HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-2-3, Page 4Sete -549g -ate ea see. a Inieetlittle Watt trete milfore, titiffso rii4e on 144 steam ewes it.ta pilfered 'rola* wonderfai *tory, Ana rode in great glory, wt)Y*P14) $ts.rkitians tromMiitord, When sweetlittle boy on the ilseertis' 6.11 sorts of folks i'o.y the oarPa" •o*'with gre„p at romptitude twioe interviewed see store Outwit drew the tears. beoeish, so ort the bat* of the100904 re theeeLJs of plaitecl hair, ettt from oil tile boa' ,.,f the poet's threo eoue, by ber own luta. 'Tide breesSis lases, 1 . Browu valoefs verY highlYs ,Aud uow joet a few seer& aeollt PaSss Brown, - Wheu ilitrotitteed:te best, say I, atteritiott wee 'ot ouoa riOetted OT. her, eyes, and I inVolontarily calWitillid2119. 4 She has got the very 3'*3 of Ruroe the dealt &wine, eye of winch Sir. Walter 8eatt And mealy °there epeke so, admiringly.'" It waS, alio mere- holey t that aoesessea me, for every one, I am, told notices the feet A.fter having, speut a most delightfel liour I took my leaves M ee- Brown, Now perhaps 'twill be thought very odd. -a liat this sweet idttlact by was a fraud; t30 we give bere hie "photograph," Ropios no one will t.,si laugh At ale iltoadess--itis % or, owl 'tiai odd. 1••••••••31.1•Weim.......**.1.••• Extravamee matt the Allard Hie& Theo have leteIV' •ePpearsa in the Monetary Times a series of excellent and timely articles on the hard times, and• the most notioable eituees which have lett to these. They have also embodied lotich 'sound advice to all business mere and it would be well for th,e country if Klie,11 advice was followed. In last week's number there is ess a:tee-flout or - theta on private extravagance, in which it Is clearly shbwn that most of the troubles that have lately taken place in busbies are the result of neeless and of - en reckless expenditure. " Not a it sere. "have ruined themselves in tbis, s thotisitatis ate still doing, so un- deterred by the failures mod misfortunes of others. When such persons are still in good eiremnstances, their cooduct way be Pet CIO W11 RR f001 1.41 ; but he all. catieff where extravagance contitines; fere 1 left, paeseoting sne with a'photta: graOlf of herself mid daughter, A CURIOUS MONSTER, Ao extraordinary inonster Was seen a few days ago at Vodera, near Laops heed Lighthoue, which is situated on the moSt weetern point of the Clare, in Ireland. It is thus deseribed :-Its head and neek reeenable a horse, and are of a reddish inie it has short, round earsand flowing mane, /marrow the poll extend two brauehiag horns like those of a stag, underneath which TUE NATIO'S DEBTS. Toe national. tlebt of the Tariolla eierelized couotrtes of the VOrld noW altteutit ,to the inealeulablo sum of $g5,000,000, or a pre rata of $02 for everY Mans Winter& .11-nd 'child in the oirsilaed poet of the globe. This does uot iuclude the provioeiol, eotusty, tustuicipal, railway and other corpora- tion debts, 'whielisweold iseOrly triple mount. Qrgat )i'itItitt heads- the liet with a financiel harden of $8,900,. 000,0000, Froz is cobs next with a bovien a $8,745,000,000, The totift debt, of the Domiiiiou :.of,Cotionifs dOest. not exceed 17(3,000,000. 'kite. Tata of indebtedness on every inhapi- tout in each of tbe leading countries is were eyes glaring and protru g. It ITEtC10 directly for thear nrotor,who was on the side of the steep rock. He at ()nee ran oot of the monster's teach, whose aeproach looked anything but friendly. It then rose high out of the water, end plunged, with such force as to comae to fly so far and in Buell quan- tities as to drench the skin, he standing hack forty feet from the water at the tune.. It remained nearly thirty or for- ty minutes, never disappearing a mo- ment from view, but reefing its huge body partly Out of water, and giving a ehaoce for further examination, It after‘ Lbo Per8°" fie" tlee , was observed t 0 have the tail of a por- is d.mhtful of solventle; 8"11 4O°0-1 poise and to large fins from the shobl- duct i bighly and it should ders, and on the breast were two fatty kd punishable as such, for the lumps which shook with every motiOn tie follows f--- Switzerland, $3 Norway, 7 I 9 Guatemale, 12 San Salvador, 13 Eettador) 16 Belgiem, 17 Gern:any, 18 Chili, Colombia, Nicaragua, Canada, Denmark, Prussia, Turkey, Mexico, tuoney squandered is. not the spend- thrift's) but belongs to his erediters.