HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-09, Page 10Page 10 Times -Advocate, October 9,1996 Bowling scores &leets Lucan 23 pts.. Eastown 20 pts.. Rog- er Bennewies, Murray Bennewies 290- 1254, Bob Smith 307-1155. Sunday Mixed Butch Riley 291-713, Lloyd Rimmer 245-670. Gary Melvin 262-649, Bruce Beemer 232-592, Floyd Riley.227-575, John Jaques 202-552. Brenda Nichol 207, Rob Varley 205. April Thompson 204, Noreen Hill 203. Monday Ladies Evelyn Smith 253-641, Heather Smith 233-633, Lynn Smith 228-602. Janet Ankers 222-572. Helen Hardy 219-571, Marg Elson 207-547, Joyce Sovereign 190-544, Helen Rodgers . 184-536, Annie Vanhooydonk 205- 500, Ann Marie Beaudoin 218, Alice Hodgins 194. Louise Sutherland 183. Tuesday YBC Ashley Smith 229,151, Kelly Wilson 201,201. Aaron Holland 190,176. Jenni Holland 127.125, Melissa Baker 169, Kerrie Davis 149, Alexandra Dawson 145, Josh Anderson 137. Non-smoking Gerry Swiderski 249-597. Milt Rob- bins 244-595. Mac MacCormack 206- 555. Pam Krciyzek 211-550. Brenda Isaac 191-541, Robert Heckman 190- 524. Dan Isaac 180-512, Pat Hodgins 206-503, Theo Sentjens 173. Tanny Vanderhoek 163. Marie Kronstal 158. Medway Arnie Vanderweil 201-567, Clarke Rollings 203-554, Marilyn Smith 229- 524. Loretta Needham 195-494, Shirley Bosley 184-489. Ken Weir 187-480. Grace Rollings 204. Bill Bere 197. Donna 'effrey 192, Jack Moir 182, Dave Smith 177. Paula Weir 158, Marg Carmichael 154. Senior Citizens Charlie Grieve 234-620. Milt Rob- bins 203-542, Cathie Wessman 205- 527, Mac MacCormack 217-502. Theo Sentjens 175-491, Ted Toondcrs 187- 483, Peter Vandenboomcn 167. Myrtle Maguire 159, Florence McRobert 158. Wednesday YBC Robbie Yeo 170.121. Mark Seliske 111.96. Jeremy McNaughton 105,102, Patrick Seliske 86,81. Kristi Allen 84.82. Ryan Cousineau 107. Michael Elliott 98. William Benedetti 79, Cait- lyn Hill 78. Matthew Elliott 77. Wednesday Mixed Steve Allen 286-788. Frank Smeek- ens 286-668. Don Cunningham 256- 667, Date Fisher 211-590. Gord Fisher 224-580. Terry Morgan 213-573. Karen Smeekcns 205-572, Torn Dobinson 205-571. Casey Vanhooydonk 193- 550. Al Rollings 245-548, Patricia Jones 199-547. Kevin Rollings 243- 526. Marty Kelders 2.04. Steve Ack- worth 199. Thursday Men Frank Palen 350-818, Tom Bullock 303-809, Orval Rinn 318-744, Don Wa:t 296-742, Earl Allison 300-733. Butch Riley 331-725. Chris Smith 273- 722. Bill McDonald 274-709, Rod Wil- lcrt 299-702. Doug Lee 258-701, Roger Bennewies 291-698. Scott Smith 298- 697. Jack Currie 231-687, Paul Smith Jr.. 264-676, Paul Smith 253-674, Fred Wells 256-673, John Kohut 241-668. Carlyle Thomson 261-665, Lloyd Rim- mer 298-664, Jim Quanze 299-661, Ja- mie Bond 265-657. John Jansen 221- 657. Friday Mixed Pete Smith 276-723. Dan Rogers 298-677, Dave Smith 243-670, Wayne Smith 264-627, John Carvell 236-626, Harold Smith 241-616, Ray McRobert 249-579, Dob Liley 197-572, Helen Rodgers 258-563. Wade Noble 246. Ben Girling 222, Fran Dow 215, Stu Dow 213. Zurich Town & Country Lanes Monday Night Ladies High Five - Nell McCann 548, Alley Cats - Marlene Bedard 624. Packers - Sue Eckel 608. Pinpoppers - Carmel Sweeney 503, Odds 'n' Ends - K. Campbell 726, Red Devils - Sandra Dickers 603. N.S. Karen Campbell 289. 11.T. Sandra Dickers 872. Tuesday Mens League Ramblers - Bob Fickling 616. Hen- sall Boomers - T. Lansbergen 666, Family Affair - Don Jackson 634. Mar- ket - Leroy Meloche 646. Klondyke - Jimn Russell 661. Wednesday Night Ladies J.K.L.M. - Laurie Stanlake 552. Fan- t,rstics • Betty Datars 546, Goforit - Joyce Hillman 559, Mighty Foursome - FI. Vanderhoek 600. H.S. Joyce Mord- en 239. H.T. - Hilda Vanderhoek 600, N.A. Donna Webster 191. Thursday Night Mixed Strikes & Misses - T. Rooseboom 710. Bags & Bal' • L. Feeney 550, Pin Doctors - T. Stanlake 584, Buck & Does - S. Eckel 492. L.H.S. M. Ben- gough 256. L.H.T. T. Rooseboom 