HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-9-16, Page 4Whish bock 11I11710E9SS L1}7 BSG S N t+y OFFERING Sells for Cash A Piz . Pout, fir, fight FOR $4.00 -PEA DOZ!N 41,4 olze 4, A.1.11 pound and two of atacos in weight, i, of , vol. 11 af',llol In g ttiko , ill 3 1 , quite o >xal f not better, t .aya, anyother manufactured xi€t faetuapd 111 t. j.I D41T11II roil for $4.50 PER O0Z. GREY COTTONS AT EATLY REDUCED PRICES. A Good Cotton, 34 in. wide for 7 et.; and 36 in. wide for 8 and 9 cts, per yd. A large lot MORE OF THO]3 'CHEAP HOLLANDS from 124- cts. per yard up justjarrived, Also, a quantity of those cheap TOW ELS t 5 and 8 cts. each, and Towelliugs at 5 and 8 etc. per yard. A fresh supply iI' of just arrived,selling I 1 Y SugarsJ e 1, and still cheaper than before. 1.: STANLEY & JERMYN'S Is the Cheapest Spot in Town for Anything or Everything fu the General Store Line. Exeter, t'eptember 7, 1575. FUST RECEIVED AT TILE X E T E R Grocery and Liquor Store A'large stock of Green Japan, Young Hyson and Y BlackTeas, ash. Currants, runes, THE L., H.- & B. R. IS COMING And we are Still Ahead. and have opened out the LARGEST, CITEAPES & :BES T stock of Goods ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything in the General Line of Business. consisting of Staple & Fancy Dry-Coods, Millinery, Ready-made Clothing, • G•ents'Farnis1iiugs, Hats Ss Caps, Carpets house Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Boot' and `Shoos, Stationery, Wall Papers, : 1v,ckery and Glassware, Patent Medicines, (ivic., S;c. I have .also secured the services of ' MR. W. H. IVES of Bowmanville, late of Toronto, as manager of my Clothing Department. All work sent out m,, yq. a by him guaranteed to be second to hone in the .Dominion., Pant cutting a speciality. All R ..C:t APPiiE.% C.ATITED F+ Rt7 persons favoring us with a call will find the goods and )rites right. K 1Remember, ithis is tbE place to get everything you want at low prices. N. B. --All kinds of Farm Produce taken in Sardine. Lobsters. JcUIxeter 0, 1875. exchange. JAS. PICKARD Bitter Sttuee anal Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrups, Bye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies Tobaces and Cigars, W . i .al s l,zd <zncB. r-- - G. A. -MACE, Main Street, Exeter. JOHN RA.NTON begs te) advise hit many friends that leo expects to OPEN OUT WITH A NEW STOCK ANSON' 13:LOCit . 'G EOGIS CAr_PI-ICART /Fashionable BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Sign Sl.bn of the Boot, , Luean, , ' Ontario, 0, i wOUI,I) acquaint tile iulteabitants of this and the surrounding country, and those visiting Lucau marl.et, that lto ]las on hand a large stock ) of Boots and Shoes of his own nlun- uihcttn•e, also imported work, which he I. CAN SELL AT PR IC ES TO DEFYF Y COMPETITION. OMPETITION. and thatite aspreparedte io order work second to none, an enlays none , but tt Il rst-erns workman, and uses nothing butFirst-classStock. G. CATHCART. zc Big L actin October22, 1874. (6l -y1) w • Atr 0. , Snvy r. 00u an.0 lt] 11c1tt',r fl tor, Ilne bgen t TOiuted gur 1., ,rt .tor il01(1ty;ia.ailtitin'i'Vd 40 rte vtt•o ot'ic.r z+A'rsltl, bOriptiolls,1Onprinting, ,tv,, and touol)nc1,,s2•trolty and give recoil+ s for tlto smite, The atte t le not responsibly for an corronvot d, once,. (Front Uur• owII Cora•esnollpcut), DOE f.3.AL1. -I is . 1 h )J111410/13, ' ) `ithltr ` ' 116'5, s , game > LO o1i z of 115 .A. 1 z ntc , til . 