HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-9, Page 1, R. ittCYWN:liNG.& LIWINGz Id‘;ittus, Irlargeoinr, AecOtielietirs, t medio41 siaboreceray ems Aloar n el,e1OAti. ni1Op3 Maia_St..4Xetor. Sid r 1;l'ON'Illiug'30turon.st• sissy, Pea aluatoVtotorlaCol1ego,rttelnt3or tau,43,k•liurrasens, .wat.d.uvu,ak, voksIty,teriottyVeticgo,Zetnauor ttf Wadi :km:ens: • 3 istassitairss es steam steuttalturgson, act. es Ada restasaar-irsete a out, cation:1T --s ,Lel 4e.m, o tut 7 ti 10 11 n wen. trortlen' tn, urbt itsw (Antral liotoi, outs, ttention pant to chrouto slaretuptly.tettonood,advlee tree. Xarele WS, 11475 IIANG, II., - L. It C. P2s, G. Graduate et 9lr,i0lay Collage, Um- ber of the-omoge otAtflrtile;t4Z$ Oita Surgeons of sus is ago prearater ..0 the 'Drug store, and con, pan*, „acao,„,...aseseIstsne, priest. tirsatton staretty-keeps Dane a large stock a pure drugs Vatenttroaletnuo.„Pa,,1,,041)yo stuf(s. Orantop-,"3" Kalolo,' 4' 4-14141' L 1 MIAS, geon ].Dentist, todpormanontly Oracte et the 119-1y *AADING,& B.,ARDING, Barris tors, itornoys, Solicitors, Conamissionors 414 ( 1 trx (n'g o oitr, Water Street, St. 1(.4 gory's. !foux.:G,T;X,tanarit"e, D. W. E.Anon•zu ;TONES & NoDOUGALL, narrtItirs, AttorneYs-at-law, Solicitors in 0/tanocry, Conveyandera, ,ft,.40ners in Q.13, and Notarles . oRrx0E-Tlutt09'4,, WAWA Water st„ sasrsis Ontr, 1-1y. MobIARMID, BARRISiER, CQNVELAYER, LU0A.11, 01,TT, 3 G. WILSON, ISSUER 0 • up,rrittge Licenses under the new AO o l'ost Office Store, Oot, 40.tf. JJBROWN, Public Auctioseeer, Wintiholsea. Sales promptly attouded to Tormri reasonable:, Wineholsea3 Oct, 15,1873. *' .3--• N, TIOWARD,.,LICENSED AITC- o tit:lustre for the CO of Ifuron. Soles prompt- ly, attended to, and terms reasonable Post ofece adclrese. Exeter, o 'Whet* 4 -gods. ENTRAT, HOTEL, MAIN S'XilUET, Exeter. Outario." Okti* & Bisset p, Propriee tors. This hotel is new end »dad up in the best style. Special attentien paid to the wants of the teavellimr, public, Large morale rooms for com- mercial travollors. Good stabling and attentive hostlors. 1.00-tf ANSION HOUSE, EXSIilTEr 011t., W. naWlt41--IAW, Proprietor. TI:i new andoolninotlious Ion el is now completed, and fitted up throughout with Rest -furniture. The hest of ltiguers and the choicest of Cigars at 11 e Bar, Thehouse is capable of accommodation 85 guests. Excellent stables arid an attentive ha - (a( -1y) 1TEE ITOTI,L, IsTiOA:N BOWEY, Vroprieter. This firit.41 ebbe tel has lately chaugednands Grout E. Wit, .nit to BeAre31, and is fitted with now fur/ iture throughout. l'ree 'bus to anal from the station Mace for the now itha oi 'buo,....t•s to I.oution. The 1 bar is replete with the choloc,t 1,3unNoul frag- rant Flavatuts. li`our ore otoorcial halt/ale room. Goodstabling and attentive hostiers, ' -32-1r T'tTJBLIN HOUSE CORNER ioF l'rank and' Wii10t Stroots, Luerm. 'Tito arroyo 'lotel has bo,n, rt hy 7.qr. Whit*. and thoroughly refitted for uie crerifort of the traveling public. Goetl 1bl:ono and ctuus 'it the bar. , Attentive liost1,1: aIN‘ ay s in at toritinuce. l'rop. Lucan, 15,1875 - 65.sta. reaeasaixasOs .6 Fe. to, tailer,..h. he sStaIit;o°olti.11.`Tt iniTaao0v. escolutt... 4-nefai,t.:;1.317aftehthe Praia- osaaseassaugesuae siestas sa • as to command Of the: Beet Ideate' in Canada .0! Ls prepared to execute wult in 'first-class style:- Aelthowiticiging past patronage, lie begs a' ecu- tiouspee of toe favors of thepublic. Atten,tioo is cari..al to his stook of Frame% having „ea hand a good selection o mouldings. and. lamp Vreparcd to inulto frames at moderato rates. -- Residences photographed. Photographs whoa). re- . enolted., ror deg.; 0abtnets, 154 froperiala, fit Y aTANTFD WE WILL r• give energetic lion and wotnon. Busiries that will pay from $4 to 84 per day, can Ire ravened in your own neighborhood, and is ,,trkty honorable, Par- ticulars free,. or samples croirai several- d011alT, that will enable you to 60 to weal ill, once will lie sent or receipt of fifty coots. Address S.:LAU:1- AM rt 00.. 419 Washington street, Roston., Mass. 0 Box 584 0.L. NO. 924 'iLJ. Eight of inoet- ing-First Yridayin ev- cr month, or( r Stan- ley & Jernitm's stare, 7./r,r,vAs alr bloek,MaSn st, Visiting Tire illten oorditaly invited to at tend. oaasses sniffers. \Vat. 70-13', secretary. • ATOTIOR TO TRESPASS:Pi...RS ON .1.N. • TECO CA.XA.D.5. COINIPAN'Y'S L.,11r1Del. Iborel)i caution 01 persons n POI tnt rot/loving timber from tho lauds of the Canada Company, as`1 run autliorined to prosterde all ttokfrossora -with the utmost rigor of the law. • • 3OPII sVACEITAN, Timber Agent Con. Co. Exeter, Dray 13 80-51. LPMBER BLA.CK ASH, RAILS, CORDWOOD LATE, AND CEDAR POSTS Cheap fol. Cash AT F3ISSET'S Saw mill, tasseled a half an'les west of Ex- , .aor; On tile town line of Stephen and Hay. Bill dos: eat math() shortest notiee less then fifty foets R. DISSETT. PROPERTY FOR SA E. *71,1-0313EL FOIt SALE. Owing to tho death of his 'wife, tho subscriber offers for sae the Commercial Rotel at Dash. 'wood, Lake nose, township o/ Stephan Co. of Moron, The house is 30x40, 2 storoys high/lirtving good kitolion arit' woodshed, corrunodious driving home and:, sited, tso never -failing wens of water, re good -garden and cattle yard on the :or ?gas, 'which comprioaS acre of laud, roe /lull do* particulars aPPIY W. EX/INNER, eas it Erialtwoocl 1', 0. tA1iM F -OR SALE.