HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-7-24, Page 1tee " es ' .• .„ NIONYNING -4 IRVI:X02, , !.ysieians:, Surgoens,',AcciMebehr.ii. Ofilee --Dolitizo on, Medical .1,4abarattut: ono ,kapr 40rPb V Davie hisiokranith *MA 114in, 14.1,V:work :Re, #dvuoo.Dr.Drowning%ti:Uron At AP, AV; licOws• MI, eau, tiratitiaterctoriacollego, Alonibor 001 - We .1:117:YSici4motit Surgeons, WIS, I)t)41,41, M. rgfratittate Ihilvotsity Trinity Colle4c. Mihnber Col. et;10Pliyeielans41141 Snit/Mar ; ' 02-tf. , .....m..„. ea ORN Aida'. am VS Al% et MeGill 'University. kiwi - :f eal InsyLthftarg04)11; 40. . • °thee tWi riMikbyteel-,11X0t0X. Ohl, i)Ji00 1101111,^‘,$ta 10 a.tn..and 7 toll) p.M.. ylu.. tina.N. cai )11taillie' 4,,,,,,r, rhygeleatuid sergeen. zext deer to,liawdon's nimble Works. ittoxingfon--,Oentral Uotol. laartic.nlar attention, paid to oln'onie diseaffe3, al eelle aroesetie attended, 44.0.71o4) tree. e.xoter, Marolx,25, 1875 82-y IIA. LA.NG M. 13, iv,r,.t ., xi, .0„ ,I.,,r3.).$u& ti ormlite f o'Trinity 0011ege. MOM- rer of the thtllego of Physicians mud tfiurgeons of lutariO. ofilec-Drug, Store, Mein St, Grantee. aid is also proprietor of the Drug store, imd. eon - 'tautly keeps on hand a lo,rge stoek arm:. dr.os ul emoit.0,4.4tuto 18,1674. .. sopt, I r A RDING & HARDING,. Barris ..e. a_ tete, ttorneyet, Solioitore„. Cononissioaors a. It., ,ke, Orszon....4dUrrox's :13400.k, Water Street,. St, !trary's, (WIN D. ifillInva.. . W.PLinaMeteja „ S, ;TONES & MoDOUGALTe. •aiteeitaere, Attorpori-ot-law, Solicitors in `dhaint404,:"Mvavaucers, Qounuissioi.lers• hi Q•l... tIttlintarles•Diblic, St, Marv's, t stionen's Block,. Water St., Rt•Atary'S nt, • ......., ...,.......4......... E4.1y, ViT 1116DIARMID, 13.A.i, v v . 13 aleRISTE,R, NOTARY, CONYEYANER, &C„, LIIOAN, ONT, G. WILSON, ISSUER OF e meariege Licenses under the now Ao tthe Post Officio store, Zuric)i, Ont. • •40-tf. 3,11gtidtteil1ii, IrBROWN, Public A.uctioneer, s wineetesect sales promptly attended to. Perms reasonable. Winchelsea, 0 et.10,1870, y. SPACKMAN, 17 IOENSED AUCTIONEER xte Pm: the County of Iluron. ....._ RESIDENCE, . - EKETER, Oil ....._ SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CHARGES MODERATE. c-giottl ' la -TvrA.NSION HOUSE, EXETER aseL Ob., W. IIAIVESHA.W, Proprietor. Thi aew and eounuodions hot ells now completed, and fitted up thrmigb.out with first -furniture. The best a Liquors and tho choicest of thgars at the 0311'. alle honso is ompable of Iteuommotlatinu 35 4nests. Exeillont stahlos and an attentive hos- tiers. (51-1y.) UEEN'S II0LaL, La:JOAN. W .. DONVEV, Proprietor. • This first -alas hotel, has lately elatogod hauds (-Pram W. H. Will us to W. Bowen mud. ie fitted with new fur itore throgghout. Proo 'bus to mi,i from the station Oitice for the 331017 nue of 'busses to Ennktolk. Ilia bar is replete with t •Le xtecieest ...Altera and fra-- rant ir Leltil.V1. .1314.1. 43413.12111‘3D1.1 34311131e 1t00111. 11 09.1 Stabling .111a att.uxtivc hostlers. 32-ly .. TT'' "T " II t ... 1 1.,' iS1..11.S1 110 Ub.b./ tiOleNieR OF Prete,: an 1 William Strbets, Luca n. The above liotol Inv.; beeu wonted hy1.4. Isakte Whno, and therolufhlr: refitted foe th 3 conif,,,t of the tr 1 k.0.11.1 1'j1.1', i19,A 3 inr.nre kmk1 et!.:.te Ot the b ie.. .4i.tto..Livo 114...,t,...4; aiweys 10 arton:do nee. ' IsA.A.0 WHITE, Prop. cl , .. 85 -fine. :ean, .9 185 .111 :?..; 1 ' ...„...,_ ore aa ,..1,...4 1.1 A P11.11 1).1.7.-•.1.egput, ;t ,t,1 i ea Inv - - etetete eeeeee of u.-4.ing t; .-... oer Flo N. '01311 0.* tad, In.kt:ie work, in -13,4 n't worik rot, iv: in ialoir goat,. Inolok,'..ti:, ok. 411 the thlw . hall v.+, r IlYZIO.,?P!..'.‘. P.trtir..111111.3 ctga et eataa 'tett lett ...,14., cent. Aollre..4, C,1. WriNst; 4,- i Al., Pe:•tlee -',„ li....--. y r'ir Van LOT rote NAL E .-- .8.. A 4004, ().1.•!-Aioetl3t Plunk. Lerk,..,,,, eo , 1, - rw1414 : 0 11,) I iz,ru , I likirkL ti qr.!, i1.: t.,,, 1,,, r ...,,,i treext:, 1.1'S . 1,Se. • .113 :31t: 1,11, SA r.3.1 eS,.• `0,.,,i t ...' .1101; ater. 1",ir 1:11. yo.! -.-.4 1114,1;r: L., 1.$ k A 1- 1,; V.V. :race, oat; .... -- — --e aall '.f. 'e'Oa Salele. --Tile: - serilmr 3...1.1'..; 103.' .U1 1 I:IN:N. ..t, or 4,-.t a, e•10.1. i'.-ov.r t.., oont.i.:!...4.4' ,•.) 44e:%.,1 '14 exc.. '9 04 ' t 0.,fre.; •.:.1,31.k..!.rir 112111.1W 1,,,rld ti WI .0 .... (1, t. anroni,T; 0.00e, ii.trn aatki 31'1.'r ,„ the rr3 :,,isits. also a 4i..)..vi youag ...).....,.:. rd. of ,41,-,Ift butt •11,. IL uv V0]4111114 etniug. Distant front 1.:;....tor foul: miles. Poe furteer oartionlars ,1yt0 ,T. Paste SEIT, proprieror, Exeter P.O. 78-tf. if,' IC E11.1 It Pieela leiChOlthe AIN STB.EET, one deer snit tit of the Britamtia lton.-0, 7. BOUT11(:01`...t has oana er of ops. 01113.13134 tilled on n hd munb1 m the shortest votico. Satiailietion guarant-odboth as to work. on.lnrite.d.41. 1,,.. 11.-A largo quantity of 0 inch ?