- In ptinciple, such conduct varies very little from 0 innnon theft, -and an honest Mao, with clear snoral ( perceptiens WOuld scorn a,s mash to be .gnilty of the one (alma as of the ?tier." The above is tette 10 ever) pardehlar, !aid we eerdially endoree the following, advice 'with which the artiale Closes The present is a suitabletime for all eve—, neres. familiee awl irolividuale.: to examine their exs ematures donne the past year.. Much nem.° eau be Jane in the way' Of reduction than most people are at first sight disaoeed to ac- knoveledge, and it should ever be borne ii mind, as Dickens has st: well ilios- trated, that it is the surphr siiperce thet makes all the difference between Misery autl hap.piness." of the body. It then shaped its course westwardestill keeping its head and neck well elevated. Its bulk far exceeded that of the largest porpaise over Oeen on the coast. . Argentine, 47 'United States, 48 Venezusla, 40 'Brakil, 'thltgaY.- 'grip 1,3aregnity, 167 Honduras, 120 Spaih, 106 25 "halide) 100 25 Netherlands, 1,00 80 Portugal, 91 80 Costa Riee, 90 82 Great Britain, 80 84 Italy, . • 72' 44 Peru, 08 45 Greece, 07 Adis 'ale') 47.. AL ESTSTE grUATE 001;,TWI'Si„: TheT014/1V81-111) oprjy ANTED 1000 'Cords good C�d wood, tat$UANT TO THE DECREE 1114 the eanse of OUlt`ilt; vs. O1J1LI8, bearing date the,drith day of November, A. D. ).$76i there tviii oe ,.A(' by With the epprobetion of tkIENBN M,seDRid- W-)TT, Lsquire, Master o; thi3 (lout, 51 G act- erielt,,on DAY THE Ellelfall »AY (W .4J JL74J,s weive oosoqa male b he-s,incl Master, in di c RHODA'S cOTPDOAforinerlY- ltatten hury's'd in. the VILLAGE OP BRUCEFIELD Delivered at Oontralia and. 7,':,eter StatiobB No2,,,ulet chzeitrrlia)eAtrtfoolu' lio:rsf4tobla)li,a1,3toeorilia ISAAQ foAdclaliNU, • . • In one lot, the felloing valuable Farm Pron.. arty, vii. :---Lot number twenty-six. hi the sixth Conceesion of the ,r,ownship a }Fly; m the • Comity of Euron, containing ONE .11 ti NOR ED A OR ilt' S. Fifty acres alio eleand, and under cultivation, anct fenced; the remainder is a good hod dwoocl bush. The soil is a geed. clay, On it are a Vrarne HellSO, 011a storey high atiti siXttlen foot by twenty -t'(0; a 'Log Barn an a, Log Stable. Illie land is situate 'within four miles of the 'Vil- lage of Zurich, and within four miles of thc London Gravel Road, tincl is convenient to Chareh and School Dense. The title to the land is indisputal?lea „ Thcatraihaser must pay down atithe time ot stile' a deu0Sit of ten per cent. of layi purchase money ton-la:Vont:lore or their Soleitors, awl he ll'alcanie wilhip onemonth into (, urt, to' the 'credit of :this cense, withont Inter° 't, onrpay- Mont of -41-lich-hi61510ncie he will be e titlod to •e, coni cyanic° and to possession of thedand. . • The property will be put up at any upset price of e4,000. The other conditiOns of the • le are the standing conditions of the Court of andery.• ,,'"i, .i' ', ..".' ' Further parti`oilaits ina• lie leatne4 in the meantime nt th, offices of 1. T. Gforow, Es. quire, W. R. Squier, Esquire, and Messrs, Ookeron & McFadden, Vendor's Solicitors ; and of the said Idaster. Dated the soth day of December, A. I). 