HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-8-26, Page 20 Strue 1, t OND1MT0, n, aeat 1.45 ; 7'34 t2,16, 14 5,47 STANLEY it 4Ff1NlYN. Ave- °kitting (Iowa priees eloeer then or, bails' determined to ruelt ;Off 88 J414104 1/088ihhf 91, tb9 Pfttteitte stPek before their fah purchases arrive, Pre - 'erring ratitttate,sell their smatiner goods at a arterigee orah than to keep them 'Over 1.0,4 ,next seaeo.n, looeing the ia- terest on their money and the henefit of .the tterchcash, in which they piece re - 441,..19,e, ler the puresuase of their fall ook. AUGUST 20, 1875 The only Liberel-CoLecivative Journal in rout "APOLOGY. The editer abeent—that is, away !rent 'beine, He is probably away get- ting marrted, and we have therefore to npelogize for the lack of reading matter Rad etnamon sense in this issue, though ta point of literary ability and irrorie,i: nality it is far ahead of any Pretrioatt iue; but it cannot last, To Make up ' for quantity we give quality. We there- fore direct 3pecial attentien to an ex- cruoiattugly funny article in three or four other columns descriptive of a hip to Hamilton. If any errors are per- ceived therein, we hope to be exoused, as, our nature beg melanoholy, tee pooldn't red the proof—tears rushed unbidden to our eyes when we attempt - eel it. Neither vsoulcl priceless gems induce any one else to read it. The *editor will not likely be heme antil some time after those who read the trip referred to have put away their indig- nant sleet guus. or have beeu buried some dozenaleet beneath the damp fiewy !met of the varieus cemeteries near which they reside._ 'When he does come home, we expect to be the priaci- pal figure at a funeral--ainc 2,11a lacri- m�. With this 'humble apology we plose. THIRD PE.411? ,Good bye, old year. For fifty two - long weeks have you stood by us, and during that period, the TIMES has, we are nape eaough to imagine, been a welcomeetuessenger in uearly 900 homes in Western Ontario. With this number we commence our third volume but do not intend in eamouncing this, ao us, happy eVant; to int -licit upon our readers a column er so nonseesewhiph when boiled down would cirly let them altnoW that success has bee a marked feature in Jonnection with the second -years existence with the Times and 'that even in a place as large as Exeter, newspaper enhrprise, are not fortune - making. although they are able to -trot ptfpn their third mile without a ripple of-disconteat or a word which might todicate treason to the cause of jour- nalism. The past year witlaus, as we have stated has been a successful one and we have to thenk our many iriends for it when we knoW - that we , are in a position to commence a third volume. In thie ensuiug volrunne it is our intention to leave no stone unturn- ed to make tittr,- Times as readable a country jur'nal as any in the'West,"-aad thus retain the confidence already hes. towed upon us by the people of this section of the country. Alt Ettetee irn- proves we hope to improve, and grow -atith it. an_Tioamerty, . Charlevoix,- has been .nupeated. aka -other elevator lowered. A Garr friend asked us the other day , why the political articles in the TIMES • , are so ht. We, can't*say why, uoless it is that the writer of the articles was at one time a t‘ Mr. A. J. Belen, Mrtwelve or four- . teen yeers editor and proptietor of the St. Mary's ,Argav, and lately manager •of the Manitoba Prep , P'reqs, and, Wirt,. pipeg correeppnclent of. the -Globe, has , • received aneaPpointment. in Manitoba' l'rorn the Deratuion (*overtime/At', ''It the salary it; good we congratulate Mr. Belch. This is harvest time for grit ellitors'and they do; well to retake' hay while the biln shines for them. "The IlVIaled A saecial despatch to theJournal' „frora Whitehall, 1111P1i., says that the body of N.'SegrirnWortd who aede`nstea !with Donalds n in lire ill-fated balloon,' WAS found on August 17, on tire beach' of Lake Michigan,near Stpny,. Caeek, 'by A. Beeltwith,;:lhe' bocfy was; "fully - 'dressed, with the eXceptx-orr. of 'beets, shoee, Oe'the'18th 1itt1tadditiohal es given itathe.speciale 1.-eceived con- pernnig the ,Aftaii* ;Of ,4h, bavtlY'. of OrirbwoOd. On the body wee discover,, e.da watch,„notes, 1,ripers, 'letttiria had India tabher, 'a life preserver With 'a, ludo in it tartipches-letag, also.te eterti- ficatetor ine)nb6rsilipc, 016 ,:cilicago', Libiiry. At tile time ofwriting, :the ballori was in the Michigant the possilAify of tt, fall Watt tnentiontid, tut not AS peobithilitsta rrhe boiy was 'foetid by a mail carrier, Ana t as badly 'ileceitipee'std;tallre lath tend hart cif the .ftree being gone; At, #timid Ifaien, on the , the ai wet Autericao 1lo, withhtki heittaisa; of ritrt oo, fi b0,16rq fitriVC Vre/f!'7f .