HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-02, Page 21Page 20 Times-Advoca
ctober 2,1996
10th Birthday
CADMAN • Please come and celebrate San-
ford': birthday with bis family. Open House
Sunday. October 6, 1996 at Parkhill Leisure
Club. Broadway St., Parkhill. 2-4 p.m. Best
wishes only. 39,40c
Maythe Sacred Heart glortRed loved sad of Jaws be adored,
esaved throughout
the world law and foseves. Sawed Heart of
Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, walker of Mira-
cles, pprraay for us. St. Jude, Helper of the
P pay for us. Say this prayer 9
times a day, by the eighth day your pays
will be answered. This payer has never
been known to fail. Publication must be
made in petition and thanksgiving.
W.T. 40'
Death Notices
McKEEVER - With het
Wilily present, at St. Jo-
seph's Health Centre, Lon-
don, on Saturday, Septem-
ber 28, 1996, M. Evelyn
(McCann) McKeever of
Lucan, formerly of Mount
Carmel and London, in her
79th year. Beloved wife of the late Hubert 1.
McKeever (1966). Loving mother of Mary
and Anthony Conlin of RR /2 Lucan, Pat
and Jane McKeever of RR 3 Dashwood, Ca-
thy and Bob Moore of Lucan. Dear grandma
of Caroline and Ross Keller, Mike and Jen
Conlin, Kevin, Kristen and Kyle Moore,
Matthew and Katie McKeever and great-
grandmother of Jacob Keller. Predeceased
by her grandson Pete Conlin (1990). Loved
sister and sister-in-law of Clem and Joan
McCann, Joe and Sis McCann, Alice and
Don Hartman, Leona Glavin, John and Hel-
en McKeever. Predeceased by her sister Ei-
ken Gelinas (1991). Mn. McKeever was an
elementary teacher with the Separate School
Board for over 30 years. Rested at the T.
Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood with visitation Monday aftemoon
and evening. Prayers at the Funeral Home
Monday afternoon and evening. Prayers at
the Funeral Home Monday at 8 p.m. Funeral
Mass was held at Our Lady of Mount Car-
mel Church, Mount Cannel on Tuesday, Oc-
tober I, 1996 at 10:30 a.m.Rev. Father Bob
Remark presided. Interment Mount Carmel
Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations to
the Heart and Stroke Foundation or charity
of choice would be appreciated. 40c
MILLAR - At' Exeter Villa, Exeter on Sep-
tember 25, 1996, Ann Elizabeth (Turnbull)
Miller, of Exeter and formerly of Usbome
Township, in ler 101st year. Beloved wife
of David Millar of the Exeter ,Villa Also
survived by several nieces and nephews.
Predeceased by brothers Wilfred, Harold,
Bob, Jim, John, Dave and Charles Turnbull
and a sister Maggie Rohde. Friends called at
the' Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter
with the complete funeral service held on
September 28. Interment Exeter Cemetery.
Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society
would be appreciated by the family. 40c
Birth Announcements In memoriam
MCDONALD (GLOVE[ t) - Jamie and Ca-
thy (see
(seei sad ars hap ay to announce the
but a er
very speedy arrival of their
daughter, Kylie Elizabeth. O Sound Hospital on 8 (September 16,
1996. A link sister for Ian. Tickled pink
gratdparerts are Ray and Norma Glover of
BExxeter, and Davi: and Joan McDonald of
Owea Sound. 40
OWENS - It's A Girl! Priday,Septemba
at 10:02 p.m., Broewyn Leewry was
ban in Guelph to Howie and Allyson (nee
Shepherd) Owens of the "Wandering l".
RAU - Shawn and Cathy and big sister Ja-
clyn welcome with love Sarah Catherine.
born September 23, weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz.
Proud grandparent are Tooy and Patsy Rau
and Joe and Ruth Hogan. Another great-
grandchild for Philome Hope and Marjorie
and Magnus Thalheimer. Special tanks to
Dr. Steciuk and Dr. Hay for their excellent
are, as weN as Dr. Wenke, Veronica, Ca-
role and all the OB nurses at Clinton Public
Hospital. 40'
In Memoriam
DENYS - In loving memory of Eli 0. Denys
who passed away 8 years ago. October 4,
Eight years have corse and *one,
And although our lives continue on,
This day is remembered and quietly kept,
No words are needed as we will not forget.
For deep in our hearts you will always stay.
