HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-1-27, Page 40, N'Itzgie,' elttht eert tweetatar M1 t i*fititt ittr $P, 44lam* tsittiqtte to w cll. , when the N'.ew Tear's *Poste 11'44, An' hew holiday* for epetths W*11 &WWI etettit au'• cqu'ilteD14,4 o A isms, without your mitheiSe /tennis)! ear /Alta tree the bettpiang seboels An' RulAtitu' gents ht loveak fleet lettora, l'str, *WV. snes-10 P011s036)63 600,3s They eetat their idea% N their tenets; I ease no for sic raawkiell kisenn paper'a tits worth sealain Oill*1441 Ave fainutes in the dark— kiee without eour intthern; kennitee The levee' theegrint. aula - a • Slant iu the Tsirreeeby her feather— Are fea'd to kieu, es'ettlea) or eenet, Or e'en beqeen ose thesitlier. they sit en ills eide their leedier were penithr Iqer dour exprese theViteerns tleeire-- kiss iiithou t your Wither's kenoine SOME) twee," their iteate St011pS odizk An',tinehed wi' Nile's fire, keep teuito How hie a nicht neo e saw thew For drinkins darned, singius yelane We ken a toy that etnna feel, A joy aorth a'the gowd they're opennin 'Tit; darkind at the door to stoat kisS without yew, withere; keunins .11111111•11,MIM•11.001. Father Bring Home year Honey to -night. 011 I Father, dear Father, don't stay ave.3 1 tte, dome borne when your itit.y's work is o'er; Vor Mother'll be wat.thing for you at the gate, Don't grieve her poor heart any more, filia's weary with sewing to keep us in brad, And hor face Is so haggard and white, 'or ou know, father dear,that we all Iniall, be fed, Then bring home Our money to -night 1 CIICA173-Then bring home your money to -night I Oh 1 bring home your money tonight! For you know,Father dear, thafwe &almost ae fed Ohl bring home your money to-uight! Ths old tavern keeper Is rich, I am sure; His ,ores spread out fur anti wide, Whiltaathor, dear father, you know we are poor Awl needy, and hungry beside. Don't give him your hardly earned doll , re, I pray, For the drinks that will madden and blight, But in manliness turn from the toinpter away, And bring home your money, to-uightl Oh 1 Father, dour Father, doles stay away late; 'Twin be Siturday night as you know, The beautiful Sabbath might dawn if you wait, And find us in sorrow and woe. bio broad in the pantry, no comfort In store, And nothing to make our home bright. Good -b; e now, dear Fit ther,don't drink any more, Bat bring home you money ton-ight! sit 'Doting Mem of Prtncipi: A young man was in a position where his employers required bine to make a false statement, by which sev trot hundred dollars would come ioto their hands Which did not belong to 'theme Al: depended upon this clerk's serving their purpose. To their great vexation, he utterly refused to do so. • He could .not be induced to sell liio conscieoce for any one's favor. As the, result, he was discharged' from hie place, 4 ;crtie$ latiloittiViri g tfene`rttri'olea 1101. 4904 bY Dt- Lincoln, lie insists suould al- wayi bu , serreel liy p31ao3s *then weitiiiveemeli drawiv, sewing, etc,. he sa,yo, that the ii444 il 0,4)400 tkre en - g Amy- OA that the feet are warm, 00 that there is no. thing,tight, ab4tt the taeck,t T. rea- son for this injunction is a simple'one; to pi.event an excessive tendency of blcod to the bettti and the.SongestlAM 01 the deliCate ducks of the eye, which ,ia consettptent thereupon, . these procau, tions being, observed, he goes `on to lay further ; lake care that there i,li plenty of light but not so 'much Nii to dazzle the eyos; that the sun does not shine directly On the object we are at work upon ; that the,light does:not come from the front. but from over the left shoul- der if poesible - that tbe head be not, bent over tho work ; and that. in read- , mg the page be held nearly perpen- dicular to the line oi sight. ' Besides these general rules, each of 'Lich is baBeA upon either a taw ( f op - or a physiolotiical necessity, Dr. Lincoln gives • tile following further di- rections, suited to particular cases. When the eyes have any defect they must not be oyertasked ; and fine work su'cli as oeedle i) ork, or drawing, or t. even reading e St ne print sholud be limited ,to .hort. Allis, not exceeding halt an haul. ea4,01.41, in the morning. Sttidyi»gir writniat.