HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-2, Page 21:14
Co 141Afir.
Centre Vexae
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'411,1lUEP. falltANORgRSTA,L
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CAS1.1. ST011E.
atiley jormvu leave Secured a
een of foll tit the late sale a
Peukrupt eteek in Montreal at less
;hen half their value. We axe now
()freeing fleet elass ertiele in the ebov
lie° for forty cents per yard, worth at
eleeet 75 cente. r,nreineudous bargaios.
Ite wonderful how tempting reedy eaele
the t*Nelqr lints
i'illifiRSDAY, DEC, 2, 18'75
o only Llborel-Conservative Jotreal in South
POST Atell!..E RE 11PURAt',V.
We have but received at this bete
(lane, tile postmaster Geueral's Revert
fee the year endiun nOth June, 1874,
Frew it we gletta eoine pareiculars
svnish at that timeenight have beea of
aporta,uce to oer readers, but as a re-
eort cooling eighteen menthe ago is of
bat little interest, we do not care to
give the partici:liars it contains. The
late iesue of this work. shows, an in-
competency on the part of someou.e.
letrauge, too, for some time ago, if a
report of the kind did not make its ap-
pearance within a few weeks after the
expiretion oe the time for -win.ch
Wi.8 supposed to represeet,it was thought
in be a lack of ability on the part of t .6
ti ulster ill charge, tuni futhermore, if
t party o: whom they ereeed portion
was in power such thiugs woul I be pro-
, perly regrneted.
Euniend hae et last'itseut ee-
eponsibinty of oeumieting the Saoaeett.
nal Porches°. In doiag etntshe has to.
coMenelted for herself aad others an
alikolint of geed eenenteneletate with
the military and eotinnereial power obe
Relieved in previotte scheinee
tend specalatione throotelt the (liplotnaey
of her minietere. The hand of Diente-
li hes, as it were, plowed npon the
shoulders England ono of the greet -
est finaoeiel burdime she flee ever had
to bear et one single stroke, To gaiu
this werhb,onvied iiehrof marine inter-
eourse, and et the Pante time give a
breathing -spell — umeh needed — to
Egypt,Euglaud heel to pay 44,800,000 -
To Blighted the possession of it is but
a seconeary matter, and altnough tat
the present the nuanced, respousibnity
to England le area one, tee politietel
good to that, to friendly and eveo hos-
nile powers will be so great ehat 01431
weight of the former will soon- be lost I
by* the power bearing it. However
geeat the cousequencee of England's
perchiese of the Cana shares may be,
tt is a transaction that eaonot endanger
the peace of Europe. eelte perohase
affects the pountries bordering on
the Mediterranean Sea, est eeially
Prance, and it seems impossible for the
affair to be eoruplete without an Inter-
national arrangement. '• It would
amount to sheer confiscation for Eng-
laed to undertake the management of
the omen If it be not desired to be
civilizing the work of the canal will be-
COMO mere instrument of trede. Ar-
rangements must be made to render
the change cumpatible with ahe iuter-
est of the world and means of solid
Iu this eettlement no chaoge is desir.
ed, but should insurrectiun or intrigue,
aggressiou from without or corruption
within, bring a politic:al as well as a
financial outlays° to the Tut lush empire,
it might become necessary to take
measures for the sectuaty of that part
of the dominions of the Suttee with
which we are ntost concerned. An ac-
quisition of so commanding an interest
in the Suez Canal --an interest •whieh
must inevitably tend to increase—will
bring the Goeernment and people of
this tiountry to concern themegves
hatitually with Egypt.
The Khedive's shares in the Suez
Canal, according to en old arrangement
with the Canal Company, received a
divideud for 1.0 yeers. 'consequently
the puree:lee by the Eritish Gov-
ernment woad, in a pepuniary eenee
wnolly unprofitable for that time,
The address from ;:the Throne which
'was delivered ou Thorsday last ltas
setae that time received no tunall share
et criticism, eulogistic, landstory and
etherwise. lea for ol• own part we do
not see mule in it otie of the common,
if we except the entreine loosenes and
cengrous incemprehensibility display ,
ta in the phraseology of that winch is
claimed to be a very important. bodget.
Nothing bat the tautest ,lauguage la
perceptible in the aderument of this
document which forms the basis ur
groaudwork of ehe legislatien of Outa-
inns congregated wisdom during ' the
present seseion. But in this Mr. Mow-
nt thought to receive from the country
the homely expressions of thankfulness
tendered to the country schoolmaster
when he acceded to the wish of his pat -
roes by teaching theit children readin'
lithe' and 'spelliu', and not mindiin the
high-ffilutin' parts. Besides, what's
toe use casting diamonds, etc. ..,
It would have been indeed strange
Lad the Lientenant-Gevernor omitted
mention of his deceased predecessor,
but from what we know of the friendly
neeociations of the two men (vide the
expressions of the address), we take it
ahat it was a 'demand of (met asy
er than a feeline of reeret at his death,
. e
that the name of the late lamented. Gov-
ernor had devotedto it a paragraph in
tue Speecn from the throne.
The Ballot Act, which the present
Government takes credit to have con-
ceived, suckled and brought up in its
perfections, notwithstamling that- it
formed one of the planks in the plat-
form of the late Government and, had
they retained power, would have had
full justice done it at their hauds, has
Au elaborate detail. The benefits etc-
gruitig therefrom, which ine the minds
mf many, after seeing its workings tet
the late election, seem most doubtful,
axe spoken of, some neeessary cnanges
to be made, and its exteusion for use
At By-law voting to be adopted. lt
would haye been beeter for the Ceeverri-
meet to have celmly and dispassionate-
ly, considered this -part of the Act be -
,fore leaving it to the decision of the
House. There are many things in con-
nection with the system when extended
beyond parliamentary or municipal
purposes which leave room for much
diecussion not alone as to its usefulness
but to the unnecesszery expense in con-
nection therewith. The causes which
called for the use of the ballot in the
one case scarcely ever odour in the
ether. Tuey are at least not get meal.
