HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-12-04, Page 28One jail term and a dozen fines in court EXETER - In Provincial court in Exeter on November 26, Judge R.G.E. Hunter sent one person to jail and levied fines against a dozen 1 persons'on a variety of charges. Fined for drinking, driving Gordon Caldwell of London was fined $750 and had his driving li- cence suspended for 12 months after pleading guilty to a charge of op- erating a vehicle with an over the limit alcohol content in his system. At'30 p.m. on June 3, 1996, police r rived an anonymous call about a vehicle travelling in erratic fashion on Highway 4, heading to Exeter. About 10 minutes later, a vehicle driven by the accused was stopped by police officers and he was found to have signs of impair- Inent. A quantity of beer and vodka was found in the vehicle. At the Exeter OPP detachment, breathalizer readings of 2.00 and 2.00 vyere recorded. False pretences fine Donald Solomon of London was fined $300 on each of two charges of obtaining merchandise by false pretences. On December 23, 1993, Solomon purchased merchandise valued at $5Q1,,�23 from the Old Mill, south of Blyth and less than two weeks lat- er bought skates and a cap from Gerry MacLean and Son Automotive in Exeter with a value of 5274.83. In each instance a cheque was of- fered on an account which had a zero balance. When Judge Hunter lemma Chit no payments had yet been made, he ordered restitution be made to both firms with in the next six months. Narcotic possession fine A fine of $100 was levied against Gary Cullen of Exeter after he pleaded guilty to having possession of a narcotic. The court learned that the accused was under arrest at the Exeter OPP detachment for an unrelated matter when two part vials of mari- juana valued at $5 were found. Fines on similar charges Ryan Leyton of Thedford and Mark Vandennieuwenhuizen of Arko- na were each fined after pleading guilty to theft over 55,000 and theft under 55,000 concerning the disappearance of snowmobiles and acces- sories from locations in Dashwood and Zurich. Leyton is alleged to have taken a 1996 snowmobile and three snow- mobile covers from the property of Robert Reschke in Dashwood on December 27, 1995. The accused along with two others drove from Ar- kona to Dashwood at about 1 a.m. on the date in question and hot wired the machine and had it driven to Arkona. The machine valued at 56,400 has not been recovered. Leyton was fined 5500 for theft of the snowmobile and $100 for tak- ing the machine covers valued at 5150 each. He was also ordered to make restitution within one month. Vandennieuwenhuizen was fined a total of $800. for taking snowmo- biles owned by Ed Meidinger and Robert Miller, both of Zurich. In both cases, the machines were hot wired and driven away. The Miller snowmobile was valued at 55,500 and the one taken from the property of Meidinger was valued at $3,000. Neither machine has been recovered. but the owners have been compensated by insurance companies, less deductible clauses. Jailed and fined Judge Hunter sent Steven Brock of Exeter to jail for 90 days and he . has been prohibited from driving for two years after pleading guilty to operating a vehicle while having an alcohol content over the legal lim- it. He was also fined 5750 for driving while his licence was already sus- pended. The jail term will be served on an intermittent basis from 9 a.m.: • h Saturday until 6 p.m. each Sunda D tel id said his'61tt tp ravnl tarot whet opped by 17, 1996 and has stopped drinking 'since the incident in question. Fined for indecent act • Yvon Laurin of Exeter was fined 5800 and placed on probation for 12 months after pleading guilty to charges of sexual assault and com- mitting an indecent act with intent. . The court was told the accused was alleged to have touched a female employee and then later on the same day June 14, 1996 exposed him- self to the same person. He was ordered to have no association with the victim and to take counselling as prescribed by the probation officer. Suspended sentence MBdscl Ducharme, a resident of the Queensway