%•efore breakfast, by artificialt*ht is -highly injurious, a; is also, ankf'or obvious reB,eons, the habit of 1ayi14, down when readings In all forms of fakeer requiring the exer- cise of vision on mNtte objects it is in- dispensible that the*orker should rise from his task nowsitild then, take a few deep inspirations With closed mouth, throw the arnts back wardard forward, and, if possible, step to tlo. aayindow or into the op ni air, if onlia r a rao- - ment. s a• ss In addition to the above,tleejelloweng, practical hints, derived frOin other sources, may not bo inopportune ; if the sight of the eye is failing, it is nt the utmost importance that no tricks should be played upon it. Holding .the light between the eyes and the object looked at,is highly injurious,. Holding the page one reads at an abnormal dis- tanee from the eye, is equally bad. When either of these shifts are restor- ed to, it is because the eye can no long- er get aleng unaided ; it needs help, and this, to be salutary, should be promptly afforded, should be exactly adapted to the want, and skld be the best quality. Thai e'ie do wisdom in nutting off the use of spectacles when the eye gives Warning that it needs as- sistance. It will not recover its acute vision by being subjected to undue straining ; but on the contrary, its powers will be the more riteidly im- paired. Neither ie there either wisdom or economy in using spectacles of in- ferior quality or of unsuitable strength. • Not long after he applied for a va- cant situation, and the gentleman, be- ing pleased with his address, asked him for any good reference be might have. The young man felt tilat his charac- ter mita unsullied, and so feaessesly sre- ferred him to his Net 4mi:1oyen', "1 have just been. dismissed from his empley, and you can enquire about It was ft' liew faehion a getting , young inan's eecemmendatiohs, but the gentleinan callad on the'firin, and' found thet the only objection was that he was " too conscientious about trifiee." The gentleman had not been greatly troubled- by too consciencious employees, and preferred that those entrusted with his money shonld' have a fine sense of truth and honesty, so he engaged the young mar, who rose in favor, and at length became a part- ner in one of the largest firms ih Bos- ton. • " A. good name is rather to be elms - en than great riches." Even unscrup- ulous men know the worth of good principles that cannot be moved. • A gentleman turned off a man in - his employ at a ban), because he refus- nd to write for hitn on the Sabbath. When asked afterwards to name some reliable person he might know as suit , able for a cashier in aoother bank, In mentioned this same man. " You can depend on him," he said. for he refused to work for me on the Sabbath." A gentleman who employed many pereons in his large Establishment said: " When I see my young men riding out for pleasure on Sunday, I disuaist- hiin ou Monday. I know Such a on cannot be trusted. Nor will I emploe any ooe even occasionally drinks liqut of any kind." " Honor the Sabbath and all the other teachings 'of the Bible, and you will net to find favor with God aid with man also. Two brothers, twins, hired a zoom about three mouths ago in San Jose, California. The neighbors noticed that they had no employment, seldom went out of the houee, and gradual grew emaciated. They were approacht d by kindly folks with offers of charity, u theyememed very poor, but the' sc- ply was We are all right. and want tt ba let alone." Later it was learned that one did not leave.hie bed, and tht other became pallid and barely able tc walk ; yet renewed Troffers of aid and sympathy were rerelled. At lei gth both kept to their room, and the town plivsicianvisited them. The one long - •8t 8001litied wag 111100BSCS01.180 as tilollg1, in a trance, and could not be awakened The other' said, " tIe has been Uncle, the control of ssdritir for weeks: Wt were told by the, sph its that he was to write, raider Inspiration, a book some. What lb " Progress." leVt eitme her so as nut to be disturbed, and j belitve it is nearly time for hien to begin to write tho book. • The room fuLt of spirits now." 'The brothers had lived wholly on apples tluriog their stay there, and propeefeed had pro8. tented thew. They Were talten to a hospital and at recovering; but they dentate) the interferon.