['b I spo AVM telt all; ltichtaa; et-tys arraugeinelite ileac beea Jae:, ,p:' 1,11,4atetinent of,Gieru. voorrel,,u.l.z; and oz karclix,g if k t tlfielige that it will artiva to -4116f- A e.ornieg, iW &LIC1paper$L1fb LULAN ,LiNE. Any partiee be.,sent for ptiblieatio,n,„ ¶jle inteuding to,go to ELlrQl?a WQijkI le t long tire east there of elle', lake 'yell to pall at to T1NKtA ,bliy hitetNii'04 in 010 and .„s..iio4ot for 04 Oen Lim, of inere', are sendwg Out, patt‘e., to oareli for Donahlevate Way, wirielt it,te incpeCtOd. Wilt dt'ift aehoro near tlio point where \vas float- er was Stilt" to ltave betat sen off the slueNat other rumors hae enrrtint that the helluen hat, been aeell on ,the lake, but they are deahtlest+ without fuundetion". Over 10t000 people were prespot at Atteilealtalts on the letli, At about 4,10 middle of the afternoon entertain- ntitlit,),Vititt'etiter aped a,..despatelneana neunclug the diseovery of giirnwodtra body rat the Idiehigan beach. The vast intatitude was hushed as if by depth during the readiag, and at ite close the exeitement know m, bounds. Among the factory and attaches, more especially, the sad intelligence of the certairt Toss ef the youngest journalist and their comrade Donaldson, the grief NVat) most poignant. It was sorne tiara before t,he performance croak' be con- tinued, and, strange as may be, the very ext act wits ene in which Miss, TaY- I or, the young Indy to whom the al fat- ed aerouaut was engaged, and one of the principal riders; and had to an - Pear. In tact her relation ,to Donald - 8011 was not known by many in the audience, but her tear -stained cheek was Plainly visible to all. " Fall slaiettre. East WawanosKrist 13elgeave, en 3Pth September. , Western Fair, EL -tacit -1.g 'one S.,,Saina 29ths 80th of Septeinbet pad 1st of Oc- tober. Moaris at -Blyth ()lithe lath and littit of September. - West Unveil at Thinganeen, on 5th nd Pth of October. }Juliet, at Clinton, on SIst and 22nd of September. Stephen and Usborne, at Exeter, OD October 7th and 8th. ' Lucknevt, at Lueknow,- on Friday Oct. 1St. Biddalpla Grantsitn, on Friday, Sept: 24th, North Middletex, at Ailsa Craig, on 5th and fith October. Blanshard, at Kirkton, on, Wednes- day, petoher 12: " xeter and THE ADVANTAGE OF MATRIMONY. weep:unto-Ives:Oa rting • lie beggad-as levers of tali In accents softly spoken, -That kthe on @ lock of golden hair Frain her raitieiter to him would spare BY waY Rf a love , „ •• •• Now Mike and Kit are man and wifo, Their couxting's turned to married Strife, And a sad differenee makes it; ThougI attracted by her hair, He ue'er now begs a lock shell spare, But out in handfuls takes it! 'PULLING HARD AGAINST THE STREAM. • Many a bright, goodltearted fellow, Many a nobie-minded nian, Finds himself in water Then assist him if you can. Some succeed at ey'ry turriing. Fortune favors (Wry echeme, ethers, top, though more deserving, Have to pull against the stream. . . • Cnonos. So, then, do your best for onentiother,, . . Making life a pleasant dreini, Help a worn and W'eary brOtEer';''' Pulling hard against the stream. If the wind is in your favor, And you've weathered Wry squall, Think of those who luckless labor, Never get fair winds at all. Workina hard,Coutented, Struggling thaough life!s ocean wide, Not a.friend and not a'shilling, • Pulling nerd against the tide. Don't eive way to foolish sorrow, Let this keep you in good cheer, Brighter days may come to -morrow; If you try and persevere. Darkest nights will have a :morning, Tho' the sky be overeaet ; Longest lanes must have a turning, A.nd the tide will turn -at last.. - IP *40. 4 Noris—This are liot'dOg daze now., • feel like it bine mouldered graveyard these days. IF these subecrbers who owe'for four or'.ffye yeaas don't soon iDdy up, we 11 stuff the kicking out of tneta„whea neXt we meet. ans. Locee news scarcesttlis eie,elah ot our correspenclents on the drunk-- beg pardon---unclees the influened" of anti- , „ temperati ce • Or Linde. - • , ,.;The Exeter", , Fall' Races will be held on the Exeter ,Thivierg Park on the 15111 and 16 tll bepternbar, $1,200 will be offered in prizes.' ' . . WE don't much` object to boys tying tin kettles and pans ,to'clogs' hind tails; but don't the 'boys hereabouts know' that they put too wretch tin on ,small, dithered vice versa? Now, when we were a' youth—ctogs always came to us for protection in the time of need, and tlitty ccaildn't report a case of misplaced confidence. . , Oenee "Mnteneo.-aThe Sons of Tern. perance,Exeter .Divietou intend haying an open DiStstori onaltionday even, 6eh Sept., when shoat addresses will, he di - by eltlieristerta paid ;gramme Of teadingee- reeitatiptete,Jii?g. will bo prcattdeit .Y.P,C.A.,e-The semi-monthly nicht- trite of the Exeter YeP.C.A. will be held inesthe basOrnent, of the Methodist Chareh '.I.'ueSday evenieg'next.