HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-9, Page 4omvijiu r41.A ' • Poionto Nov 'seer to Ur, McGowan, m the Note Veet Territory, from .J1r AiO1Vat. said he eaAv no rett.' e extr"t`74 1U'r* 1004 Ellis, of Pnelinclip ha shoene tie it letter which. lie has receiv- ed frola $on 'Edwatel WilOts eonaetion seitli eereoying party r°rOi1gtat'llte4 to l'Qev();',' „ 114 Tile letter is dated 80ptembOr 201)11$ itoy Ns -ere mostly 11111gistr,ittO (1, (11i1Ot• youti i8 writteil terom Battle River. He sett '0) 1111,iSiOlICTS, 6„Lvs has( ft heavy, frost. last nigh nt, idee rrleved tor tile retnrn Of 01"0 first, of thi*,, Lfotviozz, f thought we tOE,ipts from tile Canada Oar Co, ,wouid have a lief; tiine with tile Plain eouvtet, labor itt the Central Qroes, hat the Rev, Mr. MePougali 1f;rge, u". .," passed our catup and set all tbinge eight "I''ANIIr's°11' ault.° i'.°nse °°s1.11, to them, he iS commiseloned by Ihnow what the receipts WQVG, ,R1'" the Dominion Governmentto 'nal° tir. Hon. l‘fr, Maedorigall sleeved for a ro- 1.4ngelliw.41 with all tliee tudia" w"t item or oil) impers aria of the ,Pollyl)bArict eppoint a time P°1).( °Tic° ut_ni ft place of Ineuti,110,Qsr th.0 PlirP°80 bet WOU tlISA Prnizaffi941 dna DoMiuiOn' or intilOng a treaty next ytar. lias 'Governinente on the subject of teis doa teetherly and boindavies of e',i'eatl, of influence witli Crees ; Tilereshercia bo 119 perhaps 10 111 all has more. 1 am ' .about the Matter, but the lIousp shontijcl 11°TW ab°111 800 raUes Co' more WeSt °I* lb 3 put in 1.)0,es.,,it, of fat i,oform,Ition, iunipog by the nearest trail and over -„possesseel by the (4 orow,paont, The 000 by tire lino, We have about 2(.10' Rot pa ,sed ,sessiol , , 10 coent,t milks complete and oro y ai get this levas, nt' letter 800 miles will be eompleted west cc‘cl' 1/34°"titufi"t11° of Snake Greek or Fort 1-'elly it is dif- Tiote,.1.4e s'-Vrowat as'sert°c1 n, „floult to got news out here, but now We not was perfectly eonstitational,anl .te,,e Lost way s,,tty. , cen covemunieete with Port Polly by nib Ines ors wile oy lists to tile arbitretion, No oue on tile Otass- t,\Y're' se tthat we get anYtiling. 32 ilulmr" iiioleeside heel objected. itet iest mice een on as soon as tileY get it (hee. 300 :seer, though infeny wen., as good nn„. r -Port Polly is miles distant titutional lawyers as the inber f" and is our near°st Post °Illee- ' ,seuth ; soli in this part of the country is Pin- eraliy good, some of it ie light I -Ion. Me. 'Macdougall said this was sandy. There is a great growth of oonteaaceribleitsit.aiotloilf,Lbitilrli)trtioeillti,tobatttbyo ofloets;_. yegetahle matter- Tile South Idr'ancll to 10, but the other two would probe- of the Saskatchewan is about two bun - ...41y be againsttheinteroste ofthis Prov Sired yards, .or three hundred Yards ince. protostoa ,,gairot leftvino,e'wide, and has a current of over SiX hair of the territory of oatario to tho `miles an hour where crossed, about deci3ion of the arbitrators, Hoaarsert,tie,t,,1 Gri5venrisi.les the allvteweyo yilioltIt,thtwileest°11'11:1;,110'it)of Lb°,alucendosirYthe wlarge steeanl, it runs from five to six mites an hour, and its width varies Hon. Mr. Mo We t announce I that 1.° from 800 yerds tc Sr or 0 miles.It has 'Budget speech would be made on .day. great sand bare above thejenctioneend I expect it hes the same below. There TORONTO, Dec. I. aro plenty of grasshoppers along the Mr, Currie moved for a return of the Sitseiticliewan. I think it is possible I amounts received by slieviffe iu 1871 will stay on the Saskatchewan some :and 1874 respectively, ixith the ex- place daring the winter.