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Times Advocate, 1996-10-09, Page 19
u ALL BRANDS AVAILABLE Beer & Wine Brewing Supplies Complete supplies for amateurs & Professionals John & Kalen Harris 519-233-9161 Varna General Store Downtown Varna Plan to attend the... Crystal Palace Craft Gift Show Oct. 26,1996 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. an4 Oct. 27,1996 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Many Artisans represented. Corner of wellington and Waterloo St., Mitchell. Vendor Information: Box 13-1, Sebringville, NOK 1X0 Fax# 393-6685 ‘V\41\11010 ., �;,�' STN., ria OCT. Lunch Buffet 11 a.m. 2 p.m. $5.95 4p.m.-? Salad Bar & Smorgasbord (plus dessert) '6.95 1110 ii('\Iitlltillll 380 Main St. Exeter For reservations call 235-0580 Closed Monda essenlatt Country Inn "A Place to Remember" Sztaivritity Brad (the creature) Borland & Darlene (-ir•) Triebner Sat., Oct. 19 8 p.m.- 1. a.m. Hensall Arena (dance floor), age of majority, shuttle bus, DJ., lunch provided, $5. per person 15th ANNUAL Nostalgia &Antique SHOW & SALE OCTOBER 19 - SAT. 12 - 9 PM OCTOBER 20 • SUN. 11 • 5 PM 60 Dealers - Admission 53.75 CANADA BUILDING Western Fair Grounds London Ola Turner - (519) 679-1810 J vvvitowwwwww /;gx, Dance Hall ® Bpm lam one348.2678 D&in rs Welcame Fri. Oct. 11 Carl Keese and the Golden Fiddle Music Company Sat., Oct. 12 Country Justice Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO i Thurs., Oct. 10 7:00 p.m. 10 Regular Games 5 Specials 1 Share the Wealth Jackpot $650 No one under 18 admitted Lic. 1M125539 Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Oct. 9 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1,000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or less 5600 bonus IVSpecial Turkey Bingo This Week Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 Celebrate New Year's Eve with Thundermug Hot buffet lunch 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. Huron Hall Lounge. Limited tickets In ° ° advance at THE DRESSING ROOM BAR Huron Park $25. couple. $18. single • Delicious Thanksgiving Buffet - Sat. & Sun • Sunday Brunch Located at St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 between Grand Bend and Bayfield R.R. 2 Zurich. Call for reservations 236-7707 ► xxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhhhh1xzzzzzzzzhZ1x1x • � We would � to celebrate E1 with. you and your family our 1St * Buy one meat and get the second of equal or less value for 1/2 price Sunday, Oct. 13 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For reservations call 235-3141 414 Main St. 235-3141 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Join us for (♦ Sunday October 12 Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Smorgasbord 4:30 - 6:30 seating Our evening smorgasbord will feature: Turkey and dressing, roast beef, ham and cabbage rolls OPEN THANKSGIVING MONDAY 6:30 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. Turkey and dressing will be served from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Gift Certificate available Reservations Recommended 1mfr"`')4;,1141 Erb's Country I ,1 to our ru atbarg Ieltzkest Kitchen 16 Main St. Zurich 236-4812 Licensed under LLBO, air condition Attention Bri4ge juthosiasts Join us for Duplicate Bridge in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere Wednesday evenings 7:30 -10 p.m. Exeter Legion (downstairs) Cost: 51.00 Call 235-0762 after 5 p.m. for more Info. Not ACBL Affiliated GLU©RS EArjA[]•HE MB 1 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH �./ AND PRECIOUS BLOOD MISSION NOTICE: Beginning October 5, Saturday evening Mass in Mount Carmel will be at 5:00 p.m. The Sunday morning Masses remain the same, with Mass at Precious Blood Mission (Held in Trivitt Anglican Church, Main St. Exeter) at 9 a.m. and Mass at Our Lady 1 of Mount Carmel Church at 11 a.m. (- essenlatt Country Inn "A Place to Remember" Sztaivritity Brad (the creature) Borland & Darlene (-ir•) Triebner Sat., Oct. 19 8 p.m.