HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1876-1-27, Page 3111111111111111'11' 1111111111n1,411111,..e. 4,6.‘ • IF , TeleeTapit to the Gardner Sewing Utt- eilline Company, Hamilton. Coro -wall; Oetober2, 1$75-1toyal got first priz et taiongarry Clotintv Fair, over tile Webster, O. l'oll" 4241 Ne‘ir rOlVSing(1r. ,TAA'111s11117,120t. BOkrill°, $opt 80th, teis--oot first prizle on the l'l'oyal at Fair hero, beating Wit eelel'&11, ant and hvery other fnaohino. Great contest. ' " atictsui denut:Tr _ • Brookville, sept 25, 1870--noyal to oli first prize at linionville, competing -with the Wheeler & Wdsou Sinner, and others Evsnrre &E.1,0.4111titt14 . Tileouburg, Oct 11, 1875 -First priZe for Royal at Union Exhibition liere orot all competitors _ lf4wrnnw sruwAur - Woodstoes, vet 6, 1873--Royttl took drat Mize at E%llibition here oyer,all e=npetitors i Afut clrtw es.rkivOrr aris,, Oct 8, E3771---dittve taken first prize with Iho.-4,1 at Fair here, beating the Raymond and WntaAltt stabuit t.panes, Oct 15, sete-uoyat has takein drs1 1) at Fair here, over sirger, RoUtiV e, auzer P, t th oers, XABIBK1,34antain'T Oet 18, 1876 -Royal t akeS first nrize at t Fair for tainflY work aud Light Zranufactur. WtraitAt,t =noun Those victories conclusively prove that tb Jigii Running Royal it) the People's Favorite an toe Best r aunie sewing =nobble, The mannittl turers have lettely added to.it the greatest novelt t7i tho age, the Royal Lamp liolder, for sewin ines. The lamp can never upset nor the pi Coll the work, and it is arrangod to throw the light on any part of the work, enabling the o`pera. bre to work as well by night as by day, sOId by JAMES PICKA.R•Di Exeter. ke.ewwwwwww. ORRESPONDENCE. * Whiteout. columns are open ter dis- * esison, we do not hied• ourselves respoueiblo for the opiuions expressed by correspondents, Ma. Enerean-1 did not intend to have troubled you again, but as Afr. •Simpson declares that he is not "-Jets- title," nor has he any knowledge of who he. is, I will betieve bine, and shake - hands with him on that subject ; but not on the other portions of Ms letter. I still retain the opinion that I am right, and letters in ray possession pray:init. Did Brown & Clo. tell the Crown Attorney that Frank Simpson wanted, to fight Gill while he had Pront iTL cuitody? Did they tell him that Frank Simpson had a lot of fellows in Zurich to mob Gill the same evening, while. out .serving a summons on the patlimaster. and that I bound him to heep the peace, and many other things I could •mention ? 1 think net. lie says Gill oyerstept his duty. ,I ceamot understand steel' nonseuse. If a pris- onee refuses to go, he is obliged to no force. Mr. Simpson told me just after the affitie took place, that he thought Gill too fast, I fail to see it. The general comedian t is that uonstables are too slow ; hot this ha.ppened to be my ton, which made ail the difference.— And as -for Gill maltreating Proet, it sv1s Simpson maltreating Gill, co ward - like, while he was on the ground hold- , in Prout, which I think he will find out. This is where Simpson feels the sore place midgets mad, and then vents hietspieen on me. nPle Rays that our pockets hate been touched ---which tot so ; bet that is not any of his-heel- nesstif it had. I can assure him mine bas bot, ;Rid I can also assure him that his hes, and not very little, and the end is not, yet, which he will liud =eh greater, which I shall not trouble my - ' self with. As regaeds my boasted *calibre (silly striff,)I know not what he means, if he ineane anything. As a -Magistrate, I can tell him that I can 'walk alone and without a Co. or a Dep. tity, but should Itevant a " critter" of that hind, I shall not go to Zurich to look for one. Efe says Melva had no interest or motive in the case. I think that every person at the court iu Exeter /mows better, Mr. Simpson included, for it is well known that Brown began 'the dirty scrape by making a receipt of two dollars paid about the 24th of June, and a certificate for road work done about the 12th of August. How does SiMpeon mem:tile this discrepancy ?