710, L.H.A. T. Rooseboom 220, M.H.S. B. Bengough 327. M.N.T. B. Bengough 759. M.H.A. D. McInnes 193. Saturday Ladies Intertown Zurich 16 1/2 pts.. vs. Goderich 10 1/ 2 pts. Marlene Bedard 595, Donna Webster 516. Lynn Smith 516. Saturday Mens Intertown Molesworth ID - 22 pts. vs. Zurich 23 pts. Don Kirk 1232; Tony Bedard 1065, Mike Van Damme 1024. Monday ARC Angels Rick McCann 104, Rene 99, Don Tiedeman 88. Debbie Brownlee 41. Wednesday Morning Ladies Mona Traquair 226-566, Rosaken Berends 179.449, Audrey Wilson 213- 490, Betty Sangster 239-618. Marion Deline 374. Thursday Grand Cove Bill Middaugh 560. Dirk Wassing 502, Lyle Solin$er 482, Bob McCall 474, Doreen Reid 471, George Jones 460, L.H.S. Cora Waning 219, M.H.S. Bill Middaugh 206. Thursday Golden Asera . 2 Mary Fickling 340. Elaine Wekb 321. Mona Kraft 303, Kay Elder 210. Mary lacobe 253, Alfred Preto 231, L.H.S. Mary Pickling 126, LH.D. Mary Pickling 340, M.A.S. Ivan Reich- ert 144, M.H.D. Alfred Preisz 251 h CflMM1JI'JITY Heritage award Lucan resident Mike Anderson was recently recognized by the Ontario Heritage Foundation by receiving its Community Heritage Recognition Program Achievement Award. Each year 134 people in Ontario receive the award. Anderson played a key role in establishing the Lucar Museum in April 1995 and also in the Lucan Area Heritage Committee. "I'm extremely happy that council nominated me for this" pointed out Anderson, because it supports work of the heri- tage committee. . Blue Water Rest Home residents enjoy activities ZURICH - The Blue Water Rest Home Auxiliary entertained the resi- dents of the home on Tuesday evening with Max Ducharme and "The Townliners". Doreen Desch read "I'm Thankful" and "A Teacher's Con- tract of 1870". Committee members Theresa Stark, Della Gascho and Ali - da Rau served assorted tarts with whipped cream and Hallowe'en candy to the residents and guests. Donna Klopp, Auxiliary president handed out tickets to the members to sell on the "Pink Patch Quilt" which will be drawn at the resident/family dinner on Sunday, December 1. The quilt top was donated by the family of the late Gerie Fleischauer, who was a very active member of the Auxiliary. Pastor Phil and Julie Bender, Zurich Mennonite Church conducted Thursday afternoon chapel service. Fr. Elwyn Morris, St. Peter's Catholic Church, St. Joseph celebrated Mass. Winne Hutton and Julie; Bender con- ducted Tuesday afternoon Bible Study. Friday, the residents enjoyed a shopping spree as JBS Health Care Prod- ucts, Cheltenham displayed their clothing in the auditorium. Many resi- dents and community seniors enjoyed a look and purchase of a particular item for their fall wardrobe. The home is blessed with two clothing com- panies who visit the home annually. These companies keep the residents well dressed without leaving the premises and the residents have the bene- fit of nursing assistance to try on items to make sure they fit the right plac- es. Several movies have been enjoyed by the residents; "Secrets of the Ti- tanic" and the "Lucky Texan" with John Wayne, are just a few. Beatrice Rader, Marie Gingerich, Roy Gingerich, Philippa Steckle, Clar- ence Gascho, Clara Hamilton and Bob Carson enjoyed Sunday morning service at Zurich Mennonite Church with the help of the wheelchair bus and volunteer driver Dennis Hutton. Rose Merner and Dorothy Bapty at- tended St. Peter's Lutheran and St. Boniface Church with volunteer assis- tance. This corning week, the residents look forward to an afternoon tea and a lunch trip to Aunt Gussie's Grand Bend. The Christian Reformed Church. Exeter will visit the home on October 15 to start their fall monthly visits. October 16, Gladys and her "Merry Makers" will visit the home to provide the residents with Oktoberfest mu- sic. The home has invited 22 members of the Clergy, who have conducted service at the home the past year, to