-, etril for punimuultors' use f or 23110111 Nov. 101EN 80131,TROOTT. ti--.. .. .. O.L. NO. 024 • • , Jo Night of moat- ing-Fievt 'Friday itt ev- e ery month, corner C4'.41. ley and 'Main sts. Visi- ting Drothren cordially '''1 ' invited to attend. ea e A %../'%C ATM'. WILLIS, -..., ' A• - 503117 WIIITR, .. .i•zscorotary. 4E, 2 70-1y. TIT, TaT r'i r•T4 -in1 rri r -r -i C'13 Livery and Sale Stables • an connection -with. the Central liote1). fRY,.3.31114.3T1,9,m-ve3ez.,,33. (4(D HORSES A• ND COMFORT. veltithm sawey13 enhomt, FtWorable • Irrakw.k.dents innAle with emunztoreiratravelerS. -1 „dere left at Bissett's Tinshop vi11 bo pro .4301.l7 attended to. • B. 4.t T. )3ISSETT, Prop. SOS. 4.1873. • • 3-1Y, THE FAVORITE LINE, 011ititiGP OF PROPRIETORSHIP CROWLEY 33°D ELINAGAN living bought eatJllawkshaw, kave Geod 1/ores, •Conifortabie Stages and Fast • Vilma -a-Ito-- Those sto.gog firtrarivon by tho mast zodonatio. dating of drivprif, Mal leave 'DIE WESTERN HOTEL, LONDON, ,evere afternoon, at 2 pm, arriving hi Liman •thrteto connect 'with trains for the east and vrost 3104.1co00031ting in ',Inter with tho onnton and St ISfary'S stases, • 1,EA.VE BXETERABOTIT 4.00 a.m., connecting in Liman s.11.4 Leaden stages and trains. Tan OltOWLITZ W.esetoorts. PAT IPLAX.A.G.411,, Vrotricto, CIESDITON Vir OLZINT VOL. 2 • A.N)) SOI;j9rg•.1tU.RO, SOtTUFFR fStO ,47: WHOLE NO, 99. EX,ETER; ONT.A1101 1"4.URSDAY, atTLY 24, 1876. VANDUSEN „KRAL et: tt:tigyeact)noltand 'no 1.1argest and PURE DRUGS, • CHEMICALS_, " DYE -STUFFS Patent Medicines ! HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES, Tooth, Nail, Hair, and (Roth ERFUNEnr,TOILET-SOARS (8213c. STATIONERY School Book.s, Toy Books, 131ankoBooks, A lbunasFancy Goods Pencil Slates, Lead Pea - oils, &c. • w•404-0, - 1k.N c.tr SOLE AgagE1 10, LAZARUS, MOBR1S, Co.'s cv caeca Perfected.' Spletaeles au Eye-glah;:es. Proscriptions and Recipes quioltly and accu- rately clispensed. Remember the Place—Di- rectly opposite the "03411113121 Exetet. 0. 1TANDUSEN & Co. Exeter, january 7, 1874. 71-11. The Doratnion aboratory Go to the Dominion Laboratory if you want PURE DRUGS! Chemicals o r D y e Stuffs • PARS GREEN FOB, POTATO BUGS AND HELLEBORE FOR IN -SE TS AT THE 'CHEAPEST RATES. etOMINION GUN SHOP AND RI- O./ pL11.OT01lY, R. W. S P 1-i41 R Mannfacturer of aud dealer in .11:114tes1 Sfaor GlIft28, leeees leers Pistol, Fishing 'facade, end limiters' supplies Gut -itooking Clone in fast -class style. Pin. -fire Guns altered eo Cantrell:fire. • 'Sign of the Gun and Golden Key, OLAIMINOD sb.,botween Dundas and Xing, 1,0111100. 70-17. 1\111ZZag3. W. . T R OTT Fashionable Boot & 'Shoe MAMMA. wouldinforin poople that he has commen- ced businerls in the above line next door toBell's Bakery end Confectionery. lie has 011 71517(1 a spleneid stock of Loather ofellkincls, and from his general knowledge of the business, and do- ing first class work:114os to obtain a large cus- tom. • iSeVea work will xeoe ve his spE,Oial. attention. Repairing dote with neatnese and des- patch, and modeeate charges. W. II. TROTT. Exeter, lelay 6, 1675, 88.m8. T r-o••-13,IVIERS And Stock:Breeders. W it SWEET, V. p„, CEDAR POSTS Rail e Cordwodd nlItSONS requiring Rails, Cedar Posr ts, o p Cordwood, eau be supplied. by applying to TILOS. GREENWA.Y, ' Centralia. ; or, GURENWAY, on the premises, Lots 7 and°, kmtv.,B„,,a.y, Stephen, 094f DB. XIIISMAN, DENTIST. Office and resicienc e - Main street Ihteter.llu smoss hours, n,fl 111113.0 in g_ooddaylighta Thureclay'S excepted), Advioe free, Parents should oall for advice about 0111412:c1'34 112st•teetb as soon as they begin to fail, •Work will.be to that of any other office and warranted sitifistao tory' Ice Cream AND Soda sparkling and Fresh from the Water, Fourtain A.T G. SANDER'S S ore, Post Ofliee VANILLA, LEMON, PINEAPPLE, RA.SaBleRllY and other ilavoriug Syrups used. G. SANDERS. rP 1.1E OLD ESTABLISHED _I- HOUSE J. PICKA Thanking my numerous customers for their pat - 80 thapast, andwould solicit of their laud remembrance in the future, would bog to remind thorn that have MENZOVED my stook in the Now and Oonunodious Depart- ments of the rick look itt t11,0 South of tho old stand, where will be found. EVERYTHING IN THE GENERAL BUSINESS LINT consisting of Dry G-oods, kiardware, Groceries, • Crockery, Boots 8c Shoes, Ready-madecioth'g Hats, Caps, 80c, 'have 2120 03.1(10(1 a first-class TAILORING Do.tartroent pi connection. My motto:ill, Good Goods at reasonable rates." Comment 18 0311120" sexy ; the goods ate hero to speak f or thoinselves 1-..1.11,,liest Market MO011212 for all kinds of Produce. Remember, this is the Oldest Fete,b- lished House in the County. Opposite the Post Office, E ater, 3/ay 6, 1875 Tho subserlberff. in returning thile)Irl •to the fertnille; f..)8 Vic liberal patronage •bo- 0,0vA, 1 ith,)31 th lux in the past yoo8 at the area iten 117.) ;len ;tills, would beg to state that they aurpose eentinning to vote them easing the earning summer. lessoa them for number a yortro, liepine to giye in the -future tlie eau -moot' Jaction as in thopost, Spattang NVott-ving I • t MaiLufacturrao II kinds ei .vosits, laseuwie, &e. done on the shottesIr tiotiee, feet loweet rates, T, 141, 301INSTON Of ZliriCh ti 1875. 