HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-11-4, Page 2TIME B 'Canoe 100.4140 tiAST, tAqT.. 4.)1101111k Imo ARR.V;4;.1:')12.0:Eit 1,15; •705* leetrit eat. 1.15 b`. 167$. READY 'OASH. value, owing to the diatanae of the oii fflt She Mesh positioa to. w batt front aud the prealierty of the °thee tQ heen eleuted, iota bats nbility and. feassd the Oknillts`ir t0101. *.) udgment enalileii to represent The Stristlirey tleee and Paelshill the couatosooy 0Yery eelaitithien0y tivtfr i)4vt,; moot themselvee, awl should be 1.41,1.0h41,1tekt, We should not u' u ufUy worliing to the olio Coin forget to niateloti that he is a member melt teal, kite division 01 the Comity of ott the Fourth Estate, being editor of etaidleeex prindog a slier) off Huron, tho Owen Sound Times, otheeoU 110,11140n, auct eo ou, ands. We are aleappointed in net Wane g theee eoantioe oat of ones Stiatli• able this weel, ltiiD °once the election ror, Parkhill mid Lendon to he the of Mas Thomes White, editor of the conntY tonna- Although they work Montreal Gazette, for the Weatern Di, hand in head to title purpose, they yet von of .Montreal. He stead° a noble retniel one fereiblY of the days Learly sight in a clivieioo W111011 lidS alwe,Ye , , gone when those wilo hewed out for beet"proverbiallY Grit, buthas bean de- StattleV Ierm,Y4 ileve stern''ed a themselves heinos in 'the foreS tbi Of fee tea by 59 votes, and M.r. nomas Canada, osod to yoko ogotbor then. Workman le the lucky mon, M. two -year-olds " bet bow they did White would have been a great aeqnisi. alma," So, iri tbis oleo, these two tion to the House and a source of journals are crowding the matter so) strength to the Opposition. His judge that like the old Italy who tried to put went on "matters of trade and finance Ibe PlimPhin i ha Odle iar, we are is ileOepted as authority, ad tieing apt to think the thiPg frawl, and ea- stvongly opposed to the Government press" doubt of the eerreetnes8-er the PolieY on these matters, every influence Ga'te's a017 cetclid admission, that w s exerted., to secure hie defeat, and so far they " brivc Met With verY little these influences,. we are sorry to say, eacoaragement." wee eucceseful. He is a Protectionist, Ise woci to defeat him, a Free Trade Pre- mier allowed bis opponent to Associate protection and te denomice the Pacific Railway and other equally important weasuree of the 'Govert merit policy. Mr. Mackenzie was forced to keep a die - erect silence 011 these gneetiens when in Montreal, but could expatiate at length on the broad prniciples of free trade when in Scotland, and in the election of an avowed protectionist, who denounced his fiscal policy, when he himself had to stand silently by, Mr. Mackenzie must feel terribly humili- ated. The pill whfcia "Mr. Mackenzie had to swallow in vinthally abandoning his free trade principles eannot be sug- ar-coated, at all events. It is „stated that Mr. White would certainly have been elected had the election not been held on a Saturday, as that day is the Jews' Sabbath, and they were almost unanimous for White. With regard to the truth of this statement, we at this distance are not prepared ts" risk an as- sertion. It is a significant fact that Mr. White received a large majority el the English votes, and. shows that the most intelligent and most liberal - minded portion of the electors had more confidence in him and the party whose pause he espoused than in Mr. Workman and his party, line of full cloths IA the, late Sale of Bankrupt ,stock .1n Montreal. at less Than half their Waite, We are now oftetiug ',Ors* ela.es 'artlele 111 the above line for forty es anis pee yard, worth ot lortet eelits. 'Pasentendons bargaies. ts vsendeirl'4,1 how temetiog ready cash STANLEY Se jERMYN, es.• . e. greter rifiraos muitsDli!-, NOV. 41, 18-75 The only Liberal -Conservative Journal in South Aaron, amidow IN A 50112 OF ,A Until the present wo have refrained fram comment. on the action taial say- iugs of Mr. Gibson, M. for. East Huron. It was in justice to himself ,tnd to those. be implicated that ' we hove so lona kept silent, in order 'Clot the truth of what he was reported to have said might have been verified, or otherwise. It was at a public meeting in Mount Foreet in .favor of Mr. Gar- butt, the Reform candidate, that Mr. Gibson said he had had prothised the support of the Local members fer Huron to assist hi "putting" safely through the House o actuate for the re-divisiou of the County of Welling- ton, with Mount ,Forest as county town, if the latter place would support the Grit candidate. Saws an open fact of bribery—and 'promised from the lips of the " honest Reformer"—was so glaring that it is no wonder an enquiry should be asked for. Not only does it affect the person most intimately con- nected from his individual participa- tion, but it affects those whom his im- plicated, viz., Messrs. Bishop and Ross. With a view to fairness, we made it iieeperative to ask the member for South 'Huron as to his proxy pledge, and a halo of astossishenent ht up his every feature apparently at the idea. His denial of any knowledge or participa- , . tion in any way was a most emphatic one. Thus was the weight of double. distilled. truth thrown upon the shoul- ders of the member for East Huron, and an opportumtregiven either to deny the allegation or reaffirm his own statement. Neither of these has he 80011 fit to do; and now we cannot but remain under the impressionthat if Mr. Gibson told the truth at Mount Forest, Mr. Bishop has committed him- self to an aet, to wipe away the effect of which it will require all the parliaa aleatory dodging, an eaperience which no me,n can ever poseess, to get rid of. On the ether hand, if Mr. Bishop is