° with their, gpir. itual work w.ts isaoutrage. SttO COUIStOtt.,•••••4 iiitiOettating astident occurred at Bangor. Me. Jar, 1- tb twin thc collision:of two boh-slees, On boy lies in a critical cotiditiort; art- tthee has his leg broken ill two pia- ofte and eeveral other boy, alla gida Ate ,11:10re IOSS Sericinsly injured. dvn -town country farmer who poi in aere *1th ,titruipS laet met L they didn't Wing him a'cerit. ,it -,..1,;1114, try 016000 lIfitt r,Eltey britq tscen.t AMERICAN. 're 8frow. rVroqpilt often ;sy that at oettain thu not worth a grow ; hat the e a're ethe#, Pe* /Or, •Otrw; "la jul0.10.41,00,01111 deed Om world would be b out 0 traw. if cotton COrtt 1.4 .nang, and Wo nye tO. Var. iet7 Qt linrely a straw may claim royal houbra, Many t eader of a. newspaper le debted to 6trow for the oliortp luxury, for straw paper goes largely into the .49WaP4Per, trade. When he beeonies sleepy from too much reading he may, perchance recline on 4 IllikttreSti stuffeu vitli14r0w ; or he may take a stroll to himself off with a broad -rim hat for a change. Bt the value Of 4taw to the keeper of cattle of tfl kinds is incalcuable, and after serving all these purposes 16 18 re- turned to the former almoet as valua- ble as when it left his hands. Indeed, many a time it is worth more to keep than to sell, and. bonds 411d centracts are made in leasing land q to what will be done with the straw. In onV way we look at it, we should be badly off withent straw-. We are called to these facts just now by noting the figures as to the employ- ment of women in England in making straw -plat, for hattels and milluets,no less that 80,000 pair of hands being engaged in this work in that comities ; and the value of their work to Eng- land is seven millions of dollars a year. This is pretty good for mere maw, and then there is the many engaged in working a the manufactured article • lislet it becomes fit for trade; and then we •can see how much " a straw" is wOrtlf, Hooi,' many of the world's people get out of straw it is hard to say, not less than double, no denies, that work on straw plat ; so that by what is being done in the " tight little island" in that way, if applied to all people ad. voneed in civilization, will give a little idea of the vast importanee of mere straw to the prosperity and happiness of mankind. A SHARP NOTE peon Maninta—The Herald Madrid special re_ orts that the Spanish Government has sent out -a diplomathe note in reply to the Ameri, can circular ou Cuban affairs. The reply is quite belligerent ine tone, and takes high4greund On all'questions rais- ed by the Uinta States. ..The, note de- 'cleres that the'conennei Ce' between Cuba and the United,Statet. Ines net, suffered to anaeanpreciable extent by the: inisnr- rection ; insfact ansteador having been direinishedIt has in -reality incretteed, and is constantly increasing; so that the United States Government had no occasion for complaint, and no tenable ground for its'proPosed action, or -inter fe.rence in the affairs or troubles existing in Cuba. Attention is also called to the fact that many American citizens haye established themselves in business on the Island, „and being unmolested by the, Spanist Government in so doing have gained large individual fortunes. _Mese fortunes have not added to the material wealth 'of the Island, being entirely in foreign hands ; tlte territory of the United States is a constant 1.97 fuge for Cuban outlaws, who are per- mitted to hatch conspiracy, to the de- triment and injury of the Spanish Gov - eminent. In this the laws of nations are outraged. All just and seqni table ()taints between the United States aud Cuba have been amicieblY anit fidly sat- isfied, or are in the courts for adjust- ment ; therefore, there cau be no cause for complaint on that score. The owner of the Hamilton and Freelton stage disposed of his establish- ment in Hamilton on Saturday, and as paid $200 in account. In the ..vening lie drove towards home in a buggy, and when near Freelton he was overtaken by another buggy containing dime men. The latter jumped out and ,•obbecl hire of all the money in his pos- iession, $225 and then drove back semis ds Hamilton. It is supposed %he robbers knew what money he had and followed him. No arrests yetimade. John Kennedy. until a little over a r ago, a barrister