— One or ..the .• other must le infamously false. How. a Reeve of Brown's stand- ing could make out such papers os money, paid and work done for two days labor or one man, I cannot make out. Either the ennney WLIS not paid or the twirl: not donee and at •thestrial it was proved that neither one nor the other was:done ; and after that Afr. Simpson seys that Brown had no interest or motive in- the case, (shame, where is thy blush ?) when this was the incep- tion of the .case and the groundwork of the whole rascality end to cheat Exeter out of only two daltare poll -tax, lit do - hags for ajustiee of the Peace. if that Was his doing offthe Dolmen what wli he do on it. Simpson says Wet the tustiees "in the Province would_ have done whet Brown did, If so, I suppose it account:, ;for what I have heard as a reason for there heini u o jack 11.5808 in the Provieen that they were all made magiStratee, but supposing his miser- tibn to lee tree, why did Mr. Love of Hay refuse to sit with Brown on the case, I am :credibly informed that he told him to his face that he' °tight not to have taken the eaSe, and wheil ask ted agninehe fiatly refused to have any. thingto do with it. I feel aseured that Sixoson thinks 1 persuaded Gil to ,irdietPreut and Simpson betote the Grand Jury. 1 can assure him I did net, it was two Magiitrates in God- erich told Gill that it was the best way. I was not there at the time, nor how anything of it entil after- werds, so much for all the magistrates ,holdiog with Brown, (Green wohld be 'better) As for Simpson accompanying Erown, who has no son in a scrape ee there, 1 lio not, intend to nits wor ony 1 eoomod to depend, ttitt.$110 ootd nOt 3U,n,0 11,,m * 1.11 t wales iiiiwss oonlvel„ eparo time for 11/0(110111 t1',.'4111,1021t, A lo4. T. (1 ki0 wets 503 voyage fitilea raitirely to procure any _.. change for the better, and 'he fiat of the TO the Editor of the PASS, illgilefit, idethedi antliorities Abroad eel/. neee sneen wa,4 6urprieed to see in you ' . 6 . "1 , , t f . 1 XSt h51,16 11 totter ftoet Mr. Chitty, ,t, p„, in ,44kme" hot,w,°'ono ago. on answer to my eonenenleetioe,00ncernieg Gill's nor to terrible 01)erationi thn ouse, what Afr, (litlioy gets co mathy about, or which atarlea $7,171711er Anhui indeea, why be 11,1iXOS. OA /LH, h, X WOUld YPII' for the seine dieeinte• W mall ti1,111i3cedc.1 6,41181(111;b0 tr: a.' til)leo rt:Sttor:81,3,t14e ' olf)ertillig :le the hurtling of the fleet' of th Ile 1,0°1,111,01as te ,,tastitic„ tut] from from the neck "down to the wtti dranned ettnie of it'd to feature e back et with •fts of AP'S. Greeley attend Greeley Yorker re was th he gli the rigid ma 0, \ as t i r, fill Li n. Ball marked with tt pelted, tILO lillO the iron was to folThw rn: either side of the Blithe. Evety touch of the petted eeet a thrill througli the frame of too poor v3eliin. but the Profeesor had scarcely ended making the pencil marks when with a flash the iron was applied. It was dreadful, The white peiut 6eraned to sigh; an inch into the quivering form, end it was all over. The doctor eeid it was a wonderful exhibit of nerve. while his who)0 4)ttor is e )4malignaad tisane " 11,Qt irOUS, The l>peratiqn of suite and falsehoods, Re wilt ItaYe to noel: formed en penis ie 1110 preeenee liktef. watelL over, yovg-ir1e 01311 ,110 has wok:toil) tut— ,efies Gab heretofore done when perh pc he wilt be able " to Ana reit who 'is t‘J'Abtitio,,), Ai peetonigie and the seems far astray, 1 hope in future 110 will itig Afise Gabrielle eeyer let the cause of justice suffer, rto Matter also writes a letter 10, le'eet what the hunen of the presellng In.,ogli4ratg) in 50710 she says : "Poor Cla may be, eepeeially abee frieed enieut :tatter 0 