Nursing home in Hen- sallwas given a suspended sentence and placed on probation for 12 Months after pleading guilty to a charge of assault. He was alleged to have visited his wife on July 30, 1996 at her resi- dence in Exeter. When she wasn't home he was let in by his grandchil- dren -and when she came home he put his hands around her neck. Final for drinking, driving Carman Cable of Huron Park was fined $1,000 and had his driver's licence suspended for 12 months when he pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle while his blood alcohol content was over the limit of .80 mgs. Police found the accused behind the wheel of a parked vehicle after they were told by a motorist that an impaired driver may be on the road. This occurred in Stephen Township at 9:55 p.m. on June 2, 1996. , At the Exeter OPP detachment, samples of breath provided by Cable resulted in readings of. J.40 and 1.40. The court was told he had been convicted on a similar charge in 1990. Fined for assault Ronald Grasdahl of Andrew Street in Exeter was fined 5500 and placid on probation for 12 months. He pleaded guilty to a charge of as- sault which occurred on June 5, 1996. On that occasion at 11:30 a.m. he came home after drinking and be- came agitated when he found his wife was not at home. When she came home, he Chased her around the house and kicked and punched her. A son, who was 14 at the time called police and assisted his mother in restraining the accused until officers arrived. Lawyer David Reid said his client drank extensively because of do- mestic problems and the couple separated after the June 5 incident. Reid continued, " He is remorseful and has apologized and hasn't had a drink since that tithe.. Re has already suffered much." Judge Hunter also imposed a ban on Grasdahl owning or using a fire- arm for a period of five years. Over .80 fine Mark Morgan of the Centralia area was fined $750 and had his driv- ing privileges suspended for one year on a charge of having care and control of a vehicle while his blood alcohol content was over the pre- scrjbed lifnit. (M July 20,1996, Morgan was observed by polite and when ap- proached was pulled up in a parking lot. At the Exeter OPP detachment breathalizer readings of 1.10 and 1.10 were registered. Two other charges will be dealt with at the court session of Decem- ber 17. Fined on driving charges Peter Overall of Huron Park was fined 5500 on each of two charges resulting from an incident on May 1, 1996. That afternoon the accused was operating a motorcycle at a high rate of speed in the Huron Park Area. When police approached with siren and lights on, Overall accelerat- ed his machine's speed which approached speeds of 80 kilometres per hour in a commercial and airport area The charges on which he was convicted were dangerous operation of a vehicle and not having insurance coverage. Fined for over .80 Ronald Rawson of London was fined 5800 for operating a vehicle while his blood alcohol content was over the legal limit of .80 mgs. His driving licence was suspended for 12 months. When stopped by OPP Constable George Finch on May 26, 1996 at 11< 1 M I J I I l Times -Advocate, December 4,1996 Page 27 Gifts exchanged at W EXETER - The Hurondale Wom- en's Institute held their November meeting at the home of Lorraine omen Alexander with Christmas as the theme. After repeating the Institute SUPPLY & IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED APPUCATION iy SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE itt itt REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Corporation of the County of Huron is requesting proposals for the supply and implementation of integrated application software and hardware in an open systems environment. Information packages may be obtained in person from the Clerk - Administrator's Office, located in the Huron County Court House, Main Floor. Open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday; or by calling 619-524-8394. Proposals must be submitted by: 4:00 p.m., January 17, 1997. If you have any questions please contact the Treasurer, County of Huron at: 519-524-8394. i 