HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-23, Page 3rry Ch isi .4. .i -y D ..G1-. Ola liaturday: 18th inet,, between 4 and .5 o'el4)ek in the morning, the Unit- ed tit Uu it - ed States tx!a.cbs (MC all rho St, Louie, ialhsus Cityand loltilcrn trait), 110 w St. Louis at 0,15, was entered be- tween Porgueen and Jeuniug's steti0u, 10 or 12 lllllos frena the eity, The naasseugere Charles Eineaid, wits thrown into a large package °hest ends locked up, and the sate robbed of from 10,000 to $20,000 ihi money awl boutls, Kincaid said lie wee lying on one of the package boxee iu the oar halt' asle(tp, when he felt a heavy hand on Itis shout. der, and on turtling bis head around was confronted by a. pistol in the hande of mlusl.ed men, and before ho °ould. speak he was _seized by the collar of his coat from behind anct lender coyer of two more pistols in the hands of an- other auasked ratan was thrust into a largo package box, which had been emptied of its packages by the robbers, and the lid closed on hine and locked. 1 -Ie does not know wtwt occurred after that until the train reached St. Louis, whorehe was released.. Mr. Donald Lloss, of the London road, T'uckersmich, has sold his farm to agentlenian from near Toronto for $7,500. This is a elloice farm, with good buildings and other improvements, and contains 100 aeras. APPY NF\V YEAR • ALL! 0 VISITORS TO T%IE T Are reapincr the rich belfiis of a In u el cash business, leav iig their neighbors that deals W;tel the merchant who both. buys and sells on credit, to uct only pay the bad debts of somebody might have ) merchant ..Iiat 1 large the ilie c - uta e etc e e else, but to pay the lazy, percentage . ,: saved had he bought his goods for cash. We also assert (uot merchant doing a , trOn of the 111e G • 511 `i a thattlle G a. ••proof) Ithotlt p , each ea: of credit business actually indirectly pays a portion ea. - his neighbor's store account, without any remuneration, save the cha;riu he feel,: at the deliberate way he has been Lu led, inasmuch as he is charged from . t 15 to 33 pr.ct. more t han a leLitimate Profit. To .c,upterbalance the interest on his neighbor's account, and to assist in paying the ' Bad Debts of Somebody Eisa At a public meeting held ill Bellev Ile to oonsioer the bast means to get relief for the poor, Mr. Darold stated that seventy familier, some of 'them with eight members, were new depending on 4,h ko .•n, .ur'uvi.gal .,'Ltiut'there Ives great distress, Contributions of cloth- ing would be of great service. Tho Port Iiuron Times says a Man from Canada endeavored to bring over• $200 worth of silks in a falea bottouz- ed trunk, but a lynx -eyed ollioial of the custom service uisoovered the trick, and now the stunggler mourns over the loss of botu his silks and his tr'trnlc. On December 18 a brakeshnan on the Grand 'Trunk, named Thomas Ilai il- cc 11, fell obi a freight train between 1\lid- .dloport and Caledonia. lie was Toned dead lying beside the track, his neck slaving been broken by the fall. A ver- dict was rendered in accordance with with the facts. A young couple, names not gi• en, has eloped from Harrlston. Just le ties knot was about being tied, the fatnet of the would be bride put in an appear- ance, when she left by the back door. followed by her lover. They took to the field, followed on horseback, by the enraged fath-.