HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-09, Page 20Page 20 Times -Advocate, October 9, 1996 Used textiles to be picked up with blue box collection By Lis Sangster Hensen correspondent HENSALL • Hensall residents are advised that bi-weekly collec- .ion of recyclables and tagged garbage will begin on October 9. This will continue throughout the winter months; returning to week- ly pick-up in April 1997. Remem- ber to place your blue box and tagged garbage at the curb by 7 a.m. on your collection day, to en- sure uninterrupted service. Textiles will be collected with hluebox materials on November 6. This will include items such as: clothing, accessories, bedding, linens. footwear, and window coverings. Items should be free of mildew, oils, thinners etc. This is a co-operative effort with Good- will Industries. Items should be Nagged. and identified by tying a sock to the bag. Textile pickup is a waste reduction week activity. The Hensall Senior Citizens are sponsoring a euchre party at the Hcnsall Arena on October 16 at p.m. Hcnsall Shuffleboard results this week were: Lorne Archer 483, Ina Williams 476, Dave Woodward 458, Jim Davis 407, Tom Williams 397, Theo Van- denboom 383, Dean Gibson 382, Doug Insley 353. At Hensel) United Church. Rev. Armen opened the service in the usual manner. "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" was sung. Welcome and greeting one another was fol- lowed by the dedication of the food gifts. The children's hymn "Behold, Behold" was sung. The children's story was "God Lifts Us". Prayers of the People, the reading of Psalm 137: 1-4 and Rev. Annen's message "A Twitter or a Song" followed. The Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper was observed. The offering and prayer was followed by the dedication, doxology and prayer. The service closed with the Prayer of Dedica- tion in unison, the hymn "Sent Forth by God's Blessing" Bene- diction, and the Three -Fold Amen. Ushers for the service were Raye Jacobe, Cecil Pepper and Bill Fuss. Santosh and Prakash Malik were the greeters. Volunteer babysitting will soon begin. For information call Joanne Rowcliffe at 263-5683. South Huron Masons are coop- erating with the Childrens Aid So- ciety to gather used, dry-cleaned coats sizes six months to 16 years. For more information call Doug Cooper at 263-2823. Inge Mowat and her daughter Janet and sisters Julia Darbishire and Ann Overweel recently trav- elled to Chicago and area to at- tend the wedding of their cousin Bruce Berlin. The wedding was held in Arlington Heights where the group spent three busy days getting re -acquainted with family and friends from across Canada and the United States. Following the wedding festivities, the girls enjoyed an additional two days in downtown Chicago, shopping and seeing the many sights of a very beautiful city. One highlight of the trip was a visit to the Shedd Aquarium where they saw dol- phins, penguins, beluga whales and a visiting exhibit of frogs from around the world. The next Hensall and Area Community Drop In will be Thursday, October 17 at Hensell United Church. Foot care will start at 10:00 a.m. Contact Marg Cole at 262-2304 if you need an appointment. Lunch is scheduled for 12 noon. Following lunch, there will be entertainment by puppets and the Public Health Unit will be doing a presentation. Card games will follow. Cost is $4.00 per person. Trans- portation can be provided if re- quested. To make reservations contact Marg Cole at 262-2304 by the Monday before, noon, or Faye Blair -Skinner at 235-0258. 