Exeter Times, 1874-10-15, Page 2• -lave •0 iltaivalualew/ett, lteve idea ea:0 that they lettae Waal eementeby wq of gplseription and .30V-wor which aotuaio lo a. stet() of rattraetivateeee at the DDIES OtTlee. temp:0170e 4 tour tta Monattee eitt4t, gko Wi 911 ,t1lOSS 040 ate) it• tterears„, atad ue Lupe oth friends NNP 10 abh;,' to :meet with hie aemenas, Pie (rx4tivi, PUBLVOILD 4-vvmry huroday AlJrnpo Tut. OPPICE, appose, 6 inOLSOk16 AN I lours $l.50 per anotun, p.tyable strietly in advance. subSeription taifeu for leea than six inei,,ths, lfl eas OF 4OVERTISANO Fleet iusortioo per line.... . .. Ph ensubsequent insertion po'r , ..... . .-.2o A,I rertisements struYed oatt,i '. art ...... sat or 'matt ko.. Wat eng' Xeeediten Ines -first anenth L.00 ; each subsequent mouth, 50cents, Notices of births, marria.gos and deaths inserted f .eo. A.lvertisetrients without speefte direetione will 1,0 inserted till forbid, and charged aceerdingly. e Advertisements to be mm died by a scale of tit noupariel. b. l'tLY aCiREaLII,EN 4 S !'be following rates will be charged for yearly Advertisements: - ONE Yfl 6 B108. 3 NOtt tlzio Column *SO ..$35 ..... 57 ...... 25 20 , 8 gh% " . s . ..... Stasi:toss cards, six llues and under, 64 to ten ines, S. J. WHITE EXETela, OCTO.L3Elt 1.5tea, 1874 etteeeyealyee awl the Reformers bad entcred into setae agreemeat ,to with - bead from peesueutaat eeratio patties whieh ha1 Wee fylea. 'If they Carry mit 'the following eesolutioe, sehich Nita ath,p i,Ca t tbu megaton they still make eie step in the fever uf a .diserindoet- age pealtc' pataatattea altatI't`et'itl:/e1;)«:,°,;;Ttr ,tetaac'f •alleePateit tioa :aaeinst. auottier, Walt tile riOw of the;eby cvadigu fait hiveetigatiOn of the oorreat'pettetieee:Ontaloyea 111 se. euring.1,-he sueees4e1 result of any setae ele etioe 6, 13 ,111(7gNI' 6O3 iln41Yro1, and reale fer tile meetungutiliftea eadeitt- ataion of ate membeee of every politieal mgenieatiout Thatethe O000cil 'make all oecee- sery e qoirios att to the tavta, of shell rumored compeomisee-or withdrawal :of petitions, in ruder to teke legal au4 miter procetelhags, aua to prosecute vie gorously and teat SUCOeSSfill issue fitch eases es they may deem Proper, etaft raise a fund from the pulthe'end getter - ally tu aet ae the 'premises asahey nnty betieve aeet for the interestof the couotry." They could notehowever,conient then. selves with having adopted a wise reso- lution, but must needs adopt A foolish one also and so make thentsolvos ap- pear ridieulons. If they contame thes will sot n be as cra.zy as Blake himself. That the •people will Bebe* to the pea- siug of a law ounipelling them to vote, or even to deposit te- blank'beflot, thev.. surely can profees to be eye : Any le- geislature that would attemPt pasa such. a law woula de scat its peril. Tile following tae silly resolution refereed to That, in view fftlie early meeting of the Provincial alai:MI.61a; ,and anew election,' 'the Ct natal 'boa regteasted to frarae measures peeviditeg for the rep- teaseetation of minarities, and for °Ova:, pulso y voting, end to entleaverto intact stieh measnres introduced in the sees:ton of the Local Legislatare." ' Ma- C -A -11 -E -11 -0 ---Wo bill the an affeetionate farewell, . FLAIL° Jet The circus season is not y• t over. Hawkins of Brantford made: his -grand leap some three or four weeks ago, and the Hen.' E: Blake, the, great chieftain, now in tea:hare. A reaearsal took place,at Aurora a few days since, and now tad Grit organs are really vexed ti at Edward should have so displayed Ithuttela. The -doctrines advanced by him on that occasion were such as 'to letal the Refoimers to dress themselves in sackcloth and ashes, in Mourning for their .• thodern Demosthenes. , at 'hag beeu:known- for some time thaaair, Bas .foelingii were not of &naure to itubrait •tin.heine dictated to hv the.greal.picia tor. We -predict that -eventually,' end the third party of politicians. • a THE it x4t.iir. • • The 'American slaug phrases are op- prepriate at times. What.more appro- priate than the lerm ready when ap- plied to cash. Bat how seldom isit ready. Now oui readers liteee laid be- fore them in the circular. of Mr, John Renton the views of a merchant in this mattee, and his tiews are entirely iu accord aith those expressed by the ma- jor part of the mereantile community. To the merchant; truly it is a source of atmoyeeace te alloweredit to individuals who, as soon as they are acquired to •setae their tiebounts, turn fiern him and Carry their' custom' to atietaerest tablishment. This is but. a trifling cir- cumstance haconaeCtion with the ere& it plan. ft is net:th flee merchant, at is plainly shown in the circular'spoken of, bat to the buyer that ate mustnouci results. The theory that the interest _accruing . on the moiety leut oat will more tuan counterbalaace the surplus lambent taey have to,pay on goods. at a etatlit plate, is a mistaken oue, 'll.e 'Sooner the credit plan is cast .to tae Winds, and the cabal principle adopted, ale eel). er will the world steed' itisi n.o4 iedependent bottom, •and .the sou ate will each luau be the mere jude- el the 4. titer.. TRIM:MAY, the 29th lust., hits been set apiat by proclamation of the Lieu- tenenteGoyernor as a day of thanksgiv- ing to the Almighty for the bountiful -.harvest of the past season. • . WINI=11111. NEXT TUESDAY* the united bribers for the South riding of Iluron will eonvene ate solemn conclave before the bar of jaetiee and say whether it was a jug of whiseey or $8 they paid fur Mr. 