HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-9-16, Page 3ealfisuf e•'oe tem en. It tote been •oeoptnetied that this tun taniet would bo 000 Anne profitable to eldoetore than ea'ainiou to people in general. 11) tho fir sI pl ee we Must bear in mind eliat the preplan °nevil is alwayeib11.1),Ho to l'it•ftl of the attoral world ; ited en the dieappoiot, tilente of not their sofferitios met 'failueee, ,ates ler more freqvieut thee ;their eietories and eatisfactiune, 4o eau' invarittbly Oita readioe confirotatioti Kif liie il1-f6rebodiuge then the prophet succees Is likely to be ehle tto point oat to a moo which ie uovel eiontent and ttetase ttetaitie the goal of atseleenee. the eroakor about liettillt is every- evitere, Ho may bet a veldt (looter Anxious to ex.cito dined 89 ttti make enittitet foe his pale andtpotions ; •or the' learned physicien who is cerrioil iway front oecurring flints by elleoriee to evilieh be lies beomno , wedded ; or tho Valotudivariao to whom dieeitee has lee "se ome a theme hie mind deli.dits to linger over. he ground of the, antieipatiott of an inehealty autumnti that the 841 111,1110T had been one of steettenenstial dampness that the deeey i.n.dvegettttion would be more then paetomarily pronocative of diteeetee, en4 the lowlands would become entershy told untlarittl. Thore\YRS Telt- giolit tote„ A. kw tveelts itgo people seeming 'from the mountain, afforded ,cases of enphoid and in him ion fevere. The preseet day air is therefore a boon tn,tels,0 *kinks fer„ since Lilo sun is af- tee eell the geottecen of physicians. If :September keeps within its usual rain- fall, ilk ,ovil prognostieations as to an unheelthy settomn aro happily not 1i1e- ly bo reaileeci. In spite et the ref elle summer hes been ono of noetible ,exeeeption from prevailing opidemies, and the death rate has kept within toe hoonds of t•ho more hoetltity warm sea - Vo do hot therefore anticipate ti entomn. Still, we regard the, town as a bettee piece for nealth, all itnings censidered, than the hills and syalleys where so many New Yorkers etrnsi1 sojourning. Bart•ing a few jeot days -e -not in trio majority of cases AncOe.ede.d by unoomforeable nights— helast few Weeli*8 have been altogether 'endurable in Now Toek. Just now they aro all that a rea.o.table man 4oxild ask for. It le desirable for everyone to think ss little as possible about himself per- sonally. Each should bar in mind ' that he is only otte out of a countless hest of eteatnres made just as he is, sead that g he stands out from •among the ,ot, it will be Lecatiee of what he does, not what he thinks of himself. Meditating on los fleshy ills A one of, the very silliest employments of a man. The imagination of the fertile mother of ;many diseases and the efficient aid of :tall. If lour brain workers, for instance should thiok less about their ever. worked braius—nthey mtealt produce re - .sults that would Make their perform- ances loss provocative of ridicnle when :comparedwith the outcry that indulge in over excessive exertion. The fact js, the less one thinks or talks about his health tte better. It is not an in. treeeting subject to other pnopie ; it; should not be one to occupy one's own ttheughts unless the enfeebled hody has so brought doeve the mind then it :yields under the pressure to the fancies etnd gloom of weakness that cannot. be Long -lit against. . .Lot us keep up a good heart and go 40 wo le wit; out fear of the disease ,t evil pro, bete, try to make us think lurks inthe autumn air ; and t heu the doctors will reap the harvest which some of the otlitors are pointing `put to thorn.