HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-11-4, Page 4KritA,rit 1 blASY '11„)'4 .).4 a, glory tato. d.rt,a.a. rola the colo at the 114;1,01:IO 10 Oor: d thcseee, .tn sluSlag '.YO(II 13i.txnP'kng the ntor g'110: - 'Tell the etory, :geeee the seeeeete) hears foe nio, ,..611, busy eva,Y10, 1 so bV,St ilk braking 'Year whiteS On Ole Ate re, ')P130 109Py to be Wt1.8t01 With 1,10 puvoos 0 the snit, e00uteut to leevo with it ehe elieoeing ,o,r. you plaoes W1114per,but the fav -sett nidaning of tny tLI311I ed. life for nes my idle kirey the enils grow in departing Like fleet Ii\ltli,k1w$ .3.‘*1 010 S011tlt„ . :But each on its. 60e erraud, mid last Silently; ;Stera the tide t11018 io itK parting, As it foJiewe With dumb e1etit1- 1n the stillness and the sternness Uod makoS answer gait mo 1 :_ruztorxxoumrooll'.57,r7V37"-.'c'06--", ..1 Peirriffeo; Bak', let. Clare L tOrt., tii Ulmt.ity County Goitlepon, 0 $14e01,2,' 4140ret'$, There is nothirig ,foolisli about eoino o ,to fathees of '1)010(00 eourAty,, eiwa, 110;yro utibrriege ztble deughe Itens kend they 'MON how t a pretate busineee 'when the frnit 10 ipe for plooking, kind lump waeting itS sweet, ness \viten if shonld be Om ked. e Mat, tore were broughe to a climax. With rush it n OOttaill faTtl..or'fi residence in ern014, toWnship .gOtantly, A yosing tiller of soil hadfor inouths :been paYing 1E03 RS S'Ailletp3 attention to One of hie :,laugh tors, but ho Wit3 11.04. A 1110d0St, A:llan,. neverflaying been muoli in.theecompany of . except this'one, that he tied neverbeen. able . to rinse 1113 eourage enfileiently high to pop 010 011;i1l1pOrta.24 .flfteR 0:011, IR had gone to the house hi whicli hie eche:deer lived, upon at leaet teventy: niffeacm1 oecasionss reeolved tp. know, his htte„ Ina when U.Shered bite the peeeence of: hie one, into whose: kening ho had placed: hie heart, his courage weuld. inyeadably :" go. Wok cns him," and lie .WonhlSrettien :to hie leme: ly home la greger eospenee :thou .he - Vero. Upou the evening in questio)1 he had deterMined 010, COMO What would‘ 120 weedd tell his Mary that he lOy6c1 bet'. He would once for all decidethe., matter, but, ae:upan. each former ocea,-' SiOn, ho could get the proposal no fur- ther than his throat. : There it stuch,' and he had determined to gulp it dOWO and give up the Siege, when the door opened mut in stalked the girre father, who advaneed to where they :were sit- ting, and thus addressed theul ," t game to put ft Stop to OAR infer- nal leolisimese. It ain't the courting expenses that I'm looking ta, forcoal oil's cheap, and wood can bo had for the haulin' ; but Imsick and tired of this arid cooin' like a patr of sick doves, keepin' me aw3t3 of nights, and it' i got to be stopped right heee. Mary .j ane, look np bere. Do you love John I-Ieury wc 11 eumigh to marry him ?" Why., father, must"- " Stop that fecdishin!;" yelled,the olil man. " Answer yes' or no,' an' Mighty quick, too. It's get to be sot, tled now or never." " Well, bra, father, don't yen know -if you'd only wait, mid"- " Dry op answer yes' or Speak," roared the old. gent. s'vfl, yes„, then ! There, now," and Mary Again hiel her face,. " That's businesst; that's the way to talk. No, w John, leek here-lookup here, or I'llshake you all to pieces. Do you want that gal .o' mine for a wife ? Speak out like a man, now "Why, Mr.