1875. H. IvIACIDEaMOTT, - Master at Ch)clerich GAMY -1110N de McEADDEN, . ' VendoPs S'oileitors. A TERRIBLE ENcJOUNTE JOUr- nal da Havre rem:nets a terrible ere counter between 0.0,1 ion tamer 13idel and a number of wild beasts, Biuel's (SULAM W118 to go into the cage of thee(' ferocious animals accomPanied by e sheep, whieh was by his presence' kept safe from attack, On -disecent occeihoa he proceeded totthe lion's eage, and his first act was to place the sheep on tilt back of a liona2 as he had frequentl done before. No sooner lid11e clone, this .thitau it powerful Erni spranp, upou the poor sheep mid nuried Li teeth into a vital part of its • body. -- There wea a large number of spectators present, and, as may be imagined, the sudden act of the lion created an' instant and general panic. Wel stepped for. ward, and with the utmost coolness struck the lion a blow oa the moutlf with a heavy stick, which made hint crouch au d yell with pain, and throo his bleedieg victim trembling at thi fest ef the courageous performer. li another moment, however, all the wile' beasts were lashed into fury by taie sight of the blood. geol.-ea ono in the oesainblei believed that Bid& eceald Doe., sibly escape. Preserving his presenc, of mind, however, ho kept theothe animals at bay until he hnt soh:doeu the lion and chased him back to ha cage. He theu fought his way beet through the other auhnals, and, emit the bravos of the assembly, cause oo triumphantly, carrying his WOU ude, sheep with him. Tho poor animal, which was 0 great favorite of the hot tamer, has siece died of its wounds. • A. thooreestaxeN.--The St. Lonis publican makes 'a strong demand bi credulity by telling the following story : -"In a little row of dilapidated briet dwelling-lioueee, situated ou the soca'', side of Pine Area, between Secoud ana Third streets, Carondelot, one Frederick Wernelte, who, as la says, and as far as any one knows. was 101 years of age the 415h clay of tie preseot month. Mr. Wernelie wit born on the lth day of janattry, 1775 in the little village of lic.rlinger, on tlit River Ocior, iuPrussia, and ticcordiun to his statement he, was just. ono yea and six months old at the time of lite Declaration of Independence. Li ap: peerance he is a remarkably well-pre- served centenarian. He is about Ole feet five inches in height, .stoeitty 1)05115, and weighs about one hundred ane t wenty-tive poueds. His lorm -is still .very erect, and considering his age lo is now as active RS the majority of mei' at fifty. As an illustration of bus sup leness, the old map yesterday inorp. iug, in order to show his activity, pet- fermed the feat of standing nn his heed in the middle of the Tom, and dang- ling his feet with the 'greatest appar. ent ease. His eye -sight aed hearing are remarkably good, he having /levet in his lifeosod eye -glasses or compelled one to talk louder than ie an ordinary conversation for him to understand. -- His habits now, ea well as during the esrlier part of his prolonged, existence, are very regular." - COMPOUND INTEREST The following letter has been writ- ten to •thetN0W York San :-You have bad of late eousiderable to say in regard titi the aeou MOM otrot gesat creussiiturin VISIT TOA GRAND -DAUGHTER OF BURNS. We have pleasure in copying the fol- loWIng frond the last number of the Nee York Okotsman. The notice is particro larly appropriate, assPearing as it does • so near to the aneiversary of the birth- elity of ,the Poet Mr.' Wiliam Campbell, travelling agent for'the gnotsnion in Centielit, while in Clnelpla lately,' wits fortienate enough to naeet Mrs. Jin e Burns OT Broan, wife of Mr. Thotrias' Bi own, of that place, mud grand -daughter of Scotland' national bard, through his eldest son Robert. Mr. Campbell,. in narrating the circumstances, writes ea follows :- I was no sooner informed by Mr. W. J. Little, baker, itod. confectioner, that a grand -daughter of . the „poet ,was in Guelph, than begged of him to pro burs me an introdeetion, to which he willingly consented. On Teaching tlee residence of the lady, we found, to my disappointment, that Mrs. BrOW11 was . from home. I was determined, how- ever, that I would see her before leaving Guelph, and with' that obaeci in view, and dter the shedes of niglit had fallen, again walked. dow a to her residence. Tills time 1 was fettetuate, and uot only