—ONE nuN2 1)35E1) acres of wild land, being lot 4111 the 18th eon of Colchester, In the Cottnty of Igersow, well timbered with marketable tlinho3.'„ 'o Pci sold on easy terms, or exchanged for Hui:table townAnOperty. .rokiurther particulars uPplY 3'01114" COUCH, 1/1. es ra118011'8 cottage, Al for sale—One liund-' red acres, more or less, lot 0 on 8111 Usborno,,County of tturen, 3 acres cleared, remainder in hard - wend lin eh, well fenced and in a geed tats 01 onitiVetion, underdritived, good °ram& ' splendid wtal of Water, frarmi barit 116x70, n, pea oellar tester, ipg house, rata convenient to school rout church. 7 MOOS froux Lusan, 5 front Grafton, and 11 from St. nary's, o» f;0011 4,aVOT road, Tornis-$5,88o; ball down cualLtmi alio' in Ave or, seven yeat's' time. For further 1.)artietildi's aPoly '10 J'AIVES SA.DIkElt, on the »remises. I07-11 IATO.V FOR, SALE SUB- . -,soribor rar,rs for rmietini lot 8 eo 1, lishorim, containing . acres' of excellent laud, de acres oleare,,t; balitheo well titnbcreft, ci dwelling mo,ptorra the &miens, rtpgy a good. yevinf; oranard of &art fruit and n no ver -failing . J/istotit. from 'Exeter roar tollesr, f(11.014rpaillenlar3 applyto ,T; 11,211,TV• 13111Y, proprioror, Exeter V.0, • 73-tr, 1D.WHILLIING ROUSF, FOE BALE. plibpevibor ?worn foligad. er 10131, 0, opIau. did one -and -a -13a3/ Str.»-y frame dwelling' house, :Amcor) ta„ in thekViliatiO o Er.elor• 0.,diehakOl i.er3.3 of Mod: Terms tousotutoio, 1100 11111/L0 1l1101'ill 00 11pp:tying to. ' 1/IPA3/IINSON,' • Exeteris, ixxetor ti,15. "CIO 0 ARE744,111p AT TUE \yr - People Grocery Store. L. OBT..INNIC,A hos roeoivod a largo stool: of CillOCEPIES.CROCZERT also a, le,rge stock of BOOTS az IMEZ suitable for Pall atfcl Winter, ecufsisting Of Worlen.'s aucl. Ohilt ron's Wear. ThOS0 in want of a /11:81.01aS5 article in the lioo and shoo lino 811001d not fail to EXAMINE MY STOCK Before purchasing, manly experience of thirty years in, tint; lino one bias me in purchasing to select that only which orto recommend. A LARGE LOT OF First Class Bacon JUST RECEIVED. J- . CRUNNICAN, BRODERIC4'S OLD STAND. LOOK TO TOUR 0Wk IN TER Tr, S T AND PURCHASE T112 BEST ORGAN ozq 11183 CONTINENT SEE TTTP, Silver Tongue AND ALSO THE Clough & Warren AT Senior's 151..Lotografa Gallery MAIN STREET, EXETER FRANK I& 771IIIINE, SOLE ACENT FA Li... 48BIVA8 zsc ,t17' IflorNT'IM is rapidly stocking ths Gents' TP-urn.ishing 'Es- t ablishfn' ent °with some of tile , BEST cLOTTES Ni TIVIOISIDS TI1A.T „EVER' come luta Exeter • They have a.11 lieen purchased for CASA and at Cash flguret, therefore if satisfaetion cat be giV011 at all, the subscriber cat give it. Everything in the ha 11= a 11500553 53 a II4c1Son. Bay overcoat calig be hod of him. fiats, Cops, Sock% Collars Cravats otc, Mr. Brio•lit Still Juts ehrirgo of the Tailoring Department PERFECT FITS ARE GUARANTEED. Cut in the most fashionable stylo. Cloth pur chased of me cut, free of charge. , 3.P. 14,9IIITTRE &CO EXcter, Soptomber 2, 387s. PUMP FACTORY The subscribers have started a Vamp Factory n the 'Village of Carronlirook, and also :in the Township of gay ONE MILE NORTH OF EME'rER tur d they aro ill I/0S sasion STMAZIZ POW= , they win litt ahla to not only do their work 'wet but cheaper thtta those who haveledo their work Byery variety of 'wooden pumps, in - "chiding tho CELEBIIATEDroP,cinruir Made to cu'cler and placed in wells,all being war.. ranted for two putrif • All orders loft at the She'll on fr. llouIton ono Mile north of Exeter will:receive j,rompt attention. MUNSINGER & DOULTON, AXE', Ality 7 167 BIBS:F.11,1"n' Livery and Sale Stables cOmmotiOn with tho Colltralitotol). If to011im " .1.001) TIOBStg Al4 0 Itif()W.P. _A ABTA vohielesellWays Unhand, Frwors hie i manger 1.10I1 WI/ludo With eoltlinc Vein traxolerit, All or4orS loft At Bisiiett's rilitinhop will be „reomptly attended to, T BI1480,37, FIXoter, 4,1873, ..E 0. VANDUSEN c GO. Tr ELT oonstantly oralland tho L rgost vnil Bost Assortment et PUBB DRUGS,CitEMIaAL_. DYE-ST*07:ES Patent IVIedlcines RoBst & CAITLE 111111DICINE S, Toth, 'Nail, Hair, and 010111 tSRFUMERY,TOILET-804PS STATIONER School Books, Toy Books, Bl aulsoBo ohs, -Magazines, A lbumsFaxicy Goods Pencil Slates, Lead Pea - oils, ao. OLE Agents 1 o LAZARUS, M0131318, Co.'s Co ebroted Perfected Spectacles an Rye -glasses. Xrescriptions and Ilocipos quickly and accu- rately dispensed. 1-tegionaber the Place—Di- reedy opposite the " Central Elotel," 0. IUNDUSEN & Co. ENeter, January 7, 1871. 71-y1. 1'lHEW.I.LMoGLOOHLON 'WATCH is the best in the market 13o sure and got thoI1231eGlochlon watch otote buying, 'You will have no other after sea- ing them. 1511 who wear them recommend, then.% Gold and Silver,. Linlips and Gentleman's Biwa. 77 Dinars street, London. See the testimonials. The largest, bestand cline:nest stook of fine aoia -oweiry, mocks. Sig7er, arid. Plated, Ware, Valley Goods, die., fin the 110153110111015300. Repairing of very description. , E. 3ticeLOVOIII,0N. vitundas st, London. 