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Times Advocate, 1996-09-25, Page 6
Page 6 Times -Advocate, September 25, 1996 ?MEYE CrQSs WORD COTES ENCOUNTER foiansitiets please fum lo the aanaurcemenfs By Trip Payne ACROSS 1 Canned meat product 5 Annoyance 9 Sings like Ella 14 Aerosol output 19 '— — more by 9 a.m...." 20 Yes — — 21 'The Mill on the Floss' author 22 Feudal lord 23 Neat as — — 24 Norway's patron saint 25 Food mentioned in the Bible 26 Standish stand-in 27 Start of a Brian Kiley quip: 5 wds. DOWN 31 Nintendo rival 32 Hull bottom 33 Number cruncher: abbr. 34 Even scores 38"Diary of -- Housewife' 41 Head of fashion 44 — Leone 48 Part 2 of quip: 5 wds. 51 — Express 52 Split — soup 53 Forward passes, in football 54 Cousteau's realm 55 Sharers' word 56 Group of tour 59 `— Doubttire- 60 Boxer Willard 61 Part 3 of quip: 3 wds. FAMILY 68 — participle Dream?' (1928 67 Tablet tune) 68 Ames and 97 Law -school st: abbr. 69 Break a 98 Belgian river commandment 99 Homan 106 70 Polygraph taller 102 Comeback of 72 P2 g artsof quip: 104 Bsorts ound 79 Labored breath 107 gEnnd Of the 8180 811 Less slack 114 Young haddock 82 Start of Cain's 117 Joan — — query: 2 wds. 118 Polish place 83 Silvery gray 119 Director Kazan 84 Barbara Eden 120 In the lead role 121 '— — Entertain 88 Dance: Fr. You" 89 One -eyed god 122 Ms. James 90 Part 5 of the 123 Went down quip: 5 wds. 124 Disorderly 95 Mother of 125 Locales renown 126 Noticed 96 '— — a 127 Small birds 1 Did the crawl 2 Famous diary keeper 3 Stop on — — 4 Faithfulness 5 Winnie the — 6 Mr. Gardner 7 Carroll creation 8 Chewy candies 9 Product used in making pasta 10 — chowder 11 "Say it — so!' 12 Quinine water 13 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert` star 14 Wood strip 15 Took the helm 16 — snapper 17 Mature 18 Strong desire 28 Make Tess feral 29 Start from scratch 30 Supporter of the arts? 35 Spriny Bowers 36 Actor Boronine 37 Long stones 39 Add on 40 Because of: 2 wds. 42 "— Lion King' 43 LBJ's beagle 45 Dog tags, e.g. 46 Seo the sights 47 Concerning: 2 wds. 48 Small pastry 49 Wheel parts 50 Merchandise 51 Stir -fried item, often 56 Pre -1917 ruler 57 Up to the job 58 Poor grades 60 Publisher Wenner 62 Lovers' quarrel 83 Lettuce variety 64 Diti herb 65 Annapolis inst. 66 Anglin spot 69 Is odonferous 70 Mascara spots 71 Be a necessary part of 72 Baseball info. 73 Surfers' verb 74 Big brass 75 "Oh, dash - -P 76 'Voila!' 77 Mideast ruler 78 Vietnam War Memorial creator 79 Somewhat sticky 80 Another name for Passover 84 Au — (with gravy) 85 — York 86 "Make — — 1 2 ©4 1111 9 10 11 -1111111117 1111111117 hi ■■■ f�i■■■ 1■■■■ M■■■■ M■■■ 24111 M■■■■ MElm■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ MMM 4■ 47 I■Id" 41 ■■.■■idid■■■■■■ 1142 id 44 id ■■■1 46 51 55 ■■ i'i1■■■ ill al1ii■l iii■■■iiihil ■■■ ill ill id I ■ fit■■ Milli �l■■ Mil" li M 73 ■■■■■�■■■fiif(if�1 8111111 id dm M■■■ ii7■■■fiiad Id 1■ 91 1■■1■■1i�fiifii111i�7■■■ 95 ■111■ M■■■■ ill■1■ MHM ifs■■ffii kill ilii Ii iii'ii . iiiif ifiliffii■■ 107 _ �i■■■ 7171111 M■■■■ ro9 fd■■■■Midi if ■■■ 11■■i ill■■■ 119 ■■■ i ■■1■■ Wm ■■■■ 125 ■111 126 111 Id■■■ Rebekahs vieW"""w British Isles photos EXETER - N.G. Sis. Mavis Att- hill welcomed 24 Sisters to the Re- bekah meeting September 18. She read a poem "Hugs" and everyone received a hug. Plans were finalized for the Fall Fair Booth, September 20 and 21. Ruth Rebekah Lodge #2, Strat- ford, are celebrating their 100th birthday April 26, 1997. The Exeter Rebekahs are invited to Hillcrest Rebekah Lodge, St. Marys October 3, when they are being installed by Morning Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussels. A Proclamation was read to celebrate the Rebekah Degree September 20. Letters of Greeting were receitcd from Sis. Diane Cole, Presid tnt of the Rebekah As- sembly of Ontark and from.Sis. Barbara Corfigld, I Pre.sidet>)a of, the I.A.R.A. The group will be draping the Charter in memory of Sis. Louise Clark, P.P.of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Exeter Rebekahs made $514.38 from a draw on a crib quilt, license number 125622. Half the proceeds will go towards arthritis research. The winning ticket was won by Sis. Jean Hodgert. Sis. Helen Coates told of her visit to England, Ireland and Scotland and showed snaps of cathedrals, homes, hedges and stone walls, all surrounded by beautiful flowers. Anyone wishing to change the number on their Veterans Jewel is asked to contact Sis. Audrey Mac- Gregor as soon as possible. Installation of Officers will take place October 16. AL sat h urn a ALLERGIES Do you suffer from these symptoms? Do you also suffer from sinuses, breathing difficulties? MARK HEIMRICH Koritrr% t•.