found the lady, but also her husband and only surviving daughter, a hand aome girl of twelve slimmers. Mrs. Brown 'received me very kindly, and on lily informing her that my ob- ject in calling Wne to see the articles in her poesessiob which belonged to her rze5 zuv sv at's-Slay-Imre- said L "for the sma-lleet thing must be worth showing, even if it were, only the leer of a book once handled by Burns." The lady. responded to my. enthusiastic reenrkr: her a pleasantesmile, and pro- tialed to laY befote me. her ireasareS, ,regaling my atten live ear mean while wiliaanndry temarks either as to the poet himself or the thiegs in her pos- sedsion. Havilig I anal ed from Mr. Little that, IstrsaBeown liail`e bottle ad glees, watioo befonged to Barns', and C1,111.f, "i1.1 roSed:18i011 of lie] freth,:r tn.', poet's aidAtli, asked,to he them. Mr. Brown at °eat peoceeded to a, easeptitele at head, and deawieg therc-from the artieles in (311666. tion, remarked, " Yell oo only see them, buts ye'se, get an opportunity o' drap whiskey oot o' them." While I gazed on the pre,eiou.s relics, I was carried hack in imaginalion to the time when Burns, M his quiet home on ,the farm at Ellielaud, or in Dtimfries, bad "Iptee,ii the hsteley pree” ont of the. -glass now before me -one of those old. fashioned, half -gill glasses of cra crys. tal, whiebt one:seldom sees now -a -days. My reverie was broken in-uPon by Mt. Down who embarked, " But ye Intents teaen ouy o' the whiskey yet ; ye warm tale' a drap free the poet's bottle."--; Accordingly I poured out a sinalIqtan- tity, wed placed the glass to toy My sensations at this mornent were f a etrabge yet pleasant piastre, and "set, .down the glees with a feeling of peeulir aatisfactien, that my lips haal. touched :the mime 98 those of the immortal 13urns Mrs. Brown showed me other relics of the poet, nod ommig them two vol. times of the '"Histoey- of Great Britain," which had b-wv rebotn,d and presented by the poet's eldeet soe to a Mre. Mae. kendriok. On the ily.leaf ef one el the Vehatioe it the icilleatta g inseripli i-- " This book, whieb beloliged to the Jitstary �f the Seettieh bard, and which has beetOgebeurid, peesented to Isfee, littaseendrick bb the bt4d's eldest son. Itonsial Burats." Dumfries, .3an. 8th, 1845. great fortunes. Perhaps it would not be out of place to say somethirg about The rapidity with which money increas: )8 when put at compound interest. I bee seen, since my earliest reeollec- ion, manycalculations of this sort, but nothing which exactly meets the case ike the following: If at the birth of our Saviour, one cent had been put out at compound. interest, it would, as we all know, have doubled at the end nf 12 Years. At the end of twohta-sit years wou'il have been four cents ---of thir- ty-six year?, eight cents. Now,contin- uing this process, we find that in 120 years, any sum put out at compouud interest will have increased 1000 foid. er the one cent have become $10. In 120 years more, or A. D. 240, the $1.0 increasing 1000 fold, wouId'have eq - nailed $10,000, Then for every 120 years we most add three ciphers, or, say in the year 600 D., the sum would be ten millions taken one milliou times. or enough to give our 0,000,000 inhabitants a fortune of a quarter of a million dollars each. The increase now becomes stupenduous, and to hendle it we inuet take the value in pounds weight, and finally cubic feet of golds Gold is worth in ronnd numbers, $200 a pound. There are about twenty lbs. of gold to every pound of water in a cubic foot. A. cubic foot of water will weigh sixty-five pounds, about; gold consequently 1,800 pounds per foot, valued at 200,000 --say one quarter of a minim' dollars, or to the million dol- lars go four cubic feet of gold. At the end of 600 years, then we should have from one cent in the beginning,40,000.1 000 feet of solid gold. Continuing this process, we 'must soon use cubic miles as our unit, and, finally, we reach tlie stimendous result that