's Bet i.no will tell. a zee alyaacinthe seems to agree with We. Disettali tte to the coming of a great , war. In a speech he delivered -a+ Ge- neva lately ,.he said ." he saw in the horizon war raising itshideous head - ieteruatiunal war, civil: War, religious war." Ir , is „almost surterfiuoas• to 'adduce 'fresh reasons why Mr. Brown's treaty should not receive the sanction of thie .couotry, but it might be justtas well to _place on reeord a simple fact which hag been: evolved ity atIse, St. Cathariees It WAS repres mtedby meny ;suppoatere of the traty that .t •aferiniog. cetrnmetnity wouid ate grea,tar , ten, aitted Ity its adpioh rt :tern 'cut...to:et white wheat, pt•onouilead'by 'the ' john Young, , Inspect r of flour, andwheat at Moutreal---an ati thority which tile treaty chantpions will eibarcely question- to be eoperioato any .,rai5.4 ifl Canada this year, mil be our- for- a less pricein the United ;than in Canada; in fact, so In twit am that one dealers can buy and 14 it dawe here to their own advent: „age. ,No. , white wheat imw tells in ;the Toledo meaket at $1.02 per bushel an c•trrency, e1e.a41 to abont 01 cents. Tho s3t1,1110 finality cf wheat sells liete -foe $1.98 in gold,slowin'gn lifference atf la cent e .on a bueltel. What an Ad- vantage it will be, to 40 sure, to throw tttr maiitets open to tlie American far- mer•so that he min undersea JlisOtiot- diatt rival and bring down 11043 price of wneat to the prices whieh 'petail on ' th other side of the li re f <Sortie p.m - pie like ittgilment, but the Agures •,that -fetch the tanners. Canit.la• First patty seeni tterfaitted te tialte themselves felt in the 'awl, At, li nieetiug of the Party beta in Toeonto oft .Monday last, NV. H. itOwland presiding, tho gartettort of palettig" cOlitroveetrid e1e4iott peti- tions tviCs dealt witit.? The fleartnato al/titled tO kaalok that tie Jjibrtl Tho hole te cooetanty taereasixtg size, aw4 the volume of theme i$ grow - iota laraer ai4(1 alere fere/41e. The ga$ oeusee 41aeish color to appear on vegetatiOli fee atilee teround. drede are floaltina wild sih exeite- p Meet, to tile wonaerful. ecene ana gwee aave-etrieken at the atranee phenol -nen, Yeriolia iiewea far title` eiugular aevelopment of itatUre are , being ad- glonnuumgahou5.- 0 P I E 8 of tais day's Tn..1.8 may be had wall or w ttheat wrap I,CTS. Qt lOtal Be kreiga atibeellitoy, atateeLeleoJitert tare.' Price, 6 cents each. • TIME TABLE. anik'NoE. eitme-auttere ARRANGEMENTS. V, ,13, '• Af. EAT, 1,15 • e. ie. ear r Ooixo WFsr 4.45 ; 1,13 .1,10 Ezp! e tor Lonair 1.3offi4lo &Toronto 8:15ani R. JEINININ alay Best English • Doeble -Boilea Oil llaw Oil, James, letee late 1ead na.a coinplete eseotttmeot of Painters meter- ialseat alarston'e, .Sou's; at Neu s. (1:0 the of the Eister Thum) • .P .:•• S14, -Permit me to say a. few Words conceruing a certain class- of articles -uaually exhibited- at ear shows, and in . . •,-my opinion inuch ueglected•etntl ,appreciated by our Directors 'and offici- al% I mean the carriage ileaartment. Now, sir, it is a well-known fact that the manumcturecr carriages is such as ta' WAY .ct/T tan -431Y rtI131urtibir; and -are more liable te'injury by, expos - me; and in the faceof theielacts there is nb-prevision'suade•fer•their reception or safe- keeping by the bosses • of the .yard. Indeed it seems to be 'a favor to be permitted oit the -ground, at all. Had these facts' been -unknown to the par- ties -in power tup to the time o± -the last: shrew, there might be sonie excuse for their neglect I of duty, but, 'sir, ata aware taet theatiattor has beeh niore thau o.uce ,before them; but no satisfac- tion has been redeiyetl.". Now," I think it high time that steps., were teken to secure aetter•treatmeut letente, 'Or withdraw altogether. I see ,tio yery great tioaltleatr expeost .erestiog, suitable sha.along the'.side s)f, the labition building that weal(' anawer, the purpose, and giye, at. least a show of. appreciation to the, :Careiagtemakers.- Andnow wordaebeut the judges who 'should be appOintea in this depart- ment. II heve nottontayerd to say 'asao the jticlgei ea the bate' ealibition t but I anew, that a Machinist knows as Mu& about 'a' atirriage" ati at -..ealtrittgea Maker knOws 'about a steam 'engine, anti that is absolutely nothing. What' is wanted is men who are acquainted with the four denartments of carriage - making; viz.; woodwork, blacksmithiug, letiothig and trimming. One word. more and am done: • It 'is also a grata seance that -cutters and pleasure sleighs are not ameug the articles • entitled to prizes; although they fOrnietly receiyed 4pecia1 prizes. Hoping te-see them on the competition -list, and a hatter stet° ef -friars ,next year, remain, , • Yoarse iespectfutlyt , , • CUACH.' * HOW TO FATTEN CATTLE. ---T110 peke 'of cattle fatteued tor the market de- pends on the symmetry of the, animals as well as the fat ‘astyle,".ar, skippers terul it. In otder to fatten a steer to briag the Ilighest. market pr;be. he must be kept iu growing , condition and in no case allowed to go htmetry. •• It is the starving the first and second,winter that wilts aud shivers rip u„ steer, that causer him to he sold at fa reduce... airice. No =toilet of keding will at'llis be troubtea such a thing, we. can-. him first-class sellera•no 'cliffea6ilae not but then it pleases its, 'What_14 poke! pr blood. An enamel fed frem a calf Until' the c . and, 'we caa now etep 'inward in the spring e • • • • - three years old will be sinpoth, with front ranks of jiurrialism. entafiay We've been .threatened. And .all because we told Mr. H. Kinsman ourissuo of the. lst• October, that his -letters- were •tatie iades of comternat and abuse a or some,' thing to that effect. We stated. oar opinion on that -occasion and have not yet changed it ;let the.public-think as, it will. LineeebusaaaWe will not' 'give Mr. Fitton 'guarantee •thatt'Old 801." as he chooees,to. cell hien, not enter an actiOn for libel, a chancery suit, or -a charge of- defamation efe character ltroneleitie, eat., end to i•lfautile fliatWas tit° errata eia, or Satinet:It and PoWe18, svith eminent eiteeess, eonsiaering it euperior to way eimilar preparation yet offered, to the public, Thanking you, foe your Idiot information, remain, your e truly, Onetumen Cherhatal, Come. It ie Bootee/bat strenge when 10, we etudy,tlie anatomy of mi to find t tiathitt corietaaetioa is se inadP its te Pure 'Elephant Oil (90.cents per gal.) Castor Oil, Palo Seat And Stock's Oil at Harstone Son's'alheap " Hardware Store, S. Mary's. t Patent Fly Traps,, Patent bag ties, Picture franat moulaiaga Itarstone -Afiki y'S. • Solid Cast Steel Grass Seythes,Iloee, Forks.; .1tana-intide Rakes, ''aiteithes, Cradles, and fill ethea flareveet 'Tools, at llareteme Scat's, 'St.' Mary's. If. Largest steelc ,Nails, }dings, Leek Glitt.e';.,It' HStelae & Sens, St Mara's:: . ,• „ •••=il•mmunomomminn......