HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-10, Page 3Pritilivrnioat 'At 'Mora en TintredaY. a hoer nallted "*---trem INOPAD aged tee ye:, on of John MeDouala, better' known as " floolen John," tv as instantlykilled, by being drawn iri ate elieft n Mundell's cebittet factory. His legs were badli brelten iu1 ,the body, terribly bruised, Amemmem 1.',41.1.1U11Y.-- Wm, Donnelly of Liman was arrested Satutalay vter- noon by Detective Murphy on a charge ile.tflitpteerai ttir.nio y,itollehedultoof 14,18,11VntiealTboefoolure- Squire rergnson, of London townehip. lie was bailed to appear on the 12th. CANADIAN CATTioDio Catittali STATis, Bop of Algoma, mekee the surprising statement iliat the Cath- olic Church in this country has 4 Arch. bislieps, 20 bishops, 2,012 priests, L 240 churches, 18 theological seminar- ies„ 41esolleges, 185 academies, 3,020 Paridt schools, 42 asyiume, 28 hospi- tals' end 4 850,800 followees. Samuel McAdams and Joseph IVIartin have been committed to await triel in (Meth:tin gest ,on a cherge of a veil serionsllnature,' From the facts which 'come out at the megisterial investige Pon, befere Mr. MoDongelle J. P., it at peat's that the other eveniug, the yil• lege of Wallaceburg was the ecene of a ,disgraceful aed leltiodeefinht, resulting itt ;the Stehliing e),f„due John Graysou blacksmith, who is saii to keep an 1111 oct licensed tavern. Hie iteeitilan ts were ;111111 items: inuteatileesultle 45 Teter teto tile Gaultier Seiving Ma- chine Comptitiy, 1IamjUo, Cornwall, October 2,1875-11o;tna got Dist priz at Olengarry Countyir Fa, over the 1 Vohs', er, Qe born twit Now York, Singer .T.outs Belleville, 'Sept 80t1tit i, 1875 -Clot first prize on o 'Royal at Faithere, lietaing \Kluteier & Wil5ou stbd, .overy other niatilnue. .GreaticottteSt. ' 32,tt,ns134anwrz 13roclivitle, Bela 25, 1875,--Iloyal took first prize at ip cqueting wittt the Wheelei & 6ileijp, 'singer, tinil others Evnwines & ihicAlottAx Tilsoisenre, oct in 1875 -First prize for Royal at Union Exhibition hero OVe i1 competitors BlArrnnw writwAlim Woodstock, Oct 6,1875 -Royal took first prize at Exhibition here bver all edinpetitor axS MITTninv 'is, Oct 8, 1876 --Have taken first prize'With neese at Fair here, beating the Raymond and ROEflVT 1875_noyai h,t8 aro rsi v ger. 'NV 0 at Pair here, Over sirger, NVanser, r, a rowdy gang of McAdams, Morton , fl others ;Arley, Oct 13, 0375 -Royal takes fitst prize•at thht Fair ler family work and Light lviannTiteturt WILLTAlr BNIMIT; These victories conclusively prove that th Light Running Royal is the People's Favorite an ti 4' Best Family sewing machine. The manufal rers'lave lately added to it the greatest nevelt F,1t the age, the Royal 1 .amp Holder, for sewiu aehines, The lamy can never tmset nor the oi boa thfi„ work, ad4 is arlangod to throw tits light on nnymart afflict Work, enabling the opera ore to workas well by night as by day, seTel by JAMES PICKARD. Exeter. CANADIAN. On Monday the Oity Treasurer paid LienthUolonel Fletcher, $1.578,09, be - :ling the Lemon& of pay due the members of the volunteer corps who turned out at the G-uibteel funeral. McConnel the assassin et Mills has been condemned to death --the 02XGOU- 74011 to take place on the 141h Marche' Parties, seem to be in, the. habit of sending Dynamite through various •oriannela, amnegat others, the Post ot4oe, which is exceedingly dangerous to1 . altogether contrary b0 the tules of the Department.. The Hamilton Times :reports that on Friday afternoon a Post Office official in that city. Was en - (raged in stamping" rettereewletin one of Lem exploded with a lid reporWhieh 'caused the clerk tb recede a few -paces. - Fortunately he was nol, mech