correct, and we would not like to von-. tun) an opinion that he wasn't, then is Mr. Gibson in a still sorrier plight, as he bas the double act of falsehood and bribery to account for, Either Mr. Gibson has to deny with sufficient proof the circulated reports, or one or other of the alternatives above reached must be accepted. Aiaa matter of fair- ness to those directly interested, to the constitaencieg they respectively repre- sent; and to. the Province at large, it should wet be lost sight of,as, until jus- tice is done and the guilt saddled' upon the right person, the members for ends of the Houses will remain ender a stig- ma not 'alike auto imiocence. Mr. Bishop, however, has denied the fact, if it is one, and thus relieved himself in a measure of any blame: There can be no doubt that promises were made .and inducements -held out to the peo- ple of Mount Forest, in consideration of 'whiele the vote was reducea to a majority for Garbutt, wbile at the elec: tion preViods MeGo wan had a majority of abent 37, COUNTY DIVISION. Seine- \notate Since we were taken to 'book by. the Seitfortie Expositor for eonieneenttrks wade with, a view to fur- thering the divieion of the 'Western Counties, We were asked to prove, or seam' to raitlie statemeots which would bear the weight ef assamption and not emit aSide any burdee of proof. °To enable us fully and definitely to lay our ease before the Public, who in this m - (stance are judge and jary, we waited 'until opportunity would' render this practicable. In tlie article to which we have referred, the Expositor need a very plitusible argument asatinst the forma- tion or division of the 'counties, viz., that which most intimately,affects the pock -et and forms at undesired ac- - quaintance therewith. No better ar. gnmentagainst the movement could be presented, but all its deteriorating qualities are wiped out, when placed alongside of it ere the qualifyinss influ- ences of advantageWhich ate rebuttal sough to convince those .who are ar eliould be interested that the amount invested is as so much capital placed in stock paying good dividends. It is Well to understand in connection with this anti -division promulgation by our contemperary that she town of Seaforth would probably net stand in exactly as . good a position as it does at present, from the faet'tliat the people of the new county would naturally consider it a pleasing duty to assist in making that of which they. torni' a part; one.of the best comatiesaratnia Province, by help- ing forward their Own institutiOns and their owdinovements of whatever kind. And again; disitur cotem. for one min- ute suppose ii‘Poesible b3s agitation to form a new 'county, with Sertforth for a centre, ail its newly -acquired ideas of fairness and philanthropy,would be sud- denly scattered to the Winds. dvised- ly do we 'speak thus, as who amongst the essepesiter's reasiere does not know how arduously it labored at the incep- lion and during the primitive progrees of the carrying of the bonuses for the London, Huron St Bruce Railway. In factait was to be of extra nelieary bene- fit to the nothicipalities through which it, was to pass. And why ? That is easily answered. It was thought more advisable to run the line though Clin- ton, and put aside the Seatorth scheme. Those who Were delighted by the arti- cles eraiimendatory of the, road which appeared in the Expositor WOO some- -what surprieed at the cempleta somer- sault taken byit when the astiole force of tbe truth of the desertion of Seaforth fell upon it, Their the road Was a de - 1051011, and the ratepayers were being robbed. Nose' ther ;those interested can, without trouble, balance the ians portanse of the couteuh's very disinteiii.- .ested artiele witen they know that Serie forth is not to be the county centre, Were it geographically situated so as to Matte a '.divisiou look agitatable, ilo we feel aesured, would be loet in .aiming 1) such an end. As it is, the ,ectreine woniti be an iinpracticable one, SeafOrth Di fain to lint up with -what it already has, preferring twit to eeing its neighboring municipalities Be II- Drts in° 1414 DWavraneeensplainte dining the gradual, I Peneld note the ehange for the fOrfus the PeoPlo of the extiToUndleg Pealt Week have reached, tie Of the late better eVerY day, so that atter tajting eoutitry that he ha's waled, a market dehverv or the Tneas itt the Zurich P. to bottle 1 onsidered myself well, for the u1ohe Of sIpsiuo W.(106, 0, VO aril SOryy to /loom to mention sniis was lasout Aye enontae ete,, in the stand opposite .1s\lia Janice this, and lope that wberever the faith front the, time 1 eommenced telt- nielaird'e reealenee, Ilie adeertise, liee, the matter will riseeive the Atwo, ittg the Syrup. A short time after I went in another column epeolie for ite. ti eu of the itodgervillo and Zarich P. Loa polii3ilierablq trouble, area feelinga Of. WS., A eeboother informs us that for , 'some of the old symptome rettirning, TIALLown"nr.----Suoday inst being the last day of October, the boys acre pre- vented from practisitg their usual pranke. Lot it was only postponed,, feet which some of our business men became aware of on Tuesday morning, W1200they Maud their signs miSsing, mid 0 shoe -elan) representing a -jewelry eetabliehmeot and nee verea; TiIANICSOlVINO DAT.---Tlukrsdoy lest, Thanksgiving Pay, was observed as a holiday by our villagers generally, the storee being closed and budoess of all -Uncle suspended, Shooting parties were formed by old and young sperts- men, and other sources of amusement were found in which to pass the day. Iii the esening service was held in the 13, C. Chiiroh, when a sermon War; de- livered by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Whit - look. Exeter and itigi1y. GUY FANIKE8 Suffers to -morrow. REMEMBER MT. George sale to -morrow (Friday, Nov. 5, 1875). CRUEL Joae.