HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-11-4, Page 3ratsa moo V rn 0 0 Of Heavy Tweed 0 A 4) 0 tai 0 pig 12:1 Rl H U2 Q U �' Pl Q a 0E-cci731k O �. H 0RV 0tvi H A rz Ul 0 Z ■4 N�1 pp0� pe'i 114 at 1/44 1.1 0 0 1-4 to 0 w P FM� f�1 0 1 rci 1-4 pc) F''icn ,S l 41.44, O Q W O al PT') p. O�' H44 /� 0 0 Bala of) Cn U a) 4.4 CD • NSW Des Osrta- Ca 0 0 suoll lea 4 Tillrfliftlit 4fTffi:r,. Goo Q>r xasiimi 13Unspaiit1 lean s A 11;1.11? ON Qrr1C1 OP 'Itili4 O7t.FO iR 111413 (;1 ONE Or Twat BROW Tni10UG0 1ni7 11 Al -•A TElall1AX=L" IrI (U'1 AY ,A nog, ;, thrilling affair took plan at Oxford N. J. Oct. 20, sbortl after two o'clock, in the odioe ofth Oxford Iran Oolnpany, which was en, tei'ec'l by a gang of bui'giars dtlrin'g tl1 tetnporary absence of the hightwatch mmau,,Wiiliam If. Sheriffs. ,t'etiirn ing to the office he was startled to ; se crouching beaxde the safe a human t lire peering intently in itis du'ection through a mask, and apparently mak ing ready to spring upon him. It•wit an awful tnometlt, He determined t se11 his life dearly if he must,and draw. lug his revolver, he discharged it at the burglar beside the safe and sent a ball whistling through his heart. Iia three companions, seeing the tragic occur- rence, leaped from theil^•hiding places, and one of them, drawing a club,struck the brave watchman with it and knoclt- edhitin down, het as they were about to place a, pair' of mammies upon his wrists, a large dog, named Major,came bounding lipthe,gtltirs, and: seeing the situation leaped' into ilio fr"ii . and fought ht y g furiously for his master. The faithful dog did noble service, slashing about him with a will, and giving the burglars no quarter, until at length,,";feeling they had fangs, they' fled 1/141W:west abject torr 02, leaving behind: thein�the dead body of thier miserable oompanlon lying in his blood,upon the ':floor. ' As may well he supposed, the watchman and doe were fairly fatigued, but fearful lest another attack niigbt be made. be- fore daybreak they stood on guard. Later in the day, as soon DA the co1i1- munity were astir, an alarm was given and the route the thieves took were traced by a heavy trail of blood, which one of them,doubtloss inoctally wound- ed, marked in malting his escape. About half a mile distant an old suit of clothes was discovered beside a pool of blood at the foot of a tree, where the bleeding burglar must have 'changed his apparel. On the railroad a valise was picked up containing li complete set of burglar's tools. i.P v4hito Vett+rpt 12 Qlathng Whaat 0 e 0 a • e 0 Two men named Rivel and Wynn, a G-. T. R. gate keeper, dropped dead in the street within a few hours . of each other Saturday evening. THE report ef the Great Westren Railway of Canada for the half year announces that there will bo no divi- dends. The deficency in the revenue was one hundred and forty-one thousand pounds. Rev. D.J. McDonnell announced from the pulpit of the St. Andrew's church Toronto, on Sunday, that he was sum- moned to appear before the Presbyteri- an Synod to explain the views announc- ed by him four or five Sundays. ago, in a decidedly Universalist sermon, which he then preached, and also the princi- ples put forward by him at the receltt formal opening of Kuos College. The British and British American Templars, Free Templars of Britain, and Australian Templars, have united in one Order, the name chosen being tne • United Temperance Order." This union brings into one organization nearly 50,000 Temperance workers, over 10,000 of whom aro in the Pro- vince of Ontario. On Wednesday last Charles Patter- son 'shorti+drI illecT' It. W. Porter, a herder of'3;os1ees cattle on the North. age, 39 nnles north of Sydney, Neb., where Patterson was arrested. Last Saturday evening, the. jail was broken into by a mob, and Patterson taken out and strung up to a telegraph pole. The sheriff', however, with assistance, over- powered thein in time to save his life. At four o'clock on Sunday morning the mcb again succeeded in breaking the jail,taking Patterson and effectually Imaging him. 