HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-09, Page 23CLASSIFIEDS 235-1331 Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. ASK FOR DETAILS Guaranteed Results With Our $al Super Ad Or We'd Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Ties At No Charge OFFICE HOURS - MONDAY TO FRIDAY 1:30 a.m. to 5.•00 p.oi. I'hI I'�II) Kell s WORD ADS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Addams/kJ I Se charge for each revel vier NOTICES- weed max•-••.^• (Sinks. Death., Aamesm t5- sou. Comm. Erems. Memoriam, Cards or Thiols) 1 insenion $9.63 2 insertion $2L40 3 insertion No Charge Addnsmal I Se charge for each word over maximum • BASED ON $2.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bordered & Monthly Ada Rotes available on request �PAYMENT Cask anew (•'Mh rdeaGrKYNa). X WIceey Order. Visa and h„erweard ars accepted . • PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT 5-T IS COUtECr ( 1 \till 11 1) ( )I:I Al U. 1 ( )I. \1 Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME ADDRESS 1 te nalcesmrisien ZSto aur 3, a. t1O��rre, axle Lfor Rent 21 .. eorRent 21 tO Renf 21 rt7 Hinry 27 r w`•' y45 ertnon SJn�eyed and („rJ6r Sales PHONE: DATES TO RUN METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa MasterCard _ Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry SIGNATURE - 4- 1 Lost, Strayed GREY LONG HAIRED PERSIAN/hymalayan type cat with pink collar and heart condition. Lost north of Grand Bend. Reward. 238-2222. (41c) 3 Situations Wanted CHILD CARE OFFERED in our home. Eight years combined experience working with children of all ages. First aid and C.B.R. References available. Will transport. Cal Sharon and Andrew. 234-6798. (38-41c) KIRkTON • Mother of 2 will provide care for your child in my home. references, reasonable rates. all shifts. Call Vicki 229-6497.(4I,42c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or ernployment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement. sounds too good to be true, it is. 4 Help Wanted1 r Does your resume look skimpy? Add the courses that get you hired. Gain computer experience In Word, Excel, Windows '95 and more. CaII Bernard Computer Training Centre today (519) 2354890. j Township of Stephen HURON PARK AND AREA FIRE DEPT. is currently accepting applications to fill vacancies on this volunteer fire dept. All interested persons are asked to submit a resume to P,O. BOX 51, HURON PARK, ONTARIO. NOM 1Y0 by October 21.1996. Thank you to all applicants. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 4 Help Wanted BABYSITTER NEEDED for 7 and 10 year old. 229-6210. Call after4:30 p.m. (42,42c) RELIABLE PLANT WORKERS required. Apply in person only at Durisol Inc. 216 St. George St. Mitchell, Ont. (41,42c) URGENTLY REQUIRED. One housekeeper plus! 3 days/week, preferably Mon. Wed. Fri. Apply in writing with resume to Box 382, Exeter, Ontario NOM 155. (41c) HERBAL MAGIC SYSTEMS. We're expanding! Positions available for FIT health counsellors. Successful candidates will be providing weight management counselling and selling health products in a clinic setting 474-0891. (41c) GUELPH TOOL & DIE LTD Machinists & Tool Makers In your present position you may be working on new tooling with experi- ence or you may be a 2nd or 3rd year apprentice looking for new tooling. Whatever the case, we may have what you're looking tor. We have a combination of work on all shifts that includes making new dies, maintaining progressive dies and transfer dies. If this interests you fax your resume to: 1-519-822-0377 or phone 1-519-822-5401 and speak with the Human Resources Manager It you wish you may apply In person 39 Royal Rd., Guelph, Ont. NIH 1G2 Attention: Human Resources Manager TRANSPORT DRIVERS Sparling's Liquid Transport is a specialized tank carrier handling natural gas liquids and anhydrous ammonia throughout Ontario, Quebec and the United States. Immediate seasonal and full-time positions are available to experienced, safety -conscious drivers with clean A, Z records. Please