11 105 1 r1 was plt yed by theabove; e1(ths 3)u 1} t "t. nesday, 'the 8th ret., and, the annexed scornwill show victory a lain smiled on the hrislunea). Tho fielding of both clubs was goo(l, Lucttn however rather exeef ed their opponents in Mak- ing bases, We think the success of the Lticail ehib is largely clue to Mes- srs. Laven and Watts, the catellor and flitelie>;,alid while they are sltt?ported by Atkinson on first base and such fie' c Vols as Murdock, ;l;Ienry,:MeLean and Glee. son, as well as the otla(il• members of the nine, the Irish nine will be hard; to beat. We trust a match between the Stratford or the best London ;lino will be got tap before the season ()loses, fear heretofore our players have riot had to exert themselves as lntielt as .they can do. The 1 only.noticeable i feature; . qwe ob- served in the play of the Atla2etics was the excruciating amount of 'style put on by the pitcher- style is all excel- lent thing,but wants to bo backed upby great skill or ability. The score stood at the close, Irish nine 29. Athletics 11. 1).tLS,R 13''o Olt). C1luiteii Ohisisct.-The announced opening of the 13. C. Church at Dash- wood took place on Monday last. •On the Sabbath nppt'oprialie sermons were p •easlied. The tea -tweeting on kion; clay was fully up to the expectations of those interested. A choice programme was lrovi1et. The speakers7re 'present' were Rev. Messrs. Beer, Moore, Ball and Limbert. Iiov. Mr. Whitlock oc- cupied the chair in au able manner. The tea provided by the ladies of the district would be loud to beat in more pretentious places. As was fully evi- denced by the manner in Which all presont partook of the good things pro- vided. Tho debt was wiped off the church, and the amount cleered over and above expenses was between $60 and $70. The E soter 13. C. choir fur- nished the music for the occasion. Mr. J. Hallocic, of Forest, drove lei six-year-old mare from Forest t Stratilroy and back, a distance of fifty Sia miles, in five and a half-hours. bet of 1115 depended on his eoverin the ground in six hours. On Friday last, Mr. Crocker, well dtgger, met with rather a serious acci dent When engaged in blasting a stone on the farm of Peter Arehdekin, near Mayfield. From some cause or another the blast failed to go off, and while in the act of withdrawing it, the powder exploded, shattering one of his hands so severely as to render amputation necessary. Tuesday evening a son of Mr. Thos. Macaulay was attacked by a bull dog on Barrie street, Iingston and was so- verely injured. The lad is lying in bed under medical treatment, and is suffering severely from the attack. We take it for granted the dog will be des- troyed. There are a few bull dogs in the city which should be disposed of,as they are a terror to pedestrians at nicht. A sad case cf accidental Banging oc- curred near Delmore' last Sunday. Mr. Joseph Driver, aged about 71 years, had placed a ladder against a bin in his barn, and was endeavoring :to get a little grain of feed for his hen's. He had his head through one of the spaces of the ladder, when the foot of the lad- der slipped, catching his neck between one of the rings and top of the bin, and holding hint there until life was ex- tinct At Clinton, on. Saturday night, Alex. Green, of Woodstock, knocked down Wm. Hall, kicking hila in the jaw and breaaing it. Green was arrested. The Godarich Signal says :-The young