HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-11-27, Page 25CLASSIFIED S -111111111110111. Box $30, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 EM. PHONE FOR DETAILS east Resile With Owe $51 &epar Ad' Or WWII Repeat Vow Ad Up Ta Another Sown Themes At No Char. • wow IWIL 1T ONLY .Jr1,AvizsigismAst .--------- ha •well -50-neHHOURS.. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 11:30 a.sa. to 5:00 p.m. 1 Lost, Strayed WORD ADS -lo wore maximum I insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $2033 Addiooad IS, chime for e.ch wore over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Bird, Death*. Amor dedalleall. Carnal E.w.u.. Marortrr, Card. ofT►eht.) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge Addidwal ISO chaise Tor each word over maximum • BASED ow f2.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMEM' BorfdaYed & MadtdyAfil Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with ideoti6cMioo), Money Order, Via .ed Matero d we accepted • PLEASE CHECK YPUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT ANNE ST. AREA - Black and brown tabby cat. Answers to "Toad". 235-2569. (48c) L4 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED PLUMBING and heating mechanic. Experience in sheet metal would bean asset. Phone 235-2708. (47:48c) MUSiC DIRECTOR - If you are musically inclined with a lot of enthusiasm this position could be for you. Hensall United Church is looking for a music director with a variety of musical instruments in your repertoire. Playing the organ is an asset. Wages negotiable. References and hand written resume. Submit to Box 187, Hensel,. Ont. NOM I XO (47,48c) ORGANiST/PIANIST - Parkhill United Church requires an organist or pianist. Duties to commence Jan. 1/97. Responsibilities include music for regular Sunday morning services, special worship services and weekly choir rehearsal with small but enthusiastic choir. Salary negotiable. Please contact Bill Furtney, Box 103, Parkhill, Ont. NOM 2K0 by December 20. (48,49c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it is. CLUSIFIND RAMS - WORD COUNr Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 150 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word 154. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 254 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $11.00, additional words 100 each. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS at ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25. GRADUATES with picture - $10. PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 $8.00 8 x 10 $9.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advarestw In the Timm/avower is accepted on condition Mat In the event of a typographical error, Mei ponbn of the a&mdlss,p specs occu- pied by the enormous ism. together wah reason- able.bw.nce lex dpnadure, eU be rerrun h. subsequent issue se a make good M no dtssgs uses the Name of Me aewousmwi we be paid lex M an applicable rue. In the event of a Amo0ndMa1 error adwting woods or $wale.s at wrong pAes, goods or services may not be sold AdmnAhg Is an Wier to eel and mey be withdrawn at any Irina My errors mum Is a tewwlergedwatt: suer days of Dahlman. an. The Timm-Adaoab rseervse Ms prMgs a re- vising or roguing sovernhimMNs Met It condi- e re obpdbrrble and to dame the dessikeeah of any wwwanwu from eat ordered 10 con- form to the policy o1 Mee manpower. Conant* ere pawed W oopplgft. RSpreducaon of any matsiW whew MM. pamauabn w the PLOWS, is forbidden. Adorns.:e purchase apse;* and emulsion arty. Al rights to any ediertlsrn.nts produced by me TYnemAthe ass, tarn artwork, Typography or photographs arrowed for -by Mha navepapsr Nus be M property of the Tnnss-Advocsta No such ad Or any part thereof may be reproduced or as- signed without written consent of the Ttmes • A twoMa STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Tame-Advocate le not responsible for errors In.d atasna,le not submitted h legible form, nor tor more than a eU1Ole hoard atemilon of tut adwtaernert. Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 Please print one word per space. The rate is shown on the left. REMEMBER? THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAiIE ADDRESS PHONE: DATES TO RUN: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa - MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry S#GNNATIyRC 4 Help Wanted HiRING IMMEDIATELY - Full-time licenced truck mechanic for Lucan area. Three or more years experience on heavy trucks necessary. Work hours are 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Call (519) 227-0077 to arrange interview. (48-51c) 5 Business Opp. $570/WEEKLY - Making holiday decoration year around, at home, no exp. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycraft Decoration Ltd. 420 Main St. E. U -C Ext. 1075 Milton, Ont. L9T 5G3. (46-494') ...,L $2004501 moldy Assemble products at home, easy! No Selling! You are paid direct, fully guaranteed. No experience necessary. 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 0198H47 EARN EXTRA $$$ Looking for a well paying career that gives you flexible hours and independence? Ifou are a self -motivated individual you can be successful. ALPINE the leader in air purification systems for home, auto commercial, agricultural! is looking for ple LO- e71t their hno Q�pye ( 1.i0 out more. No sales eitpeif>ce necessary. Alpine products sell themselves. ENTERPRISES TE 519-229-6811 Please leave message 6 Services TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 Lanes and Parking Lots in Exeter and area with tractor blower and loader. Call Carl Gower 229-6542 before 8 a.m. The HANDYMAN * Electrical * Carpentry * Heating * Flooring * Plurhbing * Drywall * Eavestrough & Siding * Wallpaper & Painting * Landscaping/Yard Security * Roofing & Repairs Quality Work at a Reasonable Price No Job Too Small COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS Tim McQuiggan Bus.(519) 235-1098 WV want to earn your respect 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 HAIRCUT, SHAVE, SHAMPOO? Wayne Ottetbein's Barber Shop, 394 Main Street, Exeter. 235-0559. Open 8 a.m. Closed Wednesday, Saturday at 2 p.m. (45-484') ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER Personalized Service. Call Sharon Lewcock (519) 786-6312. Working with the business community both large and small. (47tfn) FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3tfn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (28tfn) 7 Livestock 15 YR. AMERICAN QUARTERHORSE Mare. Excellent mannered. Asking $2000 or trade on an excellent used double horse trailer. (519) 227-4708. (47:48) 40 WEINERS weekly - phone 263-5060. (48.49c) 2 RAIIITTS,51 ,00ne male and one female , `r ems4)•`oldMack .tainiactrte goat. 8 Farm Machinery 2000 AC SIX FURROW PLOW 1900 Ford 2 furrow 250 Ford 3 furrow 325 mix mill i -H 1150 Machery Tractor Tandem with l6x 12 tires $1900. Phone 393-6415. 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1980 POLARIS TXL 340 liquid cooled, rebuilt suspension, runs great, many spare pans. Asking $1100 or best offer. Phone 284-3770. JOHN DEERE 300 Snowmobile- newer model. Good condition. $595.00. 519-296-4750 after6p.m. (48•) 1994 ARCTIC CAT EXT 580 Epi. Only 1800 miles. Show room condition. After 5 p.m. 565-2728. (48x) 1985 SKI -D00 CITATION LS - with cover, heated handlebars, new skiis, track and new undercarriage. Excellent condition, $1,295. Call 229-6714 after 4 p.m. (48SA) 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wreckinAdvancedremoval. free scrap car Call Auto 234-6252. (6tfn) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks, scrap, etc. Broc.k's Auto 228-6700 on Mt Carmel Road, Safety inspections $35.00. Autor:pairs, (14tfn) 1994 FORD F150 XLT 4x4, loaded, 65,000 km certified $18,500. Phone 284-3315. 1990 TRACKER 4x4, auto, 125,000 km, am/fin cassette, certified $7200 of best °flet. Call 284-3315. 1986 DODGE 600 convertible 106,000 km, unlfm cassette, good condition, certified, $3500 or best offer. Phone 2843315. 