HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-10-02, Page 9Magician's trick Above, Jordan Darling, left, and Michael MacLean, far right, watch in amazement as magician Claude Haggerty performs an illusion during a magic show held at the South Huron District High School recently. The travelling magician hauls five tonnes of equipment along on his shows which features a 200 lb cougar and a 400 lb Siberian tiger. Left, Sarah Neeb reacts to an illusion she helped pull off during the show. Bridal shower held in Cromarty Cromarty church women honored bride- le -be- Michell e- Martyn. Roberta Tennplaaan Staffa correspondent STAFFA - The Walker family celebrated an early Christmas re- cently at the home of Larry and Alice Gardiner. Members and friends of the Mari- on Ritchie W.M.S. were supper guests of their twin group Harring- ton Presbyterial Women, at the Harrington Presbyterian Church. Also guests were the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church women from the Stratford area. The two church groups were presented with a Har- rington church plate by the hostess group. A large crowd attended the buck and doe at Dublin Community Cen- tre, Saturday evening for Danny El- liott and Judy Mahaffy. Cromarty church women hosted a bridal shower for Michelle Martyn, at the church on Tuesday evening. Joyce Miller and Kathy Elliott planned the evening with Miller chairing the program. Lillian Sperling gave a humorous reading followed by Bridget Norris stepdancing for everyone. Kathy Elliott and Lillian Sparling enter - Beta Sigma Phi hold dinner meeting EXETER - Seventeen members of Alpha Tau Chapter of Beta Sig- ma Phi gathered at the Crosswinds Restaurant in Mitchell for their first fall meeting on September 23. Ager a buffet dinner, brief an- nouncements were made by presi- dent Shirley Walken,. Donna Web- ster reported on the successful barbecue held in August at Dar- ling's Food Market in support of the Cancer Society. Some lucky members took home flowers decorating the table from the president's flower beds and vegetable produce from Maida Gasser's garden. The next meeting will he held at the home of Elaine Bogan on Octo- ber 8 at 8 p.m. cto- ber8at8p.m. 4 rained with a skit. The bride-to-be was assisted in opening her gifts by tier sisters rulie and`Rebecca Mar- tyn. Assisting than were Colbey Templeman and Bridget Norris. Martyn expressed her thanks and modelled her decorated apron. The evening closed with lunch. John and Roberta Templeman were supper guests of Doris Miller, Exeter on Friday evening. As there wasn't enough interest for a walking tour of Shakespeare, Joyce Miller hosted a business meeting for the Staffa Women's In- stitute at her home on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. with six members present. President Kay Smale presided, opening with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes of the Tweedsmuir Tea meeting were read by Secretary Roberta Temple- man and approved. Treasurer Verle Mahon gave a financial report. Several upcoming events were mentioned for those present, which included the Perth County Rally to be held in the Milverton Communi- ty Centre on October 17 with regis- tration at 9:30 a.m. Everyone is to bring dishes, cutlery and food. London Area Convention is being held in St. Thomas on October 24, and the fall executive banquet will be hosted by Kirkton Womens' In- stitute on November 4 at Kirkton Community Centre. Rally Day Sunday was observed at Cromarty with the Sunday School children participating in the service. Heather Kerslake gave the call to worship and Pamela Miller gave the prayer of Assurance of Pardon. The Sunday School children sang an action song "Peace Like a Riv- er" accompanied on the piano by Carol Ann Scott. Superintendent Alice Gardiner presented the Sunday School awards. Rev. Kevin Steeper com- missioned the Sunday School teachers and their helpers. Brianne Elliott led in prayer fol- lowed by the