apply in person at Sparling's Propane, Highway 4 South, Blyth by 5 p.m, October 18. For information, call 519-523-4212 SLT CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Governed *instance pro- grams information .velebe. For your new or wiring business. NW wive lege of he goverment parrs end bans. Cal 1400-915-3515. UNEMPLOYED, UCENSED ELECTRICIANS needed b loamy Mal Hydro milers. Tenon's aval tat Wamn- out dart. Wok from yon ors tame. Sod hrethert required. Fax resume b Meier Welch 1405.7074161/. HOT! HOP. HOT! VENO -A -&INT. NOnst groes h Me vudrg MOMry. Cine len metthcf,er. Ern lid Imo noon*, wrong orir the day a weed. Excialre roes ewer= eh; a FREE brochure. 91101*: 1400461.11332. HOME PARTY SALES • aa.DRErs GAMES, •Aloe• 1bnel products • Eam NO commissions foe Write legate horne-0a.d tushes*. Fa idormelom ea end r- bour cal Leaders h UnNgl I -00609.7277. SONEWERS POPC06 W PARTIES. Doling new sy*- rem wilt hawed praasbiy. Repressors needed to maker popeonnproduds. Mesad in *ening edge ncomedame bend burin= =1140041%44M ARE YOU A HOME4ASED BUSINESS produchg gf Ci7helo IoGINO your tupoi*W ., pan of 5.5.5. Eliibaotrs Tows) Sarno 0111 Btaw. 1 wes01 WWIoo INN 11*4 samples of Mb best wok by *wart 27, 1661. There is a naweirdidb medlee 938.00 WI an addlionsi St al 200 b5- 10 46 enb to secure tfs Msco low wo- span, .fids rum 6 -010 a le (e04054 For furter Yrante6on W 1-1100. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERWG M Its Souris*** SdaW ol Auction's**. November o 0 r aCon- tact Son � SdnaIArctionertig, R 45. bods** Orarb N4S 7V9 (519)537.2115. AN EXCELLENT WAY b sew money. Sha 1973 oar• dens hews been saving money ISM an INCOME TAX PREPARATION COURSE Mm U 6 R TM Spf00tS S N Mm* in your spare lime For FREE telt 6653144, U a R Ta* SdaoM. EDUCATIONAL OPP& COUNSELLOR TRAINING Wide slew* dao cor- respondence courses tor M 0166306y Precise beg*reg ors monk fin a bwttiM pMIM 1*f bee 1400465-70W _ EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRANSPORT DRNERS NEEDED. Now le Me live to Iran b5- you clan AZ lore*. For Warn= or *Marion coed G,teM Truck Dam Tran*g - Cordon • 1600- 263.4777 Oob preowned essbWnce wMlbls). • HELP WANTED 110 0044os • 001111110. PRODUCT DEMONSTRA- r1014 AND SALES. hwtsdost* consid6nibn b ovlgag, WooeaMra1d corn*. Me poetess ease= *M• prewar end correnradcydsidle b o, e prow* slotting ccerenkfaCaltel at ata Camila parpe,a1*� Mapoducti and l Is End nds. E.oeptonw Peals* tipper Me L 1.100116Ni706. SALES HELP WANTED {ATTENTION STUDENTS( Mika * lot W many wig 4100105 ban. Net produce araYgs. Not*l9 b pay h advance Fast arrow! 1.05-M33519, MEDICAL 201'20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Salk rapid, non prmairr ratoratin in 6 - 6 wa.ks. Ante pet d.NF opId, doctor wawa Free h lormildn by mat 400- 9614570. est. 253; as 406461.5577. MNpi/ sum Meiorereedan.00m SaWgAatgrrwraad. PAY TELEPHONE $ERIE. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Arenas. SWUM consultation RW6onshb, Carom. tic Orgy 92./1*rit. 16. 1.600 451-371. PERSONALS LEARN TO READ THE BIBLE effectively. Exciting 12 pert =responde ce cane. Foe. Non-detanheeonal WA*: ASK, Bos 67513. 1500 Royal Yak, Weston, ON ISP 3V5. ASHOROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. F•o, companionship min1ge. Age* 1645. Btngla, eidoeed.dAaced Al across Cenade. MAB Worm, P.O. Bos 205, Chew. B.C., YOE 1043. Fry* Womean.1604479-3543. ADOPTION ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMQY MEMBERS Crede Wide Ne1ond Realty and mei oulsirce t . 1004716/77. 114....*. Ina 14004714477. Hwa( ftcvwr•georgiennsl SERVICES Come HYDRO BAILS T00 4-5014? Your Hydro MIN( may be defective and overcharging yowl You could receve large cash reAnds For bee s4.o hbrmeIon al Mehr Walde 1-600 8044662 STEEL BUILOINGS SALE ON All GRAIN STORAGE BUILDINGS Many afros to choose kw. Quonsets, SoeAwal Ovonsers M new Trustless Derr. Cal Future 1.1004666653 00515. All STEEL BUILDING SALE.. Go Ontario Factory Direct. &boy Sires ars StyNs. Expiate: 30140 raw 65.908 00. 