man Ackford, who had his hand cut off by the train at Seaforth whilst going home with the Loudon excur- sionist 011 rho 27th alt., has had to un- dc;rgo the amputation of his arm. The first load of new spring wheat sold on the Stratford.market Ibis year was grown on the farm of Mr. L. T. O'Loane, of Woodville, and was bought by Mr. Walter Marshall for $1.05 per bushel. It was. an excellent sample. clean. plump and hard. Last summer an announcement wee made by us to the effect that the. Baas. Jot epli Miller, late of Huron. county, tnt 9, 11. d die a in a Utica hotel, N Y. The aunoacemeut was .first circa- lated in the form of a letter, received by. a Goderich contemporary. The Setter was evidently scut byhimself, and ap- pears )- pears to Havhad a meaning" as he is now known to be practising tnecli- eine as an Indian doctor in Brownsville Oxfod Go. Great synipatlty is felt with Walter Bairatt, manager of the Slot in. having had to yield to the pressure of }tarn' 1411m, .atld cease the publication of Inc paper. Its loss will be felt. There is some talk about J. Ross Robinsitn, who hat'ug terminated ]lie three years' agreement with the Groh, intends re- maining in the city and starting an evening paper. The Dunkin Bill has been carried by 7a"majorit yof over'six hint tired .in Pain CO L' dtvat'cl Comity. A Brasselta photographer has been fined $50 and costs for taking itnpro. por liberties with n female customer, A carpenter named John Hopsper, of Godericllt, want to Toronto about four mo nths ago and obtained Weak et his trade, IIe had not been long there when he became acquainted with, and after, lands ds married; Isabel Nicpl, The marriage was performed by the Rev. A. 'William, of St. Jahns church, on tTiuie. 21st. After living with her for some tithe; she, by, senie moans, diseoveret`I that 11e had married before, ttnd:he hail a wife and two children in the town at which 11e formerly resided. s '.Cli0 case being stated to the authoritioii rte Was arrested en T'httrsday evening,. MI5. Peter MuiiASrd eon., Ziayi alts in iris possessiotl a t(rinato weighing font ltoundls. i t Tito police on duty at the Protestant cemetery, Montrea I, was doubled iity day night i11 view of the possible this tnrbances. Tire Catholic preachers Wa1•ned the pa1'itihionere net to Molest the cemetery, limier pain of civil and. moral puiliehment.- A.ieltltishop Lynch hats publislsocl iv scrota letter OR 0t0,G11iborcl ease, say, ing that if the affair bad, oectlil et`l nn Ilea hie •imIecliction he Weitld ellaty the bhlrz.dtl to take plee as declhrel, and re-:consectrttto tltn:Vri et of iho NOM, tory. 0 A g It liar holt tLtit•11f;e( tliab tho 1?1'(1, y`'11 iu[ 1)1QaA'tug nuttc;h far tins district ;viii bO lzel'ct OO the 1`ltrin of atlr. j jtnll bury Ol' '>aitllTc'r t)tl (ho 1 oI)cio1.t Bo8d; fell • lnitas-i•l'elli 4,laiutoll,ol t tris *200h of October, The i,bl'1' agentt,;nt is at the hands of tho three tilembers of the Board of Agrioultnz'o shier the throe 1 1 0u (14 0' t s 11 .'ti c at it l 61111 r ics o 7 69 t (rs .of 1 h to {County a Marna, The 31[iltshelt .1ofvutsac denies the. correotiollof the story that 11.11•. Polo has ,enterer an sletion for libel and damages against the proprietors of that journal. '.friday z)i ylit, Mr. R, W. Parkinson Own1e1• of tho tug 1:'tel'ayrreoei` ed a tele- gram front, ()apt Stanley that that ves- sel had been lost near the; isle of Cove, at the entrance of - the