—N. F. Sun. ' Tstle argyik. The Baltimore. American says : ,gantleman of this city gives an accdunt ,of a recent attempt by an eagle to carry off a cat, which occurred at the farm ,on the bey shore of Kent connty,Mary,' land. Al'eounn-medium-sized cat was ,treadiug leisurely along in a potato patchwhen a fall -grown .eagle swooped elown and catching in its talons, bore 'her off. Pussy wriggled and mewed ;piteously nfor some mornente, but, _seeming imbued with courage, elle he - Ran a determined effort t D obtain ithold of her oppressor. So great wexe her etrngeles fleet the eagle was unable to fly longer, and kept up a continuous flapping with -its wings to, keep aloft. After much exertion the cat succeeded iu it object, and obtaiued a firm grasp seitli her clans oo the breast of the .eugle, which made every „possible en- Aeitvor to free itselftin vain. It flapped its wings, shook its body, and appear- ed to heartily regret having meddled wittt posey in her v011001.'01 ways. 3-4'1.- pa11y as in despair and exlittustion, it ,epreati its broad wings and fell slowly to the bey, over which the et.ruggie inkt been going on. Imniediately upon touching the water the cat looeened )1er hold one swittn boldly itsliore, tvhile hc eitgle, upon being freed of its eroultlesonie burden, shot upwards and p'pidly•ft‘Vtl,Nt6' ••••••••.vir,••••••••seosmereromo.mademmerem. 7nhe est) .1111.solmts.1 act. The new Insolvent Act which went effect on the first of September, is „Df greet length, containing 1 al. sections which treat exhaustively of the duties .of the Official Assigneein winding op the estfttee of insofvente. By ihis Act 4he assignees are tomointed by the Governor -in -Council. Debtore on whom eletnend isme'de by a ceeditor or ere - niters who have fyled the required eine etnt,. r egotist witom a writ of ettacln metit hts been issued, may make as- signments of their estate, ana svihiti toil days thereafter furnish the assign- ne with it eorroet stiltement, of all their the names of their creditors, otc, The oretlitors at the ieet meeting -May appoint one of tlientselves chrdo- thaxt but nt all eabsequent me nines tthe IlSstiee shall be elmieman. Etteh Dotson appoiritod aesignee shall hold offiee thring pleeeure, and eivo securi- Aty for the clieeharge of hi a 0163 in tile gum of $2,,,o0o,4itti 0 Pop ul ttion tho ctistriet fur It11.1011 eloee not exceed .09.000 inhabitaelts, ;and where it is over that nernber, he iustgive $0,000 eecurit,e, and in case :he rnity defettit as to any moneys placed in his leersato 811011 SI1111 IrtflY be XeeoVered from ills eareties ; the mein 41See AN subject to the eurenteary jueise elletion of the deo of tho Soperjor ,Ct art in hie dietriet. No aseigneo or 'epeetor ite a ltenketipteetate tem put, `to inty pert of:it. Assignoee shall 0liti all the righte and powers of the 'vont io rokiennte to in tertipeley AlR.1 batt br/ li'OOP a regieter at all tienee to the imblieesliowing to end,00nditioo of elieh lltte fteeiglied, The aesigike onall he entitled to 0 eonnitision, On the set peococile itt tho estate of the ineels vent of five oor cent, of the amount re- oot exceedunt $1,000 the fur - thee emit of 2t per coot, on the alumni(' roebeed in oxeoe3 ol $1,000, and not et:cocain:et $5.000, eeid commission to be in liou °real fees end oluttges for all his sorvioes and diebereeMente in rola. time to Alio eetato, exelestre of actual expeesee ittgoion to seize and sell, and of payments made in the eine0 and re, atevel of preporty. After the deelarae titet of a final dividend, the assignee shall prepare' lits hand account, mod Prosentib Petition to the Judge, for his (1 iec lenge. 