsurreece of what might have been..a teien; none of these to be reeidents holeientst_.,,.; bet what resilly Wil,S; the nee- ',the nueniciCtitity; id irieeeteetied tee roweet escape this village ever exeieri Matteis irf tile toWesIttp; dna ilib# be eneed. investigateCI after 11Ir: .ireenwsty cdrnes home Ire 11 Ottawa.—Carrieti. Commit. Moved by Thee: Greenway, secnnded by Wm. Fultoe; ilia•t the proceedinos Moeirthe, te . , . el this meeting be published in trie -7" 11' i.8-6 eme. Exeter Thies aael Stratford (Lionise— Counc'il met pursneet ter iitlj nionteit Drew's Hall, Meier. All the ',reject - The thanks of the mooting were un- tnembere este:tient; The minutes of the animously tendered to the Chairman previous Meeting Yen read and Con- aud Secretstry. -Cerrietlx ' firPeed-i':itw No. 2, to appoint Wm. Da -w- Mated bi W.. seconded den Assessor for the ()errant year; Wft,S lbeyt [Adel trG4B cliCeAlf.'r ITiaiito:).‘livt;.tGer°.018.itilititto,lyksfboer duly read. ona passed, on Metion of W, II, Verity, secended by 3. Pickard. coming frotu Oettee, to stos'wer to the By-law No. 8, to appoint Johu Mc. charges made against the Old council. Laugulin eetvern, and Liicerise Ittepeotor Carried- etestetiouse situated, 04) tee weft, lee et • elean-etreet, ant; uorth ef Ids stole, „ fiadthe roinitias of ells intetel- ed to, be 0 huge int. nettle etraw which had been ten Peeked limn libee4t, dozen bOX8i ll'ere lying netie' theme, etel Ilea been libellee tlaring tire -bug wair,ed sufficiently Twig s'ee werk ewninateeti, hift .tflit tong enough tu see it fini:,ned----ofiiinairs'o in 'a hurry tO get attette. • Two ote tnree et the boxes Were kitihied to quite eitent. and had the high wise's, pre,atled tit the tinie; not have blown the fire outl, they, woMil have entunittniCated with the etdeehoose, agstinst "the rear wall of beetle's, et eeseter. we were 4.)irYing *0'6 11'°!itc:1'1°'' ware at otte on the spot, slid ' • •t ere e • the fire, svbitee originated from tl.ke tropolii,o'e;;c1ritlges of the same Week'et've. pft-lso„ it'aving oatiglito. Nino goon Inas. 100'"ilg "P e •Ptlir boaitis threetgb wheat the etove pipe , • Crud ttCtit tnore than 96 cente tered, wee paid in tlett xnarliet. And how in Bee Unite:gets Setetee- n on ay •• • 1. ag rritsital rash the buYere Could pay two cents morning last, ttlete te .te, e • ' it in at the etetiore, The plettorte and wale - 1,01. nei eels ior ; 4 a ,,t1. p„„ „ fled Preto peel Toronto, and' pay rig-t;ciont were ctl* e Wi 0,, g„,„, , „ , waiting for ehe .tiain,,1 .11e, 'lle•villen pended, eitli heavy liabilities aoa lielit Ileatieet comneercial collapse which has happened during the. year in the Peolfic States. The Grange store at New Martinsville, West'Virginia, prissed. bites the hands of the SliFhitf ilfany execntions. . The littbilitiesi the eche been exceeded its Assets -by stetteiel thimsalict dollars. In this case the linsiness was managed in a loose and business -like manner. The agent ern- ployet1 six clerks, sold goods at 10 per cent. peofir, and paid 7 er 8 Der esnt. niore for ,ielteat, oats, potatoes, and. other farm products than the regular market price, and of '0011i -E0 ethe end could not be other ' than e complete smash up. From other qUarters come similar announcement.) of faiheree ansOng the Grange stoees'. siteeneiseeeeeversiettuiet ktokeee't ei a „ callable class. , ortgepown, gee., 24ud, verse lee este:net geleetee, easseist,-D tar Str,-- Allow. dile, to bear•my testimony in favor of your Ootrigound Syrap Of Ilypophosithilts. I have used 'it myieif for,i)bereulosis .with marked benefit, and ,neve given .t tck great number of nay .pati- ent ,s mith the same results as I have experi•meed !Mtn its Use. During the last seven years I have 519)6114d myself. tuniost exclusively to the treat - Mont of musumption, la tying eases under rny care in tin Parts of.the Province; . so that I aus enabled reespeee froni exp'erieneo of the beneAlls derived teem use.