HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-2, Page 4t1u ZX? The gat0i,4i Peter Wipe4,1*4 444 rubbet1 ong,&o female 1(115 With eivicus gaee the wl tht011b, SS 111 (flee 11WS,',* hre Seo the latest stylo Vise Satet sea ea hig glak gee, the otmQrvatioa tool. W( att wsti,ii” he said, qhis traversal& Tha laws of mustn't look.4 " Tiott liaak fr011t Piled lip /twill &favor do X foto. 1 ithe thing is too ridiculous -4. Tau saimat outorhera." 'What did she dot. my curious friend) 8ini got behind a tree ; And in a jiffy she Was dressed As augols ought to be. *31., Pain:kissed lior then and Sah4 " Pass in my lithe dear; Tut mind you Inustio't introduce s.wh. naughty fashions here?, rTAi tonsolatian for old maids -0 fortunes never ovine singly." 'What does aa honest grotier do with ,kis goods ? He gives them wivay (a "weigh). Why do honest ducks clip their heads kinder water ? liquidate their little When the inan said " look into my heart " it is supposed he had a ivindT* laain in his stomaeli. An Irish doctor lately sent his bill follows: ° To curing your hnsbaud till be died." Why is coal the roost contradictory :article to cemmorce ? Because wen purchased it goes to the cellar. 11111tittilieatiallg, rt) 0 001.4. To the the `'ButQkr,i'llucni" Alan° portien of the taxes paid the ratepoyere of I moan is said to expended to the support of OW' pub schools 0111,0 village, yam,. ator ys the rntepayere fire oPon to "to the and ilany eaplenation is ftS ad of the trustees respecting Ow amen of tho demami, the steeeotyped ausw W0 0r0 paying for Oial, buil ins); this year," and with this satisfi tory anewor tho subject ie droppe Even ou school twisting day this the exteut eel the Finaucial Repo Now ao many of the Luctinites readers of the EiseterTisms VarPO (with your permission) to give, th some idea of where the money does go," and what retinueve get for it. 6110a time ftgo I took the trouble' visit the school honse and ploy-grom in order to *co for myself what impro ments had boon made, and ae to notes of what I saw I shall give a 1 from my note. book, as f01143WS : —• Tito schoolground is "under commoi (2) The ',anvils are admitted at the r of tee school houee, that 14, if they not stick in the mud in crossing t rood after leoving the side walk, or f into Oe post holes winch beset th path at the end of :the Thole are two effaces 111 11 conspicuo place the- back yard lint (owing suppose to the lack of funds) neithos provided with a door. (4) The and the wall of the old partition of t building are covered with obsce figures and filthy expressioniathe Ile elso, in this part of the building a shamefully defaced, in many placee 1 I saw an excellent thing in ynur ing cat completely through. (5) T Ipamphleb,' said Daniel O'Counell to a plaster is not quite all off tho ceili ;young writer. ? What, sir ? tho third division room --sot as the eager rejoinder. pemay patches yet remain, like Donnie]. soun, my friend.' sworiek suspended by a hair. (6) T 'Grar father co his la gpeful—' iSly son, school room is said to be a fashiona 'Which wthild you rather have when you resort for the more promisini• boys a tteet home, a little brothel' or a i-sgirls of the villaga on Stmilays—th 0r?' Grandsou—Well,I would have being, nothide; to prevent them mit u, little pony,' ing the rooms by the windows. never got mad at a fool,' was the The three rooms aro supplied with t tutttng remark of a maa who 'fancied Teachers' desks, one of which is su blar.self affronteJ by another. "not plied with lock but no key—the otl ,accounts for your always being on such with a lock that isn't there at all. ( 'esmicable terms with yourself/iwas the There is a good well on the premis ?rej oin de r. whieh keeps the year around, it bei 44. stranger kissed a La Ceosse girl by furnished with it pump without a hand Imistake, and was licked by her brothers