---, ain't this rather -I mean can't yen", " Speak it oret, or out of this house you'll act, head. foremost. I won't wait a mineTte longere There's the gal, and' a likelier gal ain't in the state, liee' you. just heard her say she wanted you. Now, John., I won't stand a bit o' fool - in', once for yes". or .‘ no' ?" " Well, yes, ae 1 have been presump- tubus enough to suppose thea " 0, cuss year soft talk ; the thing's settled now. You (two blasted foela woold have befll sie monthslat that job that I've done in six minutes. I never saw such fo1in 015 there is arlicuig young people nowadays. Ain't 'like it .was when I was young -an' -now good night. You .can talk the thing' over; an' you aa'.1110, Jahn, '11 go ,to town an' get the license to -morrow.. ;Soon be time to go to time for love- makin' then. Good night; goodnight ,; hope I wasn't too rough, but 1 was de- termined to fiX the thing up one way OT ' Vat:here' and the,old man went back to: 'bed. • Now that the ice was -broken, the young people:laid all their plans for the future, and John felt, just a little ibad at the comfort he had lost, when Mary looked up at him Shyly, and said : " This would have been all right four months ago,' John. if you hadn't been .so skeery. I know'd all the time that you wanted to 'ask me ; bat it wasn't my place ta,say anything, ,yon. know.."„ No cards. '1 Me et sotOtt A, T, Stow iiiteeeet, in oil lie can tit,v/ dry goede ste; 'Ilene tells till- Vor inetances We are ,beeing a very iuteresting :mystery in the shove of the second f f ,tion o u e 0 uflU (mt. Two emen hying in the town of Kimbull, ten ealece Seoul jiutt Hudeon, while out :hunting, stopped 10 gather specimens ,of stern.) from' a gravel bed in, toe Pine; :River that was washed out freed- the lbank near by duriee 111e freshet a. year -Ago. 1(1 tliis looso Canic they enacceered 11 ,etene resemblieg the face of a child. iter looking at it in wmider for a time, y, thinking of the doubt that hangs .t the di,covery of the famous gient„ -went out and brought fifteeti or twenty :even to witness this before taking it ,out. it W013 awn remoyed NT-ith a mass, ,of gravel addiering. The face, chin, throat, poet cf the right arm, shoulders, breast, part of one arm. and the whole of the ether showed distinctly in per- -.feet farm., all the rest merging into a genies. f :gravel ande small stones, co- :men:tea together the same as seen in ony gravel pit. The right arm is bent, he fore -arm is lying across the body; the ethor is bent below the S.dbow. The .eyes are welledefuee4., :and vor\,y broad; :forehead go and sloping; nose small .and sharp; nostrils open; lips very Ithin and flat; month well defined-, :curve of the lips perfectly natural; chin ;squares slight depre.ssiou or dimple oveke the breast belie, also j1ist above the :arm where,the ribs meet, or at least :just below where they meet. The form of the !breast is perfeet. The skin- on ethe (terrace is 3(212101 11. not showing the :marks of tools.. 1,Some call it a peerified' .childeand accoient ifor ljn:.) great breadth of the head at the eyes by some pres- ;sore that .fitatened the forehead. Among .th.e small stones are petrified .coral, such as are very .cotri- -anon throngh this 'Countier. Can you tell viellsA it is? , • .'t'.011 01 htive 3(02 iS beund 10 make :led has just opened a A letter to the Tory 111 (10 story ; --dill(' I guarantee the 11:nth of whet 1 ay --a lady in looking Over parasols ie the establielimout roe contly was eatielled with 'only one, and that was Sold, She expressed regrot and started for'the door, saying she lid not care for any other style of