•r,,but lova lent fleetness to the ranee -aye and they eeca.pecl tic clutches of the old man. ?after the es- eape they took shelter in a u'liysid, hou'e dud finally got married. A lady of unsound enlace, stopping at the residence of a relative iu Ingersoll escaped from the house on Friday night last. The alarm belt was sounded anti careful srttrell made, but nothing has (leen heard of her slues. ' The union which h is for some year s sub,istad between the lligh lure Public 1 cllool Boards in St. I ra,ry'$ is dis- solved. An oxcelle.ut new building has been erected for tate Higa School, the. Head Muster of which is to receive . 1• '; , .' u $650. $1,200ti. 1 t ti t each LL and .etc A horse left bitched in a shed all night by a heartless wretch tit Stau',tead, was, t..,und frr'zc'n to death the next morning The .EI'uron Teachers Aisnciatiun i• endeavouring to secure for teachers our day tit least iu each half year for th t- paltpoae of attending educational insti- tutions and ,associations. The Whitby Ladies College is pros !eying. There are now sixty boarders and twenty -live pupils rorolled, Income three thousand five hundred dollar's,. against one thousand five hundred for the first term last year. Prince Edward Island oysters are sent to England packed in oatmeal, and by the time they reach London they are plump nail whole -acne, commanding about sixty cents a dozen. Besides all this, we save as large a percentage by buying for catch, as the retail customer does. Thus the public has a double (- advantage in purchasing from us over any house in reach of - .us both Exeter, v1..., that of BUYING & SELLING FOR CASH And as we pm chase a large portion of our stock 1 from the Factories AN Essar ON G111L.—Girl 19 very Dice ! Everybody who has not the misfortune to be girl will allow this. Nice girl will uliow this also as far as itself is con- cerned. Ste an"Zti via is objectionable iu the eyes of girl generally, Powder improves girt i•oiletilnes, but it seldnm finds this out until it is suggested to by nue of experience. healthy girl costs it parents less money for doctor's bill,. but persons who w•ite romantic tales for circulating libraries choose unheal• thy and•pasty-faded girl to write abo —the swooning kind preferred. La iy I bought sixpenny worth of penny it us- trated journals ar.d 1 forted therein ten nietures illustrative of girl in n, sWocin-. ing state. I hope it was all real, or - ise there ought to have been a lot of • useable all round. If I were not boy I think l should like to be gi 1. 1t' best fun to be boy When there's plenty of girl about. —JUdy. h consumer and. consequently the s Where .ahoy are rnade', con eq y • great man .. lines in our business substantially llploducc 1 are in a y. brought facto face, and we are therefore emancipated from the heavy tax. which the wholesale houses invariably levy ou, long °c , ; a•t•. e purehers. . . Y. We make our legitimate gain, and 2% Ulna .S4Au:go.