Aid -to Railways will have a due ap-
portio,ument of,notice. In this we are
led to think the Government will err,
and grieiously, too, owing to the
omega of axe -grinding and wire -pull-
ing which will be praeticed during the
present Parliament, and that, too, by
melt/leers holdileg portfolios, Granting
aid to railways is appreciable when
qualifying reetrictions -are laid down
and assistance is hot rendered to roads
which are len anima:running:eh roaglerieh
euctions of the countey for competitive
And speculative reasons, but when it is
granee4, to ;Needs which tend to develop
the reeeeurces ef the oountry by giving
coanuntietietian with channels of travel
aud controeree to rich sections ef the
couutry, whether eettlecl or onsettled ;
net however to the verse, berreiti and
nog waste eimirolen by the Aram belt,
in order to connect Ontario's metropo-
he wit:a the myt noel piojection now
About ebantionen by theDoutinion Goy.
If the paragraph relating to the ben-
eficial resulte which Immigration is
haviug upen Caneda Was not intended
ati jun() ae the ementry's expense' we
admit being callous to ff,ppreclitte any-
thing rend.ered in good faith noyeedays,
Sorely His Exeellency has not heeo
Riede itegilainted with the ottneant of
misery which has been ceased in Can -
644 by We greet lnfiult Of populatiOn
)04, tfic couseepteot demand f'or labor
being greeter Onto the supply, the sad
lesart,reteding /Tattles of which
hop alreAdy been foreehedovved in
these colt/1444, the MetiaatioO et Whiell
wintOr drevg his snOvey Wrarl 0911nd
)3in'i will be elle mbro diggProd
keenly feltf„.
'Zee lerterteertleihtlietenteOn
elOrliente raelietaliv Wreleg; atbo44h ad-
oioak eti enene te eiteve thet the
present gotreennienl, is itotaliet itleaO11:-
e of grappling with apy weighty
ne.?..etiOn of the day,
TuaenSeoanee.--In the report which liighiett ni their twine, to
Patel it1 our last ieetie. 1)r, Brew/A- give it up, to put beck their fenees
1110'6'.bloek Nene eedeeed toreY. It 41)011 their OW leode. Were this done,
have read theee, etoreye iwiteed three very desirable thiege would be
of two ; it is the eatele hight NIL'. eceomplienect ; (1) The public will haVer
Brotlericies and when witli the at all SORSWIff, the full bouedt .of their
drag-otere l/cneath preeent a very own fOur,rod 1:03(1, (2) SuoW?hlookea
handsome front, aod will ee woeth over roade in winter wonhieeereely be
$8„500, 4 thia inVariahly °Conti:al) the tiarrow-
Beito CONCRUT.--11 is more thanlikee est plaees. S8) The „people'e money
tieing it vignrooe manner, will held DA b(*OrPtIlVeset
„iitet nee oorn4 bane., etenon is Innen would be steVe oe rather, expended to
a band coileeet sometime about the [We are eorry that a hunaber of ere
New Year It is'sometime since they
had one of their Coneeete, the crowd
eajah they oiny expeet that 000. -
ion Will hen() email one.
„ _
15134.140c% rOlt Li4U-alOAD,, OPEN-
eeta.—Mr. R. Davis is now paying par.
tieular attention to putting on the fin-
iehieg fee on the bulloelt which he in-
tends leading forth to the slaughter-
house before Melting it e present to
the Counnettee for nets at tan forthcom-
ing celebratioo on the ociiasion of the
opening of the railroad.
Pownn or SPEARING Reseomen.—New-
ash, Ontario, I). C., Martin 80, 1870.—
Mr, Fellows—Sir ; Some two months
ago my son lost his voice. I eecame
sery mantles about him. None of the
physicians could do him any good'.
Having heard of your Compound Syr-
tio of Ilypophospleittes, I (dentition a
bottle. Strange to say, my eon's conic
was restoren about two hours after telt,
tag the second dose, Yott are at liber-
ty to publish this for the benefit of
sufferers. Jos..0 FoTnniusata.,
Tiee, YOUNG 1101iliS' Gear is a neat il-
loetrated paper for the Young Fein's,
and ola folks with young hearts, pub-
lislaecl by John AnClark at Wadsworth,
Medina Co., 0. It is eupplying a want
long felt in jevenile literature by fur-
nishion a first-class, reliable and eltettp
paper:1110 price with nice eegraving,
(wing only 30 emits ayeare ' Very liber-
al inducements 'are ofiered to agents.
Those wishing to examine it can have
a copy free by addressing the publieher,
as above.
Davis, the abortionist, and his wife
have had their sentence commuted to
imprisonment for life.
Da. Clark of Princeton Co. of Oxford
Ilan been appointed Superintendent
of the Toronto Lunatic Asylum.
GODERICH milkmen owing to the sup-
ply of water in the tanks of that town
have resolved not to raise the price of
milk during the winter mouths.
The Star says it noticed an excellent
thing the Signal of the week previ-
ous—a penny bun. And what a mouth
the Star editor put on when he seized
it-the bun.
IN regard to the runaore abont the
fate of Charley Ross, Superinten-
dent Walling, of, New Yerk, now says
he hue no doubt whatever that the boy
is dead.
Tots residence of Mr. J. Go Buchan-
an, of Hamilton, the newspaper cele-
brity. was entered a few nights since,
and his pockets robbed. Now Josh,
twont work ; you won't get creelit from
Hamilton merchants that way.