sun- 8iwav, As RhP lofi, even before her baelf Was turned, Mr. Stewart signaled to the °leek who had been Waiting On 110r. The young man ,speang to obey The ,1i.seetre,.111fites•, • .From.the sAntaitosa Democrat. -- • We published 'not' long. ,ago an [10 - count of the Ceuernsvilie glioet. We :have the f !lowing particulars :- rhe ;scene of the appearance was at the on Austin Creek, about. -.three miles from Guernsville. The. :men Who wolfk iu the. 111.121e .11 ad. just , ,gone to bell when there .was a noise at lthe door, then some ghostly music. 'They next heard in the shaft the sound .pf sharpening tools. the noise of the ellows briskly- _working to pump 3i 113 -.the shaft, tend the sharp clinking of the Tully on the whim lased for raising aed :lowering the beekets in the shaft. The ,noise was kept lep es if there was a whole force ef ghosts busily employed from tes at night until .three iu the ,inorni.u6v. The mouth of the shaft (conhi be seen fl -um the cabin ; but .thon,gh the lode() wae distinct, no forms were seen to move 14)001 the shaft. The -work was kept 00 .fer thr,ee nights in ;succession; then there was au in tervp,1 ,of comparative quiet for three weeks. A day or two ego Abe Sterratt was at' work alone in the shaft; the other men ewere above ground. Sternal; wets pre - Taring to put in a shot, evheu he heard la noise close to hiffi. Hp looked up ((ltd :there stoed a Man ()lad as a miner. 1)' - side him. Era space which an instant 'before had boon vrteant„ Sterrett' ,asked " What do you want ?" No reply. Ile punched at the 'figure with ;a drill; it welt through the airy sem- , Mance of humanity. Tel:roe-stricken,. terratb exelaimed :--" If you are go iing to work here I want to get one." ;Ile whistled to his pompanions above to come. down, and then said :--" Or if' .yon want me to wed( here yon must ,get out." Whereupon the figure !eeemedi to vanieli npwa,rd f11111 sight., and has not since been seen. Neiees 118 bove described have been heard, but the :spectre, miller has not since been seen. Gtheartn's Clraevel.---eGuibmere coffin .Consists. of two stones of immense weight, hollow,ed and rivetted together .with malleable iron bars. Ten horses 'OTIQE 03 lierseley Kieenthet the eledeesienied rilli ofter eepieetion 01 tweaty days, how tbe thet utdication of this 110 tisP, tipply te the judge ef hel'eleregete Court of the oeuneyOf iteroiete be appointed Guardians of elie pereenS and estates of Sohn We,,,,ley Armstrong, and liarab j.11,11.0A04104014; 101111110(1 (11 4d/0 Arne, strong', tato Of 0)40 township of 11sboritc,, in the Coffitity ef Heron, homer, deceased who. (114 on 1110 11101 day of Offiober, 1870. . K311I:U.0A. eXiel ARIOTRONG,, ROBERT 1\te0AGGBY c.s ISGAlSanele, Seefoeth, Get„ Cet. 21, wee, chat magi) ode forefiugor : " What did she want ?" P ar as ol, sir." " And cordeln't you suit her ?!" " No ens Silo Wanted one that ifs,—hid already onlered-the mi- le one of the hind in the etore " , " Oall her bacen qinchly." The clerk haetened to -the door,for toe conversation had lasted but titre( ,econds, and requested the ladies 14 ,oit a minute, *: T. himself came Seaward, with short, 210.TYQ1.13 310133, eahl : "If you will cell in to -mor- row in 01 ail ig We will give you the para- sol you 1.21c.cid for, without fail," The same morning a telegram ordered a sup- ply from New York ; before the store 01013 opened in the morning the order wits filled. This is the kind of a man A. T. Stewart is, and this is the