HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-10-28, Page 3tai .aa Off O tft• Ala .44 C C3 • a3 w • ct3 0 V1 00 04 0. $ 1�{ rd ca rcs 0 d x 11� ■ 4-1 A� 0 A &•i 4 C3 C3 rd o3 0 t 0 0 117 a m Fig TA ct f ROVINOIA1. PLOWIN # RVIA10H. A RVIiAr, il4f7v;'1t)s`V'r;1, Th e gac:ti 39 fin. the iiiliet little viihig(� of Slx�yatai, Ys)'_ 1 xClollth, nave had a owe OiON9,110fit, And The Pxovineiel plowilag Matelt for fere taking full aatl eentiese of the scope this district, Wai lied ply: l edlleliflav Of t affords for t=heir ta)I1¢tltive power's. J last week. The first ; clans men and It appeare. says a col'respin dent,that o,1I boys plowedon the faint of .Mr,. Avery, vary respoetable and wealthy farmer) on _tale. ,London heady Stanley,; and tlic who resides near this place, hurl seriO le second clase amen on the fen of Mr. 1-4-1 Stanburry,,udjoiniug that of Mr. Avery. The day was delightfully pleasent, end tho aattendance of the speotatere; yory large. The ground was in' fail' Oelid%.'; tion, although ia1 some places iltthor wet. no `work 'done was generally good. • .Altogether we eon truthfully state that' there wasnot an inferior plough- man on the field, Each ploughman had some failing, of�.coerse,` and each excelled in some point. In the. first class there wore 18 en- tries ; in the second 22'and 8 boys,. The following is a list of the prizes take ers Mnl�j—I1'IxisT CLAes.—.1st D. Fraser,, Bluevale, Yeandle plough, $50; 2nd, J L Courtioe, .Goderich T'p, McTavish plough, $40 3rd, Val. Otto, IN. East - hope, Yeandle plough, :fl;;30; 4th Wm. Phipp Goderich T'p, Dundas plough, $20; 5th David McLean, Tuckersmith, Munro & Hogan plough, $15 ; Oth A Thompson, Brimfield, McTavish plough, $10 ; 7th Wm. Dixon, Elnan,, Yeandle plough, $5. MEN—SEoovD CLASS. -1st W. Dela- ney, Hibbert, Humphrey plow, $40; 2nd J. Gardner, Hibbert, Yeandle plow $32; 3rd W. Bell, Tukersmith,' $25; 4th W. White, I'Iibbert, $15; 5th G. T. McGee, Kippen, $10; full A. Innis, Stanley, McTavish plow, $5. Boys. -1st D. McEwen, Stanley, Mc• Tavish plow, $3f; 2nd Thos. Forsyth, Brnssels, Wilson plow, $25; 3rd James Ross, Stanley, McTavish plow, $20; 4th W. MOKeroher, Howielt, McTavish plow, $15; 5th J. Hoggarth, Hibbert, Munroe & Co. plow, $10; Gth R. M. Curry, Wingham, Mulloy plow, $5, JUDGES FOR Boy's AND FIRST CLASS MEN.-•JAs. Thomas, Soaforth. ; Jas. Q) Ferguson, Thamesville ; Geo. Hyde, S.. Stradford. C.) DIRECTORS. --R. Gibbons, Esqr., Goderich; L. E. Shiploy,,Esgr.,• Fal kirk ; S. White, Esqr., Charing Cross. Wm. Yonng, Esqr., Carlow ; G. Ander- CI son, Esq., Varna ; and W. G. Hing. CCS ton, Esq., Brussels. V The prizes were distributer at Mr. Joslin's Commercial. Hotel, Clinton, t> where an exesllent•supper waspre par - 'ed for all the 'officers as well as the plo wmem. •ice -t-' CQ CZ •'Orr Cl) U C) bo mom CD rri VJ CFS tin Q) • MIEN igazi 011 kik 101 T.:FRLE SdPPI.;rf; . The Dunkin Bill has been defeated in the Township of Kitley by a majority of 40. It is expected that the Prince of Wales will lay the foundation stone of a new Masonic hall for the Freemasons of Bengal during his visit to India. A French widower says that when a Frenchman Ioses his wife it is at first'a' duty to cry over hie loss. and then it becomes a habit, and finally a pleasure. Messrs. George