**...00...ARtlan••••••••••••••••••mmormmaa...." giu Dem Sneoehee.-e-Sports, tell us that duck sheeting is improaing. • • Aueumet-The etre ural yellow leaf; and poet% neW for your effusions. Bos -A bey Wanted to learn 'the art efietin ging. 7- ApPlY• at, t his office. NEXT WEEK. An article en Sabbath desecration wilatipaear hi' our next, as tate clisehteuttee Warraiii`it.' 7 , . ,; • Too,I.ATu.-A; uommunicatton rroext T. Greenway, .lasq,, received too, late far this issue. Will apoearnext week. •Yi P• 0. A.-T.}4a:e'assgteatkieVel'il'g' dor,. We undeist Inli VII it' the party who stole the buggy has• been -caught. It is likely everyOue will souneas re- stored -to their right. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO TILE S. It. Strowt-Pair of' matched colts' (euy breed),,R. Hunter. Teat -year-old fitly:, gra. prize A. Bishop. Grade cow S. Hogarth; Jas. .Pioleard e John Glen. Two:year-old' heifer, lst and. 2n41, Jas. Pickard ; 3r41, Se alogarta. One- year old heifer,- 1st, 5, Hogarth Jas,Pickard ; 3rd, W..Delbra.e. Reif - et calf, S. Hoharth ; and, Jelin Ander- son. Two, -year old steer, 1st, T. Shea - ton. <00.e. -Year old -steer, lea and 2nd. NV. Westcott. or steer, 1st; Benj.. Marley.; 2.ud and 8rd, -Ls. Pick- ard. . Fat cow or heifer, 1st; John Glen; and and 3rd, Jas. Pickerd. eandeprize, aged Cotsw,ola ru,in 11. Loveasr.. ast and:and, shearline„a,Cotswold ewes, Jas. Pickard. Aged; Berkshirtil ;saw, 3 st, Richard Elston: Timothy seed, ist, R. McC.Ird; „Wm..Stememan. 5 tbs. batter, without salt, 1st Win. Bell ; alai, D. aleEwen ; ard, John Anderson. 5 -lbs. better salted, lst, 'Win, ; 241, John Anderson., 'Extra for grain crush- er to. H. S. Baird. Churn'Johns. Horse shoes, lst, Hanford. Mr,..L Carling:8 special prize for best cheese ebouldbeve .been 2, MaQueen. • at. e • eorneray. - • Lighaltiaaines, it and 2fr1, James Dealt. brahmee, 1st and 2n41,, Gee; iSan'itvelL Gray • dorkiii,gs,- 1st, •Geo :' SamWell. -Black Polands, ist ' Geo... Samwell 2n41, Richard Shaddick 'Paiigled.'Eamburgs; 1st, Geo, Sam ; .2n41, Janice Down. Silver pen °Wed 1-iatnbtitgs;' ist and find, Geo Stan well, Hee dau sa ls t, Richaed Ea c rett. Buff Cochlea, •1st and aucl, tape Samwell. BlaalaBitanith 8. Bucking-. ham ; and, lea Down. 'dame fowls, Ioseph Bawden ; and, Geo t Samwell• akeatesbUry' ducks, • Richard Stanlake '2Ode L. Huateea Renee ducks, lst,:I (Ruling. :Geese, L: Hunter) 8nd; Juo. •Prislualor.' Pah' black" turkeys, no tickets ;2111, Riehard'Sweet. The fol- lowing is -the correct EA of judges.: ' povvinv--e- Robert Brown,- Richard allow of the afferent changes of at- ineepheree• Wit:haat militating.. against hks:general. heleall, ooatse theaa ere, a, ny, exceptions, and, unles's we take the Mic'eSsary areettaiions these exceptions 'will . soon prove' themselves to be many, the eitig4cies' of win- tea:require •eome thing; more' tet• facilitate • theworkings of oue organteetionthat is -not "thaught Of in suaratier.A eertaia mount ef heat is neeesaiiy: Now, Mr, Dev,• -Johne,- of this town: has really nice stove, called the patent aeater,whieh has Antler to he seen to be •oaittaatiatea, fiche a drum patented by bimself which -does justice to him and you, earl get it for $3.50. Now, .matrinionial alliance read his advt., then eall and see what Le an ao fur ,; • „ A.43ENEDICT IN TROUDI E The fel loWina was inadvertently omitted in our issue of last week,. A neavlynterieed cou- ple:Om:tea from here daring the:week of the WeeterieTair,:with the ioten t of hav- liagatappy aad•ateasantawedainat They 'eogaged a -horse ;arid • beggy from one of the livery stables in the-vild and made.. their way. to. •Lintdon right. But -'alt's woll hat ends so the 'citermaStandes whieh„followedatlie arri- val of the couple aro-not • of tu-i' much importance ta the couple themselves as tnany would think. No soome had they .'etise'onsd themselyes theta the flashing groom was told by oneof the sturdy men:who guard the law,-/lat he wits wanted to-appear:before tla police magistrate. .' Of course; such was not on the 'tee/gramme preyieoCly laid out. But the bola 'Man 'told the -minims of .the his 'opinion. It turned ont, though; he was hootirably. acquitted. It itepeara that a horse, endabeggy had beenattelen. Vain a man inettundati last 'spring; and that the party who stole ttioni pasted -through Exetta, end. while here' inauaged to trade hishuggy to .Mr. Christie, elaitaing that ae was travellineall the tune and thetbriagy WRS too free:ay for .• him; As ' the fates would have it this was the•1,44iuggy hired' to the .grooni Of a, day; wed whaeh marriaae of Miss lartentate. Short with Captitta Martett, i N; attlaie aye ham, were leaatest leap Deese etantou it weut, otr, Aro 01 five more or leae in- j'ared. The Moat iterimat ease is taloa era man who has had part of his face Wown FRATRiCI DAL 'DESPERATE ATTEMPT AT CRIME. , A -YOUNG HAN IN STEPHEN THRASHIS nus FAtIlEIII MOTHER had .