HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-09, Page 1811
St. Marys Community Players
By, Ken Ludwig
Directed by Larry Parsons
At St. Marys Town Hall
OCTOBER 17,18,19, 24, 25 & 26 @ 8:00 p.m.
OCTOBER 20 MATINEE a 2:00 p.m.
Tickets - Advance $10.00, At door $12.00
Tickets at - BA Homescapes
166 Queen St. E., St. Marys, Ontario r4
Phone (519) 2944688
Purge 18 Pitres Adcwcu`
October 9, 199t,
Birth Announceznents Death Notices
III rail
HATTER • Lo, children we an heritage of
the Lord. Psalm 127:3.
By God's grace, Grant and Kim Hata wel-
comed Emily Grace into their family Mon-
day. September 30. 1996. Emily looks for-
ward to special times with proud
pMdp•ratu Bill and Gladys Talbot and Al-
len and Marlene Hayter. Our sincere thanks
to familia who prayed for ha safe arrival.
Special thanks to our Moms and Ingrid
Hayter for their continuous help and sup-
port. We would also like to recognize the
competent medical are provided by Dr. C.
Meyer and Stella Coolman (RN) of South
Huron Hospital, Exeter and the kindness ex-
tended by Reverend C. Parsons and Pastor
V. Dean to our family. Thank you God for
our miracle of love. 41'
PFAFF - Jeff and Jennifer are proud to an-
nounce the arrival of their daughter Nicole
Alyssa, born October I, 1996 weighing 8
lbs. 4 oz. Justine and Christopher are happy
to finally meet their little sister. Proud
grandparents are Jim and Karen Pfaff and
Bill and Elsie MacMaster of London. 41
REIKEN - Hilkl Shael and Denise (nee
Baptie) are tickled pink to announce the arri-
val of Miriam Margaret Bayles, born Septem-
ber 21, 1996 at Weliesiey Hospital, Toronto,
a 6 lbs. 15 oz. sister for Akiva. Proud grand-
parents are Joyce Baptie of Exeter and Max
and Deenie Reiken of Toronto. 41 •
Death Notices
CLENDENNING • In Hensel!, Ontario on
October I. 1996, Baby Breeden James Clen-
denning. 13 days old. Dear son of Paul and
Renea Ckndenning and dear brother of Car -
lie of Hensall. Dear grandson of Peter and
Jeannette Regier of 2.urich and Jerry and
Judy Clendenning of Sarnia. Also sadly
missed by several aunts, uncles. nieces and
nephews. A private family futteral•service
was held on Thursday. October 3, 1996 in
the J.M. McBeath Funeral Home. 49 Goshen
Street. Zurich. Father Elwyn Moms Cele-
brant. Interment St. Boniface R.C. Ceme-
tery. Contributions to a monument fund for
Brenda may be made at the Funeral Home
or the CIBC Hensall Branch. 41c
COWDREY - Suddenly at his residence,
Blanshard Twp. on Wednesday. October 2,
1996. Wm. Lloyd Cowdrey in his 63rd year.
Beloved husband of Helen (Webber)
Cowdrey. Loving father of Robert and Mary
Anne Cowdrey of Blanshard Twp. and Patri-
cia Cowdrey of.London. Loving grandfather
of Michael and Jennifer. Dear brother of
Mildred Cowdrey of St. Marys and Fred and
Beth Cowdrey of Lucan. Dear uncle of Qe-
nise and Lynn. Dear son-in-law of Ordell
Webber of St. Marys and the late Harry
Webber. Predeceased by his parents Ernest
Cowdrey and the former Dora Brook. Rest-
ed at the L.A. Ball Funeral Chapel (Ball &
Sass d.), Water St. N., St. Marys on Friday
from' -4 and 7-9 p.m. where the funeral ser-
vice as held on Saturday. October 5 at 2
p.m. 'th Rev. Wm. Jones officiating. Inter-
ment followed in Zion West Cemetery. Do-
nations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation
would be appreciated as expressions of sym-
pathy. 41
Death Notices
In Memoriam:
LANG - Alfred. October 4, 1996, passed
away in his 92nd year at Cross Bow Auxil-
iary Hospital in Calgary. Predeceased by his
wives Mary (Gunn) Lang. 1996. and Eliza-
beth (Baba) Lang. 1963. He will be sadly
mussed by his step-chilch n, Joe Guno (Mar-
kle) of Cornwall, Ontario, Mary V. Kipling-
Prefontaine (Ray) of Calgary. Alberta, and
their familia. plea Betty Drnbko ape fami-
ly of Chatham Interment to be held at a later
date in Chatham. 41•
MORGAN - Peacefully on his 74th birth-
day, October 2, 1996 at Victoria Hospital,
Westminster Campus, London, Joseph (Joe)
Morgan of McGillivray Township; RR 12
Ailsa Craig. Loving husband of Lois (Kelly)
Morgan. Dear father of Judy and Don Squire
of Centralia. Bonnie and Greg Sadler of Syl-
van and Kevin and Brendaof
McGillivray Township. Proudfps of
Jay, Joel, Katelyn and Allyson Squire; Kel-
ly -Jo and Darren Sadler and Brad and Becky
Morgan. Dear brother of Jack and Mildred
Moran. Elizabeth Wright and Bob and Irma
Robinson all of McGillivray Township, Wil-
bert of Prince George B.C., Muriel Morgan
of Kitchener and Doug and Ellen Morgan of
Clinton. Brother-in-law of Russell and Darr
thy Kelly of Brussels. Predeceased by broth-
ers Laverne and Merton, sister Catharine El-
son and brother-in-law Clifford Kelly.