—Gedesh Mee - Tenses of their ellices, Carried. Cary. Mr. Currie moved fir a return of the xrenses ,of grand and argued a*:, Daporlant Coavet-t• that they might be dispensscl with. and the money expended .0-13, tnem applied A statement appears to the effect to the payment of criminal witnesses.-- that Mr. Richard A. Proctor, the well - (Carried. known writer on astronomical subjects, Mr. Wigle moved for the correspond- is a convert to Darwinism, accepting (once between the Government and the the developtnent theory in its fullest 'officials in the comity of Essex in re- form, and even holding the spontane- gara to the printing of coaviction list. ous geneeettion of life from organic He said he understood the Attorney - matter probable. In Mr. Proctor's 'General had given directions in that work—such as the "Expanse of tho :regard whiph were opposed to the wish Heavens "—he uttered sentiments ,of the Cohnty Council as to the paper which were in unison with the- general - 'which should have the printing of the ly accepted ideas on creation es set 11,ho printing vas giyon without forth by the Mosaic account, but in a 'tenders being called for. recent lecture at Boston he appears to Hon. Mr. Mowat said tile 4,0nly °or- have sepeeitted himself from that lee - 'respondence found yet was a letter from seising number of scientific investiga- . in reply to one f'rone the Clerk of tors who have held to the doctrine of the Peace in Essex, stating that where separate and distinct acts. The eon- countiez,tanderedier such printing„ the version of this 'scientific leader to the Government did not interfere. views recently expressed. by professor Hon. Me. 'Macdougall said tire Gov- Tyndall, in his Celebrated lecture at .arnment had acted on the principle Belfast,—so loudly called in question that to the victor belong...the spoils.-- indicates the continual onward move - He repud fated. such a doctrine and such mont of the new conclusions held among ::Reformers in the name of a true investigators on the probable course of Reform party. A largo number of creation. members stated the manner in which the conviction lists were printed. in the ,counties which they represented. Hon. Mr. Frazer criticized Mac- While the congregation were collect- retnarks, and rewiewed his ed at church, -on a certain eeeaSiOn, an career, commenting on Ilis inconsist- een.cy, which 110 illuetrated by extracts old, dark, hard -featured, skin and bone individual was seen wending his way from the Leader. Hon. Mr. Macdougall ieplied, and up tho aisle, and taking his seat 'near the pulpit. The officiating minister tins l'reiensi°11a of Eraser and was one of that class who detested other young members on the Govern: written sermons, and as for prayers he ment side to criticize his action. The thought they onght to be the natural motion was then amended so as to in- outpouringsof the heart. After the elude the province instead of the county 1 BbI ingwas concluded, they were as Usual called to prayer. The genius we leave introduced, did not kneel, but leaned his head clevotionitlly upon his pew. The minister began by saying :— Father of, in every age, by saint and savage adored.