80 If her n 4'4 You cell tell e *Southern girl at onoe, Simt eounder than tier Northern sis- ters—indeed, Site is Dever thin or lank; wellte with languid etop, and tin her movements are slow and indolent ; she is never alert. She has tine, soft eyes, with a eoreoe expreesion, very dif- ferent from the quiek, keen. eye Of the mirth She has not the „beautiful red told white complex:ion of. New Yolk and NOW Englend ; rather elle Sallow with a few rOSO tints'. you might call her ereem-color She never looks aux-loafs no mutter whet happene. She does not think she can hetp matters by her fel- latio or tuterforenee, bet vitt; book calm- ly, and lettvee.oyerytning to " brother ' or "pa," pronouncing the latter word in a wey 1(lay a Northern girl ,to im- itate. The word might bo used as a Shibboleth ; it is not exactly. "pity," hut Leif way between. Unit and tit° sowed of '''21; in "eat." Cur Southern girl ,dresees picturespie rather than trinity, and ,bas brighter Gofers and MOTO floating ends and curie about her Lean a Noi thorn belle allows. She has pretty, plump hauds, but she is not so partiettlar ebotttsthe gloves that cover theni—Inletto particular compered with V iIth Avouae rules. In short, she itt it more voluruinone, sort of girl in overy way, and cares less about"the fashioo." She has one advantage over the North orn girls, however, and that ie her voice ; it is sweeter ancl lower, a little triane, perhaps, but eseentially oeotle and womanly. lef.11 DresS•eg The first importation of fall dresses show very little chauge from the fash- ions of the tounmer. Basques, over- skirts anttsacques prevail, as they have done all summer; it is said en effort to reeture ,tho polonaise will be'niade later in the season, The cuirass basque fit.: ting the figure smoothly will be retain- ed. It will have broad forms behind; whether with or without side bodies.— Short backe will also rentaiu in favor. Ifresiniess will be given the cuitass by new ways of trinnning. The front may be plainly buttoned,or else only fasten- ed across the chest over a vest, and there are elso some eiew basques that button diagonally. The double Byron collar is one of the novelties that wile appear on fall costumes. This consists of a large Byron collarreade of the silk, that forms part of the costume, upon which is a separate smaller collar of the ,same shape, made of the woolen goods of which the snit ponsists. Silk sleeves with wool basques will be worn again, giving the popular effect of sleeveless jackets. Basques of plaid and striped coinumes will be cut bias ; to make these effective there should be very few seams to interrupt or break the lines, hence the broad French backs are pre- ferred for these, and the lines are made to meet iu the seams. Long bowe made of doubled silk are sot about on basques and sacques, sometimes in the most uselessplaces, as at the end of the front.or back seams, while others are on the chest, at the 'throat, just back of the neck, and on the wriste. Silk pip- ings finish the edges of basques.— Sleeves are simply trimmed, and of close coat shape. A band of narrowly folded silk pleats around the wrists, with a pleated feill falling on the hand, makes a stylish cuff for silk or for wool sleeves. Pleating and braid are the trimmings most used. An action was • tried in the Bromp- ton County Court in England tho oth- er day before 11-fr. Sergeant Wheeler, to recover damages by'reason of a nui- sance caused by the crowing of et cock on the defendentls premiees, which ad. join those of the plaintiff. The plaio- tiff, Mt. Bennett, and the defendant, Mr. Batten, occupy adjoining houses iu -Camden Hill Terrace, Nensiugton, itt the beck of which are gardens. The defendent had erected a fowl house iu his garden, where:he-kept several fowls end it small bantam cock, which was in the habit of commencing :to crow at 4 5 o'clock in the morning. This disturb- ed the plaintiffwife, who had. been ill for f30111 0 thin, and retarded her recov- ery. It was submittede on behalf of the defendant, 'that lie was strictly with- in his legal