Friends called at the C. Hackett and Son Fu-
neral Home. Lucan on Thursday 2-4 and 7-9
p.m. where the funeral service was held on
Friday, October 4 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Doug-
las MacKenzie officiating. interment St.
James Cemetery. A tree will be planted as a
living memorial to Joe. Donations to the Ca-
nadian Cancer Society. Strathroy Homecare
Program or the Brinsky Anglican Church
Fund would be appreciated by the family.
PRANCE - Suddenly at her late residence
on October 6, 1996, Doreen M. (Hay)
Prance of Exeter, in her 74th year. Beloved
wife of Gordon Prance. Dear mother of Ge-
rald and Jane Prance of London. Wayne and
Fran Prance. Margaret Anne and Ross Bea-
ver and David and Cathy Prance all of Us -
borne township and Mary Ellen and Bob
Webb of Waterdown. Dear grandmother of
Lori. Lisa and Todd; Kim and Jeff; Cindy
and l; Krista, Ryan and Melissa. Also
survived by 8 great-grandchildren. Dear sis-
ter of Kathleen, Gordon and Jean Hay, Fria
and Eric Shale all of Zurich, Ada MacDon-
ald of Guelph, Lois Beer of Toronto and El-
eanor and Jack Shoebottom of Arva Prede-
ceased by a sista Myrtle Francis (1995) and
a brother Charles A. (1990). Friends called
edit Hockey Funeral home, Exeter
where Atte anent-kervioe will be held on
Wedneadily, October 9 at 2 p.m. with Rev.
Cordell Parsons officiating. Interment Eid-
er Cemetery. Donations to the charity of
your choice would beappreciated by the
family. 4Ic
Come and
with us
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
187 Hixon St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, October 13
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p 'n. Family Night
Everyone Wekaorrle
October 13
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast on
Community Channel
162 Main St. North
Pastor Peter Tuininga
October 13, 1996
10:00 a.m.Mornhng Service
Sunday School for ages 3 - grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening service
Nursery Available
E Sryone WundayRad oas
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Fallh 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
Comer of Gkiley end Main
The Roy. Fay M. Patterson
20th Sunday after Pentecost
October 13, 1996
Harvest 11:00 a.m.Holy Eucharist B.C.P.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
.68 Maki Street South
Rev. Daniel Roushorn•
Courtesy Car. 235-1967
Youth Worker: Tracey Whitson BMno
Sunday, October 13, 1998
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
and Sunday School
Oct. 10 8 p.m. Cholr Practice
Oct. 11 7 p.m. Youth Group
Oct. 16 7:30 p.m. Board and Session
~ors are most wekrome
Comer of Junes and Andrew St.
Sunday. October 13, 1996
10:30 a.m.
0 Thanksgiving Sunday
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School 10:30 a.m. for
pre-school and kindergarten only
Courtesy Car
Frank Boyle 235-2877
Coming up:
8 am Breakfast
9 am Workshop on 'Voices
United' hyrnn book
6:30 pm Anniversary dinner at
Rao Centre. Guests: 'Ti)s Tal-
bot*' Bluegrass Band
10:30 am Anniversary service
Guest speaker, Rev. Gen
Everyone vreloonl� J14
Oct. 20
Oct. 26
Oct 27
WHITEFORD • Suddenly at Four Counties
Hospital. Newbury on Thursday. October 3.
1996, Earl 1. Whiteford of Glencoe and for-
merly of McGillivray Township in his 76th
year. Beloved husband of Helen (Arndt)
Whiteford. Dear father of Doug and Carol
Whiteford of RR 2 Lucan. Dear step -tithe/
of Leona and Bill Morison of Musette,
Michigan, Elaine and Oswald Dillard of
Thedford, David and Bev Lumbar of New-
foundland and Penny and Ron Paisley of
Forest. Also survived by 2 grandchildren
and I I Rep -grandchildren. Dear brother of
Pearl and Don Leslie of Winnipeg, Ann De-
vine and Sam Villa of London. Friends
called at the C. Haslet and Son Puneral
Home, where the funeral service was held
on October 7 with Rev. Susan Sbelsad offi-
ciating. Interment St. Jams Ceatetay. Do-
nations to the Ontario Hart and Stroke
Foundation would be appreciated by the
family. 41c
In Memoriams
BIBBY - In loving of a dear son.
brother and wick. Tom, w passed away
October 10. 1975.