---" ' " Popo! " said a low but clear voice near old hard -features. The minister, after casting an indig- nant look in the direction of the voice, continued : — Whose throne sittetb, on the ad- mantme Hills of Paradise—" " Milton " again interrupted the voice. Tile minister's lip quivered, but re- covering himself, he began :-- " We thank thee, most gracious Father, tlia'c, we are permitted once more to assemble in Thy name,, while others, equally meritorious but less, favored, havebeen carried beyond that bourne lona which no traveller rettirns---" Shakespeare " again interrupted ties voice. , This was too much. " Pat that impudent rascal out 1" shouted the minister. . " Original !" ejaculated the voice in the same ca,lni but proynking manner. Pat that Rascal Oat. 1u4'yonerg geraman ve, ye that y,,01111g' fte "enno for ("trivia' dot kerralgo ? knoved pomo, but nev'cr 'el/voted te lib to SeQ it. 1).ia readY ti way uow of Essex alone, and was carried. Mr. McLeod moved for the returns in reference to the appropriation under the Railway Act. Carried. a Terrible JP1ol. A case in Lincoln, Ont.'illustrates the liabilities of courts ancl jrnies to cruel mistake. A few months since Mathias Konkle was found gtulty of felonious assault upon a female child of ten years of age. He was convicted end sentenced -to be hanged, but the sentence was afterwards commuted to imprisonment for life. It now appears that there was a, conspiracy to get rid of Konkle, in which his stepmother was the principal mover, but her motive being to obtain possession of property. She took into her confidence the grand- mother of the little girl, and a servant. Those together :urea -Ted the plot against Konkle, the child being brutally maltreated to furnish evidence against the innocent man. At the trial Mrs. Itonkle "posted" all the witnesses for the government. She, with lier follow conspiratore, have been arrested, and the convict will be brought from prison to testify against them. .T.he little girl has turned Queen's evidence, and her statements, which are very clear, leave no doubt of a malignant plot to put io troublesome heir' oub of tho way.— Peoples Lodger. 5' he, Batas Convict's. BY a telegram front Ottawa publish- ed in Toronto on Monday it appears that the sentence on "Dr." and Mrs. Davis is to be commuted to impeison- meat for life, This has taken every- body by surprise, and the greatest in- dignation is felt by all classes at the action of PEr, Blake, who has shown in the matter that ho_not only disregards the dictates of the "Big Push" Editor, and considers him and the savings o2 hiS paper not worthy of consideration, but that he cares nothing for ,the pop ular sentiment and the unfrimously -expressed will of tiro country, that in e'lhie case the few should take its C.)111-80, 1.11rOat priVtlte sources Ave are in fermed iliftil there is ahsst2supptsaod murmur in Toronto, which it is not impossio o may result in actions by the people, which Mr. Bls,ko did not anticipate. 'Irrespective of this, however public indigrattion'is so far aroused, that the general opinion is t 1ist fr. Blake's po, itieal days are numbered, and that by thtt stepping in between the law and ztO transgressors,in ft case which the pablic verdict and oven the Grit ota 'gem:hare botinded as tile meet fool and ti0801-7,1 I Ig of the ex -trot -no ponalty,if ever a case did, ho has, bat added the last straw to the load of forbearance- which tiso public has shown him, which has lir ()ken and the back 62 the Valens pa- tionce. john Ifonry," aid his "Wife with . ,f4tony severity, "I saw you coming but of a saloon this afternoon," "Well, toadaM," replied the obdurate Sohn, PyOU IVOL114111 114'70 U.10 stax 111 1'011(13,Ni 2.-017-4-4 .11EUR 0 R. Tem best thing, ont—an aching t,Mth. A now name for tight boots—a corn crib. True affection erows stronger as it grows older. The samemay beisaid °flan egg. . , Yon should never tell a men that he lies. Simply remark that he is guilty of heterophemy and drop the subject -- if he'll let you. '--"A fool in a high dation is like a man on the top of a high mountain—every- thing appears small to him, and he ap- pears small to eVorybo dee "You haven't opened your mouth daring tho whole of the seesion." said '.'en XL P. to a fellow member, "Oh ye, 1 havq' was the reply, "I yawn- od through the whole of your speech. " A pocket burglar alarm is rteemeg the recent rettents,""—eme. 