-. • tirtttrl• • 1 )tr-.t • I'rillt'rr-. • ( • ( Itt•nt 1, .11 (:,ttit•-, • t;.1(-It•r i.t • \1rilt1 • MARK HEIMRICH 235-0699 Fax 235-2882 Long Distance 1-800.829-9292 JflF(Tl I1.1(' 11( )\11 I'IZ( )1 )1 ( 1\1 11 IZ 1S double' '87 Perfumes and such 89 Most frequent 91 African rodents 92 Mr. Little 93 gFlammable seAsia s 94 n river 100 String quartet member 101 Surmise 103 Harangue 105 A Stevenson 106 Out of — 108 Whirlpool 109 Go steady 110 '— La Douce" 111 Low-fat, in brand names 112 Mr. Thicke 113 Gabs on and on 114 — Waterston 115 Sharif film 116 Court matter Harvest to be celebrated at St. Patrick's The service begins at 10:30 a.m. October 6. By 0. Davis Salnlsbury correspondent SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's celebrated their Morning Prayer Service ab 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Sep- tember 22 with Heather MacGilliv- ray leading the service from the Book of Alternative Services. Pro- cessional hymn was "Near the Cross". Children's focus was about God's gifts intended to be shared equally to all people. The chil- dren's hymn was "What a friend we have in Jesus." Kim Kelley read the scripture readings from Exodus 16:2-15 and Philippians 1:21-30, Psalm 105:1- 6, 37-45 were read responsively. Heather MacGillivray read Mat- thew 20:1-16. Hazel Davis gave the message based on the readings and read a letter written to Bishop Rob- ert Townshend on "Life at St. Pat - ricks" and his return letter of sup- port and blessings. Following the Thanksgiving lita- ny, General Thanksgiving and dos- ing prayers the recessional hymn was "Blest be the Tie." Morning Prayer Service will be held next Sunday, September 29 at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, October 6 at 10:30 a.m., Buy 110W PAY later! Buy a natural gas fireplace before October 5, '96 and pay no money down and make no payments until February 1997: You can also choose to finance your new fireplace on your gas bill• and make convenient monthly payments. Hurry and call today! Town and Country Home Comfort ' 359 Main St. Exeter 235-2032 tOEFERRED PAYMENTS AVAILABLE TO R . 1147 AL GUSTO 1 8, API!ROVED CREDIT THROUGH UNION GAS AND MEM - NION GAS FIREPLACE DEALERS. ALL OTHER OFFERS NOT APPLICABLE. OF , ALIQQ A�U,�Q(ST 12,191670 OCTOBER 5, 1996.THERE ARE N0 SET-UP FEES OR EARLY PAY Et1144ENALT'ES FOR FINANCING! •RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERSONLY,ONAPPROVEDC IzbitANDFINANCEDTHROUGH UNION GAS AND MEMBER FIREPLACE DEALERS. CALL FOR DETAILS. St. Patrick's will celebrate their Harvest Thanksgiving Service. A time of fellowship and refresh- ments will follow in the parish hall. Mary Davis was Saturday visitor with Bob and Alexia Tindall and on Sunday Heather MacGillivray, Courtney and Katie -Scarlett were lunch guests with their grandmoth- er Mary. Bob MacGillivray, Caleb and Corbin were weekend visitors with mother Stevie MacGillivray of Li- ons Head. Hugh and Hazel Davis attended the service of the Sacrament of Baptism at Centralia United Church on Sunday at 12 noon when their great nephew Anthony Michael Brasea, son of Walter and Donna Brasea was received into the Holy Catholic Church by Pas- tor Heather Smith. Donna Smith assisted the pastor. Family and friends gathered following the ser- vice at the home of Anthony's Godfather and uncle, David McFalls for dinner and celebration. Michael and Suzanne Davis, Crystal, Harley, Travis and Starr attended a birthday celebration honoring mother Dorothy Dietrich at the home of Con and Linda Fo- ran on Saturday evening. Tom and Hester Cunningham of Mar were weekend visitors with Bob and Alexia Tindall. Congratulations to Harley Davis, this Sunday winning third place in Super Mini and tenth place in 80 ce at R.J. Moto Sport Park at Mid- hurst. He is tied for second place in 80 cc Super Mini in the Fall Series. Merry Rags 20% o merchandise Starts Thursday, September 26 Open 7 days 238-2818 1 114 miles S. of Grand Bend " BRING A FRIENI" SNARE THE SAVINCS LADIES' SHOES! WHAT A DEAL! LADIES' SHOES S! 4-Q9 to $29-" 15t PAIR foot fr $. 1 4 99 2nd PAIR THE MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE! Buy one pair of Ladies' shoes for $24.99 or $29.99. Buy a second pair of Ladies' shoes and you pay just $14.991 Buy a third pair of Ladies' shoes, you pay just $9.991 (Any Ladies' shoes regular up to $29.99.) PRICES IN EFFECT SEPT. 23 TO 28, 1996 ONLY. 1.99 and PAIR 193 Main S. St. Exeter A OENOIS COMPANY 235-2552 TWO FOR MOM... ONE FOR MARY... THREE FOR MEI