84.313 •, " Popular House" MiLLIIIERV DEPARTMENT. This Department is ono of the groatest attractions for our Lady customers, 23119 in order to make it still more attractive, we have bought largely in Oradratte Veteie,. e of the 01.07 etta tenant') 'College. Traororaoved his office to one door north of 0. Dacrort's harness sliop, mid nearly opposite Jelin Thistnith Veterinary Medial/los al- ways On homa3 Gallo premplay tate/Ian°. tti. Horses etranined set.) their soundness Augurt28th, 18'73. • Woodham Ribbons, Flo-vvres, Feathers, • Ornaments, and -all the; LIttnt N)veitils in. Trim- ming; Materials. OUT OF THE DARK. ..•••••••.. 14 If, •IL, GUANT. conctigled 'this wok, 'And Mrs, Ballentyne is still deter: Mined that you shall Marry Moe 91 'She is. I heard her toll Isebel so as I was passing her door this' 'Morn. Raynor clenehed his teeth, and feond some difficulty in aefrainitig from clasp- hinegalttli,sa poor, teebibling figure to Lie • "My poor child,' he saidetolitielerie eriohletri; age.' • That woman shall he r unnatural whina. Tenet ine for that. Ralph and I have pledged ourselves to help you, and I am eure we can do it.' 'You are very kind,' she said, begine bag to sob. And I am goipg to be a 'very good friend to, you. $o take heat. I shall not rest until you are free from tine trial. It is not ineet that Youeli should be grouping in darkness and sorrow. A few more clays and you shall be free again, and your own happy self.' Ile said very much more to comfort her, and finally left her in quite a cheerful frame of mina. A week wore on. Max Rapier kept Lis eyes aud ears open. Ile Gould not afford to lose a, single brick in tlie dan- gerous game he was playiug. Of course he made some discoveries. In the fast place he became convinced of what he had only half -suspected pre- vionsly—thab Isabel Lainount, with madam's sanction and approval—or rather to his hackestoole.. • He smiled quietly in hisdsleeve, 8.11(1 met her advanc t more thaa half way. Ile could safely do that, for he knew off his own strength. • His second discovery was of far great- er importance. By means of steady though covert watch which he kept up- on Mrs. Ballantyne's movements, he soon bet:tame aware that that lady was far more intimate with, Mrs. Rascaille than she had any right to be. Tho two took long _walks toteaether at bones when they were net likely to be observed, and were often surprised in secret consultations. As ell we have intimated, nothing of this was lost upon Rayner. t'I know the two have some secret in °enamel); he said to himself over and over again. 'The niomerib that secret is tilisooveeed they Ete0 in my posver,and poor Beatrice can defy them. I am sure of that.' ' Bat how to discover it? There was the rub. . He was strolling by himself, veav ottrly one tnorning, When lie came u.p- on two figures in the shrubbery. It was Mrs. Ballantyno and Rascaille. Higli words had evidently passed be. tween them, for madam looked flesh- ed and angry, and Rascaille ehook folded paper in b.er face ease as Raynor drew near, and. cried, iiia sneering tone of voice: 'Rave as you will, my lady, so long as 1 heve this document in my posses- sion I hold von in the hollow of my These words had barely passed his lips evhen he heard Raynor step ou the gravel path. He started coed looked terotrad. A sadden pallor overspread bis face ; he thrust the paper lute his pocket and. slunk away without seyieg another word. Mrs, Ballantyne's eyes &called like steel. Herface grew purple, and the nails 011t deep into the very flesh of hor clenched hand. Bat, making a violent effort, she almost immediately recover- ed her usual composure. She greeted Raynor with a charming smile. I did not know you were such au ettrly riser,' she seed, sweetly. am not—often.' Ah 1' giving him a swift glenoe. hope your ramble is nearly ended ? I hope yon are ready to esport me back to the house?' • 'Quite ready madam.' She took his arm. 'That tiresomeRacallee she n171' - Inured, as they strolled onward. 'He and 1 ere peepetually quarrling. ' It's doubtfal if we think alike 011 any 811b- jeeb. This morning it was the proper soil for croons belbs. • He insists on a loam! The idea! What does a man know about flowetagercletaing?' • 'What, indeed 9' claimed in Raynor, smihng to hiM8Olf —110G at •tlio idea, but at madam'e ready wit Later in the day he went with Ralph into the library • for a confidential chat. • 'You axe quite willing 'should speel freely couceebing my family' affairs ? he began, ebruptly. 'Certainly,' replied. &Apia • 'Then, since madam is 80 pertial to Resemille, why doesn't sho marry him herself, instead of forcing • him upto poor 13eeariee Tho young neen laughed. 