Loved, remembered, each and every day.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
wife Rachel, and children Walter and Nan-
cy, Dianne and Dave, Brian. Ron and Deb,
Rick and Theresa, Todd and Darlene and all
the grandchildren. 40c
KERN - In loving memory of Janet Hern,
ho passed away 4 years ago October 7.
The moment that you left us,
Our hearts were split in two,
One side held sweet memories.
And the sad side left with you.
There is a bridge of memories.
From here to heaven above,
That keeps you ever close to us,
It's called 'The Bridge of Love.'
We do not lose the ones we love,
For they're not really gone,
We feel their gentle pressure,
With the break of every presence.
We see them in the moon beams,
That brighten up the night,
God will reunite us soon,
Then we will be all right.
Loved and missed by Ron, Kelly, Jason,
Adam and Janelle. 40'
, KRUEGER - In loving memory of a dear
sides[ Erma, who passed away one year ago,
Aclober I, 1995.
Love can never be lost or forgotten.
Memories live forever.
Always remembered by Bernice, Bob and
family. 40'
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, October 6, 1996
10:30 a.m.
-t- Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School meets at
Morrison Dam, 10:15
Social Time following service
Courtesy Car
Frank Boyle 235-2677
Everyone welcome
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
October 6
11:00 a.m,-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broa.roast on
Community Channel
68 MaHURLHin Street South
Rev. Daniel Rouahome
Courtesy Car: 235.1967
Youth Walter: Tracey Whitton Behro
ofober raxoSa tit Con; n
0 a.m. Sunda), School
Oct. 4 7:30 p.m. Finn 8 games
Night Tickets =2.00. M wst-
Oct. 7 1:30 p.m. PCW M1>
Oct. 7 7:30 yp, m. Kstygrns
Oct. 20 Les
Sunday - Rw,
Nov. 11 PCW Hobo Pue
L,urnd 1
~vie are most eyebolt*
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, October 6
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
Comer of Gilley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
19th Sunday after Pentecost
October 8, 1996
The 80th An sary the
celebrated at 11 a.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
182 Main St Nath
Pastor Peter Tuininga
October 6, 1996
10:00 e.m.Moming Service
Sundayduring service3 rade 4
7:00 p.m. Everting service
Sunday Rano
CJCS 1240 B:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T,V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
11:o0 nos -11:00 a.at.
Conn m Icy Channel
Cards Of Thanks
OVERHOLT - lo loving asensory of a dear
sea and brother Geary J. Overholt who
Today away malls sad
memories, 2, 1982.
Of a dear son gorse to rust.
Aad the ones who think of him today.
Are the ones who loved him best
Greatly missed and loved always by Mom,
brothers and sisters. 40
SIM • la loving memory of a dear wife,
man and grandma, Fiona Sim. who passed
away six yam ago on October 3. 1990.
Never more than a thought away.
Quietly remembered every day,
No need for words. except to say,
"Still loved, still missed a every way."
Always in the hearts of Davie, David. Mag-
ee., Jen and Viki, Ian, Evelyn, Midrclle,
Chris and Leanne, Norm, Elaine, Candice
and Ryan, Cathie, Ross, Nicole and Mkhael.
SPRUYTI'E • In loving memory of a dear
mother, Julienne. January 10, 1984 and a
dear father, Maurice. October 1, 1989.
Resting where no shadows fall,
In peaceful sleep they await us all,
The Creator will link the broken chain,
When ane by one we met again.
Lovingly rermembe ed by son Jerry and
family. 40'
WILSON - In loving memory of a dear fa-
ther, grandfather and great-grandfather, Las
Wilson, who passed away on September 16,
God saw you getting tired,
A cure was not to be,
He put His arras around you,
He said "Come Unto Me."
You are still in our hearts and thoughts...,
Your family has sure grown,
There are now 8 great-grandchildren,
We wish that you had known.
Always remembered and sadly missed,
Berry and Ed, George and Sue, Ken and San-
di and families. 40'
Cards Of 'hanks
BENDER - 1 would like to thank relatives,
friends and neighbours for the many phone
calls, cards, flowers, treats, gifts and food
brought to the house and the many acts of
kindness and for all your prayers. Thanks to
Dr. W. Tew and nurses at Victoria Hospital
also to Dr. Hodder, nurses and staff at South
Huron Hospital for their care. Thanks to
Rev. Ed Laksmanis for all his visits and
prayers also to Rev. Bob Degraw and Phyllis
for their visits and prayers. Spaial thanks to
my husband Lloyd forevaything.