and Isnac .English, of Omen1,-o, have already trapped nearly nee thousand nnls1 rats on Pigeon Lake. They expect, if the wsather continues favorable, to double that num- ber. Some Carleton Place women have en- tered rrtered on a crusade against the hotels. Last Saturday evening one of the hotels was attacked by them. and a number of windows smashed. The landlord, in consequence, had double his usual nember of customers this week. objectious to the attentio1)s of a pui)t; man to liis daughter. The ,Owing gent ,laavingl)eerr forbiddento'enter the dom- icile of the young lady's parents, it be- ear en'eeessiu'y on,tbe;part ,,of 'the twain 'to 1Johlrry on thOie correspondence: theotlg}1 a friend, who in such oasel. can be l'eadily found, ' Matters had re- mained lin mf el In sat quo for, some time un- til Wednesday, the 20th inst., when the fail"exile was told by .her mother to go see child albeit neiehbars who had been hurt. Fortunately for the lovers, the grocery man was - returning from St. Thomas, and upon'meeting his ,be- trothed the plans were laid on short notice, ,and the faithful daughter: accept• ed a seat beside her devoted, and tate two hearts gay with anticipation were soon Wending their way to Springfield, where the two were united in the bands of holy matrimony.' They are now eu- joying the honeymoon, and also medi- tating on'a parent's displeasure. is EXETER.s,0a31ce,'Caetor, October 25,• White wiioat ...$O Spring Wheat 9to to 8 5 .99 Outs h 87 to 40 Potatoep'' ' 25 to 80 Peas 50 to 60 + 14 to I5 ' Butte .. IEggs''loui per'bbl 16 to le C00 to 600 ilio is 1`9 to 12 . Hogs 700 to 725 14 to 16 Tloef 4 50 to 5 (10 Hoa 0 00 40 0 to 50 0 Shideopsluna,.. 90 to 110 1H)1iadApples 1175 to 0 to1200 Onions 75 to 1 00 \\o Lard, 14 to 15 95 ST, MARY'S. (Reported regularly by A. Galbraith, Clerk) Dethlwheat, per bused. .,. 98 to 100 Spring wheat ... ... 98 to 99 Barley • 55 to 70 Peas ... ... .,. ,.. - 55 t0 :60 Oats 38 to 40 Egg per dozen .,. 11 to 12 .Buttes"' 15 to 18 Wool 35 to 37 Ray 1000 to 12 00 _ LONDOti White Wheat, por cental , • 1'rcadwoll Red Winter Wheat...•••... ... ...••,. SEAFORTH, aIlWhen• primitviheat.: 90 o A,uta.. •t 0 900 to'1147009505 Basic 6U to leas.:; 055 to 65 B; , 0 17 to 18 Ebbsutte+•. 12 to 13 • LUCAN. White wheat 90 to105 Troadn ell.... ....................................90 tel 05 Spring 00 tel 02 Oats . 0 80 to 52 Peas 0 60 to 0 65Barloy.,, 50 to 70 Butter 17 to 18 12 to 13 25 to 025 12 to 13 6to 7 Hay 8 00 to 10 00 Timothy seed , 3 'l5 to 3 50 Clovers el coo to 675 Wool 35 to 15 100 to 150 Hided 00 to 0 00 to 5fork 7 CO to 7 50 1 65 tor75 100 to170 150 to 165 165 to 175 1,25 to 1 50 108 to 1.15 0 90100 92 Eggs per dozen Potatoes i,ard Tallow L Sheepskins Beef GIIANTON. Deihl wines,t, $1.03 Treadwell, 1 00 to 1.03 sl•ring 91 to 1.01 B erley, 50 to 68. Peas, 60 to 652, Oats, 50 to 31 Beer, 5 to 0.00 Rutter, U e Eggs, s 140 11i fes ver tb, 'leets. Tallow, per 31, 0 to 7 Shout skins GRAY'S SYRUP OF • Red Spruce Gum Fon Coughs, Colds, Bronchial and Throat Affe.;tions. At Ciecinnati, last week, a saloon- Prepared from the Finest Red spruce Gum. keeper placed a lignted candle inside B (De]ioious Flavor) an empty whiskey barrel for some pur- pose, and left it therefor a short time. Soon a customer .entering