riglatsin keeping fowls, aud that it wag beyond hie power to prevelit the cock from crowing., - The Judge said the matter before him was not a question cf law but of fact, and a per. - e071 might strain his legal rights to such an extreme as to Mahe them il- legal. So snot) as the exercise of a tnen's right interfe.red with those of his neighbor he mustmale concessions ,and waive them. He suggested to the defendant the propriety ot his under- taking tnehate the.noistrite The -coun- sel conferred together, and ultimately Lite defendant consented to a nominal verdict for the plaintiff, damages lso and gave an undertaking to dicontinno the nuisance. KF.ED YOUR PIANO,FORTE IN ORDER.— rflio followiog we clip froin the .711111cal Tile/ V. It is good advice, and very ankh needed —Have your plane -forte tuned at lettet leer times a year, by an experienced tuner; if you allow it to go too long without euning, it usually be- conice flat, and trbublee a tither to get it to stay et concert pitch, espevially in the country. Never piece tho lestru. meat against etai mitside wall, or in 6o1l, damp mein, pas:gen1es:1y in a coun, try house theto ie no greater enemy to a piano -lot to then clamp. Close the instrumett itnin4iatoly aftoryour time, tiee ; by leaving it open, dust fixes Sin the sonudboard, orrodee the move - merits, and if tin e damp teem the strings soon ttint, ShOuld the piano. fork stand near Or OppOsite ft window, Altera, if possible, against ittt being opened, eepecially on t wet or damp end wheit the sun le in the wind, ety deriev the blind down. Avoid puts ting Dietetic or other articles On 01 in the piano -forte ; etteh thinge frequent, canee unpleasent Vibtettionfe end emaelernee vivre the inetenineet, The mote (erg the tomperatene oP tins root, 'the better 11,10 pia/10401A° vOill tale. Anti:min tesoosotee-Tho oet doeo, letedookitte, tiolsonnelling, and ovary way ropul' t\ room in Tenet 11005e5 itt cold Weal h's• 1,1 the cold noventilateet bodromn, Pie pendent notion is, that if it is cold it dos oot Ikea ventitatinm; and the next thing is to motile up the windows, so that thoy do not got open, ed by any elleuee. This is ell wrong Other thinne can be equal, cold ale is more invigoveting than warot air, be, cense more coodoneed, and, thorekre, cold ale in the betletenn i$ to be prefer - rod during the night. It is also true` thet old air raty be import); and melon rit, o it otho reouiis ed voutilation Orenn iwinter. wenn, the Elle,. being cold- te: than in warm weather, rushes hi inore eagerly, and we fool it reore keen, ly, and that tnieleads ns to think, that we need not takes care to ventilate rooms in cold. weather. All this being true, a fire he the room helps yenta!), tion, especially an open flee and it is well to neve fire enough to take elio chill off the air aud bedding every even- ing. It may even bo kept going all night, provided you have stone window or ventilation open. If you have not been accustomed to sleep with the win - .low open begin with it eery small open- ing, and then gradually inoreaso it, but do not let the witid blow- directly on you. If you fool it nod cannot avoid it, torn your face to it. In tho merniug, just as you ere vacating Inc bedrOoln threw it open, and all the more if there hes beeu a fire in it. GREAT CIRCLE" TRAVEL.—It is not known by everybody, though perhaps most people have been told of it several times, that, for all 'purposes of naviga- tion; Paget Sound is nearer tho great Asiatic marth than San Francisco. Even if the vessels going oot from the .Golden Gene .took their course direct for Hong Kong Or Shanghai, they_ would, by reason of the longer, degree of latitude further south, scarcely have less sailing than by bending round to the north.- But, in point of fact, the prevailing wiuds andenean currents of the Pacific are such that vessels from Asia fitid their most eligible route bringing them within fifty miles of the entrance to Puget Sound ; thus making by the Northern Pacific, sJ en comple- ted, a saving of nearly a thousand miles of ocean navigation. This added to tho diminntion of distance overland already alluded to, giyes us a route from our Eastern aides to the coast of Asia shorter than any other by about fifteen hundred miles. When this road shall bit insuccessful operation, the time re- quired to reach the Pacific coast by means of it from New York city will .not exceed about four days, allowing an average 'trate of movement of thirty miles an hour. Thence to Shanghai, in Chitin., the voyage 'will occupy eight- een to nineteen days, at tho mean rate of twelve miles an hour ; making twen- ty-three days in all from New York -'--a less time than is now used in making the voyage by the way the way of the Isthmus to Sun Francisco.—Ex. A QUEER Sur.—It seents that there are people in India who must have very queer netions of the ltoa person arum. Some time ago it native gentleman pre- pared a feast, and bade a number or his friends to partake thereof; but when the day arrived, and the board was spread, find lin muet eat his diuner alone—not one of the guests havieg put in an ap- pearance. We nave read in a certain parable how, in a 'sheenier case, the Lord of the House sent forth ins sex- vaot to summon the halt, and the lame, and the blind, in order that they might eat of the good things despised by their nominal superiors ; but the Ilindo gentlemen had probably not learned this Christian leseon. Ho took quite a different course,by bringing an action in the local court to recover the cost of the food which had beep wasted; and, strange to tell, a verdict in favor of the plaintiff wasgiven. The defend- ants, however, were not satisfied with this singular decision, and appealed from it to the Calcutta High Court, by whose judgement it -was reversed. In coining to this conclusion the Judge sensibly o' bsorved quit "if this new principle of a guest's responsibilities were to be legally recognized, the risk of °exerting invitations would be very seeieus indoed"—in which not a few will emplottically concur. In Europe, there is usually little difficulty in sur-. roundirg one's "mahogany.' with smil- ing and open countenances ready t� swallow complacency anything that the Aniphitryon maybe provided ; but if it were understood that a failure to carry oat that part of the underst000d social bargain would result in a County Court action, the veriest toady would occa- sionally muster up apirit enough to de- cline, with thanks. Where ten men will cheerfully lay down their lives for a woman, roily ono will carry her an armful of weed. BEWARE • OF -COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of tho publio of 13ritish North America, I deem it my dtity to state that nay Pills and ' Ointment aro neither manufactured nor sold in any part of tho United States, Witch pot and box boars the British Govormntent Starnp,with tho words, 'Iloilo - way's Pills and Ointinont,Londom'ongra,ved there- on. On the label is the address, 588 Oxfold retreat, London. 