h,urt, but his whiskers were slightly singed. Friday night a man named James Stevens, a farmer iu the toWnship of Reppel, wassfonnd dead, enethe, piibli� 'road nea Wiaiton It is pdpivlseds, Ite was kinked by h'is' horse' • bit/hest' was held. , While E. C. Lewis wasdriving bails at Essex Ceetre, Led Saturday, the haimber , slipped and struck a, man stench:lig near by full on the bead, .knockiug hien sen,Piess. He was pick - 'ed up for dead mid carried home, but hAs around in a short time. George Smellwood, the men "who .acted alliangnieu at the execution of White at Oeuelpii, has appeed to the the Sheriff of "Wentworth for the posi- df executioner of lkleConnel, the Hamilton Jilmrderer. He is very anx- ious for the job, mid refers triumphant. 1y to the maituer in which he "worked elf" White.. A. man moiled Donald Coopee has been cenamitted foe trial et Peel on a ,clierge af shooting, a rnan named Thos. Playford, blacksmith, of Stilton village. The affair resulted from a sonfile, which prisoner Reid Playford came to eet, when the ,former ,eho t pie letter the bali takieg-effeet on. the.left side sDf the uose. Matthias KonLie, of BO= sville. whet,' s short time ego wae se; itenced to this Penitentiary for rape, has been releas ed. It will be rernemberc: leet attempt made by Kunkle k , that w as the victim of a eoespiracy *'failed. On Saturday merning. the „town hell and market building of Ingereoll were destroyed by fire. ,Tames Thurlow, the Stratford you'l 'who recently eioped wit ,i his uncle's wife, Mrs. Prallk, and who Was arrest- ed itt Dettoit for the larceny .of $10 'belonging to Mr. Frenk, failed to ap- pear to answer the charge in the Police •Conrt of that city, and the complaint against him was 'dismissed. Rev. W. 11. Clarke, B. A., late Head Master, of the High School, Uxbridge, has been appointed incumbent of Paul's English Church, Palreerston. Mr. John Clements, lumber mer- chant, lately on trial in connection with the,Gilmour abortion case, is en- deavouring tObothpound with his cred- itors for 53eecents be the dollar. The Celevict McConnell since bis conviction 1! t0 been very violent show- ing a great I ,a1 of puelistic disposition. He refuges ,o:receive any minister and declines to iiead any religious works. A Mr. Sentle, of Forest, it is repor- ted has heel $100,000 left to him by a sle.ceitsed relative in' Eughtnd, and he has repoired thitheel to receive his for - lune. An Antwerp newspaper on Saturday pnblished with reserve a rumour that seven nackages of gunpowder had been ,diecoveiled among the eoals on board a ,steamer of that port, having' 150 pas. sonnets on board: ' Peel county tes purchased a $120 safe for the clerk's office. Mr. David Kirkwood, of °Meilen has been appoin- ted clerk at watery of '$300 per an nurn, lie to keep his office open en 'Sat- urdays from 6 A. 1151%-to.5 P. M. ' A. mad ball went through on Micky evening, and gored a Mr. Stilly, who attempted 159 kill him. Rad it not beee Joe immediate aesistance Sully would }lave been killed, The ari. 'mai was finally shot.. On Thereday night last Oilstone Officer '` Kidd hosed of three sleighs tieing en route' to Sidenhain with smug- gled coal Gil, the trade in, which has not been brolein by the strong vigilante used end the seizures made. Re. 01,01- 11(1018(1 them at Catetraqui,ana one tom but the drieee 'r/hipped rtp and, drag - ping Inen 100 yetele, got aWey. The officer chased fhe °thee sleigh, and ventured o(1e and a span of horse, two )(nide of the oil were also Sect/red, On Tharedity afternoon a, voey pain fel setetheit Impperied ttt Gleelph it) a boy e Pont 12 years of age, 8011 0 ,Tobtf ,Chstifibilrg, by failing alto a vat of loll. . ins lop at Allan 8 