• The inostmarkedwas a case winch. vrus Under My care in' Etarch lel. This was a 'Patient who died host:. tinder .0retatment glue months with no benefloial results. When I first gavf hitn, he was so feebretholha cOrild not sit up long enough to have his heart and innevi,examitar ed. What dissate belted been treiited ftn; didinet appear, but I found him suffering under, (throttle epienitis. He had a Revere eo,tigh,,dytipmn t, Pal- pitation of the heart, inipaired digestion, and consequent general eumei nut him tinder treatment, proscribed yeux poet:sound syrup et Rypopticoonitte ,s and after•tisint four •hottico, ho Walt able to attend to life font, end, is novl per- fectly wo11, In Mardi' he was, given ny tour physicians respebtively; la „May i1,01 etiolated lit ploughing eighteen aeres of lend, ita inia run up in flesh. from 1514 to 148 poithrls weight. I send yots ties for the purpose of making whet tote you pleamt of it, and wigh you, all success in your labor for ,the benefit df eufferifigiminhoity. Strongly, reeernmendio g the use of your OomPound SYruP of HYabosphires to ell who suffer Oi eny Way frOni diseate or weaiteess the hoses, brenchi-,1 tuees, .or general debility, Behove, me your ebedient servant, ' • .1.H. W, Antrttr4 NI. 10, assets: fact it proved about `the adribli they were phenyls Tittle the eeese, element tehieli this fiend thought .to thither him in his purpose, and 0.6,141 one geteod sweep of the eolith ehte:Of the village, defeeted his phrpoee tied frtie- gated his cleeign,' There 14 no. doubt; had the wiod ,bun a gib le wee; tie it weelti heite fanned the fleme instead of deetyoying it, tee villstio's mule wonid have been indeed. Feed it gained heed - way, owing to the direction eud ferocity of the wind; Oarlifig:S store; Davis' shope, Samwell Piekiird's store; and probably Jas. Pickard's euileinee; along with ethers woeld heve bed no hope rested iu their peeservatioe, ae, no doubt, it Wes et a, lase hour when' quiet reveller:1i atound that she Week' was Or- igfnatect, lelte Carling, we understeed, elfish 4,rotira ,fcif apprebeesion',:ef the guilty parties. We hollei tiothe stepe will tie taken by the Connell nt ite nett meeting to preserve the Village feorne • , ' • 1 + Q0 agiia0,,The 6040 Met p'0. savozoeutio tee toyee hall, teeter, 000 o dense. • ee• the Meeeliene presept, on4t, followitio perpteett .efer‘e;,.41),Poill'9„d preyo4e reeetiog having been peed (toe eons the:Ape lie ehster, Tete teteutee Of the path' 'fie re frinirgit;,,Osalowori', Qssei w geteiteeele rietee• Theme - son, Ye Pollingitlicadi 4, Pette,11. Otirlisle, Joint MerilWeit, 12 Mdttit, Me1lakto4, Aldsivorth, D D Meek, D Dick, ire A Berry, C Graneladee, W (3 S.thittn, W Metilierry, U1tyliert, ;6outiterby, 11 6mith, A.1\ feAllister, lt '0\ loAllifiter,,S Carlisle, a ltit'4b If Bauer, *3 Leah), ribreneder, 3 Biolibiel, N Fester. 1.1 Wildiong, A. Kfigland A-JimititbM1Cri A- Wall'ef,' ottoi F Wok. 0,mg111,ss, t)esch, it N , bra; 1,) Irtaitsl, V Res W Pee, A Liewald. A Wainoeld Waiper, 1-1i:breeder, lteeh, Browii, Berg; ;..1clautilacher, V.dighoffer, Blittell, 3 11 • IT Steinbach, W E DeSlitume, J ri ,Cita7W ibeckvr, TUr114/11.11,12. Tr-fo, • dkcE4innli'Nol% 4TM:uteri, ,,Meved by c,feiger,, seeofid61 by Mr Kaibileiscii, 1-11a1.14 be left -tinted te 1. 13ettn, he being overeharged for taxeii for, 111 year 1875, and that Wi,loW House be relieved' of her taxes, being in indigent eiretinistanees. Moved by 1\11. 1\1(10011, kieeckncted by Mr. Kalb- fleisch, that the sum of be grae tett to Bob't ,Bontbron, said amount being paid to the Co. 'pree,sp"ar fifir stetof to labor, and the_ work also per,forinecl as, iturtified. 0 die reateetteteree- ',tierce by Geiger, See...nd'ed by Mr Wilson, that the Clerk (haft a by.law in acoordanee with, the provision or the Act, granting tavern lilienee to ifini,fol1awing parties'i /teynolds A1[04194)1,4' Asiiry DashivoecI Hotel; conna Vander's Inn ; Robert Mills, Royal Hotel, Z Mich ; NichelaS Deicluirt,COm- Inereittl Hotel, Zurich ; John Prang, 'Zurich ; ,Vfartin Bel ; John DeSbarme, Lake "View, Hotel ; LoniF; Bushy, Mansion Hotel, ; Cornelius ,Purdy, lionsall Hotel, Henson; and that the above parties be grant. od a certificate from the Reeve' end: guilt fo't two morftlaf fi'qra the 1,st of,, March next,' on: Certhleate from the ttiVeri) Iiii?p'eoter that they havo gornplled wkt,li the provisions.of said by - hie; and that ttio stun of 05 shall be the sum charged for a tavern lieense for two months ; hy-fffAie confirming the above Was read, when it was passed. moveit by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr McCall, that this Connell' authorize the Reeve and Deputy -reeve to have the Engineer. make the survey for a ditch in the big marsh m per by-law in snob. oases, and report to the Council at