the saloon noticed a blue flame coniNg from the bung -hole, and placed his hand over the orifice, when the barrel exploded, bad- Iy demoralizing the room and its con- tents. The Cobourg Sentinel says:—" Sev- eral car loads'of poplars have been brought in here for shipment to the' other side, to be used in the manufac- ture of paper." While a San Francisco undertaker was drawing his tape -line over the corpse of a Chinese woman,; he was isurlaried to see her roll her eyes tip at him. The surrounding friends showed no surprise. but simply said, "She is deadee by 12 o'clock." 'Tie, official advised them not to appoint, the hour until after "Silo he deadee." Except in cases Of wealthy Chinaman, who can afford the expense of a fun eral spread of varnished liog and other Orientalisms, the Chinese almost'in- variably hurry off their dead before they are fairly cola. Tho sharpers who infest the country, preying upon the unsupecting farmers, have concocted another 'new scheine for victimizing rhepeople. They pre-* tend tobe o looking for stray animals., One gets a description,; of an' estray horse taken up by a farmer, and clailns the horse, giving the description of it as a proof that he owned and, lost 'it. Usually lie states that he is a long dis- tance from home, and proposes to sell. the animal for much less than its vagi tie, rather than be troubled to take it home. The farmer unless unusually sharp, accepts the proposition and pays the money, when the scoundrel, A colo,ed man, who was lately re susciatedfrom what seethed death, but was onayeatalepsy, was entertaining his frfen+ s with the sights leo beheld in the other world. 'Plenty' colored bred ren in Heaven I s lee To ' ' t , , Tom ell yes!" said Torn.. 'And how about hell --any' down there?'. asked another iutenccutof' 'Oh yes! massa, plehty of dem der too' 'Any white folks, Tom?' 'Lorca save' us, der: ain't no end on em, but by gosh, massa, obry white men done got'' a nig. ger Nordin between him raid de fired!' ' Two tramps forced an entrance into the new Catholie Church at'Grafton-on Thursday evening, 15th hist, and lodg- ed there for'the nighty But before leaving in the morning they broke Op- en the carpenters' chests. and took about, $50 worth of,tools. 'They were track' ed to`near fort Tope whore one of thelli was c:tptttred and the greater part of stolen property reebvered,tlaelcttlpr1t be.•� ing lodged in gaol. The other' fellow made good his escape, Farmers are busily engaged in tit ei'iring the turnip crop at present', The frop generally speaking is good, Bo tatitoes have mostly been telion up and hothead, and are'tt good, yield. Sesforth Council has -passed 'a }by -taw granting a bowls of $10,000to;Dr.Collo mon, on o0ditii3fa et hie; estebdishio r a inaehine shop. It is said tho' pooplo will 'ote;th a •1a' 1 1t alsamio;:"Soo thing, Espoctorant and Tonin Sold by respectable chomists • Sc1 Proprietors and Manufacturers, KERRY WATSON & CO., Wholesale Dru(gists, Mont: eel N 13—The words "syrup:o!! ted spruce Gum" constitute our registered '.trade Mark, and our wrapper and labels aro also registered. 