ALLEGED 1:vendee/ea-On Tuesday last,
Mr. James Prout, was brought before
Thos. Gidley and Robt. Dew J. P's for
forging a promissot•y note for $20.00
purpopting to be drawn by Jabez Bise
sett. L appeared iu evidence that
Prout and Bissett had a transaction
of sale of a horse, cutter and harness,
whioh came to $42, eviler! it appeared
that Prout owed Bissett $22, and Bis -
i sett ga,ve a note to Prove for the bal-
mice of $20. Since, there appears to
be another note of the sum of $20 of
the same date, which Bissett denied
evideace, The result was that Prout
was committed to Goderich gaol for
Tim L. H. ee Opeentee—We learn
tenet in consequenee of the nusettled
state of toe weatner tne railway author-
ities are not as yet able to determine
the exact day on which the new road
will be opened, though. it is anticipated
a trial tram will be run over the line
by the 10th or 14th of Deeember. The
G. W. R. management have expressed
their intention of doing all they can to
aid in making a proper celebration, by
conveying prominent men and mer-
chants to and from elute, end of the
line on the occasion, But the state of
the works at the present tine, it s
feared would not permit of an opening
at an earlier eate than that named, es.
pecially so- when it is known the Gov-
ernment inspector will not make l'ais
official visit if the line
until the first of the new year. Under
these circumstances the meeting of
merchants aud members of the board
of Alderrnen, who were appointed to
consider the best method of celebaa-
ting the opening, a,unounced for Tues-
day night, will be postponed for a few
Taos. Gidley. askine the Coml.
days. Due notice, no doubt will be
given for the next meeting,--eleree oil to protect Mr. Gill in the case pond -
Press ,of Monday,
rore erept into en erteele me November
Meteore, witieh apeeareel in these chi -
Amos lase week from the Pen ef One
valuable °ottani-ter let Centralia- The
5111,1jeCt is oho a emelt importance, and
thee feet makee us regret the mistake
the more.—En Tines.]
It is pretty generally understood
that the examination of second as well
as, first-class public school teachers
will hereafter be eonducted entirely by
the Central Committee. . This will ne-
cessitate the- appointment.of additional
members on that Committee, and. in
all probabillity these will be chosen
from tl-e public school inspectors.
Joon A. in his speech at the great
Tom White diener seems to have lost
none of bis vivacity; the fund of wit
was as large as ever. In speaking of
the Prenner'sj free trede speeches in
England. and bee protective ones at
Montreal, he quoted :
11 What makes the doctrine plain anti clear,
'Tis just £2,000 a year ;
To prove this false, what's true before,
Ths ansWer's plain, L2,000 more."
Arta mid -titirtitll.
Rantontalks "sense" in another
ell/. Broderick's change of aclvt. ap-
pears elsewhere. -
Remember the Public, lefeetiug to-
morrow (Friday) evening, in Drew's
new hall. •
OOLD.—The cold of the last few days
has been intense,a,nd a brisk tradeewae
.1one in overcomes, inufflings and. hug-
BUNAWAY.—On Tuesday lad RS Mr.
James Pickard's horse was stending in
front of the store, it became frightened
and nal away to the detriment of the
PIGEON SHOOTING4—T/14147,0011 shoot
ing at Brantford, which closed on Sat-
urday last was 11 most euccessful affairs.
Mr. R. BissetteofExeter,carried off $20
of the prize money.
S44vicn.—In answer to call of the
Archbisnop of Can terburry,servic pr ey-
ing for*the inissiona,ry work of the
church was held in Christ Church,Exe-
ter, on Tuesday t night last, Rev, F.
Ryan officieting.
direct Attention to the advertisment of
Mr. Pt. A. Leggett .in another colonni.
This geutleman seems to be a$ obliging
as possible, end no doubt will ball for
himself a remunerative trade' in our
13 4
CLOTHING- FOR Flan Cottftuins.-- y re-
fereoce to counsel prozedings it will be
(seen thee the tam of seventy-five dol.
here was granted to Fire Company
g, and fifty dollars to No, 1,
With evloch to obtain cleating."
Tire Ielenosereateir Coese.—The 611,
tertainment given by this claes, which
meets in the C, Church, on TtieS-
day niglit was very interesting, 00011
one perfoeroing their pert Well. All
loft feeling ploy had riot spent their
money in vain, The meeting Was a
grand Success,
SAVnn itrenvi Duowilitsto..,--A8 a Hon o
Mr. Soper who huitt tank at Irish .
town, was shotingon the ice which co V
ered the water in it, he tarrotvly etieep
ed. drownhig by the leo brooking, lie
wiee rettetted by lqr.
nit u cErlE1411
By tl?, °field the 'other day' several
boys engaged in ellowballiug, geve efe
fence to a mau uoieelio elce
Gregor, who ruehed, oe ,one of town,
and stabbed aim rathee severely. His
wouun was dressed, and he is recover-
iugt.IkAINTED6.----Tlo. principal street of
114 3"1110 EAr D.
thee village( teading to the north ap-
pears to be haunted, us you will see by
the experience uf one who had, a week
or two ago, travelled away from home,
end. during hie return, he met in an in-
tense conflict with three or fear winged
Men, who held in their hande, weapons
of various deseriptious, renderiug them
able to exhibit a spirit of great vague-
eiousness. At all eveUts, thev 110t
get much thenbetter of our (della, Ho
!mocked the heeds off s( rae of them and
with great flight, he pursued his way
homeward.. „Next morning, some peo-
ple', happeniug to stroll towares the
north, paseed the place, notable for
seal an event ; and on inspection they
found a jug Or.t1VO completely deoapi-
hided: assuring, them of the %yenta -
have -been -fatal assault. It is toe in-
tention of aur brave youths to elub to-
gether towards the va.uquishiug of such
a formidable -foe. A BENDER.
411aT figS5ION WfigtO Iltal$144,TUAkb,
rx.oroIto 25, but eowepleationoed ttlitawt elle:4)10401
e pinvisions w ,
TiliS day at 0 o'cleelt p. had otieeWed many menibere without
eelleney the Hoo„ Donald Alexender \sroutele, Mid he wee glad. to find filet
Maedeneld,Lientepaot-Governor oe tee tile Govereinetit inteuded to aineod
011aiii0'er of the' Legislative "AbS‘°111' t;,11: ofro)t1;11Q t3041:0();I:tveeLl81.1t1kr:li'll'-gt 11Y:it ti rt44)1o.