35 a SO now =9,461.00. /0 x 60 now 911,444 CO Plower SMN 1-e00461-5422. 15)17 SELL IIS4EDIATELY. New Seim nN puked root from buadigs. 1.18120. 1.20 x 24, 1-25r 30 Priced a ter 07Ak4y. Fadory Wed. 14005406164 BEST MAUR0 PRICES • SUN S1il.el Type • nor qualms • 37x54 1600, 40.72 614233, 50.90 $20,443, 60r126 331,314.Om Wes relate • Mae. deeanot Pawn • 241n • 1.600-26341499 ARENAS. BARNS, SHEDS, SHOPS Engineered 0511 Inmos win dips b5- woo4P0NM gals end pate Easy to bund yoursea ed save, Promo Budding Frsnee. Peen eros 006-2771. • Ws Affordable • ft's Fast • R's Easy • One 5111 Does N All • NOrthem Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario SOS • Western OIIMtfo $130 • Central Onkel° $134 • Al O*Narb 5384 • National Packages Available • Cas Oil paper at 4srgst 4 Help Wanted Full Time/Part Time Flexible schedule. Easy work, no experience, earn $300-$600 weekly at home, guaranteed. Call 7 days. 1-(504) 641-7778 Ext. 0198H39 CLERICAL HELP NEEDED Are you looking to get back into the work force? Are your office skills a little rusty? Before you send out your resume, get some tresh experience. Answering telephone, receipting, mail, correspondence, photocopying, faxes, typing minutes, public awareness events, etc.. - For more information or to apply please call Shelley 482-1482 - 1-800-561-5012. 5 Business Opp. NEED EXTRA SSS - Work at home and earn S2Jenvelope. Send S.A.S.E. to L & B Enterprise 309-2500 Barton St. E. Suite 232, Stoney Creek, Ontario LSE 4A2. (38-4149 S570/WEEKLY MAKING holiday decoration year around at home. No exp. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycraft Decoration Ltd. 420 Main. St. E. U -C Ext. (075. Milton, Ont. L9T 5G3. (41:44•) Ili til\1 OI'I'ORTUNITY RENTALS Rubber Ducky Watercraft Inc. • Established Customer Base • High Volume and Repeat Sales • Established Logo & Customer L Sts • Industry leading SeaclooO9 Watercraft • Transferable Business for new season • Annual Gross Income =40% of Investment IF YOU WANT TO RESPOND TO THIS EXCITING AND FAST GROWING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PLEASE CONTACT: Rich Gingerich 519 236-7533 6 Services Warren Auto Glass Seaforth Broken Windshield? We pay your $100.00 deductible Mobile Service 1-800-300-9144 345-2432 LIQUID MANURE REMOVAL n`+''e'.W Viar.titllnH and Spread Agitation Pit Transferring. Runoff Pits. Etc. REY-AGRA (519) 345-2478 527-1818 Times -Advocate, October 9, 1996 6 Services Page 23 6 Services 1 PIANO TUNING w�. • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMP CHASERS • REGULATING e. ISO JD 750 0 No Til Drill For Rent Jeff Horn 0229-81760) BRUCE PULSIFER BOX 1204, MITCHELL ONTARIO, NOK 1NO 348-9223 ) 712 Pets slimmi...mmini TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 A GENTLE PLACE for grieving children. Mundy Gough B.S.W. Phone 237.3892. (7th') HAIRCUT. SHAVE. SHAMPOO'' Wayne Otterhein's Barber Shop. 394 Main Street, Exeter. 235-0559. Open 8 a.m. Closed Wednesday. Saturday at 2 p.m. (40:44•) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • HEDGE TRIMMING & GRASS CUTTING Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. t T(Ittitl RNARD .L...74E(Oltr U 1 E* nraisiog (1011* 93 Victoria St. E. 235-4890 Beside the Diet, Public School Do you meed training/ upgradiisg ii1- - _ • Windows '95 • Windows 3.1 • Excel • Lotus • Word • WordPerfect -Gita Pat a call to start today CALL PAT BERNARD (519) 235-4890 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jcrvis•Photography. Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open shame or appointment 15191 243-1130. (28tfn1 The HANDYMAN * Electrical * Carpentry Heating * Flooring * Plumbing * Drywall * Eavestrough & Siding * Wallpaper & Painting * Landscaping/Yard Security' * Roofing &Repairs Quality Work at a Reasonable Price No Job Too Small COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS Tim McQuiggan Bus.(519) 235-1098 "We want to earn your respect.' 