• Pro- graminee-Mr.'4eo. K. Powell, essay; 'Mr. Thomas M. Whil,e, reading:, Coin,- mence at 8 otaloek:t .'•J;lip cnr- 'diitlly invited `.tii attehnle , Tnn.,trioNomibAt klutuAL InsnAii.Net Mason 11. F. Baird, agents do: is.doing it good bast- ., • iiess4.,11:xil iitfp„onp; Noarislte taken ezdephttnr:preinitnn note Ysfetri. The "ii,Mokint collected on etreh $100 litre en- ly. been -,25 cents, asstliere es tie neeee- sitr`Yanipeese iit runfatag the nutelthieey oinheColopitays ' , , "SearY ,SeVerfe frost .yieited thispart of the Protilate.;";,,, on Sunday • . . rattling „met. , It paseette SOOLIOD 'Wald bYli".,Irt(4 Elh011 vegetation as t Waritto itte ,way.. toeelt- t taie etel aet,a, i ) se, past s'en ted lilnek- erecO"ciptienti•See. 13;ttatte totie trio wete..eomea hat hurt,- bet the roots:will net.b.oeeritilly in to att'rl ;there bet e . aCepev Weerited Citenctt —A tartar Cron,' evidetrtly very reln, ely tried.to get 'tete the -tritethoclist Chi -train ettriStititiday moeiriog, and,tappedlondly bill orreitf flasSwindow atitheitsto attreet atteittidei, t.0 that. the prow Oita it, t lie fil.''ti(t0 many Others' of the feittnetect ttiough etvner wif rioo,e pointnt it the tatrenie einfelneee of ten fring disthrbatnee dttting prayer time, olio of wineb‘,leavee Quebec and Port.' land for Liverpool and Glasgow evorY Saturday. When eending home for friends nearly $7 is paved on, every edalt passenger by getting the, tiekete from the 'Allan Line Agems in this .country, instead etf'eleading tips money home, Itarewar Denoeserterron.—The fIxe. ter Tines is vigorously stirring up the anthorities pf the village to ioduce PASP-htth 144 a .gra.ilk,oflettintio,4 en 'the' Occasion •oflhe-opening thaePhn. ing of the London, Huron & Bruce Railway. The Terme is eight. $0 iru- portant eveat in the history a the village should not be showed to pass uniMproved. A deMonstratiOn Worthy of the plaee and the occasion should be got up. It will payt—E:Tositer. „ TEACHERS INSTITUTE. -4 meeting of Exeter District Teachers' Institute will be held in the school heuse ien this vil- lege, on Saturday, the 11t1 September, at 10 o'clock eau. Tl• followiog is the Pregrannate .es -Reading geo:- Powell ; " Advanced Arttlimeho,"' Mr. MeAndrew ; " Junior Arithmetic," Miss Maccionell; "Junior Composition," Miss M. Stevens; also, subjects will be chosen and clisomsed by Messrs. Strang and HohlorkS ' ' r DUE BILL li‘on due bill oe ,MeserBell., trianga4tmers organs, 'melodeons and piauris, Guelph Ont.", the same being good for 40 per. O011t;,o4 the., retaikprice of 'ail instru- ment of not hiss 'ban 120; or will be received as one-third payment on tiller outa,ogue. E'er instance, in purchas- inu a, $6ap piiKitythe due ,be worth i;200.„ This yalsable deetunent tvill be disposed of at what modern tedvertisets calt a tremendous .eettrifice, while its virliditY ' 'is unqueitionable, Apply at the TIMES OFFICE. Vmas Femur, guene.--The.last num- ber of Vick'S Flortit'Ghicle for' iSrr5 has been received. Neat year we are to senreelliag far superiento the pre, sett publication. -Sulisaiipfiom.receiv- ed at this offipe. OATJ,GIIT a Tnimr--• Mrs. Robinson, of Sarnia, in-otheiain-laet ' dr Mr. Caton Willis and Mr. J. P. 11°Latyre, of Exe- ter, is a brave oll lady. One night dast week, as she ava.s passiog through , . a pantry of her daughter's house, she observed a man crOuching behind the alour..haerel to .escape observation., She -tanhediately seized' 'him by thee :dad called for help, :The fellow Arne. gled hard- to get free, but Mrs., Robinson held him firmly until help •arrivede when he'vas secured and des- patched to court. He has 'been Oran- tititted for trial. -Ritie'aweath-On ThursdaY rtaeMr. G. Smith, Contractor on the L. & B. was taking some rope from Exeter to the bridge at Ireland, he having pro- cured aespan of horses for that purpose and while about four miles from Exe- ' ter.they became unmanageable,and up- sestethe wagon. Harry Wilkins had been driving previous to this time, but Mr. Smith grabbed the lines as soon as they began to show their impatienoe, bnt was unahle, mateage them. Both Sc.ce0ants Were atChiSewhitt h hurt, ' Mr: Smith Lore sericusly. The horses ran into ands -around it field when they were caught by IVIr. S. IlfAommanans CouaT.—The Case of corporation of Exeter vs. JaS; Prout, arising from the refusal of Mr. Prout to pay, po1,1 tax in the village, was tried be Pore Mess s. Gidley, Willis and Dew, J. P. Is., On Tuesday last, andsopeupied he entire afternoon. The defenee set uP•beaPrent was that he had paid his tax to Tp. of Hay, but it appeared that the polletax had been demanded from him by collector .Gill, of Etter,1before he paid it to the TD: of Hay. 