§,IsTER.' row (Friday) evening, and by reference to advt. it will be seen an excellent progtame is pfevidett. ' : The: , diains now being Made.along Berrie parts of main ,street, will bet the moans :of- muchgood this fall andensuing spring. • . latuetSoan.-11fraltichard :Case, the - other der; gold liis farm; lot"80, Con'2 Ush6rne, for the 'halals-64re sum of. $6,200' ' ' " • a a Seazi:-The naniber Of sale bilis printed at ahis ,effice,this fall giyee. evi- dence of- the superiority of.workma,n- ship displayed iu the work ,,Lturned .out of this office.- , . • • -• Bna; HiAns.,-:---For a teat and cheap bill head 'send. your Order 'to • the TIMES office. Weleave jast received a large ,stoekof (at tbistime of yearLthese necessities. , MgPICAL--Dr. ,Hyndmanae practice Ilas soincreased, that Jie has been for.. ced to accept ofthe :seevieee of an as- sistant. Dr. Mme, 'Will visit •Freidabueg and Rodgerville one dayin eac,li Week: Aniaceetunii afaaTING.-By retai- l. nee to advt. iu auother. column* will be. seen that -a meeting of.. the officers end directors of the united ••Aezioulturt. al societies will be held at Wilkinelio- tet to -morrow (Friday) the 16th inst. FEITTE4o.—'Let it be Mooday, Tues- day, Wednesday, the day(l,fato, or any other day, it makes no niattet. < Team.' after teain . passes through the village moving parties , from ,fitaento feral ere had.roads and, celd -weather set iir peat say ';no you don.I.",.. - Ovatatocatan.-In our 'notice of the exhilittioa of implements ar the e.liow held there 1o:et:week; we'negleoted stat-- '.ing that Mi. Joiseph Smith of thiev11- lage had a hansom° twe seatekpleasure* sleigh on the ground. It WAR not that its worth aid not datnand'a notieei but as we ltavestated, merely an oversight. -• A LIBEL SUI.T.7-Nc-W, why we should bones well covered; and will sell et. a profit ; While a half served manual becomes" crooked', it; the itacke belies prejetaing, and ehriveled." up, takes•athe hest part, cif thi summer to get in : eou- cation to live, and will not lie in con- dition for market until he is four ;Oars old, and, then will briug a price which is unsatisfactory to the'pecalucer arid to Ovetyone tbet handloa him. This is 110 theory, but a fact deduced f.orn cl )se observation. It will and does pay to feed corn to calves and 'yearlings. They go -to ghats in' the :spring strong and vigoroas. •You are then able to marliet your 'cattle the spring they ate three yeare old; weighing1,400 pounds, which is heavy enough t6 bring the first' place. Mammoth, overgrown eters have 'had their day, tend we now come don'to the neat, compel, well -fatted aninials, both in hogs told cattle. To accomplish this in cattle, vve repeat, good footling from a -calf necessary, Soule parties, while borin.bfor water Oat. 10, on a, farm, roar inites south of Odell, owned by J. & W. Hossook; dis- covered the presence of gas when 40 feet below the sueface, and what 80 feet had been reached, they struek a vain of water, that spouted 200 feet in- to the air, throwing out gravel tile size of liens' eggs Will tremendous force, ee• agaiList hive fee In aliciods1 y- iklid with forethought catishig to be published itt the col minis of the Toone a ' Mammoth itavertieenient, heeded with the plfotO-, graph of the' Whale of Eader (he bade it the earth, but wd don't believe' a of it) and Haiidevg fabefg, ghoga (he all's it the eau) in a' bartering mood. We have been tlihrking 'for' some, tint that old Sol"s eqUanimity'lad been-die- turbea, for he peepe; iiitti our bedrOom windew every morning before We have thrown Off the bonds of slinnber; and WI) ate ooted early rishig. We aro glad that Mr. V. lett corliela the reS0110 Tne engrevitig is not the bestaf vertiserneilt, Road all this long (math; lathed jeweller has to say. • Buottoorrta 104D 0,511.01 IttrotioN.--Lta. ter from Die Crane,Halifiti. Jaines and covering the ground for 6eve1-ai hunch:oat feet around< -with sand and il'ilowst b '17 -Dear Ste frimn' a gifil.•• gra.i.„61 six ineltes deo.; The flow Of eral knowledgeof the prominent ingred: water continued mail a late horn' last lents of your Ounipound Syrap of laypo- flight, when it ceased, and upon •exatni- phesphites, found etielia favorable nation -this morniug, it Was .discoVer, ophlion as l0 be induced to reeounnend 041 t,lt tt about 10 feet ',of the 'hole was: it tu :my patients preferable and more filled from the bottom with gnicksand, convenient than iny own prescriptions 1;itad a kind of g1u wee taming float the Of the Ilypophosphites, For severel ,top with sal force as to, throw' up years 1 hallo tontirmed to prescribe it, aeheideatide gravel; Thee waS about in many oases with benelleial reshlts, 89 feet of water in the hole. When: the Sinee., Upon solicitation, yoa kindly af- gas emrinieneed. Ustling, A Matti' was riAgiod mo a there in innate knowledge of ligh tad ,, and ;ma ov,or the hole, When the eoropositioa o yoat Compoond instantly 0 streak of'"ilaine ,leaped jUtO yrup of ftyPophosphitas, I have Used the ith', Prodneing a gonad like thunders it freely in my practice, both in dis- ,aearda distance cflutif litilee eaSeti3O/ the ehesty 40 Consumption and West rejoicing oh the OeeaSion, Of ale HE SHOOTS AT HIS FATHER, MISSES HIS MARX ICI14LS A DQCI, NSTRISIKLE.TY ! • The residents of Stephen were .oe the tiptoe of excitement on Tuesday last, • ottong to the report' that a Mr, MeEachee, oa the 16th eon. of Ste - Olen beta been shot' at, ou .that morn- ing.by son, It , appears that the young meta who. is etbout eighteen years of ate, itzsisted•his father iarwork, ing their little firrim fault which ales attendS ,tbo itianybi the yonne, Men of the 'present tina.; *and' whiCh is toe often the cease of clime andaceoes of leartrendiOg attended young .MeEttclien, viz., that of drink. For „. some time peseithas tteen tywed.kno!,91 faet.