'At London, on Saturday evening, n man named Ed. Irwin, an oil treater, was arrested on a warrant. by officers Reicher and Christie,charging him with having. on the salve day, committed an indecent assault on a girl named Mary H. Johnston, 11 years of age, and with attempting to ravish her. It is alleg- ed that accused, who is a man of about 40 years of age, and married, inveigled the girl into a box car on the Grand Trunk Railway, near the station, and that he was watched by three individu- als,who saw the offence eommitted,and gave the alarm, when the acensed was taken into custody. Accused has been bailed in $1,600 to appear to answer to the charge at Tuesday's Police Court— himself in $800, and two sureties in $400 each. On Wednesday, the 20th inst., a child of Mr. L. Goring, of this place, fell into a large cistern, and but for the timely intervention of 1!i rs.Kittridge, in whose kitelien the cistern is, we would have to record a second case of drown- ing last week, Mrs. K. had charge of the little one, whose mother had gone out for a short time. It seems the child sat down on the lid of the cistern, which slipped aside, precipitating her into ti -o water. Mrs. K. heard a splash and immediately guessedthe cause, when she at once plunged in and res- cued the'child. We heard nothing of the affair until too late for publication' in our last week's issue. Wo are pleased to hear that the .lady sustained' no serious injury from the effects of the cold water, though she suffered a good deal from cramps last week, 'There is another warning to bo careful about carelessly -fitted tide on cisterns. Mrs. Ktttridge is deserving of groat praise for her tally heroic'couduet, We may state that the water in .the cistern was nearly five feet in depth, in which Mrs. K. had to remain some fifteen or twen- ty minutes, until a neighbor heard her cries for help. She had thrown the child out. on the floor, wlio received no injuries other than a fright. Petrolea Advertiser. GRAY'S SYRUP ov Red .Spruce Gti FOB 1t s, Oolds, Iironehia1 and Tliront Affections. ,a 0flleo,10 lXJ1Tgu. eter, Orttobor 28, 570 to 9E 97 90 to 95 80 to 00 Potat06 25 to 00 Peas 00 to 00 14 to 1)3 r 48tr8 (00 tc, 1 fiU0. 12 to 12 Shoats 14 to 10 kiopa 7 00 to 725 13aef 4,50 to 5 90 H(das 40 0 to 50 0 Tileep:kirls O00 toe 8q Y 00 t 10 00 Dtled Apples 175 t, to. 2 00 Onions 75 to 1 00 l:aitl .. . , „ 14 to 117,Wool 85+ p?' MAl11'), ilRepoi'tcs1 ragtilarly ily , Galbraith, Cleric) i?eihl wheat, Per Vessel. 98 • to 100 $!;tingtvhgat 08 to 89 Birley. ...,., 50 to Peas• 85 to TA) Opts .. 88 to•, .2U Eg1, per dozen 11 t0 '12. 1111 ter 15 to 18 Wool ,.,., 35 to ,`37 Hay 1000 to 19 00 1:a•ONDO1Y. i,,;• t White Whei}tpet eental: 1 65 tol75 ' T dwell '' 109 tel. 70 Bed Winter Whisa t 160 to 105 Spring Wh'eatt z , 105 to 170 Batley ,• , ',. 1'2510150 108 t0116 . 0 90to0 02 .Eggs tter 13tt ii .. !'icor per 3.04 BL(tn AFORT , Pa11Wheat' 90 to 109 Spring wheat , 60 to fors Oat; 0 40 to 40 Barley.,,...,.