'Prout was fined $5 aud costs, in all $16.20, for refesing to pay the money to col- lector Gill of Exeter. Another ca4e, wherein Mr. Prout charged constable Gill with biting his finger, was tried last week, Mr. Gill we llt to Zurich to .aerest -,Pitont for non-payment of tax and I .thuffie en suea in ,front of Prang's •hOtel, Gill and protit: heIna ' -the ground. gill was fitted' $5,- hat 'ap- pealed against the decision Peseoas' Manentod.—The Pastors' ;It -leafing for the Exeter B. C. 'District will (D. V.,) be held in the B. C. Church, Exeter, on Wednesday, Sept. .1st, commencing at 1 o'clocle.p.me The Ministerial Association wills -46 'h'eld at; thsanie place, on Thursday, Sept. 2, to COmnienhe at 9 o'clock a.m. when AlLWAYee-Wo iearri thethe railway will be evened by the Oth $,e1)t.el'9.W17,0,r atiof October itki,1140St, IVYt'it 44as Oven' tietaineft saiinnewhat by tlie heavy nine emitji""'bf thie, and bY the diffieuity pi obtaining gravel, winch has to be bronglit from, Como - a, people along the line wanting MOO than the company are willing tO, Tay, elnean'r MkrettaerTelle return match betereen lilarlied zuen was played on Friday last, and Valid - ted in the defeat the married. then - The followinit is the s0ore;*'- $1NO•.hn Y.BalltWill, Jertnyu 85 .J 1Y4ikItik'beteW10; j.'''$ataterta R. Bissitt, b. Lewis Sbere, 1. h.w. Macdoaell, b. ,Termyn W. Bissett, b. Jermyit 4 Bissett, b. Jerinyn, e. Sanders 8 Q. Elliot, b. Lewis 8 'R. Elliot, h. Lewis 0 It. Sanders, bt Lewis c, Sanders 17 Ilyattarnan, uot'out 1 Byes 19 Wides 2 Total 181 .nanuie'n. - W. Bissett, b, Shere Jermyn, b. Elliot, o. lfacdouell Griffin I. b. w. Treble, b. Balktvill Lewis b. Shore o. Hyndman J. Sanders b. Shere Strathy not out Senior b. Shere J. Drew b.-Shere 3. Balkwill b. Balkwill Tomlinson Leg Byes Byes Wtdes 'Total 'Pillage Council. 85 8 titigps , • r . Say $g•liet4ea li0- aii 000444 4 $.491 i•an.lOn, and giaity; ti wit yp! emcee for sue. OPtiont#400P a to eolleet aeeotinte ikAa Ike reaen 5 -lie ogent is 9 euee. est) itt for ell oottoevoue- carom our tam Correotm4ent), ItNCOYBRI4G -;-.8Ve.are pleseed to no,. tie° that Mr. Taylor who met with it SeriOdit accident at the G. T. R. croes- iiiiiolgol:asetliweels is slowmProvieg, Prs. attendan tvW 0011Stitilt '11-101T RAlle ;,..1.14411c6ii is a. Meat little tiounty tOWH On lat. 48:. 'Tocirrive there safely you hate to ihrow aside all your geoet graphicel knowledge and seat yourself as comfortably ..as posssible hi a "rail- carei.e.if you are tooter distant to drive. As uodants from the time of .Steptien- soh trotted'out his hilonest BillY" have laid hold. of the gain, and led the Eng. lish language through scores of slaught- er -houses in their attempts to eulogize ated,condemn railreads; their naana,ge- itieittand accinriodations in the one breath, and as: WO do not wish to be foand guilty of treading on such brazen 9 ground, we shall leave the ,description of comfort in it car where three occupy one seat, to these who have not experi- o enced the comPaniouship which could o not but ekist in such ease. The o • „ reatest improvement has been hood- () tested in the Grand Trunk road witlitn 8 the past two years, so that now a ride frein lateen to Paris causes feelings of' pleasure, when two years since the ruost bashful and obsequious might be pardoned at becoming indignant for unwillingly bowing to some pretty lady in the seat opposite when Ire intends it for some friend at it wayside station which they were passing, or for dig- ging his hand into the pea -nut basket .,,..Sthen he was reaching for the morning ‘paltera or at being blamed by over - lookers for being noubtful of the cor- rectness of the carpenter's decision as to the tenacity aud magnitude of the car by measuring the floor with his body when he was only going fora glass of water and fell, or for rousing the an- ger of some old lady by 'stepping on the trail ofher poodle at one end of the car itiet, as imagined he was entering 6S -the other. Well, these things are dune away with, and the accident iu- eneance companies are vexed that the 'railroad has so unwarrantably taken up- on itself to arouse the feelings of the traveling, public to those of safety. Paris, is a lively town. judging fr.= a bird's eye view of the place (which we caught as we took a flying leap from the car, through the Great Western Station, and yelling, black eyes, revolvers anaIin like at the tardy ticket agent and then iuto the car for , Hamilton). teems represented at the station by a 'bus driver whose chief enthand aim u this life seemed to be centhredon the. ,thieobjeete—coaxing,begging and plead - u .1 with every tripe being within hail. ngdista.nce go -down town, Well, we didn't go. COMparisons odi- us to the Grand Trunk have been brown out by admirers of the 'Western n favor of the latter, but if such ever tve approached the truth they:certaiuly re far-fetched and erroneous at the resent tithe. By speaking thus, we do ot 0. measnre wish it to be iuferred hat the ' Western is losing cash ; r, rather, depreciating. On the con- rary we think. it even in better condi- ioatnow than some few months- pre- ious. But improvement tate :not indered the same thing on the Grand rank but if anything accelerated it. t Harrisburg, where W.G.