40c Phyllis
DEKOKER - The family of the late Pieter
1. DeKoker wish to extend their sincere ap-
preciation and thanks to relatives, friends
and neighbours for the beautiful floral ar-
rangements. generous donations, cards and
lhone calls in support and sympathy of our
oss. Also, we would like to especially thank
all of those who contributed food and help.
A special thank you to Pastor Peter Tuinings
for all his support and the wonderful tribute
to our husband. Dad, and Papa. We would
also like to thank Dr. Jadd, Dr. Chemick and
the nurses at South Huron Hospital, St. Jo-
seph's Hospital and University Hospital for
their care and attention. 40'
FANNER - Many thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbours for all the lovely
cads, flowers and treats while I was a pa-
tient in Stratford and South Huron Hospital.
Thanks to all the nurses for their constant
care. Special thanks to Dr. Pototschnik and
to Dr. Englert. Also to Rev. Ed Laksmanis
for his calls and prayers. Also those who
called and inquired about me. Your kindness
and thoughtfulness will never be forgotten.
40' Grace
GACKSTETI'ER - It is with heartfelt grati-
tude that the family of the late Edward
Gackstetter wishes to express their sincere
appreciation for the loving acts of kindness
shown to us in the loss of a dear husband, fa-
thei, grandfather and great-grandfather.
Many. many thanks for the comforting
words, prayers. charitable donations, beauti-
ful floral flowers, cards, the love and kind-
ness of everyone. Very special thanks to all
the wonderful nurses at the Exeter Villa for
their wonderful tender loving care, the staff
and Mary Jane MacDougall. Special thanks
to the wonderful residents for their comfort-
ing prayers and love. Thank you to our Dr.
Jadd for his kindness and care. Special
thanks to Pastor John Obeda (London) and
Pastor John Trembulak (Dashwood) for their
prayers and comforting service. Special
thanks to Bill and Dan of the Hopper /lack-
ey Funeral Home and the Dashwood Zion
Lutheran Ladies Guild for the lovely'lunch.
God bless you all, your love and kindness
will never be forgotten. He was a wonderful
person who enriched the lives of all of us.
40c Flora Gackstetter and family
HEYWOOD - We sincerely want to thank
all who attended our 25th wedding anniver-
swy celebration, for the many gifts, cards
and beat wishes received, we are truly thank-
ful. Lars of love and thanks to our children
Jason and Jayann for their work and plan -
nine Special thanks to their Grandpa
Synth, aunts. uncles and friends for their
remember.love upport. What a wonderful night to
40c Don and Joan
KIPPER • 1 want to thank my family and
friends for the caring they have showed me
this summer. during my [lines. Your kind -
nes was and is very much appreciated.
40' Dorothy
MjrLLIN - We sincerely want to thank all
who attended our 30th anniversary party, for
all the beautiful cards and gals. Much love
and thanks to our boys Dan. Terry and
Dwayne for all their organizing and docaa-
dons and gift. Special thanks to Nikki and
Krista for all they did. Thank you also De-
nise for the lovely cake. A day we shall nev-
4 Wayne and Dorothy
MERCER - I would like to thank my family
and friends who planned and attended my
surprise birthday party. Special thanks for
the gifts and cards.
40' Bill
MILLAR - It is with heartfelt gratitude that
the husband. nieces and nephews of the late
Ann Millar wish to express sincere thanks to
the staff at the Exeter Villa for their excel-
lent care. Special thanks to Rev. Sharp of
Mt. Brydges for his comforting words and
message, also for the donations to the nu-
merous charities, flowers, and to Bal and
Dan of the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home
for their great service, and the ladies of Ca-
ven Church for their delicious lunch. It was
all greatly appreciated.
40x Dave Millar.
Lome and Barb Turnbull,
Bill and Rhoda Rohde,
Riney and Anna Keller
OVERHOLT - A sincere thank you to our
families, friends and neighbours for all the
gifts, flowers. inquiries, visits, baking and
all the wonderful meals brought to our home
since my accident. The thoughtful, caring
people in this community truly amazed me.
A very special thanks to Mom and Dad Han -
man and Overholt for keeping the kids while
I was in the hospital and for all the help
you've given us since I've been home. Last
but most important Brandon. Courtney and
Michael - what would 1 do without your con-
stant love, support and help? Thanks for be-
ing there for me.