Every schoel is, as it were, a worksh lor being mistaken. He then deliber- where children are prepared for t intely kissed her for who sbo was, and duties of life, and I ask any sensi was licked for being impudent. person what must be the inevitable Henry why don't you keep a supply foot upon the pupils of witnessing fro ,of cloves in your pocket? said an Al- da,y,to day such a state of things as bany young lady to her escort at the have just noticed. A trifling out' Opera House lately ; youwouldn't then would remove all those just causes isave to run out after every act ; and complaint, and then a little vigilan .don't see why you are so fond of cloves, on the part of caretaker and teache anyhe NV ! would be sufficient to keep things "St cently and in order," LUCANITE. ir•-•-o4-4 Rlanshard Agricultural Hall Turned In ' a Grange Store, ar do ho till (3) us is 11 he no sks re he ng ne es' he blo 114 ore or - (7) 11010(1 8) 8) es ng le. op he ble ef- us ay of ce rs e - to A compositor, bleeding and bruised, eiamliedefor admission to a Baltimere hospital the other day. It turned.out that he had sot up the democracy have :an abundance of pleas' so as to read 4 an abundance of fleas,' And the ecii- ior sa,id he'd have his revenge if ho -Went to jail for thirty -days for it. "What arrangements have you made for extinguiehing fire ?" said Mr. Tim- idity to the landlord of a hotel out -West, where he proposed to spend the "There's a pitcher of water in ,every room, sir," responded 111r. Boni - A man Wont into a furniture room the other day, and sat down On a wood- ian-bottomed chair. He immediately , arose, and danced and howled like the „ wildest kind of dervish. The proprio - tor anxiously inquired if he had an at- -tack. of , any kinds " A. tack !" yelled the man; "I should say so, mad the confornaded thing' stood on its head, (300 1" An old lady residing in Ohio lost the companion with whom she bad jog- g,ecd for Many years. She neglected to Mark the spot of his burial by even a stone. Not long after coming into possession of a small legacy, a sister of the deceased said to . her : I suppose :you will now put up stones for Dan- . iel 2' Her answer was a settler. If, 'the Lord *ants anything' . of Daniel at `the restarreetion, I guess lie pan find _him without a guidedoarcl.' , A rustic haneines ,basket 'suspended in tp. n, hay windoW is a, pretty sight. The rustic effect is produced by prones of evOod ntitiled to a bowl. The basket ,should be hong high enouge to smart- ly catchl;the bead of a person rising be- neatliit. 013"e. such basket, with the 'prongs firmly nailed on, will do inore to advance a knowlebge of astronomy' i31 o'fainily than all the text books in Christendom. It is related of a Paris portrait paint - or that having, recently painted the portrait of a`lady, a critic who had just elroppecl in to see what was going, on in the sttidio, exclaimed : It is very nicelar paintee, but why did you take such an ugly model 2" "It is illy moth- er," calmly replied the artist. "011 pardon 0 thousand times," from the critic, a, great confusion ; "you are right, I. ought to .have perceivedit. 11 eeeemblee you compldtely." Sir,' asked an attorneyiyeeterday of O witness who was testifying iu caso of aasnailt and battery, have you been in thib court before ?' Yes, sir,' said the witnese, have boon here often.' Ah, been bore often, have you ?' said the attoeney in a, triumphant tom), 'Now toll the court what for.' 'Well' 'said the slowl,y, have been hero at least a don tirnes to `see you., to try and collect that tAiloi's' yot owe.' You keep postal cards here, doili't you asited a little Weimar& of the stanap clerk at the post -office yesterday. We do, tnaclarn. ' talce ono, if you will 'rite.on i for me..' All right— now go ahead.' 'It's to inyluslatncl, in ailloago,1 Bile Said. 