HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-10, Page 440.4' t. - Ille.ia e a x t“ ' ?NI: AN NT , Y it14 Vail, (lit A.S6, r $.0)310 chap lit ',13..ed Creek 11114 Dram 1 , „ , 0 f' WI'Atrkli3, 4.0 a 1,-;')IIVOR0 :',.,(1,11 .1.1/0). .1:Or 1,40 ' N9 orop gas loss attoutioa than leraela ' ltddresebf, the yoerre WOMatt with. 4;10-, • eal l'ul"'" '11".'" t.h° h'thit 6,f if 0,14 nit rod, at Ada it is' Cady lacidebtally 000 le (lash, who 00QuEly itelvertieedin arabiarea aenips. otetiae , wireet after toe rear/ger, W; thr ,,,,,01.00 6010,, ,..31,,op...0j,qy for ii,,,,mlf e, ataatteenea eteeeee for e husband od, eabbatee, rFor atoll 0.. (0111, berley get the who is horrest, but 3.5 not it pohnearei manure, treel warm SQ0(1ed, the Yettlig oprefessionel mare The editor 4000 PiqvOr +-the!, ie left. After tlqt, oot give to Addrese for eet'teral good U the "field be teratetred, the clreirPinge reasone, and sots , cearespondent Qt' atiltelale left to lumps (;;yer the fields, down for a "simpletoe "-rl'utleee he h th; are all thee the litrideetet till ploughed soittethi4,, wOrse • ' and adViSV's raite if he s o t et married, to try and soitie 'Olio as eoft tts himself- 'Clitortic laziness le rePeett- 'Pei at W igton. Ag I, Ap youn poiated to (1, elerloship in the ,T1e0se-; ay DetArtineat Was conducted ti hie desk and inforned wbat hie (titles weed, , „The Chief of the dePtartirafiet disCOVered 1ib a shoet tinie, 'Poln- fortably reposing in his eeatt With hie feet characteristically restieg bre tile desk: " said the (h if 'don't 1 le. g you expect to o an \ work or t. t11(.1 keepitig it lool8tt A Crop of tw° be hanged !" exclaimed the ttettonished f I VI th 1 I tons or till)rt,,, 9.. Nr, otter eueet youth ; " I heel 10 IN or it fiard to get ea under or cat for hay, can, hardly fail beret', • 'Lo crop $1,)b.t.3 Mal reaciecroe lieetily, hot foa "the pabeireareet wheel he latecke the teemed, ()My e 66)416 peredeta With tate peat; of lenses, liede thet ieep test betare eft, 1.111$ AS Genetdered .111tpreVilld ie.s dim prodt • • • the j le. No Matter how 1.1w graiu.---1.1.00 'wavy t'oliation 'the plant is often Yetty deeeptI tto rd to its yield, while lightete'•A'arg. fields tenpreduee It:tree:Ay or career -Ate, aud of vela seperior stuitlitee ae, telotee Liebig erpret of hie neereetuegee, clover is a beircht, and whetente else he may do, the fanner Wa'o ereve and garws cloyer, is melting i 1-Ptt ; t lit s tare et t ten g , • . • e aot the result be, if the setae care were take a of the clover field as of other aie‘ve et) &Ito -.Pelt in eroeertio) It does not need eeltiVatiog ; ALS tile coedit -ions. 114' the fume -keine otl cr°1)." -stelte" beettine fa .i,orali1O',4 tlte entente' et; the eeed &neater ate as the oerititityediAtinisired,';„. eat eites the aacerieo (Ifeeeoure eetteessfal farmere ewlet, ndiog their eaops toe tei(11(, lr ,d them ,,,, ith meta (eel aureee, Sea tail:eerie the straey end ()hooks e letula -Vegelatiou, bet it tletetild , be used ii eitederatiou, elweeee Eicatterea it iu eteurecting With ghtmet-ealeepare lie:A of Agneulatee ReP' 110T BATed le FOR ANL:0 AO', We tied ie the aterleelt wet t of the New ''''Yertit -0 co/6'y 1.11.ra1d • tii•I,Aal.owis,g, aratraete-le, is reeoeted til It at r.t remit Meeting of the Itoetal eaerierd viral Society of Lrelend some in- taroeting (statements we're made :con-- ceelogg the use of hot air or Turiashe 'beetle as a !remedy for the .tlieettses of' domestic; aiiimals, Lord Reride do' .claired that las owa experiments in the use of these baths, covering a period of over foar years, peoved conclusieely elnia they ‘Votild care all evaluate, (Ilse, caeca incitteatal Itorsee hod kti, fitr in .1.11 oak. Thte remedy is CH1,1k cially effi- eantone ceses of celie, dysontery, lung cOmplaint, svellings ittilawit- :tions, and servos also as a preteo;iVe appionittleireet dieedeee. These laths cen conetructed. eliertply. Those in .freland generally eunelet of I, C:OSe roma, the walls being doubled, :to steam thrown around the robin paPese whieh thattleated up to 150 or .180 degrees, ana even higher, with - oat injuring. the coaterned air foe pur- poses of resairation. By paying pop - i' attention to ventilatiou, allowing uu ettaern lo escape into the room, but with .paree 'dry, heated' air e a single matinee -- lion' in ilia -bath will -cure tiie most , ;severe cased ot garget. :case swel ling or sprain, a viecaons rubuiug adds inaterethy to the govt.