(OIS Broderick is selling goods cheap for Cash, Great Bargainsdur- ing the Holiday season. Christmas and New Yoar's Goods,—New Valentia Rt>isins• new Sugar Raisins, new Layer Raisins, new Suttana Raisins Fresh Young Hyson Tea, choice Japan Tea, strong Gunbowd` Tea, fragrant Congo Tea. Motto China Cups, motto China Mugs, fancy China Tea Sets, strong granite Tea Sets, fancy Vases. Ladies Ties, Ladies Promenade Scarfs, Ladies. Kid Mitts, Ladies Kid .Gloves, Ladies Cloth Gloves, Ladies Linen Collars, Ladies Linen Cuffs. Gent's Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs, Hats, Caps, Underclothing, &o., in great variety, at BANTON'S • t large quantity of underclothing, a .a.'W silk dress, n pair of very valuable l x with In il)ctah t I)t'aCrlel8, it 1'Lit1tT, t )stiich feather carried off. A Dram's Rees; \-1 wine A LOCOMOTIVE.— Elle occupants of the clown passeng(r train on the Erie Railway were treated 'o a -novel race a few days since. As •1)e train was pulling out from nimble •:cation a large five pronged buck juml•- ed from the v-oods on the trace:, not twenty-five .fret alien(' of the locomo- tive. Engineer Ben Gardiner 11)ereas- r,a the speed of liie train. and a lively chase at once ensued. On one sid' of the track n steep hill rises it hundred feet high ; nn the ether. a ledge of racks h-enty.feet iligh, the T,nckawane River running. :le its hese. The deer bounded llmtg ahead of the train for m' e than half a utile, when the locomntive al- tn,st,'ran upon the animal. On being ulna close pressed the deer leaped from t'ie precipice into the river, and made wnv naross to the other shore, in full view of the passengers. It esoa•r\ed in- t.o the woods. brat was followed by Ed. 1Ta ane, an ata lnniter, and his sons.— 'Jnlrrle succeeded in killing it in Bi, Sink Pond, five miles from where it lumped into: the river. Its saddles weighed more'than two hundred rounds. --P The Customer me r1a s but One Profit On Thursday Mr. Brown, lecturer ori • Agricniture at the Meats' Ferns, 900017 tended by a number of the students proceeded' to Mr, lituld's farm in pus. Buell and inspected that gentleman's tniti;nificent herd of Devon cattle.- Considerable time was spent in the f vection, ]Jr. Brown giving a le.c ;"' on the points of the anrrllals, &c. a b. second visit will be paid on Me L rlleti the other stnrielits will aeon' lit•. Brew!). bTr.etude kindly faith, - ed the iliSpection by every means in his power, giving his xisitors, as he always does, a hearty welcome. Queen Victoria has bestwed a pension of $375 per year upon each of the three ytn)nger children of the late kir. Resident Peak, who 'Itrch, BritishBritishent at 1t . was murd.cred by the Malays, sate the r•ldeet, sou will be provided with a post- tion in tl're colonial service. I The nimble gp si- ensst is bette-' than the slow shilling. t. We•have a few spGc1al lines worthy of particular notice. In Dry foods,' we have en. Undershirts ndersh its & Drawers, -.breakfast Shaw` Ladies Shawls s :Robes es ,.. f: slo B ;n,d lrt ,u, , Eed Blari:kets horse Iyls,rllLolrs, ttl)d 11t_ ff tis l - are T prices, Y t eLt c W1:lIC . ( .1,11. r ghost '0 the fl+t 111 se 11 w ..• •'Ve , , , li f ri .. .,we Ii.[tivb ' ) ,c1 4.L lJ A S tiANT)' S AS R `ti . 1 .., W111cI rfox 1rlca,w>l1 ar1t11cIgr r)elx,, .: arq af,l)nmpti ,t co pe .t,it1o1 8 /a \,. 