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1987 HONDA CBX 250. good condition. low ktns. Phone 235-2122. (12tfn ) 1986 YAMAHA EXCELL I11 340 heated handle bars. electric start. good condition 51500 or best offer. CaII 225-2564 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wrecking. free scrap car removal. Call Advanced Auto at 234-6252. (6tfn) 1975 FORD RANGER, new brakes, topper. 81.000 obo. Phone 234=6209. (tfnx) TOP DOLLAR PAiD for older cars, trucks, scrap. etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections 535.00. Auto repairs. (1410.) 1984 CAMARO BERLiNETTA 8 cylinder. new tires, runs well. Phone 235-2122 after 5 p.m. (35 inn) 1990 PONTiAC FIREFLY. 4 -speed manual transmission, approx. 55,000 km. To be sold 'as is'. Purchaser responsible for cost of certification and applicable taxes. May he viewed at the Olde Town Hall. 322 Main Street. Exeter. Sealed bids will be received until noon on Thursday. October 17.(41e) 1990 MAZDA 52600 4x4 Ext. cab, 20.000 km. mint. 59.950. Call 284-2277. 1984 FORD F150. Pickup standard ahif.147,000 km Best offer. As is. 235-1167.(41e) 1983 COUGAR V6 automatic 5950. as is. Phone 8-5 - 228-6654. After 5 228-6801,1e,ave message. (41-485A) 5 MONTH OLD QUARTERHORSE cross colt. Red roan. halter broke. quiet. 5500. obo. 234-6211(40,41c) FREE BEAGLE TO GOOD HOME. House trained, excellent with kids but needs space to run around. Good markings for a hunter. Call anytime - 228-6572. (40:41c) PUREBRED SIAMESE KITTENS. excellent attitudes, mother and father can be seen. Call 284-3721 after4 p.m. Cie( PET GROOMING 235.0625 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR. PiANO and Bass Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) HEINTZMAN PIANO and stool $475. 235-2737.(41,42c) r 14 Appliances, Television STACKING WASHER & dryer. 5350./pair. 235-0302. (38-41 c) REPAIR AND SERVICE on most vacuums. Bags. belts, parts. Also good used ones. Quick service. No charge on estimates. Call 235-1164. (40:43•) MEDIUM SIZED freezer only 7 years old. 13 cu. 0. Works •great. Only 5195 cash. 235-3489. (40-47SA) SEWING MACHINE- repairs to all makes and ' models, warranty - contact Wickerbaskets, Main St. Lucan. (41:43c) 15 Personal iF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. 1f you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or I -800-706-9833. (I7tfn) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's Ark). Open 9-12. (Closed Thurs.) Phone 235-4104. (33tfx) 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron'sHealth Centre, Hensall. (16tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwooc hickory, beech. ash. maple. delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457.(49t(n) FRESH APPLE CIDER - 25e Ib. U-picl apples. ready -picked, apple butter, Gide vinegar, pumpkins. Hwy. 4 north of Lucan turn east at Mooresville. 2 miles or Mooresville Dr.. Apple -Dale Orchan 227-0097.(39.42c) APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Avalalble • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0444 Hwy. 4 & Credllon Stderoad FIREWOOD, SEASONED 530. a cord c cut your own tops at 810. 263-5151 (40:44c) ALUMINUM STORM WiNDOWS: 4 - 3 IR x 70"; 3 - 35 112 a 64". Chimney block and tiles. Call 284-1236. SNOWBLOWER, fits any MTD Yardman 18 hp only used twice 51.20* new asking 5600. Call 284-1976 leas message. 24" GOLD ELECTRIC STOVE, chen coffee table with 2 glass top sections. 1 y old single bed, chesterfield, Iarf microwave oven. Call 284-3614. GREENHOUSE FOR SALE - 2 walls an door suitable for corner. IOx6. 5100 ob Phone 235-3316. (40:41) CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Cha} s are based on the number o gets of nurntxafs as for se n 11151 6:11tYeet numbers, phone numbers or prices count as on word per set. Words joined by by phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 wor $9,00. 15¢ per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - N copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 15e pe Word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, death Notices - 20 words $11. each additional word 158. IN MEMORIAMS - 311.00 plus 25 per tine of verse. COMING EVENTS • 30 word $11.00, each additional word 15¢. Three insertions for the price o1 two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 word $11.00, additional words 108 each. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25. ATES with picture - $10. PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 $8.00 8 x 10 $9.00 $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column Inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column Inch. (minimum size in this category 1 Inch. Accepted In multlpptes of half inch,) BOXeNUMBERS to this office $2.50 insertion. p SUPER $11.00 Oesdlk1•: for classified ads Is 4.00 p. m. Mondays. OUR AOVER71111010 POUCY Aditwte*g in rho Thiee-Advooa s ee accepte•J on oandrlon lel In the event W a typographrei tae W the error, portion advertising spec* occu- pied by M erroneous Nem, together with reason Worsen= for able •igraa+rs, wo be'e-n, In . subsequent erre se a macs good el no charge, the biome of M Wveresemert w*5. wee be peal for et et appaoeb4 rase. In he evert W a npoorep8cel error tevwuebg goods o,.sr*ss ata wrong price, goods a.wvbes mry not be word. Admiring leen Wier to eel end Fry be windrow et any One. My errors must 51 ao mwriedged I M O% wren day. W publication. The Thsee•AAvoate re.rves to wares= W re - rising or retedIng edver4$I hew tar octad_ we to dirge Waeeiication objecroneble and M W any ham Ma adve,Meemen1 ordered to con- forms at ria of this rrwysper. Contents poky alp prNtsed by copyrcta. R.Prosmtion W any m5- 51t.f 5-M he wWrori permission of publisher e latldden. AIaeamea purchase* specs and cle,Aeson O. A5 rights to any .M4l..rtwp by produced Me Tlnee-Ad vcate, sang axfwerk typography or photographs s .rtw.gsd lot by to newepeper aha be he properly of he Thi.. -A.10. No such .4 or any pert hereof may be reproduced or es - signed Menu, Tire* when consent of he - Advocies. The Ontario human Rights Code de- prdrbbe cAnnebn because W age, we, Insefti strew, rw`, creed, rafea*y, moiety, or place W ori- gin. h.empre•.0e veld lie code, en Teras Ad- d- vocate voa s reserves M ilift to snake he neormsery dhj.ges in aid *nisi g copy. STATEMENT OP POLICY; The Tirw•Mvocete e b► not re.poneble emss In advwYewete not Med h legible bna4 sSn nor for more tan a Mingle involved heerson W tel edvwe.esrnt lie. •■ Phone ® 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Sabre $2.00 4 Help Wanted1 r Does your resume look skimpy? Add the courses that get you hired. Gain computer experience In Word, Excel, Windows '95 and more. CaII Bernard Computer Training Centre today (519) 2354890. j Township of Stephen HURON PARK AND AREA FIRE DEPT. is currently accepting applications to fill vacancies on this volunteer fire dept. All interested persons are asked to submit a resume to P,O. BOX 51, HURON PARK, ONTARIO. NOM 1Y0 by October 21.1996. Thank you to all applicants. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 4 Help Wanted BABYSITTER NEEDED for 7 and 10 year old. 229-6210. Call after4:30 p.m. (42,42c) RELIABLE PLANT WORKERS required. Apply in person only at Durisol Inc. 216 St. George St. Mitchell, Ont. (41,42c) URGENTLY REQUIRED. One housekeeper plus! 3 days/week, preferably Mon. Wed. Fri. Apply in writing with resume to Box 382, Exeter, Ontario NOM 155. (41c) HERBAL MAGIC SYSTEMS. We're expanding! Positions available for FIT health counsellors. Successful candidates will be providing weight management counselling and selling health products in a clinic setting 474-0891. (41c) GUELPH TOOL & DIE LTD Machinists & Tool Makers In your present position you may be working on new tooling with experi- ence or you may be a 2nd or 3rd year apprentice looking for new tooling. Whatever the case, we may have what you're looking tor. We have a combination of work on all shifts that includes making new dies, maintaining progressive dies and transfer dies. If this interests you fax your resume to: 1-519-822-0377 or phone 1-519-822-5401 and speak with the Human Resources