HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-2, Page 3READY CASH STS earii qv -!1 o. m • 41 a, m rrJ C rd tt6 pcl ett I 'GA m 0 1.H cd Pi A • 0 0 0 0 Pit O gsta sla Shades--Selrir DUE 13Xxx.rOii ��IAr1*.- r due pill. on Mossl'a. I3oU & Cloy, 1llttiillfr.4tulej'a a#' "� (1igenie, lllplOt"C )U ; ltlid 1 R?1L?CrS, (nidi li t Z 0 .7.; ^ A n Qut., the sante 4,00d fpr 40 poi° -1 C L l Q pont. on the i.etail price of an iilsta'ue malt of not less tluui $120 or will. br) Z +eirt i reeeiSod, tis WO third payment on tlieis catalogue, For instance, 'ih purPlitkr ing $000 0)116 the due bill would; he worth $200. This voluble document will be disposed of at 'What inodertl a([ Yotiserd o ill a, trernolldotis sacrifice While it i validity is unquestionable r g 12i:L ,5UBSC1tik3x.;:Ct >3I'.0s TO 11ITI AT'B Apply at the '11nni s Qilice, thpt liaviug• recently overhauled and THE ALLAN LINE. --Any Parties intending toF o to Europe would do well to pall at the Turns ollieo, awl buy a ticket for the AllauLille of steamers, one of which 1•,avos Quehep and Port - laud for Livorlylol arnd Gb snow every SatuIclay. When soliding howo tilt' friends neatly 37 is saved ,on OV( adult passenger by getting t.l , t; l:1 •,; from the Allan Lino Ae,enk 11 t?�i.;. country, instead of sending ill:; aaala; ' tioln©. A rumor is current in Dost,m 'aha t Grand Trunk Railway hopes to fiat C0114,01. of the Easters, Railroad, cud gain an outlet at Boston. Itis claim- ed that English capitalists controlling road alleacly have the possession. tri' ,- y above Half of the first mortgage boude t L, , ` i I �u AND S F EE Dof the Eastern, and hope to throw the roadinto bankruptcy, and eventually into possession of the Grand Trunk, Miss Kimberly, a. poor music teacher of Newark, N. J., Wrote the very popu- lar Sunuay School hymn, o I want to Be au Anel." It is only fair that slie should be thus kuowa. She made no money from the piece. A daring robberry was committed be- tween six and seven o'clock at the office of Mr. E. Wheeler Stoufl'ville Ont. on Nov. 27th. 'While his son, -was at tea the window was smashed in and the cash box stolen. Luckily it contained at the time only about $10. A daaringattempt at robbing a whole- sale dry -goods store in Toronto was frustrated Sunday afternoon. The thieves had about $10,000 worth of good, ready to be removed in the even ing. Their plans wore spoiled, how- ever, by their arrest coming out of the este blishmelzt. Murphey, who kicked a constable to death in Quebec two or three months ago, has been souteuc ed to imprison- ment for life for the crime. Mc: 4 (;) Refitted the Xachinery, ' He is now pr'epar'ed to do Ad "•7.f'wC1 1 a h 4: k 11r nt'r l and lel a few weebs, �,.-,..• rlu 11 A j,�sl (.31. Water power, wall shop chalk :?IU GitA!,N €'00 'l CENr•S PE"l' BAC, liurry it ,along before t.h) hta'eaiii tas,Frc.i 111). MA EMI EL •Dowxto-Suiru.-At Soutliwold, on the 1st of Deeembe.•, at the residence of the brides father, ii!r_aiuion Downie of Exetlu•, toiMiss Ett].e, youngest daughter of. ,k11.. Joseph Smith of Southwold, MONAUox•roN-MOD000ALL.-At the Metho- distparsonage, Ldcan, Nov. 25, by the Rev. Andrew Edwards, 4r: Jolla kMeNitughton to Miss caherino Mollougell both of East Nil, Hams. McKINNoo-111oKnszxE.-At the lesiclense of the bride's father, on Nov. 23, by the Bev. 1i. Gracey, Mr, elms. McKinnon, of Moore, to Miss Jane S. McKenzie of 'Osborne. .tLE RIXISTE1t Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1875. Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Mr. Donald 9'xylor, lot 12, cog. 2, Hey : 12 -o'clock noon ;13 mouths. W. Hodgson, nuc. Wednesday, Dec. 8•, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, the property of i\lr. Boyle, , con. 2 Biddulph. 12 o'clock, noon; 13 ouths - Wm Greenway,. auto �iY.i�4Ie TS TIMES tiface,Exeter, Nov'bor 28, EXETER. White Wheat 'Spring Wheat Oats Potatoes' ... Peas $90 to $ 92 00 to 02 30 tO 30 25 to. 80 55 to 60 Egos ............24 to 16 'Butter . ... ,., 10 to 18 k'lom•perbbl.... .., 580 to 550 B au. ... ,., .,. 12 to 12 Shorts ... ... ... 14 to 16 Hoge 7 00 to 7 25 Beef 4 50 to 5 50 Rides ... 4 50 to 4 50 S ueepskins... . ......... 50 to 75 Hay 1000 to 1000 Dried Apples 1 75 to 2 00 Onions............ 75 to 100 Lard....•....... ..• 14 to 15 ST. DIARY'S. (Reported regularly by A. laalbraith, Clerk) Deihl wheat, per bussel ... to Spring wheat .., ... ... 9U90 to 90033 Boxley,50 to c0 Peas ................00 to 63 Cats 01 to 33 Egg?, per dozen 18 to 14 Butter ... ... ... 19 to . 19 Lay 1100 to 12 00 LONDO . White Wheat, por cental ••' 1 65 00'75 Treadwell • 158tol68 iced Winter Wheat... . 150 to 165 .ilvifi2�`"G1'h wit , 105 to 175 23atley.., ••' 1.25to145 leas ............ •-,..'"--.,,-, ,,:,..', 10;3tU115 t Uats......... .....0 00000 p°2 snAron.eza Fall Wheat 90 to, 05 o,Irll,o itc,.tt.,.•: .. ........... : . 90 to Jb Juts 0 SU to 30 13arlcy0 505 tvo 55 utter 01817 00 18 ,)ggs : to 16 LUCAN White wheat 00 to 05 lreadwell 00 to 05 b15100. ')0 to 02 0 30 to 32 1919 0' 00 to 0 t;5 Barley 5t. to 50 Butter.. 17 to 18 Lags, per d050n 10 to 10 Potatoes 25 to 0 25 hard 12 to 13 Tallow... 6 t0 7 flay 8 00 to 10 00 Timothy seed , 3 25 to 3 50 Clover seed 0 00 to 0 75' Wool 35 to 35 Sheepskins 1 00 to 1 50 Reef 00 to 6''50 Hides 471 to 15 rink7 00 to 7 10 G-BANTON. Deihl wheat, 95e Treadwell, 900 to 68o; spring 00 to 93c. Barley, 45 to 66. ` Peas, 00 to OSc. Oats 30 to 130. Beef, 4 to Oe. i)utter, 18 to 20c Eggs, 16 to 18c Hiles, per Th 4Sets Tallow, per, tb0 to 7, ors, 8)) J eepskurs 80040100. a nsuai at aril of esale .1;'r'i.c'es, -Wlac 11 tlta.cll froilr, the alibi by the l;nlr- chaser. D DI'LENNAN. Nov.11, serueo=isntr 1-� 1. Tho 8.$rH 'Teva of H(1'?1V, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by CRANE & Co, (Lock Box 360, Indianapolis, Ind.), in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, oJ9 Sd R AC9 ON,E PRICE CASH STORE, GEILEA'T , SUCCESS HIS BUSINESS STILL INCREASING. THE SECRET IS 1e Keeps a Large and Choice Stock, and SELLS CHEAP PO CASH Another shipment of Nevi (roods to arrive in a few days. J. W. I3RODERICK.. INN Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. FOR YOUR HORSES TRY Perry's * Cattle Pec Cattle fatten much quicker, and therefore save one -four e food. er Perry's Co dit nw8u.MPA , Inrcl.ers for Grea,,e, Swelled Legs, Worms, oto., the Best in usd. Perry's Heave Powder gives immediate relief to Thick and Broken -winded Horses. Perry's English.Cough powder a certain cure for Coughs and Colds, and a poritiveCure for the Epizootic. GEO. TI-IEXTON, Manager. Member Ontario College Pharmacy Exeter,!Novem ber 25, 1875. BISSETTS' Livery and Sale Stables. (In connection with tate Central Hotel). N Y R . E T. I v 13 r "`tl s �' it p r i ;Iii 't OOD HORSES AND �1r�rnngoulen ts C OMFO RT• AB E vehicles always on hand. Invorabin madevnrnoreialtravelera. .0111 All m•dY e terstenleftded atto, Bis1ott's Tiushop will bo 101 L 1 R. da T. BISSETT, Prop, Exeter, Son, 4.1878. 