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Times Advocate, 1996-11-27, Page 23
Forthcoming marriage - Ken and Kathryn Triebner are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Darlene to Bradley, son of Jack and Betty Borland. Their celebration of marriage will begin at eleven o'clock on December seventh at Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle. McFalls - Matthews Patricia Matthews and Shawn McFalls are pleased to an- nounce their marriage which took place October 12, 1996 at Exeter United Church. Rev. Norman Jones, officiated. Par- ents of the bride are Edgar and Vivian Matthews of Port Burwell. Parents of the groom are Peter and Gloria McFalls of Exeter. Attendants were Lisa Wood,.la(!! 7felka, berley Stover, Mike Agnew, Jason McFalls, Allan McFalls and Dave Morlock. The happy couple are now residing in Walkerton'. 1 School meeting set for tonight By Carmel Sweeny Zurich correspondent ZURICH - There is meeting tak- ing place in Exeter at the Legion to- night, Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. about keeping South Huron Hospi- tal open. The St. Boniface School Council General Meeting will be held on November 27 in the gym from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. to discuss the direc- tion the school will be heading dur- ing the coming year. The annual Santa Claus Parade will be held in Exeter on November 30 beginning at 12 noon, down Main Street. The Youth Group for grades five to eight students of St. Boniface School, which includes St. Peter's Parish, St. Joseph, is to meet on November 28 at 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Grades five and six children will go to the school gym while those in grades seven and eight will be in the parish hall. On December 1 Hensall will have Victorian Village Christmas dis- plays and will light the Christmas tree in front of the Town Hall at 5:30 p.m., followed by ice skating at the arena. Santa Claus will be at the Zurich Co-op Store this Saturday, Novem- her 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A reminder to keep saving your pop and beer cans during the holi- day season for the St. Boniface Building Fund, sponsored by the K. of C. members. You can leave them at the home of Ralph Smith or Doug Debus (by their doors). Congratulations to the winners from the Candle Draw demonstra- tion held at the Arena last week hosted by Janet McKinnon as a fundraiser for the Minor Athletic Association. Door prizes were won by Tracy Fisher, Staffa, and Ber- nice Wolfe from Mitchell. A family Christmas dinner for the residents at the Rest Home is coming up on Decerpber 1 at 3:30 p.m. There will be musical enter- tainment in the lobby while fami- lies wait for their turn to eat. This week, members of the Aux- iliary decorated the Christmas trees and various rooms in the Home to prepare for the holiday season. The Chamber of Commerce held their last meeting and dinner at the w�ovta[Laion Tavgu_ Qi.,-I,vember I9" On December 7, beginning at 9 a.m. (storm date December 14), St. Peter's Youth Group will be hav- ing a bottle drive and collecting used toys for the Women's Shelter. The money collected from beer NN AV IF Get the Whole Family Involved In a Contest ,44 11515 Includes the towns of Credlton; Centralia, Huron 111111 Park, Exterior only s / • Sponsored by Crediton Optimist Club / I t ',,: '' Prizes: $1001st prize; $60 2nd prize; $40 3rd prize 1 '= Judging December 19/96, 7 - 9 p. m. 00.2 . .1 IIIP MO "Best Decorated flonie ,for Christmas" MHATO© HARMED TMAINS TENABLE OTOOLE MASNO© STYL©QS OMAN'S PREVUE Y©TIS DTS NAIVE WIARA DAVID HIRAMS TEL ASON© MHEN ATA G R)1 TEEUP TWE YRERLJ©NINGYOU ©TEP [ IWN S M OONA EMS MT A©B DRAW AB U©H HOOP OUkjOF©OMNANDYOUMAKEIT STAWW TI E3TmJ mum mUU©LUKEYOUREL![ NADU ALAE ONALL QANN I BETTE SITE LEEK N SORE I OBE MIUSCA ©AFI PEEL SIE! AI]I[i RLML]H[ o D©E UEUWER STASH E][•JMO MARIE NEA INTOM BRAND(•] WWNM I C APARAD[ ESTER© TJE�ROM MNA ELEXEN TSTEELN NCREN ftUIO Hel • s families in need at Christmas CAU 524-7356 OR 1-800-265-5198 by December 5 to register. and pop bottles will be given to Blessings Unlimited. If anyone wants to help wrap Christmas gifts, let them know. There will be a Fair Board meet- ing on November 27 at the home of Margaret Deichert at 8 p.rn. Saturday ON THE EDGE New Rock Saturdays! s SM beCember 7 CHRIS TOY DROP OFF Saturday December 14 MCA Recording Artists HONEYMOON SUITE Tickets $10.00 Advance December 20 HOTEL CALIFORNIA December 26 - Boxing Day SCARECROW i., i lI l Wornmilows Hwy. 8 West, Clinton '482-1234/ VVVIIVIVVV11#101 tl\ Hall ID 9pm. lam. 3492678 Line DemersWelcarrro Fri. Nov. 29 Country Justice Sat., Nov. 30 Country Versatiles Sun., Dec. 1 Old Time Fiddler's Jambouree (2 p.m. to ?) PAiva * I'aniaitntti' ngelo's Exeter Times -Advocate, November 27, 1996 Open Thurs. to Sun. 4" 10:30 p.m. Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Nov. 27 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1,000 Jackpot Game 55 calls or Tess 51800 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 ,0 AM YIKIy0 !� $9,gc6k c?Qading3 'p Psychometry Palm Readings Stars & Numbers Life Readings Your Year Ahead Personal Private Readings Taped Card Readings Career - Love - Money FOR YOUR HOME PARTIES OR A PRIVATE READING CALL GORD COOPER (519) 451-9641 Mon. to Fri. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. lei (Strictly for entertainment purposes) Friday November 29 FIRE FLYS at THE DRESSING ROOM BAR t>. , ,tt;,s1-N jji<'; ,,Matt r Park A. HOWICK MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY AA1LLketttacie� avY Farmer's Daughter Present Now the hottest female country group today! Hear I1 their Hits lice: Borderline Angel, Son of a Preacher Man, and Cornfields and Cadillacs. One Show Only! FRIDAY, DUCIMIKR 6, 8:SS P.M Call 357-4082 WINGHAM to Reserve Advance 514.50 At Door $16.00 Tickets Available at Triangle Discount, Ernie King Music, Wingham & Goderich Congratulations to Mike MacDonald - winner of a $100 gift certificate at Sound Advice Left: Todd McCann, Mike Mac Donald and Derick McGee. GIFT CERTICATE COUTESY OF MARK MCLLWAIN AND TODD McCANN - YOUR AREA MET LIFE REPRESENTATIVES TODD M. McCANN Account Representative MARK J. MCLLWAIN Account Representative Leaders Conference -- 2 Times O MetLife' 183 Main Street South Exeter. Ontario NOM 1ST London Office (519) 6720690 Fax (519) 672-1124 Exeter Office (519) 235-1344 uwtms.ror«tp+pleab etY O Metth 183 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 Office (519) 235-1344 Fax (619) 271-8431 Home (519) 235-0307 3lalppy soth Anniversary Blanche and John Stewart, 1948-1996 A reception will be held at St. Alban's Anglican Church on Sat., Nov. 30, 1350 Huron St., London 2 - 4 p.m t i eo T Page 23 • f4t q3uck & Toe for Jed (Jamie) Haines & Kelly Brintnell Fri. Nov. 29 South Huron Roc Centre, Exeter $5 /ve+son. Jonah p*Aded Nov. 25 Hope it was a good one! Love your family _. It's New! Glucosamine Sulfate • Eliminate Arthritic Pain •, LERBAL MAGIC Exeter 235-3088 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••...••••••••••••...... ••• ATTENTION SNOWMOBILERS Pineridge Snowmobile Club reminds you: Early permit price before Dec. 1- $85.00 After Dec. 1- $110,00 Dance: Nov. 30, 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Hensall Community Centre Stay on trail and obey all trail signs. Ride Safe, Ride Sober Please respect all landowners. All trails will remain closed until further notice For further information contact local club director or 229-6401 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HOWICK MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY TOWN HALL Iiektta Presents e Huron Cats `11 ..Chrisinias Presented by Sponsored by An Historical musical took atChiistmas in Huron County starring • The Hussey P iii tl it M 'n • Melissa1 ;tbo14! atbs`}onnection • Gary B illaglt ,Primetime CountryBand l3ardsy ailed Sunday and 8 PM December 14, 15 Call 357-4082,WINGHAM to Reserve Advance$14.50 At Door $16.00 Tickets Available at Triangle Discount, Ernie King Music, Wingham & Goderich • A • M A 4 119 n! ATREASVRE IN EVERYNSLE! ) • Come and discover beautifully hand crafted items at truly remarkable prices. We're the new concept store featuring more than 350 craft booths from North America's finest crafters and artisans. Browse the aisles for treasures, then stop for a complimentary gourmet coffee in the Marketplace Caff. It's a refreshingly different shopping experience showcasing wonder- ful works perfect for Christmas gift giving? cllrlsdrnss Hours: Mon.- law 104, Wed.- Fd. 104, sat. & sun.10-6 %No1NCAt1IN te•RTN AMIRICAI rutin Ct<*FTS. EVERYDAY. London Homs & Design Centre 765 Exeter Road (at Wellington) • (519) 685-9800 hale In1010mser (519) 748-2295, Meow (519) 250-7880 and 15 more MOS gaMe Coo *au rib Me et le sterMersm • Mean Crain Show and SMI year 0* dieceybieptieCstool ter, pbOetitersPUeeets vemeIN7twavisit us! • 1 L A • M 0 "s‘,• CANADA'S LARGEST INDOOR CRAFT MAIL CHAIN "‘'