a dinner on Wednesday, October 23 in honor of "Spiritual and Religious Care Awareness Week." The home is appreciative of the visits from the clergy who care for the seniors at the home. November 10, the family of Beatrice Rader, BWRH Apartment tenant, are holding an open house from 1-5 p.m. in the auditorium of BWRH to celebrate their Mother being 80 years young. One of Philippa Steckle's short poems will describe the farming situa- tion in southern Ontario and the hustle to prepare for Thanksgiving week- end. Now since the time so quickly goes. I'd better settle down to prose; And wait until another time; To put my greeting thoughts in rhymes. Interim report cards are coming on Thursday. October 10. if parents have any questions or concerns about their child's marks or com- ments. they can attend a Parents' Night on Thursday, October 17. In- terview times are from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Parents of graduating students who will be attending college of uni- versity next year can attend an information session application process and post kcondary financial information meeting on the same night as ParentsNight at 8 p.m. in the small gym. Pizza Delight is supporting the local organizations that support it. They donate 2 per cent of your food receipt to the organization of your choice. There are twelve organizations to choose from, including the high school's student council. All you have to do is tell yout hottest which group you would like to support and they will send that money to the organization. There is a Halloween Dance at the school on Thursday, October 24, from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the large gym. The cost is 15.00 and you must have a student card. The OAC drama class is presetting Greek Theatre on Oto JQ 7 p.m. in Room t 9. Everyone is welcome to const! OM and 17.8 presentation. Upcoming McDonald's Ftm Night, October 16' Grief seminar, large gym. Dabber 1& 1.9 pm. cossets Hallowe'en party at Stanley Twp. Rec Centre There will be prizes for best costumes.... By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA- The Stan Lee Club met on Wednesday October 2 with El- mer and Noreen Hayter in charge. The evening opened with a sing - along led by Noreen and with Anna Keys at the piano. The speaker was Shelly Van Aaken. She is a phar- macist with "Big V" in Goderich. She was speaking on Bill 96 and how it affects seniors. The new president Charles Reid, chaired the meeting. Minutes were read and approved. Zone 9 Fall Rally will be in Blyth on October 10. The next meeting will be an open euchre party on November 10. Euchre was played with prizes going to ladies high - Marg Reid, ladies low - Elva Peck, mens high - Bill Pepper and mens low went to Bob Reid. 45th wedding anniversary Bill and Helen Taylor celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary last weekend at Mark and Sharon Tay- lor's .Roast beef cooked under- ground was served. All their family were present and relatives came as far away as Thu- sundridge, Gravenhurst and local areas. Happy anniversary to Helen and Bill. The community's sincere sympa- thy goes out to former resident Madeline Murray on the sudden death of her daughter Pat from Hope, B.C. Sunday was just a gorgeous day for hiking through Bannockburn and many people did just that. Stratford Centennial United Church October 19 & 20 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Over 130 Crafts people 3 Great Locations Lambton Heritage Museum * Thedford-Bosanquet Community Centre also Sand Country Studio Tour Adult admission: $3.00 Lambton Heritage Museum Located on Hwy. 21, & km. south of Grand Bend call 1-800.265.0316 joined Varna -Goshen congregation for the hike and then enjoyed a pot luck supper in the Varna Church. The church was full for supper. The next meeting of the Trends (ages 10-13) will be