HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-10, Page 1p 041 ,et uncoil Uelvereity. 0011k* Sr, O»t, loefte- • 21 ) Rb. OW Pliyelleittos, Surge!? leSbubill,) --DOM Mien Medical. 144.1l0 "On0, C,Ivne,,,pr*#x0w4igri, N, otlyw bi#0014th v40 )„, k Eit e M. De tirafletetrilt C011eee, Me bOr leg Pliyinenan itiatycige,f• Wfargt. ter 41,101! te Unit,reteimier 001 - tee) eit esteem* toat aareitens 1‘. .,R.i•' E-11/4,4, ..-gfolucoqAttlAhl threlelle- eedett''a Warble 1 itSeRlifl , rnytitt.lt. 118 4, :Intitt tO ebroeie dieetteee, Alt,'Mlle tIOtyet ettcledeadviee free, , Fliteter, Mkir S. 1875 82,y IlitaSANG M. IL; M. D., L. 11. C.' '.1.'• $. O• Greeluate of Trinity College, Aloe -i- lia of the College ef Physiciane and Surgeons Of Outarht. Wilco -Drug Stem, ?Alain St. (*mitten, pied is also proprietor of the Drug store, min con= stent11, keepe on hand a large etook of pure dfttgii rition.tMediciues, and Dye etulfs, oneeee, June 18 1874, 45•Om , - 1 . A. ELLIS, es . • . ., Surgeon Dentist , , bet 1, 4)ated permattontlyin Exeter. Office in sece, is on IN eye Block. 113-ly , FT KINSMAN, SURGEON DEN - L. TIS. s ''''', . READ THIS ,, "-fe:' 4ee'e.j keep it mid - '''-' - . '-L--;,----'--.:'.. - show it to all :'1, :;.,...„:„.,,,, • - -......_....,. : .., .-.''' . - hap . lie -....„,„.#._ .‘,.....t._*„.._ otherseon in t Exeter over .....4- ttova,.,(1 ,r11 the time. Office and residence -next door to C. Eacrette3 li irness Shop. Main street, Ilie 'wife illso is always on hand to attend lady patents. - Him work is gulf*inteed Inferior terione, tied en- perior to that of Meet others, Terme- more liberel than any other in this eounty ettp,pnr aete-verye et .--$15.00. Faiilliaktvarrantectflee years. To prevent being zniii receed.take care to enquire for the Old stablished Dental Odle°. WM. SWEET, . VETERINARY SURGEON, Exeter, Ont. Calle promptly attended to. Office and residence - ?early opposite john's Tin Shop. LEGAL% 1 I A RDING & HARDING, Barris ken, tars, ttorneys, Solicitors, Commissioners ieeft., &c. I II H D WE-HTITTON'S , 131.6011,, Water Street, St. 't,litry's. i tint.; E. ECARDLVG.• LW. HARDENG lui'li;SSRS. JONES & MeDOUGALL, Its- Barristers, Attorneys-at•law, Solicitors in I'lliteeeey, Conveyancers, Commissioners in Q.B, lito, Notaries Public, St, Mary's k /0 PICE-llutton's 131ook, W,aterSt., St.111ary'S fent 1-1y. W McDI1RMID, B.A.., it a t t RISTER., NOTARY', CONVEYANER 1 ,&C.e LIMAN, ONT. ; fil-I.A.RLES BROWN, ISSUER OF , V..) Marriage Licenses,underthe new Act,Credi- ton, Ont. 244y 't Xr• G. WILSON, ISSUER OF e v . Marriage Licenses under the new Act at ate Post Office store Zurich Ont 40-tf ; ..-. , A. OCTIONEERS., - i 1-,..- BROWN, . P. u.blic Auctioneer, , II L.* Wincherea. Sales prompty atteuded to 1 0 rms reasonable. Winche4sea, Oct. 15.1873. •11 N. HOWARD, LICENSE!) AUG - "a I • tionoer for the Co of Huron. ,Sales prcmpt- y attend( d to, and terms reasonable Post office el hells, Exeter, october 4 HOTEL a 1 EN 14AL HOTEL, MAIN, &REST, Ii. ,) Exeter. Ontario. Oke & Dissett, Peoprie- i .vs. This hotel is new and fitted up in the best style.,; Special attention paid to the wants of the to levelling public. Large Bernal° rooms for 00444- titere1tt1 travellers. Good stabling and attentive it...e. leti-tf eidrs. . . . . ANSION HOUSE, EXETER LYI met., W. HAW li EA:CV, Proprietor. Thi Pew and 'commodious 1)0.0 15 now ceinpleted, and fitted up throughout with first -furniture. The lett of Liquore andthe elioieest of Cigars at the Pi r, The inneee is capable co ageontraotlettnu 35 eueste. Excellent stables andan attentive hoes. tiers. (54-1y.) OUEE N'S HOT ists LUCIAI\ . W BO WET, Proprietor. This firet-clut heti] has lately changed hands (from W. El. Wilt us to W. Dewey), alai is fitted w...th new fart Mitre throughout. Free 'bus to and from the station °dice for the new lino of 'busses to T maim. The liar is replete with the choicest ....piers and frr g- rant ?levitate. Fonr comettereial sample reOla. Goodatabling and attentive hosiaries. 11-1v. ; T1UBLIN HOUSE 'CORNER OF ...a..., Frank end William Streets, Lucan. The nbe-o 7,otel hail been rented by Mr. isaac White, a d thoroughly refitted for the c ofrintrt of the t eling public. Good liquors ex dibigitrs at the ear. Attentive hostler always in :Awe la uce. IsAAC WRITE, Prop. feeenn, Auril 15,1875 85-lim. ....... PROPERTy„2... 'VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. - v The West half of Lot 13 1st Concession of thn Township of Hay -in the Tillage of Rodger- ville. Good Orchard -well watered -comfortable 'puddings. Also 2 lots and convenient house in the Village of Exeter. For partienlars enquire at the fermi or to the subscriber at Exeter. D. OTTOV. Exeter, Seminal, 23, 1876. '23-tf 110R SALE. -The sobscriber. ofTdrii for sale a house end steal°, and one acre of land, nue-half Routh orthe Vella& of Eeeter, .:and would-excluenge a light wagon --nearly ew- for a buggy. For particulars for the house and laud. apply to ANDRENV WALKER, Centralia. Centralia, Jan 22, 1876. 23-148 110 USE AND TWO VILLA.GE lots for sale in the Village of Exeter -south side Sinicoe strecite-the house and Kahle on the property are new. T'er forther dartioulars apply 'to NV. VMLSIT & SON, Exeter, Jan is, 18113• 23-148 TO RENT. ADwelling PleMse in the Village of Exeter. A)2 - '1y to I. CARLING, 4-.41OR SALE ..12 Two ClItter8.11eartilieV.'see DR MOORE 1AR1VI SALE. -ONE • DRED neves of wild land, being lot 4 in the 1:Ah con of 0.1.erester, in Dee County of Essex timberc. with marketable timber. no tie ;sold, on ems) terms, or exchanged for ratable 'town proper0 . For further particulars apply tb J MTN COUCE, Jaime Fanson's cottage. 