2-1y I,OMINION GTJN SHOP AND RI - 1✓ T L17 T'Acr.ronY. 21 St 111131 AKE S ple asnre in announcing that he has opened out a New and Choice Stock of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crock - i, erg~, c�;c., in• his. NNewStand in M1.I anson, s neral block,op- posite Messrs. Browning & Irving's Drug Store, Exeter. Having again to begin at the foot of the ladder and work his Wa.y iipw aid, the present marks a new and important era i,1 his ard history ala d he feels that itis of greatimportallce that he should commence his undertaking aright: As the people on' n for cheap pods , it is a fact the: t are looking out (. hand 0 every ha�1 ought to be impressed more dee,plyupoa the public mind that the nearer to Cash they make their purchases the greater bargains they will secure (if the merchant conducts his business properly) and the longer the credit,of necessity the'longer the price. For exarnple,t uppose the merchant can sellhik goods at an advance of 10 per cent for cash and make shall margin after paying expenses, his neighbor who sells on a year's credit in order to make the same profit, must charge at least 20 per cent advance, or 10 l h psr cont more. than the man who sells for cgs. Why ?Simply because the use of the money and the cost of collection will amount to more than 10 per cent and the purchaser has- to hent oma times happens yens that the merchant sells goods pay it. It s pl to ,a customer at ar certain price, and the same day sells the same goods on the same te•ms to his neighbor at perhaps 10 per cent less, by this act he declares that he has chaaged the former too much and that he has wronged him out of 10 per cent of his purchase money. Such a, •state of things ought not to exist. The undersigned,- , although not claiming to have per fectecla system for conducting .11s aft�1B: takes this means of laying its plansbefore his customers and the general pp u lie for their consideration, and, while unwilling to make the assertion that. he is selling cheaper than any or all others,, he would as. u ' sure the masses that it will af'f'ord him pleas ie (that they ma y judge for themselves) to quote prices and show his goods which will be bold only subject to the following Business Rules 3 per cent off for cash. All accounts become due, will be sent lst January, 1st Aril out, and prompt payment expected on s ,�, p , lst July and first October. Interest will invariably be charged on all un aidafter these dates. ' Positi'ely no second price, p By strict adJo above, herence,-to `the it willbe seen that the smallest child can buy from, the junior clerk as cheaply as the shrewdest purchaser from the ;subscriber. It is hoped that very customer will expect to receive his account promptly at the beginning of every quarter, and if unpaid' will not take it amiss when he rinds Interest added, as the above rules will be carried obit to the letter. 11 eartily thanking alldwho have supported him i.n , the past he ho pes by upright dealings to merit a continuance of their patron age in the future. Respect£u1lyy rOfN RANTON. 1. w. SOP1314 Man nfaeturerof and dod;lprih tttites ata 0111 ,fi /i'l",t'�C)100, e y Pistols, Fishing Tackle, and Hunters' supplies G[in,stoclrine done le ii.Is,-oless,tyle, Pin .fire Gans attired kid t,olttl'elliro, Sign of the (4un and G614sii rtey, (uutaIlNCg' t,,between Damian 4n4 3£iilg',Lencian, 75.1v, Exeter, Dec. 1 1875, ` illM'1 I. E TEACHER WA TT11D.- rr a i . h •i aftecli. e i ,t as w �. A 1�'tnrolo 1'cae 01 'wanted �, ¢ut for S . 8, 3 0. 