HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-30, Page 2lE `errs Christmas N I3AYPIr \ Ii;\t' YFJ' TO ALL! VISITORS TO THE YCASHSTO rocs' uzr.,� ..,s'ties*, IX TE :B A e° xT1111i( i; STUDIES IN THE 111' 1h` 4aiUik)'1 weiteuS X11AN 9Ui1S. Since it is °leer`tbaat the earth hie had end will have period witlieut living 4 ereetUres, it audits Period of life is i1! finite bet Neon two oomparetively i fiinite, Pori4als2tx alero ri} lllo,' said M. Prop for iu Ston? way Hall last evening, tale chance is small that any planet taken et random is at this time inhabited.',' Mrs Proctor gave var'oius date, w11ieh itis infer'enCos were that the mom). is dead; that lM£ereuxy probably never had life, and being now in its old lige as a plan-. et, is cooled off completely, its own cold,however, eonuaorbelauced in eon sidereblo measure by rho float of the sun; that it is DJ/ t Ce0a1i11 that the pixie- ets cattle into beim; at the same time that seine of them may' may 110ry be grow- ing, and that we can knoOV but little, about Mercury, &she is so near the sun that the suns blazes in our eyeswhen we try to inspect him. It was proved at the late 'transit of Volute, that 5110 hes an at nw»phor i; auda ltnou7ih she must have a elite:tee so vCada that earthly beiugi could not live there, pos- sibly sho ossiblysho has peoplo who eau Mars in 1677 will bo in that) part of hie orbit in which he will shine the brightest and reddest. There is reason fox uelievina that Mars is younger than the earth. Its life must be shorter. There is not a7, feature of the history of Jupiter and Saturn resembling the,. earth. Indeed, there are two families of planets in the solar system,,, the less er orbs and the giant planets. These geeat planets are SIMS, having a little. system of their own. Bet wuen Jup- iter has cooled as much as our earth he W111 be smaller' than the earth and one-sixth as bright as now. ° The sat- tellites of elle groat giant Planets slay. be advanced in their life career. Some parts of Saturn, said Mr. Proctor, suf- fer eclipses of tha sun two years long. In the star depths, he continued, there are millions of living beings and as we exencl our domain of the known we extend our imagination of the un- known. :ire reapir the rich benefits of a purely cash business, lefty ill;; their a elg:lbors that deals with the merchant who both buys l ud sells. on ciedit, to n,;t only pay the .hard debts of somebody t•Ise but topay the large percentage the merchant might have 1•:'iyud.liad lie bought his goods for cash. We also assert (not ;'. i%lrout proof) th t the c roil of the nieze_i1 lit doiug a ra�rlit .business actually indirectly pays at portion each year of Ile. ghbor''S store account, withany rein,uiLratiou, save 1, -o ch . g �11n he fee lc at the deliber Le way he has been gulled, a neat much as he is charged frolrl • 1'3 to 30 pr.ct. more t han a Profit. 1� a'ue To c'Tatiterba1ance the iuterest on his neighbor's account, tit n d to assist in paying the E3ad Debts of Somebody Else Tile 53 .. ree ImpelJPArtu'eller. ( Broderick is selling goods cheap Great Bargains dur. for Cas a in • the Holiday season. Christmas and New Yoar's Goods, -New Valentia Raisins. new Sugar Raisins, new Layer Raisins, new Suttana Raisinv. Fresh Young Hyson Tea, 4hoice Japan Tea, strong Gunbowder Tea, fragrant Congo Tea. Motto China Cups, motto China Mugs, fancy China Tea Sets, strong granite Tea Sets, fancy gases. Ladies Ties, Ladies Promenade Scarfs, Ladies Rid Mitts, Ladies Kid. Gloves, Ladies Cloth Gloves, Ladies Linen Collars, Ladies `Linen Cufts. Gent's Ties, Collars, Cuffs, 1TENlIr 'WAINWRIGHT HANGED FOR THE MUB- beans rims Ciep S' Underclothing, &c.;, in great