sit ne ow 0 .1a through bie nueleety. With Brown'saf- , obliged t i 1 1 1 fairs 1 baya uotbing to elo ; eau, think,talp nueli harea, ana she wee t throe ease of beeeeit. But even ens °idlers. bul- operatiou with her foee mile and 1"3.112g aad boz04st 1188 folloa to °01"'"'ll'ae as marble, Dr. Belvie :it his fu that Gill did not withdraw the case, just be- calm° lie could 1),(4 mil, and that it was ),,ett,,, and, tno t:o3triug the flames Olt ,,to stop tilnU put on more costa, for no doubt to neat tue irou to a white heft ire ',aid the eostsebotigh Mr. Gidley would wish few seconds Was dreadful to h ea to make people believe it is "false." all while this was going on, Profess very well to get up oases of obstrnotions ,on sidewalks, horses loft untied.; etc., ete. Their united •svisclom can manage such things ex- tremely well, ne doebt, but they have got to learn the difference botsyeen eitioient panic servants, and meddling busy bodies, as the patent/81c in their neigllborhoOd have long ago 1 remain, Yours truly ‘ijuswisnA The above was crowded out laet week. THE tATOKOO AND THE (.1l La-WM= To the Editor of the Beater TIMES. grand similitude may be shown te exist between this extraordin- ary bird—the cm:two—and the gran- gers. This specimen of the feathered tribe is sometiMes called the bird of twe notes, and very justly, seeing its song is eornposed of only two notes, " mak- Iwo." It is also migratory, remaining only a few mouths in each year in the British Isles, and is foreign to this part of Cauada. Although it has a grave Plumage, appears very itiofieusive, end latent forth it* soug iu a very pleasieg The body of au unknown Meal; Wilda:- lug a light tweed suit, Wa9 10117161 011. the sand -banks neer Wellingtou, on Jan, 2 !so His pockete con ialued pen -knife 'and a ten cent pieee. 1-1 e supposed o have committed suicide, as a revolver was 18 one hand. The body is very much deemenaised. The Coultor Wiwi, about six miles front Bobcaygeon, teas destroyed by fire on Jan.,21st. The 1110)4105had a narroW escepe, the roo f fdling beitme wee discovered.. Nothitig hared. The origio of the fil'o is aufinown. Tue. buildiug WO'S 1118 tired. melodyitoverfbelase, 11 je possessed A girl of 17 named Maggie Campbell of very lemma . lopeusities. Nam- was to have been innegied in the R. alists inform as that it makes predatory 0. Church, Port Dallonsie, last Wed- nesday, to a young man teemed Cos- tello. A large crowd assembled to witness the ceremony, but the bride. groom I Had levan ted It is reported that over a hund schools are %want in Prince Edw I212,11d, owing to tile want or eteacli Here is a chance for the oversaw.; mark et of Onlario. Mr. Wm. itleCosh, of Pine River, lately kilted a flitted cow,•rind on open- ing her stomanh, imagine his surprise to find in it four 21 inch nil-. The head of one of the nails n•ae fast -in the coating of the stomach. The other three being loose end perfectly free front corrosion. The jury in the ease against the ri- oters retired at 10t40 a. m. and failed .to agree, until s4:20 p. in., remaining out of the court five lunars and ferty minutes. When they canto in they piffle a verdict of "guilty" against the following ten :' T. Noble. 'W. Patton, S. Woods, R. Simpson, W. Mat eteey, W. Corcoran, P. Sheehan, W. Long. heed, W. Newell, S. Kntrus, and of "not guilty" against the eext five : H. Beckwith, F. Johnston, D. Petersou, J. Shea, and G. Hare. excursions, takes possession of anothei. hied's.neet, sucks the eggs, and deposits its own therein, leaving themto be hatched by the other bird, for it never builds a nest of its own. What a strange bird is this cukkool Now let us contrast the 'sate of granters around Liirkton, who engage in traffic, with those of the cuckoo, and the similitude will. be clearly seen. The trine the grangers'. harp coneists. of (like that ot the cuckoo) is only Mee notes. " buy cheap," in order to enticapeople to join their rauks—a tun e very pleasing to a person who wan le to .purehase goods.