- that 110;. was, seercely evey sober. Oa one oCcusion 'he 'came Lento to Ins father's !Mak) in a (treat:en frenzy, and while ill -that etateacoMmeneed heating hislather, mother, and sister, turning :them out of 'doors, turd • acting mere like fteied than. a Immo being. • A penod'oa compakative calm ensued. But the eihninating aced took 'lace on Taesclay lest, when in his drunken rage he Commented, a quarrel with ..nis aged father, Who had cared for hi in his help- lessness, amain agony howlooked upon hie calla, Whiattras . Melting thetattempt to slay him. Weed followed ward, and at last'anger•reached etch a pitca Of Mad- ness, that .the sOn, driven wild by 11. goer,' suetched the shut -gun from the Walla' levelled • it at his frightenea and. W1414. "40.1,1.•CGL'it, trembling fatherosho now stooa help - contents of ono hotel: Luckily in his eXcitement end 'rage he missed' his lin- tnau mark. ,Determined, however, to wreak his vengeance on his peer father, he soaped: time,. with curses on his lips, raised the eliet:gun and took, dei - berate nim. But by the ineeest chance the emomiesion of a horrible thine° Was averted, and the eld iiittn's life saved. As be-'wtte about to press the trigger which would. have emit his father into eternity and mede hineself a.munlerete stetaige hand suddeoly grasped the gun. and bent the muzzle downwards, the charge at the eame instant explod- ing and, burying itself in and killing the do which Was lying underneath the table awl close to his master's feet. .A. mair'employed at Parsons' mill happere ed to be passing at the time, apa on 'hearingthe fiest shot ruthea, in to 'see the cause, and:was just in time to pre - Vent the fratricide. The youthful \i1 lain, seehig hams& defeated attal help at hand, immediately started for Parke. hill, eluding paretat. The house. is sit. tutted 44- miles west from the scene the Lewis tragedy, and between Mr. Parsons' mill ena store. ' The man who prevented- the crime was returning to the Mal after making soine'purchasa es at the store : Me. John Persona, jr., had taken somegoods to the store that saane neorniiig, and as soon as he could get eatay, started for Crediton. He then telegraphed to Sarnia to stop the would -be fratricide, but he had made rapid progress and across tae lines be- fore the telegram reached itadestina- tion, tathotig% 'he bad attempted the crime at 7 tam. and it wag now scarcely noon, We 'flan •:-sbitry., that such a scene ' should have occurred so shorty after the Klamaa-Lewis affair, andin such. proximity. That tae , lenient, manner in which Kluisapp has so far been dealt with has ceased boldness and defi- ance Of the law on the part of the youthful sconodreltin the present case, we oannot. lett . , • H & 4k0 c1,21. prl...rzi), , a telegram tc) yeste.aday's Pres Prep we find the following the General meeting of the shareholders or the Great Western 'Railway Clempany, held on Tueetlay movaing Ittet, the P•igree'lneitt ,forinerly. catered „Mae be., t W0011 t1.10 L'..D1(1,011,11.1.11'011 and Bruce ltailwey Compttay was again presented and the unatiimoas consent of the shareholders given to the arraingement. Tim pr. *101. issio.rairer 0.11:11,171P141 G, . • The uonual missionary meeting of W, Church of Canada was held in the Monahan this village on Tueeday Molsons Ba PAID•UP CAPITAL. - BEST The Exeter Blanch of Ttfoleetle 13411 /ink, US,, St. John, N.D., and all the and Quebec. !ekes advances en. Produce. .,/SaYs and aelta Sterling thcc1Za11g0, iseounte Note.s. 84.,V1NGS-H..54111K A Savings Bank Department has been Branch Molaena Dank: DEPO from one Dollar ($1) Payable on Demand with interest. Eaeter, May 7, 1874, evening teat, We ae.) sorry to say that the interest ie not devoted to the 10 cause of missionarism which is desired. This was shown on the °venni in question, not for a moment taking any defereneetrom those present on tnat oc- casion but allowing them all credit. The meeting was opened by singing, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Dyer, of Lucan, who with Bev, Mr. Clappison formed the deputation, Mr.: Jim. Ranton fill- ed the chair in a manner highly credit able to himself and with credit and honor to the ceuse. • Rev. ala Lund road the annual re- port which showed the society to be in excelleat standing. The following may b.) of interest to our readers; There are 259 missionaries employed by the Societeeia Japan, the Dominant, British Columbia, the Sas- Wellman, et. There are 81 schouls and 25 interpreters, There 8 tnissiou- erica more this year than last, as the number of missions has so increased as to require it. The total receipts of the society up to the .30th of Jane last amounted to $1$7,016, of this swathe Sabbath Schouls contributed $18,326. • • • • • nay. . _ A Scamr, PumsnEn.---On Sunday morning last -a man' natned Burns en- . 'gage :a horse • a . nd s buggy. at Sheep a' - - ; ' IMPLEMENTS- --',Todpii •LaWtota, -John livery stable. in .Settforth, withwhieh to CaRllaciRitslEets•-.• "E•.' Gat•ul•t';' J. Rog'el....';;, David `go' to Zurich: • • As the MOM said. he was• 'not:, coming back 'again, Mr. Sharp Cathcart. - ' ' - ' . ' • , : ' '. sent a small boy along. with ; him to ' Clvrtn----41exander'Broadfoot, WM • take the. horse -home. Instead of going Laing, Jahn:Shipley; • -. s. ,, , . - . ' • SPEEF kV, Pros ----M. Ballintyne, '4Iek: to Zurich,. however; tbe ma,n induced the boy to drive 'him • to lariedsburge "Giant, John.Frtalueie. • . - ,,, • • . • When they -arrived at this -place,. 110 ' Ghana •Prtobuda,' &c5.