011 77h37,Don.'t You Go t o Johns''/ ohns keeps rip Main street, 111 1350 old. stancl, whore e has been for as years. ;Tohnn has naeVed iuto is now Shop now. Anybody Will toll yon where ohn Till.S001) la. le 7/00 tit) 1105 know whore to nd55 ask timers t turm you,See .11E:toter to show ion. h&ito it, When you get there you'll know t's tho pltee because) there is no other place just ika 55511 tlao world. • Johns sells stoves, tinware and -Lhings. op them lying clear out on, the side -rook -ail es irem markse, in plain figUres. You delft neod to sk for what you want. You eau pick them up mywhoro. JOHNS SELLS NEAP , , o his store is always fen of anon awl Nvonion. Last Saturday hie St01:0 was chock Soll.of /110/1 .10 a la0111011, andlio had. as Mitch atr he could eo ()talc° the inerielz, Such a lot of money I I tell' you -those NOW Patterns of 8toves are Stunn.ers, '; ping like them or. those , Then there is uch loos 03 Hotr. Dtthmr.p. •,, tnti other thing -3. Snell beautiful Temps, new 2,nandelterf. Table Cutlery, Ornets, Mats, Brads and Pluantelied Tiottlos, Boncel :las and "Pots, CsArltsrinigscaivultlaglirouoems tol,„12BartAcslacioolsa aad Butcher Xxitvos Blitek lead, stovo'plpo varnish, and hundrods of other "things —alttisoinl and good, and you.'n and thom piled (rola the oollar up 10 4511(1 ceiling.- .. JOHNS IS LTO COWARD/ rut folks do crowd around him and ask So many questions and pay him so many ootaplinaelits al)onthis•stoolt and his graorl ray of doing things, that lio gets kind of conflustionted and loses him- self up in the garret • COUNTING WS MONEY if he has any). Tlio boat time to see him is ori rainy days, Elo is always around tlirm, bat if von want things that" an useful and orintraerttal 15 makes no difference -what clay you call, because his tnett wi11a1wayS maktiyou fool as if you were at) home, aaa 1I'l31 soli you things cheaper than l'OA eau buy them oisetnero. a0Z-F331, T.S EXETER • STA En RAKE 86 OR r ACT Y. sat 'I 6 C 0 1:1 T sits mascuracaosan OI Wooden liarvest Tools Raicos, Snaithe$, Fork Elm) dio, Graft. Oradlns, nTo. Cs will have ready tot the eorning harvost,, the col obribiet .1:,py.."01.ty...iii:j71:0*,.i.31-4.5n,.. • MIB C EtAas,! . 501/1 it 1,0 11' fled v.1111114.3; Io r33icy their fit,oek Cr(mi e3 1 nezreorkimed, to aoto ivi&h tlubn as roafsomt- 1,),Iy as any ottio:r 001441$11134331111,, and to give prompt , attention te all 05110144 - "WITOLESALE .41 111TrAtri.. tolI Tclztin >051115spcssbslsy lo 5)10 14110100335, Orta adttnit 11ai t Al/le 01'6,104. sl•fidt The last Fly of Sloun"' ,Twa» the txtat fly of suonnor 'Lott buzzing aloxo— Ail its lively eonwaulons Had peritthed„ sad, gone ; Not an answering Inoxi, Not a linttering tving, ''Oatne to ()hear or to gladden The poor little thing. Mile 7 watched the Ione inseet, As it glanced here and there— Lighting litsb 037 5113' apron, And then on my bah.— (ans ray heart came a yearning To clutrisli the fly, .as a link 'twixt the 'linter Ancl the summor gone by, I gave 01 0011 license -Q0 tho mirror to stay, , Or to traverse tho windoWs lu its frolicsome play— Nor doom it dittoeurteons When 15 tioldod any nose, Disturbing tho faucio& 01 illy noonday repose.. But would "shoo fly" the relict To Flame safer place, Accepting the nuisance Wi5h1111:0500.3' grace, Tito while yitinly striving To imagine ho -w- co-sla sohlieersully flourish Were 1 tho lard, fly. Then when at the table Refreshments were SO:Tea, flyship presiding Each dish was observed, And carefully zested With epicurean r3lrill, Making choicest selections His stenzjackot to fill. 'But, grown quite unwary, So eager was he, Allured by ite fragrance To sip of my tea, That, drunken mith the fon t Or dizzy froth sear, He dropped. in its depth,- ' 'Twits the last of him here. T,Y13 SDA C IX, 1/113E13 9 1,87 GLENGARRY'S REVENGE. 119W OLBIOURRY OBTAINED EEIITITLITIDIst, The hall oflialean Donau was crowd." ed beyond all former precedent. The feast was already over, and Lord Kin - tail was presiding over the long board, where flowing. goblets were circulatiag among the numerous guests, or last feared to deelare themselves otherwise, Bat fully aware of the uncertain nth- terials of which this great asseinblage was coMpoeed, the 'chief of. the MIse Kenzie had most prudently internal -Ogl- ed the stoutest and bravest individuals of Ids own clan ameag these strangers; an'cl, as was oustomary in these rude times, each man sat with his drawn dirk sticking upright in the board be- fore -bins 'ready for iminedie to use in case elsits service being required; and this precaution was the inoxe natural- ly adopted upon the Present oceasion, because eyeryone at the table was jeali �u s and doubtful of :those sitting, to right and loft of them. Ou a sudden the door of Gee hall was thrown open, and, a huge man strocle slowly lind erectlyinto the middle ef He was rauffle,d up iu a largo dealt plaid, of some tartan, and it was so folded oyer the under peat of his face as com- pletely to conceal it, whilst tile upper „part of bis features were shrouded -by tile extateme breadth of the bonnet ho wore. ' His appearance produced sudden lull in the load talk that was arising frons every mouth,. the din of which had been making She vaulted roof to „ring agaian. The name of "Mc- Leod" ran in. .whispers arostad, and Isord Kietailltitaself having for a mo- ment taken up 1110 notion that had at first so generally seized the company, - steeled to his seneschal to usher the -stranger towards the ripper encrof tho tale where he hinaself sat and Where a 'vacant chair 011 hi» harild had been lef for the chief of Dunvegan. . Thu stranger obeyed the invitation indeed ; but ho sat not down. He stood erect and in.otionless for a moment, with all eyes fixed upon him. . 'McLeod 1" said the LerclKintail,liall risihg to acknowledge his presence by a bow. 