dietillery, The .lower pert, of his body end lege Were te'rh1y be reed ; 50 genie pletee.4 the peeled off, Elopes w 0 entOrlIthl- d 000 $1001.1111, formerly a reeident of Chatham,' and, 9cno wn as a "rough" Who is much Wanted at Chatham on a charge of lieghwey robbery. After a general eartmse, they visited arayson's, and after knocking down his son and a man who was there at tatiked him final- ly leaven, him with five or eit gaShes in his side and abdomen, and `his face nicely sacrificed. After leaving him they crossed to the south side.and while ou the bridge one of thens struck a Mr. Burris, and was kuockod down for his pains. At Ebares tavern they under- took to assault a. stalwart sailor of the OP Stewart, who though donk made such good usealfelhis teeth as, 'to leave One ofthe gang minus his thumb and the.ends of two of his fingers. GENERAL. REPORTED FLiGHT OP DON OARL011.- The Bien Public of Feb. 4 says it bas received intelligence. of the complete deteat'of the Carolists. It is stated that Don Carlos has fled, and he is expected to take refuge in French territory. THE BELGIUM' COAL 13.01111011.—Itis as- serted tuatetheee we 210 men in the Jobiu Mine at .thet thial0fhthe explosion of fire damp. Fifty altogether were rescued alive. Ibis feared all tue others perished. Twenty-six dead bodies have ,been recovered-. A) LETTER Pitt& Jere Dem.—J.:der- son Delia has written a long letter to, the Hen. Judge Lyomet of Richmond, NS., in ewhichehe mebst t dm phatiCallY lideuiethe charges miide kitieet him by the partisan e of Mr. Blain in regard to the treatment of Union soldiers while confined in Andersonville, prison, claim- ing that this -is done merely for perpon- al and for party advantage';' t the recarde both Federal and coufederate disprove, and that the country is. full of witnesses .aho bear oral testimony against it. and that the effort to revive the bitter animosities of war, obstructs the progress to wards the reconciliation of the sections. TRE 13EtatiER Scelenen..—Mr. henry O. Bowen., the man of eilence.hie apple - en at last: He professes • to be ready ti find evidenoe at length against Mr. Beeeher, whom he caarges with immor- ality of the grossest sort. not only re- oent, but long continued. DASWINIA.—T Ile Or gams of human life are so tender abed delicate that rest or initctivicy render the impotent through disuse. " Hence indolence or sedeutary habits.predispose to loss of nervous and muscular element, the be- dy is rendered incapable of throwing eff the pernicious eicretieus, assimile• tion is peeectly carried on, and a train of disease. results. To sedentary sub- jects Fellows' llypephosphites is sin- gularly well adapted ; it not only in- duces perfect aesimilation of what is useftel, but also ceuees the healthy ex= crehon of what is hurtful. McGILLI STRAY . ATatinon OASE.--Thf Queeii ye. the township t:f ivJcGilli rrav. .111-d,gment was given in the Ceurt of Queen's Bench at Toronto oFrideyeischarpine the rule mei obtained by Mr. W. R. Meredith on' behalf of the township. Our readers will remember the trial which took place at the London Fall Assizes in 1874 on an indictnient pre- ferred by Mr. lease Henderscn against the township for not rebuilding abridge which had been washed away hy the floids on the 8th con. line road in the township of McGillivray, when tt a ver- 'dict'w-as given agitinst the township. Mr.'Hutchison and Mr.Poek appeared for the Crown and private prosecutor and Messrs. Scatcherd & Meredith for the township. Mr W. R. Meredith then obtained the rule nisi to which Mr. Bertram, on telialf of tbe crown and proSteoutor, showed cause) in Easter term, 1875, (last June) when judgment was Deserved. The effect of the Indg- ?bent given yesterday is that the town- ehip stands, and they must re -build this bridge. " a • *1 STEPHEN. Comeext..