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Times Advocate, 1996-10-23, Page 19
Times -Advocate, October 23, 1996 Page 19 S RO R T. Minor Hockey centres gear up for another season 1 HURON COUNTY - Miner' 5itgrey organizations in Exeter, n, Lagan, Herman and Em- it have kicked off their pig season and by the look of the T -A #corebox, hockey is definitely in B swing. The following is a brief look at what each organization has in store for the upcoming season. Lucan Lucan Minor Hockey president, Roy Van Kasteren said there are more than 200 youngsters playing hockey in Lucan this year. That's up from last year, partly because more girls are taking up the sport, and because there's a new team on the block. Lucan's new senior tyke team was designed to bridge the gap be- tween the tyke and novice levels and give kids between six and sev- en -years -old, who have picked up the sport late, a chance to play at an equal playing level. "It's hard to get new kids in- volved if other kids are skating cir- cles around them," said Van Kest- eren. Also new this year is a greater emphasis on getting the midgets in- volved with Lucan's junior "D" team, the Irish 6. Van Kasteren said having midget players affiliated with the Irish is a benefit to both levels since local players on the jun- ior "D" team being out more fans to their games while the players get some experience playing in the de- velopment league. This season Lucan will host a home ,tournament for the atoms in November, a novice tournament in January and there will be two tour- naments for the girl teams, one In November and the other' in De- cember. Funding for the tournaments will come from bingos, meat draws and a.car draw in February featuring a 1996 Sunfire from Huron Motor Products. Hensall With only three people on the ex- ecutive body and a growing reg- istration list, Jamie Young, pres- ident of Hensall Minor Hockey, has his hands full this season. But, he said he will rely on the strong volunteer base within the community to support the organiza- tion's activities this year. "Our system is based on vol- unteers. It has to be if we want to grow and keep the rates down for the kids," said Young. There are seven teams playing in the Hensall system including a girls team and a Peewee rep team, some- thing this small centre hasn't had before. There are two scheduled tourna• - meats so far this season, one for the atoms in December and the oth- er for the Novice House League at the end of March. Funding will come from a craft show slotted for Nov. 9, and the New Year's Eve dance which was started by the Kinsmen of Hensall and is now run by Hensall Minor Hockey. Zurich Steve Haberer, president of Zu- rich Minor Hockey said they lost five players to "AAA" hockey, but the system is still running strong with 120 youngsters playing on teams in all levels including two tyke, novice and atom teams. Also, an "initiation hockey pro- gram" for children between three and six -years -old has been set up to give them a chance to try skating with equipment on. As in previous years, every level, except for the midgets, will have a home tournament. Haberer said it gives their players an opportunity to play teams from as far away as the United States without trav- elling. Other than the money raised from tournaments, most of the funding for the minor hockey pro- gram comes from Zurich's Annual Bean Festival which eliminates the neel for executives to pursue fund- raislog projects. "We're fortunate to have the Bean Festival. Every parent (with kids in minor hockey) turns out to help on