These is a special corner in our hearts,
We keep iteast for you.
As longas life and memories last.
We wialways think of you.
Always remembered by mom, dad, sisters,
brothers, nephews and nieces. 4I x
BROCK • In loving memory of a dear
mother, Myrtle Brock, who passed away 5
years ago, October 8, 1991 and Norman
Brock, on August 30, 1985.
So many things have happened.
Since you were called away,
To hear your voice and see your smile.
To sit and chat with you a whik.
So many things to share with you.
Had you been left to stay.
Today is remembered and quietly kept,
No words are needed, we'll never forget.
Lovingly remembered by your son and
daughters and their families. 41'
DiNNEY - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band, father and grandfather, Donald. who
passed away 11 years ago, October 11,
He'll always be remembered,
As a man both strong and good,
Who gave his best for others.
Who did the best he could.
He'll always be remembered,
For all the joy he brought,
As a man who made a difference,
And a man who meant a la.
Remembered always by Marie and family.
HAYTER • In loving memory of Russell,
who passed away October 10, 1993.
here witheut Ws.
We miss
You mole
For life is not the same for us,
Since God called you away.
Lovingly remembered by wife Marion and
family. 4Ic
HERN - For our mom, Janet Hern, who
asW away October 7, 1992.
Four years ago our world stopped in an in-
Our lives changed forever when you were
taken from us.
But only our world stopped that day. they in-
sisted we must go on.
Yet you would be so proud, for we have sur-
Although happiness takes on new meaning.
harniness we have found.
All along the way we feel you standing next
to vis
Sometimes we close ow eyes, follow our
hearts and pretend you never left.
Our successes we owe to you. Mom,
For it was your love, enthusiasm, and deter-
mination in life. which guides us through
each day.
Every moment of each day, we hold you
dear to us in our thoughts and hearts.
With love forever and longer, Ron. Kelly.
Jason, Adam and Janette. 41
HERN - In loving memory of Janet, who
awass taken so suddenly. October 7, four years
71me goes on with many changes,
Joy and sorrow. smiles and tears,
But your memory will be cherished forever.
We love you dearly. Dad and Mother. 41c
HERN - in loving memory of Jana Hern,
who passed away suddenly October 7. 1992.
Thoughts of you are with us,
Throughout the entire year,
It's the fall the heightens the sadness.
And (rings a fresh tear.
The memories that you left behind,
Are where our comfort an be found.
Our love for you is what we have,
And will always be around.
Forever your sisters. Geraldine, Brenda and
familia. 41 •
MOIR • In lovin memory of a dear friend,
Janet. who away 1 yew ago. on Octo-
ber 14, 199.
God saw you gating tired,
When a cure was not to be,
So he closed His arms around you,
And whispered "Come to me".
Your golden heart stopped beating.
Your gentle hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.
So keep Your arms around her Lord,
And give her special care,
Make up for all she suffered.
That seemed to us unfair.
Our hams still ache with sadness,
And secret tears still flow.
For what it meant to lose you, Janet,
No one will ever know.
Sadly missed by Bill and Marg. 410
MOiR • in loving memory of a dear wife,
mother and grandmother. Janet, who passed
away I year ago, October 14, 1995.
Put Your arms around her, Lord,
Treat her with special care,
Make up for all she suffered.
And all that teemed unfair.
Without 'farewell', she fell asleep,
Amide our hearts of lad,
If she could have spoken before she died,
These we the worth she would have said:
"This life for me has truly passed.
1 loved you all to the very tact,
Weep not for me, but courage take,
And love each other for my sake "
Dearly loved and sadly missed, Bruce and
family. 41c
ROESZLER • la loving memory of a very
special and dearly loved wife, mother and
grandma, Eleanor. who passed away 3 years
go on October 7, 1993.
You were one of God's blessings that made
oar fives complete,
That very special someone who would help
us when in need.
You. always gave so willingly we only had
to We miss that loving friendship each day that
WWhenwe're together as a family, that's
when we miss you most.
But also when we realize that you we very
Gone from our sight but never our memo-
Gone from our touch but never our hearts.
Always remembered with love by your
husband. children and grandchildren. 4Ic
WILLIAMSON - In loving memory of a
dear husband and father. John, who passed
away suddenly October 20. 1995.
1 hold your hand and walk with you,
la dreams that seem so real,
1 wish I could only talk with you,
And tell you how I feel.
I'd thank you for the love you gave,
Before we had to part
1 keep it in a special place.