----Conneil met—ah members present. Minutes of former meeting read and signed. :Clerk it) vi.sit all taverns before next taeethig and,repott to Cobncil. All application e for taverns to be handed in before next meeting._ Mr. Beira's reginist to have his child in hospital, deferred till after next meet- ing of COUncil.. Clerk to write to Trus- tees of S. S. No. 7 that the parties who left their section 'to join Limerick sehool aro liable for the building of 5. S. No 7. mo'ved, by T. 'Yearly, seconded by W. Sehnarr, that, $25 be granted towards procueing prizes for a competitive ex- amination to be eonducted by the Sebool Inspector, Me. Doyle'e request to have the road on 12t1i ,coneesseen repaired, to be attended to in, spring. Mr. Heist TEND8RS. Smith" and solntrate r to remove his fence off the road,Tandem sill be eeeived by the ninlersigned As. 'A- ter the erection Of a doulle tencinent 'Brick House Sessor's tindery to be $70, lVfovecl by T, in the Village of Exeter. Tenders to be be by this Sari,14101 tnityr.tooltromrs, tWhete all Itece'sAtterytlettloarb. J.Ryitti be A.28088Ort MoVed in amend. in" Uttti ' he lowest nor any lay 218t. rebrUary, for the pUrposeot consulting tavern t4artters, All appli- cations tor tavern licenses must he littlided in before next meeting. The folio -100g °niers wore grented Par- sons, furnieaings for the funeral of Youth' Boland, $1.17 ; charity, l$10; Lanty, for work on grevel road, Mr; Penhale, repairing culvert, $2 Corbett, lurober, $21,02 ; Wane, colyert Lendon Road, (our half), $40C; Trueteee S. S. No. 1, nee of echool house, or eleetion purposes, $4, 0, PROUTY, alOrlf. TO the tditor of the Tinte,4 Mo. Enrrou,---At the eleventh hour Mr. Simpson now rileads 'ignorance the tiansaotions that4tbse cm the 4 day of the affair in ZUrreh, when know that Brown knew all about 4p a of °our e Mr. Simpson and his arg ments become untenable. ,He h recourse to the raking up of DOI matter foreign to the original questio he then destends to scurrilous languag personal abuse, lying and calling name When he was reporting to the btu why did he in t report the ride of yonughnan who took a ride (0 Goderic under the hoiden protection of tl Sheriff's officer, for feer OW some pe son should steal the Queett'e bracelet with rhich 'vas, ado nod. He the says' that Exetee'e J. are riot apt t be too ; can he say that I was too fast when Mr. Bonito') laid 8.N info) ina- tion against his son RI bert, for ut terin language in the public street in Exete which would have disgraced it bro hol, on thh 24th of October, 1867, and which still ties against him ? I think morality would not be opt 'of seasoh thee, also tries to loWer me it a magistrate ; but ho has forgotten that ha has always praised me for my juagMents. He then calls me ft crotchety old fogy • but he forgets that he is an antigikted old rooster himself. • Again, he says that he was never turned out or the church for immorality; I never said he was.— He puts ine in mind of Dr. johns -ma when he wanted to get rid of a lady from courtAim—that ha had a relative who was hanged, and that he did not want to disgrace her. She replies that she never had a relative that was hang- ed, but she had had a good many who ought to have been, This moral, wIth regard to the church, can well be applied to Mr. Simpson's family. With regard to my being turned out of the ohurch, which he insinuates, for he has not the manliness to speak right out, if he says I was, I can only say that, as he called me a crotchety old fogy, I call him an infamous and detestable old liar, for I