in the year 1900 A. D., one cent put out at a, °impound interest evauld haveseincreasecLeto. Vritt-Verond %Tie path of the e around that body, in all directions, and neeesserily as far above and below the plane of the earth's reyolition. d ancestor • she svillinolv consented r NLVV .1.44,40:10.41,14".wovl .a,ii,f6tiettoptorifbi:, 040$ 0109ter.04,4 )„ 444 oPEPA.;•T:RW'131.1TORTiji, 0,0 door sOuth of late l'ilaciirmitia shop atielhopes)" tbSi iiillb*libea'al patronage teat licis honi so corded to him Litho ,g0).1144 .AND WA.OPZ•1, VAUX1$9• )41() will be OXt011(1 ea to biln 10 1116 new branch !Justness,. Eis meet ,,,114011 i ',II call at the rest donee' 'hi the villagers tanaao ti60OS`04011 Vieelf an FBERH MEAT Latl,.t.. pas hopt coasiamtly on ite,m1 et his botcher shop. ••• 'iwegra have boa ..secona 0011 116 the 61 natia $ells , 2, Win') it is R, H Dyas, at Dew?. He,tel Star hies, litho 'also pays Cub for • ' ' Hides and oeepskinS, Mr4. Brown porritect out to me tin oil peiotiog of her fsther. which WaS idllgildg the wall behind her, and I was at once strnelt with tho remarkable Jr0110tiiblatide Which slid 1)0ars tO hint, 431,0 WO ban a portrait of het stsli� .,141 ghos, togas() in gold 1 .4 Canadian Hermit. NAIEED FOB FORTY YEARS. Free the Carleton Place Herald. Ircreclible as the follnwiug may ap- pear, it is an authentic fact, to which too dreds can bear testimony. About forty years ago, a young Mall seemed Wilson; tesiding near the town of Perth, conceived the lunatic idea of ieecting a hermit's life. The youth bad tI om his curly age showed syreptams of b raugernent, and this procaeChig on his ,:art was not considered strauge by his it :etas. The chosen place of his her- atitege was about three quariere of a mile from his parental homestead, in the recess of a dense Mush, he erected o smell hovel, and furnished it with an old log cane°, whic he used aste epoch. to sleep in. Diyesthig ,himself of all clothing lie has ever eince remained per- fectly nude, with the exception oa an old tattered shirt, which his fancy led him to retain. In this nude state, for forty years, he has lived, waning in the depth of winter alirou,gh the snow, end' yet he has neyee been known to have seceived a frost bite. When he requires' a drink he walks deliberately into a river, it not mattering to hire what ) SCite011 of the year it may he, and wades OI till the water reaches his \valet, and either there or at D. JOHNS'. Ex.infin, STEAM RAKES6CRADLE FIPTORY GEO. C 0 T TLE ••••••-• hi, 13, Dlaelithithing and wagon making earried on, es uslial in all lts bred -tones; R DAVIS. ISES11 AR'RIVALS1 -TT eople ' s Grocery Store. -J. CRUNNICAN has received a large stock of :4TROCERIE$, CROCE:En 84, 'to toriciueloti . Blake delivered jridgment, comment- ing in very severe terms on the evidence given by the witnesses for the plain "tiffs, the alleged Mrs. Mercer, and Del son Andrew, and deciding unreservedly for the defondasits, the Atty.-General, and Mr. R. D. Mercer, nephew of the deceased. The case will be carried to appeal. Tern greatest sale of Household fur- niture ever held in Huron will take place at Greenway's, Centralia, on Fri- day and Saturday, 4151i and 515h Feb. seiesie.sesseesseeeeseeseeeesseseleassiesiesesaasiesim Brick sten and dwelling house, -Also frame weIiiu g and stable, for sale, centre of Main street Exeter. BIBLES, Brayer Books, Hymn Books, Casseil's Magazine, Saturday Maga- zine, Infants' Magazine, Satur- day Journal, Day of Best, Sunday at Iimne, Children's Friand,Wide Awake, Chat. terbox, Friendly Visitor, Childs' Companion, Band of Britiah'' Workman, Aa. • H chiistian Treasury, nritita Juvenile, Albuins, Work boxes then lie gawps auclapienclies his thirst. His fend is brought to bine by his Mende, and When given to him is sestet) with the voracionsnees of an animal, which lie now rese.reibles more than man, his body 'being as heavily doated with hair ad 'Lista of a /stew, Ito neVer shows4 dangerotse dispieitioto and cbetters in monosyllablee. 