responsive reading led by Amanda Pullman and scrip- ture readings by Cassandra Parsons and Dan Herten. Rev. Steeper's sermon was on the aims of educadon and other es - pays followed by the offering pre- sented by Kim Battens and Cat'rah Templeman. Tessa Dill gave the prayer of Thanksgiving tad inter- cession. Following the servlcc, a potluck dinner was enjoyed. Mt. and Mrs. Ira *Wigs Spent a couple of days in Whidsor attend- ing the funeral of Al Perry. Frank and Claudette Elliott spent the weekend in Hamilton, attend- ing the Rondeau-Lasak wedding. Pik I)hie Io recent conipuleri:atiou to our subscription program, 110 are no11 able to offer our subscribers I1�'l1 NFIV TIMI SAVING 1I \I I RI S 1. AUTOMATIC RENEWAL: Call us with your credit card number and expiry date and we will automatically renew your paper for you when it comes due. 2. GIFT RENEWALS: Do you buy someone a gift subscription? Call us with your own customer number and who you send the paper to and we wilt\send any future renewal bills direct to you. If you have any questions 1 or would like to sign up, please call Sue Rollings, Circulation Manager at 424 Main St. Exeter • 235-1331 4 Times -Advocate, October 2, 1996 l'in'e 9 Sunday School seals awarded Superintendent Kar- en Etherington pre- sented the seals to the children. Rhoda Rohde Mantes Road correspondent THAMES ROAD - Sunday morning church service at Thames Road United Church opened with the singing of the Doxology and Rev. Jock Tolmay led in the Call to Worship. They sang "Stand Up and Bless the Lord." The congregation read the Prayer of Approach and Prayer of Confession. Rev. Tolmay told the children's story "Water From the Rock". The choir sang "1 Saw the Light" accompanied by organist Marilyn Vandenbussche. They sang "How Firm a Foundation." The minister read the scriptures and Psalm 78 was read responsive- ly. The title of the sermon was "The Relative Position of Money and Mouth". The offering was received by Ray Cann and Leona Cottle. Margaret Stewart gave a Presbytery report. The service closed with the sing- ing of "Jesus Shall Reign" and eve- ryone repeated the benediction. The Sunday School Promotion service took place during the ser- vice with Karen Etherington hand- ing out the seals. This was Ether- ington's last Sunday as superintendent after having the po- sition for nine years. The following seals were award- ed: Erin Parker, 13 years; Vanessa Bray, 12 years; Brenda Miner, 9 years; Robyn Etherington, 11 years; Megan Parker, 9 years, she attended 49 Sundays our of 55; Maggie Miller, 9 years; Kristy Bray, 10 years; Heather Morgan, 9 years; Brenna Osgood, 7 years; Sa- rah Miller, 7 years; Jessica Bray, 7 years; Paul Morgan, 7 years; Susan Miner, 7 years; Ian Osgood, 6 years; Matt Miner, 4 years; Cheryl McIntosh, 2 years; Keith McIntosh, 2 years; Brett Warwick, 2 years; Robin McKnight, diploma. Four teachers are going to look after the Sunday School, Kathy Bray, Melonie Miller, Joan Morgan and Judith Parker. On October 2 South Huron Fall Regional of the U.C.W. at Kippen United Church. Dessert at 6:30 p.m., Sing Song and program start- ing at 7 p.m. On Thursday, October 3, Sun- beams will meet at Thames Road at 9:30 a.m. On Sunday, October 6 World Wide Communion services will be held at both churches in the morn- ing. Coffee time at Elimville will begin at 9:30 a.m. Come meet with Rev. Tolmay. Please bring an item for the Food Bank. Sunday evening October 6 at 8 p.m. there will be a coventing ser- vice for Rev. Jock Tolmay at Thames Road United Church. On Monday, October 7 Thames Road U.C.W. will meet.Sharon Passmore, Judith Parker, Jo -Ann Rowe and Anne Bray are planning the program. Rev. Jock Tolmay will speak on South Africa. Elim - vide U.C.W. are invited to attend the meeting. The roll call is to bring a vegetable, fruit or flowers for Thanksgiving. Group C will provide lunch. On Friday, October 25 there wf11 be a Messengers Hallowe'en party at 6:30 p.m. at Thames