never was turned out of any church for iinmorality.or anything else. I suppose he means the Englisn Church, which I left. When I left the Englieh Church my -term 9f, Church Warden in conlinfation Trivitt expired. I went back to my own church (the Methodist), in which I had been iirought up, and 1 left the English Church in good friendship with the min - later and congregation, which they. can all prove, and am' still in friendship with them. As Simpson has thought fit to lie down in the mire, shall leave him to wallow in it. And may God blees him I of ret we W, BROI3E IJA Has corameuoed, GREAT INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFk4BED nd REMNA.NTS OF TWEED.; REMNANTS OF CLOTHS, u. REMNANTS OF FLANNELS REMNANTS OP DRESS GOOI)S er n REMNANNTS OF LUSTRES, REMNANTS OFTRINTS, 0, s. A160 a Lot of Woolen goods, .s. le Socks, r- ItEIVINANTS OF COTTON. T. G1DLEY. I do not intend to answer any more rubbish. "•••••••meitieset-ese,i0.0e7esse..=_____,• DORN. GasEzneoon.--..m. Stephen, on the 5th inst., the wife of lir. J. Greenwood of &son. BALTJANTYNF.—In Exeter, on the iltd inst., the wle of Kr, T. Ballantyne et a daughter. Cauxtrnevx.-Iti euveter on the Sth inst., the wife of Mr, Crunuican of a daughter. MARRIED. HARMER—TAYLOlt,--By th Rev. Anthew Edwards, at Um Methodist Parsonage, 'meant on the fith inst., Mr. J. Harmer, to Miss Emma Taylor, botli of McGillivray. .111.4 K E Ts Timms OffIce,Eeter,Feb . 10 1878 lti.SETER. , ng Wheat Barley uats • Potatoes Peas Eggs Butter ... Flour pe- bbl.... Bran Suorts itog 857 to $(1 68 to SO 55 30 to 30 25 to SO 60 to 62 19 to 19 11 to 19 500 to 500 12 to .127 14 to 16 675 to 700 Beet .. . .. 400 to, 600 ' ..............80 t� 50 Sileopskin9 ' ... . 80 to SO 10 00 to 12 00 Dried Apples..,....„... ...... 't 75 to 2 00 Onions., .......... ........ ...... 75 to 1 00 Lard .. 14 to 14 Wool - Turkeys ........ ..... ... 50 to 1 00 G0050 ....... ...... ....... fiD 50 '3 0 to5 0 ST. MARY'S. (Reported regularly by A. Galbraith, Clerk) Deihl wheat, per hussel 88 to 00 Spring wheat ... gi to 90 13.1rley , 50 to LO Peas ... .„ 60 to 60 Oots 30 to 30 Egg, per dozen ... 16 to 16 Butter ... 16 to 17 1000 to 10 00 LONDON, White Wheat, per cental...-•-•••,..— 1 60 101 65 " Treathvell ..•••...-,- 155 tol 63 RedWinter 140 10 155 Spring Wheat ..' '...•• •••...•".... 155 to 155 SEAFORTH. 179.11Wheat . • '" 88 to 92 Spring Wheat.. 85 to Oa Oats.. 0 30 to 30 Barley ..... ..'"...••• .... ....... ... SO to 55 Peas 0 55 to 65 Butter.. ....... ...... 0 17 to 18 Eggs 16 be 18 LUCAN. WhiteWbeat g8 ',92 Trearlw ell ............ 88 So 9 settee 88 to 92 0 30 to 52 0 60 to 0 65 Barley ..... . . . ..... . ..... . ... .. .. 66 to 60 Butter 17 to 18 Eggs, per dozen... ,„.., . . ... . .. .... 16 to 16 Potatoes.. 25 to 0 05 Lard...... . . ........, .. . .. ..„, . . . 10 to 18 Tallow 6 to 7 Hay ....„ ....... . ........ . ...... 8 00 to 10 00 Timothy seed , 8 25 to 8 50 Clover seed. 6 00 to 6 75 Woot„..„,..,..,„ ....... . ......... . ... 85 to 85 She epSkins .....,. .... .. ... ..... ...... 1 00 to 1 50 00 to 6 60 44, to /5 100 to 50 G1tANTON. Deihl wheat, 9./e Treadwell, 00e to 95c; sprin ee to 000. Barley, 45 to 08. Peas, CO to 06e. Oat , 28 to BO. Beef, 4 to Butter, 18 to 20e Eggs 1 Pork 7 Hiles, per lb, iicts Tallow, Per, lb 6 et sbeentikins ,S0c to 1 00, Hides i SALE.