1pARM FOR ALE. --THE SUB - I. scriber offers for sale the NAV. of lot 3 0021.30 Usborne, contitinMg 50 acres of excellent hotel, 40 acres cleared, lialnnce well tirebered,et dwellipg house, barn and stable the premise's, Wee a good young orcuard of graft fruit end a ne ver -failing spring. Distant from F.xoter folk utiles. rer furtper particulate apply to J. DEMP. %EY. proprieror, Exeter 13.0, 1841, AltAl for sale -One hund- .1_ red aerds more or 144, lot ti on 8111 con , lIeb,orne County of gurom 75 acres ehetrod, leunithider itt herd - wood bush, well fenced amil in good ef cultivatiom underdrathed, good orch Ltd, plenclid well of water, franie barn eer70, a good collet under, slog house, and convenient to eebbol and chureh, 7 milee fropa Lueitn, 5 frent Ora itton, arid 11 from St. Mary'e, on a good pave' road. Terms -35,800; half clown and t..o alter hi live et seven years' time, For further particel are .1pply to JAMES SADLER. on the nreinisee. I07-48 T114 0 RENT.--ThAt Well-established _L rfoter in Liman, known rtiethe "RovereIlonse" opposite the Post Officio, The 1101150 1,3 Well Pitted with -every iteeomodii-tion for the travelling pub - 11o, Good etabling, plenty of Water, geoil calmer etand one of the beet in town. Proprietor leav- ing ()Wing to health Partictilate, apply to )1 LEVI IT, Peon PARAI TO RUNT. --The subseribei J. °trees his form to rent, TeIt No 6, Usborne, Lender), Road, coritai g 70 acres, all cleared, With go -d buikli age, and en itiartelent supply of water threinelwnt the yea; with sbeut 2e acres foil plowing, convenient le both school mita clown, distant from r,) (24 miles, For fit rkter, partioet ,lare apply to It 1, tuar{TNS, oirthe preniitieiii or by otter to Bxeter post -office, LOST.-Notieo-Thif, 1,1 to forbid ,LN any person from purehasing or negotiat- ing a note vied° by john 13issett in. favor of Prank ";l'itylor, for $118, 1)e3re11e January, 1876, Said iloteh,t‘' ing beet lost, and Pri•Yineilt hecn nettle to Prank TityloS. • .TORNI3/801111. ll'xetor,1$1,17. a,1870, • '21-3t 08T --nor ahent the ietli Jane/try,- Ketiee 11,119161)y given that the, 1411(11)1'- hal lost 4 PrOmiSsory Note for 1I;60 - „payable to me, (k)ted the loth Jartiter,at 1374, "and etiv person Seattle Ole sante iit teguieed to dotivor 311 1441414 foroliWithiait lietfee 11:1:3 40 tiro inaker thoreef wif,liold Pt yiriont, AsileattA'st 11A31/111,1>: •iritOter.lantiary 23,, 1870, 24-34 VOL 3 1\,1 HOLE10, •DRUGS 141 .0, VANDL/S5N'- and OO ;WEEP constantly on hand the la' est ana eta.. Best Assortment of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYESTUFFS Patent Medicines ! HORSE -Si MEDICINES, 'Tooth, ',toil, Moth BRUSHES PERFUMERY,TOILET-SOAPS C STATIONERY! School Books, Toy Boots, BlankoBooks, Magnzingse A lhumsFaney Goods Pencil-Sla es, Lead Pen - oils, &e. ' 00LE Agents ior LAZARUS, 311011B1S, 0 Co.'s Colebrated Perfected Spectacles an Eye-glassos. Prescriptions and Recipes quickly, and accu- rately dispensed. Reniember the Place -Di- rectly opposite the Central Hotel," Main-st., ExeteL. • C. VA.NDUEN ,g7 Co. ' Eeter, January 7, 1874% ORGAN, ETC. LOOK! TO YOUR OWN INTEREST AND .l.U1ICHAE TE 1.7 BEST ORGAN' CONTIN'TEENT. •SE r; THE , Siiver Tongue AND ALSO THE Clough & Warren ..,=====steessealreneaease Senior's Photographra ery 1 MAIN STREET:, EICET711 FRANZ :NI. 171111163c1C-, SOLE AGENT tAINI131:111* LUMBEkl. BLACK ASH, RAILS, CORDWOOD LATH, AND CEDAR POSTS Cheap for Cash AT B 1 S S ET T'S saw mill, two arid a half m'les west i)f Ex: eter, on the town line of Stephen and Hay. Bill stuff cut on thevhertost notice les than fifty feet. R. OISSETT. NAVIGATION. r IVEMOOL, LONDOFDERRY & LAGLASUOW Allan Linel Carrying the Canadian and United States Mails. 'the of the first-class, full -powered Clyde -built lt011lfl)lhjps 38 tho shoVo 111104 COrlStlt1dt0d 0430- 0124)13' for tlio il)girom 3,010 to 1,00914005., will leaecaQuel.')oe eve'ry Si turday foe Liverpool and Londonderry, Prepaid. passage, Cortificatee issued at 'Iovregt. ates to p ermine wishing to bring out friencle, ' GLASGOW DIRECT. The etoemslifps of the Glasgow Liiie will be despatehed from Quebec. For tickete rind evoty inform &Hen apPlyto JOHN , till le& SON, Times office, Exetee r 0.L. NO, 024 0a.J. Night of Meet- ing-Virst Erlidityie ce/- 1ely. Month, over Ste& lety ,rernryn's stern, eee si ow block, Mali' et, Visiting' Drothron cordially invited to' at, tonfl. C A T 1:111 wrat,ts, 4.01IN wnxTv,, 764y. Ileac taxi/ WA rp Wig WILL -11-141.L.1 • give energetic Men Ond 'women 1311giflOPF.4 falflt rty from $4 to 18 pet ASV, tan be pitriaioil in your ywn neighborhood, rind le atrlet'y henetable, Pal -- 141011144'13 froth Or samples worth se vOrld dollars '1St itentbla yoa f,(1 te wet It -at oneo, w111 he gong ell 'redoitaLec 11411444 94311413. Address 4, LATH - fig.& e/(Y, 410 'VVashingtost street, Boston, Afasa, 21I43i Ilft4 ISO -IA.1111E0113 EXLTER p0071:: liAT The owl at reasouitble E.arry that ing, ie always best iron OOP Sabscriber bite a (pain tiler 041 0103111101114 bore Muldo ocird amteteve webil, wl lien ne ‘yill. sel atones, 1. CARLING 105 , - INtiHELS1.11A, , . , Drown, or Whielieleea, hiferins his friends he oan 41 ply thole; with all manlier of rasp- inoWing and threehing machine repairs. Ile ready tit meet hiS 'friends, and do his for them by supplying them with w0041 Or .work. ' ELAItItY BROWN . . , VOT.ECE TO TRESPASSERS ON Jen elite CANADA COMPA.NY'S LANDS, -- . I hereby caution all persoini against outting..or (01440118(43 111411)1111 from ' the leant of the, Canadil Company, oL1 1 WO Ont1)01i21ed. to peeettlit0 a trespassers with the utmeetrigor of the laci.' E etor, Mai' 1? Timber Agent cite. Go: ' se-tt. ELANKE 1' ' LJ°Q1-1Sr: T°P.Ae:KB:INve'ie‘it - stoeSessine end'Itiatniteginits-stsreiiii on Tuesday, Turnery 414h, a Horse Blanket -all wool, home made, magenta color. Any par- son.. finding the same and returning it to the owner,or leaving it at theTrzans office, Exeter, will be suitably rewarded, +TORN KRINE, ' Serapta P, 0. 