'When people °tote hie path he invariably begs for tobAceo, for Inlich haliag. az evidout 15111 ill3y 6611(1 lo cluttterilig t(MOS, will titter 'Bocce st til hitt tequest is .grant. ed. Die hair is long: giey,' arid no. kempt, fallieg far over his glitaillderiL and .hi4r beard reaches down to his iStr, tie 1.9 rib* between eixty arid Setellty ye1118 of ego, and is possibly,the ohly iog being kraliWn f� havo lived yony abet you pertiotly halted and eiphsed itt fat ttiC inclernencies of the 'weather 'doh mark Ont Canadian wititerSii tope, writing nedits, &e., rte., 1 Olt 0131II STM A Enkrgement of Promises ties ?THE) 2NDE,RS1'G12E1), GRATIFIED roil - the liberal Patronage bestowal on him 811100 COnimenced bilainerm, *mild itegnaint his Initrierong friethaand et:stoners' with the tact tintt he has etilarged his present place+ of busitiett; and Oltiod largely- to his stock a Leathery inehiding` torench Canadian and Ainericati, ana p d lie repareil,tci fill all orderti that he niwy be fai,ored With on the slior15eitn04 Ilo1.,Itricl in 4 Style that cannot be sexpassea 1151 the 03enty of, llurofi, . le/a. also a largo stook of DIA34130ACTOT(En 01, Vrooden I-Iarvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork•Handles, Grain Cradles, RTC. poars sx-toxs suitable for Pall and Winter, consisting of Men's, Women's and Child- ren's 'Wear, F.xoter Pee. 2 COTHING. 'Exeter Clothing lio—uso The undersigned baying secured the Berri, cos of a first-class oitter, Mr. Henry Harris, 'MATE. of ‘cHteA69)',' ' iS prenarectio, `gatiSfitetorilY; rs with which lie 0266y' faVnited,, .:The'..'leXpOrieucc and. stiecess of Mr; Unit§ in 'eating and fit- ting garments warrant me in guaranteeing A PERFECT FIT to eyeryone who favors me with his order. On account of Um hard times I am deter- mined to sell clothing at as low rico as any other clothing honse the West. I BUY 'AND SELL FOR 0A.SH, kiviug jost Hous 03N- -, 31533222155 LAcki ftte 'T)Tai Oteivea latOe etock Of` Plain „and Fancy Tweeds., Ovsreoatinge Proadelotites,,,,,I)Oo•sltius, Eto, A F Sr,S TAILQ.B, , premisee, eiel perfect flt gearanteed; Now is the tinie for a i300'11 31 (1111 elfeapeeit °royal -coat Gent's Will be foond oetoplete Linen Collars & °Otte : Paper Collars & Cuffs Mite ot Coeuangh Club House Challenge' Aleaie, Captain. Siete Sali, SoliaireS, Scerf,Pies, and Wool, Wach-chaina & Keeps ' in all its branches, OPriSicathig in patt White (4,; It'ency Slairs Twee(1,' Wool " Woot Shies & 3).ralvere Cashmere Mnfilers Windsor tki, lil'ett Scarfs Ties, Bows, &o. 0 -levee neiciltli 4 1 130011, Kitl, ".Ottlf, Clt)th chnioe Int of Gents' Furnishing Goode ju received, Cloth bought from me cut freest .harge. J P Mc 1NTYBE, Flo -will havedma •Itio colon a,havest the thrated ti key 'Hay Rake A Novelty in, this se.etion, 1-3]..131.71.AT S will Audit to ' Their atty.:nit:me to Tiny their Stoeg'froat toi anl'Oreparod tO,„4allttli4henii r,easouti- ely as ally Queer estabhstm ent, pal to give prompt ttet tioicto 511 0141161. 'WHOLESALE RETAIL. rbosedn wantof.'*a fire -due koatime in the Boo and shoe line should not fail to EXAMINE STOCK Before purchasing, as my experience of thirty years in that line ens Wearne in purchasing to select that only -which caurecommend. LNRGE LOT OF First Class. Bacon JUST RECEIVED. .J. PRUNNIQA N -1,RODERICK'S O1D4-814N-13".. 1111.••••••••••1110...P.S.M1011•11141.,•••••••••=0.1.1•GEMIIIMM.W.M.e.. 'STOVES Tliz,vning 75) r ALL (75 „ ; 10•• I • Gents Furnish'ng ;if all kinas made a specialty in the business. GEORGE C0'11211, Eset or , ijyii 6,1978. 