secret of his success and of fortune, 'Opin ions are not alike as' to his course in opening it store in this village. Local merchants elmost depend wpon their livelihood, and it is a hard blow to them to have to compete with Stew- art's stock and, price. They can't do if, and unhesitatingly condemn his course in hrICkstering her as smali end contemptible, the same which I am free to say I think it is. DUE Bine Fon SALE. -A due hill on Messrs. Bell & 'Co., manufacturers of organs, melodeons and piavos, Guelph Ont.:, the same being good for 40 per - pout. on the retail price of an instrne ment of not less than $120 ; or will br received. as one third payment on theis catalogue. For instance, ill parcha- nig a$600piono the clue bill woulti be worth $209. This valuble document will be disposed of at what modern ad- vertisers a 'tremendous sacrifize while its validity is unquestionable Apply at the TIMES. Office. , a Real llornattce. Barrie Gn,zotto. .Sbe same up from Toronto, ostensi- bly ,to edsit her uncle about seven miles from Barrie, but in reality to escape the importunities of two wonld-net-be- saoLed admirers. ,She enjoyed immun- ity for some days, and vvas peaceful 110(1 happy, and the roses were return- ing 0 leer ,eheeks, from whence they had fled when sorely oppressed by the two lovers aforesaid. And then he OatTIO up from Toronto. [To make the story intelligible, the "he," it might be here explained. was the accepted lover, frowned upon by ner cruel parents.] .He "casually" learned her whereabouts talc' wept out to see her: He was an old friend, she explained, mid the inno- cent uncle suspected naught; and- then they had a talk and managed a short tete-a-130e, and fixed it all up. " Would elle like a drive to town to -morrow, (Monday) ?" 11 Of course; but votild he Wing her back?" " He would, to be sure." And the old folks yet were blind, and let them go off. They came to town. They strolled into a minis- ter's residence. And stayed a while. And came out. And were then man -.will be reqvired to move the stones. 'd ancl wife. And she went back' to the An officer tram Weshengton, thorough- country, aid ho Went to Toronto. and dy ;skilled in the Prel),{1ration of tile still the secret was not kno;vn. But it mostefacient explosivd known ;to mod- leaked out at last, and the young lady ern science, has been engaged to p1e-1 being ,taxed with it; acknowledged it, pare a torpedo, to be 1101001 111 oonnoc- and gave as her reason that she was tion with the grave that the least dis- bound to' marry—if all the fathers ;tlfrbanee of the earth within one foot of and mothers in the lneld were opposed ;the cotnn wllI ;bo cettencled with an in- w it. 'She has gone home now and ;stout explosion of the most terrific hei.• receplion We have not been able to &harm:Ler. 'There will be ne elmig'er to learn. The above, gentle reader, is W A pe118011 a,11411g aver the grftve., brit not fiction but, unvarnished felt, The woe to hiln WhO eligS kesteeth the sur- 000111101 Oe, illSt as WO 'MVO narrated it transpired only a few days ago. Out of consideration los the young lady's The,great mviine of Captain Webb, friends in Berrie we withhold all names, 'Miss Parker and 1i T3eckWith Mill he • :followed next year by attempts t 0 v4111 TEACHERS' INSTTTOTEt-A rrieeting of the Atlantice-a, not impossible feel -,,a8 'Exeter District r1ie11011er3 Institute will .readors Of the Pasha ,ef IVIany Tales be tho 'school house in Exeter, 'will remember aman who