'Tannery 14, 1876. 22-3t TNISSOEUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -- _LI The partnership lieretofore existing in the Village of Exeter between the undersigned under the name of .11eIntyn az Co.; as Tailors and Clothers, is this de -z dissolved by mantel consent. Exeter, J'aututr,).• 20, 1876. . • W. D. BRIGHT, • J. R. etersTvine, T. STANLEY, Wit.n.,.-ii, 23-3t -- T11 A." Notice heretofore Rosebrugh, ate; Co„ busluers of C. Rosebrugh, the lam Dated C. MoCALLUM, WHOLESALE D sarerennS, 1N,G An Quality talent Ward Victoria S SOLU Tgis,)1_. OF 1,'ARTNER SHIP. , • _ is hereby given that the pa.rtuarehip existing between C. Vandneen & M. M. doing badness in the Village of Pir- under the name and s•yle of 0, Vandnsett & le this day dissolved by mutual. consent. The hereafter willhe carried on in the name Vaudusen & Co.; Under the tentrol of M. M. who evin pay and cetkeet all debts duo firm. the 12th day of Neeeeteibet 1875. l - ,e,..VANDUSEN, Witness. I Id. M. RCSE,BRUCH. for as,ort- and J Nov IL L I Sig AND RETAIL t,-, a 1 er in la umber LA.TH AND CED Alt POSTS. FLOOR,- AND SinING-1)10,1SSED AND UN- DUE SHED. — extensive Steck on lin.nd. Tire Lumber, or price, cannot be bent. A geed always on heed, eheap for Cash. East Bide Main Street, between Gidly Streets. (19-1y1 .7, WILLIS. Savings . OF Debentures Pa.rties pancespromptly Property, London, THlil ONTARIO and investment , . SOCIETY LONDON — 0,1 Farm • 'and Mor'tgages Purchased : , requiring Money can obtain on approved (1-ity or On application at fheic office WILLIAM E. BIJLIAN, Manager. &en 12th, 1866. 22-2m THE .A. Bo hefore ing then, Geld 77 Dinictus rhe Jewelry, Goals, st.ery W.D.A.leGLOCHLON WATOB. i the best in the market /4414k,_ . - t .. . watch 550.14 therb; sizee. Gold Fancy of ..xPen ie , ... .... c. 4".4•- ." 041-4, 06 • .7.. I 7.4. 1 tf is ' \ • , ,vvi• ', 1 , . ' l e ••:\^ '''' ' 1 • 0 ' '.--::::-- . •,•+ „:„‹... .., ......x....., . --^-^---ete-'1' '' --- --L--.. ' . • %...!i: '1,4,140.$0..N'a sure and get the W. liMeGlochlon buying. You will have no other after All who wear them recommend and Silver, Ladies and Gentleman's street, London. See the testimonials. largest,' bestand cheapeet stoek of fine Clocks, Sil-ver etnalnated Ware, &ci, &b.., 'in 'the Province. Repairing description. W. 1). 'leleGLOUCHLON. 77Dundae C45 tendon WOOdhaill . . Harness Shop . _____,.,..........._, EEMBTII. Y Manufacturer 41.., i g Lit anti ri envy II -trate. s, 'wane nforni the inhabitants of Usborno and Dien hare hat he has on heal, and is prepared 1,0 mandate ure . LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, ma those in want of anything in his lino will: teudy their own interests by giving him ri., cal be- fore Miran Ring eleewhere Repairing promptly tqatiled fa. Carriage Woman . done. 75-8m, . .. , , . B lil WARE OF - 0, 011 N TE RIPE 1'1' S. For the protection 01 the Miblie el British North Anterioa, I down it my duty to state bhat my Pille and ' Ointment are neither reanufactured nor sold in any pert of the United "States, 14 met pot arid box beers the Britt:1h Goverflotel 4 t-Stamp,wttli flio.words,'Ilollo- way's Pine and Ointinefit,bbitbibnieligravecl Wave. mi. On thelabelis the addle -me, 533 orfeed Area, Leedom This notice has become necessary, in '.,orisequence of vile and eputious imitations of '‘ nollowity'e Pille . . 1 0' t t," beteg fabricated , ' at78 Maiden La110 New York,by pate, ' ties styling thoin- selves "'Idollowee ' 14114(11 CO.," with an assumed tr n1411 nia.di thrte-e ' Unprin cipled , vonchirs eim ob- tain thiS tresh at &livery low price, roldsodeceive you 4l .. • by selling, the eame for MY genuine tforloway's Pills end °bite in ent, whielt '1,VES 111.00111f ttato voii only at 533 Oxford street, London, Persons wen may tio 1160(3100cl, ele its o co it me 1 i eiito with le e, Mae y te spee tad 6 firms in the Ilietieli provieees who obtain my medicines" cirreetftom hem li1,ve very properly suggested theta should, foe the bointilt bf themselves mild tliepilblic, insert Clem' name le the ;papere, that it letty.be. litiown that re edi deal can be had geed the from th cm. The folio mina is it lis t of the arm , anadcatti; •en al -partileclitylylvo'crinivicial 'CM& who claire to 40 t 11) -11160it1911.0g io 61)14 to tfotile o/ the houseff named f-•-•;1fOtke. Itvery,,BroWn & Go., llallfaX, N. 0; MessrE., EierSyth & (10,,, 41, 5, Meseta. T It Barker & Sons, Ht lobo, 14 11; Mr, T Des Drtsay, !Mao -lotto Towm1,1f1X., ;*1‘169firs,Lang., ins, dc Co, Vi0t011184, 13(1) Hess)* M en.,er& (16.,7trio. tom, 11 C;; Dre.Tehti Panel., Citation,. N ill; Meter& Munro & Cl(Le 14161th-ea' ; MesSre. 3' Witink Ile Co, 'llardilton; NMI/ 1' Tose Toronto; Mr. A.Oliten mail Sin alit I& Joh n. 1,1 11f ; Mr, Jelin Ilthitlytteder% fob' MOP ' tAlltetSt Co..loroo o 1 liti.,, /11tildfitt, 86,Tohlt, IdIl- E l,Mseitti, /1 stun sten 'Ilies., flt, 4/1111/ N11; Mt, ',WM& .., WIndiMr; 1Vff,'PtlPpeilo,Vtefttdlitlp N 8; l'di ', setae ttlitojf,, Protlittilttollp N,E;Jfe, 1 t vv. I, 111, ,..g.,:le,,,ifie trilleint,1.461, ;13.:214,41. /Cr In ir llfSli .. It• .