& B. branch - s off from the Western, the station ncl platformwas thronged with people, ome enrobed in their travelling gowns ad arnied with the indi3pensableium- rella and valise, others being satisfied ith a simple dress of white marlin, ncl othersagainof the ladies spreading emselhes, before all ogling and mot - y crew, in the latest novelties and ex- avagances :of fashion, strung into acaney :through a pair of shining ectacles. Too much praise cannot be avvarded the Y.P.C.A. of Harris- heargeavho have naade a proper start if they wish to'gctin the principle of Imo - *less, by calming to tho wants of e •htrrying but sometimes waiting (when the trains are three or four hours be hind time) and travelling public in sup plying a free reading room in one end of the station, which is fitted up well and supplied with the latest of every- thing to satiate the thirstefor news and knowledge. To ride from Harrisburg to Dundas (particul arly as you near Dundas) to the admirer of beauty in na titre utost pleasant. The scenery ts all engrossing. Now fields dressed with a rich goll, thronged with busy laborers, are paesed on either side, and 18 9 5 17, 2 91 The Council met pursuant to ,ad- jonroment at the school house, Exeter, Aug. 28rd, 1675. The Reeve and Councillors Verity, Pickaed and Johns preemat. • The ''.iniiiirtere •of,previotis Meet:Lai were read and confirmed. By-law No. 11. to levy and collect rates ,was duly read and passed. Moved by W. H. Verity, seeonded by J. Pickard, That the Reeve he empow- ered to employ Mr. l?Aliot to 'look alter the case pending between the collecter of poll -tax and Jas. Prout..-Carried. A petition sigaed by Mr. Richard Pickard and forty.eue other ratepayers calling attention, of the. Chtincil tee thO'bad state'of thesstreet l'eadihg fro& Main street to the Bile Chiistian and from thence to the B. C. parsonage, and requesting that the same be attend- ed to: ' ' ' • Moved by W. II. Verity, seconded by D. Johns?, That the RoadCommissioner instructed4bAiii/tVa sidewalk 4 ft. 8 in. wide from Main street to the B. C. Church and repair Elizabeth street. —Carried. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by W. H. Verity, That $30 be granted to essiet in digging it drain froni Northst. to the creek south eofeMih'asteltard's store.—Carried. teas-- e Moved by S. Pickard; seconded.. by, Pp Johns, That a by-law be submitted at the next meeting of this Connell to pro- hibit, the tlyettaitig .into cergqitdriiiie, without the consent of thitit'Conhensicr compliance with their terms.—Carried. Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by J. Pickard, That the Reeve be empow- red to negotiatewithMr. Carling with -espect to -street' leading to railway, and hat work on the same be commenced mmediately after arrangements are made. --Carried. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by D. Jahns, That tender,stbe receivedshy the Reeve up to the lit of September for he building of two tanks, one on the orner of North and Main Streets, and ne on the corner of Main and Huron ts, plans and specifications to be seen t Johns' store after the 25tlainate Carried. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by W. H. Verity, Tina the clerk be iu- tructed to have arrears of taxes can- dled on all lots known to him to haye eeu earoneously charged by the Town - hip authorities of risborne previous to ncorporation pf this village.—Carried. .,The Council then adjourned until all' lietive: Eacange; Clerk usitoR.IrE GOING TO THE WESTERN.—Mr. Math- ew Kelland, of Usborne, intends to show a fine Scotch Miracle colt at the Western Fair It was two year e old on the.1.2th !lot at ghee' lasta and :weighs 1,300 tbs. When a yearling it took 2nd prize at London and first prize at the lellowine subjects will be discussed Exeter. -ist, teConditions of success in our Min isterial work," introduced ,by Bro. R 'Tt'COiiitice. 2nd, " Church discipline .—whenandshow best to•-enfoiteedte" by 13rd.„"tya Hooper. 8td, " The resur rection Of the body—its nature and proof,! by by Bro. J. Whitlock. On Wed- nesday evening, at 7.30 p.m., BroaR. T. Courtice will pi -each. On the a.fter- noon df Thursday, the annual S. S.tea will he'dield. Addresses to be deliveaed by . the brethren, W. Hooper, T. Masan, G. Markley, W. FI. Butt, G. I3odle ithd others. A good, thne is expected. Detateue PIGS.