Provinee of Ontario, proceeded to State ,„ „ „e (lee,
bly, and beiug seated on the throoe, etete of tne nonenationei leepartmeue
wati pleased, to open the fleet seseion of' was not in haalnony tenet tn,e etneit or
theory of responsible governmeut. Ile
paid, however duo tribute to the Sup-
erintendent of Edecation, and hoped.
the Howse would make leim libeeel
altowanoe in recoenitien oe Lis Pest
setwicee. In ellucliug to one of tile
taragraphs of the epeeelt, lee expreesed
lis 0011ViOti011 that't1Weatlitry Ives joy -
el to connexion, and itllueen to
postaility of• the gratin eelieine of
Ito confeneration of the British Eine
Ilon. Mr. 11Iaedougall addressed the
complainieg that no real nice,
sores of reform appeitred 01) the Gov-
eremeut progeautme. He advocated
eie abolition off the Court of Chancery,
trol pointed out the difficulties under
whiele suitoee labor ii9der the t resent
syetem. Ile alee advoceteet a inetteure
for fixiine the exact Clete of the assem-
bling ofP.tteatuent eeellyear, to be con-
venient to members, so affixed thet tee
accounts couhl be beet -milt down for the
whole year. Ile dofeedeO his own po-
litioal cateer, aud declined he wan an
intlepeenent member, retely to eupport
good inetteuree, itneseeetive of levee.
Mr. Fetris, in seconding the mo-
tion, e•apreseed sorrow at the loss sus-
tainott by the death of the tete Lieut.
Gov., but believed that the gentleman
promoted to the office would fully justi.
ly tbe high expectations. fortned of him.
The law regarding voters' liets should
he amended, and changes made in the
list should crane before the Division
Court. He anticipated mace difficulty
in the working ef the ballot im munici-
pal elsctions, on accennt of the fluid -
and able astliat of Ilia, pricilePe$001', so,e, 4Y9004te4114 00.10, Qf to, t°"(1.90':
he referrea t9 019 be9911914,1 01)6rAtiou atten of the uanentl, yeaV, red fteY
ef the Controverted gleetion awl 13ab, ed the poyMout of on taihai witliesaes
lot Acte benielneg bribery and COr-
Ttlthise If.1201110irwd.1141:4:11)letenoilieli:it of Ontario With
Mr, Speaker and Gentlemen a the Legieative
Alsetab y.
The l'efeenee WItioh nave from time
eo dem Welt made in the Modem Lawe
of the Province resulted in that order
men decorum at the late generel and
other etectiou WIlield were anticipated.
In view of the experience gained of ehe
operation these laws it nety be prop
or to e- esider whether eome of them
man not be so improved that without
fol'egoing, or diminielting the advantag-
es which they eecure, you may fate
conetineencies 'tteol mdidal fr,,lo
S01110 Other hard hips O. whech (tuft -
gently th ).y nee now exposed, Bille
with tide object aud fee the further im-
provement of the law as to voters liets
will probably be submitted to von.
The eystern of voting by ballot being
DOW in fence witu inept:tot to eel Pallet-
nientery and Muoieipel °toenails, it Bill
will be laid before you for the execu-
tion of the systetn to by-laws requiring
the aseent ef ratepayers.
• It is a matter of cougratulation that
while so many ceuntries are suffering
from a depressed state of tree°, Our
Province has been bleesed %vita an
abaudeiet harvest and has thereby been
relieved to a con ealerable extent fi•orn
tut equally suffeeing condition, tes well
as from the effects of other speculations.
I have every eonfideoce that the period
will. net be long hefore the, Provi ce
will enter upon a fresh career of activ-
ty and prosperity.
You will probably think it ri,ght to
Oonsider with eaeneetuess nun caution
hew far it iney be wise and of* geueral
benefit to the Province, out of its tun
cuinalated•funds,to affordeid to the pro-
jected railways which Lave not hitherto
been aseisted, or to supplement the aid
already graotedeto any of the railways
winch are in progress.
Your special attention Will probably
be invited to the question of the best
mode and time of affording encourage-
ment to railway enterprises•which have
for their object the openiug up, set tlin g
and ire -proving more remote areas o
It is satisfactcry to know that the ex-
.penditure of the Province for the pro-
motion of hrtmigratiou coutiunes to
bear good fruit. A. large number of
immigrents belonging to classes most
needed have settled in our Province
&nine the past year, netwinestanding
indecomeots temptegons held. out
by other countedee, I am glad else to
have it in my power to stet() that the
improven seintem winch was adopted
lade year by the Dominion and Pro-.
Ninth' Governments has enabled the
wOrk to be carried on with increased
efficiency as well as giteat economy.
The Chief Superin eat, who has ably
managed the Educatioual DepaAtment
for more than thirty yeare, being de-
sirous of rairin?? from office, you will
probably be called upou to cousider
whether the there hae not arrived wheat
the efficiency of the system would be
promoted by placing the work of tile
department in theqtands of ae reepon-
,. e
sible Minister of the Crown.
I have taken the opportuuity 'during
the summer of visitinn mese of the
public institutions of the'Province,which
are under Government management,
tind I have been much gratified by -what
I saw of their' conditiou. One class of
theee asylums—for lunatics and idiots
—have become insufficient for the tee
comodation of the unhappy persom
for whom they are designed and tl•e
number of whom is increaeing as the
Proviuce advances. I am sure that you
will not hesitate to meke such further
provision for their keeping atal treat-
ment as may be necessary.
A measure will be submitted to you,
having for its obje,ct the securiug of
vital statistics.
I invite your attention to the desire-
bility of'some legisiation for makiug
fuller provieion than heretofore fur pay-
ment of witnesees ori crime: prosec -
dons. The question of the eantern
boundary of Ontario, so far as relates
to Proviaehu aotion, h Ls been finally
determined age eeable to the Ace, nas
sed at the last Session of the Leg -isle.
I regret that the other matters of
difference betwee Outwit) and Quebec
remain unsettled. There has be en core
respondence on the subject, d the
Quebec Government has intienated its
intention cf uniting with in takieg
up the matter vigmously after the pro -
Negation of the lotgi;laturee DEW ill, ses-
sion ; meantime we centinue in the en-
joymentof most of the assets.