'We would like to try one of them if soinebody would contribute enough to meek° it an object to the burglar. There was a report about town yes- terday that OHO of the Greenville tnihk- rneit Rifled a man ycsterday Morning., Unless lie did it secwretly by selling Mtn pure Milk tboOtory was false, Yes, women are tuireasonable, and yoit may have remarked that when one. of them sibs down in et noW silk dress on a chair Whore a neighbor's child has carelessly deposited. two cents' woeth of toffy, sbe will go on about it "just as .f it were tree dollars' worth. A dreg alive n by an elegantly attired lady, and with a trim and neatly Areas, ed colored boy perched on the foot inati's seat behind Wf1.8 passing through tho streets, wben it was espied by aft eld negro woman. "Bross de tiora,,, .sho exclaimed, raising leer bands as Ala she spoke, "Bross do Lord, I never 'speoted to 800 ilftf, Wontlet what eta. GI.A111)(10°N(V),4 14()NDC) 1uuwle Ilan Line! Carrying, th'e Canadian and Ifilited States Italia. 9e of the first-class, itill,powered Clyde -built stemusnips of the above Inze, constructed cspe- (daily for the navigation of the Atlantio, tiVerag- ing irum 5,050 to 4,1100 tone, Nvilliouvc Quobee ovorY Szturday for Liverpool and Londoutlerry Propnid passage Certificates issued ,itt lOw oat ntes toporsous wishing to bring out friends. GLASGOW DIRECT. TLe otektpuhfpa of the Glasgow Lino will be dneyatched'from Quebec, For tickets and evosbger‘villtiii)4 aziAl6pA, Ti1114313 office, 11retor INCHELSEA. TV Harry Brown, ca.Winclielnea, informs his friend" that lie can supply1 them with allliiiiiiealueinzcg refit in niowin5 and t iroshing.inac.1 1 al a) a leadV to Moot his Annuls, Pow. a. his best for them by supplVing them wood or iron work. 11A1111Y 133.10WN. WOOD The subscriber has a quantity of excellent beech and maple cord and stove wood, 'which he will:soil at reasonable figures. 1, CAltLING 105 oysTiuts Oysters! Oysters (85 Cents per Can) AND GROCERIES CHEAP, AT, ,s G. SAND Sfore, .1!ost 0171te Mock. An excellent stock of Groceries andConfeetio ery on hand. CHOICE TOBACCOES mid CIGAItS, I ar Sportsmen eupplied with Amminition. School Books, ,Stationery, Magazines ALL THE LATESP NOVELS. N.B.-Sowing Machine Noedlesof every kind for sale. G SANDERS. THE FIRST TRAIN la" Highest cash price paid f or hides and sheep skins. There has just ARRIVE AT BISSETT BROS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF STOVES ver brought into Exeter, imported from Lon- don, Hamilton and Toronto. 0 This stock has been purchased with the inten- tion of selling it again, and not with any idea of keeping one stove :oyez., as would be the case weie they not bought at low rates, and to sold DA the smallest margin of profit. We Cannot be Undersold, and are bound to give satisfaction. Do not fail to call before purchasing elsewhere. and examine our stock of Tinware, Copper -ware, etc, LAMPS, CHIMNIES, COAL -OIL. and 1,000 LB SCALES.VOR 18. Copper, Iron, etc., bowsht. BISS ETT BROS. THOMPSON& 'WILLIAMS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. TVro-horse power wood Sawing Machine This machine has been thoroughly testect and given ENTIRE SATI'SFACTION it is supplied BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, ' Grain. Crusher, Or other machinery, witbortt extra expense ex ' eept Set the bolt, TRIAL OFFTE1).. Ail kinds of Farming, nipierilents lopt constantly on haus. BOILER STIOP in Nil operation. ItirGIATE'S of a- 01500 to order. 