—Two cOrner lints Optl0- Site TM, Hindman's. Apply to JOAN E. Exeter, es, Mitts, Clouds, Scarfs, Veit Seirts,Dreakfast Shawls, Menoi Shirts and Drawers, and a few pairs of Choice Blankets, Woolen Shawls and a few sets•of Children's Ferri together with some job lots. All 'to be solcl vely cheap. CTION SAI,F IS NOW GOING ON IN FANSON'S NEW. BLOCK EXETER, ONTARIO. A'LARGE BANKRUPT STOCK OF T. TYMAN CO., MONTREAL, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, ENGLISH., SCOTCH and CANADIAN W° IS 3) IX• Black Broadcloth, Brown mad Grey Melton.s, Doeskins, Over - coatings, Wool and Paisley Shawls, Cornwall Blankets, Horse Blankets, Laoe Curtains 114rseilles Quilts, Counterpanes, Table Linen Towels, • • TWILLED SHEETS, PRINTS, GREY AND WHITE COT.. TOWS, SILK POPLINS,, Slqigh Rugs, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Woolen Shirts and Drawers, Overeoate, Factory Flannel, Ladies' ',12keershoes, Felt Shoes, Men and Boy's Braces, All kinds of Fancy Dress Gooes,‘TabVilutleq. Pen and Pocket Knives, Watehes, Jewelry, &c. • The whole Stock to be disposed of Without Reserve. Sale each day and evening at 1 and 7 o'clock P. M. Sign of the Red Flag. SMITH & BENNETT, Auctioneers. EXETER, February 5, 1876. (TIMES PRINT.) NEW HARDWARE STORE IN THE NEW BRICK BLOCK, NORTH OF CARLING'S STORE EXETER. stur ,)*-7 0-- 21: CO.' HAVE OPENED OUT A Complete Assortment of GENERAL HARDWARE And invite Carriake-roalters, Blacksmiths, Builders, Painters, Mill Men, and the Farmers to Call and Examine Their 'Stock. HOURIGON'S CELEBRATED PEERLESS AXES, IN DOUBLE AND TRIPLE STEEL. A variety of other Patterns which will be sold Cheap. Flint% m.ake of Cross -cut, Cirelilar, Buck and Hand Saws. Paints and. Oils, Glass, Looks, Hinges, Chains, Ropes, Scales. ALL KINDS OF_EDGE TOOLS,—SPADES, SHOVELS, dce. Our experience of nearly twenty-five years as Architect Builders will be a great assistance to our customers la .selecting goods. ') Is offeriug SI A. tit Ili 0, Special Bargains in the following goods Ladies fur sets, Ladies clouds Ladies Winter Jackets, GENT'S FUR CAPS KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HEAVY OVER -COATS, WATER- PROOF COATS) Undercoats., Pants and Vests, Heavy Beavers, Petershams and Mantle Clothes Stronc, Canadian Tweeds, and Fancy. Canadian Tweeds. Plain and Cheek Wincies, Fancy Flannel Shirtings, Heavy Bed 131ankets, Horse Blant•ets in great variety, Car- pets, Hemp, Unioz4, all Wool, and Tapeitrr. HE WOULD CALL zosAz. Aviv Yearly, eecomled by W.' Sohnatr, thal '1.'64tt Ph'" V 0 It s tnent by , seeonded b,y a 'flid4 tvi" ril") ""i)te 1 " 1 "'STOCK OF otherwise satisfactory 12,101lAtin that Cf. Lewis be Aesetsot.--- N.* Atrzeivitrienf, eittriorl. Re Ito ci ipRITTANIA.IJOUSE,—Thie honse .• DRESS• GOODS w c't now undo -the management of Mr Cl h' lqally f h 1 b * o w have ben out; t at Job Prices, nr a . 1 alter ate lierehy instrinited 'to eee tie, 'Who has thOroughly refitted anii JiBet Snotl's. -Potitiooa of variotts patties. tdt,OtL'°1:1PO'IC*5 5°3,1 4,04 5," Oigar6; 6r Ft discount of a per eett., for cash at time of 'Sale, or 'payable bri 'ti ,L4LJJ MME DI A1.1111.417, A gent( serttant girl, (food wages, Arply tit Mrs, O'Byrtie tit 011yrtio & CoS Ifardltare store ExattZ ' who,t it4 to bo acstie with roita t 6k iitiinosranticassotitiottigtitirmelicilataiAtildiggniteg. I be sold ababout half:their Vaitie,. 'grsodg glibjeot to rerpsesting Reeve' to call meeting of ratepayet4 to :00 what stops are 150 bo taken ,Togtkxditig the expefidittoe of town8hip.MOnitis• :fel' a few yore past T. 0)11g:igen wog re,appointed Treasor, itt aJitr0f$O, Nod, thootiog of ed Of his recrery. Cottheil to 'hAott.thor:orbiiipg .of Mon, qTRAYt.t: 011 TEE PEENIISES of tint nabeeribst. eon, 5,1,ot 7, Stephen, to nr, ahd tit VoV,10, 137(4C tarn, The &tra0 is risq.USit». ed to prove piopiititY&84eitlyexpeneee.m,lirisirE• 1st April next otherwise interest at 8 per cent. per annum will be invariably tharged after that tate. Positively no second price. The public are respectfully requested to" call and inspoot these goothouta judge for themselves, 11..) .tt ND G v T. GREENVITATA CAL AT 111 NE vv noR,A....T=T NOR TO ,7011n TIN-44or PRICES AS LOW AR ANY. Remember oho Ogee, sign a the RED FLAG. EXETER 13AK, R . 