'Write like this: Sto—I am most sick, baliy is under the doctot?'s caro, and Jamas and the) other children liave measlees, Tho ret of us, are usually well. All the women aro wearing, back-dombe, an4. don't forget to write oftee. We all scud, our love, and our !louse got Almost On flee last Attie. rfr Wir,n Do. —I f a niechanie or eiork saves only 2q cents per day, frond the thine he is twenty.one, until lie is three 50010 4(14 ten, the agp.rogato, with inCerest, willairiotatt to '$2,900. A .„ sixpance 'avoit rainy W11.1 prOVIC/ 01E11 of $7,000,sutlicient; to bity a good farm, There are few einployees who cannot save daily, by abstaining from, the use of, eig,tra, tobacco, &c, 1 twiee or throi titnos the amount of a, five cent pif,co, „.r.tvory person should pro- vhle 101' old R,10, and the man in busi toss cam lay by a dollar a day will To the Editorrof the Times. On the afternoon of Tuesday, bug- gies, waggons and pedestrians Df the Grange shipe, wore seen coming from the four :points of. the compass—easi, west, north and south—to the Blauehard Agricultural Hall at Kirkton, in which the shopman with a few mere Grangers were employed iu selling and and delivering goods to thesse connect- ed wifh the secret society of Grangers. ,The goods are kept in a large two inch plank chest or box well Spiked. and .having a penitentiary lock and Rey, in order to secure,it from those suspected of burglary, who may be strolling about the streets of Kirkton at night. The goods consisted of soda, matches blue, brooms, sugar,tee, &e.,ancl have hither- to -been sold privately after nightfall, 't,i1 yesterday, 11.-11013 a ''.big pub'was made.- Some might be seen with a heti' cheerful countenance leavinis the hall, others with a downcast looet'fore. shadowing their displeasure, at not get- ting better value foe their money. There are persons who maintain that the Granger's system of buying and sellins amounts to nothing short of smuggling,' seeing that the goods pass. Mg through their hands pay no part of the municipal tax, to which they ate liable, while thegoods of all other stores pay taxes. The Reeve and other munici- pal officers ought to see to it, and•have the good; assessed by the Ass'essor at the proper time. Others think that the directors of the Blanshard Agrienhural Society Iwo' culpable for giving the Grangers the use Of . the they say it may lead to the stoppage of the Gov- ernment grant, theta the Society would bo broken up ; howeverthat may be we cannot say. But it is stronglY suspect- ed anti not without foundation that one or two of the Grangers is going to make good thing ,' of Mr. Pickett Boggan, a respectable citizen of moro than forty years' resi dance in this county, mot a most sin gular death at his home, near Pine Ap ple, a short tuneago. Ile was sitting in the piazza of his houee, in a rocking chair, and near the railing or bannister, his feet resting, at the edge of the floor- ing. In this position his feet slipped off the floor t6Wards the ground, his body being allowed to follow on ac- count of the moving forward of tho chair on the rockers; his chin. qaught on the upper railing, and the back. of the chair can -ie up against the back of hi head, and so remained, so that he was suspended in this singular monitor. Being quite old and infirm, he was tin= able to extricate himself, and the weight a his body resting on his ehin prevent- ed his opening his mouth. to cad assist - once, and he thus died. from strangu fa- tior.!---Grenville Advocate. " STAR SPANGLED DANNER.-1'lle cur- rent nitinber of title excellent paper is to hand. Wo tenet say' for the Banner it is one of, our most welcome yleitors, and is always sure of a eorner on our Oxchawye list. If we had to pay the regular Sul&Scriptiou price of $1 .00 per annum (chromit inchitlecl), we would not be 'Without it, Its expostires of swindlers savee us in a year fat' more than its price. Pitlilished by Mess t'Si & Co, at Hinsdalei N. II, Tun Pitofrts.frAre.