8'1A r .t. &'Ilt11l11 11, Blondin, the tight -rope walker, has bete. hrtud firntn n;iti0. On the 19th Octribrr 10, A. \\hi"e on 1130 Indian steamship Poonah, and at sea„ he Walk- ed on a seven inch hawser from the min to the inizzentoptnast wad back. Et i5 said that with the tolling of the i;l)i;t and the vibr&iot) of the powerful engines the rune was .drawn into such sitrttn:is w eves Chet it elosely reseni: bled a. snake. Nowlin was frequently obliged to sit down as ' the shoe rode a hes vy swell, At '.Toronto nn Thursday last a wo- r ..71.IJ>RIKES • 1 r Nov bo ilico>;xoto 28, clary t Tz , EXETER. White Wueat ... SOO to $ 03 8prhtg Wheat 90 to 04 Oats ... 30 to 80 Potatoes ' ... 25 to 30 Peas ... ... 55 to GO tl ;s •,. 10 to 18 Butter ... ... 18 to 10 Flour pm bbl.... 500 to 550 13rau, ... ... .., 32 to 12 shorts . 14 to 18 Hogs " 600 to 709 13eef 4 00 to 000 Aides... SSheepskins... Ray Dried Apples Onions Lard.. Wool SO*t 00 To keys•" G , aye 30 to 50 Ducks ..pr 8 0 tog 0 ST. MART'S. (Reported. regularly by A. Galbraith, Clerk) Deihl wheat, per busses ... 00 to 105 Spring wltoat ... ... 00 to l05 Barley... ' C50 too 60 Pens ... ... ... Oats ... 8l to 3:3 lagg', per dozon ... 18 to 18 Bnttar ... ... ... ... 10 to 19 Say... 1100 to 12 00 LONDON. 'White Wheat, por contal...•....c•.....• 1 reacvell ..-...•••-••• Red Winter 1Vheat...••'...' '...•.... 4 50 to 4 50 6(1 to 80 10 00 to 12 00 1 Tri to 200 75 to 100 14 to 15 1 50 to'70 160 to1(18 140 to l5o 156 to Ilio l lite l 45 1 08t 115 Oats......... ...' . 090to0 02 s1AS'OILTH. i•allWhent 00 to 06 'Spring vtheat... ... ..." GO to 06 Oats 0 30 to 80 Barle " 60 to 06 Barley ......... ... ... 055to 05 Pea . • 0 17 to 18 Eggs i 10 to 10 '40 rru 11e $ Mese. Ifyon want circulars, If you want hand -bilis, If you want envelopes, if you )stylet business sande, If you went neat bin -11004 $, If you want slfipping tag3, If you w,u t tasty letter !loads, If you want nice visiting cards, If you want the )gest of _ball work, if you want any Bind of printing. Leave your orclere at therl'Isme offreo: and you can accuse them •on 3hOrt nos tiee, at low rates, and the beet style, EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE, r,ot G, in llth Concession, Township of Stephen County of fluron-100 acres --80- cleared, tiood louse and Barn, Young Orchard just beginning; to beat hligoaltly situated for Markets, &e, For particulars apply to tho owner, T0101.rrr G1tOWIaI1Y ou the premises, or to Mr, 13; V, )7LLI0T,, Solicitor, Exeter, Decotnbor,14,"1975. (17.3t) LUCAN NEW :13VICIiER r l)e lnandeesif) ac • eveultt l ifonse the What. t!ifinta•o1 E W' and vichrity that 1rs Ilse OPI,NLD A N:lrsW .13UTCIILFt 511.4;p o')o door south of 1310I3laokdanhtllellop aYldhor7ee the same liberal patronage that hue bnii11 AO cordon to 11 in lu t1 oracneatirix AND weoest some • Ileo win be extended t911i)Ll:in hoe new branch o. our,iuvss, ,lily meat wagon, „moan at 030 cosi trance of ilio vi)iatgore f4ee thnoe oleeh week an F:F1',..CSII MEA-.'' ell k ;bole kept constantly on bend at his butch 5.1 011, N, I3, Illaokebithing and wagon making carried oil as usual in all 1tii branches; R. DAVIS. Exeter Doc. 2 LADIES! TRY OUR Brilliantine Hair