2 Ail. Kept at Bissett's Tin L slier), Exeter, promptly atteuded tO, THOMPSON & wxLr.ItAms, gitehell Oat BITSIITE$S LOOATIPS AND Building Sites eau be obteined ea easy torM5 in ails, THRIVING NEW VILLAGE wbioh, from its ereat advauteees 111 005/1100 tion with a Depot and Station ON TEM London, Hurein &Bruce Rai1. vray, cannot fail to become a place of importance. A Capital Opening is presented for almost every kind of in.dustr3 7110MAS TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. 0, 1875 106-tf. YOers AfX: Tobaeco..'atoro Dealer in first class 'brands of Tobacco. t)ltatce Cigar 'a every F'lftriciy WROLEiAl Botos slipplie(i a JOHN BELL,.,, 'S'aker and Confectiiner, bogs to ieturn thanks to the People of Exeter Grid , vicinity for the large patronage oestewed upon him Si1100 110 C01111TIo1i0e0 business in Exeter, and hopes by paying attention to business and glving satisfaction to his customers to 01010 111 continu- ance of the same, IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J. BELL'S BAKERY. IF , YOU WANT GOOD CONFEG TIONERY, CALL AT :I. BELL8', If you want the very best cakes, etc,,for t ea parties, picnics, &a., LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH J. BELL, and it will receive prompt attention. Satis- faction gualauteed. IF YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES at prices as low as they can be purchased for at any store in Exeter, GO TO J. BELL'S. ta• Give me a call, J. BELL. NEW Stove and Tin Shop IN CREDIT011. THE UNDERSIGED WANT TO AC- • QUAL.NT the inhabitants of Crediton an0 the surrounding country that we have opened out in Bissett's old stand a complete stock of STOVES, TIN and; . .COPPER WARE, COAL, '0 EL LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS; and 121 fact everything found in ft first-elass establishment will be 100110 wich ns. All kind's of tin ware manufactured by ourselves. We flatter ouiselves that by strict attention to business 110 11111 be able to merit a share of public pahonago. Eave Troughing made • a specialty, and ell ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, CASH FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKII'i 5. Wool pickings and old copper and rags taken in exchange for goods. SHELTON & HILL, CREDITON. October 28th. 75) PA ZIA a5 Gents Furrnsh'ng AND GIIIIL'ItAL Estal]lishmolii THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS Tro nounto that he has just recelved a splendid assortment of CANADIAN, SCOTCH & ENGLISH BLACK 13ROADOLOTI-IS, & DOESKINS, ETC., Which for STirLE AND QUALITY 'NVILL BE TO BEAT 1 TATIJORING 'Department is replete with nvory inodorii 'proVorniditit; and furnished monthly W10h- ITZOt:12,IgATIO(t" ova American StPos and Cuts. 0'1,11 Work guaranteed 'and out in the most , fashionable otyIe, Citt early and sec ono of flit Choicest and bolt aolocied stooks in town, and offaing at low priooti fil4otialli, 40. SOTTT1100'11. E NDRETAIL t reasonable rates. Ali kinds of pipes and smokers sundrio GRAY'S Trade mark Regieter'd Price, 25 Cts. 8 8 Obi t ON O 01'14f 131V:1101 tt)Qi.l:1!)V11.111:24144;1ctt .1P 1W/111401'0 17X,114ing LO S.7 (1.0aboltil11 tli111 slay dlssolvod. by tho Muk,tm, v04 mein, Da'ted Zhd, Newrabor. , fiigund, ‘1011li Joti,(pir, 14114 1.1.0,11TOff 001.101.'1', fa reference to above the buctness W111 ho eGz”..foi,(..,())._) by 1.`, whom ailliabllitico id 1,s-. and luzta zeuet tlottiod. 