--Onr njohist" gets off the following : "The cow that swallow- ed a corset the other day is dead. It stayed on her stomach." BY reference to advertisement, it will be seen that Mr. J. N. Howard has taken out auctioneer's license for the County of Huron. REMOVING. -1‘1T. Geo. Kemp is re- moving his tobacco store to the new brick' building north of Stanley & Jer- meet's store. RECOVERING.—We are pleased to be. able to state that Dr. Morden is recov- ering from his recent serious illness, and. is able to walk around the hotel,. though he is Lot yet able to be out. THERE iS some talk of the St. Mary's Dramatie Association paying Exeter a visit shortly. This Association has a good local report, and no doubt, they , would receive a fall house if they took the boards here. CHANGE.— It will be observed. .on looking at the advertising Colnirms that Mr. John Drew has a change of adver- iisement which cannot help but be no- ticed, and which should not be glanced at and then forgotten. noose Iluair.—A few days since a N'alnable young horse belonging to Mr. Thos. Dearing in this Nillage, was at- tempting to make its `way, out of its "en- closure in order to accompany the other horses, and in doing so, had to jump a pioliet gate which was in the way. Not being able to clear itself, it was impal- ed on one of the pickets, winch made quite an embrasure, but luckily struck no vital part. So it is now doing well. three or fear weeks in suceession lie hat, not received his paper nntil Friday evening, when it should hove reaelied Zurich on the evening previous, NUM Nleia'ED 1/01101(ElIENT.-^WO no- tice the Load Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs, Whitlook, is Making some much needed ituprovenients on miretreete. Around - ed plank erossing, raised in the apex about six hushes above the road, has been built at I-luemi streetatcross ;Maio street, and another in front of Sam - well & Pickard's store, one in front of Bell's bakery, and another in front of Maoe'a grocery. Yoang mon with polished boots, on the way to see their Duleineas, will not have any occasion for profanity in crossing the streets at to this. Mun.--We rise to ask if Canada's poet !aureate is at present employed. In vain have we searched the poetic, works in our imagination in order to give full scope to the beauty and mag- nificence of the " beautiful, beantiful " mud. A. noble opportunity for a dis- play of poetic genius is now offered to any who can manage to wade through the subject and land safely on the other side. We take all that back about the mud. The roads are frozen as hard as bricks, and the -above was written after failing to make main street without getting over the ankles M mud. POLITICIL .fro TES. Mr. Paxton, (Grit,) lately unseated for bribery by agents, bas been rea elected for North Ontario, No other result could have been looked for, as the political proclivities of the majority of the North Ontario electors are well known to be strongly Grit, —Dr. McMahon, brother of Mt. Hugh IvIeMalion, of London, has been elected over Dr, Miller, Conservative, in North Wentworth, a riding which was redeemed frem misrule in the 7prosper even more than they are at 1 general election by Mr. Stock, who was subsequently unseated and disqualified sresent. As the question of prospering for clanking a glees of beer along with -Las somewhat to do with that of ex. some electors on polling day. This is Tense, it might not be amiss to gist re- a gain for the Mowat Government. ,ference to an item or two. In fact, The result of the election for the ether° are but one or two involved. The Local House in North Grey la just as 'principal item, and the one upon which we expel:And it would be, Mr. Creighton, ioar vaitteeripueary seems to place great tina,. Conservative candidate, being :faith in ,aesisting to defeat the scheme, bl-ec. ted by a majority of 50 over Mr. is the cost of the e ounty bnildings, McKnight, This riding, like South 'These areternterised in a Ceurt House, Huron, was included in Mr. Mesvat'e jail and yegiary when the np. famous geetyrriandering bill, and 115(1 21 proximate emit *6 eac11. iiadividual or er)11 le of t3wnshiPsslieed inth Piee°8 :ratepayer is plaeed sicle by Side, with the Now the boys statid aronncl the cor- ners of the streets, and with one eye survey the poiutg of a neighboring horse, and -vial the other seek oppor- tunity for reflectior .on tlle pretty auk - 1e i exposed to viewlowing to the"nasty" raud. ' — Cent a- it 'Thops.-e--& cliange of ads vertisement from Bissett Bros., too late for insertion this week. 'We night in- form our.readers, though, that it will tell when it does appear that they pay cash for hides tund 'sheepskins also. COaSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, GENERAL DEB1LITY,--=-Oant .—Hypophosphites. Fellow's Compound Syrup of Hypo- phosphites.—As this preparation is en- tirely different in its eombination and effects from all other remedies called Hypophosphites,the public are caution- ed that the genuine has the name of Fellows & Co.blown on the bottle. The signature of the inventor, James I ' "Fel- lows is written with red ink across each label, and the price is $1 60 per bottle*. Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypo• phosphites is prescribed by the first physician in every city or town where introduced, and is a thoroughly' ortho- dox preparation. ONLY 60 DAYS.—By advt. in this and last wee1C's5ssue you will:see that Mr .T. Fittton hold a grand clearing sale of the whole of his stock during the next sixty days, and until the expira- tion of that time, it is his purpose to sell everythirg at a merely nominal figure. Undoubtedly this is a. rare chance to all who wish to invest in any- thing in the jewelry line. Ho also uses it as an opportunity to collect all his outstanding accounts. A Weieney Pant.—A few days since, - a Young man who, enjoya the solitude of the country, stepped into BissetCs • tin - shop, and in a few Minutes waS oined by a young lady from another part of " land of waving corn." After some persuasion'the pair stepped on the scales, and brought the beam np at 384 pothole. Mr. B. very graciously offer- ed thenthis first -prize stove and furni- ture if each could see the other in a matrimonial light. , COUNTRY Spaur..— Within the last few days the weather has been cold, accom- panied by a darap,raw,depressing wind. Tlie consequence is that the forest trees haye been almost entirely strip- ped of leaves, taus giving sportsmen a fair show at squirrels and such game as lodge in theArees. Several of our local sportsmen are having fine times of ,it in the "back woods." ORDINATION SERVICES.—The other af- teruoon a most interesting ordinati,m ceremony took place at Goderich, where the Bishop of Huron, assisted by the \Ten. Dean BooMer, of this city, Vela Archdeacon Elwood and others. ordain- ed the following rev. gentlemen :—For Deacon's Orders, Rea. R. Cooper, of Huron .College, London '• Rev. Mr. Bland, Corpus Christie College, Cam- bridge, Englaud. The latter gentle- men has been appointed by the Bishop to the mission of Dungannon. For Priest's Orders, Rev. Thos. R. Dalris, B. A. of Alymer ; Rev Mr. Woodburne, B. A., of Gorrie ; Rev. W. F. Gambol!, of Wellacebargt The -Lord Biehen, deliv- ered a most excellent address .to the candidates which was lietened to with equal interest be, all present. --- Beenneacies. --We had intended be- fore, this to have given a oondeused ac- count of the general appearance of Mr. Broderick's new store. Mr. B. opened out in his new premises about six weeks since, and has secured his old custom and considerable new. His store is really a model one, neatness and clean- liness being striking features in the general view ; and cheapness and quali- ty he aseerte are the .chief points about his stock, and which make it so attract- ive to the eyes and pocket of purchasers. The building itself is a three-storey white brick, squarefront, first storey having a very high ceiling, *Well, with the dome that forms it, nialseseit very. pleasant to look at. in .short, the only true praise We can give it without en- tering upon a detailed description is, that everything is well -kept: finished the other two bottlee : and flow eonsider irtyeelf as well as I ever was tny life, My present weight is 162, seven ponnds above my usual 'healthy stitedard. My nerves are good, my ap- petite good, and general health excel- lent. I heartily reisorrintend your Syrup to all peros troubled with any diffi. enitios or dieesee of the Lungs or Nerv- ous system, firmly beleiving that had I not used it, I Would not now be living. Hoping tine letter may meet the eyes of othersimilarly affected, and induce them to use the same means of cure. I remain yours very truly r' Hems Corr -n usisatioria Fiat, Sunday, the 241h inst., about noon, Mr. G. Roweliffe, of the 41h con. 1.1sloorne, lost his splendid two-storey brick dwelling house and most of its contents by fire. Mr. Row- ell& and his wife were away at the time, and was only informed of the cir- ,. i cumstance when their dwelling was n ruins. Nothing was saved, but a few articles of furniture in thafront rooms. Lose aboat $2;000; insurauce, $500. ABOUT PIGEON SHOOTING,—Our pigeon shooters pursue a sport no longer pat- ronized by English royalty. The Prince of Wales and all the Princes of the roy- al family have withdraan from the Hurlingham Club; and pigeon shooting is to be henceforth tabooed in the British army. Some Aldershot officers who lately engaged in pigeon shooting matches are severely rebuked .A lead - Mg officer writes to a Loodoii paper : "Officers of the army, of all people in the world, ought not to patronize so debased anlainusemeat-if:amusementsit can be called—especially after the very praiseworthy conduct of the heir to the throne." Dosnenoa GRANGE RATlioNs oF Hus- EDizootic.—When you see a man up street junip out of his carriage, tuck his horse well up in the blannet, buf- falo robe and nig, walk M front or hon and examine his non, loolt at his eyes, and feel of his neck, you can bet that twenty-five cent bit your wife gave you to bring home enough meat for dinner that he's (the horse, not the nian) got it—tho "zoo." And very few horses but are at present in this eondition, , .....— Y, P. C. A.—The regular semi -in ont's - ly meeting of the altove Association *ill be held in the Society's room on Tuesday evening next. No doubt, a large attendance will be on hand to list- en to the general discussion on "tvlseth- er Shakespeare's weeks are fit to make seleetions from for readings in tho As- sociation or no." Doors open at 7 ; to commence at 7:80 p, m. Admission for the purpose of converting the Con- free. , . . i servative majotity into a minority, increased advantages theY potieess ,ibirn Had a pure Reform Administration A I*, „of, then will the peestintipaen ,0,i. evely beet, in yeaseat. whose acts were irro,, /1130tT'OrV,NING OUT.