0 WHOLESALE AND Anti! VIM IIND CONFECTIONER, A S. takes this opportunity. of thanking his friends and the inhabitant; of Exeter and vicinity for their past liberal patronage, hoping tomerit the same by supplying his customers with everything in his line SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN EXETER WEDDING CARES MADE TO ORDER. SOCIALS AND PARTIES A SPECIALITY. MP" FAMILIES WAITED ON DAILY FRE31113 READ Coxistaxktly On Han MI the Exeter North Post -office. and T. Short', Croditon, and Mitchell% Centralia. Exeter, Deoember nth, 1875. (19.1y1 DOMINION LABORATORY ANI) Lacoloa Rogynous Titiens. HAVE this day appointed the Proprietors of ths DOMINION LABORATORY my Sale Agents in Exeter for the above FINE -FLAVORED CIGA.R S. They will always have on hand a frill stock. M. SESSER, Montreal, Exeter, February, 5th, 1876. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. Y STOCK now being complete, and having resolved to continue selling at MY 'VERY LOW PRIGS Andalso by using my very best endeavors To give all entire Satisfaction tie And I therefore hope to receive a reasonable share of pnblic patronage. Flour and Feed now in Stook. ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Different kinds of Fish. WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. Having resolved to enagage in SHIPPING EG -GS TO THE AMERICAN MARKET, Would inform the public that the HIGHEST PRICE IN O.A.SH Will be paid for Eggs from the opening of the present egg season at my Grocery Store, south site Drew's Block, Main St., Exeter. R'. A. LEGETT. THE Li., H. & B. R. IS COMING And we are Still Ahead. and have opened out the LARGEST, CilEA.PEST it BEST stock ei Geode ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything in the General Line of consisting of stap e & Fancy Dry -Goods, Millinery Ready-mad.0 Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats & Caps, Carpets, }TOWN Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Ban and Shoes, Stationery, Wall Papers, Crockery and Glassware, Patent Medicines, &m, &e. I have aloe eecuted the services of MR. W. H. IVES o Bowrnanville, Into of Toronto, as manager of my Clothing Department. All 4work sent in by hint guaranteed to be second to none in the Dominion. Pant auttiug a epeeialitv. A persons favoring us with a call will find the goods awl prices right. Remember, this is tit piece to get everythilig you want at low 131i005. N. B. --All kinds of Farm Produce taken exchange. Exeter 9, 1875, JAS, PICKARD St IS RECEIVING LARGE CONSIGNMENTS OF FUR.NITIJRE PER LONDON,ig...imp..N,...4'd..1.311UP;P: S D A 303mM RANT0N Noideisaries BOquisite4 is the largest " O 0af Irn'ink, XNT 00a1mot10E0 Xi)ERS()N* WHITE'S StioN40144 TO O. B. SzTu, ST. MARTS, Selling out their Winter Stock PRICES AND BARFAINS 'UNIT SUA AT RIfifAIL MAX BE LOOKED FOR. HENDERSON WRITE. -NEW Machine Shop in Sbaforth "TAXING fitted up the premises formerly occupied by Gray de Scott, we are pre- pared to contract for BOILERS AND ENGINES Elourin?, Grist and Saw Mills, 81 ingle, Head- ing, Stave and Hoop Machinery - Blacksmith Work and general repair prompt- ly attended to. Shafting, Pulleys, Grate Bar and other casting. Brass and Iron Fittings. Pipe, &o. supplied, Vonnclry Manufacturing company, ROBERT RUNCIMAN, Manager. Near Mansion House, Seafortb, Feb, 5,1876. 25-tf daME11113861011 EXPRE55 1 111198119M The American Express Co. nAvg Opened an (Alice EXETER AM AND ARE ItEPARED To Convey Goo& 'Money and Valuablee to any point. W J WHIT s Ofto, I?