—Pis; are very stub- born I-min:lets, so it 'las been said, and we were Strongly inieiressed with- the - t trutleof that saying.the other evening, by seeipg about six men, two or three email -boys four dogshtnd wheelbar- row trYttig to 'drive, :a fat hog Past, a con -lei -on gain street., The hog and dogs had see Tingly entered into a, ewe- eptratry against the • peace- of mind .of the' amateur drovers; The hog was tione; though, and aftjar receiviag with t-pietelike coneplaceiicy a considerable iiiimbert. of blowe retailed at the dogs, .espied the °Pen door of a, flourand feed StOTO, antd thirking,pro- bably that hie driverat intentioff‘atioe beneyetent, he walked, leisurely up., the etoopi iind entered -WW1 a quiet gut which told that he.:Was satisfied with all theyerld. the feed store, and hiti. self, apd"•thite 11 thelinticipation of, un- restraine'd enjoyment ire, freely forgave his tbernentors for thil'iojtiries they had ieflieted on him. But his plettsantrev. eries werr, rocle:y idtpreqted by troPot- tea Clog, he enio«. nut aaain 'Mem- ingli Ittirry. e•Ax- lug in ,1 1,‘„,,ating the,' keg tutu. 0.11,b6c.d by the tail while a dog placed Lomeli' at the pig's headi and the pig was time triumphantly driveri aheat ten feet -- backwards. We coneluded that tliertir colildn't be very moral around Wore, ando left.. We never heard of Joh beieg in the pig -driving Intsitiess••-rior gebege Brown, either, ` ILI Y. LONG Teeneeny.e-Mre Etipch Follick informs us that be cut a qualititY timothy in the Township of 1 -lay this season which meaSured orer five feet in length. Can any of our rural friends produce longer timothy than Mr. Fol - lick's . FARM SOLD. --Mr, Donitld Taylor, of Rodgerville, has sold his farm to Mr. Ingram, of,lst con., 7. tniles frounExe- ter, for the sum of $5,700.; Mr. Tay- lor is likely to come to Exeter to live. , ntSai ST.MaRrIg., PASSED.—Mr. H. A. L. White, la* student ha Messrs. Harding & Harding'e law effices phased his first intermediary examination at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday last. Din --Mr. Ia. Wilson, Who for 3 ears carried OH phOtOgrapllihg St. Mary's died indite London Asylum on Thurs- day kit. Deceased Wept out of his mind ithont tWo years ago, through some unknown cause, and grew so vio- lent that to prevent his doing harm he was taken to the Aeydom. This did him no good, and hepined away and died. The poor manrverts 41.ute unable to reeognize any of his 'old. ft. -leads, not even his own wife, to whom he had . been but a short tinut Married when he first began to comreit such treeks as led his neighbore toeshpposii he was becoming nnsouhd ei,mind, Deceased Was a general favorite, With his &Mat onions, arid a deep fellineof sorrow Will be caused by his inonrnful end.. The Pecan -meths Pf London WOO beaten at bass ball by , the Guelph Champions on the ground, of the latter on Monday last byfive P11118, On Wedneeday the RAMO clubs played, a match in London, but at the fifth innings, Gue'.011 being alipad, the lat. tea thea lied to leave. 1 a 11 A a a th le tr sp then leaving these far behind, we are flying through moantain gorges, with hills running perpendicularly for hun- dreds of feet up towards the sky,' cleth- ed—yes clothed—with:iocks, dirt and ragged pines. We/would fain have litigered„here and allowed our passion Lor admiring the grand and imposing work of an Infinite lining, to have held its eave-iuspired feeling Spell -hound. Enchanting may Beenethe paths and words following the wake of iionie andering stream, whose pleasant Jim - pied waters laugh in glee as they pitch and toss over their rooky bottom and kiss with lips so pure the bratiehes of some, neighboring tree. But stieh scenes are cominon. Vire mountable show their upheavinge even more plaint ly than any other of natiiree werks, the halide Supreme Being the workmanship'ef a seitipter whose liana never wavered while forming his me. (lei. Billie hollow, the tewn of Dun. des rests itself, hidden from the storm by the giant ilefitrioa ettrrounding it, irrcut th,ritilread the view presented is very pretty': ft is but five miles frotn the oity oItainiltotioyet duel a thriving manufacturing trade. It prineipal itt dust** has been the cotton, where inentiffietured the ()otter', known tist “Puladas (ottou. t i also 1344 surrounded hy att al4ellent fral 'growing %gantry, at whit* tte.are no setonished, judging Om ite goegraphi eel and geologies •(dam, Dut Might hate been m•ilkon w not otopped by tho. to admire Ink Wye, Weare abont Mg to moralize but eat the aetion and appellation Weal eound more appropriate in. speakin 4:111%1)111ton, wo 4411 not do anythin so Ititliled ad that HOU We do the Ant batons OltY. If ambition *AU! to 12 artile14-iu1, 9fTlatiato rw6irta' nitirree rcaechoiugotity1 t '11:1r lenit ed the aratitiouo city. No soonerIza tir As 8tran="aarreivhc3, ed Ida; 1 )1ieo yni,t 18 t at e his companione