Manager It you wish you may apply In person 39 Royal Rd., Guelph, Ont. NIH 1G2 Attention: Human Resources Manager TRANSPORT DRIVERS Sparling's Liquid Transport is a specialized tank carrier handling natural gas liquids and anhydrous ammonia throughout Ontario, Quebec and the United States. Immediate seasonal and full-time positions are available to experienced, safety -conscious drivers with clean A, Z records. Please apply in person at Sparling's Propane, Highway 4 South, Blyth by 5 p.m, October 18. For information, call 519-523-4212 SLT CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Governed *instance pro- grams information .velebe. For your new or wiring business. NW wive lege of he goverment parrs end bans. Cal 1400-915-3515. UNEMPLOYED, UCENSED ELECTRICIANS needed b loamy Mal Hydro milers. Tenon's aval tat Wamn- out dart. Wok from yon ors tame. Sod hrethert required. Fax resume b Meier Welch 1405.7074161/. HOT! HOP. HOT! VENO -A -&INT. NOnst groes h Me vudrg MOMry. Cine len metthcf,er. Ern lid Imo noon*, wrong orir the day a weed. Excialre roes ewer= eh; a FREE brochure. 91101*: 1400461.11332. HOME PARTY SALES • aa.DRErs GAMES, •Aloe• 1bnel products • Eam NO commissions foe Write legate horne-0a.d tushes*. Fa idormelom ea end r- bour cal Leaders h UnNgl I -00609.7277. SONEWERS POPC06 W PARTIES. Doling new sy*- rem wilt hawed praasbiy. Repressors needed to maker popeonnproduds. Mesad in *ening edge ncomedame bend burin= =1140041%44M ARE YOU A HOME4ASED BUSINESS produchg gf Ci7helo IoGINO your tupoi*W ., pan of 5.5.5. Eliibaotrs Tows) Sarno 0111 Btaw. 1 wes01 WWIoo INN 11*4 samples of Mb best wok by *wart 27, 1661. There is a naweirdidb medlee 938.00 WI an addlionsi St al 200 b5- 10 46 enb to secure tfs Msco low wo- span, .fids rum 6 -010 a le (e04054 For furter Yrante6on W 1-1100. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERWG M Its Souris*** SdaW ol Auction's**. November o 0 r aCon- tact Son � SdnaIArctionertig, R 45. bods** Orarb N4S 7V9 (519)537.2115. AN EXCELLENT WAY b sew money. Sha 1973 oar• dens hews been saving money ISM an INCOME TAX PREPARATION COURSE Mm U 6 R TM Spf00tS S N Mm* in your spare lime For FREE telt 6653144, U a R Ta* SdaoM. EDUCATIONAL OPP& COUNSELLOR TRAINING Wide slew* dao cor- respondence courses tor M 0166306y Precise beg*reg ors monk fin a bwttiM pMIM 1*f bee 1400465-70W _ EMPLOYMENT OPPS. TRANSPORT DRNERS NEEDED. Now le Me live to Iran b5- you clan AZ lore*. For Warn= or *Marion coed G,teM Truck Dam Tran*g - Cordon • 1600- 263.4777 Oob preowned essbWnce wMlbls). • HELP WANTED 110 0044os • 001111110. PRODUCT DEMONSTRA- r1014 AND SALES. hwtsdost* consid6nibn b ovlgag, WooeaMra1d corn*. Me poetess ease= *M• prewar end correnradcydsidle b o, e prow* slotting ccerenkfaCaltel at ata Camila parpe,a1*� Mapoducti and l Is End nds. E.oeptonw Peals* tipper Me L 1.100116Ni706. SALES HELP WANTED {ATTENTION STUDENTS( Mika * lot W many wig 4100105 ban. Net produce araYgs. Not*l9 b pay h advance Fast arrow! 1.05-M33519, MEDICAL 201'20 WITHOUT GLASSES! Salk rapid, non prmairr ratoratin in 6 - 6 wa.ks. Ante pet d.NF opId, doctor wawa Free h lormildn by mat 400- 9614570. est. 253; as 406461.5577. MNpi/ sum Meiorereedan.00m SaWgAatgrrwraad. PAY TELEPHONE $ERIE. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Arenas. SWUM consultation RW6onshb, Carom. tic Orgy 92./1*rit. 16. 1.600 451-371. PERSONALS LEARN TO READ THE BIBLE effectively. Exciting 12 pert =responde ce cane. Foe. Non-detanheeonal WA*: ASK, Bos 67513. 1500 Royal Yak, Weston, ON ISP 3V5. ASHOROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. F•o, companionship min1ge. Age* 1645. Btngla, eidoeed.dAaced Al across Cenade. MAB Worm, P.O. Bos 205, Chew. B.C., YOE 1043. Fry* Womean.1604479-3543. ADOPTION ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMQY MEMBERS Crede Wide Ne1ond Realty and mei oulsirce t . 1004716/77. 114....