Georgian' Bay; an that nt tI r ' , t to ,dew had been rescued by a the lighthouse i ghehot"5o keolre;•, and were safe at Southampton, The tug left Goderieh on the let of September' She was in the .service :of the Provincial Insurance Company, :Friday nigtlt the guards on duty at the protestant ee;neter, vault we`re as sallod b the;nob w iiolrir, lsin talollt nnderneatn the thicket, fired ing a few stones, evidently as a'ruse to lot many see the size of the force in charge. Sergt, Richardson, in command, im- mediately planted, his, rnenunder cover of evergreens and fired foltrteen 'allots into a bush. A general scattering of the enemy ensued, who could be heard crackling athz'ongli the brush • up the mountain side. A careful search fail - ea to reveal that any one was wounded, and it is not probable that there were any who suffered. The apathy of the authorities to reference to the arrest of of tho anti -vaccination rioters and the ones engaged itz the communication at the (foto cies Noiges powdery is excit- ing very unfavorable comment. Itrthe Guibord case the feeling is that neither the Mayor nor city author- ities' have done their duty, and unless some arraignments of the rioters ..are made the city's peace will bo jeopardiz- ed. It is thought the cemetery ought to be guarded:by a company of volun- teers, as roughs could easily surround the 20 meu uow up there. Tho keop- er's house is being connected with the city by telegraph wire. Walking horse races have eorne- into usage at Western fairs. It is urged in favor of such contests that horses able to walk at a rate of four or five miles an hourre a of more e •slue to farmers, for farm work, than those that can trot- a mile in '2.20. A fund is being raised in Canada to - words the Apprentice Boy's Memorial Hall, Londonderry, Ireland, through the exertions of Mr. William Shannon, of Kingston. He sent Some weeks since the sura c'f ton pounds as the firstinstalmont, acknowledgement for which he has just received. It is ex- pected a handsome sutn will betobtained in Canada for this object. At Glenmorris lately,two sisters,aged respectively Gli;and 70 years,znotfor the first time for forty three and a half years since they last separated at the gate of Mount Teviot B.ouse, Roxburgh - Scotland. As may be imagined the meeting was a most tender and affect- ing' one, and sadness as well as happi- ness was in the embrace. Mr. John Breckenbridge , ot Gocler- ich, has in his orchard a most precious plum tree of the common blue variety. The ripe fruit was pinoked two weeks ago, and in two or three days thereaf- ter every leaf fell off the tree. Last week buds formed, and the tree bloom- ed and blossomed as if it wore spring. A. terrible disaster occurred on Lake Michigan on Friday, which has just been reported. The propellor Eaginax from Chicago to Bay City, Mich., with salt., and towing the schooner Emma E. Ways, with lumber was overtaken by a storm about two o'clock Friday morning, near Point Au Sable, 280 miles north of Chicago. Capt. Woodworth, of the Equinoux, came to the stern of the propeller at the time and called out to cut the lines, this was done, and the propeller car- eened and sunk in a few minutes. She lead on a crew of 19 men, and Capt. Dwight Scott, of Cleveland, a well- known Lake captian, who was accom paned by his wife and grandaughter, making a total of 22 persons. The first intimation the schooner had of the