— The grangers have taken illeg,41 posses. sion ef Blenshard Agricultural (like the cuckoo which takes possession of another bir(l's nest,) and uses it as a store for their goods. 1 Imre been in- formed that they have borrowed 'under Anderson Sehoel House on the, third liue of Blanshard, and are fitting it up as a erange state for their goods, there- by taking .possession of rehoof property. A ?lurch in another part Of the town- ship is also oecupied by them. " Cus- tom to Whom enstom is due," " Thru shalt not covet," are Divine commend's, —strange holy grangers Make ligait• of then for filthy lucre sake. If grangers 'Would acelike men, build OT purchase storehouses, pay the lawful municipal tax on their goods, no person would speak • against their acts or comnare them to those of the cueskoo:—Coer. [Our Granger friends may reply if they wish] . tr *et 4 Her Majesty, by and with the ad- vice and coneent of the Legislative Assembly of the Proviaee of Outario,t enacts as f: flows :- 1. The function of the Comma of Public Instruction are hereby suspen- ded, and all the nolVers and duties of said Councilatow posesees or may ex- ercise by virtele of any statnte in that behalf, shall devolve and are hereby de- rived upon the Department which shell consist of the Executive Council Committee thereof, appointed by the Lieutenent:Governor; and all the in nc- done and duties of the Chief Superin- tendant of Education are hereby res- ted in one of the said Committee., to be Dominated by the Lieutenamt-Governr, and to be designated nitlinister of Ed- ucation ;" and whenever in any she tute by. law, regulation, deed, preceding, *natter, or thing, the term "Conned of Public Instraction" or "Chief Superin- teudent of Education," (as tho case may be), or the like signification, re- spectively occurs, the sante shall be construed ann have effect as if the term •'Education Department" was substi- tuted therefor respectively. 2 Thet said office of Minister of Ed- ucation, may blt held by a member of the Executive Couneilholding no other office and notwithstanding any salary mat -wiled thereto, he shall be capable of being elected, and sitting and voting as a member of the Leeislabive Assembly; or such office may betleid in cotinecti ,n with any other office held by a mum - ber of the Exeeutive Connell; and an of the powers and date i of' the sat office iney be assigned for a limit° period or otherwise to any other of th members of, the Executive Council holding oily other department office, h name or otherwise. 8 In caee a member of the Executive Council holding >Any one rthe five de. dartmental offices established by th e sixty third section 01 11)0 British North Anaerican Act of 18(17, and being at the same time a member of the Legis- lative A.ssernbly, resigns his office, and within on month after his resignation eecopts the office of AIinieter of Educe- tioh, he ahall not thereby vacate' his seat itt the Legislative Assembly, unless , the Leda! Adnlinistration of which suoh 11 petsin was a member shall have resigned, and in the '0311 that to the imr8° mar- liotervat 8not? Adminietretion shalt ines) )sat) assertion I cannot with all any boasted talibre swallow, Why it wotild taketan eigh ty, Ode ton gun to take it in,, partietilarly as Simpson had to go to Zurich, to got Mine 'which hp, Veare to.be the true version. Mr. Siinpsoe says that I 'titled srairriloue Ittignage and that I told a tissue of liee, I know that Simpson andl300w11 told the Crown Attorney lies, or tit least garbled the truth, whien Drown - understands, for when C4111 told1)18 Version, the Crown Attorney told him Itliat they had not told him anyef those things (how about voracity), Simpson„ „has thrown Out diltra tthout Gill, Lot Ind tell hitt the,t he ie rate of the beet ,constables in the county, and