—This popular, atesactive, intereeting An ti -Roman Catholic Monthly Journal, which was auspended soon after,its in- troduction to the public. loot sntruner lisuPboon re-established upon. a sound finaneiat barolo that guarantees its' per - money and stieeossful eareer. For the present it will bo publiebod 'ASA anonth- ly, half the publieliers hope diiiittg the yertv to nmt(e it a totrular weekly news- apper, The November number IS jttst Ont.' Specililen copies will be Selit t•O oily address upon the receipt of ten coals 1.)y the publishers, Measvs. Vogal- 0(5(3(1(11137 fattt him, eli ?p.asessod of Co., 97 Liberty Street, Xev,r York, Subscription price $1 per anntini* Tho JIer1d ha$ I. dig. patch,. stating that tho British. GOVerii. ment tboided to advise theImmo- diato return, of the Printle of Waleo from India, owing to the Unfavorable attitude of the nativo princes This is not,however,by the cable news of Friday morning. TliePrince was lanollificeut- ly received by the aolcivarof Earoda. Wui , Clank v.lao v m wason Rreeliville attempted to oseape. about half way over the stone wall he SaW a turnlicyappeoactling,and, through fear, lost his held and fell on bis head, and noch, injuring himself severely. ENo.nntAono irx A 13tItrh—Speithing of the firs in Virginia City, Noy., the P.,',Ntei prise of that oity rehitco this inel- dent 1 )resteratty, fates' the Consoli- dated Virginia and W0118 Wore ir fill!. bia7,0, 0 gentleman whose reel - (tepee is oo$t of the Ophis shaft, and which residence bad been ori. fire savo. thnos, had finally given up that the liouSe must be lost, anct had ceased further exertion. Suddenly he was surmised to see a mountain quail light at his foot. In a moment the bird flew up to his breast and lit 011 his vest. The man unbuttoned' two buttons ot his vest, \Olen the bird ran beneath it and nestled close over his heart. J -Ie but- tonea over the bird anel then said to himself, That means that my house can be saved,' and Went to work again. Sust then the 'uncertain wind changed, the volume of smoke *as turned another way, the house was saved, arul now, next to the children-, the bird is tho highest prized treasure in that house." KEIZMEMIZEZibtrwa King' of the Vireeklies. THE WEEKLY FREE PRESS. 20T„il ynAft OF PUIMICATION. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, Magnificent Portrait of the Queen to be . Given. Away. CONTAINS FROM WEEK TO wool:. tolographie Summary of news from all parts of the. world; Clarri3111 Carlftdiall ti:11)ieS; farm and fireside intelligence; interesting com- mercial correspondence; groat literary treats; stories by the 11ading novelists of the day; chit- chat, ancl :fun for the family. The alitordd 'de- partment touclacs upon ssai ,nt topics, and vital matters 111 the interest of the country at largo Correspondence from all partsi 13ritish and For- eign intelligence. , 01.60 por annum, froo of posiage. Balance of 1875 free. • SPLENDID PREMIUM. Every subscriber to the Weeltl*Free Press for 1676 will. be presented with a magnificent Photo - Lithographic portrait of Queen Victoria, aelmow- lodged by all artists to bo the ost ever published; size, 22x8(1. This portrait alone is worth tho .price of subscription. Sample copies of paper iroo. For terms, etc., achlrbss FREE PRE sszPraNTING co., London, Ont. THE FIRST TRAIN Highest cash price paid f or hides and sheep skins, There has just A AT BISSETT BROS. THE LARGEST STOOK OF STOVES ver brought into Exeter, imported from Lon. don, Hamilton and Toronto. " 0 0— This stock has been purchased with the inten- tion of selling it again, and not with any idea of Iceepin, one stove:over, as would be the case ware6they not bought at low rates, and to sold at the smallest margin of profit. We Cannot be Undersold, and aro