that day," said Haberer. Exeter This year the Exeter Minor Hockey Association has 240 youngsters playing on 19 teams, and according to president Roger Dougall, all of them will have the opportunity to play in a home tour- nament. The most prestigious is the pop- ular Bill Batten Memorial Tourna- ment for atom, novice, pewee, ban- tam and midget rep teams slotted for the second weekend of No- vember. Last year the annual tour- nament hosted 40 minor hockey teams giving Exeter hockey players the opportunity to play against some of the best teams in Ontario. "We usually have really good competition at this tournament," said Dougall. During the Christmas break the tier two and local house league teams will have their own tourna- ment, and even the tykes will see a tournament format in March with neighboring teams from other cen- tres. Dougall said Exeter Minor Hock- ey has always strived to give each player an equal amount of ice time and the tournaments are only one aspect of that. Teams are kept small so players spend more time on the ice and less on the bench, and this year a new program was created to ac- ce . ' ke nlayers who e to the n "'1 h., a, have more instruction befor,, they get into competition. We want to make sure they understand the basics," said Dougall. With a large system comes a greater need for funding to run the programs and the organization's ex- ecutives have an ambitious series of fundraisers planned. Among them, a team photo day, a casino night, a duck race and a New Year's Eve dance. Stephen Township With 133 boys and 39 girls play- ing hockey in Stephen this year, every level has fielded two teams except for the bantams and midgets, an impressive number for a small centre. "We've always had a large num- bers, it's been like that for years," said Thompson. Ontario Minor Hockey Associa- tion officials advanced Stephen from an "E" to a "D" centre this season, and this is something Thompson feels will raise the cal- ibre of hockey among the teams. "It means we'll see better com- petition, especially at playoff time and our kids will improve." said Thompson. As has been the case in previous years, Stephen doesn't host home tournaments, but teams have the option of participating in outside tournaments if they choose to. The organization's funding comes from the sale of Nevada tickets and cash calenders, both were very successful last year and are expected to generate enough money to keep the programs going for another season. Over the last two years Stephen Township Minor Hockey has pro- duced three All -Ontario teams. But according to president Morley Thompson that's only the tip of the iceberg. Last year the atoms won their championship series while the pee- wees were All -Ontario finalists. "Hopefully we can repeat that," said Thompson adding the peewee rep squad is the team to watch this Y(r• High -low doubles entries due By Ron Dann ZURICH - The entry deadline for the Hiram Walker Special OId- High-Low Doubles tournament is Octdber 27. League rounds to es -1 tablish two bowler teams will begin during league play October 28 and windup December 1. This format matches the highest average bowler With the lowest average bowler in their own league. Special Old zone rolloffs in Blue - Water Association bowling centres will be January 5 leading to Provin- cial Championships February 22 and Special Old National Champi- oushippss April 26 at Ottawa. Zts'Irich Association Halloween tourney Satorday The' Zitrtch'S'I'iff'1llbblrlers' Asaso- c elation 'has plannedl, a Halloween dressup 3-6-9 tournament for Satur-r day