That's decp within my heart.
It is thane that t find my solace,
And draw my strength upon.
The year has passed but not my love,
For your memory still lives on.
Lovingly remembered, Heidi and your son
Derrick. 41 •
Cards Of 7lhanlcs
FENNER • The family of the late Dorothy
(Hutton) Fenner wish to extend their sincere
appreciation and thanks to relatives. friends
and neighbours for the beautiful floral ar-
rangements, charitable donations, cards and
phone calls. Thanks to all who contributed
food and help, and to the Greenway U.C.W.
who served a delicious lunch after the ser-
vice. Rev. Robert Putman's visits and en-
couraging words were greatly appreciated.
We would like to thank Dr. Thorpe, and the
doctors and nurses of Strathroy Middlesex
General Hospital. Pat Hariton's solo ren-
dered a comforting message and Karen
Guenther Green gave a special eulogy of her
aunt. Thanks to M. Box & Son Funeral
Horne for their help and comfort. Also
thanks to the pallbearers, Kenneth Nichol-
son, Barry Westmon, James Green, Dale
Dawson, Jim Fenner and Jim Pickering, as
well as the flower bearers who were all niec-
es, Leona Moore, Shirley Nicholson, Karen
Guenther Green, Colleen Dawson, Jamie
Westman and Julie Moore. A very special
thank you to Huron -Penh V.O.N. and home-
makers for their excellent care while Doro-
thy was at home. 41 •
GILMOV* *e wish to thank all our
friends, neighbours, and relatives for re-
membering us on our 40th wedding anniver-
sary with flowers, cards, gifts, phone calls
and the lovely meal and cake and all good
wishes we received.
41' Ab and Alice
McKEEVER - We wish to thank all our
family, friends and neighbours for their
kindness,yers, support and comfort in
our loss ofQa dear mother, grandmother and
gnat -grandmother, M. Evelyn McKeever.
Special thanks for the gifts of food, cards,
floral tributes, Masses and charitable dona-
tions, also the ladies of the Mt. Carmel
C.W.L. for the lovely luncheon. Thanks also
to Rev. Father Bob Remark for his prayers
R the funeral home and the kind words at
the Puneral Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Church. Our thanks to the staff at T. Harry
Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home and the
41 • Mary and Tony Conlin,
Pat and Jane McKeever,
Cathy and Bob Moore and families.
PENHALE - 1 wish to express m' sincere
thanks and appreciation to neighbours,
friends and relatives who remembered me in
various ways while 1 was a patient in South
Huron Hospital and since returning home.
4Ic Graze
SIMS - I wish to thank my friends, neigh-
bours and relatives fpr the many prayers.
visits, cards and phone calls during my stay
in the hospital and sins returning home.
Special thanks to the staff of South Huron
Hospital for their excellent care. Your kind-
ness will always be remembered.
4Ic Gladys
SOMERVILLE - It is with heartfelt grati-
tude that the family of the late Tom Somer-
ville wishes to thank relatives, friends. and'
neighbours for their personal expressions of
sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, dharite-
bk donations, sympathy cards and kttera,
pryers, offers o assistance, as well as food
brought to our house. A special thank you to
Sheila Dolmage, Cbondinator, Jennie Van
Merin, Donna Webster of Huron County
Home Care. Mary Mork and herVON
team of Aileen Knip, Marilyn Pearce, and
Jean Bennett, whose excellent care and com-
panions made it possible for Tom to be at
horse. We are grateful to Pastor Smith for
her visits, prone calls, and comfortingser-
vice and the Centralia United Church om-
en for providing the delicious funeral lunch-
eon. Thanks to Marjorie Johns. organist,
who accompanied Eric Roes on his besuiful
solo, to Tom's nieces and nephews who hon -
owed his wish to have than act as flower
and pallbearers, and to Bill and Dan of Hop-
opper Hockey Funeral Service for their assis-
tance and compassion. Expressions of con-
dolence and support from Tom's former
students, colleague, and administrator at
the Middk;ex County Board of Education
are also very much appreciated. In difficult
times it is the support of those who pre that
help to ease the pain and for the last eight-
een months you have all been there for us.
We will be eternally grateful. May God
bless you all. Whin you think of Tom. re-
member to Live, Love and Laugh.
41c Love from Carol,
Seedy. Craig and Gage.
Stacy and Vince,
the brothers and sisters of Tom Somerville.
TA2ZA11 - 1 would like to rhank the Wood-
ham Shower Club for the bridal shower they
gave me on October 4. Thank you to Group
2 for organizing and planning the shower.
The beautiful gifts 1 received were all very
generous. It was nice to see and visit with
everyone again. A special thought for those
who were unabk to attend. Your good wish-
es for our future happiness mean a lotto me.
4Ic Teresa
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Local Rep:
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114 Main St. Dashwood
Home Appointments
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