*. Ina 14004714477. Hwa( ftcvwr•georgiennsl SERVICES Come HYDRO BAILS T00 4-5014? Your Hydro MIN( may be defective and overcharging yowl You could receve large cash reAnds For bee s4.o hbrmeIon al Mehr Walde 1-600 8044662 STEEL BUILOINGS SALE ON All GRAIN STORAGE BUILDINGS Many afros to choose kw. Quonsets, SoeAwal Ovonsers M new Trustless Derr. Cal Future 1.1004666653 00515. All STEEL BUILDING SALE.. Go Ontario Factory Direct. &boy Sires ars StyNs. Expiate: 30140 raw 65.908 00. 35 a SO now =9,461.00. /0 x 60 now 911,444 CO Plower SMN 1-e00461-5422. 15)17 SELL IIS4EDIATELY. New Seim nN puked root from buadigs. 1.18120. 1.20 x 24, 1-25r 30 Priced a ter 07Ak4y. Fadory Wed. 14005406164 BEST MAUR0 PRICES • SUN S1il.el Type • nor qualms • 37x54 1600, 40.72 614233, 50.90 $20,443, 60r126 331,314.Om Wes relate • Mae. deeanot Pawn • 241n • 1.600-26341499 ARENAS. BARNS, SHEDS, SHOPS Engineered 0511 Inmos win dips b5- woo4P0NM gals end pate Easy to bund yoursea ed save, Promo Budding Frsnee. Peen eros 006-2771. • Ws Affordable • ft's Fast • R's Easy • One 5111 Does N All • NOrthem Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario SOS • Western OIIMtfo $130 • Central Onkel° $134 • Al O*Narb 5384 • National Packages Available • Cas Oil paper at 4srgst 4 Help Wanted Full Time/Part Time Flexible schedule. Easy work, no experience, earn $300-$600 weekly at home, guaranteed. Call 7 days. 1-(504) 641-7778 Ext. 0198H39 CLERICAL HELP NEEDED Are you looking to get back into the work force? Are your office skills a little rusty? Before you send out your resume, get some tresh experience. Answering telephone, receipting, mail, correspondence, photocopying, faxes, typing minutes, public awareness events, etc.. - For more information or to apply please call Shelley 482-1482 - 1-800-561-5012. 5 Business Opp. NEED EXTRA SSS - Work at home and earn S2Jenvelope. Send S.A.S.E. to L & B Enterprise 309-2500 Barton St. E. Suite 232, Stoney Creek, Ontario LSE 4A2. (38-4149 S570/WEEKLY MAKING holiday decoration year around at home. No exp. S.A.S.E. to: Holidaycraft Decoration Ltd. 420 Main. St. E. U -C Ext. (075. Milton, Ont. L9T 5G3. (41:44•) Ili til\1 OI'I'ORTUNITY RENTALS Rubber Ducky Watercraft Inc. • Established Customer Base • High Volume and Repeat Sales • Established Logo & Customer L Sts • Industry leading SeaclooO9 Watercraft • Transferable Business for new season • Annual Gross Income =40% of Investment IF YOU WANT TO RESPOND TO THIS EXCITING AND FAST GROWING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PLEASE CONTACT: Rich Gingerich 519 236-7533 6 Services Warren Auto Glass Seaforth Broken Windshield? We pay your $100.00 deductible Mobile Service 1-800-300-9144 345-2432 LIQUID MANURE REMOVAL n`+''e'.W Viar.titllnH and Spread Agitation Pit Transferring. Runoff Pits. Etc. REY-AGRA (519) 345-2478 527-1818 Times -Advocate, October 9, 1996 6 Services Page 23 6 Services 1 PIANO TUNING w�. • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMP CHASERS • REGULATING e. ISO JD 750 0 No Til Drill For Rent Jeff Horn 0229-81760) BRUCE PULSIFER BOX 1204, MITCHELL ONTARIO, NOK 1NO 348-9223 ) 712 Pets slimmi...mmini TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 A GENTLE PLACE for grieving children. Mundy Gough B.S.W. Phone 237.3892. (7th') HAIRCUT. SHAVE. SHAMPOO'' Wayne Otterhein's Barber Shop. 394 Main Street, Exeter. 235-0559. Open 8 a.m. Closed Wednesday. Saturday at 2 p.m. (40:44•) LAWN & GARDEN CARE • HEDGE TRIMMING & GRASS CUTTING Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. t T(Ittitl RNARD .L...74E(Oltr U 1 E* nraisiog (1011* 93 Victoria St. E. 235-4890 Beside the Diet, Public School Do you meed training/ upgradiisg ii1- - _ • Windows '95 • Windows 3.1 • Excel • Lotus • Word • WordPerfect -Gita Pat a call to start today CALL PAT BERNARD (519) 235-4890 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jcrvis•Photography. Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfn) THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open shame or appointment 15191 243-1130. (28tfn1 The HANDYMAN * Electrical * Carpentry Heating * Flooring * Plumbing * Drywall * Eavestrough & Siding * Wallpaper & Painting * Landscaping/Yard Security' * Roofing &Repairs Quality Work at a Reasonable Price No Job Too Small COMPLETE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENOVATIONS Tim McQuiggan Bus.