'That mitt WV on, be readily explai a- ecte he said, 1aly faller was peonliar in Ins notion. Although he marrieu ft second tan° himself, and a widotv, he did not appreve of thesorb of rf my steyanother should marry n third time, sho svoulcl forfeit throe. fourths of what wati begat:ether' to herd. It'Anicyli?i'or !armed minty hie faeo, nod remained thotteAtfully eilett for eome mitostess Whoa he did speak again, ib,w,:ttmeeasoo2atiletowahaorlrliyeaclitiffleorteditistrubajecpta,• Dor mutter. thet would. give my!iieetel to poesesehe 'Indeed d said Ralph, • 'The eyes of the ttvo mon met. neseeseion of that paper watts freedom from Bettetiee31 Raynor whis- pered. :Ralph turned very vele, 'I kiioet whae you men,' he add, after alms, pause, 'end X think 111 (88111 bo ac,complishod.' ?1 keeps his valuables hid. don at night under his 'pillow, I Imp. This Dopartmen11aaa met with extraordinary su.ccess, sad is st under tho superintendence of Miss Hull, whose tastefulproduellons hat 0011001.1 gwve uni- versal satisfaetion. A Tame collection of 0 XL Antit:gt Illistital:eettteoiT 1,1511b tina:Vattly• 1 1.11110(433,1VOCilet 3111011n 13110 ityliabitanta M troberno and ilium hard 11o. hits on. 511(1 18 propore a to mann rece tiara . 1OHT Alll'HEAVY HAIIHE8S9 tiknea 01 wont at anything in 1118 1100 wilt 0t8tay Wien. own interoets by giving him it nail be. Itsre larch' slog eikewhero, Repairing proyflotly a,t fonderi to, Oarrin (;o trim ruing aunt, 70cilin, TRIMMED 'HATS AND BONNETS To SETinoui FROAe. Sub: Ribbon.s in:Large Cheoks IN'SPECT THE STOOK. ' W. MoINTOSHieca CO. laelarS, ;fun e 10, • SO-ly, esaaatekel ...tea.knet eta • e /' ee It ,e6 oli.Aivedoteent 31J.012 ,..0.111402 'q9,6#441.,1)000, ()CO ,---"Vgadetwe 16)000 ..jarelos410.4.4 ta6 A,sortid 31 06,;() Ove,c0 ..,15tvect4,,ed er ia6 49. eeerege. tehte?. "Zoioete "at dife wri 6 fro..•660,d, 1484* cdot,4;1.0,, eMot thee°. 'Does lie look hes door e' ,•4:Ye8, But there is a balcony out. eicte the window. Oile oauld get it by 0108.118 of that. Of coursetheseeepe with ale window open on etude eoltry nights att we axe having meet.'• . They lookea at each other again. • 'I am determined to ge11 120813013Si0n Of that peper,e Raynor, slowly. 'Oen 1 emint upon you ?', •a‘Of °ours° you canal Beatrice's hap, pinees cenihe gained so easily. 1 t.,Ttiey made the attempt that very 't ni, et, welting until the house was per. fe ly dill. Rapier, in his naked foot neeted himself outside Rascailel's bed. '•W -11T1 1 tIlln111:1 0:11114 11 ii le7t b 30-irn, 1Wrileewt he oItll stealeWintla the window and unlock- the door to his frieud. It was dreary evaltiog there, and Ray- nor's heart was in. his month. But at last the key clicked noiselessly in the look., the door swung, open, and Ralph's hand grasped his own. 'All right so faraVfaxe whispered the young mao. (Itascaille was acoomincida- tingleno.ugh to leave the key in the look hor11:night have been tioubled to find ib. • I don't think eve have disturbed in, • Now cnine the most difficult task of all --the withdrawieg;.the,coverted:paper from under the sleeping man's pillow —mud this was Raynor's part of the business. Ile stole neiselessly into the room and approached the bed • He bad hardly reached whon the sleeper stirred suddenly, breathed hard once or twice and sat uprigh b. '''Whose there?' he cried. Raynor slid to the floor, and waited breathlessly. . 'Whose there ? repeated Batscaille. Then a pistol clicked sharply, and ex- ploded the next instant whether by ac- cident Or design Raynor never knew. That pistol shot decided his course of action. He sprang to his feet, suatehed the weapon from Rescaille's hand before the latter:had any intention of his design, and struck him a skin- ning blow over the head with the batt. The villain fell backward groaning heavily. 'Quit* Ralph !' cried Raynor, 'Bring a light from your room.' Ralph darted off, and Raynor thrust' liis baud unuer th.e pillow of the insen- sible man. When he withdrew it his Angara clasped a large morocee pocket- book. 'This must contain what I an after,' he muttered. . Ile was right. When Ralph came hurrying in with the light, sa.,a he °poled- the- p 00116G Imsk ;--- alum t? -the first thing his eybs rested upon, was the identical payer Rascaille had flut- tered so triumphantly in Mrs. Ballads tyne's face It preyed to be the marriage eerti- "root t.he *Ma 131440.- A inervaxon atom) noteeva 'eliteefe niS sTour 4T oiAgiA.