'Thou aro late. We tarried for thee till our stomach overmatched ortr courtesy. But, stay, am I rigat ?" Art thou McLeod, or not? Copia, if thou art Molieed, why slandest thole with thy face concealed ? Unfold thy- self and be seated; for there are none but fricnld» here. '1 am not McLeod,3said the stramger speaking distinctly ancl doliberately,but in a hollow tone, from Within, the Lids of h is 'Who art -thou, then ?' &enema:cal Kintail, with some degree of confusion of meamer. ara an outlawed Araeclonnel,' re- plied the stranger. And then after a short pease, he made one bold stop for- ward, throwing wide his plaid and standing,oponly before than all, he claimed. m a voice like thunder ---4 am Giongarty 1' There,was one moment of tearful si. lace, diving, which all eyes Were turn- ed upon. the ebief of the Macalonoiell'e withthe fixed stare of people who were utterly confounded, Then •Wite evory (Uric pi uelted from the hoard, and the clash` which was thus made among the breakers and flagelle WrIP terril)losancl savago looks- which each man darted ups on his neighbor, in his waprelieasion of troaeliery,•whore each, almost fancied that, the saving of his own life might depend on the vials dispatching of him who pot nox.t to him, prenatal a epoetaele which might Dave frozea the 6t the stoet (*est heart that witnes- sed it. Put o.to a etrolte was struek, Oil a 8'146 man could leave his place. Olougarry »prang 00 Xiutail with the swiftness of a felon on its quarry ; seized the victim with a 'vice,,liko gripe of hi» loft hand, and pinned hiln mo. tionlage in I'm MO thOir, NADA the dirk which ho had dotepille'd andor Li pIttid; 1 a cn Ws .. ht .1 1 " • . row gmarne 1 A tn3-,, Jam wtth its point withiu an ineit of 1Viaclen- zio's throat. • 'Strike away, gentlemen,' said Glen- garry, calmly; 'but if that be your game, I have die first aoclr,' The lqackonzies 11.141 all risen, it i$ true. Nay, 503110 of them had oven moved a stop forward in defence of their (lief. But they marked the gi. gentle figcre of Glengarry; aaid seeing that the iron strength he possessed gave 11/111 as 11111(.11 power over Lord Kintail as an ordinary man bas over a Ines.° child, and that any movement on their part must itietantly seal tiis Cloota,eaolt man of them stopped back anch.phased, and an a3vlui and inotionloss silence once more reigned for some moments throughout the hall. 'Lr& -any 1111111 imb stir a finger I" said Glenparry iu a calm, slow, yet tremen- dous)voico 'awl the fountain of Lord Kintill's lifo-blood Shall spout for th,till it replenish thogoblet of him, who sits Id th lowest seat at his board, Let I not a finger be ebirred, and Kintail shall „te skaithless, 'What wealth:It thou with. me, Mao- Doanoll ?' doiaanded Kiatail, with half choked 'utterance that gave sufficient evidence of the rudeness o' that gill) by which hie'throat was held, ' 'Thou had got l'etters of outlawry and of fire sad swoed against me and nay clans,' said Glengarry. 'I have, said ICintail. 'They wene sent 1110 1.)0CallSO of any rescue of core tabs men of the MaeOraws, declared Rebels to the King,' 'I ask not hove or whencethou hied"st them,' said Glengarry; 'but I would have them insta-ntly produced.' 'How shall I produce them, when thou wilst not suffer me nor anyone to move?' said Kintail. . 'Let the eliapiaiu there—that un- armed ram of peace—let him procluce them,' saisl Glengarry. . i `Go, then, good -Colin,' sad Hints& . to the. cuaplain ; 'go to yonder cabluet --thou knowest whore they lie. Bring them Dither.' 'This is well 1 said Gionn°arrsaclutch- alg the 1307/0111110331» withhis armed hand from the trombliug ecclesiastic', and thrusting them hastils; into his bo, - 50111 : 'so fax this is woll.- Now sit thee down, reverend sir, and forthwith write out a letter from thy lord to the king, fully clearing Me and mine in the eyes of his majesty from all blame, and set- ting forth ire true colors my owls loyal- ty and that of inY brave clan. 'Most cruelly have we been belied, for oefore these gentlemen 1 do here swear, that as G-od shall be my judge, he bath no- where more faithful subjects. 'Use thy pen as - he dictates,'- said /install, 'for if he speaks thus, I will 's'Irec3ly ornlielhatli been wronged in the false rupors which Lave been conveyed to ale, and through me to his ma- jesty.' , ' 'Ti 4 limiest at least in thee to say so madh,Lord Kintail,' said Glengarry; aincl si3ce thou (lost grant mo this thiae amainseueis hero may as well write me ou a short -deed pledging, thee to tho re itutioaa of those lands of mine which wore. taken from me, by tDo king's order, oil formes: false statements Of deliuquency. Ancl be expeditious dost ti orahear ? leet thy good lord here may in ffer too long from the inconvoni - epee o this awkward posture in which thou a thyself detaining biln by the slow ud inexpert -clerkship.' 'Ws te as th.ou art bid, aucl as expe- dition ly as may be,' said Kintail, sin- cerelyicoin,ciding with Glengarry's last recompendation. Accordingly the pa- pers Were made out exactly as he de- sirea-issiguedby Kintail--1 and then placed mill& 34E16.0,11g b0S-0111 of thy Macdonnell chief.' , 'All this is so far well,' said -Glen- garry. 