Since the dissolution of the last
ROLISO the queetion of the northerly and
westerly humeltriee of the Proviece Las
continued to rOCCIY0 1110 field of
the Governmeon Informal negotia-
tions have taken place with reepeet to
both a oompromise line and arbitration,
which the Legislature authorized, but no
final resat has been aneived at., Mean-
while eteps have been taken for obtain -
nig some additional evidence expected
to be of value. '
The accounts of the Provffice -will be
submitted to yen without delay and I
SCHOOL HOUSE Roiniarty.--After the
dismissal of school on Friday last,teme
party broke info the brick school -house
near Grauton, ane stole a number of
the childrene' books, a water painand
the school gong, worth $5. They tried
to get the clock, but failed in their ef-
fort. They left a pipe and some
matches which they can have, 'on at).
licatio'n to the, trustees.
NEW GliANGE.—The foematioo of a
Grange in the township of Hay's being,
. .
spoken of at present.
The Council metpursuant to adjourn-
ment at the School Howse, Exeter,
Nov. 29th, 1875. All the members
present. The minutes of the previous
meeting were 'read and confirmed.
Tenclere were, received from Masers J.
Gill anti John Smallcombe for the ring-
iog of the Tillage bell : The former for
$4.00 for foar times per. day and $5.00
for five times per day mutat the lst of
JitlIllary 1876, And the latter for the
emu of $48.00 per year. Mr. Richard
Welsh offered to ring the bell five
times' each: day for ,,nine` months and
four times each day for the remainder
of the year for ihe sum of $30.00 Mov-
ed by J. Ross, seconded by D. johne,
that the offer of Mr. 'Welsh be accept-
ea. Carried.. A communication from
OYSTER SUPPER. --On Monday even-
ing last it was our pleasure to be pres-
ent at an oyster supper given by Mr.
J. W. Broderick to the contractors
who had the building and finishing
of his bt•ick block, as tokening his ape
predation for their successful endea-
vours in suiting him in every pantiou-
lar. After the ,company assembled
which consisted of elessrsJohn Ross,A.
Dyer A. Lewis, J. Sanders, Mes. Tom-
linson, and the humble representative
af the TIMES, had done every justice
to the skilful hand of the hostess, Mrs.
Broderick, and her table, Mr. Broder-
ick expreased his extreme satisfaction
at the manlier in which the contract
had been carried out, mid he heaped
upon the heads of the builders, the
painters and the architects praise which
for expression would have made the
heart of a candidate for parlitnentary
honors quiver for fear of losing his law-
rels, as lie patatthe tear stained, molas-
ses ;mated cheek of the cle,Ir infant, in
its, atothers arms. ler. Ross thee
told his stor(e)yand commenced build-
ing for himself a platform on which to
erect his witty pabulum bactconcluded
%mid a crash (of -aplause.) Messrs
Sanders,Lewis and Tomlinson followed,
all seeming full of repartee,. and thaele.
fuluess and oysters. ,At an early hour
the conipany diepersed tuenot without
first expressing their hearey ',thanks
to Mr. Broderick for the kind manner
in which they had been treated, hop-
ing .if -Mr. Be :didn't erect another
building soon, he might ithagine he
had, and. repeat the supper of that
night. Receipts of the evenind—blank,
• Viertean BONUS.- The village bonus
of one thousand ;lettere required by the
Le & B. BailWay Company from
°entrain, paynble within a certain
time after the etation is completed, ha's
been amply secured, and the t demi,
ments returned to the Company's Solici-
GENERAL STORE. --M Parsons has
opened out a very nice vssortrieent of
goods under the Management of lelr,
Wisematedately from the old country,
whoee business quitlities and polite at-
tention are much appreciated,
SNoW BI,OURED BOADS.--4t Will not
be arni8S, perhaps, to call public atten-
tion to t.his great naieance which we
Annually experience, espeeially on toe
graeel roadfor a mile ar two both north
ahd eontli Of Centralia. Theve can be
no doubt bat the Callao in 111,93t
StitIlfieSt is the eneroachment oe fences
epon, the poblie road tillowttece, in
seine places redueing the Width ofothe
road from four toile to three or a little
oVer. combat. tins great wed our
ToWnship authorities mainly pnt Oh a
gang of eren,rind expend a large emenut
of meney every 'winter, in keeping a
teach tffievelled out, to render travel,
ling tte all practidable. 130 would it
net be much wiser procedure foe the
ine betwen Messrs Gill and Prout' tette
lid). over meta the next mooting of the
Clouncil on motion of D. Johns, secc lid -
ed by J. Ross. Moved by 1), Johns,
seconded by J. Roes • that the sum of
seventy-five dollars be granted to Piee'
Company No. 2, and fifty dollays be
granted to No. 1 Compile y for the pule
poce of purchasing clothine. Carried.
Moved by J. Ross, set:wide% by W. H.
Verity, That the amount of taxes on
account of error in Mrs. Smale's
assessment be refunded ae the next
meeting of Council. Car-
ried. Moved by J, Ross,' seconded by
D. Jelms, That the sum of $.1:0 be
granted to Mr. Verity to be enpendecl
in' charity, and $11. to Mr. Pickard for
the SR tile purpoee.. Carried. eleved
by J. Pickard, seconded by D. Johns,,
That the Exeter Cornet Band be grant-
ed the use of the Engine House ler
practice, provided the Fie° CoMpany
consent thereto. Carried A letter
from the Sec. ef the L. H. ta'B.Railway
Co., demanding' prompt atteetion to the
matter of Debentures and interest now
due, Was laid before the Council, and
the Clerk to reply and give ceplana-
tion of the matte s. Couneil adjourned
to Monday Dec. 20.
M. Eacrett
1Locat Sfrtitigs.
Ono evenino last week a man called
at the house Mr. John Aikenhead,
Stanley, and finding no one et home
but Miss Aikenhead, demanded. of her
all the money the nous° contained;
but there being none, the man tool( his
departure, after threateniug to take her
life if she attempted .t.) give tiny alarm
befoee he had time to make his escripe.
The leading article in the forthcom-
iug December number of Scribner's
Ilionthly,, has been written, by Rev. S.