---obtin i.'OTJlli) 11V113.8' 1.50 :to/1B ANNTTM etog AetgrAtO$UtIr. t, Mr, A., Ottste leas told all aboort and weft are eoutent to take his Nvora for ' WII,311t4-1,111:1 001INTRY A tAAADISL, ill it., As the St01'111, 0/613.1.0 ue ne pet. his noon aesenoe. A. representative 02 11120 Omaha Her - 8.1(1 interviewed a geutlemeet 'who has juet returned from the Bleek Itilis eountry, to which he went with Col. Dodge's expedition, Ile left Omaha on the 1 3th of May, reaching the Black Hills on the 3rd of June., The eon:i- nland foaled geld in all the creeks tun- ning to the wait in that eection, though at first they found (ally the color. The ftwrittelegOlias tewr was e efi°great ete°,1,11a •hith's° W8.1) 8.8 Castle creek. At the stockade erected last winter 'by the miners whom Capt. Mix had. driven out last. spring, the soldiers went into camp. Here they found a small patty of miners, in groups of frOin two to ten each, who staid they heti been there about tbirty-five days. These men were actually suffering for food, having had nothing to eat for fif- teen days but venison. They were an- evilling to leave, however, and said if they were driven out by the military, they would return,- as they coosidered the ctiggings they had discovered to be rich eaofigh to pay them for almost any amount of hardships and exposure. These Miners all had gold which had teeto. to the beret/ 11:11a eat dotvirm ..the doe feesinte'the inside. The etrolie of lightning, whiels killed his heroes end preetrated him, did lea Worle too ewif18. iy,to aive him the slightest tieruitg•of its curniug, fiesteeemembrence cal returoing to consciousness was of bear. bighis daughter, 'who, had run down from the hoese, ebout twenty-five rode exeleina : Oli 1 father is dead!" •' • Upon opening 1144 03708: the Whole 4 1 air and elty eeemed to be in a blaze. He ,alfee leeelete pensciotot of the most aiitense nower linabs, He saye •the pain was euftetina Vil'e)Oocially in liis like Lid of a burn, and that he could not hey° suffered more for the hour that followed. if lie had been held in the flames. His tvife and daughter, upon seeing that he was still alive, desired to Temove him to the house, but he beg- ged to be left where he was and nOt to disturbed, 93s he felt that he cauld live but a few minutes, and that he might as well die there as to be pot to the needless torture of xemovel. As he seemed to gaib. strength, how- ever, he was soon taken te the house and made comfortable possible, but eight or ten.hours elapsed before he was able to move either of his lower been obtained wholly from surface dire limbs. The left hip and leg seemed to on Castle creek and its aftlueras. They be more affected than the right, and the had commenced ditching and flowing syniptoms for a time indicated that in a small way, and were very hopeful, bones were injured. Bat these have e success these teen passed away ad. slightlameness now The news of th haa enet with soon spread through the remeins. The right lung has been camp, and soon the officers, soldiers, very sore since the occur/aloe, but this end teamstere ere at work washin im.e:eyivhear inbfeaelillingoa.usTedhebnly ark of the out surface dirt. The color WitS ob- tained in every pain showing that the lightning is gut° apparent from the goldwas generally distributed,, the re- St 1111r tdldGri 0f tallebocamil•fd ,o f tlie t log, in turns being made by Capt. Spaolding of the Third Cavalry, who obtained a frone which the skili has Peeled eff as though. it had been sealded, fraction over twenty-eight cents from three pans of dirt. As our informant returned to Chey- 711'0 Dail 1.0k. Laber 11601110U for 241111 lust —he met miners all along the ennt—leaving the command bn the Daring the busy days of haying and road, and learned that at least 050 harvesting there often occurs the weee then in the vicinity of the mines, temptation to prosecute the labor of though they had 3opitra,ted into 811111ll day far into the night, and with a Parties in order to travel wieh greeter bile rapidity. The men were all supplied modicum of the eleep required, arise again and. continue the work. Them with six months' rations, and were Ova are exciting times during this season of dently prepered to stay. The distance the year, when it seems necessary to is only about 150 miles froin Cheyenne overdo in order that the crops may be or Sidaey; over a level plains country. seemed in :prime conditicn. 13ut we The miners 'claim that there are much richer diggings in the hills than times evish to utter a word of caution against the practice of making so many work about Castle ereek and that in the ±07- the and tasking the system so severe - mer shot gold has 'been obtained. Our ly, simply becanse it is harvest time. informanb saw many (Inuits- ledges in When a farmer must work early and the vicinity of Castle creek, which had late to bring his besitess about, and the: tupponatailoo of buing„tutritota.9A. 113,1 - though no gold vas visible to the eye. Intl" r'ximre.2re s'aulu from his help, continuing •the prtictice The country is almost a patadise, with pure cold water gushing froth springs from year to year, we do not hesitate in saying there is grove mismanage - in every direction, the ground covered talent somewb.ere, and a. little good head with a perfect sod in which blue pre - work would save a good deal of wear and tear of muscle. If our farms were made to lest forever, and did not be- come fatigued with eXartion, we need Make no limit to the hours of work but it is the experience of all the best obser- vers of long experience in handling men, that beyond a certain uumbor of ace8"; Jules Lamount ana Martha dominates, the soil rieh and black, and Dempster, and was dated some twenty an abundance of the very best bjilding years baek. material. The water in many of the While Raynor stared fait alightaroke springs is at a temperatere of 09 de - suddenly upon his mind. Hefeverish- grees, which is almost freezing. The ly turned. over toe other contentei of the timber is large and plentiful. pocket book. They were such as to convince him - beyond a aoubt that Mr. Rascaille and Jules Lamoaut were one and the same person, If so, and there had been no divorce, madam cola not have been legally married to Ralph's father. 