9.1iS notice has 'become neceSsary, in consequence of vile and spurious imitations of " Holloway's PIUS an el Ointment," being fabricated , $1,1378Maidou'lattio New York, by par ties styling them., 'selves " Hollowa' MI an aseenea ' tiade#i 1311 p1111 elided vendors can ob- tain this trash tit a very low price, alla BO deceive you • by sotlingtho same for nty genuine H011oway's Pins and Oint- ment, whico aro manufacturedonly tit 533 Oxford stroot, London, Persons who may bo deceived Please corn rafticato with in %Many TespoethlofIrma ProVinces Who obtain my medicines direct from hero, lvive 'very properly suggested that f Ehmild, for the benefit of themselves Etnel the pnblic, inSort, their names in the papers, that It may boknown that medicines can 113 had gonu Ino frOna.them, The following ire el, list of the firms anuclecl to r thed I particularly lecommencl those who desire 10 got my medicines to apply to some of the' houses namod ;-1VIessrs, Avery, Brown de Co„ Halifax, 0, S; 111cssrE. ForSyth & Co.,.N. S. 11teSsrs. '12 1titaiter de ftettfl, St jolin, N 33.; T 1)os 1-151)', ChErlotto Towti,P eillossete. Lang- ley Co„ Victoria) 13 C.; Messrs. Moore e'25 Co.,Vic, thrift, 33 IQ; Dr. John Palle], chatfan, D; Vessrs. seethe° ee Co„ Montreal; AtCtiere, .1 (CZ CO., imilton; Mr. H 1 00' [40 Toronto; Mr. A. Chip- man Smith., ,St Joti54 13; Mr. John Bend, Godes- ich; MOSErs. 3111101.0 00, 'l'orouto Clialoner, St JOhn, X ; Messrs. Hamngton Bros„ St Jelin 13 • Mr 0 Pridd:•/5 Wille1801; Aire Oryoul Mordon, S George Hill jt., FrOdrickton B; 'WIT hompsori, Harbor Grace, X F''; Mr j' 31 Willry,Frodriekton, N 33; MOS8Ve D Montreal. The roo3Iicino8 ero sold at tho lowest Nvlfolorealo licit, prides., in Onantities of not less titan RV vortlf—vh,.., Ss. 6„ 22s, 114111 81s.po5 de2on boxes Of Pins er pots of Ointment, for which ro., mittance Must be sent in tidy:Mee, T ;EMMA S HOLLOWAY' WLSTERN PAI1, 1875, $12,000 Offered in Prizes ! " CO .APTL'titIOX Will bp held in the City of Londor'sen • SEPT, 2Sett, nOtin & let OOT, Primo time End tettY be had at the riecramrsoes taco, .A 11 ontritire aro rootteitted le be Made en or before 18tit S1p03871ltFlIt 1tailWay arrangement:1 bitVe habil'Inftet0 'for One fare te* notion mei Neese.; mytt • itoi;tiTym, • Searettity, 'ft:Tr/tall FA,tn, Orrrot, Leaden, Sept, 4,1815, 400.3 W 1300ZSELLEE STATIONE Exeter. rrlifj1.1 W.0.11 lOGLOGHLON WATCH .1, 18 the beat in tho market 130 Euro and o3 the W. D.111oG1op1ilon watch beforo buying. You will have no other after BOO- ing them, Al) who wcair them recommend them, Gold Ana Silver, Ladies and Gentleinan'S sizes, 77 D mules street, London, See the testimonials. The largest, host find cheapest stook of Iluo Gobi Jewelry, Clocks, Silver,' and Plated, Ware, Fancy Goods, &c., in ale PX0Villee. Repairing of every description. W. D. MoGLOUCHLON. 77 Dundas st,, London, Oht. EXETER STEAM RAKE &CRADE FACTORY O. C i() T TLE 'SS OtTrACTinttll Vioocien Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork. Handles, Grain. Cradles, LTC. Ho will have ready for the coming harvest, tho celebrated Sulkey Hay Rake A Novelty in this section. ME 1 C PLANTS will tlnd 11 10 Their Advantane to Buy their Stock from me, as I am prop ,red to deal with them as reasona- bly as any other establishment, and to give prompt attention to all orders, WHOLESALE inERETA.IL. urning ofan kinds made a specialty in the business. GEORGE COTTLE xetor,April 8,3875. 82-Cni New Tailor Shop. W. Mo&Z.11".P.TENZ EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Elinivillo and Vicinity that ho has opened a Now Tailor shop At Elinaville where by strict attention to buSiness in Vicunas to merit a fair sbaro of patronage. A GOODFIN GUARANTEED., J2ANT-CUTTING A PECIALT1'. W. McARTNEY, Elimville, July.8, 1875. THOMPSON& WILLIAMS A.GRIC T:JLTURAL IMPLEMENTS1 Boilerand Engine Work •MITOI-IELL, 'ONT. Two-horEo power . wood Sawing Machine . 