practioi ug in Mount Fo •est, died in Toronto recently under ,einumstances peculiarly sad., 'having' 'be3n an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum there for some time poet. Mr. J. Porter, ofOshawa, itolinow• ledges the receipt of a Johngton reaper from N. W. Brown,-Esg,, IVI. P. P., as a prize given by that gentleman at the Sou' h Ontario Agrigultural Suiiety'e Exhibition for the best Ave colts got by any one horse. John Maher, of Clifton, wtts convict- ed a few days ago of assaulting his father, and was sentenced by Justice Hill to six months iinprisonnaeot in the Welland Jail. He was also fined $50 --to reinain ill jail an kdditional Six menths in case the. tine he Itot paid. • A' STRAN l4.1 'Gar. A.little girl, fire, years .old, Was re- cently attaelied by thatscouirge of ebilds hood, diptheria Two ,days previotts to ,the etteek :the skin was broken On the back of the tatdthumbs, The attends leg physieimi, pereeivtd that tne child had „ad the syiriptoins of diptheria, c' 114T g the foritiation' of a mentbrane ,ths thtpat But Sash' a, membrane Waal- hlI.ried in. the 'haek, of ettch thumb, !kin' '‘TI qt. were .reutovtd; htit others soon tpOlt choir' place. 'art tialliitmlio,h- tinder tile, 'Inicrostive sliweit that ,these meta,' branO6 WOrti ,aXaCtly similar to thme rosined he the throat'of the gig; 11' Who died reeently 'bf liptiteria. The bjeet ,tilia wonderful developetnent has. heAny /e0e6IttrOd. Ilia question• ' noW irises whether diptheria is wholly fit disease of the thotirt ahd. Orgikull of Italtiratior,0 SERMON BY A CLOWN. The following sermon was preached by a clown, in a circus that was exhib- ited in one of our countey towns 10 this Province. There is a good bit of bitter truth in it :— • " My friends, wo have taken about six hundred dollars in here to -day, more, I venture to say, than any Mtn - later of the Gospel in Ilia town will re- ceive for a Whole years service. A large portion has been given by the church members, as a large' portion of this audience is composed of morns bers (Atha church, and yet when your preacher asks you for atoney to aid in supporting the Gospel, vou say you are too poor to give anything. Yet you come here to hear me talk nonsense. I am a fool because I am paid for it; I make my living by it, You profess to be wise yet you support me in my folly. But perhaps you say' you dil ,not come to See the circus, but the ani - lints ; why didyou not Iodic at thenr and then'gri away: - Why did you Stay to hear my nonsense? Now . this is nota pretty place for chrieltains to bo in. Do you not feel aShomed of your- selves ? You ought to blushto be caueht in-Stfeli it 'place as this." Those Who lately eesited the Kings - ten Penitentiary eepert Dr. Davis to be the personification of an unhappy man. its ameng his fellows in crime on ti:side of a pile of stones, and breaks hard -heads all day long, his head bent unually low,s and his face, bearing, a, gloomy appealance. He feels hurnili- ated too, and when the object of at- tention from visitors he makes c'fforts hide his face, elpon which the feelings of his heart are so painfully reflected. Still he is it decreed indifferent sort of a mortal, who will grieve but little at present circumstances, and can extract a deal of consolation from future thoegh distant prospects. It is understood he holds the belief that ere very long Ex- ecutive clemency will be exercised in hie behalf, and he will be pardoned. Sech a _thing cheerful as it may be to him, is exceedingly improbable. Dur- ing the cold weather it is necessary. at Stated hours, fordhe cpnvicte break- ing stones to have. their legs as welle their arms exermscd, and, .they are rade to trot for it length of time around the pile of stone, as direated by, the guard, like se many. inexperienced colta. Davis don't like this, but he has to accept the inevitable as possible. Mrs.Davis is running'a sewing machine and can do some fine sewing. She seems more contented than her hus- band.' To Business Mtn. If you want circulars, If you want hand -bills, If you want envelopes, • If you want business cards, If you want neat bill -heads, If you wantshipping tags, If YOU want tasty letter heads, If you want nice visiting cards, If you want the best of ball work, If you want any kind of:printing. Leave