Cream, tiro most betintifiil i))ir dressing in neo 0RIENTAL HAIR RESTORER will in a very short time produ„e a healthy growth ROSE GLYCERINE EMOLLIENT ' - in without a rival forwlitening and softening the skin ROSE TOOTH PASTE , for beautifying the guars and;prosorving the tooth from decay. RQ. E CREAM . for improving the complexion, and romoving tan, freckles, eco. GLYCERINE JELLY will -remove all soreness caused by exposure, cracked hands, eta.. SOLE i\iANUI+ACTOItY, Dominion Laboratory, .Exeter. GE O. THE XTON, Manager. Member Ontario (foliose Pharmacy Exeter, December 21, 1875: GREAT REDUCTION c MI 2: G -R -Q -C -E -R I -ES Tho undersigned having just opened out, and having payments to make, is de- termined to do a business though it be et a Great Sacrifice. To do this lie. has resolved to sell FOR ONE MONTFL (which will include the Christnms,Holidays), at tl-e following extremely low prices, viz.: Tea usually sold at 60 cts. for 45c. Tea usually sold. at 75 cts. for 60c. Tea usually sold at 85 cts. for 70e. Tea usually sold at $1.00 for 85c. Sugars, all kinds, through competi.ion, below cost. Syrups, Raisins, Currants, Soda, &c., &c:, are marked right down. Canned Fruit anti. Fish in keepiny with the rest. 'month is forone m our object •'nbottom, as at the bt) t rightJ In fact, everything is , not to do a paying business, but to torn over the money, and at the same time to become ecquainted with the people. We want that all should call and see us, and in the meantime secure some of those bargains we are now offering. - Goods are all guaranteed Fresh, and of Good Value. Don't forget the place, DREW'S NEW BLOCK (Next door to Stanley & Jermyu's, Main Street). TERMS :—Cash or Produce. B. A. LEGGETT. r, December 34,1875. White wheat 90 to 05 Treadwell ...... ..................... 90 to 05 S1?siug 90 to 02 Only 0 81) to 32 PoYLs 0 00 to 0 05 73arlcy 5G t0 , 60 Butter 17 to 38 718)58, per dozen.. ............ .............. 3G to 10 Pet181008 25 to 0 33 1`,a•1•d 12 to 1.8 1"nlloNc 6' to 7 Flay ...... 8 00 to 10 00 Timothy- seed......... .................... ,80011................................0 2.5 to 3 50 mover soca C 0(1 to, 0 75 Wool. !)ti to 35 filieopskius 1 00 to 1 50 33eof 00 to 0 50' Fiidos Ai to '5 `t 50 Perk 7 00 0 7 OltAN TON. Deihlwhoa t, 90e Troadvell, OOc t a 05c; spring 0 to 80.'I3eaf,l4t400, futte r,'13 60 20c°r'EgR ,L 18 n 18c lii'lon, por T, 45ots Tallow, per, 158 to 7. 'orlc, 800 811881 skins• 80e to 1 00. - it 0n - dee bill ! cr . ,rr.r 4. ora ;•;,tr:>a.-• A t Messrs. Bell S: Co., manufacturers of organs, melodeoinsa nil pianos, Guolph Ont., the same being good for 40 per, cent. on the retail price of an instrn-, Inent of not less than .$120 ; or will be received as one third r)nyment en their catalogue. For instance, i11 percl1ass M, ,>r frig ' (400 pion() the (due bill would be l worth $200. This valuble document fit will be disposed of et whet modern ad- vprtisers call a tremendous aiterifroe while its validity is unquestionable Apply nt tl.le Mills Office. vrFrEcro_ _ •, . Cell. TILOVAT N WAT 6be 11,, iq th0 UOstin the Market Inert of lady -Beta apltr'.t1ra1)Ct`{ aur) gate Walker, fn's Warne its. lir,, t tllker, ti:iirC 10j)r u- scntc(1 horsnlf o4 0 l aw y0r'S wi f' t lt lv tc1 n f 0 • r rti„ l fru' iattrl r hiers((1' 011(1 1)uabatlll, She vwn1 toll) • fit 1,t Il1ihrl,ir(lt'r:; wee t; wonted,butµl erSund.