4-H members practice their photography The group is planning an excursion to a pho- to store. By Muriel Lewis Grunion correspondeiu GRANTON - Congratulations to Chris and Elizabeth Pitre on the birth of their twin girls on Septem- ber 30. Many local residents enjoyed the annual turkey supper at Wesley United Church on October 2. At the Granton United Church on World Wide Communion Sunday, October 6, Rev. Charles Scott led the service in the absence of Pastor Normalie Voakes. His sermon was entitled "What voice are you hear- ing?" At St. Pauls Anglican Church, Kirkton on October the Rev. Glenda Meakin led the Harvest Thanksgiving service when her message was about being thankful for love and faith and returning it to others. The lessons were read by David Blackler, Mary Blackler and the minister. The anthem "Praise Thy God, 0 Zion" was sung by the choir. A time of fellowship followed the service. UCW Unit one met on October 3 at the home of Doreen McRobert for a luncheon at noon. The meeting fol lowed when the president Doreen Dashwood WI has Anita Riddell as guest speaker DASHWOOD - Dashwood Women's Institute met at Kaethe's Coffee Shop for the October meet- ing with a poem "October" and contests "Thanksgiving Remin- ders" and "Meet the Veggies". The Fall Rally, held at Londesbo- ro report was given by Dorothy Re- stemayer. The coming events in- cluded the Educational Workshop November 4 in Clinton and the London Area Convention October 24 in St. Thomas. Mrs. Anita Riddell was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Worn- 1 en's Institute at their October meet - 9 ) ing. Riddell dA4440340 pQ and said althobgh this bill makes it easier for municipalities to amalga- mate it does not require them to amalgamate. The pressure to amal- gamete comes -from the provincial government. Riddell said that pre- vious amalgamations have shown that they are not cost effective. The threat of a complete withdrawal of funding and down loading of ser- vices from the Conservative Gov- ernment are pressuring municipali- ties into amalgamation. In the South Huron amalgama- tion the consultants draft report has been presented. The meetings have become very intense because of the inclusion of pans of Bosanquet in the study area. Riddell said that her recommen- datrdrvwueuldh be.that the Amalga', mation Committee not rush into amalgamation but that all other op- tions be considered. Amalgamation should only be the last resort. Matthew Denys of KIppen entered his first attempt at grow- ing a giant pumpkin in the Port Elgin Pumpkin Festival held las weekend. Denys' entry weighed approximatety 625 pounds but the winning pumpkins came in at over 1,000 pounds. TOWN OF EXETER CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT UPGRADING AND EXPANSION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING sewage treatment facility to service existing and future development. At this time, the preferred solution is to change the treatment process by the addition of slow sand filters to the existing lagoon system. This will improve final effluent quality prior to discharge and increase the treatment capacity of the facility. Additional lands are required to accommodate the expansion. The possibility of accepting sewage from Huron Park in Stephen Township is being considered. This project is being planned as a Schedule "C" project under the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects June 1993. A Public Information session will be held to provide further information to the public on the proposal and to receive input and comments from interested persons. Date: Monday, October 21, 1996 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Town of Exeter Council Chambers, Main Street The Town's Consulting Engineers will present the results of the investigations, that have been carried out, and will provide details of the recommended alternative. Following the information session, further comments will be received for incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until November 15, 1996. For : further information, please contact: B.M. Roes and Associates Limited Consuiting Engineers 62 North Street, Ooderlch, ON. NTA 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2641 (call collect) Fax: (519) 5244403 Attention: Matt Pearson, Environmental Manner Subject to comments received es 9 result of this Notice and the public meeting, the Town will with the planning for this project and an Environmental 3Report will be prepared and placed on the public record. ! Oen Hoo snb00m r Mayor,Town of Exeter is Notice Issued October 9. 