your ordersat theTnees office and you can secure them on short no - ice, at. low rates, and the best style, THE ALLAN LINE. --Any parties intending to go to Europe would do well to call at the Teems office, and buy A tietlet for the Allan Line of steamers, one of which leaves Quebec and Port. hut for Liverpool and Glasgow every Saturday. • When sending 'home for friends neatly $7 is saved on eveev adult passenger .by'getting the tickets from the Allan Line Agent a 'in this country, instead of sending the imoney home. • Brick stOr3 and dwo1ling houso,--Also frame gricl itabio, for sale, centre ,,of Main )), .trot 11;toten BiBras, Prayer Books, Hymn Book, eassall'a Magazines Saturday Maga- zine, Infentie ,,Afegazine, Satur- day lournall PAY )01 Best* ,c4 Sttrida,' at Ifoute, Children's limed, Wide' AWAlte,f 011•Pit.; ••• )tdrikelt, Tead4 17,taytoi>. , r,r emus, corep'enten, /Ian -1'0 ,04 '844er; Obristian :avenge Alboras Work l8 &6 &fie , CRUNP4ICAN'S'OREU rilE311 AltitlITALS! Lan People' $ Clroc()ry Store. CRUNNICA hae received * larSosteolt of al.-tom:class CV,OOZZItTa, also a large stock of BOOTS a SZIOES .ultable for Fall arid Winter, coatostias 01 Men's Women' -s and Child- ren's Wear, Those in want of a first-class article in the too and w`ioe line should not fail to EXAMINE MY 8TOON Before pulchasing, am my mtperionce of thirty years in that line awl bins me in purchasing to select that only which can recommend. I a LARGE LOT OF First Class Bacon JUST RECEIVED. J. CRUNNICAN I-RODERIC/CB OLD STAND. STOVES ••••••••••••!/..... Why Don't You Go to johns? johns keeps up Main street, at his old stand, where Ise has been for 13 years. johns has moved into his new shop now. Anybody will tell you where Johns' llin-shop is. If you do not iihOW Where to filld it, ask thefirs t man you see Exeter to show you. He'll do it. When you .get thole you'll know it's the phAce because there is no other place jin,t, like it ill die world. .folnis' sells stoves, tinware and things. You'll see them lying clear out on the sidewalk -all of them markee: in plain figures. You don't need to ask for what you want. You Call pita them up anywhere, ' JOHNS SELL CHEAP so his store is always full of men, and. women Last Saturday his store was chock full of men lit)d. women, and he had as much its he could Co to take the money. Such a lot of money! I tell you those New Patterns of Stoves are Stunners, ;Nothing like hein in these parts. Then there is sueh lots of Hot -Air r ums and other things. Such beautiful r amps, w unandeliers Table Cutlery. Cruets, Mats, Brass and.,Entimelled Kettles, Sauce; an and Pots, Churns andBroonis, Baske)s and Butcher Knivos, Sausage Machines and scales, coal Oil, Black load, stovo pipe Tarnish, and.bundreds of other things -011 usofnl and good, anftou'll )ilnd them piled from the cellar up to the ceiling. „NOW JOHNS IS LTO COWARD, but folks do crowd around bim and ask so many questions ansi pay him so many compliments about his stock and his grani way of doing things, that he gets kind of confiusticated and loses him- self up in tho garret • COUNTING HIS MONEY (if he has any). The best time to see 000 is on, rainy days, He is always around then, but it you want things that aro useful and ornamental it makes no difference what day yeti Call, because his men will always inakoyou Thol 511 you were it home, and will sell you things cheaper than you can buy theni elsewhere. JOINS NEW Stove and Tin Shop IN CREDITON. rpuu UNDERSIGMM, WANT TO AC - JL ..(273.kiiiT the inhabi6uits' of Crediton and thesurrounding country • that we have' opened eut•in Bissett's old stand a complete stock of TOVES, TIN and - • COPPER WARE, COAL OIL LAMPS,„ LAMP CHIMNEYS; and in fact everything found iu a fast -class establishmentwill be found with us. All kinds of tin:Ware manufactured by ourselves. We natter ourselves that by strict attention to business we will be able to merit a share of public patronage. Eave Trougliing made a specialty, and all ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, CASH FOR ILDPS AND SHEEP SKINS. Wool pickings and old Popper and rags taken in exchange for goods. • Shelton & Hill CREDITON. October 28th. BEWARE OF. COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of the public of 13ritish North America I deem it my duty to