bound. to give satisfaction. Do not fail to call 'before purchasing elsewhere, and examine our stock of Tinware Copper -ware etc 9 I LAMPS, .CHIMNIES, COAL -OIL. ancl 1,000 LB Son.LESFOR 518. Copper, lron, etc., bought. BISS ETT BROS. THomrsoila wiLuAms AGRICULTURAL IAIPLEMENT Boilerand Engine Works MITCHELL, ON T. Two.horso power wood. Sawing Machine This nme,hine has been thoroughly tested and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BANT) for driving a Straw Cutter Grain Crusher, Or other nattchittery, N1lith011t extra exPense ex Copt for the belt, r.CRIAL Oli`PRED. All kinds of 'Farnriingitriplernents kopt eon&tftfttly on band. ,BOILER SHOP itiTOICIVEg; of all sizbe to mlor. - S Kept at tissott's shop, ifix.eter, emptly attended. (3o. 'rtrOVIPSOT WILLIAlk lqitt3h011$01tit, bt•TSINESIS LOC4TIONS ANI) ullaing Sites can be obtained on. easy terms THRIVING NEW VL AGE which, from its gre.at adventages in 00121100 tion with 41 Depot and Station ON 'PRP, Lon&on, 11.1.ron 84 Bruoe way, cannot fail to beeenla plaeo of importance. calpitoi ol?ening is presented for almost every kind of industry. THOMAS TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. 6, 1875 106-10. JOHN BELL, 1aker and Confpctioner, begs to return thanks to the people of Exeter and vicinity for the large patrons.,ge oestowed upon Lim since he commenced. business in Exeter1 alio hopes by paying attention to business find giving satisfaction to his customei's to merit a continu- ance of the same, IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J.. BELL'S BAKERY. IF YOU WANT GOOD CONFEC- TIONERY, GALL AT J. BELLS', 1.0 you want tho very .best cakes, etc., for tea parties, picnics, &Cm, LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH J. BELL, and it will receive prompt attention. Satis- faction guaranteed. IF YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES at prices as low as they can be purchased for at any store in Exeter, ' GO TO J. BELL'S. Give me a call. J. BELL. NEW Stove and Tin Shop IN CREDITON, MEM, UNDERSIGNED 'WANT TO 40- 1 QUAINT the inhabitants of Creclitou and the surrounding country that we Lava opened out in Dissett's old stand a complete stock of STOVES, TIN and COPPER WARE, • COAL OIL LAMPS:, LAMP CHIMNEYS; and in foot everything found in a first-class establishment Will be found with us. All kinds of tin ware manufactured by ourselves. We flatter ourselves that by strict attention to business we will be able to merit a share of public patronage. Rave Troughing made a specialty, and all ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTEiVDED TO. CASH FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKIN S. Wool pickings and old copper and rags taken in exchange for goods. SHELTON ik HILI4 CREDITON. October 28th. 75) -PALL (75 Gents Furnish'ng ANn OnNnnAr., •4111111 rilITE SUESCRIBER BEGS TO AN- A. nottnco that he hag just received a Splendid assortment of CANADIAN, SCOTCH & ENGLISH MIVDtk BLACK 1.3110ADCLOTIIS & DOESKINS, ETC.; whlch for .STYLE AND QUALITT 'wit!, BE 11A.RDiTO,pEAT TAIL01)IN'G Depattitiont 10 'replete With every moderh ptovellamiti and. furinehed Monthly with roillisSIZZOV 132443EVIZOL Amotio6yn Styles and Cuts, I Work .{ttatto-404, !land did tiro. most fashionable style. (iaItohily and see ono of tho Cholcost and best Seioctediotocks Oriviii faid offering at lo* piloo to.ttasin ced. 601714.1,091t. -- Oysters! Oy stars I AT GEORGE KENIFS Tobacco Store Peater ftret 014 brArii,14 ot Toacoo, vrootr ,og,org every varieiy WHOLESAEANORETAI Tioteis supplied at remomi.ble ;,at00,„ 411 unt,hi of plpos and erilekerS quadri() GRAY'S sYRUP OP RED SPRUCE GUM Trademark Registor'd Price, 25 Cts. ole has heard of the wond qrful 01(35 015 of the Spruces and. the Pines 111 01t80330X Lung 1),sease. The' Rey,NI:r,Murray,in Lis hook on. the Adirondachs, lately published, relates the case - of a consumptive young' man who was entirely cm, ad by a three mouth's Camping out among the Oleg. in Franco the phy- sicians regularly send their patients to the pine woods, and order thom to drink a tea made front the spruce Cray's syrup is scienti- fic combination of the gran which exudes from the Rod Spruce tree, In this pre- paration the gurn novor separates, and all its anti- sBasnnool oxpectorant, tonic and balsamic: proper- ties are preserved, For Cough s, olds,boarso- noes. Throat aiYastionsoko., it nets like a man. rfiSOTA.