acconiplishod on Saturday Nov. 113121i at 10 o'clock a, -51; stopp$.ng but once on an island to in. Tho following is the prograinme : eierape off the barnacles. -" Bookkeeping" Mr, A, A, Holbrook; Address, Will11arry Gana; Philosophy A. boy got his granfathees 1, and (lover) Mo, Johnson; Object losson 1oatled it, but was afraid in 1,hc. 110, iVrri Huston ; A 01.114001 to, ge ,1i0WeVerrhIced the fun of loading, and chosenby Mr L Snell ; Debate ;—ile- o put in 31 0 Other allarge, htlt Wag kEili solved that." Township Boards aro pre. 1,fritic1 to fir0. ife kept on charging, fetable to the present Systemo" Mr. ;but wiikout Piing until lie got SiX toads McAndrew ehoosing the affirmative tup- th9 pId pieza. His grandmother, ported by Messrs Curry, 13radley, Titts- learnmg hs toiidjty smartly reproved ton, Strang, Casa and Oregory, Mr; 0.nd g4aSping filio old continental, Johnson todiv the negative, assisted iliediettOed i, The vestt1t 01003 troneen- by Messrs S, P. Halls, Gan°, Brown, *lo:u.s# tilt° cf./Ng tlo old lady on her back. Spieer, ifobkirk,and !Tones. Mr. J. IL PrO141/4 t3trugtilica to rogai0 bor Minor Will be present if possible, and loot, bat tipilioy Cried Out ; "Liootilh cielivor an address on his trip to tito Ok$nny 1 lehoro aro 6ve DIOre charges North West.' lilleetion of officers for tip go off yofr r,ho coming' year, , 12 7'o Itusittess Olen, If yc•ti want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want Leave your lid you can e ice, at low rates, and the .best style. OEN RALI satranantli BUSINnS LOCAIIQNS AND Building Sites eau bo obtainekon easy terms 111 tliis THRIVINR KEW VI LtERE which, rcrii, its great advantages in 3001160 tion 11(11111 Depot and. Station ON THE (ON T11.1"), t40 etumerilaer Pet 10. cue 1, lisboree, elottst .40M. Seetetwele :Wee... 3 aged owe 3,,.2 two; 1 JAI, tf110101/P2Att614442, SipAri Any intoraticsi elasewee,endatc ealeenbs, aii.eQ,Vill A Ai,<.'h WOO iI)4f tatharliVOYArr 3,411 bo suitably reward th ' 4:44SOR cei..1,0310stfeeSixotor 1 0, - suo ,sr 30,-.,', You ' :98/44:40;stleite. esove money 1.4 work 91004044t ')forSiittirool/10 of et- ffiC $;19 144111:4V.I.i4mAgelits Wanted, ) An urns ut altar:spare Aftlit3e13t13, Pr all the time ,3101 atfilly,#),SreP140. , artioulars free. Post card to lititteff otos bo t one cont.. Address O) STINSON 4,00,, rortstea, Attains 02 -es. London, Hur6n &Bruce Rail- way, 001(11101 101 to become a place of inpoitanCe. Circulars, ' hand- bills, envelopes, business cards, neat bill -heads, Shipping tags, tasty letter heads, nice Visiting cards, the best .of ball work, any kind. of printing. orders at thenems 9,2:fice eoure tlien1 on short no- IRL WANTED AT DR. MOQB Capital Opening is presented for almost every hind of industry. .NEW 'r-HOMAS-TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. 6, 1676 106-tf. 013.,TY The subscribers hex() started a rump ory n the 'village ef. 001r1e0-400k, awl else In the WownsInp 0Uy. ONE 'MILE ,NORTH OF ill .T.1L1TE 1 they aro in (oss9St110110) ST:MAZE:zz.eirvrEzt. tfley will be olio to not only ao their work wol but ()heaver tlitta those who have to do their work y hand. Every variet,v Of weed() u rumps, in. ,0111,041,111.19 EL.EBRATED FOR El 15U MP JOHN BELL, 7:a1ter and Confectioner, made to order and placed in Avells,a11 being 11111- 111011101 101 two yearS. All orders loft the shop ofMr Deal tan ono mile north of 13xo1e11 will receive prom1311.1(011t1011. IIIUNSINGER 41 13OULTON. HAY, May 27 1875 begS th return tlianl;s to the people of Exeter and vicinity for the large patrorirgo eostewed,upon him since he comniencc0 business in Exeter, afid hopes by paying attention to business and caving satisfaction to his customers (0 1110111 a coi,titm- nice of tho Stove and Tin Shop IN CREDITON. 