its first meeting aftir such survey. ntintber of Ruminate were on motion ordere agents were oot atItogether to be poise Moved by Mr Geiger, seconded II:AFC/181,1:3'1:1h tzongbiame, as an eugine-diever, b Mr Kalbfleiseh that theReeve, D McColl, :mil Wm Wilson be a committee to have, a o :Warren's creek; if they think witl; power to call on the activity Engineer for plane, etc, far the stirrie Piaui 1) Bell was allowed nr.til next summer td.per- form his statute lab,v for 1875, and that the collector do not collect the amount charged tor statute labor on collector's roll'of 1875. Ad - j owned. KINelAlte)INE. rroza the *evertor.. The base of psieetting ititieeeditto township has, been fully invo,stigateiL but no 'evidence Of foul play 'could be fourid, „ ' tinottil,--Divin the letter Part of last Week, Mr, I. attereon„ ear. frt. ee. to til° latt'f)r Ieltelteht 4141(1149 seesietstet had all the work they retie, accidentally fell tide broke titan tv,,) cad comprehend. It, is pos. wanted for soine minutes sell,ing tickets big arm '81610 OW, ••)"/. e6litS hoie 'bah over fitly donors wotth boot al8.por.ieci 'Cio.sotordity htsf,o`fi1110 otoot for Whoat, bat We lifiY0 yot to loariCtIo, of. ,t,en Yeats eldt son of grq Tli°01,..s Mete t, ' tte' Aot tlirough into the wifter,, and ‘610'.1 niffin''e((3".1 r("1.16•1•11(1 III° L." ItilVthil'APH0441-1)41 Sat)i6(1' 11°14 other1ittle folloivo oarae.51 W11iloo. Atm t, wI;Wi 11 talteff etteh pIoakore aro'c' offoid, T000doy loHt, wom re. mountiill tybo i4dt 4,6,,4 (..1 S Mac 11I'g n e h - Of regard tO fhe prOplie;', .; Tuz w"IN s woo havo nee down° t , n ' t;lies cillicees and directors o been 'for the 'in'esence tidtal of two of t100,,, iog4 wo ttftVo 0,n1Y„to M40 iho solved t(i.' .11:41T liti 411i1n1 i4)141114t",48/ilmlYt asgiootk hiroj °Ott 46 in,,ci WAfileg isS11,(le ‘411°V(4111t '6°V4t;)(ir "It°4ecitt*,,e/1144. 'tot *Wititill14., filo (1 ,i,,I Triiiilralid its 6016141Ni et/41w ho 1014 At linA i rA i,o,c1 the raltirrt fart) frOM with tis oretili#4. , 1 , i Timorioo., fillegirlri eel a rrOyhlittp, th0 1100.6i0 if,:),4,.,,,,, i,,,(,, - %flail tho liyozlotiV ADA **A li--ititsdo vitti th I whlalt appeared rot' sxfil It 6 of cot re v „."•eoril of.t1I•tt tloodo Akilt1,1 having.been read a fleet time, was reed It wag the dtifilihnous 091.110» that "•' ' • ' a. stowed end teiril time and paesed, on ell ilesteet1geettie ;should. take testae ar motion ef 'eV. H. Verity; seconded 1)y the miOney had been expentlee wit h L. Hardy:, , . hand. The ineaing was called: Moved by sec -ended by J. bY S. Heetteeli, -1114(1-, 'ere- Pieltard; that the fee for transient traders be $4 per day. Moved in nmeeds GOOD Weans—My. C All iscite meet by E. Drew,. seconded by neseugeat and Air: Verity, thitt the fee for transient traders We a of the township t Wain Towle, of the towaship of See - be $3 per day. ---Amendment carried. phen, chopped, spht and °levet) Moved by L. Hardy, seconded by W. cords 'of beech d seeped weed in nine H.- ,Vority. that By-law No. 5 for 1876 hours, deed took 111e deltic:role the stump be reed a second and third time at the sold Wed the brush. next meeting of this Council.—Carried. St. Thomas Towst Connell llas limi- The ()test was instructed. td enedire tett the number of teyera littesuiles to !tribes of licise; eee; '-• ' thirteen, mud deculee that encli tIti,er11 .,1111-1 8: didIGS, it-Pielled fot a gearit ef must have sufficient Ambling for tee ksi.d to assist iii meichig eitleWalk ee horses, mid eight beds for the adedni- eliiii-egeet, from teidley:street to the modatieu of travelers. All these, hew; Methodist doer.* ft. Wiae.—Aetion ever. who hole houses in the teetei defeeltd. • , had them extended till the fit•st el kitty. The Anditorte Report was It:sieved At a mei!ting of tile Stolle Utters and alitsteitet Orderee to be publisaed Union at There'd,. Feb. 18 it wee decie ehe Exeter Tunis, en motion of W. E. ded to accept the terms ciffered Ole Verest , eeconded by J. Pickard. , Moved by W. H. Verity. seconded by E. Drew; that orders: be granted for the payment of the frelowing, sums, viz.:•- 'Jno. Gill; for wood; $2.50, and Isaac Whitlock, $1.25, for labor. . A Ooniiiitinieatien feoM W. Fin. ley, (Anne foe letbeineluon tei probability ebtaieine tateeh lodd over twin vext meeting. AneMber of petitions ••leir 'eertifecates to obtain tavet•t) licenses, end. heeuee to keep billiard tellies were laid overuntil !text meeting. Moieed. eiy. H. Verity, seeonderl by L. Hardy; that the License Inspects - or be required, t'd reeort es to the direr acter of applicants -a for lecenses, and re' commend to wientiliertideetes to obtain licenses shall be geentedee.