40' Charlene
POWE - We wish to thank our family,
friends and neighbours for coming to our
50th Wedding Anniversary Open House and
for all the good wishes, cards, and phone
calls. We wish to thank our children, spous-
es and grandchildren for all the special food
and help serving. for music and to Mary for
her lovely cake. Also for congratulations
from Governor General Le Blanc, federal
members J. Chretien and Paul Steckle and
from provincial members Mike Hams and
Helen Johns. You made our day so special.
40' Elmer and Etta
WORTHINGTON - 1 would like to say
thank you to friends and neighbors, especial-
ly Elaine and Jerry Noyes and Lena Rol-
lings, for cards and visits while 1 was in the
hospital. So thank you again to everyone.
-40c E. Worthington
Happy 36th Birthday
October 8 - Lyle
From wife Brenda, son
Douglas, daughters Vicki,
Lindsay and Cindy
Local Rip:
Jim and Donna Hoffman
114 Main St. Dashwood
rai Moms Appointments
Since 1909
Rosewood Granite Monument.
A rich, beautiful earth tone color.
YOUR CHOICE of designs and
Tettering styles.
- Cemetery Foundation Extra -
Iv* Ike 1 -
for Susan McAdams
& Fraser Lothian
Sat., Oct. 5
9 p.m.- 1 a.m.
Dashwood Community Centre
'1 Lunch provided
Happy both
Stitt as
beautiful as
low from Hour
Simonne & Marcel
OCT. 2,1996
Love from all your
kids and grand kids
Hiram and
La Belle
Oct. 6,
' 1956-96
XXXXXXxxxxxxlllim xxxxxxx
t' Itttbm& Amtolvva aig
Robert & Jog Jackson
Friends and famild invited
October 6 -2-4 p.m.
Exeter Lions Youth Centreoi
r Coming Y Saturda November 211
Country Music Jamboree..
_ South Huron Recreation Centre, —
Non -Stop Music & Roast Beef Dinner
;'; ;. ,
tome ant( ( ;,
• — I : d ,,,ii i!' >, P4
tuorzhtp �...,a ..�.,
tuttbuz t t : �.`
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, October 6, 1996
10:30 a.m.
-t- Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Sunday School meets at
Morrison Dam, 10:15
Social Time following service
Courtesy Car
Frank Boyle 235-2677
Everyone welcome
9:30 a.m. Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
October 6
11:00 a.m,-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broa.roast on
Community Channel
68 MaHURLHin Street South
Rev. Daniel Rouahome
Courtesy Car: 235.1967
Youth Walter: Tracey Whitton Behro
ofober raxoSa tit Con; n
0 a.m. Sunda), School
Oct. 4 7:30 p.m. Finn 8 games
Night Tickets =2.00. M wst-
Oct. 7 1:30 p.m. PCW M1>
Oct. 7 7:30 yp, m. Kstygrns
Oct. 20 Les
Sunday - Rw,
Nov. 11 PCW Hobo Pue
L,urnd 1
~vie are most eyebolt*
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, October 6
Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
Comer of Gilley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
19th Sunday after Pentecost
October 8, 1996
The 80th An sary the
celebrated at 11 a.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
182 Main St Nath
Pastor Peter Tuininga
October 6, 1996
10:00 e.m.Moming Service
Sundayduring service3 rade 4
7:00 p.m. Everting service
Sunday Rano
CJCS 1240 B:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T,V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
11:o0 nos -11:00 a.at.
Conn m Icy Channel
Cards Of Thanks
OVERHOLT - lo loving asensory of a dear
sea and brother Geary J. Overholt who
Today away malls sad
memories, 2, 1982.
Of a dear son gorse to rust.
Aad the ones who think of him today.
Are the ones who loved him best
Greatly missed and loved always by Mom,
brothers and sisters. 40
SIM • la loving memory of a dear wife,
man and grandma, Fiona Sim. who passed
away six yam ago on October 3. 1990.
Never more than a thought away.
Quietly remembered every day,
No need for words. except to say,
"Still loved, still missed a every way."
Always in the hearts of Davie, David. Mag-
ee., Jen and Viki, Ian, Evelyn, Midrclle,
Chris and Leanne, Norm, Elaine, Candice
and Ryan, Cathie, Ross, Nicole and Mkhael.