9151E UNDERSIGNED WANT TO AC- QIJAtNT the inhabitants of Creditou and the surrounding country that We have opened out in Bissett's old,ktionl a complete stock of STOVES, TIN and COPPER WARE, .' COAL OIL LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS; and in fact evprything found in a first-class establishment will be 'found with us. All kinds of tin ware manufactured by ourselves. Wd flatter ourselves that by strict attention to business we bo able to merit a share of public patronage: - , Eave Troughing made a, specialty, ancl all ORDERS Pl?OilIPTLY ATTENDED TO. CASH FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SEM S. Wool pickings ancl old copper ancl rags taken in exchange for goods. SFIETO N & HILL, CREDITON. October 28t1i. 75) PALL (75 Gents Furnish'n ANT) CiDNIIIIAL tS1P0/111:11110111 IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J. BELL'S BAKERY. ][AlYcI2.11,61c)(0)1?;[,, .LON1)ONDERRY 4.t IF YOU WANT GOOp CONFEC- TIONERY, CALL AT J. BELL'S. W G a 1300E$LTUER oTATIONER, Exeter. Allan Line! Carrying the Canadian and United States Mails. Ono of the first-class, full-po-werecl Clycle-built stearnships of the above line, constructed espe- cially for the navigation of the Atlantic, averag- ing iron) 3,010 to 4,900 tons, willleave Quebec every Sit torday for Liverpool and Londonderry, Prerid passage Certificates issued at 102)301ratelf 'o 1)0100 03 wishing to bring out friends, GLASGOW DIRECT. ahe stoamsbcps of the Glasgow Line will be despatched from Quebec. For tickets and every information apply to some wierrE & stnNs, Times office, 'Exeter - If you want the very best cakes, etc,, or tea parties, picnics, LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH J. BELL, mut will receive prompt attention.. Satis- faution,, guaranteed. IF YOU WANT W. . T R 0•TT Fashionable Boot & 'Shoe za4Trzlz. would inform:the people that he has commen- cedbusiness in the above line 0e'st door toBell F Bakery and Confectionery. He has 00 hand a spleneicl stbelt of Leather,of all kinds, and from his genoral knowdedge of (ho business, and do- ing first class work lffipes to obtain a large efts - tom. Sewed. work will -receive his special attention. Repairing done with neatness and.. des- patch, and moderate charges. V. II. TROTT. Exeter, May 0, 1875. • 88-m3. GOOD GROCERIES at prices as low as they can be purchased for at any store in Exeter, GO TO T. BELL'S. Give me a call. J. BEM THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN - ...A. n01100 0that ho has 'udst ree•cd a splendid agsortthentof 3 CANADIAN, SCOTCH & ENGLISH TWEEDS. BLACK BlIOADCLOTHS, & DOESIUNS, ETC., which for STYLE AND OTIALITT WILL 3.311 HARD.T013EAT TAIf Department ie replete 'with ovory modern iSn- prevenient, an(2 furnished monthly with 10'44ASIZION X5Z.44TZPI Atnerican Styles and. et.l.E5J? All Work guarenteed 'Red cut in the Most fashionable styler Call early 0111(1 (1(0 one of the cho'ideet 3011 best 130106Legl steekS n 10W221. and offering, at low yricds for psh P0trilid0/1. E 54-1 cd tn r.) r -='s t.0 .P • Ci5( Ce., I r-441 7-1 Ci) • •••P -g •--1 rt Pq og sA cll 133)3) cl al; _,(1) C oo cd g 4 F'd g ci) t/C (1) g '-44 • /7.4 •E Cll h-"1 cn's g bf) C) C • ca 0...) 