—We have just learned that Mrs R. A. Leggett of Olin - el hie "big ;item" arg ument be mule isp. Proachable the tactia of gorrYlnaentleY• tan sate ranted the gouth glip 10 players Jearent. there 4.43 , , rs 40st ing the riding might have sticceeued sn , i , ,. ,,,, . Again'' the eat , returning Mr. mAnight to raritament. btilocki, in w, .aush lie, nitenue its 60011 as . , ie 8 lop 18 completed, to tart a gen- ' of PIt'Yi"g 61n1418. ilers4 t6s's.' is al 8 at tile Geverninent is far trip° being eral grocery, As he is a practical hasi- annuntain in the eyea 6f seines , Bat in pure, and Mr. Creighton showed tnarksthorough „,, newt man and has a kriowl- sthe pretient inetanee, aye darniot few it, ed abi tty iii expos ng their misdoings. . nit , edge of the trade, we intVe tio doubt Were the matricipalities wlifeh we will It will be rehlellib,ered that Nix. llorn' i„ he wilt arioCipba well, ,,,,,a. thoreforo .,.. , , as Scott. of St. Viricent, Inta represent- 1 him 1 3 t 4suppoee iti'a torn a part or the new! • - I, f WO we cotrie o axe er. s .i .4 ,.. ect Ike' eonstituencv tor a num et o . (runt*, mit tfarn or evesecond rate yeara and that bo was rettitired at the --- sOneSS the, With g0tde degree of force gedrat election in January last ' A otir AG/art.—We were pleasecl t )o 1 ' 1 III . , .. irniglit the aresiemeat ise used. As it is 1 protest was eetered against' hie teturii, 'other day to gasp the hand of mr. t & Cr dhe t, qtql$1 kip/ it ate oalta ave . ' but on the petition being tried I ,1 li T ' 1 I . a . mad over, , ie was o n me r, w io earrve home on ,,, in. 03_ ell , , itseti I confirmed iti his flea by ivir, xnstico 'Ilitirsday last, from li's ' trip act th ' vvit-oris An appeel however, w oce ndthrou 11 n's; (') utny to -loans " e c 0 my tt,t. ; t -err.. •1#40 it il,a646 4•44M0 townships already made agaitet thio decision, and a' fttelel hooadndiaitys in gogod loile.ellaFtitin iepf'lliel 311°Y' ,tbestres_ 1,,e,:g, 0 bplistrijett of die Or pang° in, bench ',cif 313ageg At OsPede Hall re- looks In& and hearty', a‘t'AnigiiVinde.r.rs toe ti, el 4, talc yinent of offiejala, etti Verseillt, Aar. Seott being disqiialified have enfoyed iiiinselft i it 1 I. At. Alm eelte time are deharrea "from rwoteenae trivial offence Jilt° thait for ' tstvitYw 'Vie rttther thintittyinth6011gehYtWe alililiel 11, lnfa, t1,1 Pi:v.gil:geif possessed by Norirethh WMorn. t.(8vo°14,31a. was ri1.188q:oatitifil's°dsutt.-1 ISVII:arri(jedttistir71:e tl'eVhoonaC6e601°Itrinrilefipilliteteile -11fionlot l;ttleln ratt a OfJ.0 Or rate asSOgelliellt CeSSOr,i8 „Ili evw,y way well qualified to 011 Oafludiatt doll. BANDRY.—This body, which met in To- ronto on October 29adjourned for the morning and attended Divine service in the various churches in the fore- noon, The sermons were appropriate to the occasion, and referred to the agricultural prosperity of the country. The afternoon session wos comMenced by thereport of the W. Master, m con- nection With his visit ,to the Veiled States to bring about amiceble rela- tions betweea the two bodies, after which the election ofofficers took place, and lasted until 11.30 o'cloeSt. The following were elected :— Master, S. H. Hill, Ridgeville. 0 verecer, H. Leat, Donnville. P. G. Lecturer, S. White, Chatham. Steward, 'D.einis Nixon, Norwich. Chaplain, Win. Cole, Sitruia. Treasurer, J. T. Bull, Secretory, P. Page, Front Hill. Gate Keeper,John Ceres, Mrs. Dyas. . Pomona, Miss Whitelaw. --Flora, Mips Phillip s. Lady Asst. Steward, Mre. Losee. TEMPERANCE Mesernra.— On Monday evening last, a temperance meeting, under the auspices of the Sons of Tem perance in, this place, was held in the basement of the Methodist Church, At seven o'clock the doors were opened, and shortly after a very fair audience was present. Dr. Browning was called to the chair, which he filled very ably, calling in turn unoa the choir and the several speakers and readers. Rev. Messrs. Gone and Holmes, of this vil- lage, and Rev., Mr. Benson, of Strath. roy, gave addresses full of import and truth, which tended to stn• up the feel- ings of those present to a deeper work in the cause of temperance. Mr. Holmes' address was'thiefly devoted to the late Prohibition Convention in Montreal, together with thoughtgamd comments thereon. br. Irving read in good and taking style, "Tho North- ern Farnecr,"whichns ith its humorisms, kept the audience in a continuous roar. Mr. B. Swenerton read an essay on "Cheerlulness." On the whole a pleas- ant evening was spent. 4*000p14 NiXOn, enng PoWaie, hoe been fined #,0 by the layer of $t, Mary's, for asstmlfing* poor Italian snueieian la a brutal and cowardly manner in that town the other day. At, Amt. 1)4,1l'arne, the other day, Mr- Deln ittivdiy404094.,0Jt the ot h foin. .c4ibeaorrine, sweihoisito, helping at threehing. Pr. tiande fettra IleeetwOlui brra°12r:nr. tiliteeltafrisal a:0°011r! 4149 At Strathroy, „the °tiler by, fr. J. Cooper, who has reeided in the nrieiglib4g17yar)71;t1al eedfo 894 tai0)1 e; epbray lrd I8s. Must a his children and. grandchildren woeLeiy!reeen,t, Ile is stp.d i, hide an h Through the snapiiing of a couple of iron rods, one end of the new Regis- try Office at Woodstock was badly wrecked, one of the archee and the north wall coming down with a crash. Fortunately, although workmen were was about the building, uo one as 'Union Mills, a small place a few miles south of Laporte, Ind, was the scene of a °Menders' raid lately. About forty women,. with 0488, hatehetS and crowbars, burst open the saloon and utteriy demolished the contents. The bar, glasses, pictures, widows and liquor all suffered alike, an d the saloon is now ruined. Three of the participants in the mur- der of four Italians in Denver, Col., re- cently, have been1Sirested. One of them, an Italian, has confessed that he played his harp while 'five ethers out the throats of their victims. The other naUrderers are etill at large. 2•11E I'llE WOODIIAM,--At Woodhaireto-morrow the fifth of Novenaber will be oe1ebrat- (4 with all the eclat the Woodhamites know how to throw into such acelebra- tion. 1.30sTON CoRNERS.--The naemorable fifth of November is to be celebrated by the Orangemen of Stephen and Mc- Gillivray , at Boston Corners, with dinner, supper, ball, shooting matches, &c. STEP tE./r. PLACE FILLED.—The Postmaster at Corbett, Mr J. Fs Macey, having lbft for parts unknown, has heen replaced by John Corbett. C11 Novasmers•—The eleventh month of the•year now conies upou the scene, and from the'mood. • in which it com- mences, give. sits a chilly feelingand pots ns in Mindof winter. November, notwithstanding, is hi general M this country a cheerful month. Ti.10 brown leaves are in wied rol.V8 by the fences; the mornings -are frosty, but bright and braciug; while -we rejoice in the bland and mellow sunlight of the Indian summer, softened by the thin, smoky atmosphere which Voile the distant landseape. Tbe sunsets also have often a ruddy glow which promises 21 eenes of similar days as perfect as the ono just passing. So the ,early part of the month goes by, giving ample time for all necessary labors, before the days and nights grow colder, and the earth becomes hard as stone, and the storm cloud,' give us sneW instead of showers. Let the proper work of this month be pushed forward with Vigor, eldelly those of pruparatiou for wiuter, which must no.longer bo postpoaed. The winter brings ivith it •pleasures to those who are prep:a-ea for it; but suffering to the improvident and all who neglect IQ provide agaList its rigors, Time PLeseteca—During his resi- delice at Centralia Mr.Trivitt has plant- ed out with his own hands more than thousand fruit and shade trees, and mace of the beauty of this village and neigborhood 18 isdebted t his taste and example in this particular. In many parts of New Eitgland a day is set apart iu every school for this -laudable 'pur- pose. and the boys are taught an(1. en- couraged each one to plant a living monument to his memory --London Free • A BELL AT LAST. --After considerable talking on the matter, action was taken by 'Mr. M. M. Rosehrugh, who went around town with 11; list and had an amount of money .subscribed, which, with a grant from the Conncil, was suf- ficieut to purchase a good-sized bell. For his prompt action Mr. Resehrugh isdeserving of praise, asa bell was very much needed. The bell 'weighs ove:r 900 lbs., measures 38 inches in di• aineter, costs about $140, and is made at Seneca Falls, New. York State. Parties who subscribed to the bell fund will please hand in their subscriptions 'this week to Mr. Rosebrugh, and there- by save him the trouble of collecting it, as•the bell is on the road and -will ar- rive in a day or two, whets it will be plaied on the lock -pp to make cheerful the lonely hours for the prisoners eon - fined thereiu. Toe B 1 11, olsONS ANIS.---Be OW will be found a few items of interest gleaned from the report of the proceedings of tho last annual meeting of Molsons•Bank, hold. in Montreal on, Monday, lith Oct. 11 will bo noticed toat 'the lleserVo itt the, bank is now $500,000, being an in- erease of $50,000 overthat of last year; or an increase of ono -fourth the whole amount of the regerve. This is a cheer- ing prospect for the Bank, and it is the taken into eonsidetati more so, wneu On 18 theAlardlleSS Of tho tiMOS t1,11C1 010 many Batik suspensions duriag the past year. BesideS the Reserve alreadY spoken of, thee° is a balance 'at ereclit of profit and loes itedonnt Of $4,121.01. The report goeg on to say :—" Dtto al, lowanee being made for the severe and lengaeobtinited depressito it' every bitinich of trade and Trianittactures, we believe you will share rue satiefaction 511110 tomtit of the'yetti'le htteihees, for whilst ample provision hag been made for bad and doubtful debts, the c,ustom- :try dividends have been poet, Iola tbty 'lioqt has boon incretteed 10$500,000e, a Mint aqttiValent 1 11l per cent. oti the etibeeribed capital of the Bank." Mr. joint IVIolson was elected to sticcood Mr. WM. Nielson, late iteccaSed, 0. Presiderit, arid the vacancy iltt the 1loard WitS find by the election of the flon. D,12. Iviacpberson, of Toronto, Auother early western settler has just "crossed the bourne whence no travel- ler returneth," in the person of Mr. An- gus Watson, who has just died in East Williams, at the ripe old age of 91. Mr. Watson came from Inverness-ehire, Scotland, over 80 years ago, -and has resided in East Williams ever since, He was father to the Rev. David Wat- son, of Tharah, and alsO Rev. Peter Watson, of Williamstown, County of Glengarry. Ili Telegraph to the Gardner Sewing Idly,' Chloe CompanYI Illamiltifie : , cordeen,Ootobere.2875-rieral got ArstApilins, , et Glengarry County Fair, over the 1gobli2er,10*-. • boru arid New Yerk Singer. ' :, 3Aatne Mrts110T.,•., • Dellevillo,.Sopt 30th, 1875-44ot promise Mg :73 ar i al vo l 'li'l::::. : le oro, P i 2; : el "Kt: -144BWo yh ea te ito:0 lit rif IWPrO41t11: I:: rae n:e:.' overy other machine.. Great contest. 1 On Tuesday evening of last week the house of len.. Chas. Matyn, near Fuller- ton village, was entered by burglars and about $40 extracted from his drawer. Mr. Martyn is treasurer of the /Mien Suuday,school in the village, and the amount cirried away was the receipts of a Sunday school festival. It is but 11 short time since his,nearest neighbor, Mr. Bitkor, was Victimized totho ex- tent of $10: in tlee .earate manner. Mr. F. E. Pole, of Mitchell, RS our readers arc aware, was last Week placed upon trial, charged with forging the -names of A. 0. Buchan, Guelph ; Geo. Norris and Jamee Glen, of London Ana others. There wee no evidence of the prisoner's guilt advanced, ad the jury brosight in a verdict of " not guilty." Brigham Young was called to answer fOr failing to cerry out the award in favor of his wife Ann Eliza Young. The judgment of the Coma Was. that the defendant be, imprisoned snail the ninety-five hendred dollars and costs of the suit are paid, or released by the Court. lit accordance with the above Marshall Maxwell arrested Brigham Young at the latter's residence. where he now remain* M the custody of the Marshal. On Wednesday of last week, a fatal acciden't oceurred in the Great Western yard in London. A drover named R. Scott, of the sixth concesoion of Lobo, was on the track looking after' a couple of car loads of sheep he was shipping, when a freight train came in. He moved off the track to let it pass, but stepping back, was struck by the engine while shunting, and instant- ly killed. The body was terribly man gled, and cut in two across tbethest Death must have been instantaneous CONtUMPTION.