state that my Pills andointment,- are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States, iSacti pot and box bears the British- Government Stamp,with the words,'Hollo- way's Pills andOintment,London,'engraved there- on. 00 the label is the address, 533 Oxfotd. street. London. This notice has become necessary, in consequence of vile and spurious imitations of " Holloway's Fills itt78 Maiden Lane - an d Ointment," being fabricated New York, by par t selves " Holloway aineds sctuyl,i,n n. an assumed t r de malt thus -- I; nprin elided vendors eau ob- tain this trash at a very low price, alltitIO deceive you by selling the saine for my genuine Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment, which aro manufactured only at 533 Oxford street, Loudon. Persons ..who may he deceived please C0/11.41111Cate with in3.Many respect'bleflrins in the British Proyinees who obtain my medicines direct from here, lizve very 'properly suggested Saab I shotild, for the benett of themselves and the public, insert their names in the papete,,that it may be known that medicines can be had germ inc from them, The following is a lis) of the firm alluded to ; and I particularly ecommend those who desire to get my medicines to, apply to 801/10 of the houses named :-.-Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., rIaliftrx, N. 6; Messil. Forsyth & do., N. S. Messrs.V 33 Barker & Sims, St JohntlN 13; Mr, Dos Briny, Charlotte Town, P311' Messrs. Lang' ley &de., Victoria, ll. 0.; alessresMeore & Co.,Vit- toria, 150; Dr, johil Pallel, Citation, N 13 ; Messrs', Munro & C, Montreal; IVE0E3fitS. 1 Winer & Co. 1.1 milton Arr. 1 3 Bose Toronto; Mr, A. Chip- man Smith, St, ;lobe. N 13 Mr. jolin Bond, Gluier, ich ; Melsr Ililiot & 0o., Toron o '; 1li, (lutioner, St John, N 13 ; MOSSYR. HallIllgt0I1 Bros., St John 1133 Mr 11 Priddy, WindSor; Mbs Oryon, Morden, 118; Mr George) Mint, Jr., Fredricittort, II 13; Ars Wit l'honipson, Harbor Grace, N• Mr .1 M Wilfry,Frodrickton, N 33; 'I/losers W &' 7) Yuile, Montreal. The medicines are sold at the loWest 'wholesale nett prices,' in quantities' of not lcsv thaiiii"qf worth-viz.i 85, 6,, 229,, and Its.per dozer) boxed of rinfi or pots or pintroont, for' which. re- mittance must be sent in ntiv, nee, THOMAS HOLLOWAY O. OU. R. HERE, 00AIMON SEN8E ST1.1,aW0tYTTE'r have beard about youanti what 1have heard is fru°, The best-secoust to none in the icanitry,), • ho So1,1 Vou. ? Why3 it is R. IT Dyes, at Dam's Rotel Str, Blesi who also lei:Tepee-1i foe boxes ttides and Sheepskins/ •eitherthete er et o, .10H1qSs en' SAt Ve41•4144erli lee+ DY41(t<>0 4 T RENT', rr 0 BEN ft. --That w1j'tisjst J. Tibia nLuegu,kuows1. theeseeee ewes I oppeeite tele Poet twice, ealetnenefeak teed oits every a09.n5lottation two, Goo4. Aitubling, plenty „Qg water, sosia r eteea. one Of the beet in town. PrOpriotor,.100P, lag owinq to health, Paar rtieul4, appiy to. A 4I1v1 13, peep 11:11AIM TO ULNT.—the sithseribel Okra 1arl33 tt) rent, Lot No 5,Osborne, London Bead, containing /0 acres, all ele at ed, with good bnil33ngt3, and au abundant supply of watar tiii)oughout the year, with Shout 85 aorea fail plowing, convenient to both school and °Lurch, distant from hLaeteil milea, For furtlter partic.n- lays apply to It PER On till:, VrOoli.f.iefi. or by letter to Haeter Usbor) ra44, 1870 nn A2-1111 NOTICE, Notice) is hereby given to the mombers of it ay T. F, M.Fire Ldomps ay and others, the simnel meet, - ng gI the said Company will be hold 1 the TOWA, Z11,1101.1 on MONDAY 7th DAY OF FEB 1870 at 10 o'clock For 'Electing Directors and other business. As this is intended to i.e the best and cheapest. Company in the 1?rovince, and as a full explana- tion will be given at the meeting, a largo attend - 153101 is looked for. Como, yo Farmers, Goo here, and judge for yourselves. II. V. DILISTI, IN, Secretary, Zurich, San 1301,1875. 22 -It • MANUFACTURES. ExETER STEAM RAKE &CRADLE FACTDRY GEO. COTTLE MANI7FAOTUTtItIt OP Wooden Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles, ETC. Ho willful:ye ready for the coming harvest, the celebrated Sulkey Hay - Rake A Novelty in this section. MERT-TA-.N-TS. will find it to . Their Advantage to Buy their Steck from itte, as I am prepared to deal with them as reasona- bly as any other establishment, and to give prompt attention to all orders. • WHOLESALE & RETAIL. - Tu.rning of all kinds made a specialty in the business. GEORGE COTTLE Exeter, April 8, 1875. 