4:47 p.m. on Concession 6-7 of Hay Township, the accused admitted to drinking and one open and one sealed bottle of beer were found in the vehicle. At the Exeter OPP detachment breathalizer readings of 2.20 and 2.10 were recorded. • Rawson pleaded not guilty and lawyer David Reid contended that the request for the roadside test was improper as the officer didn't ask the accused if he had a drink in the past 15 minutes. He continued, "When the officer saw the part empty bottle he should have waited 15 minutes . He didn't have lawful grounds. This was a flawed test." In conclusion, Judge Hunter supported Constable Finch saying, "There was no evidence that he had been drinking in the last 15 min- utes and besides the law is clear that the question does not have to be asked and the officer had reasonable grounds to ask for a test." s Institute meeting Grace, everyone enjoyed dessert and cookies. President Marion Dougall opened the meeting with the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Fourteen members and four visitors answered the roll call with their favorite Christmas reci- pe. Later in the meeting everyone received an exchange recipe. Dou- gall introduced guest Loralee Mar- shall from Kirkton who decorated a wreath. This was won by Margaret Strang. A draw for the placemats made by Gladys Richardson was made and Donna Willows of St. Pauls was the winner. Minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were given. Donations were sent to Huron Day Care Centre, Town and Country Homemakers,Christmas Service Bureau, Erland Lee Home and Pro- vincial Office Fund. Plans were made to sell cheese the first part of May. The President hopes to have all the knitted squares ready to send by the end of January. A meeting will be held on Febru- ary 19, the same day as the first meeting of the W.I. was held 100 years ago. The menu and program will suit the occasion. One hundred dollars will be giv- en to Exeter fair for prizes in the children's department. Lois McFalls gave a report on the Board meeting in Hensall. The Huron South District picnic will be hosted by Hurondale in July. District An- nual will be held in Seaforth. The fair display will be set up by Elim- ville W.I. On March 31 a special evening is being held at Crediton for the dis- trict with dinner and a social eve- ning. An exchange of gifts (value of 51) took place among the members. Members brought articles for the food bank to the meeting. iVew.\' tips - call 235-1331 sing es an to p ce your Call 1-800-213-7514 Ext. 135 2-1110111'. il,rtt! Exeter Times -Ad cate Brings you: ates a dating column for toei ty's successful single Females Seeking Mans C211 1-900-451-4323 Ext.135 FUN TO CUDDLE Funisim.MAK *co knot*d M Mea OEs. Nre 4r-0 mem Met lard 1K Ae1tIM MIS TO Hill , w a4o�4i8 I1�I�ea, Fa.ia LMIFM•d Dom Mid* TY,NO PILUSURES=sireAdiairlis41= *46. 111E A 0000 LISTENER 11. bas SOMOL Oa* rump tad d Iteest ass 010 01* Iditi co *d Sees! aHMm ill AMMO 4 CI.TRpMW ATHLETIC _ aw▪ iR+tfa dmee�4 w�ie4" illi Ar PO INF it * rimed le 1*Kr, hemi lel 1. Map 060 NON leek IMO0L ALL AEOOr ME nsin, = 4INgIaF� 11 rr, aeep4y4Niay. rpa.Nol alae mem.lmhme".4. Lllr"11sr N A SWEETHEART FlosIrdro ego* PAIL PT,13g4. bow ",lYil�wiwMwrt llk SPr F,r Nommsei* S Nae ss d la* Or M�p6� odd** MASS008nKY Se* A CUTE DATE ills abs, Mop101. Aas •�/r. MW 701 LETS arcbealrmcbaNadl i, Isar pf.oribi= l"A/.11d 11/wLa�re MUST ea lt3NY «ie4ir11 µ/Rr``«'oaifo010611. M4 Mme -tr`� "...'re sad, e*"pe'r�rraw"�r it APRCTIOMATE a mienMOSSO ,r so▪ ds Ailed 011.1MASS4 *oon• n lrkd Oho sods PerlM t MiliiodeAttwlAii.7W MUT Tisaa AD, Ilsoils soiled lrltp 1K �+ Tram de * AliaM v. SW. Isk Ms dm dolz= "WA dam soak sods look TM STAY -MOM MOM lesmesit. 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IF de r1M1 .IW de =12, 306Ono-TERM {M,1 11rlt tl,I. Nor oakoakmar ssdodds AMitlt �IMek esw .1411w Te lraomi and Ism AMM# MUMS TUT wa1 5i1,/1 ode dlll MOMlso Pp7rSW. MM. e WVpedodad ds de ✓ M r 17,0 NOM, 103110. ase W III TOMMILTI Ae11lM wM�NFa�t sods AsrK' * i NAV* qualm's 11, AL p �A ON77RIST�,_Y� r A7xldIMIVAM1Mf ▪ Daavoim•a wtoorie. Web wow ade f.A mar A PINSKY DATE ko p1 de .MSEK O. N7 stir 1 6MaM. Moho Ild 3MYIi- .eo Miff LR TM M'ARRI Mr MA/ Tr, IT, 1M7 * mpMrMMAL *Oft ds 4MIIi1q Tehe MMAssit Ir. MOW= FU Irrera Ae11f TROCR Dt3TtO 4301i1� MK M rtr, barn 4K dersrt, is «d11M1 Mtfl4ey 1mFF�. NOWA AM. ONLY S2.49 per minute LEVELLLEADID PERSON Nordb�owlbbd�psrgSIVIK piper .m erdA Mme re*edw pcMns 1Fdf. .M'o.