'Now swear ino solemnly that I shall be permitted to return home without; molestation,.and thou wilt faithfully, truly and lipaestly. observe these thine, engagements.' ,I swear f' said Mutual. Tsole-inuly swear that thou shall pass- honee aid retti rn in to ;this) 6 03711 0000 try, wi tii'O' at a hair of thine head being, hurt; awl. 1 86,1l truly end faithfullyjobserve every- thing 1 havepromised, „whether in writing or Otherwise; , 'Then,' said .G-lengarry, quietly re- linoteiehing his grasia,sheathinsas his dirk arra cloolly seating himself at the board as• if nothiag \had happened; atleen let up have elle friendly cup ore we part -1 wonld pledge to the health and to thy roof -tree, my tord, KititailY and, say-, ing so, he filled a large goblet of . wine an&draiiied it \.to the bottilini, t,urning it up whoa lie had finishod t3:2. show 101)51."athe ,.lisal doile fair justice ..'te , the , . 'Glengarry 13 said ,Kintail, 'thou shalt not findine behind thee in cour- tesy, Thine ti) be sore bath been in cortain respects somewhat of the rough- est to-nightaancl I must own,' centinu- ed ho, chafing ins throat, "alat a cup of wine never ceuld eome to inc more de- sirable than at this moment; sol now drink to thee as 'it friend, for onothioe though WV have ever been, thy gapent , courage has won my full applause. ' 'And 1 i-»-d--tho pledgo, and in the some trio nlly .. gttbr6,, ic,intail,' said Gionrsarry fatting him bSr.' the land, and squee jug. it till this demonstration of his newi•born feiendship became • al- inoet as in onnestioat to the chief oii isle f Meekenzi` $ as the ()floats or his 'at -natant enmity hal so lately been. And n Oi- 1 flatlet hi( yott all Godspeed in a part- , , ., -i'ila,oeirolito't1;trinoto, (.1' iongatry, to De,och 011 Jolla I said Kintail. 'With all finy heart,' said Glengarry, and this last pledge was a deep ono. Agai125110 elqee'z,0(1 Rin tail' s la av (1, till lie rnaticitateatIr come into his oyes. SI Aipsilreili' eatd. lie, 'thy letter to MO itiSatis In ante liandsany ?Lord Kin - tail, for I Shell 000 it" deliVered my, "I'L'i.f.:.:igl!lts and 080Or1 there fel: pilen- garry 1" <tried Lora Miami ; 0,11(t ili'.6 bold shior of the Ntacl)onnellls, howing courteously around him to all that were aseelnbled lathe hall, loft them full Of W mlor at his his hardihood, whilst he was nut4imiket with all due dereM0111- '740:1:Of the )100 t and Ry ,iLuU g "to it, gloaoa it, 4, ) . ;eat !04,. y .kiiyoz:i 0: thefit:i l:1,to trollhir go; tvz 1:4,04)0,:otoiti tgJX Nifo LL 1 t o iveled helm a'nti"(t?Il.,141z 4111.4.tletlI V. : t' ititirltetiOgH. U& JiJJ.LJi4 iNeVilaoltre!,471: tlf4)::lait:::fr!lbenia,lith:110.: 4to: X:(30P11:1111i):8:01e1((:tv:teled: M .fitil length, sala wao •Lleakt. While passed thrOugh the right leg, and ouf. at the thigh. '' Another Struck his right , al and honor to the boa, and ferried side, shattered thecrystal of his watch, ._ and entered. his body. Some friend hod .. IMODINDret Q. Via' lat.011.01,31(4, . aerese to ills IMPatimat people, The City. council, composed of, Iler, given , joe Sznith 4 revolver, and when ' ‘1Viy horse, Master l' 50,11 Glengarry, mons, was ,convened and .declared tho his brother fell, the mob having pushed as soon as his foot had tOilehed the ' aper a nuisance, AeeerainglY the the door held by himeelf, Dr:Biehardel ellen l mla throwing himself into the Msy�r issued'anorderfor its abatentent aud Taylor partially open, he -passed saddle, he 'let no e:ass grow at is Green: the City 31.1arshall, .and tl.clozon the. rourdzIe into the opening and fired; . . . heels till be rea:cliea theoaPital, and 1 men wont to the .offlee of the ifixpoiror, titre() shots into the crird. the fourth WD s, preeented at court,where he speedi- 1r ()moved the press, pied the type lute eap' missing re, . They were then fore. ly re-estalislied himself in the good the street. destroyed the .issue of the ed ha,c1E from the door, and retreated opinion ()fins soverigu, returned. the order to the 'Mayer Isiah inalting for a window. Taylor put one paper and a ' number of handbills, , and across the room, ..Staiith and .TaylOr an indorsement setting forth their ads. , loot out, and received. four balls in Nice,' pkatte.'itvDOV ..Y—OE narlef.4 Inim-initsr., A full account of the 'atTair was given to fell ba.,1k into the room, and crept under weitz'..' the, public through the '00innane of the a bed, As Joseph Smith's head, Tro. titai- Or Nauvoo Neighbor, the Mormon, paper. .truded from the winclow, two baits from ' :, he 0—hicergo Times. Higbees, Laws,. and. Fosters fled into the' outside Mob ..piereed his chest, one IPvont., the country and published the oittrage near the. throat, and toe other lower He/..t. a century age there lived ,,itt tO the world, alleging that a mob of a down, .passing.through the ITe-w York ,state, in .thc vicinity ei. thousand men had assembled, with.yells was .aleo fired :upon from. t1.19,, X Potanlinle'Yirtan,ewwhnertee,Tfoasmelen: S4rnyietluirifigramt hThei; eaill111!ellnirt,n'abaZih. clada.tdbemtool4isillalesdhc'thei.lptirdet* atiiii°ilesillnot.lildeti-1-erilsl'ethttlial ..°ntellICellteeled for. named' B, destroyed' the building, and burned word, the 151OOd spurting from ward studied mildicine anclacquirnd the W-. Rich/flood,. who after- other 'property belonging to the. Fos- wounds at every heart -stroke, plunged acquaintance, ' th °la), awl Was familiar Sat 81n3rsvi.t. 11:',°11tIaaJcwhu sittlibeaela..t.oylatshteenenit• PeelaliItcm6efstsaltlitaeg:Caistteei°: gfaxirclOrtinndt111.1de..*wNlYniou'ava(ii°o:laecliaminiliell°wenallgstiolt:e8rtmerdt°1°btkoothulliti . title of Doctor. He formed, joSepla's with the cli!panistwaaps attending his amp,the county seat of ',Hancook person after death.' , altlefst'ayneriaOtlienhceeneaaewnthaims in Ohio, heatn. a. nIbn. coanty,. issued waraants for tho arrest , The text day the corpees. 'were put served his coui•se with interest. . Still' of the bress destroyers'. .Seme of thorn into the, boxes of rough' oak boards, later 1.1E, met him in, Nenvne, , a„.0,.. \va,e escaped through writs ot habeas cot- covered with prairie ' hay and a horse puS -obtained from the municipal ,court blanket: stad denied to Nauvoo. Mean- 'dent.tosancl consequent aspen his tragic again arrested. 4aenaatlica.aiat-e:eaahnt.tn4cabess,0-fasie scenes inci-: 'of Nauvoo, and afterward refased co be while, Go.]rd had entiOrstsd au order inn4,a,cdet jwilistth rogu est t,914.fite..ttlihylellitanporoiS60.4iplibti:..." Ten,years afterward:1 ConTthaenelVeclaa8na.it Setitiahliy°f2plipnea6l1t9o,ictiet4s.i, . , A cassa , POI( ABIAED 4.6bi, , .city. until help Could be sent theta, and .had sent a letter, to Mrs. Emma. Smith to the Nativoa Legion to defend their, Biehaioad Wrote e•fun iteeou.nt , of the declaring ' that i the prophet had pro- PhYatiDelire..e,RaienhaarintleiwaeanYtYie-imugiu:'ultileisetthearild- Prior to his assassination, tffraniit: i,n,vteantidielniagc,atot .publish eiat 't-iiino".bpoeohl-i- claimed war and placed Nauvoo under after was hurrying over 'the prairie to- alifotaertionth aEolodeo,rtirnren1c806,4,0ftwtehnety events umrtiai.law ; that, a day woula „be' set ward; QuineY. Three daYs later he was . which he had commited to . writing; Dr, troops were p.roMised, from Missouri for‘a general rally to assist the officers Malsing fashionable ballf3 in that place. of • justice in arresting . Smith : '' that, • .' • 'mug N.E.WS'AT lin,ifv00. . Rich's -send died, leaving his writings, in and Iowa, that inuskets had been TO- , Intelligenee of the murder of the ItiNvalil, .1.301i.d4hnojinvy ii.etsiiictainsgbineenm. co.ertirreeiguoury, „.......„,.., .., , ,„ , , i, poi s , , Th e I., ap 0 r inSelmitri:ntwhi with eatafetcrehreieb. dit..ebNc.lealiati.eevesotaos on nienlitlhivnen' ()sue, n attinhrdee , suns.t.nonecl every one fe. the ' field, add- commuuity. De. „Richmond repaired the hands dins 'widow; Mrs. Lao -aide were ,,„,„.a., 4, s ceiVed frone Quincyand. then and. arms novel, and. thrilling 'as a tragedy, bu,t it country a service in aiding -us to rid tlie ing: "You will be doing (+Pa and your to the tavern to witness the sen. T.lic treasiured until the present tiine.. The manuscriPt is not only iitteresting as a earth of a most Ileaven-elarint; tyrotoh.,,, wife Ofaroseple was seated in a obair .in Most singular 'Unit startling, events in Carthage . war was:virtually preelairned Thus before Gov. Ford had arrived in a 'small room., Weeping. and wailing bit - is a reliable chronicle of one of. the. the history ofthe nation. , aga,inet. tile liformone. . 00 liearthg, 01 her. lase covered. with her hands-. The. terly in a loud, and unrestrained voice,. doubt that the common messes of Mor- ., Richmond says there ,oah be Jitiie threde'rnelailittiliePgireenPairiantdieoin. earinjeae, and de.. diteb.. laR.eseaveihhMeecii..e..hriGiserseese‘ol e;htliebe6brue.rawstetefhp:iintii°°inli;ot' tones The,leaders auct Wise heads . . okra the city under martial law. Oh this declatation was subsequently hos- annas regarciedsSuaith as a' prophet:, her - have looked:upon his ingpiCaaatilil.colien'a;st ea the charge of high• traseii 014 which nervn, exclainied : " Oh, sister Emma,. of manly. grief, and trembling...in every- eucceed. That Smith could have re-- ‘vell lie was arl.nabed.. In the eallie ePeeeh alGineoadcialbeirl:vselan;itYs°p-lital.ttaluy"ears.'„ThheeTillhltet.eelfiraerstlilla:loorhndegsr standard in heaven, and the -.powers Of Toe declared that God hadaet up his vaaa. deep,' hut they . knew full that their inachiatheseskad.calculated to garded himself as inspired in the alien al. the ,earth 3vOuld bow before it. hiever- the poor woman uttered were: "Why, iii-anugillieclat,ih,savthicS11-1.7tieaS:itillia•taitivipela, ur °tied :l1:1 thitlelae:.-: -\1to caTtlia,ge to surrender banded.' . .Joe and Hyrum. soon after Carthage the. Mormou troops were dis- theless the moment the Governor was in 1 a widow and my children oa•phans? 0 God, am I.thua afflicted'? Why am Sense of the term is more than donbts. the belief that he was born for them- that this -affliction would .be to her al, ' frTblayoutltitt.67estivIT.haavreeelailsar:iyeisntercius•ttnedbeinr-:„. SOMA ,,great end is certain; that his '4:9e3les' • an °mil' death, in its way and nianaer, ' has viay . ffiey. met Capt. crown. of life.' '.' My husband was rny Lonaensigeiulieslitttioenstaasnaiep .eliqi:tuji.tii.ftlys, atrue. martyr . Pd.' :•11',...tilb s' Sfe°Srs 1101' 1.1'1'''eorfci °till' co f sta?tottsSbaatned atrhnleys er°Ive'" she ani*ered.: . In the next' , .. „ ., The causes ,. whiebeled.to apioesaisas- tuiti)dlarouaa'aea. went back:with him Hro;a6athint.haeslace.dealwillitgt,-t,afae;az°0f:ci.jf°isvisePldfl" d'ien! ' ' to tee:ii.city. .. It was at thienjaacturP, paissewhy they-4.64.abot .her „dear. ,clails smatiou of the sulttlis were vurious. thierVaiss Richmond arrived *at Islattvoo: dren. ea,Ifier oyeS Were adry, - 'and:. her, The Mormons, after theiro from :Missouri,- were looked upon by and Went to 'the Nauvoo House. •. fspillsion the people of Illineis,,, as an outraged He sayis:; ,, As 1 e, a, tered the ‘ hall 4 7ergen.,00i7ssef 1 :thtasondoears. . p `. -ler tears. „ ... .J011 SMITlif VESCRLEED. Th :6- 1)6 dies •were reCeive :by the offi- ' ' h legeld'on ' and do vait concourse ed with open. arms to suoh shelter as and persecuted People, and wore,resisiv- saw a laige, •• well-drassed individual f they , could.. afford them,. without in . , seated on astrunk at the further end of ctoinciPitgizrenolC.. ;Th8eiYx wtime'reeiillhide°1-)iitrPinhet6-ht:, ' the hall, 'quietly .smoking a cigar,who wife attettipted'to approach:the dorpse , might be bawesbootfocirtert'wce.ehrie33iditnsg'otihn:itcoblet:ylaner.isireelmaillic'tdriisliasi He was ' over sik feet ' tall, ' of heavy sW00,1.1e4 away. • EtYrum's wife, with''' was wintect Ont -to Me as -Joseph Smith. of . her 'husbands. and sit ' tithes sher .•„. in'-diancock Casunty, on -the. Mississippi neck.. The inniression was a 'Mingled and mangy. fell, but succeeded in reecho - - ing her letabard.'s 'body.. ' She .kissed,,, her four orphan% next entered therodin, ' ill religierie:beliet., Tile sagacious Mor- build, with broad shOulders, light hair mon leaders selected. a sit for . a. ' 'city and cemplexiope large . brain and short 11,issonri expulsion lia,c1 begun, with 'al- 'seethed sure. of an acquital if he ' could •thapeleates •sma Rae, and. brushed:back liver; awl. from the sad wrenic of their. one. ' He' -.-wits easy in his meaner, and mosamereclitahlo enorgy, the .constrtte., ge t, a fair heating. Presently he meant- the:lour."' Fier'griel 'seemed to. consume slie 1(1E4.01 power of: utterance tion of all sorts of 'buildings, from the ed a bearitifill ehestnut horse, aral'aii-th 11, ler, and hut, The site bore. the name' of Coln- stits , to masonie Hail:, where -the state, In about: tene. rainutee Mrs. Emma, Smith; the ?prophet's 'wife, again swats his brother , and others rode up ,Main staelY. brick edifice to the humble, slob Peered, •and lay in horsealthe bend 'ef liel.aed, inttnye room, asi,e.d, geit, On, the thelifis,siasiPlii, that neble streanimalc- arins were delisseosiaa, asayeases saasn-sa: corpao of her husband. 'Joseph, „ was even lalier than :his. brother, 'slim neanteof Nauvoo. -:The city' anlythe col- and lie impiees0a, meas being n Have the assa,Ssins ehot.you ?'.' •,. J..°0P12,'' she said, "aro you dead.— a and murdered father. , ing almost a .oirouit around the. cape,: built, -with light ' hair and blue, 6Yes, . , Her children „ gathered stronnd , p.i.,,.. , . The Mormons. gave .their, city etho creiet,„well-clisposed mays. The prephe . . , .. - - ..., a few' inthiths-the older residen ts' found. ellY . increased. in such numbeas that', in MI5' CrilietlY talking 'Whir'e the arms7Herset' ZwojerleiPellij7ifil7kIltlit3le;:r"ttb-hP'1'4.Phd:FP's.1•6:"Ti64*:1-11-°•°:t11:: .' told - Capt. Duan ,th at AliS ljO0 IT a being ;thrown into the waggon. • thousands- or.persoas . itn their midst' nothing Wren rr; that .,taey. „wen 'good- riass's 1 in s•t: one door anel ont af-'s the s histeacho.i a few ' perseciited Ptra.ngers, , . avarice had:been increased by outrage, who Prefessotl a, ne,hs aellgion, and whose IWIiaerfdttCoitItratehantgned hseaiscisa,tSi'illiis..arittlitigsnottei boYa.' 'wad ftg fie turned .11is ' liorso- 'to.. eett'llEiebrlielei'le.-.1.i:t1' gThtleltrUnleivetonnti dthoe'svni)i.i7.- ; 'eltencllesa field of blue, as the inultitade , Masses of the Mormons:were sobe3: and It was midnight when the .Smiths - ,, ofnot loos than 20,900 pee:Sons' began poverty, ''' ,and clisapointments , The boyS—feaiewell, if 1 hever see you again:. , ,. to moye..:7ff.in e:3(ery direction. aii'i asthma= TEIONDER- CLAP. illdllStriolle, but there were salshe aMong reaehed .03trtliege. ' A 'thousand mesa, Thelooms were cleared by the select them,. who,, oppressed by ' want, . or sat- were enenanpecl thoro. 'Death ', to tire fallOweiseof the prophet, and thelthclies ,,. ' 'gated' by Pinot°cussedness, stele grain, ' prophet' was the w.ateli word. Gov. Werein coffins inedeo,:oncettled iii- a , liorsee, and cattle; froth the people ,of Ford -was a man of squat stature ; with Sinallheloset opening from the dining-. ' the surroundieg,..eountry. This ledato dark hair, and coMplexioues Ho , seethe hall, . oTwe rough ,outside Coffins had frequent lawsuits, but ,sehlom an, opus, ed t'o be .witithat - energy' Cr „coaragan3 been paepared, tate .Which the bodies ' vietion or ,,punishment. .. c ombine.d Whiio 010 prophet and hie beother were were. appaiPatly to be put, but instead with this. was another feet, while bcire undergoing at Ca4,11(roo the mockery Of. Of. that the &aside coffins teceived bags more heavily on . the 'Mormons ' that) an examination "on a charge of 'riot, , of sand, ,-,4Vhe families oath() smith's did): own acts., Horse thieve.s frorn all' Gov.,1Porcl visited Nauvoo 'swithhinnesS liad.„: reSolipa on burying t e.hodies se. 'parts of the country flocked ,thither cort of sixty peeps' and in estaimidoad- cr'etly, andeoncealing ,the 'fact from all and pliod their profession on the, credit elres$ -showecletlitat be believed himself bilt..0,roy asehosea friends. The collius • of tee saints: In intinerons instances tillable t� ceutrol filo'nenls''which. :was containiii 'the bodiestepiained seereted ., „,.. , ., , .