- 1. a.m. Hensall Arena (dance floor), age of majority, shuttle bus, DJ., lunch provided, $5. per person 15th ANNUAL Nostalgia &Antique SHOW & SALE OCTOBER 19 - SAT. 12 - 9 PM OCTOBER 20 • SUN. 11 • 5 PM 60 Dealers - Admission 53.75 CANADA BUILDING Western Fair Grounds London Ola Turner - (519) 679-1810 J vvvitowwwwww /;gx, Dance Hall ® Bpm lam one348.2678 D&in rs Welcame Fri. Oct. 11 Carl Keese and the Golden Fiddle Music Company Sat., Oct. 12 Country Justice Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO i Thurs., Oct. 10 7:00 p.m. 10 Regular Games 5 Specials 1 Share the Wealth Jackpot $650 No one under 18 admitted Lic. 1M125539 Lucan Community Centre Bingo Wed. Oct. 9 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1,000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or less 5600 bonus IVSpecial Turkey Bingo This Week Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 Celebrate New Year's Eve with Thundermug Hot buffet lunch 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. Huron Hall Lounge. Limited tickets In ° ° advance at THE DRESSING ROOM BAR Huron Park $25. couple. $18. single • Delicious Thanksgiving Buffet - Sat. & Sun • Sunday Brunch Located at St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 between Grand Bend and Bayfield R.R. 2 Zurich. Call for reservations 236-7707 ► xxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhhhh1xzzzzzzzzhZ1x1x • � We would � to celebrate E1 with. you and your family our 1St * Buy one meat and get the second of equal or less value for 1/2 price Sunday, Oct. 13 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For reservations call 235-3141 414 Main St. 235-3141 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Join us for (♦ Sunday October 12 Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Smorgasbord 4:30 - 6:30 seating Our evening smorgasbord will feature: Turkey and dressing, roast beef, ham and cabbage rolls OPEN THANKSGIVING MONDAY 6:30 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. Turkey and dressing will be served from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Gift Certificate available Reservations Recommended 1mfr"`')4;,1141 Erb's Country I ,1 to our ru atbarg Ieltzkest Kitchen 16 Main St. Zurich 236-4812 Licensed under LLBO, air condition Attention Bri4ge juthosiasts Join us for Duplicate Bridge in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere Wednesday evenings 7:30 -10 p.m. Exeter Legion (downstairs) Cost: 51.00 Call 235-0762 after 5 p.m. for more Info. Not ACBL Affiliated GLU©RS EArjA[]•HE MB ItEQ REGRET SPECIE© MUTANT QFLI FE COMCNNU ODETTE STUEEJ QAPER ©UG IAM TUEM VEP !G.S FM I R E L V I S ©ES [eMUER EEGS EEL E1kM4L L A E RWA©A u I`N ! OMLDB[1AL I VEANDAIL AHED ©CAR kIIRE EAR© Acta SENSE MAE TUJP2 UTA ORR [•]EOS THLI VONT LES DEQ HEM PEEN IlaS BENT TAU ONEAL I MWNWSONMTORSMOULD TEY QNEMSE ROUT] P I TjtI PR I SMQ DSO JfijHNNYCARSON SUAN STA[c3II1 EAR [e]p[ LOOT ORA ARQIVE III RAQNN D©DRIVE QUNIN BEDEAD OI ESt L MURIMER I©ER AI]ESTE MTRAND GAYNESM ROS©ER • Coming events MEAT AND 50/50 DRAWS every Saturday afternoon, 4-6 p.m. at The Royal Canadi- an Legion Br. *167, Exeter in the Club rooms. License *M4059103696 in support of the Huron -Middlesex Royal Army Cadet Corp. 36t(nc ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Brucefield United Church, Wednesday, October 16. Adults 58.50; children 6-12 54.00; preschool free. Advanced tickets only. For tickets call 233- 7188 or 233-9146. 40,41 c SOUTH HURON HIGH SCHOOL will be the location for a special workshop for Lu - can. Exeter and area for bereaved persons and families and anyone else interested on Wednesday, October 16 at 6:30 p.m. "Understanding Grief' will be the focus. Or. Alan Wolfelt presenter. For more information and 10 pre -register. phone Bill Basket or Dan Houle at C. Hackett and Son Funeral Home, 227-4211 or Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, 235-1220. 38-41 FISH FRY, Ails. Craig Lions All -you -can -eat. Sunday, October 20. 4-7 p.m., Ailsa Craig Rec Centre. Chicken available. Advance tickets, S11.00; at door, 512.00; children under 12. 55.00. Tickets available at local merchants or phone 293.3459 or 293-3914. 