82-1a1 micausoN a, WILLIAMS ^ hy tojohns f elms keeps up Mata stieelp his 61.0,8rottua.,m 10 151665 been for 11q61668. Johns ling move0 int ais new sbop 110111. Anybody win tau you who, Johns' Tin-simp is. If you do not k ow where ti Snet ft, 88,16 the tirstroan you sec .n Exeter to shwa do it 'When yuu.aget thete you'd lcuo it's the phiee because there is no other visas jta, 'nett in the -world, Johns sons stoves,tip.ware said tellies. -Ta an, see them lyht clear out on, the them marker: in plain figures. You don't need tr. t.sk dor what you want. You can pick them. np anywhere. JOHNS SELLS CHEAP so his store is always full of mon aila 16010011 Last Saturday his store was chock full of men atIllaand he had as much ilia he' Could 10 158160 the money. Bach a lot ot Mt:amyl I tell ylMl twhaem' a se Rrd oil/it/76AS, ntotbing like hem 1511 111016 parts. Then- there Is snoli lots of Hot -Air Drums and other things. Stich beantifn U amps, nor ,Unandeliers Table Ontlery. Cruets, Mats. Brass and 'Enamelled Rattles, Ponce; 5618 (104 Pots, Churns Will BrOallaii, 106IC01 s.andButther 'Knives, Sausage MaebinOS mail scales, Coal Oil, Black lead, stove pipe varnish, atd hundreds of other things —all useful ad ngoo and ,you'l I , find' them piled from the cellar t, the °sling. - 301111 IS \i1(3\v OWARP, but folks do crowd grouncl,thim and ask so many onestions and pay him 50 many compliments about his Stock und Ifs gran4 way of doir,g things, that he gets hind° eontieetieeted and loses him- self up in the gar° COUNT1N3 HIS :MONEY (if he has any). MC Anat. time to seelain is on rainy days, Ho is i4,vays mound then, brat if you want things that 6110 useful and ornamental it makes no different Vliat day you eall,ISeemisc his men will always 5nakoyon feel Its if yen were at home, and will 16116 yea things cheaper than you tan bay them alwliere. TX-149.T.S 304 -BTS E Stove an T117 Shop 0-R 2816 11:2, 0 Nit, (TITID UNDE11.S1 I\ ED WANT TO AC- titnipar the inh Rants of Crediten and' the surratinding.cotitrythat we have opened out in 13166et31'65 old 8 nd a complete stock of ,TO'VE4f3Ifik COPPER VA1E, COA OIL LAMPS, MP CITIVNtVS; mist 01 /ant everythin jound in a first-class establishment will 1)4 fhtind With 08. All kinds of tin \Val 0 lilaill,(AUrai• by ottnelves. We flattei outkolveS tha,by strict attention to business WO will' be able ‘.0 mega a 8);aro of patronage. - made it refladialtYla ORDERS PROMPTLY ATT;FRO CA81-I FOR HIDES. AN s1flip , SKIN 8, 153' Wool pickings and id dee and rags aktii itt evehange or go ds. S11.0 tQra ,,LORrOITO Oeoher 063t1i. oiattiGciliithrg A Fresh Stook of Teas and Fruits just abating ,for X-mas. 11, General Touris, Traveller, Miliary, Mulligan. Guards, Sydenham, Come, Royal, Dolly Varden, Drrodee, Yost 13et, ulasinsetu . M. WE/113. B. L LI OM110 AAC CA3EtLiING , • • • O • 1)egs ledive to thank his friends in liaxeter and surrounding,country for their.Liberal patonage in the ,past,and hopes to merit a (air share of their trade in tLe future, having rElilE SIJBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN- .0.0=eotflaat he hats j tet rocelyed a splendid A.GRIOULTUR A.L IMPLEME NT s Boiler and Engine Works NIUQ,T--IET-JI--r, ONT. Two -horse powef wood S941gialg .anachine CANADIAN, SCOTCH & ENGLISH TIFIIMMDS ON HAND one of the L argest and Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a,General store, CONSISTING OF poesiern R. TOP fa. a m ,orrizrg, DOESKINS, ETC., which for STYLE AND QUALITY WILL BE HAr.D TO BEAT 1 TAILORING 'Departmept is replete with every modern Mi. :province -Vend furnished monthly with ro AZ-H.1;0N PLAT.11.7,5 American Styles Mad. Cuts All Work guaranteed, and cut in the me fashionable style. Call early and see one of the (11016)6315 3116(1 best cleeted stocks in town 161(1lom prices for cash. b.,s0t7B.COT '.1'. 01318 machili, has be•ti thor.oughly tested and given ENT ral,E TST A (IT I C1N'' it is supplied with a I.EvET, , Straw Qativar, Grain Cr-ask:Ler. Or other machinery, without extra expense ex °opt for the belt. TRIAL OFF RD. Allkinds 'of • see 'lent adifefantly'en hand: BOILER SHOP in full operation.. ENGEIVEs of all sizes to order. R -Kept Bissett's Tin shop, . Exeter. - promptly attended to. &Stares 8- . THOMPSON & -- VILLIflOES, 1VIichell,Out. MoIZNITAN'S OLD GRIST MILL meter. Dryvitopds, Groceries, Etc. Rpady 'made Cothing, wines and 11- g:110n, , Hardware,. .Crockery, Boots Ru.d Shoes. LeatheI r etc. . Please -give 1. C. a call as he is determined not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of counrty". THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN tunate ease haVing Tocevtly Overhaal(t(L San Refitted -the Mach,inei y, He is now prepared to do CatISTIZTC1 in a firSt-CISSP.Inatiller, and for a few weeics , while there is plenty of water power, Chan clean . . DRY'GR frFOR CENTS PER BAG' Henry it along before the stream freezes up. . 