-barried.. Moved by j. Prelcard, seasiaed. by E. Drew, that the Reeve send a taint tei rake the gravel into cuts on ited read: • iug station•—Carried. , , , • Moved by J. Ptcharchseconded ty W. IL Verity, that .Messrs. Hardy etnel Iir‘'`‘, 'examine all tanks Held, rePort their condition at the next meeting., Cerried. • , Moved by ;W. H. Verity; seconded by h. Drew. that the Councit adjourn until mooday, the 21st, at 7,80 o'clock P. M, --Carried. MoivAy, Feb, 21, 1876. council met pursuant to ac jonrn ent at Di.ew's hall, Exeter. All the mernbers.present. The minutes of the previous meeting:were read . 'and tionfirnied. , Ily.law No. 5 for 1875 was duly read a second and third time elpd finally ptssod, on rnOtien of councillor Verity, seconded by 'cfilincillor Pick. On motion of.dotiaCilltw Hardy' see7iri'd`rid by ' ' councillor Drtw, that en ifiaitteei.e )titin tavern, limenSes krimida to Nym, awkehadv, Peter Drew,. James Oke, and Edward Christie ; and berthleartes to obtain iihep 'Menses be grant, 'ed to Isno:c otlAihvg Iola Geo, A. mace oarreed. Bf-law lklo '6', to litnit the imam. of tavern' And stip liesnoes to be issued for Ile village in the year 1.876, and to fix the sum payable for lite same, was duly read and passed, on motion of councilla Verity, seconded by councillor 'nerds,. • , On motion by tiouncillor Ils.rds*, seconded Councillor Verity, Messrs Drew and Pickard lie appoirkted Inspectors of SidoWallt 'When being emit by contnustor oarried.i, .tifr Drew reported ell the tanko In geod excePt the One at etoneestl & Piekard's cornea:, which lied but elbout eve stile * lent feet of Water in it, owing, he st4posed, to itti beIng tapped by the drain a1011gsule of it, On metion by oottiteelos Hardy, simencliFerby cortecillot Verity, thee this coulee' adjoeru itte tit the Call of the neve ; curiae, ,. lettiettel Clete. 01.4INTON. UOItatri, f`or roomy yearfi expressi agent at tilhitOo, 'has reoeived the p.tipeiotokeot of,,hgeot at St, Thotrot8, to whielt p1aoo re•t mote* in feW (UP. yottrtjt 'at 011en *41404, fit tthtl Asotit , tat* olok 16110 CENTRALIA. OditeeteOietaete roe BeeteetesteesEte pecialty fee eerriage and evegoo maker, Cabinet and rlimiture maker,' Beileer, N14,60)1, pito te re r, i $ iti Titilor, tte, iflour. 0,44" ariSt 11tfill4 F01111111 sesprealiturel leeplerment retnaufaceor y. Vreeecteefeiers ere selling trete 000 end utitystres, ecaording co situation, feu* of 80 aeries adjoining toe Refit 6ta- tion foe sale tvith new tratee bate end 40 acres abash, Aditrese 'THOMAS '1.'ntvirr. (26 -t nttatlivr AT '14 wheat Pv:r. htiri3811:41,10,:, 0600et(.) tooto 00 p rill lel ILI:16050e, 670. 000. to 32e. Dressed II gs, 2e caar7,44(),V4fior:ttiogfinilliotgY: Hemlock berg.; $300; „, Goon YOE CrinsrettAP.A.—No tieee dean fourteen deeekottds of freight Wee() dee: paneled hone this ,station for London during istet Week,' being , &reprised of grain, eamber, coedWiecel, tan-eark teo, Teeming and loading cues are going on ‘1:tlelitY',11blwrget6eihtal.Ytel en du netibleetr'e bitiengP eeeePpeeet et eel Oeticeede beghisiirig lies licen made towada next eineftney's °pot- atoes In building, Mr. John Etsles has taken a contract for an edditieu to Nene h also; and two grain storehonsee at the etatiou are being ten- dered for, A great deal is about to be done in this line when the tiOasOti ar- rives, and there is a rumor thgt large and Iniposit4 hulltilni Will be coin- Mencal et, the (wetter of Portland and Victotitt streets early in the sprciw. F• ST. MARY'S. bLIGHTLY RONG.—Tlie item in hist 4 Weeks isste stating that tecollision near • ly occurred between two trains on the G. week before last, was slight!) inaccurate in settee particulars. Vie other member the 1tovict7 tO them to deelttreikeie belief In We et neithee words nor " ',of theirs 0O74.11,,a, Ttistrfy riiirn to rig tboy did net believe in. And U Diefeilet they 1;003 fire. While ell to itgr$0 tintt it was excookii'ng b in Mr, Otoold to thillet hie, 100000 eoriee in the feee of toteh an asst KIPPEN. 