in the ear, and suriey the building at the station, bie atabi tion is brought to the test. Ile look around for a etimulator with which t brae° himself, (latches his breath, sur. vsoo eysetnhmesackeLgusyljn e, gliabwsatheaailininge,ll iina ie4 plane placed at tin angle of ninety-one and one -seventy degrees, if Back's Buck of the Times eve mean, the pnly origina Argos Buck in Hamilton—assertion be omelet. If your last sojourn at tile railway restaurant has left you saillei ent of that over which the Govei ninen to Ontario has no representative guardian —otherwisetcalled lucre, filthy at that —and you want to sling OP style while away from hone, With a boiled Bind on buttoned nehind with patent reepirhtor 3tC, you can ride up town in the street cars or take a eab. , If not in a pig tion to do this, you confer a lasting fa- vor on any of the hotel 'bus -drivers and cause six incites of smile each way to beapread his -countenances if you seat yourself in his conveyances, and wait half an hour for the next train be- fore you are carried up town; and for nothing --waiting and all. Hamilton has a 'mountain, but of :what earthly use it is, is a conundrum,uniess to confer a lasting favor on the drivers of the 11101111taill 'bus,Who bleeds the unway to the extent oeight coats, and then has the presumption to ask them to ride up to its top in his comfortable rig. But you've got to "do" the moun- tain, Burlingtor Heights, Princess Square, the foundation in the Park and King Street, if you want to make any- one believe that you wereever in Ham- ilton. Aye, and the Burlighton Yacht Chth House, eh, Mannoring ? Speak. ng of the latter place, not Mannoring —that's arnan's namo, and the man referred to is the iudividal "who wrote the article" on the Times, but who has vanished dowii cellar—into the next saloon--whea the query is propounded and alltwing poor Buck. one the inno- ceuleupt Kights of the quill you cm meet in a day's travel, unless you fall oul of tripe when performing his duties as scribblerifor the dead -heads and beats ef the Press Association—we might ust remaak, it's a grand place. In fact a place replete with everything tending o form a depirability to rennin -if you are in conipany with a member of the club. If you so ranches cast a sheep's glance at your north breeches pocket to asceatam whether your compaionless shekel yet there remains you meet with looks of horror 'from those about you, Everything is gratis—to you. It. would be disgraceful in us :to speak a disparaging word of the club or its members. The club is the best On- tario, andlts membersha handsomest, Oelnejteeli:ieos.tj s'iNtoreutNeysali; t atondl 'InbgtsatrOuifinedrtbianst Club House when we go to Hamilton again. The 18th Batt. Band perform- ed onPrincess Square on the evenitigaof our visit, and we unhesitatingly pro- nounce it the best band and able to discourse better music than auy other Provincial band we have ever listened to. There are twenty-four instru- mute, each having a master to make use of it. We would be set down, as lunatics of the first water did we pro- claim it as original the idea, that nom - Men people aro generous. But it displays itself in everything they do, even to making presentations to the Mayor. The Mayor was made the hap- py (?) recepient, a few evenings shim., of a fine, welt -developed child. It did not come to him as a child of his bos- som, a comfort to his old age, etc. ; but in a beeket,brought by some donor un- known, arid laid on the front door -step. Just at present there is coasiderable suppressed indignation in that city at the high -handed -mapper in which Mr. Broughton, the lately appointed mana- ger of the great 'Western is conducting himself. Before being lelegated to his present positionahe had the -supreme- management of it 'forty -mile coal -nine road in Wales, and raised it from it state verging ..on bankruptcy.° a posi- tion in which it paid its stock -holders quite large dividends. It is to the succese of his labors in Wales that he owes his present position on the Western. While 9 a 0 1 in Wales hehad kept a haw's eye on every cent, and cut down the expenses to a minimum. But he could sweep the entire road with one glance. The companions between his former change tind his present one is too laughable to allow a thought of it. If:the Direc- tors imagined that the close-fistedness used on the Welsh mining road was a criterion of such a proceeding on the Great Western they never were more completely sold in their life. nor ate then meat with so much mustard. Mr. Broughton is certainly carrying out their Mandate to the letter if such was to use eConomy. But economy if not often wrongly named is ofter placed in a position to Wrongly father stingy operations. Thie 'Welth manager has had universal and unlimited power given