catastrophe were tho shrieks of the drowning. The Ways could render no assistance whatever in the terrible sea that was running, and the crow of the Equinox went down. The scootler ar- rived at Chicago on -Saturday morn. ing. Listowell has granted a bonus of $4,000 to \1r. Shields fur she erectiou Of ag grist and 1t '1 flouring null The enterprise of true journalism is illnstriatecl by the case of the editor of the Daily Index, published at Belvidere, Illinois, who on being hor sevhippea,3)t. out an e;itra containing a full account of the affair, and sold papers enough to pay for the tumid'a and Plaster. Geo. A. Flint, son of Stnnuei Plint, of Brockville, about 15 years of age, shot himself in his room on Monday hast. He loft a note bidding his friends good-bye, saying "I have gone crazy." He had not been quite well for about a year and had only recently returned from the seashore, so mush improved that it was intended for him to com- mence school again, which he dreaed very much l a nti when school time ar- rived he went to his morn and commie. ted the fatal act. ' i7 going a freight 1514111 at fall speed ran into alotlzerirodglittrain entering the siding at New Hamburg, on the Grand Trunk Railway. The en- gine driver of the first trails. whose ne- glect caused the accident, was killed, his fireman fatally injured, and abrake- + , n had his t) broken, r • v ma log e Several cars were burned, and the live stook in them was either killed or rostecl alive. The first game of the criekot tourna- ment was begin on Monday betwen tho rhlla tolphia, and the Canadian elevens. Tho former ludo 117, and the latter" 44 rums, .vith seven wickets to fail. 13i.ihop 13ourgethas issued a pas teral inwhieh filo says ttlat any spot in the Catholic oe enc:iy wlloro O Lillbor(1 may be buried is interdicted and sItlit ottt from consecrated grotudi. tngeplokvcI;xtordaily for 1r11caa mutt1'oildou at lean:, arriving i0 Tnlean at 0 a,1n, ; 30 T,onldoti at?Ia.,n. TOOVOsLondon for 7lxotor at. t?p,in ineari, ict<t It tn.: at3vin010 7 xctor ttt 7 phut, singes l2ntveBxotor flatly for (;13ilton at 170:111, arrivingin llitth nt 10 a;3>3, 7,2,YLva Clinton.` a 2,31) p.m a1•rlVo in i0rcter, nt WO Nil 00 egonadtttgt 10xetor ort !fncsttayq, t1,10rrsi[f0 mat saturati,jl5 tot• 50, 71Iatys> at 011,311 arrivig(g in thnoft r.'110611tr~aitts going tliigt and '\vast, 1;001-0 yfaiyrn'nt 5.3311 p,Ytlet ALIIt1y0 ao,,O n.t 11;10 1`11 (71t311v+ lyd T,xot0i; nh l 1)0)2 1114 1„ 0YN7 wi/c of mii•.:Y MOW, tfiibihot•lnttk61•, of 0, son, stcetai-lit Stephen, on 11th last., the Vito of Mr. Sl11 t1tt,t1, o f+ a clitnglrtnn Ttvt,oa -411 t Ii10Vi110i oft tho 9311 root, 06\Vifor df US' `Anthony Taylor, of it ;Torr Sit; ,aleFatas eGitt0rea -At 7'esideOc•e of Otto 'brides rather g,70tQ1',.4u the Pith ,iatst,Idr..,I.i. itc,f ,tlln, Of Seal )7117., to Miss ;4gorilt (x1411'1,^, ettlOOI; clang;btl4' 651 an VY C'a'4;fg, ldaeter. )'O nini•--In 17ebcil•)1n, 00 I O O lI root, 1;linahutlt,. t 4 x li 1Lof firer t r t er e lV1 '"AYie "ti 3is UnA'r' 1 4 , r5 1 tAttcllprAloxltlts.. , 1' 13no, rrbN01+tt e0o110cl+o1sd01so1 ., t1lateu1llntle°r7 t oMnt A{o,dtOy, , A1rotulh)tfivs, iA1g(4Id21t;o;1 youueat 10 T. watrztol waders,01T11n01T0I1x20LW0rtran11sn the 131)2 Ceorlc Stcfe 1t+ '#ote Sat, 0okit 18-,TI'rar•ln atdik trnd ultp101nolrts, Ile prop,otty of l)cnllis h1aho11ey, J 0, i9, ,1. 13;. Stopltcn. 