'That's it 1' he cried, shouting for joy —'That's the Beata of this Rascaille's power. 1 see it now.' - 'What's the se-Cret ?' said Ralph, staring at hina. 'What have you found in that pocket -book ?' He was about to answer, but hurried. footsteps were heatd to approach. Of ,course the whole house had been alarm- ed by the pistol shot. 'Nobody must cross the threshold of this romp.' he exclaimed excitedly. He sprang total.° door, and. there met Mrs. Bellantyne face to face. 'Send the serveutsbeelt be their beds again,' he said, authoritavely. qiieu I wish to see, you alote in the library.' Something in his white, stern face, caused the frightened W0MEL11 to obey him without n, word of questioning., Whea he wout clown stairs presently, after having assured himself that Ras - addle wonlcl soon recover from the blow he had dealt him, he found madam ex- citedly paeleg the floor. Ile told her all. . The guilty creature denied nothing. She fleug hotsolf at hie feet and begged for ',fleecy. 1E thought Sides was dead 1711611 J. inerricall3eatrice's father,' she said, 'I dicl indeed 1 When he 011107.13 here, and by and be fen alloy° with Beateice, end demanded her lia,ad in marriage, 1 dia. not refuse him,' This was lior ooly plea. Raynor said very littlebut he in- sisted thtx,t Rescaille, e'fins Lamont, should bedismissed from the house the first thing in the morning. 'Ile cannot harm you with comprom. ising leintselfe Raynor said, ludicrous side of the affair now ccening upper. meet ; 1.10 has been atooanuelionarried luau himself for that.' . r 02 cousoRtsce.iiio Stormed and rav- oa on toming-, to himself ;8.81111, Warning the ,I,ttrn ngatrs hied, taken, ho left the hoose, soon aftet daylight, threatening the moat torribfe thing. i. In loss that net hour he WAS brought beck 8. corpse. The horse in rvhich lie o(1 I5.WaY had taken fright eAcl thrown him, Over his aleacl bo ly Raynor elesped hands with Mrs. Ballantyne. tHcaven has ended this affair in its own way,' lie said, solemnly. '11 better so. 1 ftill ot aiSp088t1 to be hard with you. Show yourself truly sorry .for the paste end anxione to be better in the futere etal tl eeceet of your life shell reinoin between Of COW'S() she W (LS reedy enough to proiniro 8.1118111811, After t he lapse of a row weeks mho and. toabol geittod Rogodato tot 0111 oxtoncio11 oontmomtt1 tottr. Ray n or married Beatriee. So our gentle heroine was brottrAtt out Of the darkness into the marV,Itous light n)r perfeet lovii dhappiness period oxo to woo hiuo, plaee them Di typtggetass Beteg& tow Tang. houre per day there no profit in their =mut of exertion 8. men caneendure co utia uously, and ton hour busy labor a day is founa to be a -beetle peofitable on the average. Bat with the farmer WO Ob803190 afar different preetiee. lour o'clock in the morning he is up awl his peen ere oalled to their work, which is to be con- tinued with. small inthrvals ofu ecessatio mita eight at night. The human seatem is incapable of standing such fa - taste for any length of time and accom- Plishing ieuickly and daftly the peocess of ; heitte the prevailing slow movements of farm hands. In mane- faeturing the belp ie 1118 arranged as to have e geed. clivieion of labor, and the usdividnals become expert at particalar branches of the business. They are continued at it, and. agreat amount of the work issues out of their hands in a little time. It is more cliffiealt to sorry uut this practiee upon a farm, but it is possible by eeproper division of labor to arrange oar Places as to make more export the employees, and thee be enabled to aecomplish k o the wort sixteen hours in 1151.2.• employment,. There is a limit to the 3288 1117118.11 (118-8.118181 von64,4py ba. fkexperion t litow theta to bo anything but plants, OLISily' 1.41,1,4.0t04.1 or ftsand, feentieneau ae South Bend, To6114 failed a few claps ago to ratieson in tide manner, and eull'ered from it, alicsuate he (mine out nominally aitoad. He was riding elong in his bugo, all dressed np, and stopped fee a momeat ta einiff yi,ung warried lady of hie acquaint. ance, who was engaged in wateiang the' flowere d gr 3,86 lv.ii/1 11 hose, lie seefred at her aood.natured way foe be - 113 he toetdal work. and Ola respotzdecl by threatening to turn the 41080 u1)01). 