( effect of the 'hath.---Wct hear of the e.pieoot,y and 'Fatee disgitse spr %aims in fiiirtsi of. 'the country. Here is a chance for a': ;big speeulation to some horse or stetdr 'pew who !cleave enough to put eit; a, Turkiish bath ii,partmotit. Briefly stat- ed, we iney inentiou several reiterate why its 'Lieu is eta commended : 1. Cure of eieeneee ;n enttle, sheep and pig's. 2. Saving of mortality irf young :stook. 4. Po dialog the horses engaged in ploughinaLd heaTy Weil against the long, deep ravelling roote and Intleeriee the soil as teething 'else, tt the 10 1) (tete as 0 nracl 81 tilin the grotteal 1 '• ,?" " W I eat ie over etre 3, to .1e0ve tee aoil better then it was be - -C, hieanAn in Celifornla, whose fore, 'should be the farmer'e aiI1.1. to 14 life was insm'ed for a large,, amount, grow tee btrgest poseiole ceopsof clover. was serioteely hut by falling from a A slight (4(398111g olegypeent-aolle aura en. There wits some doubt of his I i deed vaunt e per (tare early spr ng— produee woaderful results, Bea: over dpieg. betfCit, 'and at length one cerneetay, " Charley half clead ; RIO, the seratiines of baroyerds, feel is it farmer has a Utile well rotted men, of his wrote to the iusurance th„,,injared by freeziug 114 0 to apply it. Clover ie Often'. "le.-theite.Y.° t1awiui in We didn't see 'anybody on New Year's wiuter,, and a Very, slight covering of that we coued conscientioesly cad mauunt afford a great deel of pro- drank ; but we observed one fellow teetipnAL Lich earth from corners of w s $ oe (e( up age es fefftgee, is well worth drawing a short an taleY gate holdine it there with his ',RODERICK'S OLD STAND, thetance en young, clover, provided the huger Flawed throte; a knot-nole and around is hard. and firm. If the field talking it too death with uncomprom- , I 1 it FRESH ARI eee Tien People's Gi Store. ' QT00*.04 corv 011e, Oi: ,tlie -Beet e'laints lo, Canada 1 Alcopii,132)4!,;:igtiki) i, ',.,)-gtt.,, 113, ,14%1'CiA•1;13;:ii11-41, 0 1,1 ri),.)01,c1b .6'0.3"ic(0,;: ,4"1.?t,-)t4b,11G:,e1111(t)ra,"11ttot(t'Pl12().4(':(L‘t,ryica'Ttlt-l'()>V11,trel'a tk";;.e8t()Totaliil.: 30 ,0013 and 1,,,erejlged 13143 10331) 30 a5 1.0 e 1 na 1 a 4 03 a . , IIAS, S Ill Nit)lt liaNing removed to 100,110000 of tj),Q 10,‘,,or,.; et the 001)lie.. A ttc+14,10P le eatiealJetAte kt of* Of l'Ill1110h. iY.0,, 144Yiliff, Q1.4 110114 (1,3)0()(1)311)1'1iM).. 0 3 10) 41.2tk1111-;;,, `,41)A //00.10 ProVt, roa to lookw 1ralnek-3 lyt, , ,110,"..ovo,10 ratoo,— Aeteuelleef? Plloteg),.tkplzed. 1.4 3). u th;3thiihri when, Va. cmulxacl, st.t per 1.t)./,', 000'0465r 0; ImPeria113, k'4() ORUNNICAN lies received A largo sthek'ef GlkOCERIg$1 CROCXERT also a largo stock of Boorrp geg.s2zo311$*. suitable for rail ana, Winter, 00413113t11 243t Men's, Womell's and Child- ren's Wear, Those in want of a fIrst.otitss artioie in the Boo and shoo lino should not fail to EXAMINE MY STOCK Bofore purchasing; cau recommond, A. 1:IA.11-GE LOT OF irst (lass Bacon JUS1 RLCLI\ ED J•CRUNNICAN is not to be mowed neat season, coarser ising gravity. -manure can he used.—Coantry Geutle- Judge Brady, of No,w York, tells this num. I° good story; He was 'one day on the te i-41+-41 relid while en emigranir ship was coin- ,„ .. . ra, .,, , , . A •-,- , , i. , t. ,.. • , " ACT, BT NOT ak.(3-1TATE."