1i2 -6m THOI PSON & WILLIAMS , AGRICULTURAL., IMPLEMENTS loijer and •':Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse power wood Sawing Machines This machine has been thoroughly tested and •given ENTIRE SATISrACTION It is supplied with a, BAND WHEEL for driving a, Straw ',Cutter, Grain Crusher, Or otlle'r mae]lineIy, without extra expense esc eopt for the belt. TRIAL O1'FR D. All kinds bl Farrni.ngl mpleiYlents Ifepf consta)ttl,' on baud. '' '. s0' in'fu11 opetstloll, GIATES tri sigosB..' 'allt ereer Kept at 33issett's' nn. - shop, Exeter. promptly r dto, Atidaree — 'Cf1OIIPSON WILLIA t1 :NOTICE ! ()TICE!.N o, Mrt w +.fl's'. ie tilt* place for ebeap goods, Having bought his fau etoek'troniznatilrlacturere?i' :cash he 'to anrc- 1104 to give. his customers the benefit, by selling thous at such astonishingly 1O x prie08 that pvo*•. t ( 61c st Caix';?n.0 don't liesitl,to to bu; . 4-notlookt Winofes pain trona 8,ets. s o. String and cheek, 15 o'no18 ots„ worth 25 conte, Dund e a b41,09,100,7 ptaltdozvta. I?riett4 at_a>1 pr1Ag7up4t in groat variety, ,adios' reit Skirts tr4111.A4 1112,.; TAILORTN•G DEPARTMENT. C. 55. W. paging a tret•clasI Tal,ior,constantly on hand, is prepared to make 15en's and Boy' CLOTHING , AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Full Twee¢ Suits, $10 pp. Gents' Furutehings a appoialty, , BOOTS & SHOES, Now is the time for cheap boots,- man's Kip, only $2.45; Stogae, $2220; Shanty, $2.10, Woman's, boys' and Children's; an 1 11 t ons a fullass Yo � e ots more of that good Toa at50fate .per 1b., worth 621; just tuft, White .rushed sugar, 10 lbs for$1. Another lot of thoso latest 'English and American styles of Hats and Caps. PAINTS, OILS, HARDWARE AND COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND.' 44.V• The highest price for produce in exchange for Goods 0. M. 'RTE31313. TAKE NOTICE All parties in- debted to T. Fit- ton, either by note or book ac - account, are re- quested to settle their accounts within 30 days from dale. After the 3Oth of Nov. .all unsettled ac- counts will be handed into court for collection. THOS. FITTON. Oct. 27th, 1875. BOA • See T ROYAL SEWING MACHINE. Ist. If you want first-class Machine, get the Royal—for durability, strength and finish unexcelled. - 2nd. The Royal is the machine. It will ` do allkinds of Heavy and Light Work with the greatest ease, as long as; you please. 3rd. Not Liable to get out of order, easily worked, with very little noise in the House. 4th. No agents employed, consequently' the price is placed at a''figrrre that will suit all who wish to invest in a • first class machine. Don't be :.deceived. Call and inspect for yourselves. Lastly. BUY ONLY THE. ROYAL. 'Now is the time to secure one of those machines. Can be seen at the Showrooms, . Pickard's Block. ! " Satisfaction Guaranteed, or No Sale. 111.1y. JAMES PICKARD, '' `, Exeter, Ont. 11 NNOi S W C P THY... CENERAL SEWISTC MACHINE AGENT A ASPLTNDID assortment always on hand. !Any 'hind furnished to order. largo assortment oNeedles and othor Furnishing's kept in stock for every kind of. Sewing ma- chines. Machines Repaired, As have bad a long experience with Sewing Machines, and understand ahem thoroughly, it would be an advantage to thoseln,,want of ono, to ptircbsso itf am me. All .or, dere by mail' promptly'attonded to. Huion-st. one clbor West of the Comtnercial Hotel,,,. CLINTuN, October 14, 1875. 