lie can get the best te191117107th118 flTdal the Jrowoi Attorneyt the Sliorift 011/11 all the tottefehlee itt Graletieles nett the .Poliee 112 fLindon,Anyth)ng iSi1te earl' Bay to the eottrary notwithr5(3al)ding,, As for th8raeter-8irrip8on had Vetter look 14 80 have occupied the said ()Moue ; ot itt ease an ch.' membee Of the Executive Ceuecilis appoieted to hold ',the said office of Ministot of Vidueatien eddie tion to �i' in connection with one of the said five Departmental offices; hsh e all not thereby Iratate his seat in the Leg. islative Assembly ; and in any of the said caeein any Ineteafte or change int ernointnent arising from the said °trade of Mitiletor of Edneetion shttli not dati$1) any yawl noy, or rentter re-electidn necessary, A Tv:Amara; StittowAr, OrniuttoN.-- The tvondtirfuI surgical operation per, formed ell the person of Clara Mollie', the woll-known Now 'York ettdsg, Paris, is det9eribed in a letter frotn a friend ofthat Iadv. [Wee Motile' disoftee was curvature jf tho spine. Three years ago it conld,probahlyvp Lave been arrosted, but it was 01014130 ill her pro. M881811 had %port Si16088 iu nut:not-int- ; ploriti of f Oolrt for tnorafty itigihany obstitoltt hoe 'whole Attoto r ed arci rain Jtcd A. fearful affair occurt•ed qn the ice on Thursday night near Lapeairie, itt the afternoon three men Honed Pas - quiet., Odle and Lauf:go:drove over to Lapragie from AI uteetil and weult on a spree. Cole and Lamm: were -left he hind by Pasquier. who cleave off vio- [rattly. His horse dropped deed a mile from ehore, and.he, after attempting to dreg the sleigh, gave out. and wrap ped hiniself in robes and stayed, ail night. Lemere foolishly attempted in his drunken condition= to follow PLS. gUier on the ice, but was overcome by the celd, and was found frozen to death rile next morning, about a„ltalf mile from the horse. Pastinier escaped without injetry, owing to Ids being itt the sleigh. WORK DURING SLEEP. 1(3 110,S fret/del/fly happened that studious men have done really hard work while alseep. A stanza of excel- lent verse is in priut which Sir John Hershell is said to heve composed while aeleep, and to letve reeoilected when lie woke. Gothe often set down rat pa- per durinn- the tiny thought i anti ideas which had prosonied themeelvee to him during the preceeding might. ,A gen- tleman dreamed one night eteet he was playing an enth.ely now game of eards with three friendy ; when he ftwelie the strticture awl rules of the 110W mime; as created in hie dream came into his me m o ry, a ud he fon u d titti 80 wginj- 008 that he oftou ttfierwartle played the game. A cese is known 101 whieh 11 gentleman composed s.n ode of six stauzas and set it to inneic. Tertion the celebrated Italia!' viohniet, coui: posed the "Devil's Sonata," in a dreatn. Lord wow: yonth at college, fond hiniself one evening uuable to finish_ a piece of Latin compo- eition which he hied endertalien ; 110 went to becl full of the subject, fell asleep, fit:lett:A the Lein in his sleep, remethbered it next morning and was complimented ou the felicitoas form whieh it presented. aeees-ereseereetteese. U.OiftIRiiTS 834 Z L'Illee,Tileter,Jan 27 1870 Wall° 11/0e1 ng Ntrbety6 Ott,t2 Potfttoofs P622 020 nutter VIOur per bbl. „. Bran Shorts „. flogs 5800pe1(1n14... .. . .. 10 110 to 12 00 1/ric8 A.Jlpba ... . ..„. ..... 1 '70 to 00 .... 7g to 1 00 14 60 14 Wool . . .... 50 to 1 61 to 50 $110 to 9 9a 88 to 91 80 to DO 2,5 to 80 60 to 62 JO to 19 31 to 10 100 to BOO 12 to 12 14 tO 12 675 to 700 400) to coo 450) to 4130 60 to SU'. MARY'S. (Rape fie() regularly 'by A, Galbraith, 01 ark) Deihl Wheat; per )stisaely... 90 to ill` Spring -wheat -. 00 to 08 . 50 to 60 Potts .„ 00 to, 69 Oattt , „), 80 to 81 Egne, Per dozen ... „. 16 to VS Ratter „. 16' to -17 ... 