4 fit 1,bet tb'itynahip of Fitteditri. At'plieaitens to, bo addrebeed to 0 1 kTNXtht,G;. iaotbr7 +�+�•�+ 117, 0. trki 0 0 c -t-• cr rtant Yoke t Important to the People of Exeter Important to the Surrounding Neighborhood. IMPORTANT TO FiVERYBODY. IT IS A FACT THAT R■ A. L T T has just opened ont a choice stock of GR -Q -C --ER -I-E-S which is placed on exhibition in his shop, south side DREW'S NEW BLOCK (Next door to Stanley & Jermyn's, Main Street). The public are respectfully reque3tedto call and examine Goods and Prices,— As 11e has spared neither trouble nor expense, and having SPECIAL ADVANTAGES IN BUYING he is in a pos'tion to COMPETE FAVORABLY .WITH ANY DOUSE IN WESTERN ONTARIO doing a legitimate business. BOTH IN QUALITY AND PRICE. The following form a part of his Opening Stock, which will be added to in other lines in a few days A Large Quantity and of the different qualities { Green; Black and Japan Teas iu the different grades cheaper than eA er, • Sugars 'Tobacco in great variety, only requires to be tested by the user of the weed to be appreciated: superior article, C ®ffe e , Syrups very°heap Herrings No. 1 Labrador, Codfish, Salmon, Layer Raisins, Valencia Raisins, Currants, Dates, Prunes, Spices, Essences, Ba.kinr Soda, Sal -soda, Pickles, Bath -brick, Powder, Dome Lead, Corn Starch, Matches, Sweet Oil, Toilet, Bar, and Cas- tille Soaps, Bed -cord, Halter Rope, Candles, Candlcwic lr, Vinegar, Figs, Citron Peel, Hair Oil, Cream Tartar, large lot of Brushes of all kinds, Carraway, Henp Seeds, Clothes Pins, Indigo, Saltpetre, Whitewash Brushes, .Salts, and a great. variety of Canned Fruit -and Fish, with a host of other things too numerous to mention. As I buy for Cash, and sell for Ready Pay (Cash or Produce), I have marked my goods very low in order to give ley custnuoers the benefit of a Cash trans- action, ONLY ONE PRICE. F TE ,L rn ode a specialty of. I would say to the Public, Try lay Teas, which will be found to bo fresh and cf superior flavor. I do not expect to build it business by unscrupulous puffing which h.ts more falsehood than truth. But simply state facts when I sae my goods are, I believe, erlual to the,best in quality, and as low as the lowest in price. R. A. LEGGET .TIEMALdll +l' +,.ICHE:It WANTED-, D- r , + tl fiszn`0�t�tlb`'. Wanted tXrfY.lTttll]. tU a al teaCher,' Y 1 v a third -Mess coitlaaate for the necblid holding c 2 s , dbprtltrnont of school esitit10(0 No, 1, •Uebornoo Ear further parttodays e, i31y to JOi3N;1ItiNEIN,.Uhairrnatrof 11.e.tid, 110=C Fai'rjtthit 10 Y)`, Exeter, D000ni -tool, 1075. • NOTICE! NOTICE! C. M. WEBB'S, GRANTON, is the place for cheap goods. Having bought his fall stock from lnanniacturers for cash, he is ena- bled to give his customers the benefit, by selling, them at such astonishingly low prices that even the closest Granger don't hesitate to buy. Just look : rWincios plain i •om sets. up. Stripe and chock, 15 ane 18 as., worth 25 cents. Dundee bags, 13,75 per. dozen, Prints at all prices and in great variety. Ladies Felt Skirts from $4 up. TAILOR ING DEPARTMENT. C. M. W. having a first-class Tailor constantly on hand, is prepared to make Alen's and Boy' CLOTHING AS CHEAP AS TIE CHEAPEST. Full Tweed Suits, $10 up. Gents' Furnialrhl;;s a specialty. - BOOTS & SHOES. W ENI)E 1'N T, MARY 1: are showia s wonderfui vetrl71e OVE1100 TE R7ead1y ma e 'i d `, . 