-2-1. Ile rope Ind in. An ensa fawner, who anew on Friday last made a speech to some him edged alongside, and, -after a look two thousqud youths. The pith of bis; et the erowded ship turned to the Judge address, as transmitted by cable, is to and said; " Tell ye what' Misther Brady tlds affect : He suggested that their tiara furiners is going t9 play the divil motto should be, "Act, bat not agitate," with us entirely. What will we do at i aud their' watchword, ., Diseountenanee, all, at alit" eeeoletiou." It is worth elate cerefully A elergrean of, a country village to emistider these w°rae• ThttY the (A111'1'611 desired ?eV() netice that there key to VatY; Of trl0 ro,fey this v 21d be no serviPe in the afternoon, cOtkilfr.Y., Agitation Mtided'. EverY' a'S w4s goinA• to ofilnirele for another, approaall le political contrbl 1.8 steelthy' clei•gYinitn. The clerk as tolin as the'increemeti ts'af 'A tiger towards its prey. Nre noise is nietle. The spring and grasp alone show wh ,lias beep done., It is exting wi4.10uts,girating•-7. Witness the passieg of the Oegaet Act • in Oltio, and, of , the Grey Nuns Act 11, . • blue -State. 'Agitatio'n, whieh furthers eckel objects, is 'fatia to the arrogant pretensions, to the eneatiate desires of Lae Papacy. See how quickly the at- tempt to sitddletheeparochial schools of, the Vatielenatee4n tht tatpayere of this city was abandoned when agitation roused the slceping, secure citizens to the threatened outrage. Revolutioni liase not beeu helped to the Papacy for, vaahmereasona, ami it therefore is to be discounreniuraede The poliiy of the Vatican el$ it e Methods persistent, secret and underhauded. Eveo now. the mines iutended.to promote the de- 0'struetion 6f the balwralts of our liberty eeetele. tea are pueleed vapidly ,forward, in secrecy The Dog Wolf,. darkneSs, "Vie' 'conflict, against. '.(ertoet WOLF -HUNTING IN LOWER BRIT - Titer." Con& er ear slippping . was fortunate °Month that night' to: 'bills. ' 0 . 'sit meet, to the Owlet Kergoorlass lot' " The rich," said a Dutchman, "oat 'dinner, and, hooting lie was master of venison because it'isle dear. I eat intrit- wolf-hounds Upper 13i ittruiy, I gatau- ton beeause it ish sheave?. e te4. from 'eau iuterestiog informa• • We suppose Twee& Vete elitteate• the 'tiaie with respect to the style of hound, "Boss" cigarinecuba.---Chieago 7 ribune. lin iihasidered best adapted' for his Part(' Yes, if they Havame. ticuler spurt, " A big, bold, brOken-hteired hound is iguoratice, superstition and aelbitio'n • only commenciuge—Yea York Witness. A London Rothschild is dead, and what, keep for the work and cca. every poor devil of an editor remarks with satisfied complacency that "money sionally I invigorate the rece," said he, could not save him." Poverty don't save " with a grain of wolf -blood." man -either. " Aud how, piety," enquired, " a • hat " you manage) . 't Yo'it ain't afrald'to die 2" said:the (? " Nithiug is more eidiple. The dog' clergyinato ".No," replied the sufferer, e• • " he wolf being congeeees, they "I'm only afraid if I do that the old beeed readily toder her ; nor does the law woman will go snooting among ney pri- atffeccing mules affect the hybrid race', va.te papers the ,first tient." , -as the offspring of the first cross repro t :When a man detects a missiug button 'duce their litters ‘vith the same facidtT. after getting On a clean shirt, no one in keep a dog-teulf broright he by hand ; the house is aware of the fact. Ile 'and be, sucaled tie ieftency up ft hound takes off the shirt, quietly smiling alt 'dam, lives -ie perfect concord with any the while. He never, never speak e of houeds I think fit to enclose with hitn it to a soul. in hie kennel ; white a day or two re-, " The boy at the head of the class coucilee a strange emend to his Catral will state what were the dark itgds of teeny." ; the 'World ?" Boy hesitates. " Next, " And do yon find the first croes," 