141811. Ro derea 110r to ap it. She aida one wouldn't take a dare, 1111/(1 tiatiog ill1MOvable, was Willing' to wager anything against a dish of strawherries thiLt elle emelcitat make hint move. It was tt, etroug hose mid the South Bola wator.workti bavo 11tIe- 01811(10118 head 0f water on, mid a stream With the nape of a emelt Niagara siul- deoly struck that nicely.dresstid Man full in his shining ehirthoeone. Ho wee a Spartan' and never bodged. Obuckbag, gurgling, laughing, and splashing like the falls 11,1inileholia. 50 bpring, the water played nbout that bold nann and rioLd about tho Like Plymoath roekeethe tl'esperate man remainedeininto-iabto: The nater coersed iu a torreot clown his hack, and the seat 02 1(18 moits toilgea out like the hump on a giant camel ; the Rood splashed d.owo ander the bosom of his vest,, and he leoked like an alderman who had been re-elected for elevea terms; the bottom of the buggy *as a lake with a Maelstrom in it. And still a pair of pretty hands held the nossle Alertly, and the stubborn man refesed to move. Tbe water in the South Bend reservoir sank eereeptibly, and the pumping engine get more steam put on, bat the flood on the man in the buggy never lessened. The vehicle stood ies a pond of mud and the horse had tho.ught of swimming out, when the lady weak:maid and the flood ceased, simply because she couldn't hold the hose any longer. Then the nian got out of the buggy, without a dry stitch on him, and went to eat his strawber- ries. He didn't eat long, and then a man eves seen driving home for dry garments, and his driving was like the ctriviag af 4)-elin• the son of Nimsbi. Anahe'll not dare a married woman again very soon. _ True to the Character. AN AMUSING /NCIDENT IN A SAN F.P.ANOISCO MUSIC TEAM. • — The matinee concert at Platt's Hall yesterday afternoon was enliveuecl by an amusing incident. The programme had safety reached the lest number of the first part, when Madame Di alurska Buttered. on the stage, dressed in a pale blue silk that surged around her like a breezy sea, her brown hair rising above the cerulean waves like a fleecy cloud in a. fading sunset.. T he olnect of the lady was to sine the mad scene from "lamia.,' Ceianimone and, little Pratt followed. The first struck an unusually awkward attitude, with his flute at an angle of forty-five degrres, and the last sat down and began in a, harmonious way to titillate the piano. The prima _donna had just lannched upotothe waves of melody, and was throwing in a few sky roeket notes to show that alio was really insane, whop Oa° blackameataa terriers, weighing about three ounces each dashed through the door by which she had entered, made a. atish for her, and began to obese one another furiously around the periphery of her skirts, oceasioaally leaping up end varying the exercise by leaping up and getting entirely lose in the mass of aZ11.1.0 dietpery. The and- ience smiled. The lady kept 011 se- renely elimbing the scale as if her lire, depended on her reaching the top in a given time. Then the people laughed. outright. Looking down, she realizel the sittuttion, encl stopping the ravings of "Lucie " • witli a vicious snap in the middle cite, demi-semiquaver es far up in the scale as she had been able to get in the brief time allotecl her, she shook the tawny whelps out of her apparel, and tarting. on her heel, sho maao as; tonishing time off the stage, her dress fleeting in the breeze like that of en ascending seeaph, crusbing a Wailing pet terrier under her indignaht heel at every stop. The audience cheered, as atalieocue etwaye ab ±tt eadden contre- temps. Sigoor Gienamona stenek an attitude Moro ungifieeful then the pre- ceding otto, insd the handsome accom, panist hung his arm over a cornet of the piano, and allowed snickering lad. i.08 to admire his shape. Marske Cat)10 book in clue time and aftee whice peeing to hoe pteuiet began her axle de novo. The audience still 0,2)1le12, and the tango: nether tardily approciatiug the 1/idiot:ens nature of the situation, a convulsion of her &attest% we's vieible, and what should late% been. 6 burt$6 Of insone 111810(131 8.11880811 heettam 8. 510:101C 01 laughter. She eiruggled nobly tie:tenth with the masie, however, and after the deftali of Luria in tho \Vila dieooa 028. sky-sereping 6od01816 Wits re.wardad With the Mind tilintilt of Ay. P1,411.80„ "11181 say, girls." said a little blue-eyed, flaxen -haired boy on Second street yes- terday; "let me take your candy and we will play chicken." " fe Is it nice ?" enquired half a dozen • six year olds be a chorus. " Nice ! you bet it is. Let me show you. Now, lay the candy down hereon the step andyou'll all go dowa there and come up when you hear me call like a rooster." The. girls retreated and gatbered in a. group about fifteen yards off, while the boy -got on his knees'with head over the candy and began to call and .strut and flap his arms like a rooster's wings. " Cluck, cluck, ran tat, rap, cluck," and all the girls came running up • and tame tosaiere little fellow opened his Month and took it in at one gulp. " Oh, you mean boy," they cried, 'you have taken all our candy. 1' That's cause•Iplayed rooster," seid. the boy ; roosters always call the hens up when he finds a grain of 'corn and then picks it up himself," Slap WI& triutTs antr4 Pa4- T1201.03LBS or A OrtiossateL.---Paris has been amused Mat the trial of Tin -Tun elaing for b ig a niy. The tiecusecl appear - ea ea a blahlt pelerine and copper but- tons, a skulleap with a crystal button, and balm sille japan; he stated lie was a native of Chttn.11i, and -wag 49 years of age. Ile was charged with having married a Chinese girl 21 yeare of age • Itlalaticajali Dyer of Union comity has recently obtained a'patent for rtn apparatus for 11 fiVigatiiik the air. The macbine is an iugenidus one, coetain- ing principles entirely new to teronauts, ana which the patentee conlideatly he- lieyes have solved the knotty problem of air navigation. Tb.e body of the machine in shape reseinbles that of an eagle, and is iutended to be repelled by different kinds of devices, wings and paddle wheels, both to be simultaneous- iy opeeeted througn the instrumental- itly of mechanism connected with the driving pewee. In operating the ma- chinery the wings reeeive an upward and clowntv,ard motion, in the manlier of thewings of a bird, their outer elids yielding as they are raised, but opening out, and then remaining rigid while be- ing depreesed, the wings, if desired, may be set at any angle so ati to propel forward as well as to raise the reeehine in the air. The paddle -wheels are in. tended for propelling the machine in the eome wey that e -vessel ie propelled on the water. An insert -anent anewer- ing to a rudder for guiding the machine. A. balloon, is to be used for elevating the " fiying Oil)," after which it is guided and controlled at the pleastae of its occupants. Mr. Dyer has been studedeg the subject Of air navigation fot thirty yeees, and lnee tried. vet:ions experimente during thee time, all of which failed until he adopted his pres- ent plot. Ile took an eagle for hie model, and hag conetrueted his machine to imitate his patteert as nearly as possible. ;Whatever reeibe 'the fate of Mr. Dyer's patent he himself has the most etelaiken faith in its success, and is ready, as soon tie the nmehine can it() constructed, to board the elk) end commit himself 110 11110 wind. at 'Vitiate°, and a Freneh girl ie. 1802 ; he in nob deny the soft impeachriseot but alleged there 'wee no bigamy. In Chino, he was 6 "time martiago" for three years aucl not II eying heard from wife, although he frequently wrote to her, he was not only a baelielor by Ohinese law, but his Wite WAS (n1titind to reeeive 50 blowe of a bamboo. Li 1872, a French echoolinisteess took the eaprice of having ita all toste 11. Chineee husband, bue regretted bee whini before the Wedding day was terminated; three days aftetwercl she flea her coleetial balite, and letterly eitigratecl to Anieri- on, preferring a enargo of bigamy against Tim -1%-t, as a Parthiati 111TOW, WitS acquitted. by the jury os Was es,peotod He eeeepecl famine 117 lib halve lentl,by the kuolnese of tt Froneli bishop, 911183 in time Was baptised 4 Christian ; ettbeegeently Ite carte to Paris a, "private secretary" to a gentle. man, hie duties being limited to black- ing 812008 roul poliehing knives ; neet he beettme AesistantProfoesor .;of 011113(880811 the eellege of Femme, all he 1111- 1201118611 lois Principal with uot knowing ft word of Chinese ; ho 1»''oduced 1118 imtivo dipolua, a document 8.318.1(1 loog and eottiate tattle lio 'wee in the newer of his talent," 1Ic llas experienced 80 11111011 of Chaistians, 180 etetae, that be 110e rotetr/20c1 to the faith of Oonateitte, A P0110.0TTE8 0.11Y3 --The lete Liett. teuant Former, deecovered hot year in Cambodilt the ruins of e great anelene eity, Aegeor. These rains ate of ex. treardluary magnificence both in p00181 of extent and of architectural epleedor. • Tlie sides of the principal temple Measeres 310 less than two milts and 8.qUitrter5113 eirettnelneenee, ead the re. inains of endless reeds, beried be foteet en11 jttnglos, con tab mon u tnent elan: 11111.1.1011t) " Odell if peeeible anore eetonieliing that the preceding. The arch'itecture aml sculpture of this foe. gotten eity exhibits a voey adveaded knOwledgo of arts, and tile great tent1 ple is tleeceibea 98 tit0 ,.11.198E011/1000 02 808110 91.11K11013V11 Alicintei Angelo, Avg- eor neasalittect been one 02 111110 greateet eities0111 the globe, a111 yet of its tory no account remains, Nothing 18 htl0F711 02111± PAst 811,70 thlit, 01111080 trevelien itt the 'year 1200, Mentioned Of itS SpleticlOr, (ma 81118.81 111111611 litildayea YeitTS fittel! 1768 2102611t0ft tO by 311.)0,.. (1011 etYrit 178 1718 einethait horse quit . radj\fi iNVI%vogytilnat' ild 'ttf4i4t4 hioi, '8t114r- 'then clained etc,dit for s1)l'oathngtLogeepel,