variety, at DEB OF HARRIET LANE. ) f Loeeos, Dec. 21. --Henry Wain- wright, recently convicted of the murder of Harriet Lane. in Whitechapel road, in this city, was hanged at Newgate Prisou, Old Bailey, to -day. Jilst before lie was pinioned he handed the Govern nor of the prison at written statement, which he desired to make public. In this paper he acknowledges the ,justice of his sentence. He says he deserves his tate, though he does not explicitly admit that he murdered the young wo- man. Henry Wainwright was in the brush trade iu the Whitechapel road, in the East End of London ; but his habit's brought ruin o11 Mian, and he became a bankrupt. Then lie found it impossible to support his family a.licl .his mistress and her children, Ilarriet Lane and ill livinrr with a MSS Will more. On Sept. , s 1e w 11 to Wuinwriglit's place of business by appointment, and was never afterward seen alive. Many and earnest inquiries were made by the .n1iseing arolnttin'3 friends and relatives, bat In vain. - Telegrams a11(1 letters, however, were received by Waine right, who showed thein to Miss Willnioro, from n scan named Frieaee, saying that Harris Lad. gone away with Mini to the Continent. Tilos. WTainlvright wa the personator of Frieake in this and the other de- vices by which the two brothers con- spired to lull the inquiries made. On the 11th of last September, just 3110 year after Harriet Lane's disappear- once, a four -wheeled cab drove along the Whitechapel road. It was a marl, ti woman, and two large parcels. An- n:her man followed the cab through the crowded street. r' Stop that cab for God's sake 1" were the only \Cor s ut- tered by the pursuer to two policemen 11� It n e enet, and they thought ° t hi thnt whom , ,� mad. The cab stopped on the caller side of Lon11a11 Bridge; the pursue): was close behind'. rfk1O other police- 1nC5, struck by the man's excited man- lier, followed the 051x. Out of it exilic a -man with hie parcels and made to- ward the door of an old hoe se known as the " ITen and Chieke73s." Re was ar rested iuside the house.. Two hun- dred pounds if you will lot me go and 'say nothing 1" the exclaimed to the policemen. He was firmly secured and the parcels examined. The man wee'' Henry Wainwright, his companion was Alice Dray, one of the "ladies of the 1 a 'let," and. in the parcels were the -re- mains, hewn in eleven picceeeof Harri- et Lane. It Seeing that Wainwright had ling ill b ; rear part of his warehOltse a shallow grave and lincci it with chloride of limo. &11 being ready, he had' inveigled Hex - : i t Lane te the place, shot' her twice through the bead, cut her throat and buriecl her. Bankruptcy came, and the premises were to pass out of Wain. 'right's hands. A dreadful odor per- vaded the place and was noticeable in the neighborhood; and it therefore be- came necessary" to hove the body, lest it might lead to the ;dctection of the crime. Thi trial occupied, nine days and resulted in the conviction of Henry Wainwright of murder in the first de- gree.Ilis'brothor, Thomas, was con- victede of being an ecceessory after the feot, anti was sonteneed to seven, years' lienal servitude. Besides all this, we save as large a percentage by buying for <•;:sh, as the retail custoin';r does. Thus the public has a double ; ,ivantuge in purchasing from us over any house in reach of xeter, vi:,., that of us both BUYING & SELLING FOR CASH And as we poi chase a large portion of our stock , lit from the Factories Where theyare made,consequently the consumer and the W q llrodu( c,r are ing a great many lines in our business substantia y brought fa tee to f face and we are therefore em ncipated from the heavy t x which the who