1- Muter Biggs, eau yon tell me what the asked, "as lnauagcutbIeiR elide filbyour dark ages were 2" " I guess they were 1 1 dLiftry bounth, '2" . _tt rai' 'from it," he replied 3 ipso- ninch -that l'only keep tleit peed -lice to 'breed from. They esually run mute or all but mute, and are so self.willed iu 'chase and so 'fierce in Iteunel that I merely use diem as stad-lionnele, and *enter the second cross. These,. (die 43 grend offeprieg (if the ifoff,leabethe rere' welf-lionnds, fierce, ane nosed, desper- -ale in chficio,and newer ,tiring during the lougest due." • The Coarivige at a Sergeant. ,1Coitratro," sny-i Richter, `‘ coneists 'not in blindly ovCrielliing danget7, but, in seeing it and con i/ d,eat.;.ttg This' Seription itr courage appears 'te, have been dieplayea in a l'elliark,11)10 manner the' other 111151 by 11 soldier at Juto,Y. /icor Simla. 111 tbo go» room of tlie moun tai n hattory stationed there, some twenty leather ammunilion bo -ices were ..dot nsited, each' confabang eight loadest shells. Froth W.1111111 31.10 ()Niles° boxes a slight explo wA;slies01 and smoke was seen to issue. VI. wore eigliteen; or twenty r' 1 in tbe ecene, cchom the' sergenert orderea . ont of iienger, end hemself oplifang the box by the two handlee, he eteggered eat with the deadly heel poised upon hie, ehest, reel lepoeiled it fell twenty yards awey (1/1 the middle oC the perade ground, As Oe did so the contente gave forth 1331043)43)313 111104331g report. Oh OVOtitititt it ert.'3 niScOver'ell that sotno of the friction tubes had be- °num dieeleced during beetery 01103 (3010 mei led vitor'ted aAvn,y under Ilia hese of a earn, the wei Iht or which had boated teem whet; the lox wee eta (besot, lead, eergeeet eeeetiely deservee, if net' 'the' ejeceori1 Ora 44, at I04181 8M.0e signal re- ward for hie preeence of mied and brayeetV uodo; eiretirmitaTICO14 of 00 me die ary 'alto Yielding of peeells, peee, tted other 03'lk:1, 1),,S/ tAlaChni'S the public; sehools 111 31trueline etteetiori arm' Proo.-dh , 43330'0--Loiu Boylan. 'rho pre,' Lee inferrer eel the 430338011 43401 the enede oi the telltale, and ie peoduc- 'live of uo 1331 vantage egeopt a pecaniery etre f o the 10140430 1'. The nateeinCry 4331 431 seh rot 343 soimaielos brought to rt andstill in order [433 14 change May be bud.) in' off, othig 1110 stile of it elate pen - '• 1 I, e may ty-erteeted SoloedBowel 'le eepite ari to neriedy the evih sermou was finished, rose up with all due solemnity, and nriea true I am re- quested to give notiee that there will be no service tins afterimon, as Mr. L. is going fishing witn another clergyman." Strange feels itdee elibited at a re- cent ;inquest in Plymouth, England, conctuiling the death of one Frances Bosley, a young woman, who lived with her father and two brothers in well fished lodgings in a respecta- ble pitet IA thiatown. The family wore oonifin?taferY ote, land the daeased had an annuity Of 28a. Two years ago she withdrew herself from all society shutting therselt up in her bedroom, into which she would admit no one. She took but very little food, and grad- ually wasted away, dying of sheer starv- ation. When found. she was perfectly naked, and covered with vermin. A miracle has been wrofight by nat- ure in the Tills,ge of Woonsocket, Rhode Island. leredeeick Luke suddenly be- came mute twenty years ago, when he was still a youth. He rapidly fell into a decline, and the physicians only gave him a few months to Jive. He, how- ever, lingered:on from year to year, and since 1872 a gradual iraprovement in Ills health became yerceptibfe. A. few' pi Cassen's Magazine, Saturday- 11raga- 1 days aeo he joyfally Carrie to:his moth - sine, Infants' Magrizine, Satur- er and articulated some words, instead -=111M121111119•111111GISSICI ATMS Why Don't You Clo to ? ',ohne keeps uP Main street, at his Old stand, where ho has boen for 18 years. Johns has moved. into his now likqp ,novi, Anybody will toll you whore Johus"lin:shop io, If you do ne't know where to find (1, 133311 the iirat man you soo41,Eiteterto show you, He'll do , Nevi youset tepee WV% unow les tee eiace beamed° there is ni6hther place juut like it in therworld. Johns sells stoves, tinware and things. Yon'll see them lying cloilAout on the siclowalk-all of them marked inplaiu figures. You dont need to ask tor villa you want. You can pick them up anYWhere, - JOHNS SELLS CHEAP MA UFACTUR 11, 11,"PRE 00/0/1/0'N'i$1:1VBE STRAWCUTTE13. 