-8-ohn -Logan; took the horse but Of the stable ' while .James Thomas, M. McDefeetott,. .. .. - the boy -,was at dinner,and saying that he only•wished to go -about • a• quarter of te mile to -000 a friend, started off , EADE,8, wonic„___mrs. , Dr. dolethaii,'seen t F , with it, and .nothing more of him was Alm A.1.3ishop,,lirs:. T.,ci.ock6t. . ariedSburg that afternoon. Towards evening some parties met him with Iwo other meat -in the buggy, and the manner- in which they were boating andabusing the horse induced the Frieds- Dollstliti':(8;teltzftti:d114itiltt'soli:147ill'isiii1):7111iotthl)di' eibleill !at- agi (.1.P ley'olbil"eleert titeint gaa6ikterli. aatbsles' be ri thati"' thisali ttfirwa time, les, for, yrinthiga, Advertising, Suheerietion; ,oatte;:t,..al.boo, va:e;alemeettiit,,soartioir),et:t.teata. , Liman mieble to aull•the buggy further, ana eaaseribers win inflame, receive tee Texas in order to get it to the village theyebad r weal, society was a grand • etteeeste to take it from .the letog • i d ' t t , , y a i ASSN 1 I ' Mitchellites performed pagilistic along. It was ascertained that tbe poor anineel had been- demo, , with feats exl Sunday,' and the •"4*ucate three men hi the hu:,. '' • t f the WaX" wiliih' ' ' ' t.,,y, mos o , ie ` eluding the distance from Seaforth . to A. satin of limn 't ' horses ran away while attaisholto a horse -power having time, a distance of about 70 'inilese in - Friedsbarg, anl thata' it had neither bout faightwieti at a elalj 'Cif °1'11u•ter• been fed hot wktered from the time, it No attniV° was awl°. ' '. ' left aateilebeerta .. The horse: was Bulb.- Mr: Jas. Bonthron ia eiving uptbasi-• cientlyrecovered bythe following morn. DE,'SS in Varna', and is now disposing of ing or the boy to return hohie with it. 1,tis goods at' that place by auction. Mt. Sharpirnmediately Started in quest The Wroaeter• people ware over -joy of Bruns. and hearing of hiss where- ed ,tlie otinir day when the locomotive at Zurich, lie laid information ogainst ,, John Gordon. " paidaliernet-yiett. him before kr. Zoliar J. P., of that 'Tao Stratford 1.14Pald dealt Outlto Mr, place. He Was found 0,t A 11011ile 'frt Rolford eflaraotuf to. the eatemit of short ti.istahee fiaan. Prhalshargt 111.at $100 a few clays agurjust ,liedau813 the haying been Coal/eyed te 'Zurich, Wag ,ttiata said so. , ..„ _ arraigned 'before Mr. Zeller on • the iiiy n 1,110 OCHtfOr toll ,neoplo when they are chiirg° Pretelli6a: il:gailist him -14. 141'' annoyed by the-e.vandeting,s of bovine Sharp. Ile was lined $10; but being 1 . . i , . ,,,,._ ,,,„ ., , ,,: .,, 4.,.,„,, th., anti percale.. , . '' throw boiling water, ,on Unitole' 0 pft51 wee tieub l'o. Jah .11". " their hides', As a .,,eilt,16 tentander. of attys.-a:Papa itor'. ' ' Aloft txistenco. Effect may be. sup• .. -------,,, posed, q11.4 3 -I (LIP Amobtmg o. tad .1 'servo, Ve of the . . t„ i .,e), ti 8 ,i (figA,ob tatiNk luipour,- Grain, ,gen. .North Biding of Middlesex' was held at orally good crop, excepth4 rail wheat, Ailsit Craig yeeteiday for the perimee averagiog as follosve r --spring *wheat, of choosing' a candidata to contest the 15 'bushels per acre ; fall 'vliettt, about eldinr„te. in their interest,' The mimes of 16 ; peas, 06 ; bailey, 49 ; orts. 'ao ; ..over -til. 86.11iidit suppoitorg ottli'd dauss rye, none greWn corn, tiO;10 grown ; root erops, very light, FRUIT, ' VEGETABLES,' S5O.'-As B. BrownsonaJohu Andersone'D. Thela-P- A irdir!„.74./.1,t rt;111 ear Ovni:nelleigeoeac.itt Of this aumuut Exatei circuit gave $300.4a, the Exeter 131.411011 giving $111.1.15 to which should be added the sum Of $20 handed in by an meetly: MOUS triad. The nairmo mark a few very ap- propriate remarks, 'before calling upon Rev. Mr. Godwin, who bad consider- able faille in the hairman's fiaancial abilitiee: and referred in 0 good' hu- mored Manner to the remarks made by the ,chairmen, aod spoke of the Power of giving,tand the manner of giving. He snoke of the edoa of the miseionarv cause, atm au ar 3.e'w extempore eloqueut remarks, gained the ieterest of the audience in the O.til,SO whieli. he Was representing' • Rev. Mr. Dyer,' of LUGn111, merle a forty -Minute speech, of vita and eliciting the approval Of -those present. Wo only regret our space does not al- loiv of a; lengilened report, as, his re- marks were so to the point that they would be of iniunte interest to our readers, espeeially-those who are at all concerned inthe missionary work Tile Rev Mr, Clappison followed. The humor with whinh ha adorned the introductory part (..f his speech awoke his audieuce to au interest in a cauee which. was deearving of all support: His remarks, like those i the previous :speaker, were to the point eud not ere w denvith a superfluity of language ; but ae plebe as plain truths would te... low to be told. The whole number .of 'soma in the world at the !meson' 1,300,- 000-000. It was for this number that the week of evangelization or missien- arism was being perforated. It was our own:good, the good of fellow mortal, - that this cause Was promoted, • As,did Rev. Mr. Dyer, he spOkeof the young people taking an interest in the cause. Also of thedevotion ofthe men. Young, -McDougall, Coleman, andothere • for the advancement of the wora of 'God. He gave credit to the Bible 'Society, fertile efforts it had Ivied and for the good done. Material Statistics were quoted, showing the vest necessity of a co-uuited working. He also showt ed must plainly thatthis a•as a fast world, that it Was and had been grow- ing faster every,year. Four years ago, the official estimates of the world's po- pulation was 1,090,000,000, new it was 1,3,009,000.-800,000,000 ofen increale, and had the work of God,hi- creesed accordingly a after many re- marks of a vital nature, the speaker brought his speech to a close. ' The chairman did the same thing for the meeting after the llama yoto of thanks had been called for and tendered, the collection taken up, and the benedic- tion pronounced by Rev. Mr. ClappiSon. Tne W. M. Choir performed the inusi cal part of the programme, and- receiv•' encomiums from the speakers. The .collectors of last year were heartily thanked, and the following appoint- ments made for the ensning year ; the north end of the village, Miss Hattie Verity. and Mrs MeGlo,ghlon ; for the .south end., Misses Seuthecitt and Man- nino. THE IVES TJERJr CO IT,,,VrIES. !The Lucia -low, Sentinel bas had no less thau three editorial visits, duriug the past week. Mr. Peter Todd of Walkerton recent ly shipped seven car -loads of buttei to Liverpool $35,000 • Mr. C. Cliffe has sold out the Wing - ham Advance to Mr. Fleuty for the handsome sum of $850. A number of lock -out farm laboreea arrived in Settforth the other day. The fall fair of the Mitchell Horticul- Gneee. Tetteat Rueorty-FalIe wheat, 'very much 'Winter killed hi exposed 'places, supposed to'ay,erage about 14 bushels pet "acre. sainpIee variable spring wheat, a fair erop, yielding ;Lbent 16 pe 17 bushels per 'acre. Fife is very, good sample, club variety 15 damaged by midge ; barley, good, will „average remit p.5, to. 40 bushels per a ere, "samples,pltimp .and blight ; peas an. 'average crop ; yield a0 to 40 bushels per acre, sample variable, and injured by .butos,,i pets will yield fawn 40' to 50 bashels per, acre, santple trighj , and plump potatoes will averagp a full crop, though small. The known as Liaiiy Rose ts .very gOil, and 81101.11(1.1?e mote extensively planted, as they tire ofgood'quality,, yield' largely; and mature before the Colorade i/oethf does inuch totem ;Uiiy U everege drop and of very fate gettlity ; turropet little groWil in this ,section ; flex, 'geed ciop., 'the lanolin this vicinity is well adapted for 11, and it should .be more generally grown ;•fruit, -all 013 aceetlatof exuessivc,,,c1rotig1it„ , 'A, shocking accident' happened' at Itentord ilear Exeter, The vitiegers SEPH ATKI IMPORTERS AND wito,f, E It P AY Ira Goods S. Fancy Geed& Cutlery, Wall -Fa CAI-ILING ST., We are MOW pr Extensive As in the sovral. departments on itk t A42):,1001,010,,:4 , N,A.,•••,1,11.1.•••••••••A”“ 419,900 ought direct f en the Ilesis Terms, Otie of our travellers will take om early opporth with full sets of samples, when your esteemed or Londen,'Sopteinber Brd, 1894. seseasamicasneeriomessacastrmarsemes 'solved to "come along and put down bribery and eorruption." A small -Sized farm team drew .from their home on the 2e41 con.. of 'rocket, smith, across the barnyard and a grass field to Fair's mill Clinton, 103t bush- els of a heat .at one load. ' &Me Advance is com- “ you plainang strongly of nen-support." This .coines Niith excellent 'grace, when we read it in the'Lacknow Sentinel, a paper, somewhere 111 ',atm vont:thy ',uf,. tWeaty(?)colunitis of aavertisiog. And the Parkhill Gazette man erow- eth bo knee he has had a libel snit, aul aanew a full fledged journalist e because it was tried in Stratford, and the plaintiff earid the costs and claimed a nonsalt. n oii article on the trial the Gazette tleats with an excellent piece of ealvice to correspondents. Salt has been struck at afessrs, Jos & john Kidd's new salt well, Carron - brook, one and a varier miles east of Seafortheat a depth of ten hunired and forty-five.feet ; and they aro now through the first bed, which was sixty feet of salt. The block is up and is one of the largest in the Dominion,. size being 95 by. 180 fect. Alt the other works, such as ;jigging the trench and laying the pipes for the brine tube conveyed into Garroubrook, are being rapidly,pushed* forward:" gr. Kidd, an keipate .being able to manufacture salt an Carr rook about the middle of Noventaer: • •-•-••••te k issneo Drnfta on London, principal pities and towns in Ot Now York Eachauge, Crrecnbacks, 431 DEP ARTMENT. Opened in coanectioa wit4 the E aet SITS upwards received, EDWD. W. STRATglaeL 0-y1. NSON & C ' Y E SALE DEALERS IN D C 4N mall -Wares, per, School Books & Stationery LONDON, ONT.. 0_ epared to sihow Lis grtrElent a006.15 umorated above, which Inwe been e • ST. .,71141iTie,s • 0unt.-Au1:-.1t is -with feeliegsatt sor- row that we have to chronicle this weelathe death of two of our old • ac queintaucee, who have crossed the river to that bourne where sorrowing is no more. Mr. Gilpin, of the 30th line of Blanshard, vacated this tenement of clay a few days since. He was father of Mr. W 11, Gilpin, druggist, of Bt. Marys, 'and in his 98rd year. The ;many relatives and friends of this gaaa inan deeply mourn his loss. On Mon- day evening lest, Mr. S. R. Kerr, of St. Mary's departed this life. ln Mr. Ia.'s occupation as 'undertaker malty and varied were the danger e through which he passed. While plying his voeation he contracted typhoid fever, a relapse carrying him off. When last we shook hands with Ma. 'Kerr little it struck us that the manly form before us lioula so soon be clasped in the cold embrace of death. Oar sympataies are in uni- son with the many friends of oho de- ceasea towards his family. They have lost a kindlhusband'and an indulgent fa- ther -a loss that cannot be repaid in this world., but we are satisfied that in mourning the loss they do not mourn as those without hope. ,What has been their loss has been his infinite gain,and what we have said' in reference to our late friend and neighbor Mr. Kerr, we can say in relation to Mr. Gilpin. PAIN -KILLER THE GRHAT INTERNAL Itr.k, EXTERNAL REIICEDY. 4 Takort internally it relieves' instant7v the most acute Deed externally, it is the hOst Lini- ment the World. "Its effect is alniostinstantan- eoes, affording relief from the most intense pam. -It teethes the. 'irritated or, inflamed part, and givee rest and quiet to the sufferer It is eminent- ly the people's friend, mild everyone should have it with them or where they can put their hands on it in the dark if need be. PO'10.' 25 .tents per Bottle. Perry Davis & Son sole Proprietors. g1,411/ AtLITtigT3UVIItiS, ILYNDMA.N, EXETER, AS- SIBTED by Dr. Mines. Night °elle promptly attended to. Moe home 60-1y, 8TRAY„---CAME INTO PREMIS1JS L.1..J of.. the sibscriber, lot 18, con. 5, Us - borne, about die middle of August, a steer co- ining Iwo years old. The owner is reqUested to prove property, pay expenses, and take it away. 00.31 THeMAS OTICE-A UNION MEETING OF of tee enteert and Directors of the Smith Huron Agricultural society and the offiot-rs and. Direeters bf the Stephlin Vaborne. Branch Agri cultural sedietywill bo hold in Wilkins' ((Jentral) hote), Exeter, on Friday, the 16th thst for the purpose of winding up au mai tors tonneeted with the late F011 show, IT, I,OVE, sr., sob. 8,11.A,s. QT15AYED EltOM THE VaLAGE OE L./Exeter; on the Sard, olt, a reati-oulerod In Hell cow with white bellystrayed from home, Any ono finding Ole tame will be suitably se. warded by leaving inforrnation wall Mr, :flies, Prihr, Exeter, • 58 IIARM FOR S, ALE IN US.1101tNE, eee 09 1.110 best Avh-eat ,,t -owing to,8 ;*nshin ' 1)4Ontario. The farm oompyises smith half oflot 34, ard dosicession. containing 10 ilCreg, on Which ereoted a good batik barn, Mid a comfortable ioaltintee, ..Abont 40 antea In good cultivation, tile Ab41611111illit,,I1Ttt1171(a)(1)iaitillthk'ti )4114iltyltntot 'Irtrf.°11n311',1' Ater, neecervitte. 17-11. tekt hone, male or fatale; ti .areett atillatatilktiatatt. 011913 ti 0 e 1.1r:Vallifripi.(4116'; 040 et Week, histy or evciiinft,', Were brOught ferwertif .01(1 a is retidelit 4.44"4. the Oonsvties eravA"i'61)." "1'1144 M'tt1V-2°06wN;E4' 11"!'"' 4 u 1113 C{S611‘Vid14. ai 'SOW Vtsiit roan Manufae'ro by our own Buyer, nity of calling upon tne trOTellialt 4 this section dors will Imre OUL t.tueful attention. JOSEPH A.TKINSON ia CO FARM FOR SALE -PART OF LOT No. 10, 3r0. con, of Hay, containing 75 acres. about 50 ofwhieh are under good cultivation. Five m E miles froxeter, and convenient to both church and school. Frame barn, 36x95, good house, good youug °milord, and splendid lime kiln on the premises. 55-1m. PATRICK O'BRIEN. QprIEND1D FARM FOR SALE. --y Lot 16,1st concession Township of Stephen, , satiated on the corner of et, Mary% said London. Oravel.P.oads, one utile fro& Rxeter, the property of the late Richard. Balkwill, comprising nearly 100 acre& 40 bf which are which are woods. For particulars apply to 3". D. Balltwillcon,the premi- ses If by kttor prepaid to Exeter P.O. 6.13. BAL LKWIL. 5541, .C.A.• I rograname • , FOR FRIDAY EVG., OCTOBER ±6, '74: REV. MR. LUND, Essay, -Hagar and her Son Ishmael. J. V. BRODERICK, Essay -The Object of Life. LECTURE -BOOM W. M. CHURCH. , Commences at 7.30 punctually. The public cordially invited. J. BANTON, Secretary. ,ITAYTEB.-We will give energetic men V V and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from 54 to 58 per„day ; eau be pursued:in your own neighborhood, and is strictly hunorable. Particulars free, or samples worth sevoral dol- lars that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of fifty ciente. 'k Address J. LATHAM & CO.) 48.6t. 292 Virahhiugton st., Boston; Masa R. El. KINSMAN, DEN.J.W. . 0 ill c r residen c e - Math street Exeter. Bu 8111088 boll" Any time in goodclaylight Thursday's excepted). Advice ar..e „Parents ehould call for advice About ohilthou'slirot teeth as soon as they begin to fail. Work will be aqua' to that of any other °Moe and warr entail satisfac tory. „ County a Perth. 1%.10TICE neraliy given that time • .1. I GRAND PROVINCIAL PLOWING MATCH District No. 4, under the auspices of the Agrienl- thrill and Arts Association o! -Ontario, open to all plowmen in the Province, will tate place on the Farm of James Rankin. Esz., Ou Lot 35, con. 1, Township of North Eaethope, ad- joining the Huron Road, and about 34 mike mat of Stratford Grand Trunk :Railway Station, ON WEDNESDAY, TiiE 28TH OCTOEB11,„. Competitors from Counties or -Ridings not hav- ing suberibed $25 to the funds of the Match will be charged an entraece fee of $ I.; otherwise, ad- mitted free. All entries to be made porsotiellY. or by setter, post-paid. to Stewart Canaboll. Su- ftetary-Treasurer, Stratford Post -Office; on or be. fore the day of the match, 69 STEWART, CAMPBELL, Secretary -Treasurer. .cgottitp "CAT GRIGG , , V V • Merchant Tailor and. Ceneral Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY BOOKSELLER it; STATIONER . A Stock of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian Hymn Books, Psalni Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature • of a noa-demoralizing nature, and a general assortment OF SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY ALUABLE Farm for Sale(' In the Township of Stephen, To be sold by Public Auetion, on rrhursday, Oct. 15, '74 at two o'clock in the afternoon, at Drews 'hotel in the village of Exeter by Mr. Arch'd Bishop. auctioneer, sul)ject to such conditions afi will then be produced, all thatparcel,ef land situ- ate and being Lot 22 in the 10th Concession of tephett in the County of Huron, centaitang 100 acres of excellent land, 88 of whieh are otearea, wtil feneed and drained. There te 5 gooa orchard, and AU abundant tipple, of good water. The buildings comprise a good heWea log honse. Frame bard, stote.bailt dairy, `etc. 'I he farm je it a well settled neighborhood, about mileS front 10,,xot0r, through whielt the London, }Caron end Eruee Railway (theinietlito eon. ,traction of whieli is now aseured)will pabs, told offers s good opportabi ity for nvestment. For furtliCr pertieulers, Apply at the °Mee of Exeter, Oct, 5 1874, WKAVING. MIS, la, at a:tat La0x611, ter. 59•11 p teei1:1t i:,1V64oCTlb6k 130 114 t;rl7i4.'41010:0:*:,110i1i10 176:41:?'itt4Y11,4-1:::1li40ti:(,I6suti:h11?c014: to1ro#0:ti41(e04 bil‘tnanb4141004Yguli.tyt6g. .aliovtlds0±.1ri Jec . Ir8.t....90t auitia,Aotos , WILSON, ISSL1ttit k • it .MamAg .,, 111000505thwider e tow:it/it, Ati d 1411 ':;111.6,, siert., i''.;:ileh, Mit, 4149