HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-9-16, Page 2eata,
lf `,1.)14)11 41111A 311,131,1\ 1'11,
1'. A.,
1,4i0' 1, j
1.1.;) Ct. /7
EX1/411.4.,/lr (1/.41
"'eOple ennetimes says what better
Jermyn's inone,y tli an nily
else's that they :•houl(i blow so
bout it, Or why .(taimet merchants. of
erlitipe more, means, buy just as cheap
aide as tlie.Y, and. why then aro they °VerY sense 9.1! !"° far as r°'
Mot ti 1(0 1 v st el • 0 a
t‘esee, Olen, 1\1 0C,:bw
J lay awl past of Titelweeinitli. ',Uno
to(vnships, 'with the ''Village of ax
tor, aro seven nnoiciptdities sitmat(
,.f.e(rapl neatly ill such.' untiwor
form a well-ehaped county. To
the( ouch ef these is importaut itee
would not be saVing too Much at tl
-,resent time, hriportance in ti
eon (sae Of a few 3,eaes will be 'vaall,Y
elamsed, and they will nattirally look
Exeter as their cumnanincentre.' Ex
ter ()ill be the county town to idialla
,o4 0,,, LiAs' of 114,y,
st t
op e 1,0 Or
131111701t1 01147,WiE11,-,:fli0
0) bridge iteebse the aux Sable, at this
plavo is num: about completed. The
lf ties 1/Ve distrilinted along the lino of
ic road, ready to be laid uponthe track
track at any time.
A Vol's. es•PliouterrioN.---At the late'
tempeiatice meeting held Exeter,
to vote \vas taken. of the crOwa of
0" people present by fiev, Mr. Holmes,
in IWO how many It ere in favor pf Pro-
hibition. The vote was la unanimona
ono nearly all the honse yeting.
. „
Auatvab HoRSES.—As early as
Saturday last, , horses began to arrive
for Mit Fall meeting, 'We were ex-
tremely eorry tO sou so manY coin° in
on Sunday, _evidently shelving:, :that
their drivers and ownerS caeed ponies°
for the Sabbath day than the horses
Dm:men:ix 000i.,—(1)11 Thursday 1 ast
we wore favored.with a heavy shower,
after wnieh followed some extreinel3
cool weather a Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, The reeent appearance of
Aurora Borealitein the opinion of tho'se
(rho think they ought, to knew,:iaecornit
for it, and also is precursory ofaa earla
BrannrA.N,rum Ont,---Ve have
been lintioct for trml Mr. Thexton of
the Dominion Labovatory a bottle of
the Brilliantine Hail" Cream advertised
in another column, It fully systions
all that the manufacturer says of it, and
to those whose hair is in the inst. state
of decay, it is worth every cent that is
itelted for it.
Biccoonou.—Grip's cartoonist and
lecturer will pay Exeter a visit some
time soon, and deliver ono of his de-
servedly popular lectures. As a cari-
eatuvist and wit he has probably no su-
perior Canat3 a. Further particulars
will soon he made known.
BAND C0110131.1T.—The other evening
fIS WO 11S1011ed IC) the rich music rein.
tiered by the cornet band, we were led
to think that it was surely very inde-
pendent, or it would give, the villagers
more of the benefit of this music. Al
ready our band has a good. reputation
outside of its own town, and WO 110.00
10 see them soon commence a series of
concerts to last throngh the winter.
Tow.); BELL.—It is nearly time some
steps wore taken towards the purchase
of a town bell. For the present, no
bettor place coald be had for Ro 011 I: oci
eisite thau ,on the top of the leck-up,
now aboat„ completed. It is directly
opposite to the resilience, of the village
constable, Whose services to attend to
the rineing of it could ao doubt be pro-
cured I7or a trifle.
PERS:iNAD.—WO were glad to see that
Mr. C. Gidley, who has Leen in a, very
low state of health for some Lime, WM
out on Sunday last, but looking poorly
Mr. J. B. Gould, tvhe has been on a
couple of weeks visit to his old
friends in Exeter, left here on Saturday
morning last for his home in Mt. Cle-
ments, Mich. He speaks in high terms
of the improvement made by Exeter in
the year of his absence.
Poons Sor,D.—On Tuesday evening
last, pools -were sold at the Mansion
liouse,for yesterday's races: In the
trot, Kine• John was the favorite •
in the Green trot, Black Rapid and
running race, Goldfinch and Galt Re
porter orought hig,nest figures.
t utile to sell thein juist its r'lleap as late oolnulereial Introoses• 1V1
ean.W o gl VC 1 ititOre explana-
s sat gratis, itt the first pleee, 11Re
t „it; 111011ey, t\.(i buy oni. goods foi. cash.,
f ving a large percentage thereby, 10111
eliabloil very often to secure job
nes 'et goods at emotions, trade sales
:al snob -1,)11i008 11.1i Birch figures that
',tone btil eitolipurolaisers could seettre.
ln the ilet place, suppose ;nen ef
large means Were. 0 buy for cash, they
would still bp ander a great 'disadvan-
tage if tlipy dia not sell for east' also as
,therp ltS"inueli .1.) by selling. for :molt
,),(8 there is saved by buying Ibr psi).
lailt t he t efore 'NV find at the
i-eady eat, • store? a largo stOCIC or 40,01,16
at the lowest possilile priee,
(Vie *).-reter gant.ei
, , .T II Slhl PT . 10, lpfi6
• -2.--77-.1
Liberia -conservative joarnai Soy
44 RIZ Ess
.(,.:Aroyea bY W, Brock, seconded by 11..'Mon-
4,,itli, That Mr. J11111e8 Huils endeavor to pica
entre a boarding liortse ltooli, an old
mairin 8:,35,13/1 year, Whe, having b, en turned
p.rduf r;o!,;'hovw,,
ryha aboye is a rainnte appearing in
report Of 11m. last meeting of Us-•
lierne ToWnship Council, It is a stantrt,
''.itgreproaCti to Any man, however stink-
' an in Morality ho may be,,to allow such
*rinotign to appear on the minute book
a the eouneil, and a disgrace to any
munictipality te have a it,tan residing
)yithin capable of siiph on un-
liatural aptipn as that whioth caused
the.iabove motion to be made. Here
:we have "an old man in his 82nd year"
.puraied adrift on the cold charity of a
nold-heal Led arthlie by a otill
`i'aearted. son. Had been with „some
municipalities to deal in the case the
treatment would not have been the
sante as :it has been with the kindt
-ilearted. members Of the Usborne Conn -
What difference thine is be'-
tween the actions of the Council and
of the person whom filial duty
ahoUld have compelled to act otherwise
than he did- Ile son shuts the door
.,n,f his house against the one who used
to stroke his head and think of him as
pond but a father conld. On the other
.the Council, the members of
which have no lot or part in the mat-
ter, find this old man, spurned. by an
smgratelal wretch. of a sun, a boarding.
BLit the Council de not seem dispos-
4.took to do as they please with the
.1.toney earned by' their rarex4ts, and we
think the Council took a step in the
direction of represeing suCh tendencies
tee) .prevalent among the sons and
flanghters uf the present age, when
.they passed the following Motion
That tin.' clerk procure legal advice from
C. GamOrOn in the case of Wm. lioolc, n8 to
Whe'ther the wages collected by his son George
Rook, cap be proeured from lpui for the sup-
fof the said Win. Book."' *
It appearS that this unnatural son
has.cobeeted the,wages of his aged par-
ent for some thue past, barely allowing
him sufficient to live upon ; and now,
(when his father has grown ii,god and
infirm,,and Unable to sustain 'himself,
„he no longer can brook :his presence,
put,tros4 hiin with more eontempt and LucknoW, Lueluiow, on Friday
• 'unkindness than be would a dog se•Own
inuitTupn, at Granton, oa. Friday,
door, as we have said, to subsist as Sept. 24th.
beet he can:on the charity of bis neigh- North Middlesex, at Ailsa „Craig, ,on
pors. In doing sorhe tells the Cann- 5111 and Oth October.
Blanshard,.. at Ma:ton, on Wednes-
- pilathat his 'father in ilia day paid no day, October 12.
Small share into the municipal treasury
for tho sustpnance of the poor of the
pelyusbip, and. the time had arrived
when.. he himself should ree:;sive the
sante supper& froin others. And this,
poo,',whett, the IfeartlesS .ivreteli of a son
. _
( who can: scarcely be said to have, flow,
ing.tlirough hiS veins:a drop of bunion
blood), has colleeted all the sinall hard
parningo his:Whet and appropriated
the same te his own Use. It *ill Le ,a
grellt the adViee of Mr. Cameron
be not such as to warrant the Connell
attempting to wringfrem this Sordid.
ponied mortal (in a far.worso State thEin
his aged s,i,re) the 'gain 'iti1ich he has
made at his rapier's expellee.'
uot then initkelt a real (manly town,
1111ATO Ii1Q 11,bONT 11 ft/110a )111:11110ipall-
li,e inenibers of that county with
all ,the necessarily accompanying pri-
vileges. 'The advantages Exetei• has
hi this respect are so many and so we
known that time would be 1v:toted in a
tempting. to enumerate
The above conttliiis some few of the
reasons why a new comity should, be
formed. Now another reason,• and a
weighty one, is that ecarcely a dissent-
ing voice to the niovement will be found
in any of the municipalities interested.
No deubt o'er:member Will assist el
scheMe to a•stieccissful
-.in') a 'few' IDA, 4', d5:t 1E4
T110.4" T totAt;
'The, patina againSt the return of
McDorigall for North Middlesex
eommenced in London, on Tuesday
last. The evidence produced was of
the very weakest nature, And, no
doubt, the very. ftrongest evidence the
petitioners hadwas:pred need on,the first
day. The principal evidence on that
day wrIS that of one Sullivan, of Bid-
ibilph, who, the petitioner's thought,
had by means of the election 'seemed
his farm, also of Mr. Neil,' of LuCan.
The evidence of these witnesses, which
was probably the strongest that Could
be produced, did not prove a tittle
against the respondent:
LIE reason why Mr. Crooks made
sitch 9: good run South Oxford is
because he 'sari which probably
stands for long-legged d—; but we_
inuSt not mention. naim2S.
"To rub 5110 W nu fro ,„J-. hi ito3.1. oo,te
restores the circUlation in tbese cold
days. -What a heap of frrction is res-
erVed for the lappers of the Exeter
Tilos man."—Forest Axprm.
Tile wilt sing "mum" on
that score, when it leaks out that
well known Forester tried to pull its
editor out of one of his back wibdows
(through which he had crawled) heels
Eust, and git filet and body out, bat the
ears caught and. broke the sash before
the head got through.
Frigene—"Come, sit dewn on the
shelly shoresand hear the Mighty ocean.
Amelia—"I can't 4t down ,V011
'silly goose, bedause I'd burst' my pin-
haelt loose."
THE Scientific! AmeviNti last Week
headed ..an article, Mr. .;:lrcok's laet
discovery." -Why net 1.4 -the poor
Man alone, noan. hellos fdlind. a Seat ?
• .
Toronto Sun has already ceased. to
exisL It always had 5 pod deal to
say abouOrooks,and probably it was
the effort to keep a correct calendar uf
his number of "days. opt,' whieh crippl-
ed it.
Jaw/ o
East Wawanosh, at Belgrave, on.3011)
Western Fair, London, on 28th,
29th, 80th of September and 1St of Oc-
Morris at Blyth on the 14th and 15111
of' September.
West Huron at Dinigannon, on 5111
mlGt,11 of' October.
Huila, .Cliuton, on 21st and 22nd
of September.
Stephen and Usborne, at Exeter, on
October 7th and 8th.
rorla Tr ,711r.181,11.4'.
L it ',now abont time the lon,g•ago AUCTION SALES.—Tliaso wishing the
talked of division of counties lot the services eflEr• "CY• Ifodgsoll, Go. Ago.,
wpst took place ; or, at least, that some can have their wants stipplied by lefty-
, ing their orders at this office and get
piforte were being macle towards ite particulars if Mr. Iloctgson is not in
ponsuinmation, The C°11IrtY of Huron town.
..s .tie of the lai.gest in tiro Province: Kroicnu.--On Tnesclay last, 58 Oho of,
ri.' tort biine siiee its size, warrautcd thc the horses was being. attointell to ell the
division for regiqtration putPoses, eut
a i snee course it kicked its groom ir the
mouth, loosening a number of teeth
s About a year shice the division was all4 for that individual,
nulled. Such. 11, di ',ViSi0,/ tIS IVIIS thCill A.GATN.—Wo hope thosc of our sub.
inade was not' suitable for eloptoral or scribers who have received a ktatemerif,
reostration inirrosos, Nliw, Ibis large Of their indebtedness will keep in aiincl
Ito \yea/thy ,ountsy i8 divisloti ilit,o what was stated on tile eiroular acconi-
three electoral districts or ridings,. pauying it, and remit liefore Alto first,
, of Octob,or next. '
past, west and 11,outh, If the size ana
lIoctes: la-sacs—On Wednesday even.
in4POrtance of the county dotnand such ing ia„,,t,, Dr. Bi,owning lost tt vahlabk
tt• intukber of constituencies, it is time yoling lore. it appears that in driv, la
1,11(ii, its inhabitants Ilila i411 0,10 privileg- ing it had etnial)led, owing to a lodged
i.ie necessary to' suoll a large and int.'. stone il'i its d400, and rat)tetrod a blood stii
, portant county. 4(vay down in the vpssel which caused death, in
ritos ii',ut Tun Nuw llAir,w4.v.—Ar- tat
ioittli, of the County hero, wo are over rangeinents hamo boon made to t/o4vor oat
s,thirt,y fintot/ 11'010 pllo poTillf,y ;4,0,4i Tile 100 eitt leads of t.on, of 10 toms each, see
people in the North of 141fiddlesc.?x are at Clinton station, for the .11tontioni Iltn sio
1.4..i,t1 I..y ow 4t;onel dim tt),),,e0 from. fiondon, Yon fold 13rtice Ilatiroad, '11110 first lio 1
. . , , ., , , ,
itifd the ii.eigliboritig Municipalities consignment arrived on .1) runty ittst, iro
'And el. ack-laying tvill at once be (iota- sou
'Would bo alY 1)(111clitt"€1 1?Y 114'vi" menced, nose ItuMtred car 1> 1 '1 int
. , „ .
0 (.`oftut,Y seta ,loloro oollvomon 1, timil ihn 31Ifflelent for ten miles of traoli,
.. ,
(:(•,,',.„(ricli and ,11.1ondoti. "1:116 townehips I Arciv P,:iw,
.&etet and.
MB boys now spend their play hours
in laying. btores of butternuts.
IN l'evva,--111ore Cullud gemnion "
in town in the hist few days than have
ever been in Exeter before.
SArai OP 1300THS.—W. 0,[2,son, ft00-
tioneer, disposed of the booths on the
Driving Park, at the Central Elotel,
Saturday evonitio• last.
AuerfoN SALP;f3.---lt ()member that
you get sale bills printed at this °ries'
at the lowest rates and local notice in
tho Limns gratis. , -
PuttolIASED.---Mr Weir has 'purchas-
ed a lot next the "Union"' Hotel in this
place, and intends building thereon,
and reinoviing from. his farni, and be-
coming a resident of Exeter.
Ou iNfonday last, we made a, tour of
Mr. John Elliott's London Phcenix
Foundr3., and found the large number
Of hands in the establishment busily en-
gaged in preparing for the fall work.
The seed drill which Arr. Elliott turns
out justly receives the public approval.
plaints i.each us that a few hogs and
horses parade the streets with tin,
greatest ostentation at the dead of
night, when nature seeks repose. This
should hot be allowed ; there aro by
laws against it. But where are the
boys ?---the pound is up street.
DISCHARGED.—The man Tobin, who
was arrested in Exeter some thne since
and conveyed to Goderich jail on sus
picion uf having stolen a pocket tool -
contain°. 'Ii`25 was on Friclu la.st tried
v Lulti AA) 'LI ul...15
evtdence sufficient to commit him, he
was set at liberty.
ing thing the world 1) a peripatetic
vendor as he waxes eloquent about an-
gels tears weeping willows and tomb-
stones, is to be interrupted by a cold-
blooded. youth with " Say, mister that
'ere fellow hooked a paeket- of soap "
as the cheap John was on "Tuesday
NEw Finn ENGINE. --None of Your
old second-hand affairs for this village,
if you please. In a few .days we expect
to see the new 20 -man -power fire en-
gine from the establishment of illesirs.
Rumsey .3; Co. will cost eomewhere
in the neighborhood of $1,000. We
next want to see ft first-class fire com-
pany established—a rospectable affair
—no se,cond.olass institution, but just
sticir a one Mi. but few places else than
Exeter endi tkfford.
WAuTign. — Wanted, about tIventy
more boys to stand on tlie sidewalk: in
front of the 1\ fethodist Church in this
village. They nans1 be on hand prompt.
ly as the cheirch. is out on Suinlay eve-
nings and be provid,ed with sufficient
grinning gas to keep ticeir mouths ftinl
eyes wiclo open while the crowd passes.
Another requisite i4 the selection of a
ehoice slang vocabulary, so as to be
able to use 110 most offensive language.
Cor,n WItivriimi.—Tlie greatest ite-
cossity is to maintain a cheerful life ;
one which is 'blessed with all the re-
qttireinents of happines. If you can-
not get all these requirenients—wItich
in other words might be called • com-
forts—scettre, one :if them by calling e f,
13issebt 1113,ros., and get one of their
good stoves, Or, young man, if you
aro about to shake off the tranitiels
which bit, (1 you to a lifo of hitclielercloin
go hither and examine their 010011,
B. (J. Tn,(..renTITTNO.,..--Tfie followhig
wis inadvertently left out of our
sb week's issue, On Thursday, the
1(1 inota file Sabbath School Anniyer-
'y tinder the itti,pities of the elitirch
this place, fully sustained the repo -
ion which these gatherings ahave
Tool for thenioelvera • :Everything
ined to worlc clockAifte proci,
11 ic04 reoularity, At the tippointed
re the Aildren Were arranged
ni, of the church, and facing the
th, when conducted by their super-
endittit 0,11,4 teachers, they marched
vn hfitrott Stl'Oef, WeSt tO s(nri°
,,,, ert ,I•ti,p(„t •t, A . ,
, \ ' , 1 n. ntne iiift4 35c,„0 1' f 1. tit( 50 1(1/ 0) roi
v. ' ' 1110,,,evq,a; 1,,a 110000.h 8
l , / 11Ci 11111(10, 11)0111 a pit,y),,,ta, aliu 1-(illikElel'
1 l evtniination, and peeforined file, Leetsitirs.1 Ales.; s., kir , • essees.) alive imtitution:to the 1.)toeb.lieldtrie--
chef part of their w°1-qc. to ti/° l'all6fai'''' fortahty besoined in that Part Of the ))111110 -hi 1.1.4 Yloillity, ty.e paid, a vial(
. ,,.
tien 01 evel°,)'Onc: 'The tea atid addret.s.- g1r(1511 Of Canada which ocOnpies the to tbo 1.1411.1g doeks, Alla f011i5t tt 1111111-
Ot, Ivilioll XolIONVOil ill t1A0 course of theldiaan,00 between 11,Neter and (.11 iiiton bor el the fishermellyreparing to leave
ulteritoon, under the able SUPOrViSittli wors qui(",tly passed, the soft, aoellow 101(1 go riort1t fo tile 151511(1, Ifroni. 111r,
01 the elder inett.1)01$ of the eontrega- light (411).0 1110011 boamihv iivon two $Tittim, )Y110 4008 the larg04 siiii)Pillg
tion and school, ant the ;30peritItentlent loinely individuals, lyhose solittule was business in that line, NVO 10a1.110(1 that
of tlie eircuit, 1101'. J. Wilitleek, w/10 oply bi.ol(ou by 1115 sharP rat tat of the 81'11°° til° °I,,,)011t11g of the railroaa lite
-wasiilt ad. all satisfied 'unless lie saw borso's boota °it the itard,,st of r(4uis fishing ))116tlicss litto iniarease(1 greatly,
7 ,.
ovoryoue mujoying, th,ents',elves," wore and the desultory conversation of the he.; 111,11,1S0,11 having thl:„00 boats at WUrk)
fully up to the etannarintinu must have toes ionsoy insneialmis mentione.a. above and. .tdipping about :1'?2,000 worth a
given entire satisfaction, or the large tplio dignity of raikoticu,their 100eagers woes'. during the &ninnies season, to tne
, , , ,
Sinn Ot $120 woullitot have been "(then atta the 0111ployeea ia something unbear. sevei'al stati011s along tlle line, as well
ih, ' ' 13a, all, revenge 'though Wessel boon as tO i1.11.1)Ottalit 11 1500S 0)1 Ot1,101) roads,
Seniaatto 111arou..--A spelling matcli how sweet thou art! 13ecause the train Wo were shown through, tbe " 11forgall
under the auspices of the Y.P.0.A. WftS didn't hang arounal 01151011 sta. ii.)tise," latelY erected bY Mr. Titenuts
Ite;,(1 in the basomei4 of the 'aretliedist tion, until 'wo slioubl got there, we re. Morgan. l'Ins la. the host hotel in the
Church. on T'uesdaY evening last. The venged ourselves by remaining hi elin- g.Ptiltitleoi,litItltitsdellfv.ellEmigainiatygegdttehsyt$clar;i bl\eleato'l
°hair was occupied by .11... Eilpatrielf; tOn over night, and driving through
President of the Association. 'Mr, Qs. all c&L'e,01.10,11t, fl'Itit -growing CO 11 11I1331 commealated with large, airy apart -
K. :Powell .iieted as enunciator and to the town of Goderich, noted for its merits, and the inner rnan can be re -
Rea, mr, a ti;ne as referee. 111:r. Ben- lic'hting editors an(1 salt wells, .1)011ty- frothed at well.sPread tables, ,The
janila Swillerteit and Mr. M . („trigt„, ji., mg fiero only long enough to give the stable-rooin at the roar pi tile hots,' is
'11'01'0 ,f,ielected as leaders, and chose steamer " Quebec " time to twist her- alnPlo. Some of the enterprising spi-
sides fawn Ilio ,auclionce. ' It was fir- self around 'in the harbor,yro were soon rits of the town are agitating the ques-
ranged that spelling, should be contin- being calmly rocked on the, waves of of the propriety of making li.incar(tme
tied until 10 o'clock., tho nuniber of' Lille iluron. Candy ! But not with a wateringr-place. In our opinion this
words nais-spelt by each individual be- all that the name Might ill1121Y. In Our is one of the, steps towards inaking.it a
ilia marked by the Presideut. The opinion, though, the calmer a person place of iinportance. Groderich has, by
words Wete chuseli from the live Book4 takes things' en such a " calm " lake as this means, adul , without auything'like
of „Moses, mid seine of them were yery that WES On the day in question, the the same natin•al aclvantages„, made it -
difficult, 111r. Swinerten's side proved bettor for Lin -1501f. Unless lie does so self pretty;thoi.oughly known, by means
victorious, havinn mis-spolled seven the surging billows will mako the stout- of the efforts of tile Citizens to make it
(vords leos than :Arr. Gaigg's side. test to tremble ; or, in the words of the a summer resort. 1.incardiiie is nice -
THE ALLAN L1NE.—Any-pttrties classic peat, as he speaks of music : 1Y situated, Nvitli. 4 pretty beach easy of
, . ,
intending to go to Etit°P° ly°1-11d de ,`,`Tlie Waves bave ell.s.r11111 to soothe tin) savage 00005st anii not exPosed to anything
11 to call at the Titins office, and buy Deader aught, or split a cabbage." like the 'chilling breezes whicli even the
a ticket for the Allan Line of steaniers, Tho pi.onionado (leek. had quite a nuni- '.,c\G-rud°riellPe°P1° themselves litta der at.
dise of which leaves Quebec 811(1 Port- her of persons upon it futile first hour
land for Liverpool and Glasgow every Hon. John Carling to. make his sum-
. , , e understand it is tlie intention of
or so after leaVillg Port, but it (the mar residence at this point, and thus
SaturdaY• )Vh.on sending 1101110 for nunaber, not the deck) soon grew visi-
friends nearly ' $7 is saved on. every bly less. In fact it becanie less so sud- Kb einoeliaer doifutoh Ile sfiurstwtaotetiriyngtl-ivelabeeen.e fits of
adult passenger by getting the -tickets dealv, that our mind began to con-
froin the Allaid Line Agents in this jure up strange taiuga, such as the
TELE .11.1C ES.
country, instead of' sending _the money whale yarn, clielei..a, morbus, etch, but
1101110. the aroma of brandy whicli front the ----
GA.11113DING.----T110 IN -Alights of the cabin within wfts being wafted outward The moos yesterday were of immense
green. cioth, who generally make them- on the bi•eoze soon revealed to our sen- interest. A. larger crowd of poople
selves hoard about racing time, inado sitive liature the cause of tile speedy was present than the members of the
known transit' .\Ve sauntered around the boat "
themselves and their vocation Association -expected. As early as
as early as 111onday evening. last; at in a search for some one to have a chat
which time oth3 of these olaneeelitse with, and itt last found a victim out of Monday ev°Ding no less than forty-two
might have been seen with his cloth, 'the half-dozen wlio were invincible to horses bad. entered the lists for comp-,
earas, box aad dice spread 01,1 ca a the assaults of the sea -god. Ile:was titiop, most of them haying arrived in
box in isocw,s stable yard, fleecing a the lone companion of three reapers, the village. I -Losses are now in town,
"clever" soil of litun out of- Iiis fo.w re_ two truulcs and a dog, on the forward
from the other end of the Doininio.t
inaining shekels. We shouban't be at part of tile lower dock. Draeging- hini
Pince Edward and Gal•tvaatfess being
all surprised to hearof seine of the light away from the 11 01S0 of the c...;nrilie, we ' ' ' ' ' -
tiscema ges,uemen occupying rooms in sliot the first bullet : "rougfi ; very from Nova Scotia. They are ...hie look. -
the new 1000 ---up Itef'01.e night. rough ?" at the same time picking our ing horses, and bave blade 601110 excel -
teeth with the blunt end of a Faber No.
Da.S.JAeons, ON APIIONIA,0 It Loss OP lent ruiliiina this fall. Dr. 11101t0IIS
VOIGE.—Orange Street,' St. John,- N. 1, which probably c1.1,nsecl th'e f'ollowing ci,o,.elito) Eit7id.thieli is a splendid beiist
B., 18".—Mn- lil-KI'L°'vs—Sir ' / am ,if.i0•07n0t11500 VlaCsti nil. " Yes ;
was just after dinner) ii,`Lia-has held lic, own well, 81k, is'
I think they
bound to award the palin of merit to
the preparation of Ilypopliosphites dis- took it on at Go'clericli. I SiINV the bat- on the programme for to-dav. The
eller drive down to the wharf, au' as race course for tlie.dast week, has been
eovered by you. I had occlusion. to use
it myself in a case of' Aplionia, which soon as 1 sot eyes on. the beef, I'd have alive with horses and. mein • 'Iliere
woLld not yield to regular treatment, Placed my bottom dollar on't that 'twos were stabled on Tuesday morning, last
ancl am happy to say it proved to be, ftiotiLitg; tile, aylol3uabeestt,. olld tpai:d.". "No, no," at tlieCentral hotel thirteen race -horses;
tl ou . r'nLt .tt Drew's thice ; at the Mansion
a icu a ing wi 1 i ie .. ,
all you claimed for it, having acted ,
aril) in tlio direction of the water, "I fiouse, tliroo;'fat the Union If del.; live;
with exPealtien ami entire eatislacti". say the lake; that large expanse of blue at the Brittaina ELY -Ise,
tfeel called twon to publirh the fact,
;at j.
water, which everyivliere surrounds us Owens',Ulree.
that the, peofession may avail themsol- seelns 'te have been tormented by its Below will bd f3und the, programme
ves of a remedy in your (‘conapound, .
0.(al and now soials out a roar of defi- of entrids fol' yesterday. Owing to the
syrup of IIypophosphites."
lours, ye.ry truly, once and wreaks VOLUYORLICO with those late hour at whieli the sane closed we
S. JACOBS M. D. white-cappetl \vaves, 1(111011 are 0 VE113 are unable to give au account of yester-
. now lashing one another with the fary day's proceedings :
DUE Dim. Pen SALE. --A due bill on, of ten thousand fiends let loose from No. 1--61reett ,Trot.
Messrs. 130.11 & Go., manufacturers or,' the courts et' nanclemonium, and which T, nissett, s. m. Lottie D.
organs, melodeons dna pift3.1 Oil, , Guelph take particula.r delight m flinging their w. I:irately, 111)1.'11., mitek Itaod
Out., the same' being', geed for 40 .por. damp, cold arms in earnest embrace t'ol"ott,e,),i`lvItilL',,,' bs '',Ia(-1i.,Pal)31.c..Braut
cent. on the retail price of. an instru- arbuil.d this floating tenement." 11:0 be- unities 'mason's b in Lady 81 -atone'
ment of not less than Asii120 ; or will be gall to grow pale, but summoned milli- Joim Pratt 0 in Kitty Pr,Itt .
received as one-third payment oil alio). client courage to (rasp a feint "Y -e -s." T Snell 8 St Lawrence
catalogue. I'or. instimce, in purchas- The reading aleubd of an editorial in the No. 2—'-'.50 l'ret
ing a $000 piano the due bill would be Kincardine Herietv was fast having a 30 DC,()Linel;,ys'si:!bluutjalinue=t ance
Tut') 0.4;(?f lfi 7.1,;Q,,ral,00lan .1,,,,,.....,,,.....1„ .int,i4,11; 11. e °Pre n 5 11 nrbrt lei‘4 11 nevoc , uri 11P
-lb OSe t ot at what modern ooliett more the color ol his shirt trout. atI ..a."Is-sat't'L bih'iiTitri'c'k-ii,Caia
advertisers call a tremendous saerifice, To revive him, we condoled with. hirn p Prenatal's s a lenaild
while, • its validity is unquestionable. in tho folio Willg Strain, “Y01.1.1l0 doubt, Iv Patierstavo r re Lady mesoew
ApPly at the `Xmas Clayton.
, are now traversing this liquid elo merit,
. Ns. 3--Rnatiing 11110(‘('
beneath (vhose turbid bosom lio lain- (Mile heats, s in 0)
TIIE LooK-ur.—Tho lock.up in this • • ''
village is about completed. The con deeds of bravo marinerE, who, 111 -their Dr marten's e m Goldfinch, by Harr r ; a,a.
tractor, 'Il.. lArm. Treble; is doing the time, had ridden the waves fl.d. defied ors, black jacket red slairyas, red and black cap,
work satisfactorily. There is plenly of them aS they were tossed 'about 6 :,`.',ars, ,„ „ , ,,, 11 _ _ ,
room in it for' the new fire engine and fr°,.1.n, 'It, st°',n„t° stjr° with that ex- ., faun '‘,,, eocc s ar 111 LT7 avantiress, a .years, ny
Sointhault; colors, green ani. black. -
the editor of the Kincardine /-.'.eview, ac Li Clate 1Y.EICII 11111171IS tile ttetiCl of a E. geredith, c s Gait Itaa...,rier,,,5 'years ; by'
though it might soniewhat inconveni- comity councillor as he makes hie way Cello -sus • colors, blue.
:3 D W'arclfil, In' h Northern Charlie, 4 years,
ence,the latter by crowding his feet ana tn his hotel from a ' warlen's supper,
by Tester ; colors. red and white,
ears into such. small connmss. That for lecreation ; or, mayllop, for busi-* - „ „ .
Bat the big clay, on the comse will
inconvenience, however, could be par- !less. In either ease, does not a cold"
be to -day, vsben there 1..re, to be four
shudder—such its -is experiencedby OM-
tially overcome hy cutting a hole ie th,„ hr., („iee...ereero en a .8001 evenings_ races, for which have enten eal some of
bottom of the door for his feet and a
a hole in either side of the building; ei.°11w1 through your veins as you e'on. ,the,hest trotting :Ind miming horses
through which his ears might protrude. iticianyllilbaetegloTit,"iysic:7-illo'‘lyje°(s-isiinbritYli'eYb°0u\l;011.0eaocif granitne of races for to -day.
in- uanad.a. The following is the pro -
If mischievous boys tickled them with
a stratv or sPit upon them, the editor one of tbe inoThsters of this deep, dark Ranning Itace—i Mile lifetits, 2 in 5
Exeter District TeaeliNip' InIti told, was, tine, billows, " Does your internal. ithe by,Ki.,,str,, oninvs. 1..1 and while
TEACHERS . NS'I'ITUT E.—A meeting of may be heard above the roar of the sur- l'"; "It's" s'ark.'''
could use theni as a whale rises its tail g'eu`usha, lili:a. with in_ 5,,,,,'„u1.5.„117;c csca'or,',: f:.:"L.,,',,,,,,atitiolde8bl'a,53, 3 earg' ')
to the destruction of his".tormoutors.• creased vehemence, so that our, voice
, one of the
—this deo dark—lake " A groan -- p 1 (1/ 1' 1r (' 1 t t • ' , -_, , 13'
31 Lowell, b it Hemisphere, ttged, by Hat -
E D Wardal br h Nortbm 31 Charlie, 4 years,
Saturday. After the ineetine• was ciul word is writte .1.1 " t " " " In cc 11110the Tret—IIII1e Beat.- 3 1 '''.
litall Ill 3Lau Ol'alUln 110 1 0, IINCtel' 031 'ou?iiiist tor W111 110 Hee 1,11111- vnat' a,,,t T . • •
b y n wi 1 a not an f )
organized, Mr. McAndrew gave a les. organization on such an. occasiou„as the o , s i ,.o.ere an
, ..., n a
Dan Her e '1 c' 1 D
sort in simple proportion. Mr. Strang present ever divulge to the outer world W Ednorson, x in Lady Moscow
illustrated his metleod of teaching his-, that which you have ap • .' t 1 t iT)1 IC'llughiblu' brini ""ly ll'al't
1tobliy. RON% Mr. Gracey read it very maintain your e,xistence; or. in other 0 Conley, b ni 11(»nanoe
pi opint .6( 0 .,.. ..-13.y's .., 111 ,11liel,
pi e and instructive, paper on “ Our \yore's, do you over got sea -sick ?" The A Nichol, b li Kin„,,, John
ublic School Teachers," for which the folly of such a question strili-es us with GI- -Whitely, b 171 Bay Charlotte
T Bissett, blk h Black David
cordial thanks of the Instittite' and an its f 11 I . V° write Any mau P Drenfian h
u 0/Ce flS N .
°nattily membership were tencleredelhat could listen to tho above without' WE Ells, 1.; I LBacelyn,s1Dileaxtress
him. Programme for next inecfting :—
'' Book-keeping," Mr. Idobkiik • . a
, a -
dress, Rov. W. f -I. Gone; Messrs. Sitell
tuicl 1 -lin ton, subjects to be chosen.
Debate — Resolved, That Township
Boards are preferable to the present
system, Election of officers. Instithte
adjoin:110cl till second Saturday in No-
voinber, at 10 o'cloc,k a.m.
'At • H0a8E TnIEF.—A mall Dallied
yes, a painter, lately of Exeter, paid
is town a visit last week and; put up
the Powell House. He 'had a horse
d covered carriane, which he wanted
exchange witg Mr. Simpson for
ight rig and smaller, horse. « How-
er, no trade was made, but -Mr.
er,hired a horse and buggy from' Mr.
mpSen and left his own rig in, 111r.
mpson's Shot t'y Lifter Dyor's,
"ar.turd a detective arrived froin Lon -
1 and claimed the buggy left by
er ss the poverty of a livery-Ieeperi
London,. Thereupon, Mr. Simpson,
an to "stneil a mice," and follow.
tho track of Dye'', who had gone
On Monday last he came linen
horse and rig in a stable at 1?ort
in north of Geduld]; where Dyer
h;ft i 1, after fruitlessly endeavoring
ell it. Owing to the jaded condi,
of his terse, Mr. Simpson did not
ow or attempt to capture the thief,
contented himself' with soeuring
erty, This Dyer, when in Parkhill
a woman with him whom he °tilled
wife, but it turns out since that she
woman of repute hailing from
don, (1eQette. A London
dive came as far as 11',xeter, in'
ch of the pair, hitt did not find
1. Dyer has a wife in this village.
It it tj lit:F IN
a 1
to s
is a
A,oeintaatt,--.0n Saturday Of hiSt weelc,
while ft ridge bbard on the new
kellool 11.'e nce r 11riteefield J .ines
Love 1(,Il to tlie groun<1 a distance of
twenty-three feet, Strange to Say', Tie
wore broken, but lie received
and tierth to (le street leadito to tl o I 1:1, 1,101
internal injutieo, thongh 1)0210 OE
ous nature,
getting sick could. ride 011 ft Chip fr0111 M111111111; Race -2 /dile Dash
eo(tii01110).01110steolot(hieonttllyer.as ")N00,,'.'bijespot!,di- p e Dr .r c1101,001,0.bnl' as ocklajtaeCtkoolter rnecellsilaSoyvearisi:s,reb.vi Ileanrd-
r , .1. 861. ,e ,
Neel: can. -
'DCVO)! felt squeamish 'before to-day,----
sTelliveel:)ikies (v%evre will ,arways_ bl c,itne _ours- Larit'eu!15131ruc.ls's;' c0osloiP•sr,ignrde6eintai'irdarbal'acV • jack
y iongli, and' Ism afraid E Meredith, c s Gait Reporter, i agesi, by
I'in go--" , The inixt moment there coliesas ; colors blue.
was a racket among,st the reapers, and
all that could be seen of a retreating
figure NVILS its coat-tail,and legs. "Dub,
b 0-0.11 bo-oo-och " and we left the
limn who "never telt squeamish before"
in order to ascertain tho,, cause of all
the noise upstairs. It tianed out that
a heavy lurch hod upset the table,
causing a fall in crockery. About this
time; Kincardine, and of the proudest
places on the coast, is sighted. The
town is proud of its bather ; and Capt.
Frazer, who is widening and deepening
the same, feels proud of his;dredge.--
Then the citizens feel protid of the new
buildinge lately erected, and in course
of' erection among WiliCh R130 the new
Presbyterian church, which Alessi's.
Donald Bros., with their thirty bands
and tho assistant's of the people, intend
making au ornament and a credit to
the town ; a fine briek residence built
for Mr. ,Tooifth Vaneterte ; typrivate re-
sidence with marble front for Mr. 'Levi
Eightriver ; Mr, J. McPherson's stone
the only ono in town ; Barker
Bissett'S new brick Week, on Main
Street, is hnilt 111 the latest style, and
presents a creditable appearance. The
salt wells el this WWII are, by no means
an unimportant Item of tho business pf
the town, ifightinyer, one of the lar-
gest salt Shippers in Kincardine, has
Cite hest slinniing and storing facilities
possible, having Inclined wingWay and
sheds leailing from the works te` tho
water's edge. Most of his C031
InenC4 are for tho United States, wliere
(Janadian brands receive a readier sale
than do their own, The Rightinyer
works are in operation night and day.
"A,r0.Qsr8. Scott Orey have also a large
well to 010 3,101"t11 Of 010 ItSt Sfa4
tion, which does rt largo'businese. The
,11.1tuee, (Salt 'Works have in oopnootion
with them it large cooper -shop and de
F. Lowell, br h Gil D, iloy, 4 years, by Gil-.
r°32'11;DcolVoarl)telirrilm, lisirl; Northern Charlie 4 years
by 'Fester • color rod and white.
Open Trot, Nile Heats, 2 in 5
Mr. Leos, b in, Jessie)
James Hood's Long John
Dan MeFoo'8 Annio Wilkes
Forbes 13urgoss, b h General Grant
J Daly's br h Vanderbilt
Forbes & Little Angns
j5leCnicheon, 0 h Thirty Mitchell
AIANE A NOTE1 oter.---Twonty years
hence it may be a matter of public in-
terest to know that a vessel built at a
Lake Superior Port to Carry wcargo of
lumber from Lake Superior through
Lake Hilton, and the rivers of 'Lake
Erie wa8 ill 0 0000110/3 Maple Leaf. She
is owned by R. 1). riltoi„ of Baytiold
WILS the lumber with which she was
loaded when she passed' down on
Tuesday night of last week.
CAA' r tea Lta.
it/0 V 1LLAGF4 uctoner 4111,
Mr. sileir, attetioneer, cell for 11,1r.
Trivitt, at Ceritralia,elie lintidrod vil-
lage lots, in tlie vicinity of the etedion
grounds, As this is an (iipoitiiiiity
rare, it slimild iiot be missed by those
111 searcli of a live village iii which they
niay settle 'dOWIt. tering' are easy
alld lhade 13i) 55 to accomodate tray elle
ef industriongbNbits.
stANto,N, clue/J.1(ms IA/0 Our. --Tho
following is clipped. from the tom ott
liree Pre(q$ of last weelt
& 13. Itailway surveyors have just 'laid
Ora the gteundS at Centralia,
The site iS deemed a very eligible oile
being easy of itecees, and onil,V tew
rods off the London Road. 'There
Alfa) a very gnarl prospect of 5 Consider-
geeti shipping bitsiness, Mr, (4.(lat. able aniount Of oltippit)g being done at
(1.0,pot ; 4.14. (3) tlit:„ ,0111' -
es of its civ(ti innit(cliate 11t4ghbot.iti•o(t,
it (vitt becmue the 011111'1 to 1/30 lat'go
agrietiltnral 101 inituratieturing (11;i,
triot of which tlie villages of Oredituii
aufl 1 41091 1011 art) the 001,itres,
ThlosriWritio FOP LO'IS,---Evory (lay
parties are te be fonnd prospecting for
blinding lots; and 'WO thinif there is
1)101:0 tizazi 1nere ruiner 111 the tall( that
there ia going to be a flottring mill built
liere, as welt as a foundry bitsiness es.
TiC 11-111a:
eg'itSt%0 BS 1'0' t°t)171 ira'*14 file%)Ntio—n. Ain) Itilltion bh°014*tc2ifli 1:16111..";
of the wool; for the Cl•ermati Alethodisi
Conference Sablmtli School Convention,
Itelding at 13erlin this weelt,
nor I: -
A GOOD COE 13, --On Saturday last,
Mr. James Loadman, of the TowlishiP
of Hay,s, had his two-year-old draught
mare weighed at Exeter, and she tamed
the scales, at the enormous weight of
1,535 lbs. She is sired by Lord lfachlo,
dam by England Glory. Who can
beat it ?
NEW VILLAGE.—All extensive auction
sale of village lots will be held'on Octo-
ber: fiffli, at Hensel', the new village
about to be started at the L., H. & B.
station on tho Zurich 'road, by Messrs.
J. & G. Petty. This ne•4 village will
be of no smallimportance to the Town-
ship of Hay, as it will be a shippinff
station for all the back part of thi)
ilL)r,5 Han 1)
inst. the Perth and Huron B. A. 0. G.
T. met at Concord Lodge, 4 tla
Blanshard, After a preliminary dis-
cussion upon questions of minor im-
portance they decided upon seucling
Rev. Mr. Goodwin to tlio Montreal Con-
vention. The following is the staff of
oflitiers for the ensuing term : W. C.
T.A. Kirk • W. V , Sister 0'13ri(;)..: •
Chas. Bellamy : Soc., Urquirti.t 0. J.
011 11101'011 ; W. M., J. Bryan ; G.,
_Bro. Leclwin. After refresh men ts were
taliou 011.liratilntrt was called to
the chair and addreeses were given by
the following gentlemen : l‘te/-srs.
Afelieed, Utanisitirt O'Brien
and Roy. Mr: Goodman. The cause of
teniporance is progressing slowly in
this part. The new hall at tile Metro-
politan Cornets.; will soon be finished,
which (rill render it more convenient
for the members than it has hitherto
been. The dedication is to take place
on the 5th ot October; on which occa-
sion a gaand tea-ineeting will be 1101(1 ;
good staff ofspeakers is expected, 11111-
8i0 and oilier entet tainnients Second to
none in the Dominion.
E La.frai
TRACE LAYING.--Traelc laying .en the
line of the L., I -I. 13.R. is progressing
very rapidly. The rails are now laid
as far as this village, and ballasting
will no doubt be shortly commenced.
S 021.ir
BIG nimi,suING. --Some big threShing
was done with a machine owned 03,
Mr. Thomas Sqnires, on a 'nom form-
erly owned, by Mr. Samuel Cornish,
now owned. by Thos. Hern. On the
tUatil illv,s,hattil, '7a1 a 1)11
wilie,at, a total of 470 bushels. Time,
eigh t hours.
TRAYBD onc.----"—the premises of the
subscriber,'senth half lot con. 13, Stephen,
about six weeks ego, a. rod 111(11116 white on the
back and side) heifer, three or four years okl, The
owner is requested to prove propeity, pay expel'.
sifS said tultingrOcr away. D. MeliriCliON. 105-3t
QTRAYEP from the premises of' the
subseribeErLaout the last of July, it roan mare
colt, rising nee° ypars old, Any person 'Mug
intormation to its recovery will bo suita-
bly rewarded" A. ;J. TEOMSON. la1-1t.
Harry Tirol u, or Win ch inforiiis his fr tends
that he can s yply them with all 311:11Mer of reap-
ing, mowing la threshing 100'111)1m repairs. He
is always too y to meet his friends, and do 1ii)
best for the] by supplying them with Nvood or
iron work. HARRY BROWN.
SO UT1ON 1?..kii,TNilbl-
SIII1?. The partnership lierotofoi e exid.-
ing between essys. 'Holman A; Trott, doiog busi-
ness in tho T wash/1i of Stephen 103 hutchers and
1 ty 5, liolniala . , ( S. ITOL1Nf AN
IrAILLA lf .-#3.4, ..
thin,Insx:rtilicitnlio,:n fn.,1.1iiecililier, 0875. All m0101311'5 in
1,,,,,,,,,,:vhii:eorei: ilissolv -it by mutual consent
favor of and Painfit the late arm win be bottled
1 .t,01.1.ti 'TROTT
A Nt... 5 %-WASIiIN G T. 0 N HAN1)
LA_ p lss pap, sArdi.
stophen,S0,14. la, :1875. 107-35
4 - ,
The 1 ). 5 Washington h/i/n1.?„."Pvre'ss qn which
the Tni ', "I lin ed 1,, Yor 34I0i," .- Et is in good
working iftet, having a Hop.4)citd.tit Distribu-
tor for t l'01101'S, Nvitli roller Moultl, two rol-
ler stock etc. 'Reason forfselling, 510 propri-
etors ar making arrangements to Idtice a
11Vliarfell poWer rreSs 411: the establishment.
Apply a the office of this paper.
v tao corner of London and st, Jury's
Graved oads, Tow nalip Of-Usher/to cue mile
south 6 xeter, eon ta hung 90 acres. More or less.
War ctr ned, and fence d with cedar Good
story nick house, large f111100 barns end sta-
bles, al good orchard on promisee, also 2 wens
with in ups. For further particulars apply on
the. pre ises to Tli0111As WEIR. 1074f
TilA I 14'011 SALV.,-- ONE 1.1.UND-
r acres, more or lesP,lo't 0. On .8111 con.
Lisburn County Huron, 73 acres cleared,. remait,-
der ardwood bush, Vali feaccul and in a good
state o ultivation, 1111(1w:drained, good arch trd,
splencli well of water, frame barn lkix70 a 5 1
collar u / or, s, log house, and convenient to school
and clit oh. 7 inile/3 from Taman, 5 from Gi•anton,
and nm Ht. Araws, on it good giuivel road.
Ternia 55,800; half down and the other, in aye or
WV y ars' time. For further particulars apply
to JAM 8 SADLER, on the promises. I07-tf=
6.111_10 .fdooroiSeintiod toor,,ininghitowioldicio,wowth.
farm, ea mar: Beata af Exeter, 011 L0110011 IZ0a0.
'J'he farn entains 102 acres, and is known as one
Of the hes in the west. About 00 acres muter old-
tiyation, 0 thoroughly nialerarained, On tile
property lere is a cheese factory and curing
416000,13.11,1)1,6111ftli131-08ty,abli)dionsg, cobiltilyieroutletifoNtv wI101,11 RI) log-
honte, three gavot -failing wells, gooa 011-
portuniEy or 01156110 ,e11.38ithig mst-chtss farm,
ApplY to , MANNING. /1 160-3).
, ,
5 el two-storey htiele cOttil gel W1111 brick
kitchen 1c1 woodshed attached. Also nearly 000
01th net» of inael. 'A unnibin' of frail trees' and a
good 3,01 saa.•tat en street. I'm' terms
lipply to VILLTAM A.:BARB/1E, 1::xoter.
FAP 1, FOR, SALE.----Titli3 St13,,
- _ sa aor errors 101, sato thc N.V.'. i Of 1,*80
1011.5, )ortio, containing ;10 acres o excellent
laud, area cleto'cd, halunce well tirt11)ered.,
d7rollhq ham ttlal „ 010 peoinisee;
'11',0 a 50 d young area aid or gralt fruit and alto
vqc-faili! 1/01001 v(1111 RX0101' 1'0111
101108, 0! further proliculars applyte J. 1)E1(11?
T11131°, pr oriet•or, 'Exeter P.0, 13-tt
_ .
10 ISE AFT) „;1101:12 lean SALILL-a
5 rooms tilso eioro of land, adjoining the Itlarket
.xetor..,011 thc lot 18 an 0N/client well 61
itter, f.n) tarticuliers appty IsA/A(1 PAW,
1'1;1:41 1140' .11 t iS6 • T. 11 !I AN FX,01111I77.14(11N' T
11(1, laying .fa)t 2, 11/4-T,5, drd 500, MeGilli-
Vray, IC acres of exeoll'ut lead, 35 acres cleared
1,51 mi ereilltiviitiell, 061.0) Fill111 111 Or 61.1101tbd
balance Well tilliberod• arta feneed in, A frame
dwellin 1.(i)firati" hates 0110 franic Stehle
with ot ktiltliertletaf tho promise.), Also iv
mittis 015 Centralia, Bit. titatitiit,, Possession
0.(7on a.fwbovest, ror tietrtieinaY14, 0 9-
1(1v to 11 AVAItt) dONEMot 10y1/,Th
iq if hy dter Cretliton 100•11,
good orif...,storey frame house, containing
t'1' 1' Oft )
od11,1, 1.13e61 -
wood, winch he War soh
CAltDIN 1(4..i.f,
0..L. NO, 44
Night of meet -
1,31(tay (71 eV -
014 month, oyet Stapf
toy J•30ayie$ grura,
2)(0«-4 no(' bank, Nati,
of, vtaitias iirotarea
cot/110.1y invited to p,,t,
73-1y. sevretary,
Auction Sale
Pall. DANIEL 51101T, Auctioneer,
vray, will offer for sale for the undersigned on
Monday, 4th October, 7,5
upon the ground at Centralia; or, should it be
wot day, at Wilson's Hotel in said Village.
principally adjoining to or near the
cash down and balance nt any
hale within three months thereafter (or, 1111
aPProvcd joint note for the whole payable
within two mouths without interest), when full
possegsion will be given and Deed delivered.;
or, t o purehasers inteneling to build immedi-
ately, the balance may remain on mortgage
payable in three equal annual instalments with
interest at eight por cent. per annum.
The usual conditions of sale will bo niade
known at lime. of auction.
Centralia, Sept. 10, 1875. 1.07 -td
MR. W. HODGSON, Co. auctioneer, will offer for
salo for the und.ursig nett, on ,.
Tuesday, October 6 1875,
upon the vound Derm,11, ,miles north ot
Excter, on Um Zurich gravol road, '
1.0 0 Villa cre Lots
Prhaiipauy adjoining to or 11001 the R.R. station,
For fining, partioulars 'gaily to
G. it: j. PETTY, ,
107-ta Eipnen P.O.
Auction Sale
Tha subscriber will oirer for sale by piddie nue-
. tion on the property ih Exeter, on
BILT"2", SE117.
EXCEILENT •LOTS, 1 -5th of an acre each.'
The 1 repertv is situated on the
alid no excellent position, having gad &allay
and drain pi ivileges near by. There are no lots
in this growing vinage better adapted for bulb:ling
Salo at 4 P.M. s
To ho in six annual instalments, with in
terest et 1 per cent. per V.11/10111. t,10 ca341 on each,
iot timo of purcint(0 Ot Witt1)11 three months
thereafter, unless buyer intends lmildin g. in which
02150 110 inOuey 0-111 Jo asked for ono year.
Pr Op.
0 V h; R
0 00
Hemlock Lumber for Sale
li'reicislyurg, Saw Mill.
%TN°. cooM cg4 .7317.0,
Frei Isburg, 1)0,1' to inforul the people, of the sur- ,
minding country that they have over 41)0,000-foet
of DItY HEIN1Li ICE LUMBER, -which they :ire of -1
foxing at greatly reduced prices, viz„ -
being loss than last year's figure -
ALSO ASH & OAsswoor
An kinds of sized Dumber, scantling and joist up
to 18 11. in 11115113 always In stock. Longer than
that sawed to order,
J1,10. COOK &
Freidsburg, September 11, 1871, 107-3m.
f.11 7:049
beg»,,to oall the attention' io those deldrOUS of fad,:
' chasing a hrst-class article in
.Pipes- Tobaccoes Cigars
that owing to the increased demand he has
p01:10(1. direct flew England splendid assort,-
ment of
Cigar Holders (best quality), English Clay Pirett
POUCHES (different designs)
great variety, Gotraine Brim' Pipes, Tobaccoes,
tho leading Nar10tio0, and other goods for uta0 f
80101i01•0 tO0 111111101'0113 tO mention, whieh
be sold 25 per cont. les than any other place in,
Exeter,. Remember ibe pot, nekt door to Tre-
ble's shoe store, Main street, Exeter.
Exeter, Sept. 13,1875,
Carrying the Canadian and ,trnited Htntoii
One of the' fltst-elass-, In-11,,powered lydelatilt
steartaillips of the /313ovo lino, constructed espe-
Chilly for the ilavbeition of the Atlantic( arcing- ,
higivoin 3,050 to 4,200 tints, willloavoQuebee CAWS'
Sett/relay for Liverpool and Londonderry,. 01 .t01, '
PolynOilhol „.. „i , Al4 411).
Seanclinavian „. • " 31st .
Hatintitiait „. „, 20th
Ideravian .„. S'ept, 4t11
Prussian 11.111
'Perurian , " 1811i
' Prepaid passage Certifleate8 'issued at
tales to versions wishing to Tiring .eut friends.,
dyht( 'Aon,tuAlstimi of (art nirtagew moo to
1I.Ififillatcheil "from Qncirce 6.3'follows;,-/
„jaunt/111m, from ejnchee, on ot About 13113 Ang
Weldon/den )1 'lath Aug)
-0ertatatita sad Souls
Canadian i+tti Se51
Uatitelatti $4ept
Ver titiimt 1 einV intern:MEM) te'
/1f0,13II NV III TV ViNH,
Tift.N18 °that, Meter,.