13eswick, of Strathroy, Ont, The ar-
ticle will extend over 16 pages and
treats of °Discoveries in the Temple
Site of Jerusalem," made by tlie avd-
ter personally. It is to be illustrated
eitth maps and 'engravings.
Mr. Gofton of Wroxetetlkilled two
fine deer the other day, back of the
taiIway etation there Two other
sportsmen of elm same iilace nave shot
a black fox and:a number of partridge,
There were seventy-tive applicants
for the position of tettehoe in one Of
the departments of Seaforth school.
VIE. H., Snell far many years Reeve
of Hullet publishes a cooed decliniug
to Aceept office another year.
The BrUssels" Post says: One day
laSt Week a farmer feoin Grey town -
shin celiac toe town field sold te load of
wlieat to Mk. John Leckie, When the
grain was being emptit,d at the Store-
house, it was diecovered thitt all be.
heath was of a worthless Tway, the
good avenage eateple having been placed
on the toe), elr, Leeltie 'severely rep-
rimanded the Intoo for hie dishonsiety,
loud let hint. go on his promising never
again to be guilty of to eimiler act,
Mr, Samuel Platt, Of Goderich, latos
etnik $80,000 the salt businees,
atithotettee duriog ewintner te toolpel The bueineee id liet paying very 'well
.411 tlatualvtto, h4vo ail of on 4114011,o ittatt novyt
, • .
inild°o,4st:rttite 1°:4$0:411.49nebYo
cliouta be exPeueled on iminigrati
More encoureged, The tinil.)er lieense
holders ehOuld balte their rights eleax,
ly de0ned and limited, go ()wish' even
the belief, law defective, as the large
iiumber ()frejeeted bailote proved. He
advocnted the abolition. of exemptioo
from taxatiou,
Mr. 1.,xt eon ide tli0
14011 Spite 111 uredit te the country.
110 thought the Inelniatie Aityluni
Hamilton 41401.11d, utlize d foe the
apeoliiiiiodittion of luuatice.
Mr. McMahon expeessed his satis-
l'actiori eith the working of the ballot
Act. Ile read a bill eireuleted in North
'Wentworth at the time ef his election,
pretending to call on the Catholics to
Tete fee lihn because he was a Catholic.
This 110 said was issued by his open/.
pouts, who were firet at all dines to in-
troduce religions animosities. '
Mr.. Wigle thought the aeente at
flee Lens who broke the law ehoeld
pay pert of ohe costs:
S.ieteiuger coetended that' the
nuutberilig of ballet papers should be
elielislien, so that identification might
be inipeseible. , •
Mr. Grange took an independent
position aloe critesized the Government
severely, , •
kr. O'Donogliue said he was Perfect,
ly helepencleut, but would give ee fele
oupport to the 'Government as long as
they tioten rightly, lie tlisaproved el
couttotung the expenditure on imini-
grodion, 118 the egincriltu valises brought
Ottnitett went tu the n'tettee and eltil.
led laborers were not required.
Mr•Hay denieil that the Agricultural
jaanieeents went to the States, but eoe-
sidere% that that class only should be
Creieliton argued that the Gov-
erement were neet true Reformers, and
that that piety was Out of place iu On-
tario polities. ,
Mr. Cameron defended the Hon- .Mr.
.Macdougall ,,against the charge of
cousistency, accusea, the le.on. Mr.
Fraser of introducing religious animosi-
ties iuto the country. 1:Ie claimed
credit for the oppositiou for electing
Cetheiie members, and accused the Gov-
ernment of extravagant expenditure in
couuection with inemigret.on.,
have the satisfaction of aesaring you
that notwithstanding the drafts made
on accenut of appropinations which the
preceding Legielatares entliorizecl te
be made otit of our eurplus in encomn
aging railways and other public works,
and after distributing three millions of
dollars amongst the murncipalities
there yet remolined on the 80th of Sep -
tomboy last a large agglegate unuont
of Provincial recourees available in
Estiraates for the cOming year have
been, prepared mid will he laid before
you. Endeavors has been made to
frame them. with a due regard to eocino-
my, and at the time to consider ited;se.
eure the eilleeticy of the pubic eetvice,
In leaving you now to your delibera-
tions my prayer 18 that the Gleet Rul-
er of the Unitueree may so infltmoce
them that they may peomoto the wet -
fare ef the community.
r'n'tit°14°v• I election law and the estAblishinent of a
Mr. Widdifield, of 'North York, rotor.: eecowl chamber ; &ore in the distribu-
ed the addreee. In referring to the ' tion of aid to railways, and 0 reduction
ber of candidates. He thought too
riench of the money of tee country
shouldnot be locked up iu railways.
Efforts made in prudence and modera-
tion were necessary to encourage im-
migration. With reference to the pay-
ment of criminal witnesses, !care 'should
be taken not to give a premium to per-
sons to appear as crown 'witnesses, He
hoped some chitnge should be made jo
the lew respecting intoxicating liquors,
and that would make a cliffevence in
the revenue ; that question should be
dealt with as a party question.
Mr. Cameron asked for Mformat'o
on certain subjects mentioned in the
speech from the throne.
Mr. Mowat spiel in was not cestom-
ary to give information at this stage
in regard of the payment of crinnual
witnesses. Mr. Cameron oughato be
posessed of information, as his govern-
ment hacl long promieed to provide
for it. aed he had condemned the pres-
ent GoveDyeent for not legislating on
it seonerre`Thie Gevernment has been
much oceapied durileg the last Patli
ment with highly important legisletion,
and IlOW intended to take up meteors
not already dealt with.
Mr. elcDougall sad more informa-
tion oueht te be given to a new House.
Some statement ooglitt to be made in
telation to a enange in the Govern-
ment. He believed the present' system
of immigration to be cumbersome and
inefficient. He wan not aware that the
Chief Superintendent of Education was
retit•ing, mscept under presure. He be-
lieved the present arrangement in re-
regare to criminal witnesses to be a
bl a on our system, and hoped the
Government measure would be a jest
one. lie wished the difference between
Ontario and Quebec could- be settled.