(1 that people of the 1r) 001 to lit her slay owl' night, N fil rl) 1 f+ after lrrr.)I(fdl;tf, no husband ]nlveyes n1r• i 1318'(,18 al Omagh 1110 pr o i(li 1.< til r.Le 1 G' ( ' n ;:nil li ettt n , Y raft 1 ii vat sl a letter to some SAMW ELL PICKARD Beg to inform thepublle that they have engagod ripa.;. BRIGHT Formerly with McIntyre 8c Co, to eoudact their 171.4105.8$0N. ,0:11/111. SUPE f Off$ " OA $71.07.• •M •/"' ars 41xo'tiiasi; walseerful value/ O E OA T Re4cly i1a .e ci t IN 11 Nli AND BOYS ALSO Wincies,Fla?,nelst8laek us tres and, I 'erinoes 7 11031 ototil5 f IlootA 6 dKhoel, "011EAP AS EVEI1, I1ENDLBSON 44 WII1'iE • . Succesaoro to G. 13, Sinith, St. Mary's, October 22;1875, ,)' A RARE OPPORTUNITY All that valuable stock of C i.,?c'ks, /atgh's, &' J ew►el pry to be Sold Off at Cost and LESS THAN COST within sixty days from date. As the goods have been selected with great care and are really good, this is IL chance that only happens once in a lifetime. Come along then and SECURE THE BARGAINa as the stock must be sold. • Also the entire Household rurniti re I to be sold, This is one of the best fur- nished houses in the village, and par- ties wishing to buy good furniture can secure bargains. TAILMG DEPARTMENT ;ic•i„rr, urate' t 't tl)r) iv i).;1rrr7oat)to t t g . t1 1 , A e1 I(i) 1Ti►it lcil + e)1 7l 81(01' )r Y ro'oEl )rY1 % v 't.1")':1661):161' lthv I40061 11 S r )Y 1 , rat ) two t 1 li Y ltY • she n cr tt t .)tl taro i.n 1 li 'lit ler l is tt n 1 tt ,rill v s, rsrl ,r ”{ t Yo rTYY ) Y , t) , i u fie wee 1Y 1 este, ,`t t'Y,r . r, a n'ks t. )e ittt'l l'YYte of l , IY ell yit(1 rY•k Y)il le f F rt irrl< . t l) h, • o 'the t3 stlY Ya hn .r "Y r' c •rr . ur7Yt rte]) 1 4 1 t C e t1)Kj iY E H i'fLlt£ "!7 r t w t wet V rte M: 'fV,11YI r t. ,. w P O ill , Unit tit7t)ltta)g C • . r!'l[' it.rgr!=,i.rl>'rt rttl t,ttaa))r!sh ,t0.1t ref ,,. 'tVo ptie•' w •s aria r,,• al)r1 stall <ni)v t t, r r ( w n a ]tact it1 1Jei' c)1).ltict, i e l `f cry, ,n 11,.611116,'1641 . ltktitlYllr ri, fettn Ia lei true, CS ) v iw a lttle ., ;y t , i t1 (, 11 1t c. . , City it d tl t 7 l ai tl her 1luren,u i etrts >aax Ilia boon flibronoliy, rom4ackoat 4t,a rYlal)tttntt t „ ,o aau tv and feel confident that all orders entrusted to them kill give; ENTIRE SATISFACTION All cloths purchased from them will be CUT FREE Of CHARGE h Theo have also received a 1 tPge lot of All -wool vcol Shawls ' Blankets, bought much below their value, 'which they are now offering at Great Bargains. Stock Full in allD.epartrnen:tsr an This is a bona fide sale, and strictly Cash. There is one 7.00tave Piano, Weber(I{instsfin) four round corners, heavy carved legs, a first- class article. Also one Ten -Stop Organ, -with pipe top, the best organ in .tho riliage ; 2 -'setts reeds, sub bass and` octave coupler, a plendid article for a' e-mail. Will _be sold heap. All by private sale THOS. FITTON. Exeter, Oct. 28, 187 5. 