1113 machine has been thoroughly testedand given ; ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with a BAND WEI:EEL tor' driving a Straw Cutter, • Grain CrUsher, 6r ethos maenineey, without frs,tfa expend ex cot for the belt, , TRIAL OPPREI). All kind's of Farminginipienrient.s t kept corietantly liand. BOILER SHOP in fall operation. EINGI E of all eleos to order, Itept at Dissett"s Tin sho 1xeter. pm/41y 6,8t0130e0 to. 1,11101tIPSON lelitehell, Out, FALL A1111IVAL WZrJ. ri. w;civorrn is rapidly stocking bla Gents' 1Purnislailig tabilsilment with some 01 1110 PEST CLOT AND TWEEPSIVATIng maw into, 7.,Ketor. • They have all'Poon orehastal, tor CASH and at Casli figures, therefore if satisfaction eau bo Oxon at all, the subscriber ean giyo it, , 33very thing in the lino from a tLeeettie to If11401),:blq overcoat can he inn of leal„." Hats, Caps, Seeks, 0911a1e, CraVati, ete, M . 'Uri.z1.t sten efts charge of the Tailoring Oopartment PERFECT FITS AR & GITARANT, B.ED- Oot Itt taw 'most fashionable style. Cloth pur- chased 08300 cut fro ° pf eliargo. 3. 1.) MoINTY1tV egi CO Exeter September 2 3. GROCERIE,S CIIEA.P, AT eAls4TDERS' Store, Post 01110c Mock, •••••••••••• Att excellent stocle of Groceries and Confection ory on hand. CI-IOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS. SPortsmen supplied with Ammulitiou. School Books, Stationery, Magazines. ALL THE LATE S r NOVELS. N.D.—Sowing Machina Noodles of every kinellfor Palo, SANDERS. FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. JAMES McNABB. has now on hand a number of those CELEBRATED SPRING HAY RAKES - C h mpion Pea Harvester, whieli 11010 TAKEN PRIZES WHEREVER SHOWN. Theso implements require Ile pulling, but have al- ready spoken for themselves. They can be men at the, EXETER STEAM BENDING AND HUG FACTORY . Tho :rakes aro manufactured by himself :from tho very best of dry material. and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFAC- TION. The subscriber is determined to sell out -his stock at reduced prices, and DEFIES COMPETITION. ALL 1±I0DS OF TILT nincr Done to Order and kept constantly on hand. ' Alpo all kinds of SPINNING iirHEELS ON HAND. Remember the si,ot—near Saublo Fridge. JAS. MeN.A.F.1.13. FRESH ARRIVALS! AT THE People Grocery Store. J. CRUITNICAN has-rocoivod a largo stock of GP,OC, ERIE CROCKERY &c - • also a largo stock of BOOTS cf.: snons suitablo for Fan flea Wintor, coasisting of Men's, Women's and' Child- ren's 'Wear. Those in.want of a first-class article in the Boot an(1 eloc.; hue should not fail to EXAMINF MY 8TOOX Before purchasing,. as my experience of thirty years in that lino ena- bles Me M purchasing to select that only which I can recommend. LARGE LOT OF First Class Bacon JUST RECEIVED. J. CRUNNICAN, BRODERICK'S OLD STAND. arznatett=cz- a...( 0 4t1 <1 ..(3° Q rn ti) rct CL.) ca• (1.) • m's 9,4 • ,4= • ;.4 •;.., 0g7 :4 rdc.n.4:104 I CD P14 t ^ 0 t'121-1 0 4' p CI) c3 4 r.r.i 0.4 estl -re t-•1 e.4 te— 4 4 0.) 0 ecl -4= ...... $64 Cf/ &re -4= (1.) .4Q at - 0 -10MINION GUN SHOP AND RI- ,. eer Fesn FACTORY. R. W. SOPER Mannfacturor of sea dealer in O, (1e5, 8/1,'211; 4.f.' (311.01r vo • 4 erO'S P111O11. ,rishing Taakle, awl 'Hunters' supplies Gun-stooking done in fl.teet-ola=s st‘ le. Pin -lire G en 1.1.1tetd, Ctllt,s11,1 Vire. SigIl of the aim and k.had. 'CLARENCE st.,bi:te1T0011 Dundas and Xi x.g, London. 75-1y. PUMP li`A.CTORY. The subsoribers 'have started 0 Pump Factory n the 'Village of Carronbrook, and alEo iu the Township m flay • ONE MILE NORTH OF EXETER and thoy aro 111 0085 798i0D. Of. ST.'EAM: they will bo able to not only do their work 'Iv el but cheaper tint., those w)to litivd to 00 11)011 worl, y baud- Every variety of wooden pumps, M- el:tiding the CELEBRATED FpROE Four nolo to order and placed in wellE,101 being war- ranted for two years. All orders loft ret the shop ofMr. 3301111011 0110 mile north of Exeter will receive pronio tettention. IlTINSINGER & BOULTON. HAY, May 271875 JOHN BELL" 'Taker and Confectioner, begs to return thanks to tim people of Exeter and vicinity for the largo patronage oestowed 0.101] him since ho commenced business in Exclor, and hopes by paying attention to business and giving