SPRUYTI'E • In loving memory of a dear
mother, Julienne. January 10, 1984 and a
dear father, Maurice. October 1, 1989.
Resting where no shadows fall,
In peaceful sleep they await us all,
The Creator will link the broken chain,
When ane by one we met again.
Lovingly rermembe ed by son Jerry and
family. 40'
WILSON - In loving memory of a dear fa-
ther, grandfather and great-grandfather, Las
Wilson, who passed away on September 16,
God saw you getting tired,
A cure was not to be,
He put His arras around you,
He said "Come Unto Me."
You are still in our hearts and thoughts...,
Your family has sure grown,
There are now 8 great-grandchildren,
We wish that you had known.
Always remembered and sadly missed,
Berry and Ed, George and Sue, Ken and San-
di and families. 40'
Cards Of 'hanks
BENDER - 1 would like to thank relatives,
friends and neighbours for the many phone
calls, cards, flowers, treats, gifts and food
brought to the house and the many acts of
kindness and for all your prayers. Thanks to
Dr. W. Tew and nurses at Victoria Hospital
also to Dr. Hodder, nurses and staff at South
Huron Hospital for their care. Thanks to
Rev. Ed Laksmanis for all his visits and
prayers also to Rev. Bob Degraw and Phyllis
for their visits and prayers. Spaial thanks to
my husband Lloyd forevaything.
40c Phyllis
DEKOKER - The family of the late Pieter
1. DeKoker wish to extend their sincere ap-
preciation and thanks to relatives, friends
and neighbours for the beautiful floral ar-
rangements. generous donations, cards and
lhone calls in support and sympathy of our
oss. Also, we would like to especially thank
all of those who contributed food and help.
A special thank you to Pastor Peter Tuinings
for all his support and the wonderful tribute
to our husband. Dad, and Papa. We would
also like to thank Dr. Jadd, Dr. Chemick and
the nurses at South Huron Hospital, St. Jo-
seph's Hospital and University Hospital for
their care and attention. 40'
FANNER - Many thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbours for all the lovely
cads, flowers and treats while I was a pa-
tient in Stratford and South Huron Hospital.
Thanks to all the nurses for their constant
care. Special thanks to Dr. Pototschnik and
to Dr. Englert. Also to Rev. Ed Laksmanis
for his calls and prayers. Also those who
called and inquired about me. Your kindness
and thoughtfulness will never be forgotten.
40' Grace
GACKSTETI'ER - It is with heartfelt grati-
tude that the family of the late Edward
Gackstetter wishes to express their sincere
appreciation for the loving acts of kindness
shown to us in the loss of a dear husband, fa-
thei, grandfather and great-grandfather.
Many. many thanks for the comforting
words, prayers. charitable donations, beauti-
ful floral flowers, cards, the love and kind-
ness of everyone. Very special thanks to all
the wonderful nurses at the Exeter Villa for
their wonderful tender loving care, the staff
and Mary Jane MacDougall. Special thanks
to the wonderful residents for their comfort-
ing prayers and love. Thank you to our Dr.
Jadd for his kindness and care. Special
thanks to Pastor John Obeda (London) and
Pastor John Trembulak (Dashwood) for their
prayers and comforting service. Special
thanks to Bill and Dan of the Hopper /lack-
ey Funeral Home and the Dashwood Zion
Lutheran Ladies Guild for the lovely'lunch.
God bless you all, your love and kindness
will never be forgotten. He was a wonderful
person who enriched the lives of all of us.
40c Flora Gackstetter and family
HEYWOOD - We sincerely want to thank
all who attended our 25th wedding anniver-
swy celebration, for the many gifts, cards
and beat wishes received, we are truly thank-
ful. Lars of love and thanks to our children
Jason and Jayann for their work and plan -
nine Special thanks to their Grandpa
Synth, aunts. uncles and friends for their
remember.love upport. What a wonderful night to
40c Don and Joan
KIPPER • 1 want to thank my family and
friends for the caring they have showed me
this summer. during my [lines. Your kind -
nes was and is very much appreciated.
40' Dorothy
MjrLLIN - We sincerely want to thank all
who attended our 30th anniversary party, for
all the beautiful cards and gals. Much love
and thanks to our boys Dan. Terry and
Dwayne for all their organizing and docaa-
dons and gift. Special thanks to Nikki and
Krista for all they did. Thank you also De-
nise for the lovely cake. A day we shall nev-
4 Wayne and Dorothy
MERCER - I would like to thank my family
and friends who planned and attended my
surprise birthday party. Special thanks for
the gifts and cards.