1 have hear'ti. abut yo, Wild what I have beard is true. The best -second to in the country. Who *50114; 'YOU.? why, it ie /I :Oyes, at Thew's Hotel Ste- bles, who We pays cash for HideS knci ShepskiTAs, eittree there or at D. 301iliBaa Enlargement o Premisa so his store is always full of mon and women Last Saturday his store was chock lull of men and women, and ho Lad as inaieli as he could ee to take thenioney. Simla a lot of inoutyi I tell. you those New Pattern g of Stoves are Stunners: Nothinguke hem in those parts. Then there is such lots of Hot -Air Drums and other things. Snell beautifu 4 amps, now Onandeliors. Table Cutlery. Cructs„ Mats, Brass and Enamelled Nettles, Sancel aims and rout Churns au d Broona s, Basket s and Butcher Knives, Sausage Machines andsoalos, Coal Oil, Black load, stove pipe varnish, and hundreds of other things -all usefol and good, aucl you'll find them piled from tho collar up to the coin: . NOW rflaA UNDE13S1UNE1), ORATIFIEtt 11„, the JiIoru43 patronage bestowed on lam einee he crommeneed business, wouhl acquaint his alli4331e30118 friends and eustomers with the feet awe be lies enlarged his pessentplaco of beeitieee- atlded l'OWOW t'd ids stook of Loather', including Breach Cailadian and Atnerican, and he is prePars4 to fal all cadets that he may be favored with en the shortest no - ties, and in a style that cannot bs surpassed in the County of Huron. Exeter, Jan. ld, 1876. W. TROTT. 228 -ms Exeter G1ethi4g House! i:' XETEII STEAM RAKt &CRAM FACTORY1 GEO. 0 T TLE JOHNS a NO WWARD, but folks do crowd aroma. btti and ask fikmany, questions and pay him so many complutente about his stook and his grand way of doing things, that ho gets kind of conflustioated and loses him- self up in the garret COUNTING HIS MONEY (if hellos any). The best time to see him is on rainy days, Fie is always around. them but if you want things that aro useful nmi ornn.n1ental it maks 110 differthice what day you call, because his men Will always Make you feel tie if •you wore at home, and will sell you things cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. =AT'JOI-INS BOOKS Brick Store and dwelling house, -Also frame house] and: stable, for sale, centre of Main street Exeter. TIMES, Prayer Books,. Hymn Books, of speaking in signs to her as he had done for twenty years. His power of speech is rapidly gaining, and some of the most distinguished physicians of Rhode Island are about to investigate this remarkable ease. REIYUCIED OCEAN RATES.—The Anal line of steamships, in order to meet the requirements of the tian' have made, a redattion in their cabin fares. The forwarcl cabin berths, which in most of their vessels, are on the sa- loon deck and most desirably situated, can now be obtained at the reduced rate of 401.,, phich„ includes firet-class railwaY fare from Toronto to Portland., Intermediate passengers are * w,car-43 ried by tire mail steamees, as well as: by their Glasgow, line, at very low! rates, which will be found to be a great boon to many,,,,who •nodoubt, the ages before, spectacles were quiPent-' 'avarthetaselveg of ehtanew intermedi- ed."„ "Go to yeti* seat." The intensely poetic:a editor of ata Austin (Tex.) paper describes a recent, gorgeous sunset in that vicinity as re- sembling a, ripe punkin wrapped in the American flag.