• t, -11 :i tine, Morltroal, Ste Sold St the leittilst wholesale nett Ptleilk, deant,16109 Of iiotietat than ;£2(”' ',;orth.,,-Itf*,,1 8s. 5., 22e., arid lite. per deoXilit boxes of 1)111s ot iSits of Ointment,. for wIlitilt 14-33. reittaticd st bO "tent in advat)do. 111101tt.A.13 ItOLTAOWXT 1.874), Car Any, w. m The golden threaded another year Have been lengthened out „ • The golden Hanle of the stream of Time Still border that tossing Stea ; And all abottt are the emblems fair ' Ota year that is to bpi The tender shades of thu first nighAall As soft as a wild mad 330te14 No niOt's musician with tundlese sphg' That, some sin -stained syren wrote; Diaturbs the calm ; but silence, onweve With clay•dreams around Me flUat‘ We'vE; lost frier,d in the dear old Veit That time can ne'er replace; He has lett a snulit shaft behind, • Whose5Shado* dmirene-Ofir face; But fills our heart with a ruddy gloW, • And garners our souls with grace; How Many proved false to love last year, • Bringing shadowe like it pall? HONV many we love were laid awa$ 'Where roseleaves, in summer, fall? Row many clangors have we weaved Slime the last. year's happy eall? We stand to -day on a nov-macle sham Of a bright lakelet of time; The shadows seem now that down the vale And over the hill -tops climbs ; And we seem strong and braver, far As we march to life sublime, A NIGHT OF TERROR. BRUARY 10, 1,876. xreelly V w • Iia14o1rop1y. One 1 'Yes (100." :4ftl1 is yours if y lieRyback the ines- In all that storta?' stige. The mono Jen watche ‘Selien seemed,to uuderetand. He all the way along 1, oan'ied Inc sandy and suiely. 1 was 1 saw the whole dikbolical scheme st °nee. If the train name, it would be thrown off at the 'embankment and easily plundered by, the villaiue who wo4u0koltlniee,'in wn:rtarthtienr!'sttia, you join 118 'Never 1 I cried indignantly. 'We mud ferce you, -then. If onli Lily life were at stakej could have borne dt better. But even if we were both murdered, 1 tould , not take the boon of the passengers in the train up en my-ltead. Not a sound came from the little room as I was tied both hand and feet to my chair, bounds() secure - egtinreaams gOe4utslehraPsthsYeCleclletttlet 1;iric%1004j. The wind bore ue merrily on, and we tried to look indifferent {Aft,) beheld well wrapped in my waterproof cloak four 9r five young ladies on I he !make and hood. When I • reaehed,, rotiville 'admiring ottrgraceful figare, andlie wntein Btr:tinitiiasdhieloretyime filoluguodurinutlentteisotn. s ow:iitoliofdetehie)inegiVumptteo(-1 ioeoinotive and one„ ear, 'aehandkerehief on the breeze, We re- riattlisirni that carriage is s sheriff, turned the Reintatten-or was gottig (101)0y -sheriff, and twenty men armed to—when a small boy, (who must have to the teeth, to capture the gang at the been poelessa of more demons etian wee embankment. I came, too, and they Mary Magdalene) calmly and delibe lowered me from the platform when the ately threw * mgail tree before no. speed slackened, so that I could run in Now if there is one thiug above anoth. here and tell 7011 31.11 was safe.' er iu which we take pride 'tis the ease While we spoke iny wife's fingers had and grace with which we can make a first untied the hanikerchiaf around dive. Oft in the days of our guileless my neck, and then, in the dark, found youth and innoceuce have we stood up - Rome of the knots of the coeds binding on the classic banke of " " froe me. But I was still tied fast and pond," wildly looking over our should - .1„y :010 move- elt .W444,140".trong W110314 thin:0 'Wet; a rush of.inairy ors fer the old luau, and then spring 1)1340 t°''gitY'Ine, but 'thlanY aonallidat feet upon the staircase, and in another aloft, describing a beautifel semicircle element light and joyfulsvpieee. as we desended into its green and mud - 'We've capturtd the whole nine ' was dy depths. But the scene is changed. the good news. 'Three, including Several bright oyes are watching as The door of the washotoom was otos- John Martin. are desperately wounded, with evident iuterest. Personally, We ea and locked, Alice still undiscovered, but the surprise was perfect. Ilaw, old take it very lively and spirited interest then the light was blown out, and the tellow, for you!' A dozen clasp -knives in the matter, and clutch wildly, frau- 1 Uffiallii left me, locked the door after at once severed my bonds, and a dozen tically at Sp508 SS we dive for a chunk them. As for the pi•izes show. ea upon my which We pounce like a typhoon, 8011,t, hands were extended in greeting. of ice some ten feet distant, epon lucky little wife, it would require it vol- tering terror and ice among all behold- ume to tell half of the'. The would -'m and.devastation and desolation to assassins aud robbere were sent for face and clothes. Sympathizing friends trial, and would have escaped, had not carried no carefully home on it shutter, John Martin, on his death -bed, turned and asewe gaze with pensive .,sealuese Queen's evidence. His antemortem upon these lines, tlwough the Nor- testimeny sent the survivors to penal over our left optie, we rogi.eter a vow servitude. • ou high that we'll skate no more until Alice and I loft for it more civilized inedicel attendance is offered us free, community tlie•following year. But court plaster declines fifty per cent. before we went, there was an invitation sent tons to meet a comtuittee frail the railroad company at Potsville. We ac- cepted; we had it dinner, were toasted and complimented, and then Alice was presented.with a silver teinserviee as 44 testimonial from the passengers iipou that threatened down -train, the company aul railroad directors, in tok- lin of their gratitude for the rives and [property saved by our heroine. that toy cries, if Linade any, ,e,euld not be heard, and a handlierchietueis bOu Lid ever ney morale, Them Wit8 a long silence, Outside I could hear the Step of