�aYy WANTED -SPECIAL LADY du 1im wt ■w*iiaw PARTY TIME SOUL 21, er MM. hinided wh 010 tied *as, seldodepod Purdrout. WOO CO' Mr* Mom imenp 5* asedt- i �pn0dt, "aou., aigeed aperw.irr ed 9F LOVEJ KIDS mr bard SF Aw041 INTERESTED? .6Y�HpLot7A, 51', 210bta, room Mk 9'.'��aq'.. 000L -Y W* tea, hippy.o' 'aefwfw SF. *MIME RESPECT MK 70, � ,4 *T4. meed rem SF proles 4oaW •Holxt'�'o'Ae41124 MCR MT AD Ems I.ybsTRA3a"113614 10& 243.80618* . 44.0 tiom 1* IF. Ad1lrx CHEI MARTW. ARTS iftba SWIL��2II0. 16010 htelrodt Ntans, ...-L.. ,.IL Mb pod. ie r. LMrs Go our 81.06.4 SW the. sr. 71rr.. taceims . boa hull* siltersioystWORRs OUT 0*4, 31, 11, a-ras, wgb,d, elms pool* rip err Nob SIC"4Mna Amoe/o 6.1N TO WITH SS* 31, 5.15, IS* bbd OM, Me lyase dredged, egos twee m*Ooe ubr1 els, erne side 638144*. ars* emac* ai gdo SF. AM21 E POSITIVE ATTITUDE 4d541oo Si. 0IO'. 1900., nF•rphees sd or.Nees Nis No.4m paali.tratio. mord 'W'SA AVMS SW did 31, FM 161Ms. beso led NA PIK PASYGOIIG OISINSO 01120164 w0/110179. "PM 01!"P• SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY akciArt a.twerps' MCMV 1w1d hwbr. sash Nat SF b In ANSWER THIS AD! FMnOpe b , betseedriid N •NOSH poor• A4ir11d br rWinlp. /02333 MARE MIIOR1IS WITH MEI 6NK 31 Sr.**,AHK ..erre ambp0. clop nM .wnpa. Nose ed SF. Ad11141 FITINDSHIT FRIT • Tit. . oeM.aud WOW =Tic. He '.41. de tit leery a 511400* a HONEST 4SoOUF.Ks.NA.ay4r,140 *..aEfttomeMkMerot 1.0* n06o ar Mii1. INS" SE ++"11,0 ONES -ONE MAL x lode, Mom 1 odd*, CM es side M Mb sent*we MINKS GOLF Or COMM WM 34.47. 630.. Mad 4*0 IPIrallsoa.DIFIFIFL tan PS NM tot* Iselbs TRY ANYTHING ONCE MediSIN SI, 6T�.117.�yo.4.fsre1d4ldbled r.Y hiok brat Cdr 4ea4i M.mafi Isr.dM a CmimTIAN SACQOUND PM. ' b plir!bdYdekottooMtow look .0 et ads sindle SCF A GREAT OUTLOOK Esospda:doea MK ft ay. 100. Orsoe Old eds. O. odeotkolussisolt.„10; sad. Odd sods AMINO ENHANCI YOUR LIII * on lee SM. 36•Ki9W'..1� owlekk 9112'o0mre lh' .Facea r=. strew /F. Ar POI THE LOVE Of UPR O8:4410rmraWeiMp5TY.1B4K�mASS. 5511'.. 3030 be:lisle d o frost IMAM TOUR CALL Nowa* sof PIM dad, god** boss de, ooloyo ••e Nr.lip sodW. se NeiyNaMmNIMwf. 7767 a�Fortleidt: ADVENTUROUS O�USSmimed W. MOM BY NIGHT!Nord Mehl: oldesdk IR.aGI�M�ob, YMSlarw.sisi4sad mMRw'* p!f1dwaA.I. 2.11*". IAT IUMAX =Ilosolesiseo=74=8„ pilati* VT MI*. :4,14.141":10:11. wPdei lir N111446 Mels mAM341rol,s�e rsi,�Mid"�� p• e7 TO 1* 3004? f�aripeY�p li ar1BON1aIF sill tri o 1M�1611�MI 0000 � aeTOR Ao1LLAUGH rfeele1MIslrReNwt3/r1.1r 1704, M dere r,, oad7'fip Meda Y, aOi"'Lb Orr• Mr A/4*0TIRT MDAT 4sMeradrrl 4. AH rgo_e I1oMARI TMS TO MONI+i IF 6. ossoped silks olds M. M. TOR TWAT S AM d lei lee Me 111 1 r SMI IADtol SWAMIcillorertir. lama, boo toS qmpa odds Mem ode _ yr. STUPIP1110TTH.ATT ,r� sb a R. NM >1R 'IK ^ lido Y*.°.dos riM SUES HARDNESS 6WeeLM.+Slid.. weep 000 Me MK "E w� MU▪ ST LIKE COUNTRY LOM VAL 40. Pist algt slim Pb7/d. root* *sem hoe hetrecdhsmeg "++� SWF MISTM HUD MORE INFO? SOM. OS poor/ pelt *a SF, it M mem, added 741.0512 WAITING FOR YOU mild d. mSP e1ole d' �� oonnadm AMMO AN AVERAGE GUY Oft 41, Sr, 100, Hoe Id. .lib doe NLN, baht* n err* loggio. te back r1 heed. Mg* SE id diedAM ATTRACTIVE Great awe d term, SIL 41, 67. ?2*, elms demo WOK murk Ott M Mom, *e pert 05141 d1n SF, 2SIO,for pante *OmnbLl. *.7107 ARE YOU [ACM/ SVM 41, Sair0..,lssoE., Men hodope, aid woo*sped .aria Yoe, pmts, Mint armipMill, Mee os. 