25Triee-on Seerirday la'it; the twenty:did). car -load tsf grain efts ship- ped. from Iiippen-by Mr. Hugh Love, Sr., Who, as thie will show, is doing an extensive business in grain. PAsseseen Texeree. —Considerable bneitiese es being done in passenger traffic here, elm steition:mastet hitting now fully estitblished himself; against tho feetlelee Of tho CO tie% few seeinied to think that 001. t,iotfre thereby bound to MAIN a soletrin claration of their belief in order to re- taill the naMe of Christian, gnite a nutriber of prrguant members deliVered themselves when a vote wee taken ber ballot, and Mr, Mtteepineer motion klOt having A tweethirds vete, WWI dr. McAlpine thereupon declared his connection with the society:to he at OA eitd, Mr. E. W. Heeding Moved for nissolution ef the essetably, with a eieW we suppose of tuning an appeel to' the people, wbich wee aeelared teepee- eibie so long as members close to keep , it going,' dr, McAlpine thee informed. the members of the soeiety that his con- nection with the' society having ceased; the rooms' in' which its ineetiegs were hol being in poeilession of the church, were. et lboger tfie fliSpOStil Of the* sobiety, and the meeting dismiesed withe out the President so much as casting oil upon the troubled waters. The fallen soeicty can have one Console: tion, arid tliat,is,,that it made consider, , able noise in the world of St.Mary's ;anat. how they could expect a career of such exceeding briliang to be of long dura- tion is enoie then we can enderstand, If tlie eeeson who Medd suet! mischief' in this society, could only he indueed to' enter one or other of the goveennients,• vs e °mild freely forgive him in the know ledge of what would aonse, for anything h Mite littee done to retard the moral growth of the pdople of St. Mary's. — HO'S wanted badly in the Government for the Welfare of the Conservative' party. WhO WaS eager to make as moult time, lia possible,left Great= end tried to Make St. Mary's before' die gain Witted leave. But lie wa,s about a minute toe; late,and had tes geleetilt to Grenton eo that 'flie Westein bound train might pass. Oemerries es' ST. .1kIAICY'S Re/Ali SCAR- LET Citepeneeete The St. NI itry'ir Royal Scarlet Chapter, L. 0. L. held a meet; ing on Monday evening, lIth•inst., for the purpose of conferring degrees) and eleetisig offieeee for the ensuing year. A largenumber of Knight Companions were present, and son:e members of this Orretige Order .wereturther.aclvauced in its mysteries. The iollowing are dense who were:selected to the venous oflibes: . .. . ..II: A. L. White, *. 0. & 0: . Reielein Switzer, E. 0. It 0: ' G.-11, Lowrie, Oamp. C. IX CKNO W: P.E. Hardiug, Camp. Scribe. . — j• a. Seifford, Cater. Treas. A. Martin; Sir Herald Knight•at leeent the Sentinel: PeneeNTATroteee-On Wednesday evg. at ins. of last, a namber of the creases of Rev. W. G. Smith, Inner Herald,. Brox j..Peel, D. G. ki.; end Bro. W. Et. 0.4inertm, Lueknowoctilled upon that 11. T. Gilpin, Outer Herald. . Fitteerald, Grand Sedieta0: Upon genthinan, and. presented hilt iiith a The meetings of the Chapter will •tiie Grand Master, M. W: Bee: J. K. handsome tea-serviec; esdefed tit• $75. bereatter be held quarterly in St,. Ketrr, heitrit,g of the aendijet of the .•0•1a.1.00.11M 1" 3.' 4 the 14111 c'f 1110 m'uth `if A.131.", bretheren, be. at on& ordered there to GA,ANTieN. July; Octuber, ahd Jamie*. be suspended. from the order, and the . — Cultetea.--The roiirilf game is all whole rritttee will lie Nether enquired ' ANOTHER FIRE IN GRAN'TtiN.--01 Se- the rage ilI St. Alary'S; iHni people take into. turday morning at 5:8..) o'crlock the eel- nearly RS ninch iniereet in it as they do 'I'ins remains of the lete J. W. Ke rr; , .. lagers were aroused fr, in their peace- ill the eischesion es to tvhether man tis who died a.t waneesea, -wisoonson i .ftil slumbers by an tinneeel alarm descended frotn monkey or man. Tne was buried in Loudon, Saturday after- et- •MarY's club have gone' 'let Ottawa noun. Mr; 'Kerr was a bt tither, ok Mrq,,„.. triade by the whielle and bells uf three df die G. T. essgines, which were luck- eo hese a 'stoutest •with the. Mentreal elterrey. Audersnn, of -•Loedon arid tly passing at the time. Ou parties club for the Guvernor General's Me- that lathe we nnderstand. becom.es bus . looking out to steeertank the cell -0 IS dal. heiress. He Was fitst started in 'nisi: such uoiee they discoveree teat 'ern J. • The LiTuttene SOCIETY.