•,..60 to 75 Peas, 0 ,,tn.5 c. Butter I.,ITOAN White wit i`ro lit AA ..., (3yrinlg, Data „ .,. , Eggs, iter (1(');o1i.. VJtat)ey R I,at�e1 • , , : _ ,, � i � l'zclloly r to 'q 11ay 81 :00lOiU Timothy seed 8 +u to '1 G0 Clover bee:I (3 00 o 0i !ir b.)o11IioezsktusOU 1(0) Ott to 0 50 3 to 0 Fork .. , `3 00 i0 7 40 ' GBANTON, Deihl:it -oat, 01,03 Treadwef1, i 00 to 1 09 spring 95 to 140. Burley, 50 to, 08. ',Peso, 60 to 85e. (fats, 80 to 81, heel, 6 (0 0.90 Butter, 10c 103(0 5, 44o 111.1es per lb, pets, Tallow, per lb, b to 7 Friday, No' -1'. arm stock' -and implements, the property Of: Mr. 6. Kilpatrick, Exeter. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock. - A Bishop, Sat., Nov 0—Farm stook,. hay 'and imple- ments, property of Conrad Messner, lot 2, eon 15, Stephen. 1 o'c1ocl( p. tr, 13 most. credit. John rfitohell, ane. Thursclay, Nov 11—T'horouglr 'bred stock,. i t1 n — ! horses, cattle o a d shed the �o , Petty, p property J R Hunter attd 1 lc , 4, con 7,:'Osborne. 12 o'clock noon. 12 months credit. Hodgson, au° ^0 (0'0 90 fol 05 0 90 20 to IN P 00 to 0 ((0 50 o. '70 17 to 18 12 l o 10 2' it (0 to 1• h l owns, Nn —IonTuesday, n Hs x n St Mary's, este 2 d inst, y+ , .Dlizaboth, wife of Mr John Honey, aged 25 years O1DERICK' ONE PRICE GASH STORE, ..45311 JW. Bit0HDIB.ICR begs to announce that ho has, adopted the Cashand One Price System, which will enable him to soil Goods as Cheap as any store in the country, and as he is determined not to be Undersold by any house in the trade, his customers may rely on getting Goods at the Right Prices. Ilis stock is all fresh and now, and his goods have been purchased as low as any House can Bny them, and will bo Sold at a Reasonable Advance on Cost Just Received, another lot of New Goods, making his Stock Large and Attractive. • . An inspection is respectfully solicited, • Particular attention is palled to his choice assortment of Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Velvets, Dress Silks, Black Silks, Velveteens T erinoes, . Fancy Wool Shawls, Felt Skirts, Lace Curtains, Clouds, Countotranee, Quilts, Piado and Organ Covers,' Table Covers, Blankets, Tapestry, Felt, Stair and Hemp Carpets, etc., etc., etc. Also, a beautiful assortment of puns } in Mink and South Sea Seal Setts. A few Choice setts on band, which will be offered cheap. his stock of Overcoatings, Black Broadcloths, Doe -skins, and Canadian Tweeds, which for quality Art style will be hard to,beat. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. See his stock of China, Glassware, Crockery and Groceries. Try his 60c,. k'ea; yon wail want some more. Tho highest price paid for farm produce. TERMS --t ASfi; or accounts settled first of every month. J. W. RODERICK. N. B.—Special incluct:rnents will be, offered to country merchants, pedlars, or large f. W. B. dealers. Probated from illi ' ti meal; herd sinner' dim. (Dolioiiiue rIavor) 13alsarnhb, Soothing, Iixpootorant and 'fonts Bold by t'espeotabte chemists (Sole eters and 1ianofaeturers, lalltltY t1'ATlON & CO., {'Who1eas16 Druggists, riiotttroeil CI )114, , N #` titfie tvo%(ls "ayrui"of r sprrtee Galin;' ADu.titltttti`.ettr 2egaat088 rade i\'ittt•k, and,.otr6 w aped and labels are itiso registered. 11(3.6m 13 g•� N TO SELL ! Demon Laorator`, TRY OUI CiJBE OR Tl:I11 E r 0 FOR 11., jl:)ICIN L Pi1i`L'OSEs, CRYSTAL t l es 10 pts. per r4olzolet Pure Dru ds Perfumeries .• Combs, c, br /, ,.Brushes, 'oi1et preparations, Fa.ncy Pa s ,tont GI'''O. TILE XTON, Manager. NOTICE! NOTICE!. C. • M. WEB:13'S, GRANTON f la the place for cheap 6 cols Having bought his felIat stock from man ufactuto n for cash, he isensto give his customers benefit, by selling then at such astonishingly low prices that even the closest 'Granger don't hesitate • to buy. Just look : Wineios plain f-oin Beta, up, Stripe and ohocic,15 ane 18 ots„ worth 25 trouts, Dundas ba ' peri dozen. S3. 