Friday Octo- ber I 1 at 7 p.m. in Brucefield. Next Sunday October 13 will be Thanksgiving Sunday with an In- ter -generational service of Wor- ship. The children will remain for the service and people of all ages will take pan. The Goshen Anniversary Service will be the following Sunday in Goshen at 10:20 a.m. They will have special music and a wonderful celebration. Bayfield UCW The Bayfield U.C.W. invites Varna and Goshen UCW both to their fall Thankoffering on Wednesday October 16 at 8 p.m. They will have a guest speaker talking on Alzheimer's disease. Varna UCW ladies met Thursday October 3 at the Varna Church. Joan Beierling, Marj Stirling and Eleanor McAsh were in charge of the program and led with the devo- tion. Valerie Laurie spoke on her ex- change tip to Nice France last spring for three months. She com- mented on the people being very friendly and on the food, culture and areas she visited. Valerie would like to go back anytime and she would recommend this experi- ence to anyone. She showed many photographs. Heather Beierling spoke on OS - AID (Ontario Students Against Im- paired Driving). Heather is the head of this group at Central Huron Secondary School which has grown from about 5 to 40 people. She explained different activities they do that discourage the youth from drinking and driving. She served some dry bar drinks at the end of the evening. Joyce Dowson led with a short business meeting following this. Next meeting will be November 7. FamUy connection Sunday October 20 the Fabulous Family Connection. This great eve- ning is planned by the Five Alive Committee and will be held at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Church in Bayfield. Kevin Stewart will be the guest speaker. Get your tickets early for the tur- key dinner catered by the Goshen UCW that will be held October 23. For tickets call Linda Linfield at 565-2124 or Nora Keys at 263- 6274. Craft and bake sale The craft and bake sale at ARC Industries in Dashwood will be held Saturday October 19. There will be over 30 craft vendors. Sunday November 10 at 8 p.m. Huron Perth Presbytery will have the convenanting service between the Varna -Goshen Pastoral charge and the Rev. Tracy Crack. This ser- vice will be held in Goshen Church. All are invited to attend. Hallowe'en Party The Stanley Township rec com- mittee have planned a Hallowe'en party for Saturday November 2 from 8-11 p.m. Come and tour the haunted house, carve pumpkins, dunk for apples and much more. There will be prizes for best cos- tumes. Admission is $ 10 per family and each family brings a bag of Hallowe'en candy and finger des- serts. Hot dogs will be provided. r❑ • � if 01 �- Mark Your Calendar 14 ; e ,7/4-11i At j --.- A4-y--- , iiik..: 4th Annual Craft & Bake Sale Sat., Oct. 1 9 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at ARC Industries Dashwood, Ontario Over 35 craft vendors. Lunch available Sponsored by these businesses below l Iif l,a-%,1)7 Sestorfrt HaneaN Mitchell Alias Gang Granton P1. Albert 345-2545 262-2527 3.5-41433 203-3223 225-2380 529.7901 -ii..,lr.i r// r COUNTRY MUSIC JAMBOREE Saturday, November 2, 1996 South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter NON-STOP LISTENING & DANCE MUSIC BY YOUR FAVOURITE LOCAL BANDS AND ENTERTAINERS iNCLUD'NG * The Heywood and Mlttleholtz Band * Paul and Carl McNaughton * Thames Road Guild * The Cloggers * Marjorie Johns and Friends * Junction 21 * The Rowe Brothers * Marlene Mathers and Eric Kints * Jim Young 8 Ivan Norris * Bodacious Jazz Band * Laurie Richardson MUSIC STARTS AT 3:00 P.M. Tickets $15.00 each ROAST BEEF DINNER From 5:00 to 7:00 pm TICKETS AVAIL/44E AT 8TEADMANS, THOMAS 'M' MENSWEAR, BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, Mill ROWE, ERIC KINT8, OR FROM ANY LIONS CLUB MEMBER PROCEE081OWE'EXETER UONS CLUB COMMUNITY AND SIGHT IMPAIRED PROGRAMS 1,,