HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-12-2, Page 10Ii prie, $ijSG ACOcolei Ce bledieal41Q47, oh° r blaclentritil 01,1ilite Re, aide . t ISQU. tit. if, W.. 131.10wN', 4.14414.31, Vrt04040 Ca, 0011040.20.0MbeV Co1. 300 ViX 1110142411& %Mgt SW% VAt. WifiatOt lkf • 11, Pradilit UgiversityTritrity00140fie, MOOlner Col* 40,g0R1* Silrgellate 894f. ,D., 0.31,‘ • (1,11A11,)174413 't•I'lgvereitY,Z101•1' 04 rhyeiciataaurgoent &Q., 041100 attl. reielderece--laseter, ()in. 011lee hours -8 to 10 04.11.1eaml 7 to 10 It* MOItpli:ikl lioxaceopathhie 1414y010441). onet OrlrIMI-Next (10Ortolti ;melon's; marble naardcs, Ilatel.p0Ncl:,-Centr Hotel. Ve.41ealar atteXitie ipaid. to obronie diseasoa, 41Lproniptly tendtaltdvwofre0, VI,UtOr4 Uaroli 28,1878 82-,y TIE,. LANG, M 13., U. 1)., L. R. C. ss-ao. s• 0. Crraduale of Trioity College, iNfour.• leer of Um College of Physsicians and Surgoone of Ontario. --Drug Stine, 1ail:1St. Grant= u1Js also proprietor of the Drtiff store, and con- stantly keens on httEla a large stook of pure elruge 1atemt1Sfedieines, mod Dye atUffii. • Grauton, Jun018,1874. 45 -Ont. A. ELLIS, Surgeon Dentist, hoe lociated pernialleintly iu Ezeter. Office at tho 1131y Contralliotel, 'goat ITARDING & HARDING, Barris -Lass tors, ttormays, $olisitors, Colurnissioners 11. B., etc. Orr roll--1111"Tron's 13Loos, Water Street, St, Marra, • - ,fereltv HAnnitto. E. W. RAunralci IVIESSItS, XONES eV. NIODOITGALli, Barristers., Attorneys -s4 -1v, Solicitors in Chancery,. Conyelancors, Commissioners in 'C;),11, linilgotaries Pnblio, St, Mary'S, 091,1on-lintton's Block, 1Vator St., StOlary's Out. 1-1y., MeDIA,EMID, DiTtRISTED,NOTARY, CONYEYANERI • atioara ONT. G. WILSON, Issurw, o .. Marriage Licienties under the now Ao at the Post Office store, Zurioh, Ont, 4G-tf. BROWN, Public Auctioneer, • weareeisea. Salesnromptly atteudod to, Terms reasonable. Wluohelsba Oct,15,1873. fr N. HOWARD, LICENSED AU -0- !I • tioneer for the Co of Huron. Sales prompt- ly attended to, and terms reasonable l'ost office address, Exeter, eatober 4 EN PEAL HOTEL, MAIN STEEET, Exeter. Ontario. Oke & Biesett, Proprie- tors. This hotelis new and fitted upin the best style. Special attention paid to tbe wants of the travelling public. Large santale rooms for com- mercial travellers. Cood stabling i1•71d attentiv0 headers. lee.tf -vrANSION I-IOUSE, EXETER ONt., W. HAWKSITA.W, Proprietor. Thl new and commodious hot elle now completed, and fitted up throughou* isith first -furniture. The -best of Liquors -amino ohoicest of Cigars at to Bor. The house ia capable of accommodation :RI gusts. Excellent stabler; and an attentive hos- tiers. (51-1y.) -UEE H0T1'1, LI.T0A3Ns 1..; BOWrY, Proprlotor. 'Phis first-cla s hotel has lately changed hands (from eW. E. Wil) ins to W. Bowey), and ls 41tted with new fen Wire throughout. Fred, 'bus to and from the station • • Otlice for the new lino of 'busses to 1 andel,. The I bar is replete with tho choieest Lqnora and frag- rant fravantts; Rom: coultnercial sample room. Good Stabling and attentive; hostlers. 92-ty 1313LIN HOUSE CORNER 01? •)' Tread: and Will hum Sibreti/S, IMMO. The above TIotel been rented by Mr, IMMO NVItito, and thoroughly roilttod. for the comfort of the traveliag public... Good liquors; and cigars at, tho bar. ,Aadative hostler always in a tto edema. IsAAC Prop, Laden, April 15, 1875 S5-13111. ' gee 2:-.1'fS ILVS. SEINTIOE having removed, to the statalatelv occupiel by air, 0. South- .^.,,coptai, Miler, bits tiompletely renovated. tho prom - arranged hie studio to as to coininand ('of the Ilest Lights -in Canada • ate rod td eeeetito weak in first-class es+ .1•. 10,14411)g past notrounge, he begs, a eon- , 1141.14A 0± tue favors of the public. Attention called to his stock of Framers, &c., having on --hand a, •mod. selection o f mouldings, and being preparel to make frames at moderate rates.- ltosido aces photographed.. Photographs when re- orioned , 2 per doa.; Cabinets, 1i6 WANTED WE WILL , givo encrget'e • Men and. women Business that will pay • Irina $4.to dO tan day, coo be pursued in your own noighhothond, and Is strict y honotable, Par- ticulars free, or samples worth several dollara' that will °liable you to ao to work at once, will bo sent on receipt of fifty cents. Address J. LATH - Am a oo., 419 Washington street, I3oston, Mass. • 0 Box 2154. 