night at Town and Country Lanes and prizes will be awarded for best costutnes as well as bowl- ing scores. Before starting each game the bowler is given a strike in the third, sixth and ninth frames.1 Call Town std Country Lanes to reserve al spot. All adult bowlers are welcome. Special Old League Executive tourney begins The Special Old League Execu- tive three game,• pins over average zone rolloffs will be completed in Bluewater Association bowling centres by November 10. Winning league president, secretary and treasurer from each rolloff, includ- ingorich,.. ssociapon executive mem, yyvvi1t idV;iftct'to'lite Spe- cial Vid cial'Cttd tPfovinciar aithilciionshitts January 25 at London. Tuesday YBC kristen Hickson 182,158. Ashley Smith 178,154. Kelly Wilson 177,131, ni Holland 136,123. Melissa Baker 131,120, Aaron Holland 122,120. Ker- rie Davis 178, Alexandra Dawson 125. Non smoking Brenda Isaac 213-617, Pat Hodgins 228-574, Milt Robbins 215-567. Dan Isaac 217-531, Joan Swiderski 297- 517, Robert Heckman 198-508, Gerry Swiderski 180-458, Tanny Vanderhock 167-457, Marie Kronstal 168, Joyce 1irkby 157, Pam Krziyzek 155. Medway Loretta Needham 246-577, Clark Rollings 193-535, Peter DenOtter 202- 504, Jean Poole 186-503, Len Poole 211. Dave Smith 188, Marilyn Smith 180, Hanney DenOtter 183, Carole Nunns 175, Donna Jeffrey 168, Willard Smibert 158. Laura Hudson 152. Senior Citizens Eve Smith 244619, Milt Robbins 213-595, Pat Davis 205-515, Ted Toonders 170-484, Cathie Wessman 175-478, Harry Noels 193-458, Theo Sentjens 165-454, Muriel Kennedy 164. Florence McRobert 164, Myrtle Maguire 164, Mary Scott 163, Rita Geertsen 160, Edie Burt 160. Wednesday YBC Robbie Yeo 148,146, Jeremy McNaughton 137,116, Ryan Pullman 124,102, Jenna Simons 98,93, Ryan Cousincau 94.84, Jamie Lewis 85,83, Michael Elliott 104, William Be edetti 96. Mark Seliske 91, Luke Dawson 91, Patrick Seliske 90, Ben McFalls 84, Matthew Elliott 80, Kristi Allen 80. Wednesday Mixed Glynn McGee 268-722, Doug Beau- doin 271-712, Don Cunningham 238- 670, Steve Allen 306-662, Tan Davies 228-643, Karen Stneekens 219-596, Linda McKillop 227-587, Dale Fisher 200-568, Marty Kelidess 210.567, Scott Martin 231-561, Lorry Bice 204-559, Patricia /ones 229-358, Steve Ack- worth 218, Tom Dobinson 215, Laurie McGee 212, Linda Thom= 203. goner Bemtewkg7bnri s .289-845, Orval Rims 283,270,263416, George Lee 286.786. John Kohut 292-782, Prink Palen 283-773, Tan Bullock 330-766, Med Allison 275-750, Jeff VgaHaerleem. 260-721, Chris Smith 301-710, 11aso� Bob Smith 259-709, liven BIU *Doak! 241- 703kif 303. Hickson 277 Pst Hogtad Don Waft �. MBA Ap�t • , Bari Allison 263- 24 . .Wad 1101 MI6 a 279- 2614S50.�IIdYW Saida 3 1, Vomit Doe* 22.5. Da they SMe s Cho- ( '710. r -� Seidl peurenice •.ir , 2211 %!✓r • it"': r Monday Night Ladies High Five - Nell McCann 579, Alley Cats - Dnnna Thiel 489, Packers - Sue Eckel 582, Pinpopper Hilda Vande- rhoek 579, Odds 'n' Ends - T. Roose- boom 637, Red Devils - Sandra Dickert 645, H.S. Sandra Dickert 306. H.T. Sandra Dickert 772, H.A. Trudy Roost - boom 216.4. Tuesday Mens League Ramblers -Bob Fickling 755. Hensall Boomers - Don Kirk 583. Family Af- fair - James 616, Market - Mike Van- damme 622, Klondyke - Jim Russell 620, Rockets - Frank Palen 654, H.S. Bob Pickling 329, H.T. Bob Fickling 755, H.A. Luke Mommersteeg 220.8. Wednesday Night Ladies J.K.L.M. Laurie Stanlake 482, Fan- tastics - Betty Datars 662, Goforit - Joyce Hillman 568, Mighty Foursome - H. Vanderhoek 576, N.S. Betty Datars 256, H.T. Betty Datars 662, H.A. Joyce Hillman 195. Thursday Night Mixed Strikes & Misses - T. Rooseboom 571, Bags & Balls - Jen Glazier 606, Pin Doctors - I. Stanlake 592, Buck & Does - S. Eckel 569, L.H.S. M. Ben- gough 256, L.H.T. T. Rooseboom 710, L.H.A. T. Rooseboom 210. M.N.S. B. Bengough 327, M.H.T. B. Bengough 759, M.H.A. B. Bengough 196. 