1160 60 12 00 LOND oN, WhitWheliti; per touted, 000) teill '1 r,tre6 n 155 1 68 Red 'Winter Wheat- 1 50 to 153 Spring 'Wheat- 155 to 105 , 114 tot 60 1 1860 1 9;() `t *S0160 60 rall'Wheat guying wheat„ flaIc bluttho SEAFOILTIL 8000) 89 0 80 to ea 500<1 61 6 15 00 (13. "White wheat 00 to 02 40 to va vo. to 92 )1) SO to 82 0 60 to Q 3<, to 00 47 10 le Edge, per dozen . 10 to 7.4 te,0 86 11(1)11 18 to 14 Tallow.. .... 0 to 1300 to 10 00 Timothy seed, ,„ , 0 25 to 6 20 ()lever )74)651 , 6 00 to 0 70 35 = 55 ' SI 'OU to 30 Beer .. . . 00 to 0 60 si to Park .... ... 7 00 to '7 30' 0114N"L'ON, Deihl whoht, 0)o Treedwell, 000 to 03e; SPLi48' $s 10 130. 14erley, tato 458, POttpS, 00 to 150. Outs, 2$ to 86, deer, 4 to tio, nto utter, 11 80a :eget 74 Pork 7 Trues, per 70, 4io1s T1iow, per, lb 0 eta 81300105i05 We to 1 in. taissonjunismisisimmisimmismaisamosasommimes WAX, $WEE11, VETER1NAILF SURGEON, Exeter, Ont. Cads promptly attended to, Odlce and residence - nearly opposite J01111'13 Tin Shop. J. et, MARTIN, loOMIVIISSIOLT MERCILIINT EXETER. tlISSOEUTION GP PAItTNERf3f1IP,-- ki! The partnership heretofore existing in the Village of Exeter between the undersigned under the name of Alei it tyre & Co.; as Tailore and anthers, 14 this clay dissolved by 'mutual oonsent. Exeter, January 20, 1878. . W. D. BRIGHT, J. B. MelN TYRE, T. STANLEY, Witness, 23.81 'ALUABLE FA.Itirl VCR 'SALE.— "' Tho N\rdsit half of Lot 18 lst Concession pi the Township of Iday-in the 1 1 lego of Rodger - vide, Good Orchard -swell watered-00=101.0,We. Buildings.Also 8' lots and convenient houso the Village of Exeter, For particulars enquire at the farm or to the subscriber at Exeter', D. OTTON. Exeter, January 38, 0870, 28-1f poR SALE.—The sebscriber offers for sale a house and statele, and ono acre of hind, one-half mile south.of tho Village of Exeter, end would exchange it light wagcm-riearly new - for a buggy. For partionlars for the honse and land apidy to ANIELE W WALKER, Centralia. Centralia, Jan 22, 1878. •22.ti Ti-cusE AN TO .TWO VILLAG1.4 I.I. bIt for sale in the Village of Exatar-south citietSimcoe stract-the house and scablo 010 1u 110 alt" 180 11(1.0'. For forth.' r darticulara apply to W. 1VEltell' sON. Exeter, .0,111 28-tfn 18,11E6 , TIMM FOR SALE.—A SPLENDID A. day, acres of lend for cale south half lot 11, 4th couceasion Usbeacreu rne; forty * m) r axe 21- :lent ell-anent:a emit feeeea tmlartirnizted, On the place is it very comfortable brick Immo end 1(itellen, storey and a half ; cootai us 4 good rooms below and five above, and good cellar, awl soft welter.ciatorn 12111 puny, Also a good barn 22x22, a fittiblo under "be barn for llorsos and cat - 11 good young orchard bearing fruit, also a good well of Inter with pump, Thom are seven aores, of fall 'wheat on the piece. Ids sithated on no -.vet= and 81111/try's gravel road, 8 mites from Exeter, n18 10 mites 1lotrantcuu,811(1 ftfte011 1)0111 St Itlary's. This properts, was owned by the (110 11 Pinarnil)c,leavilig it Young fani35 un to work the place. It was thougot adv.:Roble by all coot:coned to offer it for sato It will be sold at, rettsonaldo terms For further particulars, apply to the ExecutotS, JO ine notoonent, ST TEO- t St laeliAl) En:INTIM 14 XVI Elt IS SOLUTIO N, 01P l'ARTNER seine • Notice is hereby g4ven that the partnership heretofore existing between 0. Vandusen & Al. AC dhsobrugh, doing business in the Village of Ex- eter, r the name and eyle of 0. Vandusen & Co. is this day disseivad by mutual. consent. The liusintes hereafter will ba carried on in the none of C. "Vanabsen & (lo., Under the control of AL M. Resoling)), who will pay anti collect till debts due the late Arra, Dated the 12th day of November 1870. C. ilfc0ALLT:411, Witnets. f C. VA.N DIJ SRN, 11, AL ILOSEBREGE, L A N KE 'It LOST .—Between Iltocresville and Flanuttgares Corners on Tuesday, J. slummy 4th, a Horse Blanket—all wool, home made, magenta color. Any per- son finding the 5111110 Ana, returning it to the owner, or leaving it 81 112* Tir.ss office, Exeter, will bo suitably rewarded, JOHN MILNE, Serapta P. 0. ;lin nary 1376. 