147 flyer) 0 .0 has hoard of the wooderf effects of the SPruees and 1110 Pinos 111 01(018 011)11(151 0113014$4, Who Bev:Mr.:NT urrayM /dB book on tlie adirolab-cize, lately published, , rmatcs the 0t180 of a consuininive young man 0110 111111 entirely cur- ed, by a threo montli's (tamping out among the Pince. In FranCe the phy- sioians 10501)111y gond their patients to tlIc pine woods, and order thou to drink a teamatle from tile spruce tops. Gray's syrup 1 a.scientl- fic combination 05 0110 gum whieli exudes from the nee spree() tree. In this pre- paration the 5111111 never SePara tea, /Ma 1110 itS 1110:1_ 81)(1211T100ie expectorant, tonic and balsamic proper- ties aro preserved. 1 or Couglis,C,olds,hoarSo ness. 9.1iroat alfectionsAe, it acts 11110 (1 01(12. - 1.3,14.1 \NrA1411 ro, Ia. pro wotio a 04 :UN 1').111.011.1.ETS. tlllii f�l 5lt1L0li 1111NostO A1CYLiti:Ir'ti1:1,1 'ill.0111-5811:(1:t1,10111:11) 1.11(31;1fIti'e!'1411'$;.-'''10 8110e51, Woolf pot; an(1 box hears 13111)0 0010•011101 Slamp,with the w01d8,,Ii0110"- w115'1 Pills mat Otani eut,i,ondoliAnigreved. there- on. Ca. UM) 1111)111 111 00 55:3 Oxf0.10. street, London, This 1105l00 ho 1)40011(0 111 C5$1.411y, 111 " consca p.»iebe'c of v i le 31177101:e11ki:t1tiole:a0 1101(Yi139 Pilan 1 Ointmnt" 1(011(51 11,78:rni:1(ii11:New York, l) 511(0 tzefsyligthni. solves kloloway 01110u,:vtL1 1110(111011 5oittltjtz_111)11 1 vendors 01111 ob- tIli 1.'4111t10,11t'011verylov.price, 1asJ1°((i\°;(11111 °Y'1111 ;111(1c;(1my1001.1hle folio vay'nPi 021 0 mmit, which arc main realm nd only at tics Oxford stroct, London, Persons who may be deceived please commiticate ivi lime.Many respeet'bloilrms in tile Mt:ash Provinceswh ) obtain 111) 0101110)0011 directfrom hero, n AVO Vol y 331051011) ialgg0StOd tbrit r should, for the beim It of themselves and! the public, insert their non es in the imperil, that it 010) 013 known that medicines can be Mid genii. in() from them, The following 10 11 list of the firms alluded to and 1 partioult-rly 1 ecommend those who einire to 5101 111) 1(101)15111100 10 apply to some of the houses manzed:-Al )Ssrl3, Avoly ilrown & Co., Halifax, N. 80 messrz. Forsyth &, Co., N. S. .1\DI.30s$11isria'in' Y13. (311.1t111:21'1%rtte S'Allvs t,'111? 1113 011111)11. iNes sprs; gT- loy & Co„ Victoria, 330; ossrs. Moore Co.,Vic- mtelitlia,033a0b,p)::.,3,001nut1,1,,,,,,,1,1;01mColiwialt.safy,wN1111,3eic Meitics(s.,110•8,., imilton,; Mr. 11 Pose, 10101110; 311 A OhiP- nian 13 , Mr. JobuBond, Goiter- ich ; Messrs. Ililiob & Co., Toronto ; Clialoner, fit John, N 13 ; Messrs. tranyigton Br013., St 301171 ; Mr 11 Priddy, 'Windsor; ma% Oryon, Ikrorden, N 2; Mr George Hunt, jr., Frodrickton, N. 13; 71',W11 boru(son, Harbor' Graeo, N ; Mr 3 111 WilfrYXredrickton, NB ; 17e0113 W & 1) Tuilo, Montreal. Who medicines are sold at the fewest wholesale nett 51115e8, quantities of not less than 3251 wortlf-yia, 00. 0., 238., mal Ills, per dozen boxes Or Pills or pots or Ointalont, for which re, IIIJIOMAS ege ITucler takers 1ATOULD SAY TO V V , those who intend purchasing to do so front tho rutinufaetwer. 110 (.1caler who buys to sell again must neeefinorlly bwve a Profit WO claim to give the purchaner this S. CID:C.1E1r, Z12ZET'ER. and Furnittir e Man-afacture'rs E. WOULD .. spoewl it,'cLention to our undertaking depart - '111011 Which lg. more com- plate than evdr, as we nave added seveza1 new designs 7 a 100. Who best coffins, caskets, shrouds,and (well 'finier.1 1 requisite at the lowest prices. Our 11011 , 12.4010 011 rl'011.0111100(1 by compote:it judges to be secon15 to none in the ' Province. benefit, which cannot fail / to meat the -V-101'21 of the Grangers. Om expenses 11110 less tnan those 00 uliy manuract urers,conseenent 3, we can sill at lower 1115108' Einblenis for all the Different Sooletles. S. ••••••rtangamusamnut.marimw.