1104 0.L. NO. 024 I A0 Night of meet- ing -,,First Friday in ev- ery month, ever Stan- ley & Jormyn'S'Istore, Drew's new b1oc1,111111% sI. Visiting Brethren ' cordially invited 'to at tend. CATEN 'WILLIS, _ -setisk sorra 'WHITE, 1‘47.7--4,44M -.4. • 16-1y. secre*arY. le:TOTICE TO TRESPASSERS ON ao,4 THE CANADA. comPAR v's LANDS. • — Thereby motion all persons against cutting or reuniting timber frem the lands of the Callas Company, as I am anthorized to prosecute 511 tresp. esere *with that1 nost rigor of the law. JOBB' sPACESIAN, Timber Agent Can. Co. Exeter, May 18 89-1f. 1_,TJMBE-13. BLA.OK ASH, 'BAILS, CORDWOOD • AND CEDAR POSTS Cheap for Cash AT BI SSE T'S znill, two and a half inges west of Ex- eter, ea the town line of Stephen and Hay. Bill stuff ent on the shortest notice less than fifty feet. R. RISSETT. PROPERTY FOR SALE. VOL, 3, NO AND SOU H JELTJRON, SOtTLI PERTH AN 16,—W4OLE NO 118. (:)1, MID 71 XE TER, ONTARIO, TaURSDAY, DECEMBER 1875. •FARMERS, ATTENTION. • Cash paid. for Hides, Sheepskins, AT THE CORNER One Door, Sona. HoteL H e40,) of Drew ARRIVALS! AT THE Peop 1,e ' s Grocery Store. J. OTtUNNICAN has received a large stook of GROCgRIES,CROCICE11,7 &c. also a large stook of •BOOTS cR4 61-10E8 suitable for Fall and Winter, consisting of Men's, Women's and Child.. ren's Wear. Those in want of a first-class artieto in the Boo • and shoo lino should not fail to EXAMINE MY 8T001‹ Before purchasing; as my eperience of thirty years in that line ono blcs me In purchasing to soleet that only -5;110h caiirecommend. Li LARGE LOT 01 First Class Bacon VIle.TOTEL FOE SALE. +sleet_ owing to tbo death of his -wife, the subscriber oilers for sale the Commorchil Hotel at Dash- ood, Lake Bond, tesvnship of Stephen, Co. of Buren. The hottso is $9x40, 2 storoys high, having good. kitelien and svoodshecl, A. commodious oriving houso and shed, two nevor-in3ling well ofwater, a good garden and. cattle vard the prerniSes, which eon-41Am Lem of land. For tertherpartiaulass apply te UMINNElt, 7 tf. De sihwood. P, O. JUST RECEI-NtED. •J• CRUNNIICAN4 113-20pF.,,p•44c,S. OLD STA LOOK! TO YOUR CWN ' - r • • c E Tongue AND Absoynn ' Clough rre n Senic*r:s • ilARIS1 FOR SAL111.-ONE HUN - balm acres of svild land, being lot 1111 the lath cOn of Cc•Ichester, in the County of well timbered with rnarleetable timber. To bo sold on easy torma, or exchartged for suitable -teeth property. Pot further partteulltrs anply•to aoine'ootro1e, in Jam oS Vantion'a cottage. I-IA:RV FOR SAliFekeONE HUND. ' rori riores,, ntoro 011 leas, lot en 8111 0011. 1)F4b01110, County Iturort, 78 acres eleared, remain- der in hardwood. bush, well fenced. end in a good state of oultiVation, inalordralood, gctod oral; trd, splendid, well of water, frame barn liax70. ppd. collar 165 house, ailed convenient to sehool .and obtooli. 1 xttiTog frett Lotion 5 froni Grantor., nlid 11. hem St., Mary's, Olt deed wave). road. 'rerrn s -$8,8001 half down and ILO other in five or w•PONaSititititor time, Vor further partiottIars apply 'to IAA . 1),LE,11,,, on the nrerrilaea. I07-tf 1Ait37L 'TR' serlbercifferifloriltIc , , 0011.0, Tlabera 0, Containing "41 .itiats "xeefiett land, 413 aeree Oloared, ititlitnno well od, 71 dwolling belie°, barn anilletatile 6.1 tife'ii isesr alao fi, good yrtnag 00i71 116 of graft fruit and 8,00 spring. 1>latala1 front Exeter fdat miles, For further yetrtioulard apply te 0%131;111AP" fStlY,proptforer, Exeter P,O. PhotogaUir A.jitg :PREET, EXETER Mq 7711I11001:, SOLE AGENT (0, VANt)USEN TrgEP oonstantly on hand the Largest and Dest Assortment of PURE D R TJ G- , HEIVIICAL S, DYE -STUFFS Patent Medicines ! HORSE tCe CATTLE • MEDICINES, • Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth RUSHES PERFUMERY,TOILE±-SOAPS • fke. STATIONERY BALAkLAVA, COL, A. 11. BUNN* Tho tidal wave of battle, on Baligilava's Breaks forth in crested fury a cyelone of the main. . The surging a the squadrons, as down the steeps they poured, With the thunder ef the horsee,and the 'light, nings of the sword. in vain the Russian phalanx would"chook their mad career, Their eyes alight with fury, and their heart devoid of fear. Onward, like the eon -wave, when Afoses waved his rod, And the water leaped on l'haroah, beforo the breath of God. • With dykes of serried. eann.on, with walls of glittering steel, • With ramparts of bravo fo.prien, they thought the past to seal.' 11 33:yroli.titin,ligo dthyakeliavoilifgeran4nona,rtthrl'olgalco armY of steel, School Books, Toy Books, • 131ankoBooks, Magazines, In that death-sbadowad Valley, whero war A llatunsFancy Goods' elousls hide the sun, ..Pencil Slates, Load Pen- Bides, first in martial glory, the g,-ty atul gallant oils, &o. Dunn. , Patroclus in his beauty, Achilles in his Loight., The first to lead the squadrons, and the last to leave the fig,ht. riling the walls OLE Agents° lor LAZARUS, MORRIS, Co.'s Co ebrated Perfected Spectacles an Eye-glitssos. Presc• riptions and Recipes quickly and accu- rately dispens,ed. Remember the Place -Di - redly opposite the " Central Hotel," Main-st., Exeter. VANDUSEN & Co. Exeter, astrmarv 7, 1874. ruHE W.D.11,3GLOCHLON WATCH is the best in the market Whereler the war is fiercbst, whole comrades shout for aid, Dashes' his fiery charger, falls his rcsi11oss • blade, Thrice rushed be to the rescue, when ha heard his eon:trades' (ales, „ His form dilate with fury, and tile death -light in his eyes. As bursts the bolt from storm clouds, upon the vale below, • So flashed and fell his sabre, like lightning 071 the foe. For desperate deeds of darin&Y, whero man con- . tends with'man, Leonidas and Sparta rm.:longer load the lam But' rivalling the Spartan- in the inurtor tea '7a70; • . , The "Now Dontinion" hero shall tali.) on equal. P114,9, ,... And le4g, as,England's 'banner shall float o'er „ lana. -and sea . , . Boyo Dann shall be the glory of the new -- '110'41-_-inopylae. , Coliour'g, Oct. 25... suro and -get the" W. 3).MeG1ochlor1 match" before buying. You will liorotitni otivir after see- ing them. All who wear them recommend them. Gold and Silver, Ladies and C•entientan's sizes. 