one of the men pacing up andelown, watching. I rub- bed trty head against the wall behind tne, aud succeeded iti getting the hand- kerchief off my kieuth, to fall aroand my neck. , . ,, , :, . . . I had scarcely - accomplialied this when there was a tap on tne inner This night, which will dwell in mem- door. mors with vivid distinctness while life 'Robert,' Alice said. and reason are left' me, was in October 'Yes, love! Speak low; there is it a , long while ago. I- was at that tune man under my window.' it telegraph .operator stationed in a lit- Are you atone in the room ?' . . tie Canathan town upoa the Geand 'Yes, dear.' Trunk line of railroad. e I am 'going to Potsville. There i 7 Mips was by no means a model place no man under my window, aud I can of residence. There were beer ger- get out there. I have six hug roller - dens, drinking -saloons, and gambling- towels here, knotted together, and I twines, out of all proportion to trio have ont my white skirt into white. more respectable shops and residences; strips to join them, The rope made so WO had two arrests of counterfeiters,and reaches nearly t i the ground. I shall there was seemly a day passed that fasten it to the door knob and let my - there was not it brawl anieurzit the ruf- self down. It will not eake long to relic1 flans around Us, Still-, there was a. home, saddle Salim aed roach Potsville school, and it timm, blue-eyed NVOIllan ill tine. D011't fear for MN When you hear a hen cackling under my ma- ned come to teach there. How long an unprotected NV011411 (10W, you will know I am safely on the might have lived there, I could only ground.' guess, for'Alice Folt had been there Little Alice! My heart throbbed but three months when sho consented to hravily as I heard her heroic proposal, walk iota .chureh with me ono day, and but I.dared not stop her, walked out my wife. This was in July. 'Ileum bless and protect you ' 1 and we had •occupist it little cottage' sail, and listened for her signal. Soon nearly a quarter of it mile from the the craokhng 'wipe told me the first telegrarh offioe since on: marriage. step of her itarilotts undertaking was • Being the only man employed in. the ; taken. -f.: telegraphic business in the town, 1 was It was dark, cloudy, and threatening obligei to reniain,constantly in the of- it storm, and, as nearly asI ceuld guess floe during the day and part of the close uponnine-o'clock. She had to whining-0*nd Alieeeherself brought- ane - go six miles -van& tatoulLonly wait nal& my ditwer and supper. There was it pray. 4 Was too ranch stenned even small thorn next t the office, with a, 1yet to realize the heroism of this timid window, but only one door, communi- wormin, starting ailoneat„on the dark eating with the larger room. Here ride, through it wil.a country with ft, Alice had fitted up a dressing -table, storm limning... 1,.. „ , and mirror, washstand, and SO MO Nine o'clock! As the bell of the sand pickles for my (Attie repast. The -1 ft flash, told mo it thunder 9110(231 was helves, where she ketst /Tepper, salt church -clock ceased to strike, a, ramble , two rooms were on the second floor of .coming rapidly. Oh, the long, long a wooden building, that stood alone. With this neceesary introduction I come to the story, of then' October uight, and the part my hlne-eyed Alice, only eighteen, and afraid of her owe shadow, played in its i I ene in the offiee nt about helf-past . seven o'clock, when one of the railway officials came in, all flurried, saying.: ' Stirling, have you been over to the embankment on the road to -day?' : i 'Na; 1 have not,' minutes (7! the next hour ! Ten o'clock ! The min falling in, to'rrents, thunder pealing, lightning' dashing Alice was so afraid of light- ning 1 Often 1 had held. lice, white 214(1death., trembing, almost fainting., in such it storm as tis. Had slia feared to start, with the storm In prospect, or was shth e lyiug on e wild road, over-; came by terror, or pumps stricken by lightning 2 , Eleven o'clock. The storm was over, 'It was it special providonee took me thougkstill the sky was inky black -- there, then. One of the great masses no sound to clieer me, none to make of rock has rolled down directly aoross the hideous suspense more endurable. the treck. It will be oat dark a everf's . & .liost Tot, possibilities *Ie., itleightfal mouth to -night, .and the Midnight niehtmares,shesedone another through eptratinCeretee Wit -kora warni I there My tortura brain. will be tie llectrible steetsli-up.' Would the next hour never pass ? must st it at Postviila, then,' I Once they tolled midnight and all was replied. '1 si 8)1111 a message.' safe. ' Yes. That is what I stepped. in 1 WM drenched with perspiration for. The down -track is clear, se you wruen frorn me one hour, chilled by 1100(1 14(314. stop that trail.' All right, silt.' I was standing at the doer, -seeing my caller down the rickety staircase, ellen Alice cpinie up with my sapper. It was hot arid 1 wee cold, so1 drew up a teble, and opening can and basket, sat down to enjev it. Time enough tor business, 1 thought, afterwards. As e we chatted. Any message to -)lay ?' my wife ask- ed. One fro in J' 011 11 fartin.' John Mortiri 1' Alice cried ; 'the greatest ruffian in the neighborhood. Whet %as the inessag,e ?' 