1987 SUZUKI 4 DOOR hatch back, auto, new exhaust system, radicJtape deck. 137,000 km certified. Good condition. $1350. 238-2280. 10348 Shoreline Dr, Grand Bid. (48) 1992 PONTiAC Lemons, 4 door sedan, red, like new. Private sale - no GST. Call 234-6736 after 12 p.m. noon or leave message. (48,49c) Open for your oo rsnlence... A Standard Auto Gag Depot at 586 Main St. Exeter (Art's Garage) ciatithirti For went callAUTOGLASS 1-800-265-5178 5-1 12 Pets Cie! PET aROonwc 235-0625 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR & PIANO Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) MASON AND RJSCH upright piano in good condition. Phone 227-4454. (47-02SA) 14 Appliances, Television WASHER, DRYER, antique stove. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.m. 6' STARTRAK Satellite dish. Almost new. Box and programming included. $1000 complete. 227-4869. (47:48•) WASHER AND DRYER. Best offer. (519) 237-3416. (47:48c) HEAVY, DUTY DELUXE washer and dryer, works excellent. Sacrifice $324/pair cash. Please call 235-3489 anytime. (48SA) 25Personal IF you WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or 1-800-706-9833. (17tfn) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Dropat 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's Ark). pen 9-12. (Closed Thurs.) Phone 235-4104. (33tfx) 16 For Sale 12-1/2 FT. OAK KiTCHEN CABINETS, counter top included, perfect for cottage or renovations. Like new. 235-3293. (24tfn) • FIREWOOD • DEUVERED $175.00 a cord (128. CU. FT.) Free kindling Included B. CLACKETr (519) 238-2943 • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensel]. (16tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple, delivered and eked up. Rene Dignan Landscaping 6-4457.(49tfn) APPROX. 500 BRICKS, .Ideal for barbecue or firepit. Phone 234-6396. (16tfx) APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Avaialble • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 7964446 Hwy. 4 & Credi ca Sfderoad HARDWOOD FIREWOOD, seasoned 2 years. Picked up or delivered. 227-4939. (46-48c) SEASONED FIREWOOD - $40.00 face cord or 1.25 en. ft. no delivery. beside Downie Central School. Please sail Waiter Dunbar393-5388 before costing. TREES - White cedars, Norway Spruce, White Sprom. Dig your own. Will help. 284-4934. WOOD FOR SALE - Good dry mixed hardwood, by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup truck load. Will deliver. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.m. LET US TUNE YOU IN...18" Mini Dish, $789.00 includes 1 ym free h� ng ($350. value). Call L & Arc Siowfiw�est SMdlite, Larry and Dennis Fisher 519-524-9595. (441Rt) LEC ERC 45" counter balanced 4 harness loom. Bench and accessories. 229-1229. (44-52SA) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE Times -Advocate, November 27, 1996 Page 25 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 WANTED TO BUY OR SELL - New and used furniture and alpplianer s. Dining and bedroom suites. New and seed box springs and mattresses Bad appliances. Leon's Buy and Sell. 1-112 miles west of Exeter. Hwy. 083 237-3481. (45-48c) IRONSMTTH airtight woodstove, 2 doors 2and 84 -3315. screen, goodcondition. Phone DRY SEASON WOOD - Cut and stored inside. $45.00 a cord 1Y.iivored. $40.00 a cord ic*ted up. 263-5504. (46tfn) ELMIRA WOODBURNING INSERT - Blower and glass doors. $350.00 or best offer. Cal 284-2029. 386 COMPUTER CD ROM sound blather, speaker. Microsoft, Excel, lots of other software 235-4704. (47:48e) THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING. A new sewing machine or ,ergot. Choose from Janome, Omega, or Babylock. New machines from $229.95 reconditioned from $69.95. Visa, Master Card and layaways. Sew and Save Centre. 149 Downie St. Stratford, Ont. Phone 271-9660. (47-51) PULMO -AIDE machine for anyone using oxygen that needs extra medication. New price $200. Used price $75.00. Phone 35-0327. (47:48x) WOOD FOR SALE. 229-6588. (47:48c) 31" HITACHI TV picture in picture universal remote stereo sound. Take over payments only $10.00 per week. Call 1 -B80000 --954-2337.