HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-09, Page 17Times -Advocate, October 9, 1996 Page 17 Historic plaque honors pioneer families The ceremony highlighted the Bethesda church history, Including the existence of a black minister/escaped slave CREDITON - The Huron County Historical Society erected an his- toric plaque on Friday in memory of pioneer families buried in the Bethesda Primitive Methodist Church Cemetery between 1860 and 1900. Paul Can^oll, put -president of the society, supplied appropriate his- torical information. "1t appears that the Bethesda church was of the Primitive Meth- odist denominadon, and opened around 1860," he read. The church was part of the then - called McGillivray circuit and later became part of the larger Carlisle circuit. At its height, the Bethesda church was part of the Crediton cir- cuit." The construction of the 950 -seat - today sur- viving as the Zion United - church in 1896, and the construc- tion of sim- ar large edi- fices in other communities Carroll continued, "was prob- ably a major factor in leading to the closure of many small parishes like Bethesda." He also mentioned Reverend Dorsey, a black minister/escaped slave who was buried in the church yard. Two years ago Stephen Township be- came the legal owner of the ce- metery. "After almost two years of diligence by the township in re- sponse to con- cerns from the community," pointed out Stephen ' Township Reeve Bill Weber, "Be- thesda now belong* to this com- munity." Lioness draw The Exeter Lioness Club recently kicked off its Twelve Days of Christmas Draw ticket sales. The draws run from De- cember 1 until December 12 with $10,000 of Exeter Bucks to be won. A dollar from each $35 ticket will be donated to the Huron County Christmas Bureau. Huron Perth District Health Council HURON PERTH The Huron Perth District Health Cou iI (HPDHC) met from 6:30 to 9:30 in September 19, at the HPDHC offic- es at 235 St. George Street, Mitch- ell. Following are some of the key discussions/decisions arising from that morning. • $490,000 recommended to en- hance community long term care services. Based on the advice the Perth Long Term Care Planning Committee (a subcommittee of the HPDHC) set funding priorities for enhanced community long term care services for Perth County. The priorities for new investment in- clude: • Transportation: efforts to im- prove access to long term care ser- vices for whose mobility is chal- lenged; • Care giver respite: a service in which short term assistance is pro- vided to "primary care givers" (ie. family, friends) so that they can have a break from care giving du- ties. Respite is expected to extend the length of time that individuals can stay at home (rather than enter- ing a long term care facility) by providing family members and friehds an opportunity to "re- charge." • Supportive housing: housing options for individuals who are able to live in their own home or a specially adapted housing unit, with some assistance (ie. physical modifications, homemaking, finan- cial &inistance). # Professional services: case man- agement (individuals whose re-• sponsibility it is to coordinate an individuals care); physiotherapy; occupational therapy; in particular. The priorities assigned to this point amount to approximately 5490,000 in new funding for the county. Planning continues at the HPDHC to set priorities for an- other $830,000. The funding priori- ties set by the HPDHC are forward- ed to the Minister of Health for consideration and funding. Hospital restructuring study un- derway. An update was .provided by Janet Hook, chair of the Hospi- tal and Related Health Services Study Task Force. The task force is working very hard with staff and consultants to initiate the planning process for the eight hospitals in the district. As the Ministry of Health set a six month titne frame for the study, all involved are faced with challenging workloads and deadlines. People have risen to these challenges and activities have been very successful to date. One important means of obtain- ing informed input into restructur- ing options for clinical programs is the establishment of Program Plan- ning Task Forces (PPTFs). Eight PPTFs have been established to consider the existing services pro- vided for district residents and to recommend ways in which these services could be restructured to improve care, coordination, and/or access in an efficient mantra. Bach PPTF consists of about 20 individ- uals including physicians, hospital staff, community agency mem- bers, and consumers. OPP stress safety for Thanksglving weekend LAMBTON COUNTY - The Ontario Provincial Police, Lambton detachments emphasizing safety for travellers during the Thanksgiv- ing holiday weekend. During last year's Thanksgiving period, seven fatal crashes oc- curred in the OPP jurisdiction resulting in the deaths of eight people. Among contributing factors were alcohol consumption and in atten- tiveness. it's expected that the fast approach of winter weather will catch drivers unprepared for early morning roads that are slippery with frost and wet leaves. The OPP advises motorists to adjust their driving to suit October conditions. Thanksgiving Day falls in the middle of the provincial seat belt campaign and special emphasis this year is on child restraints. Drivers are reminded that they are in the most influential position to improve their safety and that of their passengers. The injury and death associated with collisions is often predictable and preventable defensive driving and the wearing of seat belts will help reduce the risk of tragedy on the roadways. The Huron County Historical Society erected an historic plaque at the Bethesda Primitive Methodist Church Cemetery on Friday. Above, Lloyd Lamport, who initiated the enhancement project, Julie Hohner, a representative for Helen Johns MPP, Dave McClure, an Historical So- ciety representative, and Bill Weber, Stephen Township Reeve unveil the plaque. =risk LtT'S CLOY +TIN �11� 5.00 �L1trALL k r�i11I61�1*d 1i1Y NO 5171.' LILR11�f�I glal A/AN IPAR MU NIMM.tot. psis� Ir1w111* == AM51a IW IMMOMIN VT ossw arm ommin NI orsi15 OM MI* Irls IPARI 5110 0,1117"1"."1:: 115a5��Ir..Irt Me 110 me OM NM WWI CANOURIONT IIIIIt rrM� !��1��A 0000 MUM TAR* KIM tie p1-i.�1aMR 5 K Sas w 1051 r a Ism. CselsTa MOM **Ms brasess,M* slo. 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