(519) 235-1098 "We want to earn your respect.' 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1987 HONDA CBX 250. good condition. low ktns. Phone 235-2122. (12tfn ) 1986 YAMAHA EXCELL I11 340 heated handle bars. electric start. good condition 51500 or best offer. CaII 225-2564 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY - Cars and trucks for wrecking. free scrap car removal. Call Advanced Auto at 234-6252. (6tfn) 1975 FORD RANGER, new brakes, topper. 81.000 obo. Phone 234=6209. (tfnx) TOP DOLLAR PAiD for older cars, trucks, scrap. etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections 535.00. Auto repairs. (1410.) 1984 CAMARO BERLiNETTA 8 cylinder. new tires, runs well. Phone 235-2122 after 5 p.m. (35 inn) 1990 PONTiAC FIREFLY. 4 -speed manual transmission, approx. 55,000 km. To be sold 'as is'. Purchaser responsible for cost of certification and applicable taxes. May he viewed at the Olde Town Hall. 322 Main Street. Exeter. Sealed bids will be received until noon on Thursday. October 17.(41e) 1990 MAZDA 52600 4x4 Ext. cab, 20.000 km. mint. 59.950. Call 284-2277. 1984 FORD F150. Pickup standard ahif.147,000 km Best offer. As is. 235-1167.(41e) 1983 COUGAR V6 automatic 5950. as is. Phone 8-5 - 228-6654. After 5 228-6801,1e,ave message. (41-485A) 5 MONTH OLD QUARTERHORSE cross colt. Red roan. halter broke. quiet. 5500. obo. 234-6211(40,41c) FREE BEAGLE TO GOOD HOME. House trained, excellent with kids but needs space to run around. Good markings for a hunter. Call anytime - 228-6572. (40:41c) PUREBRED SIAMESE KITTENS. excellent attitudes, mother and father can be seen. Call 284-3721 after4 p.m. Cie( PET GROOMING 235.0625 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR. PiANO and Bass Lessons Available. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (20tfn) HEINTZMAN PIANO and stool $475. 235-2737.(41,42c) r 14 Appliances, Television STACKING WASHER & dryer. 5350./pair. 235-0302. (38-41 c) REPAIR AND SERVICE on most vacuums. Bags. belts, parts. Also good used ones. Quick service. No charge on estimates. Call 235-1164. (40:43•) MEDIUM SIZED freezer only 7 years old. 13 cu. 0. Works •great. Only 5195 cash. 235-3489. (40-47SA) SEWING MACHINE- repairs to all makes and ' models, warranty - contact Wickerbaskets, Main St. Lucan. (41:43c) 15 Personal iF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. 1f you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or I -800-706-9833. (I7tfn) EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St. (Beside Noah's Ark). Open 9-12. (Closed Thurs.) Phone 235-4104. (33tfx) 16 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD & SAWDUST FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron'sHealth Centre, Hensall. (16tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwooc hickory, beech. ash. maple. delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457.(49t(n) FRESH APPLE CIDER - 25e Ib. U-picl apples. ready -picked, apple butter, Gide vinegar, pumpkins. Hwy. 4 north of Lucan turn east at Mooresville. 2 miles or Mooresville Dr.. Apple -Dale Orchan 227-0097.(39.42c) APPLES Northern Spys plus other varieties • Fresh Cider Avalalble • Grape Juice • Apple Butter OPEN SATURDAY SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0444 Hwy. 4 & Credllon Stderoad FIREWOOD, SEASONED 530. a cord c cut your own tops at 810. 263-5151 (40:44c) ALUMINUM STORM WiNDOWS: 4 - 3 IR x 70"; 3 - 35 112 a 64". Chimney block and tiles. Call 284-1236. SNOWBLOWER, fits any MTD Yardman 18 hp only used twice 51.20* new asking 5600. Call 284-1976 leas message. 24" GOLD ELECTRIC STOVE, chen coffee table with 2 glass top sections. 1 y old single bed, chesterfield, Iarf microwave oven. Call 284-3614. GREENHOUSE FOR SALE - 2 walls an door suitable for corner. IOx6. 5100 ob Phone 235-3316. (40:41)