1996. ISTANLA1(E CEMENT ti CONTRACTOR • Concrete Forming • Foundations and Floors • Impressed Concrete • Driveways and Sidewalts R.R.2 Grand Bend, Dan (519) 243-3261, Bruce (519) 238-2522 opened with the devotional 'He ac- cepts it' based on Romans 12, clos- ing with prayer. Business included plans for the bazaar and luncheon and several other activities were announced. Madeline Hardie had a word con- test of things in a music store. Car- lene Goos continued the program with an article 'Big 40 and a poem. 4-H The 91 Granton 4-H club met on October 2 at the home of leader Margaret Bryan. The vice president Charlotte Mcllhargey opened the second meeting with the 4-H mot- to. The group discussed the horizon in their pictures and various ef- fects. They divided into two groups and went outside so that each mem- ber could take four pictures, using one camera for each group. A light rain, wind and cloud were not very favorable conditions for taking pic- tures. The minutes were read and the roll call was answered by each one showing the picture they had brought and why they liked it. Next. the name 'Picture Pixies' was chosen for this club and ideas were discussed for achievement night. as well as a field trip to a photo store. The group also took a test in the dark with a flashlight and a camera with a mirror on it, to see how steady they were holding it when taking pictures. The meeting was closed with the 441 pledge and everyone enjoyed a snack provided by Krystal and Cheryl Harrigan. Gemma VandenBerg was the secretary and reporter. Friendship Club The Bryanston Friendship Club met on October 2 with 33 members present. Alex Jeftrey opened the meeting with a poem and some comical readings. '0 Canada' was sung and 'Happy Birthday' was sung to Helen Banting and Isabel Robinson. Happy anniversary was sung to Ken and Madeline Parkin- son. Minutes of the September meeting and the treasurer's report were given. Volunteers for the No- vember meeting were Carl and Helen Banting, Muriel Cohleigh and Dorothy Darling and it will be a potluck lunch at 12 p.m. A sing song was led by Isabel Robinson. An interesting talk was given by Ethel Grose on her trip to Alaska in July. Margaret Hartwick gave a lovely piano solo and Ada Smith had a contest and a reading on trees. Games were played with the following winners: Crokinole - Greta Gibson, Nelson Bender; Eu- chre - high, Margaret Hartwick. Al- lan Berry; lone, Evelyn Roberts, Ken Parkinson; low - Isabel Robin- son, Elliott McRoberts. BA ,t1/4 ""W SAWIDE LTD. Sales and Service Authorized dealer for Tecumseh and Briggs & Stratton. Auithorher M.T.D. Service Dearer Sharpening Service and Small Engine Repair wood Splitter for Rent BILL WILDS 153 Victoria St. Credton, Ont. PO SI '. ! our.' Ott% ).0.'O( t",�•;::• GREYSRI Huron Saladin ' S Vents • Dishes & Accessories • Towers & Antennas • Sales & Service • Repairs to most TV's, Stereos & VCR's. 2354042 2354022 Financing OAC 592 Main St. S. Exeter Stewarts Home Renovations Since 1971. Luc -in Ont 1 111 1 IO\ll ( )I 1 111 \\'l 1 K.. I-IONIE I NIFROVE\'IENT SPECIALISTS FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 n t4vtr1r e RING • Vinyl • Carpet • Celamics • Hardwood Excellent selection of carpet and vinyl remnants Professional Installation 467 Main St., Exeter 235-4401 SAcroes from Canadian Tire ID Check with the home improvement specialist in this ad for professional service Complete tine of Budding Staten als TOOLS - LUMBER CEMENT DOORS • u1M OWS • HARDWARE PRESSURE TREATED u'oOD PROPANE- ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES 2364393 2352081 Zurich Exeter ON LOCATION CLEANING UPHOLSTERY, CARPET, FiRE & F1.00i) RESTORATION We do them all, big or small R.R. 1 Hay (Exeter) Ont. MAIN F_OCS rry »-.z co1/MCT nre swan MIS MtMOtrI N a�,�yAI� A #Mbnjb SRAM •••••• Webs *await mime arr •d •.a••#•N teas.awyawl Maw .•+al.• rrrid, •wwlow hots sops # r •eyrMeNaAua*Mx MON ea Til % rWhal Inc, .wMfro* a,rd••ehow once. •aa Nara • soak ••• ed ails Mt wog was is deo saISI ealow/M • oafs OM1Mrr1# MM Me AVOW .M nakIng The Whin PwiAta aa wow aarrr spat moo tree a •a* &woes M b midwife soses awl bowls •,rawl w dw • retool NW. ea to s, WWI Wimp News • NMI/ pa* The Rom Mr•I dote Ws M •w,YfW meg j••• awl angst Ind Pima Nr •1 tai. M awNMd a •4400 #r • pa* at M aim** Ms a+ptar Pw are MOO Oar ••d! aM••,W N( C M fan Oat 11 O$ on Naar Ma IN •dr�llan0r idG foam •M it Wu Yr N /M Nr4 pa rir'ra8l r 000 >* Os7 r INA dill Oal/aw v MI )# TPA # w MOar awe Mira USW ire ore. eines or. aargr M+ liter AsiaMlrvetaM a•s Away sad TII IV Mat o/ ace III* f> ,5-r, Sway Mt Of YJi rrr• auallrea•arw MOO a len•• Gini, err c/o rsrr r•.