(4.10N OF PARTNER - slily, Notice hereby givoa that the part. nership fleofJefore existint; 00twee1 th0 waiter. sigue4 as gentiiral marol&a,403. 40410 linsitiess t waft:hoses, &alder the mono and style of 8zoith ,y4 &molt is tins day- disoeivail by tb zto10,11 Wmt, ,Th,d(1(4 0430, Ney9inher, Signed, tougi,R,Ispop.hurdli laripoi,,T, in reference to thoalioynth0 b iowi1J eearrfee en nY nodboit,bywimp), cillliabilitios will be yew sae with3 \rause en es sennte eyes() be settled. 34,7 :113:14 'W14,11E OF COUNTERFEITS., vor the proteetion of the public of kiri14e4 North •America, I deem lb 10.3y duty te State that niy rills 11114 Ointment aro Acithele manufactured nor sold In any part of the United .Statee, Each pot; and box bears the ;Brittsa Governwitt 0Lavvp,with the IvordEYnello- way's Pille and Oin eut,Loti dom'engraTed there- on., 011 the label is the addresg). 683 0;:lfoci streoti London, This nOtiCe 11 aS bacon/0 ii(xesso-ry, piteequenoo of vile and spurious Imitations of 1:;s1 onwOly100):14:,Y13,1:1118, 0Q11'vflogil 14r i,::)1.1.10:3('1 * iii,20:72(061.ar$:acti,i()t:i:ii:plio:iviznitlelb:ilm:tlx to, 03(51110011u,1p1()act{ tY10vIzear0yN810"?val1130910be', It elt thuS— tain this trash at by staling the :1111,1(107faouraZiveY i,iygoTiluinelfolioway's (tins and °int. 1110103, W21101( are manufactured only at 633 Oxford street, London, Persons who may he deceived please commaicatowithme,Many yespec VIA° firms 1(.21.1,0101ot 11 371;11t,2 slitl 011.. 7111n1cve0s 01 11(7) o BiltiP43,100):1:Yy 1421111101 ittee(si that 1 should, tor the benefit of•themSelves Cold( Um public, insert their eaines 1l13t111.) papers, that I may bo )C110)V11 that madieincacan bo hat& germ.' ine from them. Tho following 10 a 130 tof the firms M10004110, ; ((12(2I particularly cedannond those who doS ire to get my medicines tx) (t1)ply to some of the houses 110,1110(1:--NO;itira. Avery, Brown & Ge., Fr, fi; Messrs. loorsytli‘ik Co., N. S. "Messrs: B Barker & Sons, St ;John, N 13; Mr, T Dos 13risay, Charlotte 'I'own, P lff I; Messrs. Lang- ley, & Gb., victoria, 33 C,; nOtifirES,Mtlore 00.,Yie- tQr1th, C; Dr, J01111 l'a1101;011ation, N B ; MOBSTS. Munro 64 Co_ MOIltrOta ; Noma. VV141er & Hamilton ; Mr. II J. Rose, Toronto; M. A OAP- raa Smith, 0t, .Tolin. N 13; John gond, Goder- 1011 ; Messrs. Elliot Co., Toronto ; ilo, Chttloner, 111 John, N 13 ; Messrs. Haningten Ilros., St John N 13 ; lILo ft Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryon, nordem 355; 101- egorge 211112(3 10., Fredrieliton, N 13; Bfr WE, 11103111331011, Harbor (1aoo 35 3.0; Mo J 131 Wilfry,I'redrickton, N 33; Messrs 10 & D Valle, Montreal. Tie modioines tire sold at the lowest wholesale nett prices, in quantities of (let less than 420 worth—viz., Ss. 6., 22s., and 34s. pc): dozen boxos of Bills or pots of Ointment, for which re- mittance must be sent in advance. THOMAS HOLLOWAY criz CIDLEY, -Undertakers and Furni-ture OULD SAY TO* A C1080 123-110 inten0 purchasing to do so from the manufacturer. Pho dealer W110 buys te sell again must necessarily have a profit. Wo claim to giva the purchaser this benefit, which cannot fall to moot the views of the Grangers. Our expenses are less thaii those of city Malltlfacturers,consoquont- ly 200 00)1 sell fit lower rates. ETzn. 11,1anufaetur ers E WOULD call special attention to our undertaking doPart- moat, which is more com- plete than over, as we have ' added several ne07 designs of late. The host coffins, caskets, shrouds, and every inner ‘1 requisite at the lowest prices. Our now 12oars is ronounced. by competent Judges to be second to nono ,.in the Provineo. Emblems for all the Different Societies. C. & S. GIDE 1-1]-5T. . H. N'oBsw C T -Y- CENEMAX. SEWZITC1 Me1,,CREIZTE ACIENT A, SPLENDID assortment always 00 1101111. 