82-6m THOMPSON& WILLIAMS AG-RICULTURA.L IMPLEMENT Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse power. wood Sawing Maohins This machine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WHEEL f or driving a Straw Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or other machinery, without extra expense ex eept for the belt. TRIAL OFFRD. All kinds of Farrningimplements kept constantly on liana, BOILER SHOP in full operation. 31CATI1MT S of all sizes to order. ZELEP.A.111E Kept at Bissett's Tin shop, Exeter. promptly attended to. Addres THOMPSON & WILLIAMS, • Mitchell,Ont. UTCHER SHOP 141110 andersignea W0nia thants of .18xeter and vicinity that he tuts. ovENED 4 NV.,W DLY.kOliER SHOP' 0'15 000r SOUtil, Pf his Blaoltsinit,b,slinp and 11,Opee tile smite. Ilian•al patronage Villa huo DoOn 10 eordod to ban in the ALAO14141'181 ARoj 8Y4.307l mAarNo, line, will be extended to biro in bis new branch o eindusss, Ills meat wagon will cali at .the rein donee , of the vtliagera tilfte tisus itob W904. an R M 31 1)015 ,t),1 '6 13.55otly on hand at, titi buteli /Pill, °HI): Bleelte. nitlii lig «isd Wagon Ma/141g carried en as usual in all its brauchot; Exstor Dec). g 'DAVIS, +4102111121t1114, CZOTHING. Exeter The undersigned having secured the servi 008 of a first.clasS cutter, Mr. Henry I-14rris; (LATE OF CHICA.GD), is preParedte fill satisfaetoi ily c11Sbrdorsviflil which ho eoey be raveled.. The experi0400' isd tillOCOSB of Mr. Harris in dhtting Gua ji,t; ting garments warrant me in gualanteeingi A PEEFE CT 'FITt 10 .,'PtY)114) everyOntyWho'favors me with hislorder,,, ...,011,actorint of the hard ' times to,,sell.clothing at a.. low .prioes as•Ittny, other clothing house in the West. , k),-6-• • • ..))). ,,,,,,,A(**414 • I BTJY AND SELL FOR CASH. A choice lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods jtt received. Cloth bought from me out freest barge. 3 P McINTYBE 75) FALL (75 GentsFurnish'ng OAt A;:ciiiiii:hmont 9-1HE SUB SCR BER BEGS TO AN- -L. nouneo that he has just received a splendid assortment of CANADIAN, aCOTCH & ENGLISH Eird Varil BLACK 'BROADCLOTHS, & DOE SKIN S, ETC., which for STYLE AND QUALITY - WILL BE HAIM TO BEAT 1 , TAILORING Department is replete with every iiiodern im- provement, and furnished monthly with rigilen7,017 FL.A.=S OF American Styles and Cuts All Work guaranteed', and cut in the ine fashionable style. Call early and see one uf the choweet and best soleeted stocks iu town, and oilering low Prices for cash. 0.1 l'1'lBi.:09 9'. FLOUR 1Vol.ENNAF,'S 0/D OR/8T MILL „Nzeter. 9-1HE 1U;')HJBER BEGS TO IN - bus ate 11: t ha) recently overhauled and Refitted 'ihe Machinery, He is now prepared to do CE.ISTINCI isa a first-elasE manner, smi for it fcw weeks wkile'there is plenty of water power, will chop clean DRY GRAIN FOR GENTS PER BAG flurry it along before the stream 'fieez.es up. FLOUR AND FEED IIS usuarat Who esalo Prices, ,When taker from the mill by the pur chaser. And from additional improvement hat be has eorupleted, he is now pro - r ed to do ClIOPPING every working day. Parties can have their grists home the same' day with them. D. M'LENPIAN Exeter, Deo 20,'187d. .......••••••••••••••••••••••40.M.•••••ry•••••••••••••• PH NIX POUNDRY Corner Bathu:st Sts., • •LONDON - ,JOHN EILIOTTI PROPMETOR, MANUFACTURER OF 114Coa4ow Lark Reaper and Cultiva- toro,P1ow1, gang4Plows, Common Sense S t,raw-(111 t tors, AND ALL IMPLEMENTS USED BY FARMERS. FARMERS' • SEED impleplent has1 a (lOuble distribritiag grain eel), Fool i will -nue() to be tho'beet 'sabre Be pLbli3 1 Me nota busily ougaged maltiug them for no seeing ;seeding, alecl ti11 bo pro. pared to sapply' thole 0, 10,11,, .t.d tabee eaeh, With tube Shifter 01' withont, tweet -allies to or- dpr, and will endow:or 10 koop 00 hand eith r Isii 1awl size to eeplity aoy who way not have elven 1,11Leir Order, The 41510, finiA, au:1 10,0,-1,0 tieeti will bn fnand alt thAt ,c,an be desired, and if equallcds not tainstesed In Western seerenle. . , , JOHN Fr T ToTT 1100111g 1?0111151111, 0 le I!' Bette tr ft tend W el h (fte rt „ )0e..) • . Agout Droves 1,1*.otell txeter. 