77 'Modes street, London. "Sao, the testimonials. The largest, best and elleapast stook of fine Gold Jewelry, Cloaks, Silver, and: Platea Ware, Panay Goods, &c., &o., in .the Province, Repairing of every descriptio. MoG1.01101-1LON. 17 Dundas ste London Oh Why pan% You Go to Johns? Tams uptlain street, at his old stand,where he has liken for 13 years.. Johns has moved into his new shop now. Anybody will tell you where Johns' Tin-slibi; it If you do not know whore to flziA it, ask the Mit man you See n lixoter to show you. He'll do it. When yon got them you'll know it's the:place beeause there is no other place juut like, it An themorld., stoves;tinivare old "things. You'll Zoe them lying clear out on the sidewalk -all of benumarltec, 10 plaiu flon•cs. You don't need to ale- for what you ;Want. You •can pielt them up anywhere. 'JOHNS SELLS CHEAP so his St01;0 is 43:MVO full of .133.011 1133d I901/1011. Last SattirAar-lxis Stn.() Was 01.100k tlin!Of men ,and, wo bh-vod he bad as much as lib coulcl o to tat ones,. Snell a lot of money 1 tell yo Patterns of Stoves .are Stlinners, Noling like them in -these parts. Then there is such lots of , ' Hot -Air Drums and other things. Such beantifill Lamps, ntw Unandelleril Table cutlery. Cruetso Mats, Ilre,sa and Enamelled ' Ketiles, Sauce) anti and. Pots, Churns andliarhne, Baskets and Butcher Knives, Sausage l'sfae 8 fdd vflaseeles, Coal 011,131ackle, stove pipe v and'hundreds of other things -alt usefol and good, and you'll find theni piled from the, celyei 'up' to the esfllug.' Z,OWARD, i„iffotti, mid ask iyyjnany queitleriertvid- DA, ,:,111.in,.,rfo tny compliments aboutiltisstool&atidaits: and deingthindS, that he getaltiuMeee. • ofitionlfdinlid.100eSiii111* • . Self up 111 the &tsee • FALL ARRI. t.T. iBrapidlr ate Gen s ing E somo ot too BEST! 4.1t0 714 TWEE EVER - me into Exete They have all been pitrehased for CASH end at Cash fige rot, therefore if satisfaction eon be given at all, the ettbscribor can give lt. Everything in the 11n. urn. a necktie to tt IdadaoriThey overcoat ca,fig bo had of him. Mats, Caps, Socks, , Collars, Cravats, etc. 1101.1Sill nit ).54C.11,B. Pim subscriber offersfer sale 07 liont,.1t splam. clfd offo-and..a.balf stOry ilWelling on Situeoe st,„ lit the 01 Enter, adJeinlng here ottani, TAltrig ram:enable, and Made 1010•1% ea tieeIyhig 110`11q11t1/8011, al toter p, A, it nub Mr.:Bright sbin ehorrge of "the Tailoring Department PEREECT. EIT8 ARE GUARANTEED - ant in the most fashionable style. Oleth pur chatted of ind out fro° of obarge. i. P. MAR' tsent &co Pi:toter, Soptoinbor 2,18/e. PUMP ]ACT °Int The rittbaaribere have inartod rt Pardo Factory n the Village of Carrolibrook, and also in the rVoWnShil) of Hay 01411 miLt OT? EXE'ron, and they are lit naafi titilloitOf bus eau mbil wslI At: home, . you can bu Ti NEY TJin boBt timo to see hire is tn. 0.,fri always aroand then, but if you 'al aro tisoftirand ornamental it erenco "what day yon call, because IWay.s main:cyan feel as if you. WOTe . Will ,fiell you. things oheapor than tennelSewhete, THE FROZEN TRUTH, (CONCLUDED ). , You was Fatal' it up pretty steep wasn't you?' in quiredthe foreman. _ '1 should.. eay 1:, wei.'i . Old Shad's face tvas.bewitchin' me with the rosy dawn ofunborncompliment. It wasn't often I got an audience like that. I ., was talkaa' then, not about California, but about Nevada, au' A seemed that I was called upon to speak apiece for the 'Gal I left behind me,' an' I waltzed in with all the fine points I'd. ever heard of -an' could remember at the time. _Bah Iheld myself right down to the cola 'truth -0,131y flushing it occa- sionally, like the top of a snowy sun- set monutain with the roseate alpet.- glow of our ratified atmosphere. ., 'Gentlemen,' I continued, 'when our remotest prehistoric aneestors hacked link wild mysterious story in the rag- ged yet regular edges of the world-wide scattered flinty arrow -heads, tney little knew that unborn ages of a quickened intellectuality would prospect among their 'float' for the after -thought of the soul's immortal lorigings. And when the ancestral fathers of this 'ung re- public, sitting upon tho ragedge of the aew-born c8nstitutional, iscience, dared to weigh "down our) nt trea- sury to purchagea firma:A. Man of Destiny' that ro known as Louisiana', 1.10 j med that an afterat',axelettela; (set would prospe nows and whi g este, ana fi lemon, the ail. ---the tree - ,teak -r- V and fratlie o* that, axe, sury ',Ji' eihtlen* 0 ! ' permit me% NfiV: ni,liftlt_iTennItr:. to_ a:tthe boys at the i 0"5v, geat,,opaett,; ts ys 1, after we 'laud w...cee • seated, 'thee men •Ittetis disooveretl these groat mines il bdeanzeraThave fonglit a • battle no 10 golotictie than that fought by the ' adke yoiath svho dreased their hair in the mountafhagorge, where still the hot. strain& bubble , up, whispering to the heroic heath, ' This is Theemopylte I int& ''S .7011178• th4 131.1t4 alas ! these modern heroes ha ., , e moantainapesses of the deseralancT , • did. not need to ciree's their hair in the X.ETEA Jelei STEAM RAKE &CRADLE FACTIRY. • SITMAIVI V011,72Zi. they win he We ont Ottly de `tlibil.'Wellt: Ve1 bIotoboapor theta thew; SVIte have to aotlAirtrork y hand. Every VittletY Of Wooden. pitinpa, :ieltiding the • CILZIMANEOPORCEPIINT setae te meta :era Termed mwelirsan beteg 'war, ranted fOr tWer yeare, All orders loft atthe shop bflefr, BOtiltetforto mite 1107111 of 1)dotot.0111 reoeivet 3)1e041(1atteOti0n. 1,ItiNSIII0tIt 134 130ULT6N. /f Itfay 7187 corrrii41-11 irrxtinr.comuttun, ., throat of death, with all the honors of barbarian pomp, while their bones wore left to be dragged to the galloping nal !- bight in sic of the prairie -wolf, in the distant waste behind the veil of the night's dim circle. Not the 4 untater- ed ' wars their only foe, for him they tutored after awhile --.but want en11 stotm, and houselese, homeless knell - noes, and unrequited waiting and Woollen Zarvest Tools sometimes Death comes softly demo upon his bleak wings' with the glitnces of the sweet-faced moon, and macle„the lonely sleeper's dreams etorual in the sago. It was, if I rernenaber right, isa the winter of 1860-7, or 18137-8, I'll not be sure which -bat no matter, it was one or the other -I font(' myself in 13„ which then WAS ft 110W and ftCtiVO inggianap,and is now, tholigh no long. or news still active. The mad isa the town, owing to the late rains, the stir- ring 13eop1e and newly 'broken earth, was dise,greeably (loop. Lind johti. eon: johns(); says I, what ate you ota, an' where are yea bound for ?' (I'm on the prospeet; says he, 'an I'm bound foe the &Venice' I -low ! says'1. na wag �1, says he. When ?'" sayit1. ,Te•morroVT,' says ho. go with you,' says I. It's a 'whack; says he, $o nett morning wo harnessed up his two little males to a light 'waggon and Startorl through the 'natl. 4lietwy rolihig thtortgh the ant& I inte that family seine way or other, et ' in the valley to YorymOch SO, illa.30.1,' Pi. )onclecl To this sneer Diu" hero did not, by mg Sixteen; and when we camped the fax a \vim froni, the Mud to the snow, We were all day ft,tla until midnight go- along sule.0 ine, and asked nie ' bow phi snow, was so cl,uop an,c1. crusted, Inuit from the snow• to the anst,' f`rona ill° the little mules wouldn't move another dust to tile hot place in the valley, an Step ' L --so there we hung uin til eiy ti o deep frani tin' hot plac,p* Eitiovi. poli e ,, ,,,baeti you .141. Lrried als old sniall, and though that iva,ggon. had tioil. , - nothing in. it bat 0111' blankets ±1111,4 tWO " Wrillifi Wc) were drinicire an' sclIonm- or i'breO Ilunar°c1 rount14 of f.4),"11.1?, ote., in', the member whip took notes stood about ns pOlitelyi 'Iolinso's toam W413 Nviilingr; but it s Any rejoinder,kbut continued the fital.a.- ftslati. the judge v ., face or words, condeseend to expresS ly of .1 coulting doue no better." wnerq, roe ox -driver frozen Ids feet; an' ' 'Tow far'di'd You say that Was Frog" 1v11011 '.[ 1014 Iiiiil it wa4 all inside 0' one whore you started, ?' asked 11. menibor, clay's drive, with El'Obod span o',,horses, who Seemed to bo intkin' votes in tlie fle (Inv a long breath. an' shook his fly -loaves of it book, liead,' sayin.' 'slowly, 'Wonderful clim- 'About sixteen miles.' ate ! *wonderful climcde l' 'Mules are no better in tine snow , "We all Went home from that club, than in tl e mud/ said the judge with an' 1 fla"-,toreci myself, for about two his little blaclt eyes twinklin' at,onaweeks, that I was just the old he school-in:um abroad, enlightenin' the people. •' " Finally, I was ready, packed up, to eeturn -to this coast, an just'as 1 liad bid farewell to all my rela,tions, an' was gettin' oft the cars, the hotel. clerk where I roosted handed me this cloca- Ifere he drew from his breast coat- pvIcet it long envelop°, and slowly passed it over to the foreman, the con-. daitS of which, on being readaloud, irevod to be as follows; ‘' SPECIAL LfTERA.RY CLUB. fillpposo "About tlie same. Well, we staid there till MOrning'7-muleS not a thing to oat but a' licit or two of flour, and we it bite of raw fat bacon. 111 the morning, however, the night -frost hav- ing left the snow crusted, we roiled out 01) solicl footing. In ab.nit two hours wo boot to soine 000dorazing and water, andoampeci, to let the animals feed, and to cook something for ourselves. Then wo rolled along in first-rate style to another camp at H. After we got out,of that snow wo had no, trouble with anything that dav but the dust.' 