satisfetetion to his customers to merit 11 continu- ance of the 8111110,: IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET , BREAD; CALL AT J. BELL'S BAKERY. IF YOU WANT GOOD CONFEC TIONERY, CALL AT J. BELL'S. Ef you want the very best c03tes, to., or tea parties, picnics, &e., LEAVE YOT.JR OLDER 'WITH J. BELL, and it will receive prompt attention. Satis- • ,faction guaranteed. IF YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES at prices as low as they can be purchased for at any store,in Exeter, GO TO J. BELL'S. ten- Give me a call. J. BELL .1•Ga....U.4...r1G0.1.}1100:00QPnii:Mer=01FMG.• P-11 NIX FOUNDRY, Corner Bathurst & Wellington LONDON, - - - ONTARIC JOHN ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. PjANUFAO CURER OF ZiloadowLarlit Reaper and 2/Lower, Cultiva to, Plow, Cang-Plowso AND ALL IMPLEMENTS USED IVY FARMERS, PARIVIERS 1 0 Fa Thfri iroplornont has ft elOWO Oitttt'iloittng grain cup and it (4381 111 3076 tilt) beet beferis no pobIlo. itin bow htuily ongagal zithlti”14. Won fOr tbc spring sooding, :abet Will be pre, p18111 10 stipply 600 9,10, 11, 12 tlthos, tagfilith tube slfflter 011 witbont, according to or- der, 1114o11ao58or te )koop 031 ,hantt oistRoldlui tulil size to supply ahy-who may not have givott thoir ordov, Tho sitylo'an4,1114ivepa Ittee will be foetid el that can be desired, rind if 0411111110d, not surpassocl Wostorrr.tlitliKeta. JOHN ELLIO T Cor1105 .13atioi5$1 anci TVeitio0og Stg,. Clearing oP SUMMER STOCK. SAhAtELL ,PICKARD ltaving pureliesee eergety n Anglarhi for the Fs11 trade, have 'decided to Down _the Balance of thew Slimmer Stock alt o eine a complete oloaraeee, tole realm room for new Fall Goods, which we expect terve in a few weeks., We therefore olTer the balance of our Summer Stook at VERY PRICES The stoilconsists of Fanc-Sia Dress Goods, Fancy and PlainDress Goods, Ready lade Clothing,, White and colored Shirts, Millinery, .:Boots cC4, Shoes, Felt Hats and Caps,a gen- eral Selection a Teas and Groceries CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER SAMWELL ,56 PICKARD. Exoterinly 28,1875. PRICES OF T 0 AT ES HAVE litricepped Irtigkit Down AP THE GOLDEN STOVE, ST. MARY'S. J. C. GILPIN. lainiture for Cash Desiring to introduce HE CASH Sysirmva, I will offer during the yONTHS OF AUGUST AND SEPT. . My large and full stock of F-UliNITUR_VA FOR CASH AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. I will, on thP smallest pnrchase, .GIVE A LIBERAL JASCOT:TiNT, and to large buyers will give special rates. 'lb JUDGE OF MY PRICES, STYLES AND QUALITY, Call Must Be Made. I -invite Inspection. JOHN DREW, Next Door to Molsone Bank and opposite Times office. R, IS 1)1VIlliti ISAAC CARLING begs,loave to thank his friends in Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in the future, having ON HAND cue of the I.argest and Best Assorted Stocks "U,sua 11.y found in a General Store CONSISTING OF DrywiGoods, Groceries, Etc., Ready-made C„othitig, wines- andi- guars, Hardware, Crockery, Boots aid Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give I. G. ft call as he is determined nOt to be Toler., sold by any establishment itt this section of coinirty. E XETE R. BAKERY alt%1I,VZIti • FANCY' BREAD AND BISCUIT BATER5 & CONFECTIONE,R, :E•X•E•TER...n. while Damning his sincere 1iattktt to the inbabitEmts ot.leete'ter and tetitteet their pest liberal patronage, hopthg to leerit a eontimuoide of their favors attention to his large stoelt of CakeS) Craokes td C(mfootioti ory. FRIT CAKES, Th onN-Ts P1.411 POUI -NV odding iit :litic n lIOCi ty villago, tor 01(10 call their litt1i Dread Constaritiv on Iwo at teeter tole Nomtlt leeeist Post. fti Cii1itomi4 ona C 1111dit .13nnulie1 weitee 011 &lit'. 7 , etie,n1.4 11•0104.0. • (l. itxelet, pill 1s74 een •I