8, OROCERIES, ET Gents Iiaving just reCeite ttr00 stock of 1'1'0 Broadclothes, Yeeds, Ove ostipgo A FIRST -C 1.$ 0 R rIrv,oeoetat5)&itirmrt4c,t4q1A4; ' , alto 0 intinght :is °&:4C(Lii III: os: '1'1 tilliaPnieeri°01.0a1 lgoarod* d4 Cuffs ouoTcoappegait 00;4 yaez; 04.10111,ot r f e a White & Farley, Shias , , consisting in part • nishings'wili be found ooMpleto ,BTilie se i: ,B;:av's,,,a&too,t.., 01,,,::6 $ 4 a'2kl:P•1 ihlitleiliibli 'g' Studs, 11 ill ' (+loves and Mitter''' Scarf Pins, Rings, Solitaires ILDC)ootitluily(ei etli,e0:Riyodyoect:1311,,Bet, Cash...111ittlid'eA ' Chall4t, (1mTei:10,11181'ireglitallen11:,0°1VItuili::1:idtt;ksr,y, WiLi4601 & `F'ey Scarfs Sydenham, tultlYWool, Wateh-cliains & Keeps Ruben$tein "'„ A trneesit Stook of Tests aud Fruits just coming fol; X-ntae. . ,M. WEBB. urnish M. WEBB' is, V414 KACL YOU ORDERED C ,begs leaVe to thank iii friends inoLxeter and surrounding country for their liberal patonage the-pastiancl hope l to merit a fair fillare of their trade in tLo future, having ON HAND one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks Usually found in a General store, CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc Ready-made Cothing, wines and 11- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Leather, etc. • please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of counrty. JUST RECEIVED AT THE E X E• T E R' Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, R taiSira.S. Currants, Pruzav;s DM= QiL OAIIITE1D IPPATIT, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and _Pickles, Brandies., Gins, Wines and Srups,, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish ut1 Common Whiskies, Tobaccoe and Cigars, Wholesale aud RctniL G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. IF6===',231.1 IMIV2:011Z7-21=7,124=M7M-45M12 rW-Tr4241E:E=WQ2EFF.SZIE. GREAT REDUCTION The undersigned having just opened out, ae5t having payments to make, is de- terinine.d to do a business though it be at it Great Sacrifice. To do this he has resolved to sell FOR ON -F-, moNrm (Which will include the Christains Holidays), at ti e following extremely low •prices, viz.: Tea usually sold at 60 cts. for 46e. Tea usually sold at 75 cts. fox 60c. • Tea usually sold at 85 cts. for 70e. - 'Ilea usually sold at $1.00 for 86c. . , Sugars, all kinds, through competijon, below cost. Syrups, Raisins, Currants, Soda, &c., &c., are marked tight down. Canned Fruit and Fish in keepiny with the rest. In fact, everything is put right at the button), as our object for one month is not to do a pitying business, but te turn over the money, and at the sante time to become ecquainted with the people. Wewant that all should Call and see us, and in tho meantilue secure some of those bargains we are now ioffering.-- Goods are all guaranteed Fresh, and of Good Value. Don't forget tho place, DREW'S. NEW BLOCK (Next door to Stanley te Jerilyn's, Main Street), TERMS :—Cash oe Produce. Excitor, December 13,1875. IMMINSill....•••••••01101•60•••••••••••••••walonmam.11.1.. UNDERTAKING 0. Gr4 -U-ridertakors Vii7-0titip SAY TO otos. 55110 lotoncl perclutslog to l so front tho 18161111fiteiurer. dealer who buys be silt gitin wrist necessarily lave15 profL to give the purchasers the 50ee111, which ortonot to meet, the VAOWA of the 4rangets, Oat expenses aro less thottbose of eity namthieturers,eonsoquents V wo eau R. A. LEGGETT. • CID1.1 EY, E2E'X',E11.. and FcLrniure Manufaeturers TE1 IV 0 U L.)? eau apaora I atttaititin 0 oni unclertakipg depart1'1 roont, 'which it! InOre 00111. ria0 thnn (701, 00 WO Milks na000 eeveral now deAlets of late. nee, best otifaasv cul slarouds,andl*fdly tuner 1 requisite) at tbei lowest ptiees. Our 151* hearse ts pioneuneed by competent jtnlees to' be seemiii to Mine in the s Embletu for all the Differott ot otije s. o 4, S. G1 Drill * Id; tett • W. crini A SPLENDID aseertnient anty,1 on nu int, ‘n Hod furnished' Os' e\lele-r, •te,tee, et) rano. Onent of NeedicK arid alit)) 1 imuslin);;S lospl 1 be 010111 Itittd of bewing Ma Obin 0. Machines Repaired. As have 1,l loog exper1;»om \vital 8,10/,) Mac:Moos, rota artaotqloote 0163‘attorougotygt,w0a14 be au advantage to those le 'Want 01 0110 to pe'c tehese itf m Ma, Aa ll , dere by itiedtatortilm0 attollaloo to. net oix.it. 400r woiit Of 114tOonlrilatefil Iltotah ClUniTON Mteber 14 MO