e s e houses inv ri bly levy on long date purchasers. We make our legitimate gain, anti, The Customer t Pays `b11 One Profit Y . : shilling: 1 etre., than the. slow � nimble sixpense >� b The n xp ' .. We •o tide. �._have a few s ecial lines worth- of particular n y Dy r Goods, , we have RANTON'S BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of .the public of British North ,Lone ice. I deem it my duty to state that my Wills and Ointment aro neither manufactured nor sold iu any part of the United States, Vlach pot and box boars the Brptisio Government Stccmla,withthe word5,'Holio- re- on.Oa fhelabell is the address, o pes o:cfeat straved reet, London. This notice has become necessary, in censequenee of vile and spurious imitations of "Ilollo00y'sPills ,..;. incl (Hutment," being fabricated NewYorl-1,by par selves " Hot,01115 assumed. trade U n p 11 n cipied twin this, trash not andsodeecive you 5an'10 for 01y genuine lio1h0Wo 's Pills and Oint- inc,lt, 151110(1 010 manufactured only at 533 Oxford. street, London. Persons who , may be deceived please comusuicato wit15ms.bfanY respect'bletlrins in the 73 Provinces who Dbtalu my medicines direct 51001 here, 11 eve very properly suggested that T should, for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their names in the papers, that it may be known that medicines can be bad. goon Inc from then. The following is a list 01 511,, 13110 alluded to; and I particularly 1 econlnlend those who desire to get inv medicines to apply to some of the houses 'named: -Messrs. Avery Brown 3 Co., Halifax, N. 5; Ulossrl. Forsyth & Co., N. S. Messrs. T B Barks aC Sons, St John, 11 13 ; Mr. 'r Dos Bristly, Charlotte Town, PEI; )Messrs. Lang- ley 3, Co,t Victoria, 33 04 Messrs. Moore & C mt,Vie- too,13 Dr. John 161101, Ohataln, N 33; Munro S; 00., Montreal; iulessrs.J Winer & Co. 1-I,inilton Mr. II J hose, Toronto; eft A. C1 'p - man Smith St, John.N It ; M1 John 13ond, Code. 1ch; M0ssr. !"",Hint °a Co., Toroa o ' Mr, Chaloner, 5t John, N B ; Messrs .Iauingtol Iros•, St John. N14,; Mr It Prickly, ' Windsor; Mrs Oryen 5tordeu, N 5; Mr George hunt l5., Fredrickton 13 B; Mr WIT rhomison, Harbor Grace, N 1'; ulo r Messrs & 17Y - 1 N j3 t 1 r rltl etil dracl. o 1 lowest 6t the v S 1 sold llDntical The medicines a 0 wholesale nett prices, in quantities of not less than 221 worth -viz., Ss. 6., 83s., and 31s• per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re nrittance must be sent in advnnco. 'rlloitAs HOLLOWAY at7S Maiden Lane ties styling them - and Go ' with as lna:11 thus - vendors can eh - a very low price, by selling the n Men'S Undemshi#s & Drawers, Ladies* Shawls, Breakfast Shawls ,; i a.sBlankets, and Buffalo Robes And N•1.t�l., Bed Blankets, l.3 , which weare selling at the ghost ,of current prices. I ' ' rocerieswe have f «� V 811" S 1 u ' J.`1 � .4ltA�tJ 9 A� �,J GAS'`, ,A. 1 NEW BUTCHER , SHOP hioh '}tor price will entirely eclipse arty- attempt at compo. on. STANLEY & J111.11IYN. P ESH ARIIVALS! AT T1130 People' s Grocery Store. J. CRUNNICAN ilm.nudersignec1 Would.. inform the inhabi., thants of Ureter and vicinity that he has OPENED -A NEW BUTCHER 61101' 0110 dotsr south of his Blacksmith shoji and hopes the stun e liberal lsatrosago that has been ae corded to him 111 the D AGOyt lt'511300 Y3>;btlttsntfTi[ AND w line willt >e a 5e.1ided to him 55,11is 315\8 501,0,013 o business, 1•lis treat tvngnn 'still 001 at the reef dInc,o of the villagers throe times each woe k an F M 1 1 1S T y ebnstantl y on liana at 13151)15011 all klillt 110 pt has n coived a large stock of NEW Shop and Tin C EDITON A SKINNER WfIQLESALB AND RETAIL BAKER AND OO IiECOTIONIi11; A $. takes this opportunity of thanking hie friends and the inixa'bitaalts of 0 Fatoter and vicinity ter their past liberal nrt5renage, bepieg to merit the aarnao by supl?]Yips: his euetoalao's with everything O lois lino SUxP,f E1OE TO ANY'T'.U.1NG JiW +`Itis BE.t+'pilo OFJailRUD IN EXETER wr.',. i)ING CANES MADB TO oniev 1.- efeeXAI SANT) PAItTI,L1S i 51'I6CIAL1Tx. .1iA'!v1ILIE$ WAITYi.D ON .DAILY, ranezz 0QAMtaza,tay On, =axis At the axotor North Post-offloo, and T. Short's, Crediton, and Mitchell's, Centralia. gxeter„December, SSth,18755. (194) LADIES! TRY OUR Brilliantine Hair Cream the most beautiful flair dressing in use ORIENTAL RATR.,11EST'ORE1 will i11 a very short time produop a healthy growth ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT is without n rival for whitening and softening the skin ROSE TOOTH PASTE for beautifying the, earns au laproserving the teeth from d©cay. ROSE CREAM for improving the complexion, and removing tan, freckles, etc. GLYCERINE JELLY will reprove al1soreness caused by exposure, cracked hands, etc. SOLE MANUFACTORY, THEXTON, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. GEo. Man ager. 5 xoter, December 23, 1875. Member. Ontario e Pharmacsy MEE UNDEIISIGI'.ED WANT TO AC- QUAINT the inhabitants of Crediton and the surrounding country that we have opened out in Bissett's old stand a complete stock of TOVES, TIN and COPPER WARE. COAL 01L LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS; and i in fact everything found in a first-class establishment will be found with us. All kind of tin ware manufactured by ourselves. We flatter ourselves that by strict attention to business we will be able to merit a share of public patronage. GROL+ERIE$. Ca OCEERY Lc. also a large stock of BOOTS CA SI-i4BS suitable for Fall and. Winter, consisting of Men's, Women's and Child- ren's Wear. 14, 13, 131aolashitl3iba; n.,td Wagon tntticiiig'carried 011 astisilalfn 011 ltsbranelf08; rte DAVIS. Those in want of a first-cians article in t110 Zoo and s`le0 line should not fail to Eave Troughing made a- specialty, and all r - ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, GREAT REDUCTION CE AP G-R-4C--E--R-I-ES The undersigned having just.opened out, and having payments to make, is de- termined to do a business though it be at a Great Sacrifice. To do this ho has resolved to sell CASH .FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKth S. Wool pickings and old copper and rags taken in exchange for goods. S 8ELTON & HILL, OREDITON. October 2Sth. Fox ONE MONTI-I (which will include the Christmas Holidays), at tie following prices, viz.: WOOD '2115 subscriber, leas a quantity of excellent bee 0 011(1 maple cord and stove wood, which he will eel at reasonable figures. I. CABLING 101 FOR L wo,cuttersSAE nearly new. soo DR MOOR'S EXAMINESTOCK Before purchasing, as my experience of thirty years in that line ena • Mos me in purchasing til select that only which carr recommend. TLsetor llcC 2 bit. ip�t y!,:�� S OTEL Pott, SALE. owing -re 111050551) 0f his trite, the sttbsei•iber offersfor sale' the Xlemi ereiel Hetet at Tush, wood, ),alcc> lcoa(1, township of 5te >holt, Co. of pulps. The 110100 is 30x10, 3 401055 high, haVittg g�oSe11it011on 01x5 'wociashel, R 003111310(iours 5rfving house aria 1)105, Ilion never aill11gwells. of3111e8, agoal 583(1013 and cattle vasd 1)11 the >ro111i(4C5, Which eolrtjn'1,fi5 a !101'055 1131;1. 3305 5Zn1•thet p rrtioul015 apply to vV. t11ir INNrit x17 th IllahWood Ta il. A LARGE LOT Or FirstClass Bacon JUST RECEIVED. J. CRUNNICAN, `: D. TACT z3ftGD'E li7CS]'�. >5 OYsD S BIS SE T'1' S' Lively and Sale Stables (Xu Connection With. tile 001153al Hotel). extremely low sso T. ql, o 21 M 'ARY ronaovSnl verde 115 vE 0A Ilfeaay-raadea. IN MEN'S AND BOYS.' ALSO ies,Fia ne141ac% Lm ties And Xer.npos Irrosh stock of 1oot5 and )shoes, 0 11 Z;A P A ; R,„ IrlENDERSON & NvHrr Successors to 0. I3, Smith, St. bMasy's, October 22, 1875, Why Don't Tett Go to Johns ? rollns keeps. upMain street, at his old stand, whoa' he has bean, for 13 years, Johns has moved into his new shop 11018, Anybody will tell you where Johns' Tin -shop is, If you do- not know where tel yitask ifirsyou _ee lioto show u.Hell do t. When etgotthoyou II know it's the place because there 1s no other place just 111 e. it in the world, johns sells stoves,55Kware and things. You'll 500 them lying clear out cal t11e sidewalk -x11 of thein roarlcec, rn plain figures. Ton don't need to asl' Lor what yen went. Von can pick, them up anywhere, Tea Usually sold. at 60 cts. for 45c. Tea usually sold at 75 cts. for 60c. Tea usually sold at 85 cts. for 70e. Tea usually sold at $1.00 for.. 85c. Sugars, all hinds, through competition, below cost. Syrups, Raisins, Currants, Soda, &c., &c_, are harked iight down. Canned Fruit and Fish in keepiny with the rest. everything is rut right at the bottom, as our object for one month is fact,l Ing Y s ke time the .an t at n and not to do a paying bnsiliess, but te tarn over trio money, to become ecquaiuted with the people. We want that all should call and see us, and in than meantime secure some of triose bargains we are now offering. - Goods are all guaranteed Fresh, and of Good Value. Don't forget the place, DREW'S NEW BLOCK (Next door to Stanley & Jeril yn's, Main Street). TERMS :-Cash or Produce. R. A. LEGGETT. • Exeter, December 13,1875. ' 001) HORStS AND cotiir 013,T Au1. t'av0rah10 s �'.� .. irva stritllai sa e ltSS orflclo '� 11' i i i)sran!;(llrrefYtc rfifeiZE!`vlt"h obtn))tereltll travelers, All orer00 left at flieeett's 1i111111op 'i11 bo egriptly at5ondod te, • , ta'r.1lht8ETt, Nom. 111501, 8rt+3. 4, tb7a, 3.4 it S9IY.Y ELL. PICKARD Bog to inform the public that they have engaged. MR. Formerly BRIGHT with McIntyre & Co, heir - to conluetre M»1143, cotAP se his store is always full of men and women, Last Saturday his store was 0110011 full of hien and. wenten, and Da laid as much as bo could a'o to take the money. Such a lot of money!. I tell yen those New Patterns of Stoves are Stunners, Not$iugglikca hem in these parts. Thor' therein' such lots oL Hot -Air Drums and otter things. Sueil beautiful ramps, nate Unaudoliers. Table Cutlery. Cruets, Mats, Brass and Enamelled Kettles, Sauce` ins and Pats, Churns and Brooms, Baskets aucdButchor Knives, Sausage Machines and settles, Coal Oil, Black lead, stove pipe varnish, and hundreds of other things -a11 useful, and good, and you'll find them ,tied, from the cellar up to Dm ceiling. NOW JOIINS IS NO COWARD, TA/LORING DEPARTMENT ,n g 1F9, and feel confident that all orders entrusted to them will give; ENTIRE SATISFACTION All cloths purchased from them will be GUT FREE OF CHARGE heo have also received a large lot of All -wool 'Shawls Blankets, bought much below their value, which they are now offering at Great Bargains. Stock Full in all Departmentsr but folks do crowd around. him ant ask so mane questions and pay bile so malty' compliments, about his stock and his grand' way of doing things, that he gets kind of conflustieated and loses him- self up in the garret COUNTING HIS MONEY (if he has any). The best time to see hinds on• rainy days, Ho is always around then,.but if von wannaniental n glees no ditr difference what clay yothat are useful and ucall, because, his meuwill always make you feel as if you were). at Home and will sell you things cheaper thaw you can buy them elsewhere. TEAT'S ..T0I-Xl•TE R'IMMERS, �` O I' A. And Stock Breeders, WM. ET V., , teradeate of the Veteri - nftry- Ontario has removed his office to one door north of C. •' llacrett's harness shop, and nearly opposite, - John's Tinshop. Veterinary mcdecines al- ways on hand. Calls promptly attended to. Horses Examined as to their soundness.