'Friday rt Mixed Bad Attitudes -Tony Bedard 606, Pete's Team - Casey Zeehuisen 593, Mike's Team - Ken Munger 557. Good Sports - Ted Stanlake 630. Mesa Saturday intertown Zurich 8 pts. vs. Molesworth 37 pts. Tony Bedard 1187 (357), Ted Stanlake 1112 (273), Don Kirk 1127 (315). Ladies Saturday Intertown Zurich 15 pts. vs. Clinton 12 pts. Marlene Bedard 657, H.S. 251, Lynn Smith 557. Minor hockey scoreboard Tyke Young Guns October 12 Goderich 'Red' 3 at Stephen 4 Goals: Eric Dunk, David Reschke (2), Der- ek Wells Assists: MacKenzie Christie. Justin Ugh - foot, Wells Goaltenderf!Tyler Windsor October 19 Stephen 6 at Goderich 'White' 1 Moab: Windsor. Kurth VanOsch, Nick Jef- frey, Wells, Man Lovie,Duenk Assists: VanOsch (2), Wells (3). Duenk Goaltender: Kelly Cronyn Next game: October 26, Brussels at Ste- phen, 12:00 Novice LL October 19 Stmt roy 2. at Stephen 1 Goal: Jordan Cronyn Assbtr'Stephani McCann• I Novice Avalanche October 19 Stephen 9 vs. Mitchell 1 Goals: Greg Thompson (2), Jason Thomp- son (3). Briant Windsor (2), Cale Duenk, Leanne Cronyn Aabts: J. Thompson (4), Duenk (2). Kent Nicholson, Travis O'Neil, G. Thompson. Derek Hodgins. ).T. Knee, Windsor. Blair McCann, Cronyn Goaltender: Jeff Baker 513, Bill Middaugh 500, Vox Wilde 475, L,H.S. Mollie Woxton 210, M.H.S.Dhk wagging 222. Th*raday Gaidea Agers 2 panes Mary Jambe 381. Mona Kraft 366, Nora Heud 320, Harvey Mahn 302, Blaine Weido 301, ivart Reichert 236, L.H.S. Mary Jacobe 215, L.H.D. Mary Jacobe 381, M.H.S. Harvey Martin 154, M.H.D. H Ma IC302 Bantam - 3 ganos Anita Masten 426. Kevin Melanie 417. Thomas Groot 385. Corey Dtarme 383. he- ad Rader 309, Michelle Groot 333, Brian Pard 297 Bleat Duchdase 287, Brea Sam 287h, keetiael ©root 245, Kegler 239. Ceti- 2 games: Wesley Ultiecbild 134. Jordon and Salm - 3 paw Iasoa a . 8k le Ovuot 454 d.�1rle hoh 42 k www r Ath4sURRRats, Voi Moro 3211, ,; October 20 Stephen 4 vs. Seaforth 1 Goals: Duenk, G. Thompson. Windsor, J. Thompson Assists; J. Thompson (2), Cronyn (2). O'Neil, Hodgins Goaltender: Baker Next game: In Zurich, October 25 Atom Hot Chilies October 11 liderton 4 at Stephen 5 Goals: Jeff VanBergen, Wes deLange, Tim Sheridan, Corey Vandtena Asskb: Ryan Heywood (2). Vannergen (2), Janna Reschke (2). Ryan Masse Goaltender. John Young October 19 V Stephen 4 at Parkhill (II) 3 Goats: Masse, Cory Lawton, VanBergen, Sheridan Assists: Masse (2), VanBergen. Shane Gte- Goakender. Yamg October 20 Stephen 9 at 'Medford I Goals: Massa (3). Vanaltena (3), VanBer- ggeenn (2), Man Marlene Assists: Venetoena, VanBergen, Marlene (2), deLange (2), Young (2). John Eagleson Goalk.der: Oregon Next gese: October 25. Watford at Stephen Twp., 8 p.m Peewee Rep October 14 gte hen 2 at Mitchell 5 Goals: 8rima Dixon, Soap Davies Assists: Jesse Schroeder, Cal Delange October 19 Steptea 4 a Seaford, 1 Goals: Heaay P (�Jessica Davies, S. Davies Amidst J. Davies, S. Davies. Ken Tilley. Roman Wilson October 19 Stephen 1 at Wawa 4 CAW: Delsage Ache Wilson, S. Davies L/M Pt oV1f lodpeckers OctoberCMO 2alambs* a Owls: Breat Tatars (3), Parsons (3). Ambles Tatra, Parsons,Lawton (4), Amos Adam Cyr (2). Navhs (2), Kamey Cull drew Dug laehlelgea. Richod . Teri Oases' Oaks 10 vs. Leal 4 Gods: Adam Cyr (3), Geiger (3), Scott Da- vies, Tatara, Lawton, Tilley Assists: Davies. Tatar} (3), Lawton, Tilley, Shelden Snell (4), Hodgins (2), Parsons (2) Goaltenders: Michielsen, Young October 19 Hensel) I at Stephen 15 Goats: Parsons (3), Lawton (3), Hodgins (2), Tiley (2). Geiger, Tatars, Richard Young, Frazer MacDonald. Snell Assists: Parsons (2), Hodgins (3), Tilley, Geiger (3), Tacna (4). Young (2). Snell. Shawn Thompson, Cyr Goaltender: Michielsen October 20 Stephen 6 at Belmont 5 Goals: Davies (2). Geiger, Parsons, Thomp- son, Snell Aifielst l N ichiCt(3ciger (3). Parsons, •iho ion, ' ' Lawton. MacDonald. GOskeoder. Y tung Nest Ames: Oct. 26. 1:30 at Ilderton; Oct. 28, 800 vs. Str throy at Stephen; Oct. 30, 6:30 at Brussels Atom Rep October 18 Stephen 12 vs. Hensall 2 Goals: Andy Springall (3), Ryan Knee (3). Jessie McCann (2), Reid O'Neil (2), Jamie Bibby, Jeff Smale Assists: McCann (4), O'Neil (3), Bibby (2). Wes Johnson (2), Brian Glavin. Knee, Shane Wilson Goaltender: Curtis Pfaff October 19 Stephen 12 vs. Hensel) 1 Goals: Knee (4), Smale (2). McCann (3), Bibby (2). O'Neil Assists: Springall (2). Smale (3). Justin Muller (2), O'Neil. Bibby, Glavin, McCann Bantam Odaber 10 - Exhibition game Stephen 2 at Merton 7 • Goals: Shawn Sherwood. J.R. Davies Assists: Sherwood, Jake Widdis (2), Jamie Clark Goaltender: Chris Glavin October 12 - Exhibition game Goderich 4 at Stephan 4 Goals: Davies (2), Adam Wilson, Sherwood Asada: Widdis, Mosurinjohn. Jeremy Van - Bergen, Brad Glavin Godtender: Kevin Thompson October 19 - Exhibition game Stephen 7 at Mitchell 1 Gosh: Sherwood (3), Wilson. Man Foran (2), Gerald Corbett Assists: Sherwood (2), Wilson, Foran, Cor- bett. Matt Eagleson (2), Adam McCann (2). Bryan Stnddess, LeRoy Wein Goaltender: Glavin October 20 - Exhibition game Brussels 0 at Stephen 7 Goals: Sherwood. Wein, VanBergan (2), Wilson (2). Davies Assists: Sherwood (3). Wein (2). Wilson. Davies (2). Mosunnjohn Goaltender: 'ihompson Midgets October 20 Elmo Logan 3 Stephan 6 Goals: Andy Ellis (2). Chad Morgan, Darryl Parsons, Chris Reabatn. Matt Regier Ardis: Ellis, Regia, Dave Govas. Steve Avail) (2),Oteg Hendrick, las Becker Gaalteaaer: Ben Glavin Nast gene: Exch at Stephen. October 26, 6:30 p.m. jaaior Girls October PnthMI 0 a Stephen 3 Gni: Michelle Somerville (2). Kristine Re- lief Assists: Jinhan Ma (2), Andrea Glavin, Lindsay Parsons (2), Maggie Steciek October20Cieeko Parsoas IoCa 3 Assists: bk L le Sixth Banca of the yew. Penns Rep Combat 20 halon t Gala tarrapPratiot. Meg MaW4 Kevin MIMI Ka- MUM A.I.Paggssa, Diskitis. Gat„ rr4 ,+. IJM Fighting Leprechauns ttha• 12 Thedford 6 at Lucan 3 Goals: Ben Jeffery, Tyler Schon Assists: Jeffery (2), Tyler Schon October 19 Lucan 2 at Exeter 9 Goals: Jennifer Funston, Jared Delong Assists; David Latta (2), Kyle Dobinson, Trevor Schon L/M B-2 October 15 Mt. Brydges 0 at Lucan 3 Goals; Jake Jeffery (2). Thomas Carmichael Assists: Andrew Taylor. Mike Meyedtoff Shutout: Alex Parkinson October 20 Loam 910 Parkhill Qunn 12).'hylor; Cam 43&-d braith Meye '`toff (2), Jeffery: Cerri>i t 'I chael Assists: Dunn, Taylor. Galbraith (2). Meye- rholT (2). Jeffery. Rockette Junior Girls October 19 Lucan 3 at lldcrton 7 Goals: Jrxli VanKastcren, Gwen Barker. Kate Mills Assists: Loni Hardy. Jenna !Winstead. Mills. Barker Goaltender: Heather Marr Intermediate Girls Fighting Irish October 13 EIma Logan 7 at l.ucan 7 Goals: Jodi Vansprmson, Jolene Heffernan (4). Erin Abel. Rebecca Blanc Assists: Heffernan (2), Blanc, Jessica Cor- neilisscn. Lisa Haskcn, Becki Dries October 20 Stephcw (O 4 at Lucan 3 Assb: Heffernan (2), Abel (2)2, Dries ts: Dries, liarey Veale (31, Vanspon- son L/M Tyke Little Hawks October 19 Lucan 2 a1 Exeter 12 Goals: Justin Anstetl (4). David Geoffrey (2). Bradley Vink (4), Kristen Hefley, Gavin Harbum Assists: Geoffrey (2), Mitchell Boyle Next game: October 26 in Lucan L/M Senior Tyke Bombers October 19 Mt. Brydges Blue 0 at Exeter 3 Goals: Chad Hackett, Anthony Vint, Ste- phen Osgood Assists: David Deters, Justin Buchanan, Mitch Overholt. Scott Varley Shutout: Kyle Bryson Next game: Oct. 26. 