'Miduiglit train 1' • Was that all ?' That was all. Ale. Hill has just., been tin bore to tell me there is it liege: reek aoroes the track at the embank.; merit, se etep the mianight train' itt PostVille. The passengers may waitl it few hours there, and come oti in the morning after the track is cleared.' erti2Have you sent the message, Rob- . Not yet. Thee° iS plenty of tune. The train does not reach P1)se014110 till half -past eleven, and it is not yet eight) Yes -it is just striking.' Bettor tionie it, Robert. If there should be an rteciclent, you would never forgive yourself. Send it, while T. put, some clean towels III the wash -room, and then I will come and sit; up with, you till yoli cast come home.' She went into the drestiingetoorn 1l3 8110 81)0110, tilkilit3 110 light, but depend- ing upon the candlee burning in' the of, lice. 1 wee rising from my seat to send Artie telegram,when the door opened,ancl four of the. worst eliaracters. 111 town,;, led by John. Martin, catered 'the robm. Before I could speak ,two haek 111 ray chair, ono 'held' it revolver to my head, and Sohn Martin spoke : Mr. Hill was here to tell atoo to stop the ap.f rain. YOut wilt noitsend that tnessagef Listen. The rook is tilers to otop train-prit titer° for that purpose. There is fiety thousand in gold in the train. Do yen wider, stand ?' horror the next. No words can des- ' crib° ,the misery ,ef waiting as the minutes deagged elowly along. In the dear silence a Jar off sound struck tt, theill of horror to lily nettrt, , far exceeding even the previous agony. [far., far away, ft fa,int whistle came through the night air.. Nearer aq, nearer, then the distant rumble of the train growing more ftrul mord distinct: The midnglit up train was coming Slt4ift2iy, surely, to certain destruction. Where was my wife ? /led the inf. liens intercepted her at the. cottage 2 Was eke tying ,deniel aemewhere uponf the wild road ? Her horitism Yeas of nonvell, hut 40445.1100 life saved ? Ie thel agony of that question the approaching rumbk of 14330train MIS partially lost far tnore 111311, feel the bitterness of Mite dead than thehocror of the doom- ed lives the train carried. Why had I let her start upon leretiad errand. I tried to move, anti writhed in inn potent fury upon my chilli', forcing trice cruel torde to tear niy flesh ns 1 vair ly tried to leosen even one hand. The heavy train rumbled past the telegraph office. It 1417118 an express train fted.did not stop at 14131' station ; but t 1 listened, every sense sharpened by my mental torture, it seemed to me that the, speed slackened. Listening instantly, ['knew that, it stopped at the embankment 11,9 iniarly as 1 eutild, judge. Not with the sickeifing crash I expected, not piereing wails end groatis froro. 'the injured paesongere, but grad- ually and cateftilly. A 124 tient Mere mid 1 heard shout, thoi crack of firearms, sounds of 801110 con - Met. 4 Wlit4 could it all mean ? Tbe (ma- ntes weild hotire; till I lipiard it key turn in the door of nav prison, find it mo. ment later two tender arms were eoand My neck, end Alice wee whispering In my ear ' • iT1)e3r will 001118 111 n few 'minutes, loYes to set iis,free, The Yillitine left the key in the door, 1 thought of that before 1 ettarted, Tent there was a 111411 itt the front watching. crept rorind the hotted and 1 save hinif so 1 did not You wonla risk all the iiVOS itt the dare t4 be eetiin' train to rob it 1'1 cried, hortor.struck. iBut havs yon boon to Potovillo' ••=101.1., Ills Lodge. It got so at last thud his wife began to wonder what business tho ledge had on hand that itshould coed fear or five times per week. He was out four or five nights until eleven o'clock, and he came home with retmess in his 0714. and his step was unsteady as he passed down the hall. He said " the lodge" business was „mighty hard on the mus- cles and that candidates were (renting HOW 18 Wonsan Got flick. - Six years ago Mos Mary Alma was living in a tent MI the edge of a tokvia.' Her whole worldly pessessious consist- ed of this tent, it straw bed, two or three boxes which Nerved MS chairs "and table, it little seven or eight year chl girl, and two cows and caves. She. sold the spare milk of these two cow', Carrying it around town with it tin pail, and with the product, and from tyhat she did for her neighbors, supported herself and And. When Are could geit $8 or $5 ahead she would buy another eftlf or yearling, It is not our purpose to trace her progress up to the -present tine minutely, but the result is, she now, in les,s than seven yeers, has sev- eral bemired head of cattle, a -fine farm, with nice buildings and improve. ments, a comfortable, even luxuriant home, and, instead of careying milk hand rides in her own car - in by hundreds. One night he groaned around by (satin his sleep and talked of the "right bower," and yelled oat " spades !" and tho wife 'wondered still more. The other evening ehe took a poeition.where ehe conlaSee:who-Wettleinifstairsinto the- rnaciae-Ito.all by. buues.t, -juclustrY auct by good management. She never had a lodge rooms. lier huaband pa'ised and enterell it place where rows of Government contract (mien heir to any , bottles adorn the shelves, and coffee and property spice stand in it saucer on the .conuter to purify the breath. When she went in he was one el four at a *able. Each one cf the four was kinking attbe pic- tures on some cards held in his hand. "So this is the lodge, is it ?" she iuquired as she stow before him. He "was eiteght, and he resolved to make it clean breast of it .Be laid his cards down, rose up, gave her Ins arm and said:- ')iletnt doubly unbecoming and mcnnve- nient on the stresits. There is a geu- " I won't lie to pot, Mary- This is rai.modesty of mein which is becom: not the lodge -room -this is Thera we tog the public street es elsewhere, stop for a minute Se, beat the darnel and depends especially. upon a deceni enemies of our craft eat of theic werplus reservo.te the use of the .es and the greenbacks 1 When 1 conao )home