12 O'clock noon: `Lgt1i>,5, 1C 111011; t 11o+aason, itpc•; 1 s Sat., 53) 1t.25 . I''arall t ere '1u r , o ,1 lleiriiinty, `cf0,; the property 1 } a U , t1 f '' t S, 1 • 1 t Wanner, lot 7, con, 0,. Tiny. 10 o'clock a•m. 1511.2 months credit, 1.Otth, auc, I4ortday, October. h; 1875, Farm, 410001,, ittlplc snouts, 6ts,, the property of RIP. ft. Adonis, lot 00, cat. 8, S`tepbon, 1. p in. ' A. Kish ep,,ltUdiOfl0( r. Monday, ay, Oct, 4 -Village iota at Centralia 3,110 property of Iter. Thomas 1'rivitt. 1 i1 1. p Slif>ff, auctioneer Tuesday, Oct. 5--V,illaf e lots, at [tonrall, 0110 properly of bfessl•s G 6s ,T. Petty, 12 o'clock noun. W. Hodgson, 2100 S5trSopt. 25 -Village lots in liloter, property of arr. J Southeott, 4 p 121, Wlt Hoag - scut, 011L' donee": VILLAGE P 101'p;Il'1'Y FOR SALE To he sold in the village of 1f*)o ttor, 0n Sinlcon ntreat, south of the 131121e Christian Chnr3ll, 0 one and a halt story brink (1w -oiling 1lonso, containing slsiroon-1s, with rio0d,)• .}} of aro acre of land. The property in wellfoncsc(, piokotin trout and close iboa(2000 n,t tho side, and the house 01 )IOW, having boon bunt in tho spring. For farther particnlarr apply at this °iliao or to A. ALLEN nn the rlr0011ln0S, 104 .,Elan /MX X18 aures Office LCOter, September 1. EXW.I:EIt. WVhite Wnoitt ., 531 00 to se,, 102 Spring Wlteat t 0;, 102 pats 37 00' 40 Potatoes'' 40 ttoo 40 PoiLS 70 to 75 lagbs 1; to 1'd 13t+ttct , 10 to 17 1 lout Vetbll C00 to 000 131x11 12" to 12 Shorts 11 .to 1e Hogs700 to 7 2c Beu(3 4 50 to 11 50 Bides- 0 04 to 0 05 Sh°epsl,ms 00 to 110 Hay .. 10 00 'to 10 00 lined pplos 175 to 200 Omens 75 to 100 Lard . .,. .•... . 14. to 33 Wool ... 83 ST. ,1by A.. . (Itoportedregulo)J b} A Galbraith, Olarh) Deihl wheat, per busso1 1 00 to 1 05 Spring wheat .,. ,. Barloy 110 to 1 10 Geta .. " .. (31750 toto 7575 '19 to 40 3)t;=, poi dozen ., 11 to 12 ttor ... 14 to 16 ... Wool 35 to37 Hay 8 00 to 1000 LONDON. White wheat per (20)10121................,190 to 209 Trenctrtell • 180 001. 00 Rod Winter Wheat.. 1 70 to1S0 Spring Wheat . :',„"•,..-..."'..."'... 2 00 to2105 . 1 20 to 1 ss SLAR 011TH. Fall Wheat 1100 00105 , Spring wheat 1 08 001 10 Oats 0 40 to 40 Barley . co to 65 P°as..... .... ..... ........: .oma to 75 Batter 0 15 to 15 Eggs i 11 to 11 I LUCAN. White wheat 1 00to 1 02 Treadwell...... .......... ....... :......... 1 00 to 110 Spring 110 to 1 10 Oath.. 0 229 to 0 41 Peas .•• 0 75 to 0 75 Barley , 00 to 05 Butter 10 to 10 Tr ;s, pot (70001) 11 to 11 Potatoee 75 t0 0 75 Lard,12 to 13 Tallow ' e to 7 Hai 8 00 to 1000 Timothy seed 3 2.5 to 3 50 Clover 00)0 ......... .......... 6 00 to 0 76 Wool 35 to s:, Shoops)ctus 1 00 to 1 50 Beef , e, 00 ..toe 50 Hides P:t° . 0 ori. 7 00 to 7 .53) i111tt9AAl10ilili iiiii1et918eB- CENT ALIA.. BUSINESS LOCATIONS AND BUildingSites can be obtained on easy terms in this THRIVING NEW, VILLAGE C di which,froin its great advantages in"connec- tion with a Depot and Station ON TIIP - on Huron Monaa Bruce Rail- way, cit way, cannot fail to become a place of irnportance. A Capital O1penii-.g is presented for almost every kind of industry. Grand Auction Sale of Village Lots on Monday, Oc- tober 4th. THOMAS TRIVFTT. Centralia Sept. 6, 1875. 