- , 13'ret ffeete ittlmits that he learnea the prenter's,trade. He says he could work six quarts of type per day on a hand; tames, and could correct a 1'0er as good as anybody. The boys of Winnemucca, Nevada, had some fun with a showman. They termed a line from the ticket office ex- t( nding arounil a near corner. Each estc«1 the price of adtnissien, and when be rig told that it was fifty cents, shook liis head, saitrit was too dear, retired, aud fell in at the rear of the line. This, Wtt8 kept up until the showinan,astound-' ed by the unanitnity and the seenAngly', great. number, 1 educed the charge, then every boy cleared (Att. - A follow in Kentneliy ran away wt tit a farmer's daughter and horse, and was -hotly pursued. The farmer got within range, and floctrished a revoleer. 'Don't (-hoot, for heaven's sake!' shouted the lover. 1 won"te 'wee the reply, "cattee Pin afeare4, 111 14431 ,ther'hosS.. Just leave ale r bbss and trafe 'thin dal.' The cteihprOnaise Was accepted by the young folke, who walked on to the preacher's Jambe, the father ridiug home on his horeo, At Saratoga, the other day, a bride- groom etepped off thdcars for i moment Fttlei the train went off 'with his bride. -- It?) followed by the nekttraiti dotyri;"and she tee elle other hend eeturited by the eet(.t. 'tattle op, and they passed each other on the road. Thisnperatiohaeris repotted, torah trip leiteinte'therh litilif- ferent ends elf the route, nr-fiq ,aeper- emptory telegram Icept the tn'ide etrtfitea- (try mita her husband reembed her. " And have you no othsre sons e" ask- ed Buly oP 1 bronZerl Old sea 00,1)104n. "O1i, yo S rta31lt113 , 1 had 0110 that lived in the South S043s1o143-n31ufor nearly ft dozen years." 0 ReallYt Was 43430 beed them end whet weer hie feete-- . •t • the lent or lend ?," " NO, median, he wasn't bread ----he ante 43 ate accommodation. Steerage paseena gers by tile Allen line are well treated and caredni,g 43e0 alte rate's of passage are the Beane as by any,'dther line. White & Sons Agts. EXeter. 43 • ZA to p isiessinesseimessessorse ...esstsmgeors,44koesea, "I 'PRAYED' STEER..-eftMo to the prentkes ineat iCastwis0 et of the subscriber, lot 0, 10in Concession, 010 nivefli ate liim, end thi'fier hist taete toWnship of Iiay about (he ()deem; the /thief safe he' oared of tertftemyry, I last; a brown stoat:L-1Mo White otI abeht The !rely wallted to another O 4311131 SA' Of 'the 43 f'"" '°wnep 'an h glare (aid the sttptsin ornits4 MANIIVAOTtIrar, or Wooden Harvest Tools Rakes, , Snaitha, Fork H'Aiidles, Grain CratiAS; ETC. re day hernia, teey 'a Rest,: Sunerty at Home, Children's a Friend,Wide Awake, Chat. terbox, Friendly 'Visitor, Childs' 'Companion, Band of Hope, British Wcatritan, 'Ad- viser, Christian Treasury, British • Juvenile, albums, Work boxes 2 Writing Desks, deo., &c., li OR CHRISTMAS. t.._____.—._ tateerseteeielee OUTERS; OYSTERS Oysters! Oysters! teNto. GROCERIES CHEAP, AT _a_INTIDER4S Store, Post 011lce Block. He wM have readf fk, 'the coining harvest, the celebrated SU I key Hay - Rake .A. Novelty in this section. MERPIA.N-T'S -wilimidit to Their Advantage to Buy their Stock Mau • me, . 1113 I am prepared. deal with thorn as reasona- bly as any other establishment, omit° give prompt attention to all ordure, :WHOLESALE ItETAIL. 'Turning of all kinds made a specialty in the businesi. GEORGE COTTLE Exeter, A.pril 8, 1875. 82 -8nit THOMPSON& WILLIAMS An excellent stock of Oroceries andnonfoot • cry on hand. - CHOICE ibiAaCOES and CIGARS. I Sportsmen supplied with Aminulition. School Books, Stationery, Magazines ALL THE LANES P NOVELS. 1133,--owingitidehine Needlelof every kind 'ff3 43 sale. G SANDERS. TOBACCO 'EN01.21SH --AT- , TOBA6C0 'STORE If you want Good TRY KEMP'S. FINE CUT , Smoking 'towing Tol3acce, Cigars.-WholeSale'aiitt 4164111, , SUPP.LIED, Opposite R6ss's Planing Mills 'EXETER. e....aeteeeeeemeeeeeeseeeet NEW BUTCHER -SITOP 4'1 he toetders'lened *Mild intorea the inhabi- te... thauts of Exeter and 'Vicinity that 1ie ha OPFAN:ED A NEW RISTCfpt,stiot 03)0 door south of his 131aottsmitlf slier and hopoN the mins Ipatretiegien'tio,Lk lake beau an eorclod to 01 111-0101(1 tild 'tirrAhReafithtf • AND'eateow MAVI:4 line 150,6xtonriod to him in 1110 ne‘v brandli o btudiiesei, DAS moat NVII wet will call t the rag donee of the villagors throe times each Wock 1431 11 '1.13 S IVIL1.1 A T tin lands kept con stottly en'hand at his bat eh resh I tOoit p)oportst end. petting ex eirses.av° 13! 14 • oil ' "Ylg arid 'vvego g It wibtgAlt, asusual ail its branch 1 tilft' °r1 OA, 2‘114011 ' jheter ttse. R DAVis. AGRICULTURAL ImpLEMENTS The undersigtie,d having secured the servi- gee of a first -Class cutter, Mr. Henry "k141.TE oio 6inc.A.do), is propit'red SatisfactorilY all orders with which ite may be favoied. Tho experience and success ef Mr, Harris in cutting and fit- ting garments warrant me in guaranteeing A PERFEft FIT t Furnisbizig ioUscs WE1-3B 6-1-t,.A.N.'71'01sT i13 Phaell 'Ott oRDEBED oLoTnix 10,171uS just received large stook of Plain Vo,toy Tweeds, to everyone wbo fevers me with his order. On account of the hard times 1 am deter; rained to sell clothing at no,. low prices as 'ay other clothing hotke ;la the West. I BUY AND SELL FOR CASH: A oh.oice 1043 01 Gents' Furnishing Goods jit. received, Cloth bought from me cut freest barge, J P leo IN TYRE Boiler and Engine WGrks mitcHELt, ONT. Two -horse power wood. Sawing machine This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION 15 4333 supplied wiia a RAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Go otiter machinery, withent'eitra'expdirse ex cept for the belt. TRIAL OFFRED. All kiuds of Farmingimplernents kept constantly on hand. BOILER. SHOP in fall operation. ENGINES ee all gi'l,es"tb Order: V • Kept at Bissett's Tin shop, Frxeter. promptly attendeil Address— THOMPSON k WILLIAMS, 70 PAULI CIO GentsFurnish'ng kND Broadelotlies Doe -skins) Ete A FIRST-CLASO TAIL611 hn the premisb'fr, andverfect tit guartibteetl, Xi:$*10 the thne,for a goed cheap suit Or ovetboat clent's Fitinislainge will be found Complete hs 01 its btatiAillea; bonsimting vat 'White 0 Fancy Shira Autin Oollitts & Cuffs Paper Collars & Cuff ti Duke di outiO,tigli, Oitb Uottee 0140etigo , Aleids, Captain. Shir Suds, Soliaires, Scarf Pins, Bing, and Wool, Wach-chains & KeePs A Fresh Stook of Teas and Milts just coming for Luta, Oven 116130 Tweed & " Woot Bilks & Drawers Cashmere Mufflers Windsor & F'ey Beads Ties, Bows, &v. Gloves and Mi s Busk, Kid, Calf, Cloth HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN- A. nounee that ho has just received a splendid assortment of CANADIAN, SCOTCH & ENGLISH EEDS BLACK BROADC-LOTHS; & DOESKINS, hT O., which for STYLE AND QUALITY WILL BE H:A.PD TO BEAT 43 • o••• t4eueraJ 11'ouria, Traveller,, Mulligeku Guardo, Bydenbant, Uome, 11031111 Dolly Varden, 'Dundee Yon Bot, Rube nsein C. M. WEBB. • TAI.LORING bolaWra`eut is replete with every modern im- provement, and fitrnished monthly with TIE L., 11 Owilti ISAAC CARLING Fogs lea -ye to thank his friends in luxeter and surrounding country for their liberal patonaga past,and Itepee to merit a fair share of thbir trade in ti.o future; having TAM -MN PLAVZS, OF American Styles and Cuts, All Work guaranteed, and out in the me fashkurrible style. • Call early mid see ono of the choicest and best selected stocks town, and offering low prices for cash. C.SOUTHOO 'IT. FLOUR McL ENNAN'8 OLD GRIST MILL Exeter. !THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN- timato thatlaving recently 'tiiiiii)hiNfeik ant Refitted the Machinery, He is now prepared to do CILISTINCI , in a first-class planner, and for- a few weeks while there is plenty of water power, will chop clean DRY GRAIN FOR 8 CENTS PER BAG kleneitet it along before the stream -fiteezes up. FLOUR AND FEED as usual- a AVAV5:ge'sale Prices, When taker from the mill by the pur chaser. And from nelational improvement that he has compleed, the is now pre- pared to lo tkbPPOT G ON HAND brie of the Largest ana Best Assorted Stockt 'every workileg day. Paries tan have their gHS t ;mine the same day hem. 