He considered that this Government
should not agree to, any compromise to
any Provincial boundadee, and 'eom-
planted of the meagree charatei: of the
Grovernment programme.
Mr. elowat said Mr. McKellar had
served the countrY for eighteen yeere
d was fairly entitled to retere iuto
the preeent office. Mr. Wood WWI as
able aseany man the Government could
select as his successor. - The hon. gen-
thanarreoppoeite had tried to keep him --
out of the elIonse, but withoue success.
He wes reedy for a discussion in re-
ference to the bomolarien; and no com-
promise 000111 be effective without the
assent of the Honee. The Chief Stn.
perietendent had long desired to re-
tire; floa it became neccessary for the
Gov aliment to conslteer how best to
fill his place.
Mr. Cameron said it was the pertinaci-
ty of the Opposition which had fenced..
the Gdverument to bring in a IlleftSUr0
for the payment of criminal witnesses.
Metnbers of the Government devoted
their time to running around the coun-
try electioneering, tend had to get sug-
gestions for amendments to the laws
from a commiesion. lee regretted the
LieutoGoveruer wae styled his Honor
in the address. If he could not be
called his Excellency be should not be
given a title which every county judge
was emtitled to. All beneficial provi-
sions in the Electiou Law were due to
the late government. He objected to
the extension of the ballot to voting on
municipal by-laws. Ile was in 'fever
of aiding railways. as he believed every
one built was a benefit to tne country'
Ho alleged that the public institutions
were due to the late Gevernment. He
complaineelehat the speech contained
no alliesion to the' Central Pilsen es-
pecially Considering the failure o'f' the
Canade Car Co, to fulfil their coetract ;
that reference was not enaee ta the Ine-
briate _Asylum at Hamilton, cod flint,
the Government did iwt review
their achninietration "during recess.
He also alleged 'that there was great
difficulty in getting any informatictn
in regarrl to tho accounts, and
that the election law had been br.ngled.
Ou the paragritph referenee to im-
migration, Mr. Macdougall aSked for
moee inforrinotion.
Mr, ,MoWat said full inforalation will
be given next week. The expenses. of
1874 wen loss thee 1878 ; mid those
of 1875 less than 1874.e Neat year's;
expenses' would be atilt less, cease.
gitent, '
Toronto Nov. 20.
The debate on the eglees5 was re-
sumed by Mr. 'Wells, who enpeoseed re-
gret foe the late Lieutenant-Goyernor.
tidetocated the ainendinent of the
11 40 I Nal 4: 041 tt °t1c)4 er P1 41 4170 W9 efhie/ ri 7 le ft .1
tliepa1t year 111 bigi spseolloo in V
one consti.tuenelee be lied 'been +SVC
thing by tnrue and', wethieg leng. eerie
times elairning to be a lieferiherr 114414
1°M°411t180e1V4vt ,atoirv et; oait)a(e'ttlyie)It'uat11:414.
fended at some length the meaeuree in.
Stretford, tasked the (Remelt to abol,
ish 8010011 and eitop licences, and
to reduce the number of hotel licenses,
the hotel lieepere have forthed a "TJi-
ae: el sdedt eitilltadi itcor$ 0Ausnst7riattottiQvitn'h)uatellVtolar
result niey flow from tlie petition.
Corenere Jury empaneledin the
case of one of tlie victims of the Paeifie
disaster brought in a verdict eensuring
the conduct eftlie ceptaio of the Oiplie.
ti$ in causiag tins collision and then
es iafillei sg .151 swoa yr eNfVei tele°d4 t t o° :roe n gw atyo gtbPi vaa:
asststanee. The condition of tlie
the owners and captain of the R1- fated
ship were largely responsible for the
direful results of the disaster.
On Tuesday evening last Miss AcIda
Palmer, daugtor of Rev. II. B. Palmer
Parkhill, was presented with a purse
containing $20 as recognition oe her
valuable sernices as organist 'in the M
E. Chureh.
The Ashfield teachers have. through
Miss Moorhouse and Mr. W. Lane
presented their inspector ( Mr. J.ii,
Miller) with a valaable oke basket aud
acideees, in recognition of his setvice.t
to education.
A few nights,since a New York joker
transferred an undertakers; sign to the
front of a Myrtle avenue liquor store
The sign read : nBodies laid out and
prepared for burial at the shertest no-
tice within."
Mr. Wm. O'Neil, farmer, 12th con-
cession of McGillivary, had occasion to
be iu Ailsa Criag on business the other
day, and -whilet there he met with a
rung man, who gave the nanie of Mitt,
'ellen. and who stated he was lookitol
after silk thieves -e -in fact, appeare-
gate confidentiale Asking a drive
(neoig thd road., O'IsTeil took the young
man in his rig. They had just reach-
ed Dinannondville Bridge. when the
scamp presented a pistol at ONeil'e
head, and demanded bis money or hi.
life. 0 Neil remonstrated, but tied to
Land aver his parse, whieh contained
$24. .0n getting the money, the scoun-
drel tried to make O'Neil take him to
Parkhill ; but in tide he was foiled, as
the frightened farmer arove him back
to Ailea Craig, which was reached ate"
midnight. When the robber saw he
v. as in the place of starting. he resure-
ed his intimidetion, saying, "If you
don't live me to Parkhill at once, Tel
shoot yea on the- spot 1" Poor O'Nei
drove the rascal to within three miles
of parkhia, where he left the wagotr
'attain the last that hes bE,•eu seen of
him, althongh Squire Atkinson bas is-
sued a wareetent for his arrest. He ie
believed to have taken the cars foi
parts unknown. ee
speech, he seed that the 1101250 and
eoeintry agreed in del:not:log the decease
of the late Lieut..Governor, to whom
110 had. paid a high tribute of esteem.
After joining ih congratulating. thepres.
mit oceupant of tile allied on hie eleven
tion, and expreetsing a convictioo holt
Lig administrotion would be AA itapar- ry tittattoxionts eities. And he al.
in immigration expellees. Ile was In
facet!, of the new systerri of edueittional
illanagereent and Metier payment to
tette tees, IIe said the ticcomodetion for
Jun tice should 'lave been' et, ded
loog ego, othd limb the GovernMent
sbettld take up the gneetiou of tianita•
Royai Again Triumphs.