—St.. liilary'S nese by Mr. Anderson, and anthe tette Jerniyii's brick houtt WRS 1,1 Ii..14180, bintsts-='tir rattler did boast -6f •a liter- of his death eves worth $100;000. wheel be witt.,1 11,1,eini,;• rein .11.41e,1 l'Ir .t as y sceitety; Whioll had for its, object and- ss , first cities hotel.. It ems nearle tin aim. the ihiprthbment intellectually . istierl tub. eositreetor, Mr. leel. Led:tens, and triondly, ut iss members, and- tee The Independent Ordti,t, of Cfddrel; lifting tif t•htsin abetd the hommon level. lows have stateted a lndge in Otterville, , 11./st IL 7)11.1ittlilt. 011081. lif tt,) )1$ a let sone, . eltstlehge . It wee hie &rat conteact Ilet that society ie. no lucre. • .A. •vo1f with a, very reepeetable iiietubershIP- his lose is $300. TI er.' win be it is came into the peaceful fold, or to state St. Thomas Town Council have de- theuglit By the velaseers eel ineestigit- the matter in a more correct way, a very dined to gite a bonus to Messrs. Russel tion into Ole eattee of tit, iii•••, a. there noisy buleentered. the china slitsp. As and King eor tbaerection of near wheel ie les doubt it wail elie were. of some a. courtequenee to 'he •lookbtl ' fine tlie and stove foundry in thee *town, bite - etill diseosed person. elelf. Gannett,' - china shop, on whieli so traich &tie iitid %%mild exempt them from taxation lidti,e ,Wrie „tn. gm:a, kis..,g,-; bat wee time and -auxiott, tisonghte had -been for a period trf five 'years; provided they con.traztore-$3 per day di tee hours; ' savedliv hidosniteble eiterev. See •spie- sui nt; wee set:Rotel, damaged, and stock erect oaf. eelieel shops c u the site,,of the and place work to correspond. lids mitts. in the. creed .vees Go ...tes *eel iii the affair is considerably belnw par. old foundry.. . . . agreentent is to hold good until the dad J mei Greet seas of Jets a..., eeriest, J, Everythitig was ,proepering finely 111 Goderich fishermen are having hard of this year. • P., who hod their faeoo ho.ny si,ori.,110,1 connection Willi the society, and ha :8 timeS Last year they managed:Ad Had it eot-beett fore the tersely were • fair to develop :some Ilea ()retorts—some make between $50 arta $150 each by • Siam', Mul,v1ING.—All meniners the eale of fresh herrieg; and the loss of present ; G. Browne; rot/nest ,t(i beeoeg ittig rs,12,11)ie,.pas thee dteints n Ley et' 1110 Cicero& ; but its star has see. 1The byil to 8: Si 5 instead of S. S ,2 to be: bdil„, in trauttati ts \you 1 l 0 it hay+) lino w n it li tit .0-1,,h 01 the, trieatior tins 'lied 4 t.it leaVi- rhiS fall$ he+IVI.1.1 i,i_0611 them. No ice sider'ed neet meats g. Eli Snell to re: till sel. it;:til .Over. , Tile eettiae &leer, lug I reentel darktless eeticle i terti 1 r s 011 tatze i ig lieht ; tie pro pet, late yet been stoted; Without which the Oleo at the i•ate of $35 per acre lee deserve tertt-bPt eert'''•°_,4•`411 tile tiAes'A t'ht.re itfe , fiS110111dall ,will. be sadly trippled in their rIg,lit of ..wity tilrongli , lot 20 du 5th w" a• `-'1:''';;" kil:"1"" 11,1) atn?"61fig lio ol 141" anibili°U6 Ythtti" " 44) at""•1110.1r eeeiettious in susinnet. . ' door, gild aloe ,for wieu, laud rdoy be riestrly .$1,00 for de. .Rdlievt s benefit. eloquence mut tiought a dignity' wheel -, 4 Lt1 IV. D. relate's lierty„ hearing tne out off team slid elay alai origto0.1 i.0;‘,1 Mr. Jurinyli Nee sta ineuretied df $1i its eretilacti which they could not ohtem eleeeeere, have' beeti nippetl in tile old Mosaic. law lead it .ones Of Moody .allowance. All aistiog ta.vertte and Sankey's meetings „bad. an effect • A. el, when Path-was:ore, :beelike vt, s; . ee 000; feet, weeke age, The leech/se of the Rev. J 01-11 Gilt-notit,fether of the late bud' •Et has f"Ileut th ugh. l'et "wet' upon it dento.1 attrioulfu'rist. He was hay° renewed certifi'dates 1111 lot of, elay itlerktit-tesatee ette, test week: ly heti 'Lassiter, for it hits hopes c f again by paying tile `itceessitry' fee, and ail rising. A gentleman who holds views . . . . afraid, ha wortld h4lave to furnish parties wishing licenee after the 1st of at variance with tiib view, of' nearly all • - • lelr Edward McGarry, ,.. of . Owen 'May must apply Lefore Irst of April to the other members of dee Society, ItIkt( . ' 1 Sound, cat nine cioi•ds of wood out of a propet pirty. 