'Any kind furnished to order. _LLAlarge n ssortment of Needles 1(00 00130(3 Furnishings kept in stock for ei-ery kind of Sewing Ma- chines, 11ttchines li.epairccl. A ki I have had s long experience with Sewing Machines, and understand them thoroughly, i t would (1)0 (111 advantage to those in want of one, to inikelasso it Senn). me. All or- ders by mail promptly attended to. lamon-st. ono door West of the Commercial Flotol. CLINT0N, October 14, 3875. 111-1113. KE TICE! Ali p les in- debted to Pt ton, eiter by note or b ok ac- accoint, 1are re- quested to settle their accounts Within days from Ca, the 30t all unsettled a counts will be handed into court for collection. PICKARD - BFNOW Opening Ou NEW FALL GOODS Full stook of Dry Goods in every line, Neyir,Fall Millinery in every style„ Ready-macles,Clothing, large variety. Owing to the depression in trade, Goods will be sold very lasy this season. for cash. --7-11 Call and examine prices. CLTHING MADE TO ORDER SAMWELt cez PICKARD. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store - A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Ilyson and Black Teas, aishas. Ourimres, Pan.Timus,!` tatID Al=31.iEZ, aftla,LsT ED T. Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrups, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, -Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. -.MAME ..NIPMM••=1•10.16.pft.lin. •••34•Mt srr PRICES OF HAVE ropped Eight tavern Et TEM+ GOLDEN STOVE, ST. MARY'S. -C. GIL IN. ..mcnksaiir •••••••,-nwwwwwsranorm.... -0 11 13 C111110 PliCENIX Corner )3athutst 84 VrellingtonSts., LONDON, • - ONTARIO JOHN ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. MANUFACTURER OE 'Meadow La vim Reayor and Mowery aultiva tors, lolowag-Plows, AND ALL IMPLEMENTS tiSED BY rilliNIERS. FARMERS' sgtD Thi„ hriplomont has a doubt° distribuiing grain cup, and IA admitted to'he the best: 1)0 (30(10 3111 pablic. .1 am flow busily engaged making them for the spring seedirg, and will ho pared to otpply theme, to, 11, 12 tubes- each, with tutc shifter or withont, according terioi. der, and will endeavor to keep On hana 0411016ml ana Af,.7,0 to supply any who, tinty net Vitt() gi05n their order, Tho style, thilsh, and matrial used Will he found o11 tbittl con be des'red, and it equalled, net surpassed in Western ("anoxia. JOHN!! ELLITT I'boeigaVottedry, cobol Bathurst OA Weilisgteu Sts., tendon, bogs leave to thank his friends in Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patrona in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in tIe future, having one of the Largest and Best Assorted . Stoc Usually found in a General. Store CONSISTING OF' Dry Goods, Groceries,Etc.- Ready-made Cothing, wines and 11- quors, Hardware, Crockery, Boots q.nd Shoes, Leather, etc, Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be, rtnde sold by any establishment in this section of counrty. EXITER BAKE RY sitivwzrt„, BrANCY t311EAD ANDBISOTJIP BAKER, 55`001FEOTIONER, 'EXETER 1011110 1111300111g bis sine,ere thanks to am s 01 J.Ix(ttr 0011 M11033313 cliVg 11l±0 f tholr past Moral p0t0101080, hoping fo motif. a 501111ml:we( tbCit favors, 113(131111 eJi thei attention to his len go Stook of Cakes Criteken nn Confeetonepy, :hT.TIT CAKE TS PEIzt OtT14D tuld 'Parties t.( 1is1 1o11 cenststdry en 1isa0 evaditea , ailat 14)00 er11i Pott Cocos. lfandlies 1031104 00 daily, Can Confrana)tilatld ot4 07.it