'D. AI'LENNAN Exeer, Dee 20, 18'75. 'PHOENIX roLN- DRY Corner Bat'IVItst & W'ellinpton Sts., LONDON., - • , - 0 .INI-T.46sAtIO JOHN MIAOW, PROPRIETOR. kANIIVACTUEM 044 Milea.clow a2k...payer and Mcwor, gailfg-Plows, . Conan -ion Sense S f-,ra,-vv-Cin-tterS, AND ALIA IMPLEMENTS USED .13-y FARMERS. FARMERS' Usually foul:la-in a General Store, CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc, Ready-made Cothing, wines and quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots Rind 8hoes,Leather, eto. 1 Tbis iiinlettront NIS ctorthle ilistributiag vain cttp ticl :la admitted to be the best before , 4343101i0.atii now busily engaged Making theta for the spring seeding, and co pro- P433e34310 snooly Omni 04 1,0, 11, 1.2 tubes want, Witliittho shifter or witbent,. Reeordlng to or - dr,, 11 (1 30)0 O114051'1111 to 'keep on band eithorkind and 411(.3 10112101)13' any who rutty not 'hese &tart their order, l'he otyle 4301 tnala030(1 W t OR0in 00 t011laitit thstti Mtn be desired, end if equalled, not surpasse'd itt Wostorn Canada. • JOHN ELLIO T ho6eix Foreadry, demo Pettereetittia terellingtee Sta,, toinleuf R. It DVAS,!Agont, Dr6.4;;eft Ex6tet, Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be undo sold by any establishment in this stttibn btbunity:, . /UST RECEIVED (A.T THE EXET tt Grocery and Liquor Store -A large stock f Green, Japan, !ung yson and Biack Teas, aisins. Currants, Prtliacs DRIED AliopLES, CANNED Sardines, Lobsters, Salnkon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines ancl Sru.ps, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and. Common Whiskies., Tobaoeoe and Cigars, Wiltol.feAale aria "Fte+nil. C A. MACE, Main Street. 23teter. SAMWELL ...PICKARO Beg to inform tho Pat they lave. engaged MR. BRIGHT -:,--- Formerly with McIntyre & t 0, to conduct their TAILORING DEPARTMENT lead steel confident that allkorders 'entrusted to them will give :ENTIRE SATISFACTION 1 Aitclothsepurchased from them will be CUT TREE OF CHARGE They have %1§,2) reoeived a lapge lot of All --wool Shawls an. Blankets., bought much below their value, which they are now offering at Great 73arf,,rain13:. Stock Full in. all Departraelitsr UNDERTAKING • 0. cec GlinaDY. EXETER. and. Furnitilre M.arreffae`turen5s E WOULD speolitlitttontiola TYnclertaltots. 7'ouLD sA.Y rj V tho.o ‘.1.1b lutand purehasing to do so Irani the manufacturer. rho dealer Who buys te Sell igain must noccasatily have it pron. We Oahu to givo tho purchasers the benefit, which cannot fail te Meet tho views of tliA Iy We Ottai 110 11, choapok, 0148 11451)enthese Of city OrsOgors, Cur expelikia ManoffteturorS,consequent Et* OW 50 11110 undertaking depart - Meat, wIlioh is =Or. OOM. then ever, as Ste have' added teSer,4 new desiStis of late: The best coffins, caskets, shrouds,and **GO ' funeral requisite as' the Jewest 'prices. Our nevi lieserse pronouneed by neeona to none in tlaa corripetest jitdgos tb rrovinee. fota1 tb.o I.)iffetett Soticties, c. At GI:12)LE" r. H NwcRT "5( azarartAL Ezwzwet Acaorr SPLEN1)TD ItsibIttititiit 311110300 011 hand. An' ltina Ittrnislioil .to otsil.sr,, A114511 0(100511'cent et ierteetes and b flier thweishittaltopt le et,00k for ever'3 kind of Seqiint Ufa' canna, maireteetteteo Mane AkIhaVe 30431 14 lostteirosisoispvitte'Setelitleltertellittele told Understand teem teetweineaette teetaa bo 3101 tetetatteets to theS6 thVilifit 05 6433315 tOtriai•olitnie it f. eta mee an Or. dolt 'by fintilatonitoy Attolidoef,d, Uttiotojt, dila debt' Weet bt,thii tlendirliirCittl Iteteth ' 01.)INarinit Oetnbet1441i18.i ltit'li*I, :' . ,