0 '-' • Cd 17.4. CD cn k -f ,-P ci5 • tf2 rg • (1) g LOMINION GUN SHOP AND Ri- 1 ELI; FACTORY. IY R. W. S I). E.' B. IMannfacturer of and dealer in • Rates, Shor Guns, nceolver.§ Pistols, Fishing Tackle, fltra. Hunters' supplies Gun -stocking done in .flast-class Rtvle. Pin -fire • • • Guns altered eo Conti:naive. Sign Of the Grin and Ciolden KeY, CLARENCE, st.,between.Dundas and. King, London. 75-1v. •,, ca • . let try,. ',`A8'0>Do6•Z w.sk.1 ' - ;,-1 ..; crlHCA:Fr1f.-o4_1L34i1:' 4• 1 .4:7r84cgdc:c;4t"pa_".ao11: ') .I . 4 4C1I1vkZ—..'-PP- 4...14.- r I- ..21 '. -')4. -q1 1.I. . ', . ''.' ':1:'!gr.I.A;'4,.20,..':.D'i,•':'.' :c')c. 00 4 ' 1›.pEri )-0.d 08;.' 118 .-':•.1'4.1.=:Fg,0-4:1,,g', .. 4' ' 'i ' c)11 r..4 .-tir.- •-'-' igcq 1.11, ,.., z A ca A ,Q ,s :)..' PA .••=1,g. 7.2)2 A o rn ,is o o . F3 0 cn pil 5 t ::;i 3.4 -03 AMWELL U11.NQW Opening Out NEW FALL GOODS Full stock of Dry Goods in every line. New Fall Millinery in every style. Beady -made Clothing, large variety, F ARINIER.S, BEWARE; OF COUNTERFEITS. FM' the protection of the public of British North America. 1 deem it my duty to stets that my Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part 0) 1110 United State'S, 14 itch, pot and Vox b0713.$ the' 143i17t Go,v0.nment Stamp,with the words,'Hollo- way's l'ills nal el Ointment,Londom'engravecltli ere - on. On the label is the address, 1583 'Oxfoal street, Londonl'his notice has become necessary, in consequence of vile and spurious imitations of 'Holloway's Pills 111)0 Ointment " ee gvoirtItzhrblyc nit,endy tieS styling them- Ett78 Maaden;:faine selves " Holloway 7 4 5 3 3and Co.," ,cith an assume0 t r dc n a. :k thu; - vendors can' ob- TT n p rift 02510(1tain this trash at 010o a very low price, by 'selling the r3a 11 lit eljd; cte°, f‘cCIvel'icilecrithYv g13. o menu ctu.red only itt 533 Oxford 'eTilinne 1 ollowny's Pilland Oint- s Street, Loudon. Persons who may be deceived please commnicate with in e.Many respect'blefirms in the Bii1ish ProYinces-who obtain my medicines direct from here, lrive very properly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert thOir 01)0.108 in the papers, that it may be known that medicines 0)10 1)0 ha0 genu ine from them. The ,folloWing is 01.1(52 of Vivra:MS alluded to ; ancl I particularly 1 ecommend those: who desire to get my medicines to apply to some of the houses namodt-Messrs. Avory, 13rown & Co., Halifax, N. S; Messrs. Forsyth & Co., N. S. MOBUS. T B Barker & Sous, St John, N 23; Mr. T Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, r e ; Messrs. Lang - ler i& Co., Victoria, 13 C.; Messrs. Moore ec Co.,Vic- 'Lorin, 13 C; Dr. Sohn Pallel, Ch atana, N 13 ; Messrs. Munro & Co., Montreal); lllessrs.3 'Winer & Co., Hinilton Ilir 11 J Rose, Toro)to; Mr. A Chill- mantSmith, St. John,N 23 ; Mr. John BonffiGoder- ich; 'Messrs, Elliot & Co., Toronto; Mr., Chaloncr, St.3;olni; N T3 ; Messrs. Haum,g(on Bros., St, john 7311 ; Mr 11 Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryon, Morden, N S; Mr George Hunt, jr., 'Fredrickton, N B; Mr. WH I' hompson, Harbor Grace, 73 11); Mr M Wilfry,Frodricktom N13; Mast.111; W 32 I) 'nil°, Montreal. The medicines aro sold at the lowest wholesale nett prices, in. quantities of not less than ie23 worth --viz., 30, 225,, ama 34s.per dozen boxes 0) 73018 or pots of Ointment, for which re- mittance must be sent) in'advanco. reeroAe. nonr,oweer TRY "MY NAG," r:Tlie best T'ine Cut Owing to the depression in trade, Goods will be sold very low this season for cash. SMOKING TOBACCO 40 Is. per lb. • Meerschaum, 1313n,r, and ClayPinos in great var ,ety. Tobaccoes, choice brands. Finesi Cigars, 'Wholesale and Retail. Hotels supplied on rea- sonable terms, at KEMP'S TOBACCO STORE Exeter, snit 10, 1275. Woodham Call and examine prices. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER SAMWELL & PICKA.RD. Harness Shop 1 0 nmyTity Mama actiiPer of Light and Heavy 1)111150 19, would nform the inhabitants of Ushorne and Blan hard 0111( 110 has ou hand. and is prepared to manufac- 'tire IIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, and those in want of anything in his lino will study (1)0)11 0411)) interests by giving him a call be- fore Duren; sing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Carriage trimming done. 73111 0 " 4 00000 FEET OE Hemlock Lumber for Sale ' AT THE Freidsburo• Saw Mil. —0-- o. cog= & Frei lshurg, bog to inform she people of the stir- ) ounding country that they have over 400,000 feet of DRY HEMla l'CK.LUMBER, which they are of- fering at greatly reduced prices, viz., $8;;PER THOUSAND, 1N QUANTITIES; being $1 less thau last year's figure. ASO ASH & BASSWOOD,1 All Iamb of sized Lumber, scantling and Joist up to 18 ft. in length always in stock. Longer than th;tt sawed to order, . COOK & BRO. • Froielsburg, Sentembor 10,1875. 10773m. PHCENIX FOUNDRY Corner Bathu,st & WellingdonSts, LONDON, - ONTARIO JOHN ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. MANUFACT 13112311 011 MeaclowLarit Iteapew and IVEvvver, Cultiva to, Plow% Clang -Plows, AND ALL IMPLEMENTS 'USED BY FARMERS. ThiS impIcinent bsta a double distributing grain cop, and is hchnittiA to he the berst before ne pubim. "I am new busily ena4,cd making there for the spring aceding, mid will bo 1 t il 9 10' 1 1 lq't 1 "41 1 11 11 '1 mire( supp y unn at )es ow yrt u n ,er or wt. , tteeordth5 to or, de)) and Will endeavor to keep on 'hand eitherltind and tii'fo to supply any,who may not have given their ivav,,, T140 ki,y-to, forieh, and matrial 1130(1 till be found. alig that' can be );,c10iiteal Anil if orptallea• not m111)10800 Weeforn Canada. JoHN ELLIOTT JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store, A large stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, R raisins. Currants, Prunes Diumin APPLES, C.A.NNED FRUIT, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrups, Bye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. PRICES OF STOVES HAVE Dropped Right Down AT THE GOLDEN STOVE, ST. MARY'S. er. C. GILPIN. FE L., E. B. L IS ;0111110 0— ISAAC CAIMEING begs leave to thank his friends in Meter and surrounding country for their liberal patranago in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in (Le future, having ON HAND one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stock Usually found in a General, Store CONSISTING OF Dry GoodsI Groceries, Ready-made Cothing, wines and 11. quors, Hardware Crockery, Boots and Shoes1 Leather, etc • Please give I. C. a call as he is determined not to be under- sold by any establishment ba this section of coutrty. EXETER BAKERY sicinvzit, FANCY 13ItEAD,AND13ISCVIT DAKEIti & CONFE0TIO1'1E11., XEJ1 while returning hie eineete ample> to theinbahltinits 0 EIteter and surrounding vilIage$ their uptlitboral patronage; hoping to merit 01 continuance of their favors, would tall thott attention to tie ltirge stock of • !.,..Caltb$•.),..'•C*timitoto•i,...-6./14.,Q.otife.t.tioloty. PER POTINP I'Veadings.444