'Dust I exclaimed the judge, ciratvin' his chair up closer to 11101 and glowin' upon me with admiration., 'Yes. Solinse did, not feel very well, to he lay 'down in the waggon -box --it was a common "light dtIlad axe -waggon -vigil his, heaa toward the tail -board. I was driving and after awhile I look- ed back o -ver my shoulder, and there Was old Jahns° fast asleep an the flat of his tack, and the two bind -wheels of the wogg,on just rolling the dust, in. to his face.' „ 'Heavy dist?' froin the judge. Yes; the dust vas pilin''o" on him. Each sido of his nose was all. filied up ievol with' his • eyobrows-all smooth . " Singular country,' remarked the judge. " '111ost remarkable climate on earth,' says 1. • ," Ono would think go,'said the teller who was Lakin' notes. "'Well, we stayed all nialit at 11 and next morning we etarted by the valley trail for 11,oveillo, infending to geb there that night -but we didn't make it.' . "'W'Why so 2 7110110)o..10 mud?" asked the juid8.e. " 'No; no more mud; but about' noon the sun come downs° hot tin/kb:he litge, mules fairly 'melted on their feet, and there Was 110 go in them -so we hung up for the night at tho Springs.' "now far were you ‘from B. at the Springs?' asked the feller who was tak, in' notes. , Let me sae,' says "I; "thirty-four and twenty-four is fifty.eight---yes,fifty- eieht miles.' '1 The next day you proceeded to Re- veille?' queried the judge. 0, no. That night they brought an ex -driver into camp, with his feet frozen.' ' " tli`rozen .1' shouted it member who had•not spoken before. " Yes, sir; frozen, and badly frozen. A.nd they were still freezingaby the fire, after be was brought in -because it freeze eontimies till the thaw sets in, and the thaw does not set in until the heat has time to penetrate; and when you are lying before a fire out of doors in a cold bright starlight night; one side chills about as ,fast as the other thaws.' gei Yes, that's true,' said the judge --'when it man is lying out.' r'I thought he put a curious little quaver on the last word but one o' that laraark, brit it was so slight I passed it bY wont on with my story. , Yee, gentlemen,feet that have been traaapiog ia the wet . suow all day freeze very suddenly, in the change of temperature which takes place as the sun iv going down, in high altitudes. And when a, boot and seek Mice become. like solid ice, the jig is up. There is no more motion for the foot, which chimps lifelessly and helplessly, el the end of the leg. A. ceshag of cast metal is nob more immovably fitted to that which it surrounds than is a frozen boot to it frozen foot. You might its well pull at ono of the bronze boots on the statue of Jackson as attempt to draw such a boot. The'poor fellow, in this case, haying boeorne oonscious, as he clumped about the desert in the snow, hunting hir, orttblo, thitt hid foot word freezing, tried to dra,* his boots, 01011 tQ rip them off; then, as the twi. ight settled into the steely cold star. light, lie set himself down and tried to whittle them off, like the bark from a tree; and when he fonadhe had whittled the skin, and the flesh, and the nerves, end the tendons, till the chips Of ba- ther, with tho white bloodless flesh ad- hering to their colicave sides, lay about bins o11 the snowlike tmeitillfully shaven chips from sonee yonng whiteswoocled n'ialnyd—' Godhstop, sir!' rotteed the judgealroppitg his fries upon his knees, and hate tho palms of his hands. I stopped, Seeing- the terrible emotion of Jadge Ephraim Shactwell, some member moved, That we do now take it a rink and. itdjourn.' Seconded. While the drinks were being served, the ;lodge recoveteds and eaid to me, " kty dear ftiend, permit me te thank you for this oveniagis enteetainment, and. to assUre you, sir, that I never met your equal. I formerly fiatteted my, self that, 1 ould do something in that lino, but hereafter I sli1l feel that, Of 011 in, myspecial field, the honors have taken the advice of the late Me. Greolciy, ana gone Rakes, SnaitheS, Fork Handles, , Grain Cradles, Ile will have ready for the Conlifig havieFit, th oolobrated Sulkey Hay Rake A, Novelty in fins section, MERCT-T.A.Nr,t'S Nou Ana Ilto • t vantage to ituy their Stock from me, to arese evoe6seel to awn vita them as reasona- bly as any better establishineot, anato give prompt attention to all Orders, WITOlitSAIA uro g of 7111 Itiodo ±A71t10 a specialty imi the trivailos 0.1101IG11 COTTIM Rico ter,' Apra 4, i470. ' 8/41fri ' Piat.ii Ilti it Little Mere, A minister haft:long, preached to the 15911)0 Congregation without much ap- parent goodresell, It was a source of deep griof of soul to the good 'pastor ‘vbo longed to' see sinners oonvertod, When stuarino- on the matter on Sat- urday morl)in r af‘ter lie had finished writing f thithow,lit occur - his •s, rod to hint. ',',:f arlifttis I shoot to high ; loan go d iita4soe if Betty can un- vant girl, def.:stand, ii.,..1-! ' (1,y was a pious sor., , . , He *it o111e kitehen, arid called Batty to come,and hear his sermon, She hesitated. iiie insisted. She came He reed it few sentencereand asked her, " Do you understanct . that 2" ',No." He repeated the idea in simple len- gunge, and asked Ler if she saw it. "I (lee it it little minister." He again sim- plified. She saw it more clearly and showed deetiintorest, but saik to him, "Plain it it little more," and once more he simplified. • Then. she exclaimed' with ecstasy, "Now I see it; now I un- derstand it. He returned to his study and re-wroto his sermon in the simple liiIt