10:45 a.m., Mt. Brydg- es Gold at Exeter Novice Waxers October I I Exeter 4 vs. Thedford 2 Goals: Scott Loosky, Jordan Darling, Mark Dietrich, Brett Hocken Assists: Travis Elder, Chad Taylor, Hackett, Dietrich Goaltender: Corey Bilcke October 13 Lucan 5 vs. Exeter 2 Goals: Elder, Hackett Assists: Ben Willis -Leake, Reid Ha'penny, Elder Goaltender: Bilcke October 16 Exeter 7 vs. Dorchester I Goals: Loosley (2). Ha'penny (2), Hackett. Elder, Darling Assists: Elder, Doling (3), Willis -Leake, Jared Anstett. Hackett (2), Adam Hayter. Loos2) Goaltender: ( rr,Bilcke October 20 Exeter I vs. West Lome 2 Goal: Elder Assist: Dietrich Goaltender Bilcke Novice 111 Andex Steelers October 19 Stradroy ( at Exeter 4 ' Gerais: Corey Bilcke (4) Awists: Darrin Denomme. Joel Veri Next paw: October 22, 6 p.m., Exeter, Novice 11 vs. Novice i11 L/M Atom 1I Packers October 19 St. (Moaarlys Oilers 7 at Bata 1 Chris Annettoag Nabisco Mats Matt Manacct October 20 Hater 1 a St. Marys Jeb 1 Gaal: Steve Mama Nabkca start Sean Mims Peewee Legion L,AJHuroe Tri- color October 14 Beerier 8 n. Zartch 2 Goes 11ta Meidisger, Mike Kerslake (3), Map Armed (2), Dodd Storey, Mike DN. kid Assists: Brendon Buchanan 121. Mcidingcr (3). Matt Dietrich, Storey, Paul Roushome. Kerslake Goaltenders: Chris Dcsjardine. Kyle Far- well October 16 Mt. Hrydgcs 0 vs Exeter 9 Goals: Mike Dietrich (4). Kerslake. Brad VanBakcl, Storey. Dana Bayer. Anstclt Assists: Mcidingcr (6). TimSnell. Mike Die- trich (2). VanDakel, Kerslake (3). Anstett. Marty Glavin -(2). Icsjardine Shutout: Desjardmc October 20 Exeter 8 vs. Port Stanley 3 Goals: Kerslake 131. Storey. Bayer (2). Mike I)ietnch, Scow Ralph Assists: Mcidingcr 13). Vanliakcl, Snell. Matt Dietrich. Ralph (2), Shawn Talbot (31. Bayer. Buchanan Goaltender: Tarucll Next game: October 27 v, Zurich at 5 30. Rcc Ccrnrc Shamrock Bantam 'A' Legionnaires October 16 MI Brydgcs 7 at Exeter 5 Goals: Ryan Ralph, Scott Keys, Jeff Camp bell. Tanner Ingram. Mike Scip Assists: Campbell (2). Ralph. Jason Grenicr. Rob ()evries Goaltenders: Ryan Sullivan. John Prydc Exeter 7 at lldcrton 2 Goals: Campbell (2). Ingram (2). Monteith (2). Klan MacDougall Assists: Campbell. MacDougall. Monteith. Devncs, Tun Mavcr. Keys, Greiner Goaltenders: Sullivan. Prydc (ktobcr 18 Exeter 5 at Dorchester 2 Grob: Ingram. Stcvc Farquhar. Ralph. Campbell. Scip Assists: MacDougall (2). Jared Bourne. Sip. Farquhar. Ingram. Chad Monteith Goaltender: Sullivan. Prydc October 20 Exeter 10 at West t.ornc 2 Goole: MacDougall (3), Campbell (3), In - (2). Dave Veal. Andrew Mavcr Asagram Campbell (S),Ingram (2). Farquhar (2), Bourne (2), Grenier (2). Veal, Stcvc Ka- scnberg, Ralph Goaltenders: Sullivan, Prydc Nest home game: Oct 27, 12730 p.m.. Mi- nor Hockey Day Bantam AE Cornhuskers October 20 Exeter 3 at St. Marys 3 Goals: Wayne Cole, Tyler Ohre. Andrew Mavcr Assists: Cole, Barry Edwards, Matt Mous- seau Goaltenders: kf Gooch, Brad McDonald Not games Lambeth at Exeter Oct 26 Midget AE Lions October 19 St. Marys 4 vs. Exeter 3 Gaabt Mike Wilhelm, Kevin Hogan (2) Ajkss: Scott 0i11111in. Ben Cottrell Next (tel October 26. Wingham at Exeter 4 e tti``Atti