'a'F. Aw1017 I4DEPVIDENT MIC 41, ST. 1410 0wt tido ire ysi. ilNps/TAND/No 1yt pelt wA.'Itlpedw4 NF �Ad9612 NOT INTO EAR SCENE toms mod ormi ,1.35 SF. Iib div,. MAIM 2 ar4l dnawa. TAKE A CHANCE Iwo. MIA, q. 8r, atm art di* oho E a.lrrir/M.3MS c.r.,NN, Dory io RESPECT AND LAUGHTER Fo1M 011, M. ST, MOM tram hk 1Ar epos. daffy *sr, pr rr..de�i� meats. Nrr 41 rine ped pwmlrq. A01154 SHARI MY TIME X511pa..a/du* asoie bhp me b 911 rap.ln SF Aa1g67 1 WITH MM .SOY, 44 44 dY1 Hoorn Mi, MAd r taro ..d. dy A SF 2634 SHY AT FIRST t Ham_ , llebs4 SWM. 4S, ST. 15*, 3401 WM Res *KM wardfr sest. rros* Orr 1-4. n44rV bassi tire. .043lid M td76337 LOOKS YOUNGER Sam* 011 SW 43, ss, 15630. Rw .sup around de ham,., deed Ned. - bfr Somh boreeb ardtbred sT,.M Is Nos to eRr W1150 HAPPY-GO-LUCKY AON V AL 46, Sr. 11*, *mod MHO O rat3 ode, '«dwxLlH"r13., 5't.. N71 M11TT LIKE PAMILYI SYN. 46. 67. 2000., hit. a*�,,, •� S"'s0s i Sa .Yb, was id00tl, brad .w 5F. Ad11175 KEEP IN TOUCH Endimadbet* ca 0111 31011�•e*OnYamt as*' sod ars. side Axed SF, re Mel. AMMO TRUSTWORTHY Ewa, 5 VT.p110e 1.s 134. Nesrd p.i14r SF. soorsfes* 4761 S LUE JEANS AND BOOTS MK 47. S1r', pMdleud rodelo, *Ord Menua,AO. eddy 4loiYd1p of r roa4t11 ween d jIAYE2A FUN.LOYING SPRIT 0��ta,t6R�f1. 44 C 1 . bed Irk ad b poo= l ;Jar- Pt/ASA/IT PIISONALITT 4* oloodi 1p MTM, 4e. M. mac an 117? TO YOU U siorldelrode /* padded Om Mode wopil a od Mode dor . 031111•11101010te lows. m031111•11101010. BF. AN ONO IN GOAT TRAPS MINED M. ST. 19001, atter webdot rid *pod* V. MIAMI NMT MATCH Name , *mew SW* TO.fr. 30i. MSS* dodos gods ow IFa !F SEM 111. loom Ird, cbisdessd. ▪ bw00 Meg we e41;.= old THAI* MT UPI �. 11ppire. mode ooddsW urs TRI OIRDOots Pl olowd MK 6t, roc mow dose Irk 1 t heeds` rotor wa4eM W. H EALTHY AND ACTIVE WNW x r1T, sem, meet egos deo. Mil ONO Wed, lode. dam wee MAN arK N, Mae..i.�4r 660 w rysai Y1e:�Gidilp odd N ado Oen1 Wim AM 6566 All you need to know e le•x J ,I.. Ir ,..“*N. haft, *14411' lx lrwImI e4..M rsrx4'r0*615.11 4.1•0.4 e -!.Ie 3303011 Y>si14DIlr1,4�r4./MNF tiii"a�lx'r"iirw'5'1• m/ wM 1 .'�'!•' fir, � i3"'a.:4'�1"�': , `�.U` Atearticrii dodos derommsi Mem... ode 4►°r,a."."i.p rlw����rzot e�rwrw,N""eGL: rFw+.N O EIZSZa rejig1=lM are Ml NO SW P. r T � mitt Mor „M1 i,_ FAMILY HAIR (ARE PROFESSIONALS Xlie efiffilig et"' (Beside Murphy's) 235 -HAIR (4247) Vicki Parsons Kim Scott Terri Farquhar-Vanneste Rhonda Lightfoot Hours: Mon. Fri. 9-7•Sat. 9-4 • Waxing and ear piercing SENIORS DISCOUNT on Mon., Tues., Wed. iVew.\' tips - call 235-1331 sing es an to p ce your Call 1-800-213-7514 Ext. 135 2-1110111'. il,rtt! Exeter Times -Ad cate Brings you: ates a dating column for toei ty's successful single Females Seeking Mans C211 1-900-451-4323 Ext.135 FUN TO CUDDLE Funisim.MAK *co knot*d M Mea OEs. Nre 4r-0 mem Met lard 1K Ae1tIM MIS TO Hill , w a4o�4i8 I1�I�ea, Fa.ia LMIFM•d Dom Mid* TY,NO PILUSURES=sireAdiairlis41= *46. 111E A 0000 LISTENER 11. bas SOMOL Oa* rump tad d Iteest ass 010 01* Iditi co *d Sees! aHMm ill AMMO 4 CI.TRpMW ATHLETIC _ aw▪ iR+tfa dmee�4 w�ie4" illi Ar PO INF it * rimed le 1*Kr, hemi lel 1. Map 060 NON leek IMO0L ALL AEOOr ME nsin, = 4INgIaF� 11 rr, aeep4y4Niay. rpa.Nol alae mem.lmhme".4. Lllr"11sr N A SWEETHEART FlosIrdro ego* PAIL PT,13g4. bow ",lYil�wiwMwrt llk SPr F,r Nommsei* S Nae ss d la* Or M�p6� odd** MASS008nKY Se* A CUTE DATE ills abs, Mop101. Aas •�/r. MW 701 LETS arcbealrmcbaNadl i, Isar pf.oribi= l"A/.11d 11/wLa�re MUST ea lt3NY «ie4ir11 µ/Rr``«'oaifo010611. M4 Mme -tr`� "...'re sad, e*"pe'r�rraw"�r it APRCTIOMATE a mienMOSSO ,r so▪ ds Ailed 011.1MASS4 *oon• n lrkd Oho sods PerlM t MiliiodeAttwlAii.7W MUT Tisaa AD, Ilsoils soiled lrltp 1K �+ Tram de * AliaM v. SW. Isk Ms dm dolz= "WA dam soak sods look TM STAY -MOM MOM lesmesit. AM OM* leo 14r41r 11 1M, .7.41.1102 Noor MARI MIR MIND ITOF M, lel &gosh* opet meg de d id dm *es seoes, sods. left de* M O,OAAM"YO? Am* M wok * sr. *10., rem hk led pm, odd ddiN. olod necked MU osollos1== Mid 1 TO MATT111101111.1 AND CANS* ▪ tw 11 r dosCALL NM Wars* MM UM Orient EASYGOING? swtra.21,M3* *. .piasetismer honed Pude* hasendec sede mak r4aero tab Nov. honed.aaep 111 Aa t3 i CANDLELIGHT DiliNSRT a or* 21. rr. *so Irk trod 17. ogs walk *do le *Mow Arra AMMO MAKE MI SMILE Ord 41 Mg OPT, II. ~ h10't brim Irk g e6pWalesa dm «W,.0. go aMom hodod e do SVAL.Mil"pldreis rb1671 ort_Yo mem SWF. it lord dordulkomn TARE SOME TIME ip e4rsVlfl Ail•,4• N 4iM` 1114 acid tarts 1114 t1DriIs 1O * 3 d" K$st iroq"° m a A,+a w5* Fise0 cep* CIRCLE THISVC. serilis OIIRI�e�6tg_ it FIT a !MIT e ipesl.wd t :L11"I oorrko642Naw 8 - 10111 To LAUGH01 N E IS, *in hk Mid MIrRrOs�ll'ioa YEW -del.. a. rr.plwBOr�a. 634a rm TR 1144E Nei i.