1%,Text meeting of uolin- , au esAy cm 'quail aid his origin' some single 'tree: , : nii to be nese, eenieey ia ene.eb at to for tee leet st.i.eteeti slept m jettilegy, 217005 potteils •; ' est su.it, $3J0,93 " er.,e and p.elend.neeeese ;Nu he apneen, Vor the tiest tiertoeu cleye et Februery, toad agile? wee seltI to be an infringe- Jane Vsittglian Gihnone; the abortions enutele ; eanotutt $558,68, 1116itt of the roles of the society. Rey. ist's vietite; is holding reeival meetings. ib.61,ectli.41,te.6'irlos:ste.:gun/i;te:tevt4Iletiots1f1511.,1;815311:L.1131).. BIA,I.:,041-1\,i,t)::(01t11:1., .r.:1;116011110,3,0t,ellilig at. tho. rood,. both Mr- ' "IlleAlpine,',-- the. I.) esidettt,7- in O. lintwit; end intends, it is reported; 50e30 feeighe and .patisertge e, $1268.78 . replied. to the essayist—Mr. John sewing other towns. Gonli---before au immense audienee iii , in 13owmativille, there aro jost six Meet te bid relief $5. C. PeouTe. the Town Italie The disenesion Was hotels Ana no saloorie. Under the nevi - • eve •• Clerk". - completely rafuted the argurnents of Mr., as it now has. „ , then, as it ie note, the principal topics of Jew tee town will be entitled to eleven Bteplieril Feb. 21st. 0. y, 13.-1 reoege of0tang3 yeneg diecusston. The reply Was ablo, and. es d Ii. ealf hotels, alinost tem° ae. nieBY UITCREI.iL, Britons were organized. in this village Gould. Mr, McAlpine eoinsiciered that '' "' From the Advocat2, , Til, followiug are tee offipers elected 146.° diutracter h•Y the iiltruductl°11 °8 otof A‘'VitlilAroilsligeokYt°•"11!eiRieleirlrt0aNt.ietYlron::blkileie‘ell'tefilli.e'egaogtitinntP1:11e€:it on the llth lust., by a deputation from ' the sosiiety had taken 'cm tteelf an athe- Reeve' Merrick Ledge Ne. 88, Parkhill It-tessrs. Thompson it7 Williams 'wore for eho oerroue yoor. _or°. ,gameei subject for debate ea essay Which evi- in town on Aterilay, making arrange- Ryan W. WI; Bro. W. G. Ryektnau D. He added rather. ton mutill water,and ea cloudy 'assailed religion and directly be nae many M. Bin- Imes) Cartuthers Chap, Dro. mile'sefeemethe ineeket,lie meets, it ie said; for the- eanpening of struck a. blase, At the atithenticity of the their old ehope, 0. Mr: '\VItitlaw, from i1/4.t. Bi byeefteesee., Bro. Gjo; Kennedy Bible ; and therefore at a meeting of the '')';'`vbtotti'li7i:Yit't° ld'eosviit,(nr.e titqwtterlelaghttl,1gbotitt Paris, being about to take charge, of Treas.. Bro. Garner Knight, WI, of G. society, ,moved a resolution, declaring tli'efnl . ' . ' * 13to; Jas. Dolle Outside sentinel, Bra, ,,, that in view Of the ocentrences of the through the °potation; and found that • • . joi.,,sroilo4on woo aea alio, Brocw‘ isaosetiefteywtownoleabitsei aitaweiiesanr:tojeosnienovfyifte: btiele., tl‘haetewrittivsal:geYtefliti.uiltatslldeuviadpnoorttltehdavaendbetherid • li•ett; Oonii ,, Tlte nettle is Haemony lief in tile' elisterie of ll. .81Preme illnertdlieteciteipe1.1's'eln. eee. bi-43411-ati "thee:: de•t•ii•-f•r- , OODERICII. 0(10111 Alettietv Chestei. and John Has - of tbis toWn, will &divot an addrees of its commeneement it , will be a good 11131tra°tiooungba.,,,,,,,,,Azil,tt:e'iotAi:Isiatilityti,Le,asadoltlfiik.:Ellyttl,inicidc)retdvxieti."1.iirinulgol P00111ncSiedlisitditlylisle4fti. iley. Celt:monis of ,lefill.• ,••• Mr. W. T. Cox, itf Illmoie, formerly Dodge, Ao. S'i mid from. the indication gentleman's many frienes will ell 'titre the g'ooil. ohl tree. . .. ' (stitiliti'15•061,11.,e'el!eroYr Ilifetytob‘No.i:,a/l)ofk,islo°tNtivile It.00ngbie.,. fina°111111111eisteoelede, Uti•Idinseitreaeuilgiule1117'elti'°atnbh.oeu-tiTiltIllage next Thursday 0/ening. . We trnst Ole werkilin'. bodge of 'this young:branch. of out, and give him, it, right hearty. greet- , .. otte denomination. ' The emenclinent 000.got 11041 of tl• ineAt ' riaat lvijibil ing.., ' . a.4464-4, TIJOKElt SMITH. • Steseetne Myrtle.— Thie builditig is e ,. slesnete;lej,.. ,,D,tin,otfil,Itt,,, bay tiitio. ovoiloloti,ii>,iiiroea, s,t.uck, in i,ts throat and the efforts of thd daily aseurninget more finished shape, Puttsrun ' toktiK,—The township et • . : • , - no amendment, tu ally propositithi in pit..,,Ixe,,nts w.erre fruitlese a. n.d, t.l.tel.ittl,,e 0:11,0 verandah it will,be a 'very livetty vieW tiitni told iritatled ever its sehools to a Mr excursionists eliteriou ran': harbor, single BOMA. of Tritstees; 'Phi systein Shouldit be' finished with 'the propohed Ttrakersinith has abelietted sehool see. ::::wranotoiorin;ira.nAatewxaispnolie:eirtiiitipi:" 6,6,:iliolei, tuitit:i:seinii:51:tont tiels.tevosoe:oandvs:it4tleiniegutr itittisstrat::::: to it. Another amendment, Wits with- lett 9lItt tile steam. 