has been pretty aocurately ascet- style that Betty could understand.. able,t'lecihcotneattitttgitrio4810n.Ga na11.y,toobeagarulerstuclyso 'as On Sabbath morning Ite went to boys are, and that the effects of severe Caurch fearing and trembling, lest his study will id 'nest iestances be , gate. people should be disgusted with his sermon, but fully resolved to try the men tel. This has been found to, be the case in A.merioa more than in Eng - experiment. . He preached it. All ivas sand. Not long age there was,brought attention, as never before. Many eyes before the csimmissioners of insanity in " DEPARTMENT CE AUTISTIC tame. were filled with tears and sinners begao San Francisco it t ming giai'whoee mind " This certificate bears witness to to cry out,"What must 1 do to be saved? w whom it may concern, to the full effect Ile changed hie style of langnage edashodrisceoaraseind ittomantoetx4tee atastylratra ,reinndeveli: hat in the above department, J. E. S., thenceforth, and the Lord blessed his a native of the State of Illiuoie, recent- labors alalindantly. table. The reason assigned was the evil above alluded to. The girl had y it resident of California, and now a sat We e sometimes see a manuscript so been devoted to her studies. She had itizen of the State,.of Nevada, has so beautiful that it is illegible. The lines endured the "cramming" process nntil eminently distinguished laituself, at a, aro smooth, the curve graceful, the or- her mind gave wayAnd although, ac - single sessien of this Club, that he has naanents elaborate, but the writing we s cording to the, school reports, ',highly been unanimously elected. an honorary are puzzled to make out. "I can't distinguished in'her classes," she is to- menaber of the Club, read the flourisnes," said it little boy, " day it helpless lunatic from the effects Emanate Suaowett, Pres. when he had vainly endeavored to pick of this unnatUral and wretchedinthocl "...Ionia- COOLt'Se0. out the mg eaninof a "beautiful letter" of subjecting youthful minds to a tor- e 4 4 HS a certificate for flue lyin' " said he had received°. Half the time and la - several 'voices. , bor, if spent in writing plainly, .would ture which must inevita,bly result in "That's what's tlie matter, an' you have everything perfectly readable and swore mental impairment. It is, every boys know that I wasn't lyisf 1" intelligible. ' year becoming more evident that, ifthe old order of things is to be reveln- " Of course you- wasn't! I've my mtionized, it will not answer to do so a And are there not manserons my toes frosted on the Same day that where the crucified •Christ is hidden . my nose was peeled! with ft, sunburn," behind the vain and worthlese flourish- without taking great Pains to find out what are the nature and limits of the said ote. -_es of human eloquence? Eloquence did education which the mind of an average "An' I saw johnB.eards at old -White I say, ? 0 no, tot eloquence, for elo----airl will bear without injury to meatal Pine, when he'd whittled his boots' off queues is the speech of earnestness and ,and bodily health. P *Os II and parts o' his feet. That was in honesty, and. knowing zeal and red-hot 1868," shouted another. logic; breaking and melting and ep, dish it up. Boys, nom- moulding the hearts of those 'that hear; . Mixing Drinks. 1Bar-lre i late the poisons. Ignorance is a local eloquence is sunshineand music and crime, and people who haven't travel.- grandeur and thunder and lighting; There is to be seen daily on ohostent , . 1 a live in darkness. But the next tinae eloquence inspires and warms and up-- street,!.sa,ys thephiladelphia Bulletzn, a man d7. any- man here present proposes to tell lifts the soul on high';' but this, miser- 'essed in faultless apparel, with a great diamond upon hibreast vainly t le truth, T just -want him to remember able substitute.4.pnly _brass ant beads ss endeaverentlittat 1 lilt I'got this paper from.' the 'highest mtrash and g'ilt and tras'and tinsel; it ii4c1,- ingsto g , the naaagnifia o maments of an enlightened e•ommun- of Satan to cheatGod'shamory children C-en'Ilialtaare oirhitCAlageiK - in a Ger ,- i Man university he learned chemistry, y, as a reward for telling the ertozea of their very breacl,giving them trinkets and not even Liebig knew it better, TRUTH -Overland Monthl21. instead of treasure, and empty woids His occupation is the mixing and the "But thou, 0 man of God, flee adulteration of liquors. Give him fl, instead of everlasting truths. dozen casks of deodorized alcohol, and these things," Preach the Word; and t seeing we have such liope, "use great he next day each one of them represent plainness of speech." You need not the name of a, genuine wine or a popu- fear to tell the truth isi love -the plain lar spirit. He enters ft wholesale drug - Miter SESSION --THIRD LEGISLATUR,E. store bearing it large basket on. truth too: for that is about all the his arm. Five pounds of Iceland. moss truth there is that benefits mankind. T ; are first weighed oet to him.' To raw alk market language like Whitfield liquors pull the velvet off your