«ia Mo /l l[ M.iIE► MT =MORON dal seed limbs* Aft added :Moir wFM"iddle w11.d r4M%Slll WANTS LONO LVE. ist�a▪ MrisIRT�,., Mk Melt ROog fd- MTibMp iIsede A GAMS OP IADfONTOM • fislidge:21s.sew PI odor rr. IOW lidZran.m. losedoe lo ~ Mee dolsko r4,rs��l�Yid,r.rr deIs 4t1.M1(117 gm sow a, HAMRA Odelre 17, 613.1=46711k= APosM m "p'a't' *WM !al NO RIDS, MEAiWW MF N 3?. bbds l4I< ble ode amamsg as-Ia.iiArra�to Sr" iwlLsMlwllw4sw, 1rMea MNANTTO imam low* •=d14/striespUi. COMM LIPS AwI 0r Adoedel M 1 67, UM, Ws �AspaF , *op Iwo. MF, IA Ir. ▪ obro IW efes, middid d dr▪ '"A�tl`lmiw g r r Nil izi RATA dm nee * rr, loose* We mie MOM elm WOK *0 =010. NOMA mil* w�LOR s1 MUNE LOVAS *el bra amaraai. ieddr• SRF 41 =oisitxosesold Tat 3031 od STAMP MR NU flak 11RCTO11mYot 1115 MAO wafORns 51,841* SI. rr. Mode OM lee ogoo, odd olosekmr1 MIN. (IM. ,iiitatisat. Au. LET'S GO OUT lr'Lbee SWeer3LST,bona t* 4 "14. w=dAtAllai.%8601.12 ME POR MEI Odd dib, bow tebtood 57,d p bid* soft "good** SM MF s4 FOR me ardor pbelarllA1b1e4oN1d1 AA0 Harr SAL 1247 Ors discite SWF. 34. Mein MI, pen MIRY TALI ROMANTIC 1R Yriq ,Hirt. �y�aly Eli .too/ sib to do w codOINIF A01.i0EI NOT SHY iw'a1Mei ew w so id xx4dp A • I000 ENTERTMP, 34 f4. Aram bull 0 on* MOM* ordirid spord. Atmostte. pe Miresel aoe* A013MI PLEASANT /11/11S1 si g�m o side MERia.af irtietYn rois01a SIL NOT A PARTON SWF, St SS. Westui, 81611 •01. •�.14 Res hoes c rid armee Nob No" hawL 6018* SIL CAN ES SERIOUS gSoWpo aR 3t Sr,1100*s..dbou A reps, ei4- wddn2""Adral la+name Swil.�l�a e�'ioT11 lei bre etc* AM 5710 WITTY AND 3Cp,A�R�M�G b Irl 11 NedeIRtdri' !tp;Alfl000 .�- 1 wuH ro MEET -': P SWF, 37. Sr, bast I11i4Ms, good its= embygd, el* wird omis OK ��r.arr�ic Aar 0000 T7los SW Har n, rr, 13001, lata I* And boss to WO= pwerdevildm Ker dm* rad%m 1. aiig l bYYY, eta ROMANTIC HEART EV MN* 300, limuLraoa lema=rid id bieaar gK ars lre.ar Ads TOYS LnE SWF, 30. M�At eg 11 QUIET num mOGMTHPa SWF,, 6, 57, tome MK w ems. Odd **ed. arless soft, to as* war. bfat map* Mt ACT 1NF36, a TdiOM1y.NeseIsidro OK MAW* gore sHeo badt dose WJIVMS DI TRUST 40.4l 11 eVW. M. 57. amp' irk ro"" ' pima mod 1984E Id o*NSAbp 4bCAARE POR TOW 4 m. rnia14m bt K MAKNDS At (sods mo iMk n S /4011431geed4Oolig DI, WS pnre-d CRUDE= COME PINT 4F,eomoserid teised SWisam. SI'', Me ds tam I* rime ltdad Me, Week 1e+q : Se1 EIL M1s116 LOVES TO LAUGH femme pm* 541 46. 57. 130 *... rodbrom * boon gym 411 3035 **11' iE dmwe Bis VERY OW, 41,, YOcs, lo did* 64' BEAUTIFUL i*=ire* ft.b lemorde, *dike de Ids liddird M ods AdOM/11 MUST MIR YOURSELF rzect M1 podCru* wdlr4dw /MNYrrLikMortww -..N"M' rai pd. drp.11r..dr kn elt EASYGOING BN NSA 41. p'1'. ernes,, ab��ie�1 a **AM d: l ap . 1Y!' .'.411t Aa iseCebpAN""dlwlrna'g l�le�IMi«rblMt�Mbll krr �4 alsom Re CAPI WI CUDDLE? ySYiei�p60 516K0re, red *odellfeY0 Teide Pa▪ r. e� Itle11L tied 4redid M b _Ml .31dBBi'L1.0'IMARE T0U OA11YT pmer.Dein v�i�4aJ�,.6'0, lgl0e, Meow Mk aN eioeM�m4ll l.rr4L°M1' aaAe4++o r�dMd�B 1� /tYf 46. are 114 T 'M4M. pedbl IINF. M Br. n4ea. wit lrR bewgxBb awillrrAras�leE6allnilpelnwterre• «�-OeMNIR11 eeelwieold4lN i 1. AN] *FA Mords *Me me, L1dd INNIFIN4 a OW Eft auk sob 68 SIA t *di* AdiAl 111*4R s'fni IAt�isj.rralovroo- riwrRl ,.rip diene M Dr SENSTIVE 0.4 oro:, a• -ierl, pap ir.dbods lrr/ke1�1 rink Nabil odd* Mt /l7IT HarmaKtociaY 4.6640K 47 57'. 1440 beet NOM 016110 i=„2:14 MORO 861817810 81180 010 MR YOU ARO* mobldelPilrof ie4MM21 eO taut WiTH in daYieMrtr�Wgra. dEErNiMM Mlr soar Of UO SANTA 5Nrt 1t t1, 3Mes, Wm AM gem q** 4Kles *did TV, booDot maim ends BF.AM211 wiktatia ATIU.ETIC•TYII Am.Ittl MARE UM COMPLETE *LM7a•Wro 5* 1t 6T.11pbmw Mk Me SSpIp.11.SS S. SIR', toddre.. beast. Mo s SFOe`e mot, oow *MN. *Nglump arw1N LIKES TO HAVE FUN Ms VAL 1/181115 ow a6 NA Ma su- edco=ed 1bMF SFAS216 56152 s TOR MS. RIGHT SOK 19, S1(7, VS* broom ts brit* csaq »: "°NINA drw.A. SF. DREAMS OF WRIGLEY FULD SOL MIK tux b.aabal, ceeed soda om ppoirp *SF, oal*ding Memo PEOPLE PERSON Soros* ansae, *doe TAM 20. S10'. 