123 MEN'&13 1sOSrtl '• ALSO, in.Cies,Fla rets, � " .'w L4U ties and Merinoe a Fresh stock of Hoots and 911 ae:a, "CHEAP AS EVER." ' ' , Y r' 1' 1.1:EbvllI,I{SOIti li. ��"1I.I,LL Successors to 0. B. Smith. St, Mary's, October 22, 1875. - \ TINCHELSEA. Harry Brown, ox Winchelsea, informs lits friend- that ho can sui ply thorn with an:manner orreap ing, mowing and threshing machine repairs, He is always ready to meet his friends, and do Fars begat for thoiu by sipprling them with Mood or irons work. ItA1.IET' 13110P4 '1F., 0 RENT. Al)welliug noose in the Village of Exeter. Ap' ply to I, CARRLING+.. WOOD Tho subscriber has a quantity Of excellent beech and maple cord and stove wood, wbiohe at reasonable figures. I. CABLING" 108 ARAM OPPORTUNITY All that valuable stock of Clocks, Watches Jewelry to be Sold Off at OM and LESS THAN COST within sixty days from date. As the goods have been selected with great care and are really good, this is a chance that only happens once in a lifetime. Como along then and SECURE THE BARGAINS as the stock must be sold. Also the entire Household Furniture `t to be sold. This is one of the best fur- nished houses in the village, and par- ties wishing to buy good furniture can secure bargains. This is a bona fide sale, and strictly Cash. There is one 7 -octave Piano,Weber (Kingston) four round corners, heavy carved legs, i first- class article. Also one Ten -Stop Organ, with pipe top, the best organ in the village ;. 2.1; setts reeds, sub bass and octave coupler, a splendid article for a e,tcch, Will be sold cheap. All by private nasal THOS. FITTON. Exeter, Oct. 28, 1875. 11341 OVER 460,000 FEET OF Hemlock Lumber for Sale AT THE Freidsburg Saw Mill. JNO. COOK & •SRO, Frei tabw•g, beg to inform she people of the sur - i minding country that they have over 400,000 fool of DRY HEAILt1CK LUMBER, which they aro of- fering at greatly reduced prices, viz., $6 PEIt THOUSAND, 1N QUA'NT1TIES, being Si less than last year's figure. A S0 ASH & BASSWOOD, Au kinds of sized Lumber, scantling and joist up to 18 ft. in length always in. stock. Longer thou that sawed to order, JNO. COO & BRO. Froidsburg, September 1e, ;Qd75. 07-3.n, timeStegall, 2.-0 Shunt 2:10, Women's Iii only 2.4G S $ kF cheap boots. Men e n Y. is the for c) bp, Y $ g r Nowp , . r ae r.mtiist. ' ll o afu s ' nd"Chlldiana boys' a y t1• 1 ` i ocrushed suer lo $1. Lots more of that good Ton, at GO Obi. por Sb:,worth C2kk'; lust y t,,Wii•t g , Another lot of those latest English and American styles of Hats and Caps. PAINTS, -'OILS, .HARDWARE AND COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. „+u ss- ThO highest price for;preduee in exchange for Goods C. wzmal. THE L., H. & B1 Pt IS COMING And we are Still 'Ahead. and have opened out the LARG 1ST,, CHHEAPF�ST SL" BEST stoek,of Goods over brought into Exeter, Of Everything in the General Line of Business. consisting of Staple & Fancy Dry.Cloods, I�Ililline °y Load'•'et\do Clethi.ga Llonta' urilslathge, }Sate ` Caps, Carpets, Hotsb Fnrnichfs1ga, lla,1'ctwnro, Groeories, Bob1s' fund 5115083 Stationery, wall i5apors, tltockery a11d G1pss 'pre3 patelli Medicines, &e.,1te. I have also stetlled'the services of M ,\ 'Vcr't . IVES of Boi'i1lailvillo, bite of Toronto, its nsnnager of my Clothing Department, All work tont out by Inn guaranteed in bo second tonplld ho the Dominion, Pant eating 0 speciality. All 3018)3118 T061'114118 With a call to ll find the, goods and prices right, ;Itemolnber, this 9s the 11o00 to of ev0 thin you wait at lata: rices, N,13.*-All11tuds of x' arm .Prodit0o ts1 p 30 'diode � y a s' prices, �y y totow Of iSTt. A t PIO )