„ , a . , cattle were shot by pehtseal enemies of.,,,thirsting,f.ot Morn -3611 tioot.-.:Th.6 -wiy-, in .t.1)339looOt, while the boxes,and bags, ' the 'sairfts, andatheasiaaghter: was os of Joseph and 1.13",r,utriset 6h .foot a ..ef ''StinOvere carried irasoletan process , .charged to their account. ', ''''' ,,' ., • , petition praying ' the GOvernor would dion to t4e pity cemetery, followed 1)37..a ' But eollVerte floaked in /rola:tali. quar- protect the" deleOelcsswelnen and.. Vast .%, con-Wourse. At , , midnight'. the tees, andat the end 'Of:the:14st year, of children of tho cityfathn violdnee.a •It corpses: Weretakert froth the eleset into - eetlementninch had .been done la re. was sigeed by large .numw bers ofsoe the cliningerboins to be donVeyed to two . .Pair the losses in, Miseduri. ,Tlie.lieg-, men, and was, received, by •Ilard • with graves ' which'lia. been secretly ,proper- . islature ineorporatodthe dity, the poo- respect, and evensrernation. ',ToSeph'S Eid..lbg' their 'reception. . The Orders ' pIe , were'. organized ' into a .military wife peeseated it in person, aceonipany, 3Vere.abouts to be men when the labors . . . .. . . , force caned' the NallV00' Legiets, and jag it „With, , a breif' hiStOrY Of ' 'their: of 'firli reCovaraestedehY a lap of thilt-', . . Jee SITlith was not Only ,proithet. Of 'the trOAtbles and a.stateroeilt 'ef their aPpre- derAiiat, .sliWt;t1c,..'tho air edrat: made the Lord and preher of the satnts,,, but hehasious;.' Brigadier -General and .cominp•nclet of : , aostaa's systia..' . 'leya'ihtohtg;IrhiCe%Jfariitt saYahs.e9dalbmealindinwte:le.;"' ' the iegien, , , ,Tho'Mermons.rriatle their' ' 'She is desCribed as largo . and: wells the star a glottertha brightly, and no 'gigue ' votes tell ,im localaaad State' elections, built, with d.url..; hair; light,ltazel °e», of a storm z appeatetb::, ,At about ten and twiee turned the ''' State in . foyer and a ,fitiely-fermed ,luntd. She was „d'olclek a cleu,d,eblacIa'asn ) jagged, rose .of the , Democracy b.ir casting o solid the daughter 'of.aBaptistSciergymata the tinaaresteata' ,horizon, ahd tode Slott,- vote ter.'tlie: candidates of that Party. liviag, on the Susgtishitenatetvas natar- ly serosa the Sky 'until it bung directly Wo This ouragetttlia opposition and ellort$ aliVenteilisiont, •an.a.',in her strange and •Isisailie City of the, Saints. PresentlY, re naocle, 11* provelvegaity stthaeSs eventful careee had learned much °thus at '12 o'elock, while the /nets heti the ., , f..:1], tainflains) against thesaintsa the num nature., ' inflitis in their .hands, dila Orashing• jettlausY of billet -religious eecte, Sev- lefolo the,' Governor el°ft Cartilago,, peal - was heard:. The coffins'. were, ill'al Papers advocated the nebossity, of tho Smiths wIro held to trial:, for ret, :hastily depesited oil the 'floor. Thee iving.th&Mormons in a body , boyoncl and lodged. in jail. , On the Morning, .eoMpeny Ai'edaito pale, appalled by: 140, Rooky genntainsi , mia thofooling borototheir comenittiathat, Choy were arl ,4eath, clarkieess, and thunder. Two , becatne so greitt that eamliclates or the -raged on A 01181/.* Of high treason, of di'aliter peals followed the grand ex - Presidency. :,were interrogated as to Witreh no one, II.owover, believed' them' plosion the ciond retired Hte#4111 the their views on . 0)0 ettbjecte ;Several grtiltys. T1.10 Smiths wereeseorted to 11046,1, and;in.,'aii hour no sin a of it poro'N'tij pion socoatia from the, ehitreh, Jail bsralto Carthage Grays,. their Moat', Were tesbesithan.. including Jam CL Dennott, Ntajor.Genbittee eninaios, and tilo lIetOrtitkiilit/Opet ' It. Was resalVad to deposit the -bodies oral ,of tlie legion, and, ,Qtlarterinaster,, over 'a thousand men, wore disbanded of the prophetS in a (MVO in a sceirtd.ed 'Gencriti. of -State, Tliese 'were aid. within a iew rod s of Ilse prison. Abed asart of the eity'S bounds,. and :thoro.,.. o(1 in thei), filets , arfalud-r•Smith by 0'06 64 0'.01001/, p. In, about two Inthdred they were hidden. This waS On 1013O-tjaimliattiod- llighoor eocalosd aclveina armed mon, disgaisael With red, blacks leig,let of „Juno 29.. : ' tense's from Cincinnati ; twcy brothers and bitio paint, • thearounded tith Or. ,,, losteple Smith's ettroer Was illattettilede, :thamed.„FostereEadlislanoft by birth 3 thago jail.: Whielt was gitarded by Aye 'by st4a,een years, asulyot ho had organs . and ,two brothers 'iptiyida Wilson., and or silt...GI:vs, the rest boing half a- Mile iged 0, potVerfill elltireh, built cities arta , wiltiavi-x.,aw,,oaliartian ,robold and ref- aistamt..,. The guards Arca their gtmstemples, carried on war, been a ,PreSi,i itgees, all detertitined mom and rosolv- at the toh, but; as fho weapons wore dentist candidate, and at his death Vati. 'ed IP oVerblerOW,-,the 'Maratha power,' only Isniied with wads, 4O'boar. VitW la intensive '1:n0re/unit,. a hatel keeper* Theo plen faunae& a 11$ W61,•ilpOr 06,116a lititto, , • Quit ltly disarming the sentinels., b.ad nearly 1,000 itor'49' 'of IMO 1014,PV the Rai:pbstior, the lint nnuiber of Which the turJb rtidifiattp the.stairs loading 'to enitittatioht as COMMaliatir Of illel .e0filttilleit a ilolent.. assatta .ou JO() the /Mena' 'floor, where the prisoners tiegion, mayor of 114311/60-, alla tital Smith. WON bOnfill'Ods ' President pi ilie Obtirobk .. PF onamoVrrrem.01,74..i.r74.0! JOESKITH'S DEATH.