41.42c SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, October 20 at the Wingham Legion hall. Dancing from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Music by Tumbleweed North. Dress code. 41 TURKEY DINNER, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan. Wednesday, October 23, 1996. For reservations please call: 227-4905 for 4:00 seating; 227-4272 for 5:00 seat- ing; 227-4508 for 6:00 scaling; 227-4163 for 7:00 seating. Adults 59.00; children 54.00; preschool free. 39,40,4Ic CRAFT AND BAKF, SALE, Helping Hands, Bcthcl Reformed Church. Saturday. Oc- tober 26, 10-3, Exeter Town Hall. Elevator available. 41-43• CRAFT SHOW AND SALE, Sunday, October 27, 10 a m. - 4 p.m., Exeter Legion Hall. rnterested vendors contact Dianne, 263.2800 or Ruthanne 235-2122. 40-42x FIFTH ANNUAL Grand Bend Rotary Antique Show and Sale, November I. 2 and 3, Oakwood Inn Convention Centre. Gala Opening, Friday 7-9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. Twenty-five dealers displaying 50 years plus. Informa- tion 238-8437. 4 lc EXETER VILLA Holly Festival Bazaar, Saturday, November 2, 1996 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Christmas cakes and puddings, crafts, bake table. tooney table, critter corner and much more! Tea room. Proceeds to Activity Pund. 41,42,(43)• Times -Advocate, October 9, 1996 Wedding Reception for Mike & Lori (Harburn) Busch Sat., Oct. 12,9 p.m. Stanley Twp. Complex, Vama Music by Family Affair. Family, friends and neighbors are Invited to share In the celebration. THE GM9Z' • 7a1'S Cov,try VID'E'r Ad crw • P4fljTiY SAT., OCT. 26 9 to 1 • 8:30 to 9 Line Dancing Instruction (19 & Older) St. Marys Community Centre *ADVANCE $1O Af 0oR TICKETS AVAILABLE AT •RAY BENNETT MEN'S WEAR •M&M VARIETY 'BEDFORD PHOTOGRAPHY Page 19 ANTIQUE & NOSTALGIA SHOW 8: SALE at the Sherwood Forest Mall Wonderland Rd. N. London WED. OCT. 9th through SAT. OCT. 12" 1- Friday & Saturday In Our New Nite Club 7 YEAR ITCH featuring Helix's Brian Volhmer with TODAY'S BEST ROCK! Friday October 18 Columbia Recording Artist 54-40 on their "Trusted by Millions" Tour Tix $12 Adv., $16 Door Hwy 8 West. Clinton 482-1234% Huron Park's Own Local Legends (Bob Stuckless) at THE DRESSING ROOM BAR Huron Park Fri., Oct. 11 & Sat. Oct. 12 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. (No cover charge) THANK YOU! The Huron County HIV/AIDS Network would like to thank the following individuals, merchants & organizations for their support of the "4th Annual Walk for Aids." • J & S Maaskant - Clinton • Huron County Playhouse - Grand Bend • Goderich Restaurant • Village Eatery. - Blyth • Wal Mart - Goderich • Hair Design by Renee • Heywood Sports - Clinton • Burger Bar - Goderich • Pizza Hut - Goderich • Pet Valu - Goderich • Case Buffinga - Clinton • Teen R•A•G•E• - Vanastra • Big V - Goderich • McDonalds - Goderich • the clowns from Children's Aid • A. Fulker from St. John's Ambulance and especially to: Zehrs Food Plus in Goderich for their more than generous donation of fruit & veggie trays, beverages & cookies. Thank you to everyone who sponsored a walker, and to all the people who came out and walked. The total raised was $6,182.531 Heywood's Family Restaurant Pan Specials Breakfast Specials Lunch Specials Four of them includes soup limiter Specials Mon. - Fri. 5:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 52.99 Starts $4.25 and up or juice and dessert Starts 3:30 Mon. thru Wed. Two can dine for $16.99 includes salad bar, soup or juice and dessert NEW Thursday Offer Starts 3:30 p.m. 1. Baby Beef Liver $7.95 2. Roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings includes soup or juice, cole slaw, dinner roll only $8.25 NEW Friel: ry Offer Starts at 3.30 p.m. 1. 1 pc. home made Fish, 2 pieces perch, 2 pcs. shrimp $7.95 2. Chicken Parmesan Dinner coleslaw, dinner roll, soup or juice 57.25 S�3f1it !.i ,' Offer Roast beef, dinner, fresh from the oven. Includes soup or juice, dinner roll, only $7.95 Hot turkey sandwich, $7.45 REMEMBER The above specials will continue throughout the fall months. Bring your family and enjoy the fall specials Brunch 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 56.95 Dinner starts 3:30 p.m. Our special smorgasbord has 4 different hot dishes, This Sun. and Mon. Thanksgiving day: Roast turkey with all the trimmings. NEW: Seniors every Thurs. 10% off all day. Banquet Facilities Available up to 80 people HEYWOOD'S FAMILY RESTAURANT Centralia 228-6161 Excellent Service & Friendly Atmosphere 1