to- expresseao °Ms Sae& `Staring and night, Mary, I'll bring that shawl, you; evoke of 1" ,iaugng laastrangers, we need hardly SIM , are indecorons, and young girls The regnlarity with which that man now hangs around home every evening ought not to require to be told of the impropriety of exchanging conscious in tho week is astounding. glaneessaid smiles with daring youths, however handsome or well-dressed. raige. Her daughter is it young lady,. educated and accomplished. Today Mrs. Ahart's property is valued at froth $40,000 to $50,000. And she 'lee - In The Street. Good taste proscribes all erersossal display in the streets which has for itts object to attract the special atten Hint ef the public, or acqeire notoriety. Ec- centricity of costume and conduct is in- decorous and troublesome anywhere. .4 Sirange Story Mr. gindall, who lives in Baltimore, eccompanied by his son, a lad eleveni or twelve years of age, recently was at the .Custom itouse and in maratiine circles seeking for evidence that would 'confirm it story told by the boy. 11Ir Sindall said that his son had been lost; since May 8, 1873. Tho boy, whose story was not very clenrly told, said he was on the coal wharves probably Locus Point, as a brig was *bout to sail. The captain asked the boy to corn° sn bolted, and to down as Tar -as! Reilly Grove, where he wonila 'be fland-1 ed. The boy consented, and the *rig)1 started dew) the bay. After sailing - it long time the boy states he was put onteard it large ship, and ramained in the attpacity of cabin -boy. He says the ship went to China, and he gave some description ot the people he saw there, but lie 10111 11014 4411040(51 140 land, and had not been on shore for twit years and it half. The ship came back to Baltimore, reaching here on Mon- day' of last week. The boy says be stolnoff from the nel 31401 old made i d way home. He gave the name of the vessel as the Pagearet commanded by it Captain Ward, but there is no such named vesse1 in thi5 • port, nor has there ever been, so far as maratime records of the past disclose. The statement of the father that his son has been lost for the time naindd is doubtless correct, 131111 14110 story of the boy is not •yet authenficatede-Bani- MOM' Salb• slow we Skated. We went ekating yesterday, not that we desired to display the ,agility we possess, bat merely ,for vieertuse. • We get it. Alter fastening on our Coste141! seen ely, we remarked, as we arose. ttbat Ave showed the boys how 'twits done in our youth, end ait we paused to seen the glassy sittlatte 01;603/W6r and decide whether to go tip or ,flown, Ave hastily Conehuled to go down as ,ft ltlni- bor hi/id elhot, with lightning -like ra,, taiward the •Month, atict the other for the ibead watett, "We enter. ed a abliMiit protest AS 'We Went iieW1141 wildly TaWing tho air and lighttiingi With sitth vehemence asito almost un - net onr retteorn arose with diffictilty0 airily ptttt1). ing R 11101Tient One toot to griteeftilly aft,cerano. Wo gaing our equilibri. WHY WAR IS PROBABLY AT AN • EARLY DAY. From the N. Y. Sun. Many reasens conene to convince every candid oberver that war In tween the United States and Mexico is probe - tole at a very early day. Thie is so be- . cause: - 1. President Grant finds it necessary tseliave a foreign war as an element to Las third t Gym platform. .2. The majority of the Republican ,presty., being convinced that their defeat in the election of Presidei11 'a ?tberwaaeiting.any,equivalent from the County.- well nigh inevitable, will cordially sup- The Reeve snit Clerk (f each Strong A'ro tree • no ti;tri idie , )letity Di 4 1),(4 04), into liotitesfInir n tbeinentient eth e')tioei,t1trY;ts'ti-e4ii'il PIA 4 110 014.enttli,e").11';').1 1)ll,rif,l1g)..1"'4'itlft 4 i 3) i:..ipoltili ),e1,,ii lt:Il.::: i., .-.::ti:' s.,41iife.,). a00\.:17 ::i' ,?,' 1: t.. i tii; 4 ik tl.'0,1.:(12 11I 141 ,P a ,''t.'t.i 1 i I' ".:;1 01 y,,),.,4..!0. , 'I,',(a weed fee ',4l?3;41-'1e,''I:t it01°It '' sited 'Hie ste.title, lit:,s1' 'info/ etliai es Ii;ritrt:1,e,,t ititlit.,(1,,,1:1,1:(,), II„, vT,f-Iii.,i. ,"',. tj,h1(„Ier,, eidit; , .VeWit '0"(11:1." .0,:i:ei'ilrg'(.1. 'They were ananng `Lite srseed. 'Vile se)titi retnrped to Illiterilefee cnt. n laity, ti) oeino hack and titietry his love in London when. -tile eet.vyear arrieed.---Lcfluion . , iietter, : 1..."'HE PRICE OF A, KIS. 1) fire the meei tint De .01st 011 c. at Bristol, Sitirtiiel 041Qp fino(i £5, including costs; for kissing peel ether - wise asettultieg Mee Charlotte Tucker, the young wife of a neigeboeinte nettles,' man. The latter, it middle-eged man, stated that on returning home ittmide-' night, on Monday he fo,unil ,hiivilfe - asleep on the parlor sofa, and 14seend- ed into the eellarlo examine Shine salt , beef, While there his wife, unaware of his retard,- onl(WakThg14went to tbe door to leek for hitn. lie then heard defendent tusk her if he had come home, (1411(1 1.114)141) her replying that be had not, and that she was looking for him, de- fendent said, •• Give me it kiss." Mr. Tucker 'was 11(0441(3 01) the stairs at the tine, and eould Bee his wife atternptieg to shut theolodr. Defendant peshecl in, seized her round the neck and 140111143 she was struggling, he kissda her and dis- arranged her clothes. • On seeing the Intsben.1 delendent ran away. The de- feoce was that it WO'S au act of gallaut• ry done under a sprig of tribal° toe. Scotch saying :-A doer pleat wi' a most's_ 011 '(4 a vaary gaticl thing, but it dinner pleat wi' 44 mun's dinner on 's r, better, Tbe Philadelphia, Press Club 'Ims eleoted Mr. Morwitz es its Vice -Presi- dent. They have more -wits there than we gave them credit for. • 441114,-.4 COUNTY COUNCIL. , 1.41(TRSDAY SW. 271111. Moved. by Mr. Hodgson; seconded by Mr. Hunter, and carried. tautt Messrs rialls, of Usborne, Strang, Of Goder- ich. and Turnbull, of Clinton, be re -ap- pointed en the Board of County Exatn- mers for the examination of 6011001 to' chers for the current year. Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded Ity-111r Elliott, that the sum of $3,000 be raised by the County for improving the boundary lines of the respective mini.. ciptilities, the said sinn to be expended on „the same principle as heretofore. Oarried on a division by a majority of t wenty-Yne. Aroved by Mr. Hogarth,' seconded by Mr. Hodgson, that the Reeves of the reepectine 11111 necipalities .be supplied with schedules of sales of land' to be used in equalizing the assessmeot relit; of the current year so that, they ma' ceceniee into, theliciaautikalaangtainlv*, which those sales have been effected, and that the Registrer be requested to allow the Clerk to take a copy of the sales Noir' the registrat's book for this purpose -Carried. Moved by Mr. Gibson'seconded by Young, that the Werclen and Clerk bo authorized, on behalf of this Coun- to memorialize the Legislature to so amnion& the Assessmeotact as to taus() personal property to he assessed wherever it is found . without any ex- ception whatever. The Ceaneil formed into Committee of the whele, lir. D. D. Wilson iO the clieir, to coneider the motion in it vote by a majority of 19. - 71211c Committee rose and the Conn reemned, when the motiou was R- eally carried on the mine division. Mr. W. Connors, Reeve of Baytield, filed his certificate as inving been duly elect e 1, and took his seat.. Moved by Me. D. D. Wilson, second- ed by Mr. Hays, that in order to keep the following roads in an efficient state of repair, viz.: the London -Road, the Clinton Road northwards to Bruce, Northern Gravel Road, Ash field Road, Senforth Road northwards to Behnore and southwards to Kippen, Bayfield Road in Stanley, Bayfield Road in God- erich township, Hay and Stephen Gravel Roads and the Huron Road, the statute labor naturally appertaining to said roads shall be utilized, and for every dotter expended on each muniei- paiity 'on said reads in addition to the statute labor, tbis Connell grant an equivalent. In towns and villages, as an equivalent to statute labor, they shall spend $30 per mile before receive part Grant's plea. of making such a war. 8. The power which the Administra- tion exercises upon public opinion; and the power,of the Republican perty, will thus be combined in bringing on the war. • 4. The riids, incursions and outreges; which lawless Mexicans along the Rio Grande have for years kept un against the people of Texas furnish an occasion for peremptorily beginning such a war. 5. The inability di Mexico to pay the large stints of money wl ich ale "found; bY the Mexican Clahns Commission to be due from her to citizens . of the United States will be involved in it through the action of General Grant, and pittegetisin will require that the war shall be sustained, but also because Texas, a Dernaerittio „State., is specially interested,nnd witl expect tole° specially betiefitted by ,the expenditures of the war and by Ite results. 7. All manufacturers, • merchants, deklere in provisions, people out of etn, ployment, men of ibtniiivestieniffering for want of •biteinege, working men withoutf work, will .all Conceive or believe that Witt' Will restore prosperity, set laborers to week, give thetnprofittible oontracts, and make 'everything lively and pros- perone again. 8. The pr.:vent ni ,getting possee- elfin of the rich rnineval 'regions of Nor111i4vestern Me:tioo, Withdleir fabu ions treasures of gohl and silver, and the proopect of annexkg the plains of Tamatilipas .reinoving the frontlet thorn the Rio Grande doWit to the moentains, *ill appeal strongly to the imaginations, of the people generally, and rally 1413140141i ell the ndifferme arotma,the flag of oonqueot When Orant.raites it Molt. pality to certify that 1111 said amcunt has been expended on the aforesaid roads situated within their respective municipalities. , e. moven by atr. ompson, seconded by Mr. Castle, that the County assume the old lines of tolled grovel roads, with the,„ understantlieg that the statute labor be expended =Ahem bythe emnielpitlities adjoining. la' Botn the above mottoes were refer- red to the Road arid Bridge Committee, The Coueeil on inotiou adjourned to meet on Friday morning at 10 o'clock. FRIDAY JAN. 28th After routine:business it number o fte- counts Intl other documents were road and referml to their respective coin - mitt cos. MR: MILLER $ REPORT* To the 'Warden and County Council : 01reri,r41etsi.-411,i.ve the 'eerier to pro - * int my fifth animal report on the state of edtecation in the western district of Huron Ootnity for the year 1876, AS I etstered very fully itito detttile in last ;report, I shall not enter so frilly into statistical' tables on this occasion, al, though I have eimileet material frotri which to give 0 bird'e-eye view cf the work done during the year. Tim work ' of ii)8p1)8tion lifts been quite as thorengli end very mnch teem ,,-;ailefa,,ttery 11) 14111 than oti any, previims 000a 1)1). The general WOrli„ both as regiveld correct, (tees and netatiose WitS 11OV00r better - Tho teachers £148 414 33111438,44410 steadily im- proving, alai tatting mere ieteretit in eterythin t pertaining to the profession, And. altogether there is abundant tooni for sircere 90',grittlllrit16113 nI the pro,ves(1 the cense of telucetion is mak- throngliont tho mtir fiehl. Pha (contr./Sten0144ettnetlia „not.)