22-31 L PARTIES INDEBTED TO T,HE /ate Huh cameron decietteed on the Thames Head, aro requested to call and settle with William Tosoph Nelson, at their earhost convenience, Lot 28011 the 0117 of Concession of Usborne. by request of Catharine Cameron, 'Executrix of the late Hugh Cameron. All claims against the said Hugh Cameron deceased, are requested to give Itim their clahns 01) or before the let day of Afareh, 1878, to 1110 said Wm. Joseph Nebon, By request ot CAT.FIARINE CAMERON,Executrix. 22-8 WO OD WANTED WANTED 1000 Cords good Cord - .wood, belivcred at Centralia and Exeter Stations No contract for less than 50.eord8 received. Further p trticulars apply to ISAAC CARLING, (2841) Exeter. Enlargement of Premises -Tian UNDERSIGNED, k,illATIFIED FOR , the liberal patronage 'bestowed on him since be connuenced business, would acquaint his numerous friends and customers with the fact tbat, ho has enlarged Inc present place of business. and added largely to his stock. of Leather, including French Canadian and American, and he is prepared to fill all orders Olathe may be favored with on tho s1torte4 no- tice, and in a style that cannot be 'surpassed in the County of Huron. ' W. TItnTT. Exeter, :Tim. 18, 1896. 220-1135 0 0 0 02 laq 0 51 A LARGE STOCK 1q0N.TUAL., CONKP.WING DAT -scp.trcii ,.044.•.oaT44$ \V \ Sic :44 ID So Black Broadcloth, Brown ad Grey Meltons, Doeskins, Over, coatings, Woql and PaisIey Shawls, ,Comwall, Blankotst Iferse Blankets, Le Curtains Marseilles • Quilts, Counterpanes, Table Linen • Towels, TWILLED SIIEETS, PRINTS, GREY AND WRITE COT TONS SILK POPLINS Sleigh Bur, Carpets, Oil CIntb, Woolen Shirts nod Drawers, Overcoats, Factory Flannel, Ladies' Ovorelleeti, Felt Shoos, Men and Boy's newee. au kinds of Finley Dress Goods, Table Cutlery, Pun and Pooki4 E;nives, Wetehee, Jewelry, to. Tile whole stook to be clisbosed of Without Reserve. Sale each day and evening, at I. and 7 o'clock P. M. Sign of the lied. Fleg. (23) SMITH et BENNETT, Auctioneers,, RODE/LICK' S TAPINVOA., $:$4,101141 Broderick is selling goods cheap for Cash. Great Bargaivs dur- ing the Holiday season. NEW HARDWARE STORE IN THE NEW BRICK BLOCK, NORTH OF CARLING'S STORE EXE'l 3131.11 its 00* HAVE OPENED OUT A Complete Assortment of GENERAL HARDWARE And invite Carriage -makers, Blacksmiths, Builders, Painters, Mill Men, and the Farmers to Call and Examine Their Stock. HOURIGON'S CEIIBRATED PEERLESS, IN DOUBLE AND SINGLE STEEL. A variety of other Patterns which will be sold Cheap. Flint's nattke of Cross -cut, Circular, Brck and Hand Saws. Paints and Oils, G -lass, Locks, Hinges, Chains, Ropes, Scales. ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS,—SPADES, SHOVELS, 86°. Our experience of nearly twenty-five years as Architect Builders will be a great assistant() to our customers in selecting goods. (0 St St A. 0 Is offering Special Bargains in the following goods : Ladies fur sets, Ladies clouds 'Ladies Winter Jackets, CfENT7 FUR OAPS KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HEAVY OVER -COATS, WATER- PROOF COATS, Undercoats, Pants and Vests, Heavy Beavers, Petershams and Mtntle Clothes, Strong Canadian Tweeds, and Fancy Canadian Tweeds, Plain. and Check Wincies, Fancy Flannel Shirtings, Heavy Bed Blankets, Horse Ilankets In great variety, Car- pets, Hemp, Union, all Wool, and Tapester. HE WOULD CALL *CIAZI ATX: Ivo STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Many lines of which' have been bought at Job Prices, ard will be sold at, about half their value. Al goods sold subject discottnt Of 3 per cent. for cash at' time of or payable on lst April next; otherwise interest at 8 per cent per annum will bofntia1y611Argod after that date. Positively n* Second price. l'he public are respectfully requested to call and inspect these gotxla and judge Lor themselves. :owl RANT0N. NoTIaz., ,11rorelbif oeguiii,‘;464,* el to o'olof4 444 7: ABTI:Ot 70:401: 4174;4PY:4;4:04. ;41:::#10 004 J144° Pu'rcltrtn-t.tieTi' ,s‘ eereters;„ 40A: t.10311:0011.311e1:41 uord, 41440:3:9,t4tet.::98frM1*040d:.:**0;1117: CompallY in 180 ProvM0tA104,1ats,4S,fyll tion wilt he givern al 41.4222411e,2#,R712 RS,s1?Maer Zuricb, Jim 1.8114 lti70. NEW BUTCHER SETOP The 44d01`;ignea wonili i'Verrl! the 1haut,0 0114eter and vieinity that be has OPENED A NEW BUTWIER SklOP 0120 door south Obis Blnekeinith shop end hopes tbe same liberal patrouage that bus been 0,e cOrdnd to Min in the 21,422614I711 AM) W400N ASAIS.124f 1120 Win be extended to bit i bis now branch e ous1/m.6s, Eis meat -tt aeon Win ;211 236 180 rest deuce of the villagers thrve 411)2413 0020)2 week as IVIE,A„T keptc , 1 I 1.1 lite batch shop: N. B. Blacksbithing and wagon, tanking cairpiii on as 051102114 all, its larauclics; Exeter Dom 2 R DAVIS. EARIN 1-)EltS0 $uogssoliz TOG. ST. 1VIAR Selling out their IiVilatez 8tQo PRICES AND BARITAINS ' TTNUSUAL AT TAI ' MAY BE LOOKED FOR;:, HENDERSON. it W.11,1TE. 2, EXETER A..SK1NNER wiloulsA,LE ARO RETAIL BAKER AND coNFcrrioNER, takes this opportunity of thanking his friend.4 the*inhabitants, Exeter and vieinity for their past liberal patronage, hit, lc.. to merit the aortic by B11, 1,1ving, his customers with everything in 1110 J1110 • " SU P.EBIOk TO ANYTHING EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN EXETER WEDDING CANES MADE Tte CEDER. KiCIALS AND .PAIITIEFi A SPECIAL/Tr, Tar FAMILIES WAITED, ON DAILY . FRESH BREAD Constantly On, nand' At the Zxeter North Poet -ogles. and T. FihorVa, Cradtton, andllitchelrs, Centralia. Muter, December 28114105. 119.131 LADIES!. TRT OUR Brilliantine Hair Cream, DrjdteBshi'n79ORIENTAL BMW aiari5' will in a very short time produ,e a healthy growth ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT is without a rival for whitening and softening the skin ROSE TOOTH PASTE for beautifying the gums and presorvingtho teeth from decay. ROSE CREAM for improving the complexion, and removing tan, freokles;etc. GLYCERINE JELLY will remove all soreness caused by eiposure, cracked hands, etc. SOLE MANUFACTORY, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, . GEO. THEXTONg Manager.' 13xeter, December 23,1875. Member Ontario Pharmacy 4031tAt 101421,17 IS RECEIVING- LARGE CONSIGNMENTS OF F IETIUST T- UR PER LONDON HURON &BRUCE R R.' HIS UNDE1.1.TAICING Necessaries and Requisites is th"' largsst in the Co. of Huron • SAMWELL 4. Begin inform thepublle that they have engager' M R B RIGHT Formerly with McIntyre & Co, to condnet their TAILORING DEPA THENT and feel eoufident that all orders entrusted to them will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION All cloths ptirehased from them -ifl b� CUT FREE of CHARGE heo have also received a large rot of All -wool Shawls an' Blankets, bought much below their value, which they are now offering tt Great Bargains. Stock Full in allDepartmentsr THE L., H. & B. R. IS CQMIN And we are Still Ahead. anti have opened out the LATIGEST, CEILT,'APTI(.'iST• & BEST:- etoelt et Goode ever beeoght into ixeter. Of Everi,thing in the .0General Line of 13usirte!is, „. eoneisting tet , Slap 84' Fancy Vry,.C6ods, Ithetkd."*.ra ado Cothizig, Gents'Furnithitie, Hate Capa, Catpote, tletiss.rnotielsinge,Itniettettren Doe0 and Shoo, atatiottery,l'hil Pepers, dreektry stia egatswere, Patentettodieinet,',earstOe I have alto itainnerith iliittiect of ME, W. ,13: IVES , pi uoteintrovoi, lettof l'oeente AS Manager Of My gletliing Dr:pertinent. All workaent :1,r Ida cititatiteect fh be 96601)01<)to tenet in tile Donitelote (3 210 euttles a SpedifilitV,IU 110tiltiiiitoringtie With a mill Will And the goottietill pkiNA 1'4011. ' Ronnnuher, this ill 0* 0100 hY get it*OrYtheng $01.1 want et letV prieee. 11. ---An kinds Of Par= Pronate telion eicebenge, Exeter 0 1871 EP:tOTCAL:1'3