—Lettor from, Captain Colin, of the brig" Potosi," of Wind- sor N. S.—St. John, N.B. May 22nd, 1868.—Mr. James 1 Fellows, Chemist. Dear Sir: In May, 1866, I was attack- edmitha severe dry cough, which c.;n- tinned in harihriess for seine time, when 1 oommenced, expectorating a thick, whitish ,substerice, then I raieed a greenish yellow and slate -colored matter, then bleeding of the lungs set 10, 511(1 other synaptoms of a veryalartn- ing character showed themselves. I consulted the leading physicians in Philadelphia and other eitiee, who gave me no encouragement, rts 6113r diadase wag Consumption. spared no ex- pense to obtain relief, but found none. In August I had fallen in flesh from 155 to 186 pounds, and sinking rapid- ly every day. My friends in Philadel- phia advised tile to leave the ship and go home. At home they considered my ease hopeless, ond wished the to re- main there and not die in a foreign country. I visited St. Joho in Octob- er of the Eiattle year on my way to Pinta( olphia tojoiit my ship, and Was advised by ft stranger, who notieed oay shrunken fOriX, 9.011 ritoking ..0011,411, tO try your Compound Syrupof Hypophoe- phitesi and, as 5 drowning man grasp at straws', I Sit* a ray of Snipe in the suggestion, and 'procured bot- tle. The effect warranted a further trial, and 1 bought a dozen bottles, and left St. John, and have been knocking about the Atlantic ev(,r since. As this is the first time 1 have visit. ea your city since, 1 feel Under an obli- gation to let yen know' the effects pr0. duced by this 3yrup. 1 continued telt, ing i he remedy regularly. At first tny appetite considerably lin p rove el,t regabk. ed strength--tlion Triy 3oug1t gratintally left Tim, and finally the eitpectOratiOn ceased ; and although the benefit Warr C E nirox. NEW TIN SHOP AND STOVE DEPOT.— Messrs Shelton kHill have opened out a tin shop and stove deppt in Credi- ton, which ,will peeve quite an .acquisi- tion to the place. We wish our young friends all the success , imaginable iu their now undertaking. r :11.11.1E writ. 1.,rus. Over $75,000 has been expended in the town of Kincardine for new build- ings during last year. The Misses Strickland, of Oshawa, took nearly fifty prizes at the East York and Markham fairs. A lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows is to be started shortly in the village of Widder Station. The medical council is on the war- path in Oxford, and already two of the " un -registered." have been mulcted to the extent of fine and costs. "Dr." Moore, (colored) of Innerkip was ac- quitted. It is feared that a great amount of grain will be completely Iwo this sea- son in the townships of Arthur, Minto, Maryborough, Peel, Luther, Amaranth, and Proton, in consequence of the con. sequence of the continual wet weather. Jessie Borer, a 'young man 24 years of age, commited suicide in West Film - bore the other day by sheoting himself. Cause—disappointed affection. At a meeting of the District Lodge of Orange Young Britons, 'held in Toron- to Wednesday evening, Ont. 27111, the followimr resolution was pubmitted and untinianously adopted:—" Moved by Bro. Prank Lyon, seconded by Bro. A. M. and Iiesolved—That in eon - sever -me of a growing and determined diepositien on the part of certain per- sons and nettiSpaperate fasten on Young Britons discreditable aete, which are alleged to have occurred on the public streets, both of an insulting Or Violent nature tewards Roman Catholice, which in the absence otiproof of any good rea- 8011 for the truth of etch, mast be re- garded as a malicious fabrication, evi- dently 'intended for state sinister Or po. litiestpurpose ; of this charactet a, let- ter appeared in tho Claim dila) 2611i tilt., signed *Live and Let Live,' --Re- solved, therefore, that the ,District Meister, Bro. Campton, take tile no. cossary steps to afford an opportunity to the Gabe Abet otixtre to prove, in a catirt of jitstioe, thie mid gimitar charges against our order, or'those who are al' ked to be members thereof.' be Bishop of Eaton was at Wing- htn Fridey last, where he adnionster- oa the rite of ritifilitination to abont 70 young per6000. singer, oth competing w Oith tile 3,14140eler .Tilsonburt.et 1L 1875 -First ptrizeri Reptt la and ers EvnIVrTa,&.fi‘a *,„, Union Exhi 'ition here over all coraPetitOra atairsraiew seressawr • Woodetocir, Oct 3, 1875-1toyal took first prise 01 Exhibition hero over ell corapetitore Parts, Oct 8, 1875-Have7t3isAltrrlion.fizrWstSPrisvrwth' Royal at Fair here, beatiag the *sylxiond. singer., WirmTeas sNiMia Napanee, Oct 15, 1875 -Royal hae ta,hen first, price at Fair hero, over singer, Howe; Wenger V,. and others. 34.11740,BAnaterw Harley, Oct 19, 1878-007t22 takes first prise At this Fair for taraily -work .Light Manufaetttr- wybrmeitimino These victories conclusively prove that he, ,ntgilt Running Royal is the People's,Favorite and( the Best Family sowing maohine. The manatee- tnrers have 1aMly added to ittheFrreateet novelty eif the, 040, the „Royal tamp`, Holdefi for 111,011111e. Machines. 