- August, 281h, 1873. 75) FALL (75' rnish'n , t Gents -Fu nxn crtlrner, OaEfit 111:tall11:11mont THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN nou1100 that he has jest received a :splendid e11t Of assortment CANADIAN, SCOTCH' & ENOUGH TINEEDS BLACK BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, ETC., which for STYLE AND QUALITY WILL BE I•IAFD TO BEAT I. TAILORING Department ie replete with every modern itn- and ' provement, and furnished monthly with 7.6.E11-17011 rzha,tms or;l American Styles and Cuts ?,11 Work guaranteed, ' and; -cat in the me fashionable style. Call early and see one of the choicest and best selected stocks in town, and offering low prices for cash, , C. SODTHCO TT. THE 1L H. Ci gg�,ti ,�, --pp .C7.R. IS COMING MING ' And we are Still Ahead. and have opened out the LAI--tGTJX ST CITEA-PEST & 13 -EST stocic of Goods ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything Iu :the General Line of Business. consisting of Stap e & Fancy Dry.Goods, Millinery, netatly-waacy ' 1r ishin s Hats &Caps, Carpets, •tc, ise Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, 130olii Monte Stn g > x Crockery incl Glassware, Patent tloclioines, rkc,, al;5. and ,shoos; Statiouory; Nall Papers,, G y I have also secnfecl the services of MR. W. F.L. iVi S g out ofToronto, as manager of my Clothing boprirtrnent. All work cont of Z;owuiativillo, into T o r ,o , �` 1"t 1111 by him guni•anteo<t to bo second. to none in the Donlimolt. 111111 cutting a stir . eta 1 v. 1 favolin 11(1 with a call will find filo goods anti p110os tight, ile.inerubcr, this is err Opersonsg tl'CuOe to get everything your avant at low prit,os. kinds of Farm .1 ro<11ie6 taken in e chitty c Exeter {)', 1875. g. x JAS PIGTAED Mci,ENNAN'S OLD GRIST MILL L 3exater. w�lte Ma �:�. ± sctuters �CTrxc'1c;:1�t�,lL«I: s and, ��� `'x..l:rlrila.iy .. .� i �.. y hUL 11 SAi t10NVe.1O4 purctising to front the Me.raltfaoturor, Ilbo dealer who buys to sell agafll il1llst il0ce153011ly have a 114031, \V'o e1,11s to give the purchasers rho bbnoflt,'whioll cannot fail j to meet, theviotvN a f the tl1rrn50ra. Our r31510ns08 faro less thatithese of city lria11itf act41r0ra,con s01u 011)' y tvooayli {s rr1ITIS StillgOT1113tal r os TO INTIMATE J. that having recently overhauled E WORLD aa111p053h1l15toiitioi to 0111 nudortrekhlg depart. relent, wialcli ia e)art- rele1tit,w1S1Ch1a (hors 50111- 1llote than e cel, l01 WI) have added several stew designs 4, best btlfllYlr} 1110 ef11r td, (''05)'0318, 1,1ir011310, 0111± 0'5003 8114)01 1 1105111510 at 030 104vost 5)lfico>5 Out ltovy h6aPso 1s il1. 11111ne11 by ooh'rpetout judge) to be 100e1115. 50 110115 111 1110 1'roviYtoD. - m tea for x'11 tho trod Seoul o. Refitted the Machinery, Iie: is now prepared to do anssorxxo (a a nit at -class manner, and Mr a few w oeke, While there is plenty of water power, will chop clean DRY GRAIN POR CENTS PER BAG, g before the'ett5`eet1 -'r it; along li Hurry• free ids' it p FLOUR AND ED as usmtl at Who, esr t,lte Prices, en tttiltor from the mill by the late 'When , elitiser, Alla from: ftdrlttiotlaI itet,>rovomeilt bat he has-;alupletetl, 11'e ie 1003`5 1)1`o - t. re.l o C t1, CHOPPING r5l'tie4 0(0,u htli every rvnr'Itln,,g day, t11Fir gt fists home, 1,110 00,1010 day • \t'ith them, 1 r 1 "11TaI,, 1 , t . rP 7 > a . � ct er` 17co �Ga r