mouth like this imparts a degree of emooth- Spurgeotaancl pour out the great,grand ness and oleaginoushess that gives to imitation brandy the glibness of ,that everlasting around yoe. which is mostmattned. An aetringent ting Word of God to the perish. "Plain it a little n -ore.". People are called eatechu, that would alanost close the mouth of it glass in rushing on to perdition; time is has- lcstaild. is next toning, j udgment is approaching, and in order. A couple otmaces of strych- no time to trim our sentences to nine, next called foossitre quickly con - it is please the eaT, or to hold back the veyerl to the vests 'Pokeet, and it pound miglaty words that save men, or ta deal of white vitriolis as silently. pieced in tenderly with the iniquities that des- the bottom of the basket. The oil of , troy them, "Plain it a little more," cogeke, thessulplauric acid, and other p. articles,,that give fire and body to the lain it to the servants understand it, till sinners fell it, till the common peo- liquid poison, are always kept in store. The mixer'bu'yte these -tbingsin.various pie hear it gladly,and till little children pea -tors. .-Tboyarasestaples of the art. gather around you as they once nestled on the Saviour's breast. "Plain it it little more;" lay aside the mannscripts, study the Word, come dowa where the people live and talk with them as Jesus did, of sheep and lambs ar d hens and chickens and spar- rows .and lilies and all the homely scenery of common 'life. Draw your bow on your knees, and may God speed the arrow in its flight to seine poor sinful heart. 4.1114 1),00 11, dlerifriUOdifOrllia, lithe 4 PYitlently anx.ioue that' the laW should be carried out at once e'colituni- I oftily and eiTectnally. Wawa seem that on Ono or two occasions men who limy° desired a ftee transport to Now tYlcoert-licsi/u1;voiAitint021lwhlyteiie iontgewaitiortida aseranol have la eonsevenee been taken vo famous city, when ofconi'se thea ilMOA telloe hasheen, established, and, they to,tvbe eloy tleiel uroI ltse:dotheoi.):1e 0.4,npioltileierob Quiriaa ir, who,, however, bas bit upon a method for stopping it.. The Ifigt self-acousbd slaughterer went te tina sheriff and told a long story of thdagoulesof conscience It .$0 your ooriscienee 871837,which afilleted *71, tho official asked, 'An,' replied the murderer, have • the °arse of Clain upou ray brow. I wander, Wall der, bAvAia ne reSt. ',And y011r the Mtt • m han:Igion;(d:hat y.,ou ,waut to' hangee ? '1 fool tI.slnt ,be easy ti; To thoughef ain't vt(0 St' antE to talto 'Well, not the froe ride to New:• efissffitlie? for it INTL)" York co:1414s, caul be trusted., to hang a num. On the whole, as you deserve to be Itilloci, and want to bold'. led, as it can't make much differeneelo 37011 011 society how you are killed, so long as'you are, I guess I'll hill you myself.' The sheriff drew a revolver from his pocket, but before he could level it, the inurderer was down 'the road out of sight. ' Too Sovere Study OEITARia ASSEMBLY. Toronto, Nov, 24. The Ontario Legislature met this afternoon at three o'clock. The Lieut. Govenur came down in State and directed the house to elect a Speaker, stating that he would annonce tuie causes of his calling Perliment to- gether tomorrow at throe o'clock. The Clerk having taken the chair, Hon, Mr. Mowat moved the election o R. M. Wells as Speeker, stating that he desired to follow tate English prn,e- tice of keeping the same Speaker in office, who had filled the position in the previous Parliament. Mr. Gow seconded the motion, and commended Mr. Wells' inapartiality in the position he formerly occupied. 1\fr, Cameron said Mr. Hodgins would have been more acceptable to both sides of the House, and he did not agree in the encomiums passed on Mr. impartiality. Ile did siot intend to move any menaber in• opposition to t ie Government nominee. Mr. 'Wells wars then declared elected and then conducted to tho chair. He thanked the Houso for their confidence, Theallouse then adjourned. . ourptin Al tiler in fats iloyhood. From rnp Rocoubigicturo in 'Washington. When I was about to leave the inounteins of Oregon, it taw years ago, t lad try nay fortune in the great Wide world, as tho phrase) runs, an old man sitting on a worm Pollen one evening, with his buckskin legs hanging down, said to me, veryetenderly and wisely, " 3 onquin , don't you go; the world's n impostor', and ib will feed you 013 husks, es it did the prodigal son." But 1 told him I was resolved fo go; teen the old man looked demi into the sue which was falling into the Pacific sea like a mighty. hemisphere: of •fite, then ip at his flooke of sheep feeding on the iillside, ana said, " Wal, joirquin,-, if you must go, go; but you'll comp beak mete clay to the (...ia ranch. , You'll be ick of the world and sorry yeti went, and you won't have no buckskin clot'fieS, Ewa yott won't have no home, But -when you do come back -for yoli are it good taconite' bgy'i Joaqttin-ana i lave no buelzsitin dot jas end m no hoe, yott must corne to ili end I'll give you a home, and you shal ive with me and bake care of