17001, weds .Ira 1.130 harK0941-W1ras .Aw AFFECTIONATE SVM 21 7110',111445514, 0s atte800r ek td. bNdl r moleiV-4 veh I* sem *- MU UNITY COUNTS �� dry bel sF. /11dVAe14f96 00.r.aioliss. Me* s see. 4=. 171 *6011 YD4E Cfie�On*eery TARE A CHANCE did SW14 21. Fir, Vac FAMILY ISIMPOITAKT ?ie Mt. 2I, b*►Md Ohm1,0a0T blit N0 �wpy4 TV. mom 5*.. odd In aWd p/Y SF, ko *wimp a aa"al JOIN MY LDR *01134 REALLY CARES OmWp,.man" tidrd - > V. 51K add 06* MK hie Pore LONELY RUT HUMOROUS SWM, 21. 11. reeaw4 nobWarL ogres s m t, aAOow omelet - antras SF. Ad1.9215 QUIST TRA/TS Nn ML 21, VT, 17* tomo Irk ren SSW *nlMs stosid re* r Nee . b4 6F,br3r} r.ec AMJ319 DRIVES A TRUCK Ver SWIL 416.9I'. 2000., M�eid�NMr��a30F AbawA4�4M4, PART OP MY UPf twestSdK • Ir•OumMMo4aro..Ou4l1e,sSiON"M�'d"b ISAd4034 Nda .4aa. M. MEM a1/iq 1 MN.O� M*DD GAMES reslidMI trilwat 0* • • fit Nalre4elmr ARF VW GREAT 4x MIK* SENSE R dor semis s odd re. seri. des deodd SE w1136*0 boa mammas aNK n, S,1•, Mai, I* Kis o N.etdeo.msVerm f1.**11"6Fl itee �4• e.sIn 14/9003 NO PRESSUM.- Mom*MTAM 2P,rtr,tae4.Hemoak 301-ar4r4idos-rs1r7sroldosasn slowM MOMS padede114t aserpee SER MOAT RAMO* /K P3 .ail t Nmero 41 br OMITS w ry* ars Y AM.000 tLNCW, TRUSTWORTHY hamarpeMMeMALt3,rl',dr4n now* hoer ooboortstatinetherab Md* on ped sedlre. lore.de, epee, made Mens saw W. AMY* MMT. Stir, Nerd prodded Mod way Adam 1711 TO LAUGH 5* "«ktem 110 pod es borkerld 816. arm CIIOEIUL a MI 141T�Rw� �►�.�^ wow TOM AD AssirNd PM bode hddisk r1ok . r011abar"12o i Tod NAPPY FACTORY WORKSR 0. 1a PN4r��r,mmaaiee4rrH/a1M�1. Ms •! Fi ,191. lid emsMMs =Ad11,// peer MALTH AND MAIMS* • 4• 1I A114...�fSC l a detO ▪ riiYAM�W, 1 Lined pr. oda AM WQDfRSTAMOING ModsY :OFWised SP.M�IoMkskieslisalt �.+ MUM* POR TOO =m1Ip Mel* Iflt11. IF de r1M1 .IW de =12, 306Ono-TERM {M,1 11rlt tl,I. Nor oakoakmar ssdodds AMitlt �IMek esw .1411w Te lraomi and Ism AMM# MUMS TUT wa1 5i1,/1 ode dlll MOMlso Pp7rSW. MM. e WVpedodad ds de ✓ M r 17,0 NOM, 103110. ase W III TOMMILTI Ae11lM wM�NFa�t sods AsrK' * i NAV* qualm's 11, AL p �A ON77RIST�,_Y� r A7xldIMIVAM1Mf ▪ Daavoim•a wtoorie. Web wow ade f.A mar A PINSKY DATE ko p1 de .MSEK O. N7 stir 1 6MaM. Moho Ild 3MYIi- .eo Miff LR TM M'ARRI Mr MA/ Tr, IT, 1M7 * mpMrMMAL *Oft ds 4MIIi1q Tehe MMAssit Ir. MOW= FU Irrera Ae11f TROCR Dt3TtO 4301i1� MK M rtr, barn 4K dersrt, is «d11M1 Mtfl4ey 1mFF�. NOWA AM. ONLY S2.49 per minute LEVELLLEADID PERSON Nordb�owlbbd�psrgSIVIK piper .m erdA Mme re*edw pcMns 1Fdf. .M'o.�aYy WANTED -SPECIAL LADY du 1im wt ■w*iiaw PARTY TIME SOUL 21, er MM. hinided wh 010 tied *as, seldodepod Purdrout. WOO CO' Mr* Mom imenp 5* asedt- i �pn0dt, "aou., aigeed aperw.irr ed 9F LOVEJ KIDS mr bard SF Aw041 INTERESTED? .6Y�HpLot7A, 51', 210bta, room Mk 9'.'��aq'.. 000L -Y W* tea, hippy.o' 'aefwfw SF. *MIME RESPECT MK 70, � ,4 *T4. meed rem SF proles 4oaW •Holxt'�'o'Ae41124 MCR MT AD Ems I.ybsTRA3a"113614 10& 243.80618* . 44.0 tiom 1* IF. Ad1lrx CHEI MARTW. ARTS iftba SWIL��2II0. 16010 htelrodt Ntans, ...-L.. ,.IL Mb pod. ie r. LMrs Go our 81.06.4 SW the. sr. 71rr.. taceims . boa hull* siltersioystWORRs OUT 0*4, 31, 11, a-ras, wgb,d, elms pool* rip err Nob SIC"4Mna Amoe/o 6.1N TO WITH SS* 31, 5.15, IS* bbd OM, Me lyase dredged, egos twee m*Ooe ubr1 els, erne side 638144*. ars* emac* ai gdo SF. AM21 E POSITIVE ATTITUDE 4d541oo Si. 0IO'. 1900., nF•rphees sd or.Nees Nis No.4m paali.tratio. mord 'W'SA AVMS SW did 31, FM 161Ms. beso led NA PIK PASYGOIIG OISINSO 01120164 w0/110179. "PM 01!"P• SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY akciArt a.twerps' MCMV 1w1d hwbr. sash Nat SF b In ANSWER THIS AD! FMnOpe b , betseedriid N •NOSH poor• A4ir11d br rWinlp. /02333 MARE MIIOR1IS WITH MEI 6NK 31 Sr.**,AHK ..erre ambp0. clop nM .wnpa. Nose ed SF. Ad11141 FITINDSHIT FRIT • Tit. . oeM.aud WOW =Tic. He '.41. de tit leery a 511400* a HONEST 4SoOUF.Ks.NA.ay4r,140 *..aEfttomeMkMerot 1.0* n06o ar Mii1. INS" SE ++"11,0 ONES -ONE MAL x lode, Mom 1 odd*, CM es side M Mb sent*we MINKS GOLF Or COMM WM 34.47. 