113-tf 75) FALL 05 Gents Furnish'ng Ida Esia6lishmeat THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN - se. that he has just received a splendid assortment of CANADIAN, scoTCI1 & ENGLISH TWEEDS EED BLACK BROADCLOTHS, da DOESKINS, ETC., wlieh for STYLE AND QUALITY WILL 33E HARD TO BEAT 1 TAILORL N G Department is replete with every modern im- provement, and furnished monthly with i• TAISIZZON PL TES or. American Styles and Cuts All Work guaranteed, and cut in the ms fashionable style. Call early and see one of the choicest and best selected stocks 51 town, and offering lowprices for cash. C. ,5O1: `.I IICO 7'P. .. MlI1v - I0N GUN SHOP, ,ANI) RI• . FIt>J FaclTo;lY. )/j Int G ISCOMING THE --yy - • & R T 1J. H. B L., and have opened out tlio L A Cl- .L1 • 4.nd we are Still Ahead. .1•31 ra a B E T stock of Goods over brought into Exeter. General Line of B even ess. l the Of Everything it consisting of Y Fanc Dry -Goods, Millinery, Shap e & ado C1othi i g, .'1)'nr)lisllin 8,. Hats Lt Caps, Carpets, House rllrnishing:, T3ardware, Groceries. Pools c 5 cs cC Cr and Shoos, Stationery, Wall Papers, Crockery and Ulaasivitre, Patent lricddt,in , , I have also seemed the services of UR W. IL IVES owinanvilto, late of Toronto, as manager of ray Clothing 1)epartrneht. 'All l :work seri out of 13 1 to none in the Dominion. Pant cilttl g 1. by hire gfu aranteed t+ be socosu • us with a call will fled the goo/181,10.1113d prices right. 1lc glen icy, this' is thin persutt3 get ave place to got everything. you want at low prices. N. . All Binds of h'nrin J rothieo tttilcon ,, in .Cllm)ge. JAS PICKARD fleeter 0, 1875. , iO. hr al:0 rl iy dIEi{ .' r r 1fc1 Cil 1..1 .. CJi.L w . • , ,.:..., xld. FL't1'11L 'i7.:11: C,, . :c1.y.1'L 'r ;cXr31, b l,l .c x , t. v` O it L 1 T) AY '11O OUI .. sae+•... V V 6811 orSialuttoution t i g tlo art• li hose tvho tote ' , t. ,... .». , •,' t4 our tuitlo t p n to rIo Y)o Is10) f•!(. • tY r , :. ; < Y anen1,which 1,t there coni- pllrcihas4.s . , ::• : v have tnw. User.. Lh¢ ... , a10tY tltilnO43438' not o inttlrufaet 1 Y8 84 10 sun k 4• .r 11(1C104 k11711111,1 new designs alof`1;tt r a e. cit ll ns a beat coffins, k Tho r "f!s y 0. a. at YftY r 10 of Y again' i r 'M ! r I 510 claim I Ilpgpli , oaake33, slno11418,16 of ery hay *40,',s tl' t le • t s. rt(r tl 1 ,n4 C l i,r . t funeral l.anor .. .,t.a fel r1 1Y Iii ... ,. .. A tit 1 cru roll 1► . ho of °° . e bur w :..,,171 ati os c, 1 woke which o It v ,• . benefit, r r the ,. r. t Iced 1> t !! - 1reI10 tl to Moet t)r0 vl.)as •,.. t ., to hoarse 9 1 )' lir nsl.1 OI1s i Tri 'coin )0tent 311(101 be 's, p 1 ( tiY a i, 7L IF t cit fthe Y .-810110 in o 0 . .T oa i o )e ih 111 ht+fan Y 'last elle a lf. . r t10 • Ica ., col 1 t, . Soo c). e0 I In r foot Prov rat hu r v k lLtl hoc \ Y 4 W ss y , r. • l p i rp +j tti C0 1t oo , R . W SOPER Mannfacturer of and dealer 01 Rt0 lesti-. ,4CAge V.t1►tS, Revolver'8 Woodham h icel,.a t X' ' Mi tY'trlH 8t\ r'noo ti r v 7 fora ctl y Li tt an ;\tarum the R Ian l I iLi'O farm filo len `MOM to of prep r 4110 10alutfao- n 1. h rat lYo has en `MOM and is' prepared tlyd r SS 1r RT AND HEAVY ill Illi i) \C' 11i4 11 arid +thei lit watt of is gi!viei Merl ft cal tbii• oe tsb ,triter y iYi their .,m t r ltd n { ! t't ri il3 t3 S'x' Ito 1z llrin Yl o wW "lest d . i1 ... a) tort .. tlbi► Carriage dtt►, + teilr fr