6,,,r .1)°,Vatdho wilie" the best autnority tor 89at- and will be a greet embeltieuleatt to the pleitsee 'both the ratettayeresend the Iti: eeplasitetione, 'The (Irantl Betide wits itil Odibeeed ill Wil.ginligt:4311 to g° t° ' A RGABPHEMER f".311!,ENOi'6".--7-•diti SMUT.' l 4 'CAN AI,HAN, opotiod Otk WeatiesAAS, night last; ,by 804 with gealea ot(le m101)030(1, 0 tayin, '' epee:eine , . ,,,,,., ....„ ......... fsii))roteltt;halottisoplirietinie,trutiii!bryttl jttoli,e4.`cleiiiettnitt:61 A oomber ef ekeeee of tp)91.eeteet foyer eseee ebeet ee. deo wa mete., to reply' ti'161`feit4:4..111..,Snlilittsesilailritri' tiVtIteliWtitel,eshigreilgtel ii‘llitioiditlielir oilleotiteotlItt!ottfilisiskotateseoenciansw:11).: i18:0 Ellii10 eotttlettiete With Cuban elate day, Itli inst., an infidel Was vemiting — 'Cocit,ro. on '6dt:11;1,4.110 sworn tbot have eeceteed in Aleb:illote: ,, ' to 'Xiettie remarks. Made concerning iiint. PaVY Yttrtit being poi fir rettaniess ink nk, pe I', i i i 0 it ee eoin4 tlity014 .i) ciotot., sett, Iti,,, Malotinlyail said a few weeds, gee eetreieee . • ilevery mao .#,1,0 144 oil '0o1." !With, mot oat dowo oloolgt eitent, thunders of• A lady of StratInnyereetived a note thie foeiliell ektleastalon (imi'llis pifillited Pt4hig the d''el'etl t° reUe the 811°P icestee 'to $1eOle , . ; stpplenee. :Mr, ' Alitedmigali And his 0 the ether day, eskieg A feVit tilends liPs his 6st stiViletti Vi's liotul ettimn4 I sixty41,1,0 ,00a00, attAA.do,d oz.,s, is.te supporters thought the motion waS tin- 'Could have it surptist poty At her hOnter the' sill ot the dime. Ite wee picked rip nooessary and quite ni)eallett tor ; that Shp said )es, autl VOA . tip ber •ettrpete tauatill)la a" tittii" laalleNVat4a Iht all jolt)(641:'G'10111,:i.'cejt'i,:tt.°ft 14"(1g4 ()t4 ("lid" tiel ate Geehl mid' Mr. WallAtin weye: and made ample Peefentatioun. Thee , the two Inelii bera 'Of tile ASSOelfttiOti WhO i',..'"Venillg 0111118 altal Vessed 'without even arnionseitnirt elate', ' 1\,tr, (-1'. TA",, iNvio llae bowl ee'ellPoit)t^ letedes•ortted the disterhntee,they ellmild a caller, That'e Where tile Ettl*Inifit) TWO' Rove DitoWeee,,Two beye, named lieory gotr'o 404 , Glierles t-14 A4k.801'180i, bit iakmazo, Ai Ali adveatoe hoe, or at loose me eemehiee eiloold esolo in., , oote Sorpoct the society to titiA0 A dee 1.., Libor t te lest, eeek, a member Of t'lPttit)ktelt/014(1f;ttli5 ear is‘.018110l) n'fineiteg!t?onvaeilel.tenT111 of ik8I°:•°-'411:1'lfertr::;s1i91:-e)dtt(e)ie'4.4:;f, ShittleY, a vatrolt Of its faith i.lt ()MeV te teet 'teeth isle/44re Wriest Vo'inoVcd from the Centre Ot Eitt1litilftyl Whieh gaVo Way, tlio sti,ong fow thla ago, lost- a 1101.''Se %tallied et in tee tight, way, They 'faleller theeight the beidges Which }tisane tete VillefieS et eeteeent oetryloe theta eyelet' thet ieo, $1/6. Toe t000,41 tio ttwae watilst iti that ste Ailly 11600 tw,O. gord1611°1 Itel`e Mr- Rettell,'ee tern, . The adellted,lYtet- tVelliEllttet‘ Wilki trittlik'' to .44(11,04ir fli(7 the., \NOW1S.2kna 40,t fkiliVeit it4ttlf illaI) it tO 1011,1110 fol:' 111(' firOnliffig Of the ltkille4, , tentpt Was disdovered by the Mail drm, ' littliffitb, 1St, , , S IttOSItiN had t.0 bristle*, ' . it loft etittiog a refl,e6ticri hp6tt the mita time to prevent any acetdent, , LONDON. Bev. 11: T: Green, Church , Ailed, ,Cretig, was lodged getel heid triday on a charge of forging indoeetitieenson a notii discounted in the leiallange Bank: Messrs. Christophef Lewis and !Rich= arc' Bleckweil, tie° of the rev. gentle; man's parishonaie, and ithose munee he is ellar,ged vlith tsh :the note, laid the infeenuttien for which itir. Green was arrested: . The Pri8OnPf 17f18 edmitted to and he says he will at ()nee epter an actiOn against bid licensers for false arrest. Considerable stir has been ea -Isere in elasonie &roles by the action of some' members of tlie &aft residing in Lori don, Ont. A feeling cif disedeteni ap- pears to have p.3rviided the bretheren ot "Forest City" and on Friday evening bud they pioCeedee to organize a Grand Lodge of Fee° Meet -Me cif Oatario and the followieg oflieeee tvere eleeted M.-Bro. F. Westlitee Grand Master; HENSALL. frfrwarded Ttl,hitlh'01.1, D.