Road Church. Parents are to bring a snack. Anyone wishing to help dec- orate can call Carolyn Johns at 229-6312. UCW meodng On Wednesday evening, Sepeettt- ber 25, nine women from Thames Road met with Elimville women for their Thanksgiving meeting. Shirley (Don) Kerslake wel- comed everyone and gave a poem "Falling Leaves". Everyone repeat- ed the U.C.W. Purpose. The roll call, minutes, correspondence and treasurer's report were received. Kerslake stated that the annual meeting of Huron Perth Presbytery U.C.W. will be held at Thames - view United Church at Fullerton on February 10, 1977. She closed with the benediction. Joan Skinner opened the meeting with the theme "Thanksgiving." Jean Johns led in prayer. Sandra Rowe led in a sing song with Marjorie Johns at the piano. Jean Johns explained about a pic- ture she was given in Florida which is now hanging on the wall in the auditorium. The picture depicts Je- sus, standing outside a closed door without a knob, so you would have , to let your guest in. Joan Skinner gave a reading "The First Thanksgiving" and Jean Johns read Psalm 105:1-7. The offering was received by Sandra Rowe and Joyce- Fulton with prayer by Joan Skinner. Rev, Jock Tolmay spoke on his hobby of bonsai and the history of Japanese planting. He was thanked ',.and presented with a chrysanthe- mum. Skinner closed with a reading "Thank You God for Everything." They had fruit bread, cheese and a beverage for lunch. Personals Bill and Rhoda Rohde, Glenn and Marilyn Rohde called at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home. Friday evening to pay respect to their aunt and great-aunt, the late Ann Millar of Exeter. On Saturday BiII and Rhoda and Calvin attend- ed the funeral. Diane Ellis and Christine of Ba-. den visited on Sunday with the torr- mer's parents Ross and Kay Hod- gen in Exeter. . • Rev. Jock Tolmay, Marjorie Johns, Margaret Stewart attended Huron -Perth Presbytery meeting al Camp Menesetung on Tuesday. SOUTH UEIi;Tilt CHIOPRAC?IC CENTRE 493 MAIN ST. S., EXETER HOURS; Mon 8-12; 1:30-5:30 • Tues., Thurs. 8-12; 1:30-5:30; 6:30-9 • Wed, 8-12 • Fri. 8-3 • Sat. &12 Member of the ACUPUNCTURE COUNCIL OF ONTARIO DR. MARK E. JONES PHONE 235-4892 FAX 235-2589 To all members of the Clinton Community Credit Union Limited: 'NOMINATIONS ARE NOW BEiNG ACCEPTED FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CREDIT COMMITTEE QUALIFICATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A member of the Credit Union at least 18 years old by October 31 st 2. A Canadian citizen or a person lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residency. 3. A member who is regarded In good standing on the records of the Credit Union. 4. Qualifies under the Act, Regulations or Bylaws of the Credit Union. 5. Complies with risk management policies of the Credit Union and Credit Union Central of Ontario. 6. Will read and become familiar with the current bylaws of Clinton Community Credit Union Umited. 7. Will participate in training programs as may be prescribed from time to time by Credit Union Central of Ontario and as may be prescribed by regulation. Nomination forms may be pidced up at the head office in Clinton. Nominations close on Thursday, October 31, 1996 at 5:00 p.m. There will be no nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday December 4, 1996 beginning at 8:00 p.m at the Town Hall, Clinton. For further Information about the Board of Director or Credit Committee positions or nominating procedures contact Steve Tyndall, Treasurer/Manager, Ken McCowan 233-3153 or Doug Cantelon 482-7779. Dated this 20th day of September 1996 at Clinton, Ontario. Ken McCowan Doug Cantelon Director Credit Committee CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED 48 Ontario Street 118 Main St. North CLINTON 482-3466 EXETER 235-0640 FRIDAY, .00T. 4*14% to n P.m: DOWNTOWN ST. MARYS GREAT SAVINGS - ' r,v; • 0-i DOWNTOII.. , ST MARYS Street Entertainment •Don't Miss The Fun!