111..-%,. NJ.' ;;;/.11,1 Wawe1 10" as usual a Who: esale Priees, When taker from the mill by the per chaser. . i And from acne:tonal mprovetnen t that be has, cornpleed, the is now pre- pared to ao CHOPPING evevy working day. Polies can lia,v their griss home tho same day will lie tn. D. M'LENNAN Exeer, Dec .20, 1875. Corner Bat:ritst & Wellinpton Sts., - N'TAT-a0 JOHN EILIOTTI PROPRIEtoiL MANUFACTURER OF lsCeadevtr Larkitt)apex and Alovs.rer, Cultiva. tor, 1:!1;bvve,-;40.11-g-Plow's, • `dohanion, Sen tiers, AND ALL IMPLEMENTS USED BY FARMERS. FARMERS' S This impleinoat bes ft doeble distellettlee.grittn. Orip clail.I:(:ti'y((f,Wiitt6A'ter •Ile be#. 1)41: ete 114 15610110. 3. ain now busily onge,eal maktiosahatii for fhb 'tiAding, mid Will be life,' pared to stinnly them 0, 10, 11, 12 fillies each:Willi) halm shifter or without, a0305(1131 bo (w- ile)), and Win entIttaiaor tO 0e0 on 11113212 0161661(110 and SiZe to supply any WhO may aot have 6)16011 order, The Style, finish, and nntriad Used will be formal all that ban be &shod, and if equallerl,,not stirpasscd in Western Canada, • , , , Placable taArelry, JOHN ELLTOTTo nor ilatImrstand Wellington Sts,, London, SA NI W ELL JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A large stook of "G'Yeell„ japan, Young Hyson and Biack Teas, clizina7." Currant's, Pr -- T. -A- C &NIT= —72:p . Sitrdimes, .Lobstev. Bitter Sauce and Piales, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Sups, I8) Malt,- Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Toba ccoe and Cigars, • Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street. Exeter, PICKARD iseg to irifOr/13 the.prinue that they'have engaged M R. WRIGHT Formerly with 1VIoIn.tyre 8c Co, to conduct their TAILORING DEPARTMENT aud feel confident that all orders entrusted to them will give IENTIFIE SATISFACTION A11 cloths purchated from them will be CUT FREE .OF CHA'RGE They .have also received a large lot .of.. All -wool Shawls and •, • Blankets, bought much belo'w• 11, .which thy are now, offering at, Great 13argains.,, Stook run in all DepartInentsr ° UNDERTAKING ,ed S. OIDLZT. ZTER; • aria Furni*tire..•.111,11-01a,e8.4,10-1.rWOULD OIJI.11) SAY TO 15160616 who 36115611(1pu(clinsimg to 40 go from the maAmfacturer'. f`be agelor won buys to sell 1)311161 Inns t note sSer i ly havo twO{V, WO 61111311 60the purchasers the 0(1 benefit, 13(1611.cannot, fail * to meet the vieWs ot the 111(606)6)1-6.()or 01<rallsoS far() 10636 60111(11(030 of. MAI Mabil(mAltrOrS,COnsoonent- y 11 cheaper, 90 coltspocialeAtention to our ni)clortsking ilopsrt- wbich. is More 'com- plete 11.6110 eoer, 1165130 lut6e 110(15031 01066,2611106,7,00516)118, Of ICAO. The beflt 00111103, 0,1851066, 811>6>61415t6664 every fnner I ro6611513181t0 CA the 15652361311 )nions, Our now lmsvso lt Ino150116t131060ed hy 606030t6135 japes to le lietenit150 6ioe.fti 51.* , Pre rinto , 110 8)611 fat . •••• • C.. It. 0.zorzlAt...ralsIvzi*o AO. segisaleasesseseaseerst SPLENDTD oestalerient elweee 0261 head,' itny kind rurnielied • 0 1'1,8(01.0,16n et.Neettics aad 01522015 Pornishingelopt lu stiseit for ovety Idnet of gewitql• thlrieS, 2a01)1l101l :1;2•Opai aro liat1 e long okp66iti0355W111 "tititiee,.eie.aattoN, z),`Aavo.40v,,,t1all *leg Theme toile, would boo 1 101115163 1015)10650 iy ' lfairrianieo 50 15 1>0 ten, Ali or, ARK WOMptly attended 1106) 12031 door .1) aVir filfidpercial11501551 ,/i$, Agent, Dre*,}1 DVI3t0)?. obtisrpv4, October 14,16;M:.