7v po tdozen. Prints at all prices. and in great variety. Ladies' Felt Skirts from 34 up. TAFLOR'IN DE PAR TMENT.. C. M. W. having a first-class Tailor constantly on hand, is prepared to make Men's and Boy' CLOTHING AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST.. Full Tweed Suits, 310 up. Gents' Furnishings a specialty. BOOTS & SHOES. Now is the time for cheap boots. Msn's Rip, .only 32.45; Stogas, 32.20; Shanty, 33.10, Women's, boys' and Children's, a full assortment. Lots more of that good Ten at 50 eta. per lb., Worth 021; just try it. White crushed sugar,101bs for$1. Another lot of those latest English and American styles of Hats and Caps, PAINTS, OILS, HARDWARE AND COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. es- The highest price for produce in exchange for Goods: e2TQH' DREW, in again speaking to the public, would urge upon them the necessity of paying cash for their furni- ture, as' it is entirely better for the buyer and the seller. It is indisputably a fact that goods can be bought much cheaper when the cash is paid for them than when three or four months' credit is asked, and the seller knows that the one who asks intends taking twelve or fourteen. It would be very unwise for him not to ask a percentage on • his money during the whole. of that time, and place it upon his goods when selling them.. The merchant can get at best .en:ly three or four months' credit. What I wish those who purchase from me to understand is that I can sell • AT CITY PRICES, if they treat me as they are forced to do city dealers, and pay Cash when they buy their furniture. Therefore, it is my in- tention for the next few weeks to sell my large stock of furni- ture; but I must have the cash; or positively not more than four months' credit. No longer time will be given to ani one. Those who favor ins with their orders will be fully satisfied at this movement, as they then get goods at the same figures as they, can' from any of the largest wholesale houses in Can- ada, as the stock which I always keep on hand is made so as to sell in the largest towns and smallest villager,. Furniture delivered free within a circuit of five miles from Exeter. JOHN DREW. JOHN R NTON legs to advise his many friends that he expects to OPEN OUT: WITH A NEW STOCK... IN C. M. 'WEBE. TAKE NOTICE! prtjes. in- debted to T. Fit- ton, either by note or book ac - account, -are re- quested to settle their accounts within 30 days from date. .After the 30th of Nov. all unsettled ac- counts o-counts will be handed into court for collection. THOS. FITTON. Oct. 27th,1875. H. .INTORSW-C RT 1--I CEITEP.AL SEWING M.A.0I3INE AGENT A SPLENDID assortment always on hand. :Any kind furnished to, order. A large assortment of Needles, and other Furnishings kept in s tock for every kind of Sewing Ma - (alines. Machines Repaired. As I have had a long experience with. Serving Machines, and understand them thoroughly, it would be an advantage to those in want of one, to purchase it from me. A11`.or- , dors by mail.protnptly attended tbf :,•Ifu,.on•st. ODA door West of the Commercial Hotel. CLINTUN, October 14, 1075. r 111-rn8. 1. • THE L. H. & B. R. IS COMING And we, are Still Ahead. and have opened out the LAGEST, CHE A.PST BEST' stook of Goods ever brotlght into L'txoter. Of Everything in the General. Line of Business. consisting of Staple & Fancy Dr.Coods Miliner. Aar -made C1o'thi sgo Gontsiri1 3ibS ings, a Cals23 eat'pets, lfotts4 rarnisllillga, Hardwaro, Gr000rios, too iv and Shoes, Stationery;' talk. Paupers, Crockery and Glassware, Patent 14ledicines',.etc,, Jco. I have also seemed. the bervieesof Ma• ♦ ', y,6.3. Y •1 •' ef flewinanville, late of Termite, lis manager of my Clothing Dsspartinient. All maria ))oat Ott by him g,natt'antee& to be Second tb Bono in the Dominion, Pant nutting a speciality. All persocte fMorhig tis 45th a 6911 will Find the goods and prices tight. ltelnolnbor, this 14 the Disco to get everything ;you woiot at low prices. N. .8.