630.. Mad 4*0 IPIrallsoa.DIFIFIFL tan PS NM tot* Iselbs TRY ANYTHING ONCE MediSIN SI, 6T�.117.�yo.4.fsre1d4ldbled r.Y hiok brat Cdr 4ea4i M.mafi Isr.dM a CmimTIAN SACQOUND PM. ' b plir!bdYdekottooMtow look .0 et ads sindle SCF A GREAT OUTLOOK Esospda:doea MK ft ay. 100. Orsoe Old eds. O. odeotkolussisolt.„10; sad. Odd sods AMINO ENHANCI YOUR LIII * on lee SM. 36•Ki9W'..1� owlekk 9112'o0mre lh' .Facea r=. strew /F. Ar POI THE LOVE Of UPR O8:4410rmraWeiMp5TY.1B4K�mASS. 5511'.. 3030 be:lisle d o frost IMAM TOUR CALL Nowa* sof PIM dad, god** boss de, ooloyo ••e Nr.lip sodW. se NeiyNaMmNIMwf. 7767 a�Fortleidt: ADVENTUROUS O�USSmimed W. MOM BY NIGHT!Nord Mehl: oldesdk IR.aGI�M�ob, YMSlarw.sisi4sad mMRw'* p!f1dwaA.I. 2.11*". IAT IUMAX =Ilosolesiseo=74=8„ pilati* VT MI*. :4,14.141":10:11. wPdei lir N111446 Mels mAM341rol,s�e rsi,�Mid"�� p• e7 TO 1* 3004? f�aripeY�p li ar1BON1aIF sill tri o 1M�1611�MI 0000 � aeTOR Ao1LLAUGH rfeele1MIslrReNwt3/r1.1r 1704, M dere r,, oad7'fip Meda Y, aOi"'Lb Orr• Mr A/4*0TIRT MDAT 4sMeradrrl 4. AH rgo_e I1oMARI TMS TO MONI+i IF 6. ossoped silks olds M. M. TOR TWAT S AM d lei lee Me 111 1 r SMI IADtol SWAMIcillorertir. lama, boo toS qmpa odds Mem ode _ yr. STUPIP1110TTH.ATT ,r� sb a R. NM >1R 'IK ^ lido Y*.°.dos riM SUES HARDNESS 6WeeLM.+Slid.. weep 000 Me MK "E w� MU▪ ST LIKE COUNTRY LOM VAL 40. Pist algt slim Pb7/d. root* *sem hoe hetrecdhsmeg "++� SWF MISTM HUD MORE INFO? SOM. OS poor/ pelt *a SF, it M mem, added 741.0512 WAITING FOR YOU mild d. mSP e1ole d' �� oonnadm AMMO AN AVERAGE GUY Oft 41, Sr, 100, Hoe Id. .lib doe NLN, baht* n err* loggio. te back r1 heed. Mg* SE id diedAM ATTRACTIVE Great awe d term, SIL 41, 67. ?2*, elms demo WOK murk Ott M Mom, *e pert 05141 d1n SF, 2SIO,for pante *OmnbLl. *.7107 ARE YOU [ACM/ SVM 41, Sair0..,lssoE., Men hodope, aid woo*sped .aria Yoe, pmts, Mint armipMill, Mee os. 'a'F. Aw1017 I4DEPVIDENT MIC 41, ST. 1410 0wt tido ire ysi. ilNps/TAND/No 1yt pelt wA.'Itlpedw4 NF �Ad9612 NOT INTO EAR SCENE toms mod ormi ,1.35 SF. Iib div,. MAIM 2 ar4l dnawa. TAKE A CHANCE Iwo. MIA, q. 8r, atm art di* oho E a.lrrir/M.3MS c.r.,NN, Dory io RESPECT AND LAUGHTER Fo1M 011, M. ST, MOM tram hk 1Ar epos. daffy *sr, pr rr..de�i� meats. Nrr 41 rine ped pwmlrq. A01154 SHARI MY TIME X511pa..a/du* asoie bhp me b 911 rap.ln SF Aa1g67 1 WITH MM .SOY, 44 44 dY1 Hoorn Mi, MAd r taro ..d. dy A SF 2634 SHY AT FIRST t Ham_ , llebs4 SWM. 4S, ST. 15*, 3401 WM Res *KM wardfr sest. rros* Orr 1-4. n44rV bassi tire. .043lid M td76337 LOOKS YOUNGER Sam* 011 SW 43, ss, 15630. Rw .sup around de ham,., deed Ned. - bfr Somh boreeb ardtbred sT,.M Is Nos to eRr W1150 HAPPY-GO-LUCKY AON V AL 46, Sr. 11*, *mod MHO O rat3 ode, '«dwxLlH"r13., 5't.. N71 M11TT LIKE PAMILYI SYN. 46. 67. 2000., hit. a*�,,, •� S"'s0s i Sa .Yb, was id00tl, brad .w 5F. Ad11175 KEEP IN TOUCH Endimadbet* ca 0111 31011�•e*OnYamt as*' sod ars. side Axed SF, re Mel. AMMO TRUSTWORTHY Ewa, 5 VT.p110e 1.s 134. Nesrd p.i14r SF. soorsfes* 4761 S LUE JEANS AND BOOTS MK 47. S1r', pMdleud rodelo, *Ord Menua,AO. eddy 4loiYd1p of r roa4t11 ween d jIAYE2A FUN.LOYING SPRIT 0��ta,t6R�f1. 44 C 1 . bed Irk ad b poo= l ;Jar- Pt/ASA/IT PIISONALITT 4* oloodi 1p MTM, 4e. M. mac an 117? TO YOU U siorldelrode /* padded Om Mode wopil a od Mode dor . 031111•11101010te lows. m031111•11101010. BF. AN ONO IN GOAT TRAPS MINED M. ST. 19001, atter webdot rid *pod* V. MIAMI NMT MATCH Name , *mew SW* TO.fr. 30i. MSS* dodos gods ow IFa !F SEM 111. loom Ird, cbisdessd. ▪ bw00 Meg we e41;.= old THAI* MT UPI �. 11ppire. mode ooddsW urs TRI OIRDOots Pl olowd MK 6t, roc mow dose Irk 1 t heeds` rotor wa4eM W. H EALTHY AND ACTIVE WNW x r1T, sem, meet egos deo. Mil ONO Wed, lode. dam wee MAN arK N, Mae..i.�4r 660 w rysai Y1e:�Gidilp odd N ado Oen1 Wim AM 6566 All you need to know e le•x J ,I.. Ir ,..“*N. haft, *14411' lx lrwImI e4..M rsrx4'r0*615.11 4.1•0.4 e -!.Ie 3303011 Y>si14DIlr1,4�r4./MNF tiii"a�lx'r"iirw'5'1• m/ wM 1 .'�'!•' fir, � i3"'a.:4'�1"�': , `�.U` Atearticrii dodos derommsi Mem... ode 4►°r,a."."i.p rlw����rzot e�rwrw,N""eGL: rFw+.N O EIZSZa rejig1=lM are Ml NO SW P. r T � mitt Mor „M1 i,_