•• MAK*MAK* N.C, JONES & SONS LTD. Sand. (ra“1. Topsail • Excavation •BackdWNng Laneways • Parking lots • loading and Hasiing • Snow Removal Bus: 235-2489 Res.: 235-2815 • And Book Orders Para Paints sinwsre for all occas Exeter Decor Centre 15 Oldley St. Exeter 235-1010 (behind Bank of Nova Scotia) TOWN & COUNTRY (: I AV I N lir,tf rn'trrp' EAVESTHOUGNUIC. • Alam[Corrrnercial/ Residential & Services • Central Vacuum mom as u n v• • 24 Hour Monitoring �si.,a•� • Medical alert • Burglar & Fire Alarms (TIN 'MATES CALL COLLECT tw S#UMkt 30 arrow St. Grand Bend Or Art 5192367000 a 64647 Meeting Notice BOSANQUET EXETER - GRAND BEND STEPHEN - USBORNE AMALGAMATION COMMITTEE The Council representatives of the above municipalities are meeting on an ongoing basis to determine the feasibility of restructuring the municipalities into a single municipal corporation. These meetings are open to the public. Any group or individual who would like to make a presentation to the committee, should contact Larry Brown Committee Coordinator at 234-6331. The next Amalgamation Committee meeting is: Thursday, .October .17 - 7:30 p.m. at Exeter Council Chambers Public participation is welcomed BA ,t1/4 ""W SAWIDE LTD. Sales and Service Authorized dealer for Tecumseh and Briggs & Stratton. Auithorher M.T.D. Service Dearer Sharpening Service and Small Engine Repair wood Splitter for Rent BILL WILDS 153 Victoria St. Credton, Ont. PO SI '. ! our.' Ott% ).0.'O( t",�•;::• GREYSRI Huron Saladin ' S Vents • Dishes & Accessories • Towers & Antennas • Sales & Service • Repairs to most TV's, Stereos & VCR's. 2354042 2354022 Financing OAC 592 Main St. S. Exeter Stewarts Home Renovations Since 1971. Luc -in Ont 1 111 1 IO\ll ( )I 1 111 \\'l 1 K.. I-IONIE I NIFROVE\'IENT SPECIALISTS FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 n t4vtr1r e RING • Vinyl • Carpet • Celamics • Hardwood Excellent selection of carpet and vinyl remnants Professional Installation 467 Main St., Exeter 235-4401 SAcroes from Canadian Tire ID Check with the home improvement specialist in this ad for professional service Complete tine of Budding Staten als TOOLS - LUMBER CEMENT DOORS • u1M OWS • HARDWARE PRESSURE TREATED u'oOD PROPANE- ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES 2364393 2352081 Zurich Exeter ON LOCATION CLEANING UPHOLSTERY, CARPET, FiRE & F1.00i) RESTORATION We do them all, big or small R.R. 1 Hay (Exeter) Ont. MAIN F_OCS rry »-.z co1/MCT nre swan MIS MtMOtrI N a�,�yAI� A #Mbnjb SRAM •••••• Webs *await mime arr •d •.a••#•N teas.awyawl Maw .•+al.• rrrid, •wwlow hots sops # r •eyrMeNaAua*Mx MON ea Til % rWhal Inc, .wMfro* a,rd••ehow once. •aa Nara • soak ••• ed ails Mt wog was is deo saISI ealow/M • oafs OM1Mrr1# MM Me AVOW .M nakIng The Whin PwiAta aa wow aarrr spat moo tree a •a* &woes M b midwife soses awl bowls •,rawl w dw • retool NW. ea to s, WWI Wimp News • NMI/ pa* The Rom Mr•I dote Ws M •w,YfW meg j••• awl angst Ind Pima Nr •1 tai. M awNMd a •4400 #r • pa* at M aim** Ms a+ptar Pw are MOO Oar ••d! aM••,W N( C M fan Oat 11 O$ on Naar Ma IN •dr�llan0r idG foam •M it Wu Yr N /M Nr4 pa rir'ra8l r 000 >* Os7 r INA dill Oal/aw v MI )# TPA # w MOar awe Mira USW ire ore. eines or. aargr M+ liter AsiaMlrvetaM a•s Away sad TII IV Mat o/ ace III* f> ,5-r, Sway Mt Of YJi rrr• auallrea•arw MOO a len•• Gini, err c/o rsrr r•.•• MAK*MAK* N.C, JONES & SONS LTD. Sand. (ra“1. Topsail • Excavation •BackdWNng Laneways • Parking lots • loading and Hasiing • Snow Removal Bus: 235-2489 Res.: 235-2815 • And Book Orders Para Paints sinwsre for all occas Exeter Decor Centre 15 Oldley St. Exeter 235-1010 (behind Bank of Nova Scotia) TOWN & COUNTRY (: I AV I N lir,tf rn'trrp' EAVESTHOUGNUIC. • Alam[Corrrnercial/ Residential & Services • Central Vacuum mom as u n v• • 24 Hour Monitoring �si.,a•� • Medical alert • Burglar & Fire Alarms (TIN 'MATES CALL COLLECT tw S#UMkt 30 arrow St. Grand Bend Or Art 5192367000 a 64647