40' Bill
MILLAR - It is with heartfelt gratitude that
the husband. nieces and nephews of the late
Ann Millar wish to express sincere thanks to
the staff at the Exeter Villa for their excel-
lent care. Special thanks to Rev. Sharp of
Mt. Brydges for his comforting words and
message, also for the donations to the nu-
merous charities, flowers, and to Bal and
Dan of the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home
for their great service, and the ladies of Ca-
ven Church for their delicious lunch. It was
all greatly appreciated.
40x Dave Millar.
Lome and Barb Turnbull,
Bill and Rhoda Rohde,
Riney and Anna Keller
OVERHOLT - A sincere thank you to our
families, friends and neighbours for all the
gifts, flowers. inquiries, visits, baking and
all the wonderful meals brought to our home
since my accident. The thoughtful, caring
people in this community truly amazed me.
A very special thanks to Mom and Dad Han -
man and Overholt for keeping the kids while
I was in the hospital and for all the help
you've given us since I've been home. Last
but most important Brandon. Courtney and
Michael - what would 1 do without your con-
stant love, support and help? Thanks for be-
ing there for me.
40' Charlene
POWE - We wish to thank our family,
friends and neighbours for coming to our
50th Wedding Anniversary Open House and
for all the good wishes, cards, and phone
calls. We wish to thank our children, spous-
es and grandchildren for all the special food
and help serving. for music and to Mary for
her lovely cake. Also for congratulations
from Governor General Le Blanc, federal
members J. Chretien and Paul Steckle and
from provincial members Mike Hams and
Helen Johns. You made our day so special.
40' Elmer and Etta
WORTHINGTON - 1 would like to say
thank you to friends and neighbors, especial-
ly Elaine and Jerry Noyes and Lena Rol-
lings, for cards and visits while 1 was in the
hospital. So thank you again to everyone.
-40c E. Worthington
Happy 36th Birthday
October 8 - Lyle
From wife Brenda, son
Douglas, daughters Vicki,
Lindsay and Cindy
Local Rip:
Jim and Donna Hoffman
114 Main St. Dashwood
rai Moms Appointments
Since 1909
Rosewood Granite Monument.
A rich, beautiful earth tone color.
YOUR CHOICE of designs and
Tettering styles.
- Cemetery Foundation Extra -
Iv* Ike 1 -
for Susan McAdams
& Fraser Lothian
Sat., Oct. 5
9 p.m.- 1 a.m.
Dashwood Community Centre
'1 Lunch provided
Happy both
Stitt as
beautiful as
low from Hour
Simonne & Marcel
OCT. 2,1996
Love from all your
kids and grand kids
Hiram and
La Belle
Oct. 6,
' 1956-96
XXXXXXxxxxxxlllim xxxxxxx
t' Itttbm& Amtolvva aig
Robert & Jog Jackson
Friends and famild invited
October 6 -2-4 p.m.
Exeter Lions Youth Centreoi
r Coming Y Saturda November 211
Country Music Jamboree..
_ South Huron Recreation Centre, —
Non -Stop Music & Roast Beef Dinner
-% 11
,- Mark Your Calendar
4th Annual
Craft &
Bake Sale
Sat., Oct. 1 9
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at ARC Industries
Dashwood, Ontario
Over 35 craft vendors. Lunch available
Sponsored by these businesses below
taEi1�UM s
(Exeter) Ltd. 'Serving Your Petroleum needsl
246 Main St. N. Hwy. #4 Highway pet
Toll Free 1-800-265-4247) 1-ed4-2862831
Exeter Ont, NOM 1S3 2$5-4853
235-033' PETRO -CANADA ��
Beginning October 5, Saturday evening
Mass in Mount Carmel
will be at 5:00 p.m.
Tlie Sunday morning Masses remain the same, with
Mass at Precious Blood Mission (Held in Trivitt Anglican
Church, Main St. Exeter) at 9 a.m. and Mass at Our Lady
`I of Mount Carmel Church at 11 a,m.
-% 11
,- Mark Your Calendar
4th Annual
Craft &
Bake Sale
Sat., Oct. 1 9
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
at ARC Industries
Dashwood, Ontario
Over 35 craft vendors. Lunch available
Sponsored by these businesses below
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