(47,48c) PIONEER 200 WATT stereo system, 25 disc CD changer, dual auto reverse cassette, remote control, rent to own by phone. Only $7.00 weekly. Call 1-800-954-2337. (47,48c) 18" MINI SATELLITE DiSH! 70 free channels digital picture and sound. Rent to own by phone $8.90 per week. Call 1-800-954-2337. (47,48c) HITACHI 50" giant screen. Only $2298 picture in picture stereo. Rent to own $15.00 per week. Call 1-800-954-2337. (47,48c) CHRISTMAS G�Hany Scluoedet's "Farmer's Collection of Poetry". $20.00. Available at Times Advocate or phone 228-6795. (47-49') HERITAGE AIRTIGHT woodstove comes with some black pipe and 15 ft. stainless steel pipe $500.00 or best offer. Call 284-3792. COSCO NEWBORN CARSEATS for sale until Christmas from St. Marys Kinettes, excellent condition $10.00. If interested call Tracey Rabbets -Aylward 284-0397. NINE (9) BASEBOARD heaters. Brand new. 240V, 1000 W, 750W, 500 W. Eight (8) thermostats. 225 Carling St. 235-1519. (47-02 SA) SNOWBLOWER. 4 hp Noma 20" cut with Trac Drive. Excellent shape. $325.00. Phone235-3014. (47-02 SA) 11 1 11 1' 11' 1. 11.1' 11 1,11 111 11 III 1 11.1 TFORD 0 - SAL at the Stratford Festival December 12 - 14 �l Uprights Grands Digitals New & Used Financing available Call 662-6307 for appointment 1. 11 1 1i, 1' 11 I 11 11 I 11 1 II !.11 I II 111'!11111 16 For Sale ONE OIL WOOD COMBINATION furnace. In good working order. No longer needed. Perms for or shop. $450 OBO Call 349-2381. (48SA) TWO ROOM HUMIDIFIERS, both in good working order, woodgraw finish. Older model $40.00. New model $85.00. Call 239-2381. Call 349-2381. (48SA) BOX LINER FOR GMC short box and bug deflector. Call 235-2650 or 229-8851. (48,49c) FIREWOOD - Seasoned wood, split and ready to burnt $38/oord picked up. Delivery avaWble. Located 1/2 mile north of Dashwood. 237-3889. (40-47c:48xsa) CHRISTMAS TREES - Enjoy the scent of a fresh Christmas tree, Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, White Spntoe up to 7 feet. ')'able trees available. Yes you may cut your own. W. VandenBygaart Patttview Cres. 2 km. south of Grand Bend, next to Pineridge Zoo. 238-2697. (4.8-50c) THIS YEAR GiVE HIM what he wants for Christmas. Fishing rods, reels, tackle boxes, fishing vests, camo clothes, Sorel boots, neoprene waders, hunting knives, waterproof hunting jackets, tackle, gloves, scents, calls, binoculars, hunting and fishing books, crossbows and compound bows, fishing glasses and much much more. Huron Sports Outfitters, Hwy. 04, Kipper. Open 7 days.weekdays til 8.263-2141. Gift certificates available. (48:52c) TANDY 1000 RLX - Computer with printer, colour monitor, games and wordperfect already loaded. Perfect Christmas gift. Call 235-2872. (48•) MCKEE 3 POINT HITCH 7' SNOWBLOWER - Excellent condition. $750. 21" walk behind - good condition $300.519-296.4750 after p.m. (48•) JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS - One week only. All 1996 and discontinued Compound bows at or below cost. Buy now and save. Call for details 263-2141. Huron Sports Outfitters, Hwy. #4, Kippen. (48c) ONE PAIR SNOW TIRES - 215/75 R14 $25.; 12' uninsulated stainless steel stove pipe $40.; rear sliding window for Ford Ranger extended cab, will fit years '86 to '96 $50.; Ryobi 16" single speed scroll saw $140. For more information call 284-1814 after 5 p.m. (48SA) FRIDGE & STOVE - almond colour, kitchen table and 6 chairs. 