my...0l'8bp, at $40 :t Month, as long as yetiqive." Well, 1 have worn oat my °thee elothee, and T. have no' hone, but I can't go 'blot to the old men in the sheep lnisiness, for, tis the Proudh say, he le dead and gone over to the major- ity, and. I eomti to you to -night to id - taro, 1 toll you all this to show you that this is not my frivol:Ito parsuit, ' I thanked the judge for his f1t101t011 ftild aige to show yort that I have, net- compliments,batWobsterleIlnabtidged, the highest opinion of the prersent lee - soaked in Los Ang.6164 ,honey, could tater. No have 1 of Any mail who never pan out a speech meal to thank. wine nOtotietY of name hi rirate another' ing him for the admiring radiation thttt flota,, Ana then contents to exhibit him. shone from his face„" self for hire , and ,call that lecturing, . Didn't ho he, ne daughters " llo; 1 had preferred the sheep ImPinots, taloa a tough miner, . I'(I ha' inarried pia at this moment with Iiia mteopt., oa tho oda 11141110oNer. •• outman Saliva Kals Snakes. The Marlette (Ga.) Journal, was told by a gentleman the other day that hu man spittle is ae deadly to poisonous snakes as their bites are deadly to man. II° says that -while picking up a, bun- dle of straw and trash under his arm, while cleauiug his field, it ground rat- tlesnake, four feet long, crawled out from it and fell, to the ground at his feet. He at once placell his heel upon the head of tho snake, and spit in his mouth. Shortly afterward the suake showed. symptoms .of inactivity and eicknees, and he picked it up by its tail, and carried it to the house and showed it to hie wife, tailing her 116 ltd spit itt its MOtttll, ill1C1 thdb it was poi., soiled. At the expiration of fifteen miautes the snake wes dead. To fur - thee experiment, he came upon a blow- ing adder, which ejected from its mouth a yellowish liquid. He caught it and spit hi its mouth, and It diol. He caught anothee blowing, and it ro- to opet its etiontli. He spit upon Stick ad rabbed the spittle upon the adder's nose, and it died. Afteraittrds he came aerate mt black snake, regarded as not peisonoits, and he caught it and stain ite metals. basked of the pipit - do killing the bleak snake, as it did thc poisonous rentiles, it ouly made it sttipidly siek, froisa which 11 recovetted, Thie oonclueively shows that, poisonous 8 tirt,lmg have as much to fear from the SPilitle 6011811 88 man 11119 td feat frolt their liff,64,- • o - THE GLonn.-On Friday, 7th Ann- ary, 1876, the Weekly is to appear in a totally new and improved form. In- stead of eight largo pages as -now, it will bo made up in sixteen pages (of 14 by 20 inches each),and form a hand- some yearly volume of ,832 pages. The paper used will be of beautiful quality, greatly soperior to that heretofore used. It will be printed from stereotypeplate cast from a new font of type, and con- sequently tvi'iretain a clear and beau- tiful impression throughout the year. It will be printed on two new cylinder presses, specially built tot the purpose, adapted to the finest press -Work, and enabling the use of wood -cut illustras tions of the highest chaaacter. It will be folded carefully by machinery, and despatched by the earliest'mails on Fri- day morning. When necesbtry to piaeo important intelligence in tlie .hands of its readers, a four -paged supplement will be sent with the paper, 'stinging the,nows up to the last hour on Thurta' day ,evening, 'With all these improve - meats, and no increase in •the price, while the postage is prepaid, the Giallo ought to sectire an immense increase in its already large subeoription list. The impressions of a first ascension • were very striking. It is like the earth falliug away froni the balloon. There is no 'vertigo: but the earth sinks, bee comes flattened in appeatance and finally oonceve. The position of the balloon seemed to he betV0011 two con- eitvitiee. The prismatic effects pro. aimed by refraction are very besixtiful t, fairy scenes present theinsolves, and the Mind b0001Yl8fl aroused to the glorioas peivilegee it enjoys. To leak down through the broken clouds:Was t•o witness it sight Stirpassing in beauty' the magic caves described in the "Arab. • ion Nightet'atertalamente." The pro. found, and awful isti Iness wliich pre- vailed above the clouds Was elso re- paathable, Even while moving at tho rate of rt mile per minute, the intonant 8001110a so ugtorly bectiliaed that it suspendel cobWeb moving with the 1)71110011 svoeld nob be agitated. In speaking of echo and ozone in the clatide, Prot. Wise 1110 re-verinte tione of 8 ottna among °loads were tre. maidens ; and in explaining the -echo which 61t1Sta among them, ho tla rtt story of it couverqAtioti whil't tcul with i'mself, Il11111t Oto 11i:1 lip the oi1110 44heti,..lebtll ••• A dertalti colored deacon,on oecasions of tiiissionary, collections, was wont to Sind, his eyes and sing, urly abro 111 thou mighty Gostiol,'?, with such earn- nestness and Indic% that he would quite forget to see the.plate as it came avartal. tt01, yea!" sala tho vin,to wive wr, "bat just you eye something to ix oho it fly."