••••••...... ,N 0 S C R T a:MINT:MIR:0.6,704 FLEV7X1TC.1 CSEE 2.7,rf 44.1: CI 721TT SPLENDID aseortme»t alwavs on liana. Any kind fornished to order. Margo (1511101 {101111 of 2] 0115101 11111 0t31e-3' 1i111u111iitlgs 1:00 111 51 ook or every hind of Sem'illg ItIa- o,1n8s, Machines 3505111)1 00 An nave had long expurimmo with 00 0-110 8:1(1.1111101,(tItil(1 tion1 thoroughl)', it wool(' 'Jo on 11, (vac tat,.e to toose 111 110111 of 00, to purebsse itr om me. All or- ders by mail promptly ati oink," to. f1uie114 1, 01,0 door of the Conim CLINTtN, 06tob or 14, 1£175. 111-mff. A E ni 11 -113 1JJ 2 Ir. ton note account3 are re "- by oj ac ques frai the g 1 ••••11 ri ed to settle accounts q d ,g2.1r L14 -Ji 1..,.. ' I U I date (11 I .."1' L '..., ti...i i. IJI1Sint -1 .... 1 i.) 01 ii ....., OJ - O TO qperN1 0.7' rf..-1- 1 SI Lto co -art Oct.27th, 18755 P 0,94114114.1111,44.1,1114,3.441, 401•111•SMIM.MB rIXP ND le Corner )3athunst & We1liripton4s., LONDON, ONTA.RIO JOHN ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. G 11 OP Meadow LarkIleaper ancl "Mow�r# Cultiva tors, P1ov,0.%264-V1ows, AND ALL IMPLEMENTS USED BY FARMERS. '..11.1ARNETAR .SEED, DRILL. 'nig implement has a doiiblo distributing giiain cup.,, and is Omitted to bo iho best, 1102050. no public, I am 115(11 0111(11,51 ongiii#04 113411 nig thin0,16f,tha 'apring socelitigi, rind will bo pra. pared to supply them 04 10, 11; 1%11.Thes eaeft,witSttliki t41111tibv or withoui, accOrditig US or. del, and will endeavor to koop MI 11040100716)(1 and iilmi to -supply any Ni\iilto nuty not have) 5151515111glYtheir 015104. Tho style, inn.* 41,1111,3YIntiii11 1(510(1 will ho found all,l'ilnitj oitn bo desired P., 1 arla. i 0500104.1., ICIt. 111:4114W041.1.41 Wil•PtOtt thifiltail,, , . JOHN EL TT „„„br.round„ , lol' UCILI1UI51tfl111E Weiliugton lfiiltril, tondonf AMW wo thfollowing ARE NOW Opcnin PiCKA Iu W }'ALL GOODS 'Fall stook of Dry Goods in ,,„,ary line. „ New Fall Millinery in every. Beady -made Olothing, large variety, Owing to the depression in trade, Goods will be sold very low this season for gash. Call and examine prices. CLOTHING MADE TO 01?DER SAMWELL 85PICKARD. JUST RECEIVED AT THE 'EXETER Grocery and -Liquor Store A large stock of G-reen ,Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisins. Currants, Prunzoo DRIED .ii.ppLES, C.A.I\Tl\TMD 7E0757E, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brancligs G -ins Wines and ,Syrups, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail, G. A. MACE, Main. Street, Exeter. PRICES OF T Q AT Ei4 S HAVE reppod •ight Down, AT THE GOLDEN STOVE, S T. MARY'S. ei. C. erILPIN. ISAAC CARLING begs leave to thank his friends in hxeter and sinfrouncling country for their liberal patronago- in the past, and hope i to merit a fair share of their trade in tLe future, having one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks T.Tsually found in a General. Store CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Groceries Ready-made Cothing, wines and li- quors, Hardware, Crockery, ,Boots n.nd Shoes Leather, eto Etc., 'Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be tinder - by any • _ 'sold ' EXETER BAKERY 00%. SIACCOVZ111 i'ANCY iitt.A.D AND Btscurr BAKEE, & coiFEcTIoNtit, ExtTEu while returning hic sincero thanks to the inhalniat is Of Exeter 811(1 2,1111011110111g velleete foe, their past liberal patronage, hoping to merit a eentintiones of their favolti, 51%051141 call the attentiot to his largo stock ef Oakes Crackers, and Confottonery. FUI CAIKIII 8, 15 C1111 TP PEE Vireddinsts and Parties litvo crr,t* Vresli bread constantly on hand at I. etortee Cireditot, 11's, Centrelle mat Axe. aniftetor Xerth Vest Offices, Families waited on T.J1TD A