111-m9. TELE x , H. & B. R. IS COMING And we aro Still Ahead and have opened otit'the rJAGEST, 01-11-11 AP ST tS5 T3 ST stock of Goons over brought into Exeter, Of Everything in the General Lune of.13usiness. 'conslatiug 'of C ai Staple & rl� r rarityDry7C o d 1`t G1 .rQr o; lot in aentsHats i Cups, dStpots Iloii a rttraii:S11ir1(la,11'ardwarec Groeerios, hoots and $llCed, Stationery, VVatill PaptrS, Otoe1Se1'S' atnl. Cllla0wltto°,,,1atdilt Medkcillsgtet3l.4 itOi l have niso secured the services of MR W r. IVES of ilowsrlativzl1t, lata of le conte, 58 lilainigcr'of xa1y Clothing Iiopartiaent, Al! 'n' si k sent telt by hint guaariinteed to be OSSOnd try 110130 in the 1lormtrion, Petit hutting a epeeinlity. All pentons faboring.us with a'call Will Ind the 'goods and prions right, lltrnotxlho6, this is the, piano to got everything yon want at low prises. - N. IJ.—Ail kinds of lt`ata`m..k'rentice talon in tilitthttiee. HENDEfl0N,if WHt,TF SVCG SSGRr"TQ CI, 11. SNIT/1, T A R, # g. are Allowing lronclerfui value in O V E Off. O A T S. IN M N la S AND 'BOYS.' ALso Wincies,Flazinels, 3lack.Los- tres and, Idierinoes Fresh stock of hoots .and shoes, "CHEAP A S EVER," MEND/31180NaRt" WHITE Sn000350r8 to G. B. Snaith. St. Mary's, October 22, 1876. Cia 1-3 0 td t NOTICE TO TRESPASSEltti ON THE CANADA COMPANY'S LANDS , I hereby caution all persona against cutting ear,; removing timber from the lands of the Canada Company, as I ant authorized to pros,toute ali. trespassers with the utmost rigor of the law. JOHN ePACRMAN, - w ' ' Timber" Agent Can. Co. .4e, •Txeter, ?fay 19 • ' ' t' 89itt. & S. GIDLEY, EXETER, CA - eel • IMINET-MAI{ER & UNDERTAKERS, take this opportunity to inform the inhabitants of this and surroundipgsections that their New Hearse e now completed, a 'd they do not hesitate insatr- irlgg that it mono of the best in this western part. Orr. UNDER'T'AKING Department, as heretofore, will bo found iu a very efficient condition. Collins—plain and "ornamental,— also, sbronds, etc' Funerals furnished ori the shortest notice and iuost reasonable textus, N. B.—A good assortment of FURNITi7IU7 al- ways in stock • -Auguat28, '74'62-ly T 0' T' Tar E Y s And Stoolfi flreedera W M SWEET, ; V. S., Uraninite of the Vetere. hairy Ontario Flims '!' College. Has removed Ids, office to',0no door north of o. 1lacrort'e harness Shop, flue nearly opposite John Tinsmith Shop. veterinary Medicines al. wa s, on end Culls ro t1Y attended to. Iorsoaoxariinod al otheir i souudueal Attttu t2eth; 1873. 1t ftp iwe'. 18 rrjirr,fSITra) r Y uric a Marj n ', Ott'' pI''PoS'Yu r: 'orffcn,. .liefe ,scs s 5&N. 0:. h lf,'tM 01.50 per ebnum, liayablo strictly fta titivates Na aubseription taken for les$ then 11x, montbp. h,4'1'E 0.%li)l'x'.ii'�''.l ,L10. t+'1rtt; iataortioir t,nr line :� ., ,. Rc Mit trifiilt86gttentinsertionp1br.linty 'zv; Atlt'83 tlrlonu 018 of et, ay4tl'4attte, at ticlooioiit Cr &e., 001 coocllog, t.e s hies—first lnontli t1.00;0001SubSequentlnofftit r0conta. N(Aloes of births, ruarrie gel s and deaths inscrte Attt'ertisernonts tvitt,ont ariecfle eiireetion$ 1t'111 3,0 ir0Ncrted till forbid, linrI purged accordingly, Ativertisernenta to, be, me/untied by a shale of aolal rtonperset, 1 l+«f 1Z1,1' : Cl!o following veto's will are' charged MI- y01t11y M tl Vertia3elnentS:•_. • ovt 'a 1 iY 6 030 3 800 (le tun, tee