284-1652. (48SA) GiBBARD SOLiD CHERRY OVAL - dropleaf coffee table and 2 rectangular end tables retail $1,200. asking $499. Gibbard solid cherry diningroom table (2 leaves) , with 4 side chairs and 2 arm chairs. Retail $3,000. asking $1,450. To view call Sharon at284-1387. (48SA) DOWNDRAFT WOOD STOVE - very efficient and very hot, $250. Call evenings 227-4991. (48SA) WE PAY THE GST on selected models of General Electric, Hotpoint and Moffat appliances. Offer ends Dec. 15/96 MAJO AP'SDA IE 1heAjO1R AitLIANCI! C L'['R �NdN1iAa-L•ae -217 17 Wanted to Buy CANNING SiZE pressure cooker. Call 229-8107. (18SA) CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advt;KVlse Across Ontario or Across the Country' GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Goren nnsnl assistance pro - grans information $viable. For your new or.rislktg barer& Tees adven d towns IN goverment nd BIG CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA rods Dish cors throughout onWo. Sears IM riglrti to a disposable, averycnet nowt $3,795.00. FInanekggh demand pwoduct consumedg0.AA.CC.. 1400-538- 6064. COUNTRY ESTATE VINYL FENCE DEALERSWWSrs waned. Support and Wining svelte. Mated polrt list Darn miss as on his wound loot crworamily. Cd Cosy 16003711.2126. HEALTH, NUTRITION AND WODNT LOSS products. N Canaan content Tooling Ibr &abut's. Urlgw twit• tb 24haoera . No rauWyis croak Cal 1.830601.7158, INismeT CORREBPotCENTs mond Chslrgeq. M and pon4ne. Caisdaaade. Yost appasnsy buts r M w cassia 110i ..c nabsad hoarnti.awss. D- 'XS46/154406111(11114; 454.481 INA AND SCONE TAX COURSES Liam Va• ns Tat Riparian and Br- s-pkig by ootllipav drays, lam your os*Ns now. For Is. lsodans, ro abilg1am. U 6 R Ta Schoch, ISh5 Parana HNry.. W1v. Meg. Mk,1k6s, RV 298, 1.1100.685.5144, over 20 nen Cl be VW* mwrWlos. ;MINIV69)- 1.4.000W042 FUN, FAST MID EA$Y1 Laming Nano, by video al holm The [raid bees Seim Pato Profaner nam pate add Moil air, (imam modes raw maws, 'OUAUTY Of THE MOS 18 FIRST RATEI.-THE INSTRUCTOR 18 SUPERB...OUR SiNCERE HATS OFFI...BRAVOIr (Tie Piano Education Pigs • Sept. 1901)• Play • .9y1 ararass free, Christmas, now 'Ira 61 b Pt*17.7325, obigalon , bid oar.TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. New is he bra to MA Aa per does AZkeret Far t on*"orapilmion marl OM* TN* Moe NMI - Ladd -1.830• 2811.4777 gob pittem Ne..MlrltnaW*. WANTED: MAwlglas and Wavy day :.Justis, hat. Mos penia:, fare In HO PW10 MM. 8hga 1Mnpola saaamadd(E aaaab e. Fax reenter ro: Otsg BWlw, l •402 W44?2. BANAL $4868 SAW was INTO BOARDS, NNW treater.. Largs moody. Gat Nowa what Ort alala, /We tr oonertion140$ atu . Nral sawtiEs, POI 1St SALES HELP WANTED SATTEMiON STUDENTS! Make a lot of matey Being chocolate bars. New products ardr6k. Nothing to pay n adwrae. Fast delivery 1.8003833589. MEDICAL 20/720 WITHOUT GLASSES! Sale, rapid. non-surgkal, pamrrwd restratlon In 8.8 weels. Aline plot devel- oped, doctor approved. Free 1nlomndon by mai: 406- 981.5570, ext. 253; lax 406.961.5577. hltp.11 eew.viNahfreedom.00m Setlsfacdon guaranteed. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Spiritual corlsunallon. DRalllenship. Career, Life. Only $2.99/min. 18. 1.900- 14783. PERSONALS GAIN SELF CONFIDENCE. Buy and read DIANETICS: Tie Madam Science of Mental Hiatt by L. Ran Hit- bard, uabard, $46.15 Inc. shaming/tax. Cat 1.800.561.5808. 10am-t cpm 7 days s week . ADOPTION ADOPiiS MIDBIRTH PARENTS • Fsmiy Finders and The CaalaMMlM NOW Adoption As Isfy 1400471. 6477. hOpiNtlw.adtplhgorgMkwnr.hVnl. 'Reunibq Cannon Feesseiou Cart 13 cower 1.600.871.477. .. REAL. ESTATE GDT A CIAMPGROtNIO fie? We'll WM* G MINN alma, Mad nese dwslptauas. ReedN WildwaMnst 1-00-4240$?. Timeshare mato midst Cd 24 hours a day. COSTA RICA • For in by vert. t to 5 acre auNosd Web roc. Btsasiel tg darn of PK* ocean. Fran SIM USD. Omit awing. Cd 905.238.2883. STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE... Go Ontario Factory Dyed Miry Sizes and Wm. Emma: 30 x 40 now $1,0115.00. 35 x 50 now 39,488.00. 40 x 60 now $11,444.00. Pioneer Steel 1.800688-5422. SALE ON AU. GRAIN STORAGE BUILDINGS. Many aura to dace kat. Camels, BMldswal O MOINIe a M new TnNMe Oulgi CM Aare 16004156853 orf 518. SKI VACATION. (Wir•Ti awma, QUEBEC voted h ad teat h IN East NM saw spin and nee resat wad* wide. 1100 04751 tanned • We Alh . dsbge • Ws Peet • E's May • One Bili Does It All • Nartissm Ontario $78 • &Mom Ontario $138 • WMMMn Ontario $1317 • Central Ontario $134 • AN Ontario $384 • iadtrw Pedtewes AvalaltIS • Call eye patter for detail