‘ - -All ]rinds of Patin Prodded tahcon lid oxoharigo., titeter 0, 67 tTAS ' PIC: .AS th iV l f'9 N l WH TE $1700ESSO S TO 0, T ' aro t;h a a. Litt, ",o ,'3' rfia) vrt.ltte i'z 1tiG IN MEN IND x30 'SxY ALSO W'ittlest '31ax1: ne1sallaek Lu tres and Mens 0eS I're ji mind c a a i ! of 00(M and slices,•; ,tC B E A P A S E V E R,'t: JIENDERSON ak WHITE Successor's to 0, It Smith. St. Mary's, October 22, 1875. �plr✓L TO TRE SI'A5b.1.,Olr THE CANADA CO:IDIPANT''y LANES, I hereby caution all persona against cutting or ,. rez o , 1 n vm to n xt from the' Tanis of h g t telt, Canada Company, as• I pan authorized to ,rosecuteppll trespassers with: the utmost rigor of the law. .. JOII., e1'ACIiTttAN, •Tintbet Agent Can. Co, Exeter, May 19 89•tf. & S. GIDLLY, EXETER, CA- • itIN10T-MAI{Eli' ik UNI171,1172A'fi'PB,, tako this opportunity to inform the inhabitants of this and surroundingseotions that their New Hearse s new completed, and they do not hesitate in say- ing that it is one of the best in this western part Our UNDERTAKING Department, am heretofore, will be found in a very efficient condition Coffins—plain and ornamental,—also, !threads,etc Funerals furnished o,t the shortest notice. and most reasonable terms, N.B.—A good assortment of PURNITUnE Lt - ways in stock • August 28, '74 52-ly T O FARMERS And Stock -Breeders. W M. SWEET, V. S:, Graduate '-. ..,, Voterl-, of the nary Ontario "'-td+'`'. College.. Has removed hie office to one door north of a.. Eacrert's harness shop, and nearly opposite'Jibn Tinsmith shoo. veterinary Medicines al- ways on hand, Calls promptly attended to. Horses examined as to their soundness Auguet28th,1873. THOMPSON & WILLIAMS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS' Boiler and Engine Works MITCHELL,- ONT. Two -horse power wood Sawing Machine This machine has been thoroughly tested. and given ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a . BAND WHEEL for driving a Straw Cutter, G -rain Crusher. Or other machinery, without extra expense ex sept for the belt. TRIAL OFFRED. • All kinds of Farminglmple-rents kept constantly on hand. BOILER SHOP'. in full operation. ENGINES of all sizes to order, REPAIRS Kept .at Bissett's Tin shb iy txeter. promptly attended to. Addres t- TIIOMPS ON Be WILLIAMS ; ehell,Ont, r :pigs irrie, rs'rvsntsliln E ery. Thursday', Morning r'rni: orrroit; perost r n 1Mo1.SOfi8 331N, :o: .31,50 per atunittS', payable str•ictiy in advi le. $o suhaoilption taken ler loss than .ix months, . 'PATES oFAPVEi;;r sINo. E'irst littortiott'1Perlfno , ,, 8c Mach stthsetluentinsottloit ptirline .: 2e Ad2ortidemehtetof strayed cattle. articles lost of 'oun,l, &C., :net ekeeeding ten loos• -Bret moires *1,00 ; cash sabsetitlerit Month, 50eonts. • Notidot of bit'tlia. nairiages and doa.the losetis At ivertisanienta,wititout epoono altrgatt62 td111 bo 11)900to01411 fdrbld tt(ld,itharg)tl 4eo1•l 1141y- Ath'ortfaarrlonte to;'bo 9ettsa1od -1*.rt; aortae of Sethi tionpariol. • 1 t+; 4 RLY Ats'Art.P112PINi.4 '• tho followleg'rates tti11 to ehargo,i for y'tIrlit xdvo#tlseinents:— ooa yr (lit s moil, 1 oto i 8e4o luMni s s68 $(3 flirter ° 20 12 :, IA tghtl' „ 12 , e ii nainoss advortilethonts"only will be insert.44 8ltthe above rate8. s Alt others; such rtn't�88tten Salo%, financial ew tottien", 8900111 no teeFfr „tit, 'Will be 'Charged AO' 4'tiii ft to the IIF* *i 1, Tdl#stnostoardd, vt it7t;t i