Several persoes aee said 10 have
croseed the bay at Belleville oa the icu
last Tuescley.
A. man named Goodwin' was arrested
in Montreal fer passing a forged cheque
purporting to be from Hon. ream. Mit
011011, upon the teller of the Bank of
Mon treal.
I most distressing necitlent occurred
cut he efletnoocl of Nov. 26th in 'RD
e,xcztvation oir North Tenth stretil
Brooklyn. While three boys, named
Thoe. Dodd, Frank AIL:Curdy, and Jos
1-Iallttek, wore playing in it, part of
the 'antic gave way, suddenly buryine
Item alive. When tho earth bad been
ernovee the bodies were fotincl,
life extinct.
At an early hour on Nev. 26th ex
Ald. Clements was arrested on 0 charge
of being the settutter of Jane Vitughu
Gilmour, the victim cf the abortionists
Dr.. Davis and wife. It is reported
that on the. 24th July; the date ot
which cleceaeed was last seen alive, she
was brought into tom n on a load of
wheat, accompanied by two sone of
the accused, Clements is charged
with feloniouslyeand unlawfully coun-
selling and prochring one Arthur Pant
Davis to procure an abortion by the
use of instruments on one Jane)Vanglin
Gilmour. He was beought before the
Police Maereistrate and remanded till
Saturday bail being refueecl. Messrs
J. Jack antl, Andrew Biglovv are
00012501 for the prisoner, end Mr. Fen-
ton for „the Crown. During the Morn-
ing Mr. Penton consulted Attorney Gen
erel Mowat as to.. the course to be
pursued. Several rittriors are abroad
as teethe reason for the sudden arrest,
the most ,general citie being thee the
man Davis ha's confessed. ,The au-
thorities are very reticent, and no par-
ticulare can be' obtained., We tome
leern that •Davis and his wile have
eoefeeeed that Clements Was the man
who ihtroduced Jane Gilmour to them
mid paid $200 for their serViceS, They
say further that the retteen Mrs, DaYis
helped to dispose of the bocly was be-
ettesel DaYis was incapable through
Mrs., D. Lyn , of Bettereea the
township of Kingston, gave sa'fe birth
last week to three thildren, allot* whom
are telive. Mr. I). J. Waggoner pre-
paritig the ileCeSSfity pitpOl'S OrtlCr to
Make applieation to the Queen for the
bounty of ,C8 which Iter Nlielesty is in
the habit, of bestowing on the vety
prolific tienieng her female pubjeete.
By Telegraph to the Gardner Sewing Ma-
chine ;Comp:toy Hamilton.
Cornwall, Octrobor 2. 1875 -Royal got first prize
at Glengarry County Fair,' over the Webster, Os-
born and New York Singer 'JatifES 11finitor.
13olleville, Sept 80th, 1875 --Ont first prize on the
Royal at Fair Lore, beating, Wheeler & Wilson and
ovary other machine. •Great cootest.
Brockville, fiept 25, 18751loyal took first prize at
Unionville, competing with the Wheeler
Sillq,01", and othors Evnierms EAGARDIAll •
Tilsonburg, Oct 11, 1875 -First prize for Royal at
Union Exhibition here ovei all competitors
Woodstock, Oct 6, 187;1-110yai took first prize at
Exhibition here over all competitors
Paris, Oct 8, 1875--Ilave taken first prize with
Royal at Fair here, beating tbo Raymond find
Napanoe, Oct 15, 1875 -Royal has token first
prize at Fair here, over si: ger, Rowe, Wanzor F,
ttRd others. JAMES BARRETT
Harley, OCt 13, 1875 -Royal takes first orize at
this Fair for family work and Light Manufactur-
These victories conclusively prove that the
Light Running Royal is the People's Favorite and
tne Rost Family sowing machine. The manufac-
turers have lately added to it tho greatest novelty
of the ago, the Royal 1,anm Bolder for sowing
machines, 'Pho lamp can never upset. nor the oil
soil the work, and it is arrangod to throw the
light on any part of the woik, enabling the opera -
ore ta work as well by night as by day, sold by
(Phe undersigned would inform the inhabi-
thants of tketer and vicinity that he has
one door south of his Blacksmith shop andhopes,
the samo liberal patronage that has been ac-
corded to lum in the
'fine will be extended to him in his new branch or
business, ineat'wtigou will cal at the re
deuces of the villagers three times each :week a
FRES M 1-11 .
of all kinds kept constantly. oz.i. hand at his butch-\
er shop.
N. B. Blackshithing aud wagon making carHed
on as 5551111 hi all its branches;
118 tf.
Two critters nearly new. Boo DR MOOZtE
.1 lege of Exeter. -I hereby by give notice that
owing to the requirements and at-entiou my pri-
vate business demands, leannot again stand as
candidate for Municipal honors M this vinage.
Thanking you kindly for your vote and Literest
for the" pasb. JOHN BOSS
. ---
, CARDS. '
A.11 kinds of plain and fancy stationery for
Book store, Maio street Exeter.
Brick store and dwelling houso,-Also frame
dwelling and stable, for sale, centre of Main
street Excitor.
Oysters ! OysterS !
` (35 Cents per Car)
Store, i!ost °Mee Block.
Au excellent stock of Groceries and Confoctio
ory on hand.
ta'" SporiS111011 supplied with Aramalition.,„
School Books, Stationery, Magazines
N,B.--Sowing machine Noodlesof every kind for
et SieelDnIeno
'Harness-, Shop
iitztztvi it4;itsit; •
Ii,:',3'.1.111-i'ttoivtrItivttL,i51;c1t,o41°A to ihm,11144,
and theks Ili watt, of anything in his line.*111
otnartheir Inter:64e by giving 01161 k Col bt,.:
fon), nureta ettatetheWlihte. Renaiting trail
kttended te, Oetiltioettliening clot1C 0-11div
" .