'the lamp can never upset nor the:0V tioil the work, and it ig arranged fe,thitow the- l14o'work e 1 t onoanyt:o awrtlIbtynight a is,s1,4sy, . t ent71hlia0the- r rA ti r - JAMES PICKARD Exeter. - N. }TOWARD, L10ENED AUC- • tioneer for the Co of Huron. Sales prompt- ly attoC1 0 to, and terms reasonable Post office address, Exeter o tober 4 D E LLIN G OU SE 130E1SALE.. The subscriber offers for sale or rent, a splen- did one -and -a -half story frame dwelling house, on Sinicoo st., in the village of Exeter, aclioinIng iai acre of 1and. Terms reasonable, and made known on applying to T. HUTCHINSON, Exeter p. o. tf. Exeter, Nov. 4 1875. INCHELSKA. riu / GEORGE KENI P HAS 11E1E04 ED HIS Tobacco Store t TO Balkwilis Block, NORTH OF STANLEY & JERlitY/q, Which he has taken for a term of three years,, and hopes to receive the liberal supporkof. the, public. GEORGE KEMI?:, • Harry lSro-wn 01 Winchelsos., informs his friends that he eau supply thorn with all manner of reap, ing, mowing and threshing machine repairs. He is always ready to meet his friends, and do his best for them by supplying them with wood of iron work. HARRY BROWN. FARMERS, ATTENTION. Cash paid for 'Hides, Sheepskins, Scar 10 RENT. A Dwelling House in tho Village of Exeter. Ap-, ply to I. CABLING. HOUSEA good AND LOT l'OR SALE.— ono -storey frame house, containing 5 rooms; also acre of laud, adjoining the Market quare, Exeter. On the lot is ttll excellent well of ater. For particulars apply to ISAAC BAW- DEN , Exeter. 77-tf. „ 001? FUR SALE 11.!he subscriber has a quantity of excellent beech and maple cord and stove wood, which he wili,sell ut reasonable figures. L CALLING AT THE CORNER One Door South of Drew's Hotel. , R. 31.-.1)YAS A. ELLIS, , SurgeOn. Dentist, has located permanently in Exeter. Outee at the Central Hotel, 113-11 ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER' SITI-F--9.`he partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned as butchers has bona dissolved by mutual consent. • A I WESLEY BISSETT, 1 WM BALEWILL, Jn. The business win hereafter he conducted by Wesley Bissett. In.xeter, October 12, 1875. , 113-3t OYSTERS! Oysters ! Oysters ! ' (35 Cents per Oar) AND GROCERIES G. Store, Post Office Block. An excellent stock of Groceries and Confection ery on hand. CHOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS.. Sportsmen Supplied with Ammunition. School Books, Stationery, Magazines ALL THE LATESP NOVELS. N.B.-Sewing Machine Needlesof every kind for sale. G SANDEIM' STRAYED into my paemisee on the ist et September, BON ort two year old heifers' oue a ionu color, bus on a boil, one white, two red ratnveititelisit. cede stpootpticoclvoreprd oaii,iodaNyV11:16)Ott.y eq.x`hpee011.7611801'aiict tut vtrila0y111. tool. JOHN GAIN, lot 1,' .on 1132,M-81' ri4 Atm 1011 SALE.—T1-IE SUB- sla scriber offers for sale south hal/ of lot 1, eon Osborne, containing 50 ELC1'00.. 40 of which are cleared. Good frame house and 11 frame barna, 30x50 and atlx50. Also stable and shod 18x45 Good water.1tud frilit bearing orchard, Five miler"; /1:0111 gE0t01'. 11.01; further particulars apply to the subscriber On the premises or if by -letter, JAME 8 CAVE Centralia P 0 *113-101 AVA FOR SALE—ONE HUND- roe utores more or 1088,101 0 on 815 coo. sbornU, ConLy }Smell, 75 acres (neared, remain- der in harclwo0d buoh, wolt fol d vitiloadinoraohglog state of cultivation o splendid Well of water, train° barn 31k70, it good collar under, a lOg house, and convenient toadliool and church.. 7 miles from Inman, 5 frOm Granton and from St. 'Mary's, on a good wave' roacl: Terms --$5,800; half down twit the other i0 fiVe or 'seven yours' time13'01' further patticulars apply to JAMEb SADLER, On the premises, 1.07-tf , A RARE OPPOB,TUNITT All that valuable stook of Clocks, Watches .8‘ Jewelry IAIIM FOR SALE. --THE SUB- soribnr offere for sale the of lot 3 0011.3, `Osborne, containing 50 acres of exCellent laud, 40 acres' cleared, balnuee won timbered, dwellii.g 14(0 80, barn atid stable the prerniaos, also41 good young ormaird of graft hint aria 11110 ver -failing sming, Distant froin Exeter four 011100. Ver Curtner partiOnlars apply to J. D138 IISZprOprioror, Exeter 10,78-tf, „i1011 SALE, AN EIWELlitINT Fillt% being Let g, /4,11, 11kti 0(2)1, Mania- Vray, 100 sena of excell-nt land, 75 Etats cleared Mal tinder Cultivation, 18 litres stindnerfaliewad; balance Well timbered Mid lahend in, A AIWA dwelling hat,* 8 frone harni4 and frame stable With other eilthetiges en tjid h6011111305. Alen a yeungv geenthearing orehard. two Walla of Water with mope, Distance freinlAdter 0 1>11102,5110 Miles front Uentralikitn atatioM Petkossion given after:harvest'. ,Ver furthor toirticolart ep- plv in an WaltD ONE flo lot 10, Nat, moonfiviA, or it by- letter to Orediteli 100.11, to be Sold Off at Cost end LESS THAN :COST within sixty,days Iran:date., ( As the goods have been selected with mai care and are really good, this is a chance that only happens ouce„ in a lifetime. Coma ' along then and. SECURE THE BARGAINS as the stock must be sold. Also the entire Household rurniture to be sld. This is one d the best ur. Mailed houses in the village, and'Psr- ties wishing to buy good furniture can secure bargaina. This is it bona fide sale, and atrittily T4littiersiol'irt rine 7-oo1ave Piano, Weber (Kinesten) tour round corners, heavy carved logs, a first. slots artiste. Also one Ten -Stop Organo stritleratso itea the best atomha, the rilleee ; q• Setts reeda, allb bass and imtwoo simpler, * splendid article for 'a eland), Will 5.'11641- 0130211. All by private side, THOS, , rirtolis Vliteter, 01. 240815,