1.06 :tf. INTERESTING TING S /r1!DLCAT, rued say that nothing is so int _L. pprti1 • iv 00111portant to gtit'd heart tlas a: ie0 Portably warmed. The season of year is now +It hand when you will require Lilo very hest STOVES 7.4 AND BISETT BROS. . tog to say that they I(nv0 jurat rceeived ono ot the largest stocks in the ron1113 , chnsigling of Stoves of the very Bates t dasig 1 (11(21 trio best inatnifaehlres, 50)11011 r7 i3L IA4ONA 37t CHEAP Their mill iS and ttlw>7,i'a Ilan 1)00 to satisfy ort turners. ( 1.1ardw01`o7 r. set Copie"waro, 1111 1t7!a 3)11 hand. ?liho 0110 o 31, Azt C 01111 1,000 1313 SCAL105j7012110,: Olen 11a,1s, C'npt)or, 1.5031, ota,„ h o- 1t. 3iss YITT',B31iOS.• 'HENDEBSOPV SUObi C ,ASO Itf:' Q G.. ST MARY aro 113)15' 4111(211311)7 001 EARLY 51--.1PME: ,'T1 ; 01?'TUE IR Fall tack so,7soo)tablo Goods vri11 bo ct)nllnts to band from tdits out, until i,lte Entire $tookisCo np1ete liENDERsON tG WHITE Suo0essors to G. 13. Smith. Marys, September 0, 1875. H N C0' 5s. o i,/.1+ . M as co rj4 , n tie N "-ai s,+ (0 i 7 f "' ssa • , ul u 0 (4 a, ., O v 00 • 2, • cr sn ' t_iu trj 0 • FP - CD • • . m of • c ' . ▪ ua G lfQ i (7), mGJ re • + --, d %Fa 6 at ( r • 2 +r• n C( G ltd N G' • ss ca 6 CD 0 B aa O n CD cp "-' F✓ itd 2F. CD Ca n C rr. G • m OR °o 0' rz 0) U. AG. SOC11+;TY.-THE S & S. following primes will be offered for horses in the soles] classes by the Stophen 101 Usbornc Agricultural Society at the show to be hell in Ex- eter, on Thursday (ma .0 tsdag, nit and Hui Octeb- er,1875. See large posters. • CLASS lot.-- HORSES IILtl` Y DRAFT. 1st. 2nd. Bost Brood. Mare '$2 00 $1 00 Foal 2 00 1 00 Three- year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Three -rear -old lree-Peal-Old 1 111V 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old It lly 2 00 100 Two-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2.00 1 '00 Span of Draft Horses 6 00 2.00 ft CI;ASS 2nd.--GENERALPU1 POSE HORSES. Best Brood Marc 2 00 1 00 Foal 2 00 1 00' Three-year-old Gelding 2 00 .1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Tao -year-old Filly 2 00 1.00 Two-year-old Gelding '2 00 1 00 One-year-olcl'Filly , 2 00 ,1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Span of General Purpose peso , Horses S 00 2 00 0.(1A SS 8rd•-CA1I1IIAGE HORSES. Best Brood Mare •2 00 1. 00 Foal 2 00 1 03 Three-year-old Gelding 2 00 1.00 Three-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Tw0-year-old Gel cling 2 00 1.01) One -year-old Willy 2.00 1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Span Carriage Horses 8 00 2 00 Baggy horse 2 00 1 00 ilesb ialt Driving Hors (,Roadsters. 2 00 1 60 Best Saddle Horse 2 00 1 00 Lady (14 Gentleman Rider 2 00 1 00 ie +Xi3V' 7S1,iI' 1123?. 22)212)) hum Every I hw'sc'ay Morino jpPOosift'11 hint -sorts r, rtia7rt5 01,0,0 tsar annl.tirir 'parable strictly 111 naval -ten No euttg11irlptio❑ 0,13(on lily fess than sir Mouths, DVS OPAD110WI' I Nt•st Insertion tier 1110 81 1 1t t i it 1 1r`•rt•li It t h e nrrtt rs rL t c tin° f,21 N) t 1 Kelvertiooioonfo of ntr ott,bltttl0• 5rticl(s lust OV o(tn 1 &,u. .rc)t exceett11+g',f0pt 'Ines --8501 2110)1081 01,00;•(34th vat.se(1r e11tri(o11Lti,00nontr: aetices 001100113)11101110502 ea, 11,1/1 1102,1712 lust• tp trbo, Allvotrt15031ont8IvIthoriir`2110000 direntie027 0 112 3n2or001113101~6i11(1c1, n nal c10.041106m higly 611terttsefi9efita'to bo 111n04itt'bil by Baa 101 i,1 nonlsn r tel t . 1 1 'vC 11131' t G.lot'!idi1i1u21 i 5+ 'l'ito 1011.0 itl7721,tlls' oV)tt 12)1 01nw00/1 ttu tl,lvertisementst•' QN151'f tit !1 moth i)n4 03(11)11 0iSe , ,. 015 plait 3Y 9, 'OtttoterK r1 l0 , 1-2 C3tt1)ttt, rr 1z S 14nafnotsG51'dit, otr11Aron0ait31127dn)•, 440;80, Arv,X: