HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1996-08-14, Page 10.v.,1,w-•rr--.11.-.s"',MAw 1."1..
Cemetery Decoration Day
More than 200 people at-
tended Sunday's Annual Dec-
eo-oration Day service at the Ex-
eter Cemetery. A portion of
the large crowd Is shown
above. At right, Vera Arm-
strong lays a wreath at the
cenotaph and below Legion
president Norm Eveland,
guest speaker Bob Heywood,
Bev Parsons of the Exeter
Oddfellows and cemetery
manager Harry Knip discuss
the program
ZURICH - Wednesday afternoon
residents of Blue water Rest Home
boarded the wheelchair bus for a
lawn party at the home of Nurse's
Aid Shelley Bender of RR 2 Zu-
rich. Jim Purvis was volunteer driv-
er to transport Clarence Gascho,
Philippa Steckle, Clara Hamilton,
Dorothy Dietrich, Esther Makins,
Beaulah Desjardine, Ted Stein-
bach, Ruby Bell and Pearl Miller to
down on the farm. The Benders
demonstrated to the residents the
art of swathing barley, baling and
wrapping the bales in plastic wrap
which brought back memories of
many to an earlier day in their
lives. Those were the days when
one saved wax paper from the
loaves of bread for the lunch pail,
not plastic wrap, and who would
have thought then that in the 90s
one would be wrapping one's grain
in boughten plastic.
Rev. Ross Thomson, St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Zurich, fresh
from vacationing at Wiarton, con-
ducted Thursday afternoon Chapel
service. Fr. Matthias Wronski, St.
Boniface Church, Zurich celebrated
Mass in the air conditioned auditor-
Thutt;day evening Max Du-
chittrne and the Town Liners visit-
ed the home to entertain the resi-
dents. Phyllis Deichert and
daughter Susan on guitar sang a
number of duets and Andrew Rau
and Doug Insley provided the mag-
ic touch for Max, Phyllis and Su-
san for a successful evening of fa-
miliar tunes.
Friday afternoon residents Kurt
Gebel, Bob Carson, Clara Hamil-
ton, pearl Miller, Alice Knowles,
Esther Makins, Hilda Rader, Edna
Johnston, Mabel Kyle and Jean
Burr headed into Stratford for an
afternoon at the park. Volunteer
driver Glen Thiel, Charlene Man-
son and Angelika Metzger helped
Adjuvant Cathy Shantz direct the
residents and serve refreshments
under the willows. Everyone en-
joyed a stroll along the new side-
walk and watched and fed the
ducks and swans.
Condolences to the family and
friends of the late Mrs. Vera Sarah
Thiel who passed away on Sunday,
August 11 at South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter. Vera has been a real -
dent at the home for over 3 years
and during that time played an ac-
tive part. She assisted the secretary
by collecting activity information
for newspaper reports, worked dili-
gently in the hobby room each af-
ternoon and sewed on name tags
for the family of new residents,
acted as secretary for resident
council and mailed cards and let-
ters to the resident families for
each bereavment, prepared the res-
ident bulletin board with new in-
formation,and collected newspaper
clippings of the home for a scrap-
book. Vera's absence will be noted
by all!
The residents look forward to a
trip to Walmart in Goderich on
August 13, a visit to the Shantz
Cottage August 19 and a birthday
party with Bayfield United Church
on August 22.
On Sunday, August 25 from
2:30 until 4:30 Clarence Gascho
will celebrate 80 years young with
an open house at BWRH in the air
conditioned auditorium. Everyone
is welcome to come to the home to
help celebrate his 80th birthday.
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Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
In the ongoing effort to help people to stop
smoking, researchers In the U.S. will soon re,
lease a nicotine nasal spray. Preliminary re-
ports say ft Is absorbed faster than the patch
so relieves cravings faster but can also cause
addiction. Recommendations are for a maxi-
mum 6 month use. Should be available in Can-
ada next year.
The drug, melatonin, a brain hormone, Is sold as a dietary supplement
In Canada, albeit illegally. Even though some people have had positive
effects, longterm safety still hasn't been established. Human hor-
mones are powerful chemicals. Safety has to be established by the
Heatth Protection Branch before being legally sold In Canada. So far,
this hasn't been done.
You can reduce Injuries from riding Inner tubes pulled behind motor-
boats by avoiding shallow water, staying clear of docks and other ob-
stacles and ensuring the rope is not too short or too lbw Remember
to have two people In the boat so that one can act as spotter.
Did you knout that lettuce consists about 95% water? it's low In calo-
ries too. You can eat a whole head and only consume 60 calories!
Consumers today want personalized service. This is especially impor-
tant when It Domes to your medication. Talking to your pharmacist
about your medications Is an Important part of our Job. It's a role we
feel very good about.
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
'Your Health Care Pharmacy
Times -Advocate, August 14, 1996 Page 7
Visitors enjoy Playhouse
By Ante Moran
Shipka corrapondeW
SHIPKA - Recent visitors with
Ferman and Leota Snyder were Mr.
and Mrs. James Snyder and their
family, Reuben, Benjamin, Aaron,
Charlotte, Dorothy and Lillian from
Beechburg., Mrs. Edward Snyder
from Wallenstein, Esther Storey
with sons Scott and Stephen, and
Scott Loveland, all of London.
"Happy Birthday" wishes this
month to a former neighbour, An-
nie Becker of Exeter for her 89th,
Jake Schroeder, Hugh Morenz and
Bill Morenz. -
Community best wishes to Mar-
cel and Marie Hullebusch who cel-
ebrated their 45th wedding anniver-
sary in July.
Bob, Liz and Tiffany Coghlin of
Atwood, David Rodhe, Mitchell,
Kay Ford and Edith Campbell, Ex-
eter, Elliott and Kay Clarke, Bline
were Saturday evening visitors
with Ken and Marg Baker.
Elliott and Kay Clarke spent sev-
eral days in Brampton visiting with
Wayne, Karen and Timothy
Clarke. While there, Timothy's
baby sister was born, Shekinah Al-
lison on August 4. Second grand-
child for Elliott and Kay Clarke
and sixth for Marg and Ken Baker.
Ernie and Ruth Clarke, Toronto,
Ken and Betty Oldacre, Seaforth,
were Friday dinner guests with El-
liott and Kay Clarke, and later en-
joyed the play "Funny Money" at
the Playhouse.
Brock, Dianne, Andrew, Dean
and Colin Adams of London, spent
Civic holiday with Brock's parents
Registration is now being
accepted for this
PLEASE CALL 234-6343
for more information (evenings)
Don and Elizabeth Adams.
Recent out of area visitors with
Hugh and Annie Morenz have been
niece Gail Uhler, of Burlington, an-
other niece Carol Coleman and her
children Elisha and Brandon, Kip -
pen, our 96 year old aunt, Ruby
Reid Coleman, Denver Colorado,
cousins Joanne and John Coleman,
Williamsburg, Virginia, Isobel
Steinburg of Port Huron, brother
Bill Coleman, Kippen, sister Mary
Finlayson,Seaforth, Sandra
Schroeder, Port Elgin, Bob and
Pam Beorners, Christina and Rob-
bie, Michigan.
Vi' Scher Farms
Country Market
Now harvesting
Cauliflower, broccoli, sweet corn,
new potatoes and other fruits and
vegetables in season.
Jams, honey
Open 9 -6 daily
Closed Sunday
3 miles west of Exeter
on Hwy. 83 2374442
You are invited to the
Grand 01 I)
he Purple Turtle Co.
ugust 15, 9:30 - 5:3
August 16, 9:30 - 9:00
August 17, 9:30 - 5:30
Specializing in children's wear, baby to size 16
Toys & books
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