him, and is egotistic and vain enough to display it to the great disail. vantage of the road which the Direct- ors thereof will find ont moon enoegh. Up to the present time his peinctpul employment seetna to have been to keep an argus eye on- the mord trivial itf- fairs in his own office and discharging as many Of th0 OtlieialS of the road as he can inalte out paper for, The gen- tleman who has filled the office as eta. tion master at Hamilton for a great many years a few days SiD00 most un- warrantly reeeived his discharge, and it eonduetor put in his place. It 601111 have howl nothing else than a mere , whim on tna part pf Mr. Broughton, he thinking it a no Opportunity to dig. play hienewer, as the man wive every siatsfaction. The employees re. eeiving ...,iiermerly $1.00 per den have had theta wages teduced to 90ets Per,daYa and are even now trembling as, they think that the next Mote oti the Illanag0T'S p,rt'bitty he a diseharge theirs* As an frostanee of his own opinion, over Canadians Or those hay. ing Connection with Oatiadian enter- prises, he was telegraphed by W. k, Muir en the day of the llitter's appoint. Matt tqlo. 'or ttio.pfolkait Southern to moot bon at the tiaiuilteh station at he wet Passing thre'ttgli tp take charge the °MOON at St. liO1B88# -- Brongton (lid not deem it hiS o meet Mr, Mr. Moir at the otation. Te liteter Went up town, sent his Card to Mr. 13reughton, and wee) refueed an interviewe. Untold harm to the VVeet. ern will he with the result of ituOb On - duct. Even now, wiiile,140' watehing chat not a postage stump is wasted. M. Muir hall been rincicinghimselfhuaY and looking after the larger fish, and se. cured tlie trade of the Bine Line over the Weetern. ononanteatfon., We hi • N 0 not d Ourselves reep011eible tor any opinions expressed by correspf?Adeuts. Letters must basher), and to the petit, and personalities &voided, Toth gtlitor of the Exeter Tinny. DEAR SI11,—Can you tell me what time of the year the 111Q011 changes its phases? I have asked this question of it good many, but I have never received a satisfactory answer. Yours truly! Quanuus. [NOTE—WO are sorry we inat give you the (information you re'quire, but you might find out by referring to Webster's Dictionary or Jrohnsou's "Full of `,Yerur , eignalure is a very approtiate one e but ddeyou think you ,hav4.tsp0,1t. it correctly. Haven't You left outeinth'e" and an " s " ?—Co- nundrum Answerer for the Timas.] • OR SALE OR RENT. --THAT frame store and dwelling house situate in ,Islxeter -North lit preeent occupied by M. Dagg. Size uf lot 50=98. Title perfeet. Apply poetyaid to J. MILNE el Dundas et London. z02 -4t B10IteAR TENDER WANTED—FIRST (aesthete Tender, one having a thorough knowledge of Business. Must be a young man Apply immediately to LE -VETT, RevereHouse Luean. 102.511 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A good two-storey brick cottage with brick kitchen and woodshed attached. Also nearly ono Afth acre of land. A number of fruit trees and a geed well. Situated on William street. For terms apply to WILLIAM A. BARBER, Exeter, 1014 INCHELSEA. Harry Brown, informe his friends that he 04II 0111114 them witla all manner of soap- ing, mowing and threshing machine repairs. He is always ready** meet hie Wench', and do his best for them by supplying them with wood or Iron work, HARRY BROWN. -F1OR SALE—THE SUl3SORIBER offere for sale south half lot 24, con. 7, Us - borne, 50 acme land -40 cleared and in good cul- tivation. Dwelling home). barn 36150, and log stable on the premises. 2 good wells, a good bear- ing orchard of over 100 trees. 5 miles from Exe- ter. Title indienutable. For further partioulars premises. 101-41 ediately to GEORGE SMITH, on the 101-dt SQ it U. AG. SOClETY.—THE following prises will be offered for horses In the se% eral olasaes by the Stephen. dr Usborne Agricultural Society at the show to be held in Ex- eter, on Thursday and Friday, 7th and PM Octet,- er,1875. See largo posters. CLASS lat. — HORSES — HEAVY DRAFT. • 1st. 2nd. Beet Brood Mare $2 00 $1 00 Foal 2 00 1 00 Three year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Three -rear -old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Span of Draft Horses 3 00 2 00 CLASS 2nd.—GENERALPURPOSE HORSES. Best Brood Mare 2 00 1 90 Foal .2 00 1 00 Three-year-old gelding 2 00 1, 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two:year-old gelding 2 00' 1 00 One -year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Span of general Purpose * Horses 300 2 00 CLASS 3rd.—CARRIAGE HORSES. Best Brood Mare 2 00 1 00 Foal 200 100 Three-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Three-year 014 Filly 2 00 1 00 2 00' 1 00 200 1 00 2 00 1 00 200 100 800 200 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly Two-year-old Gelding One. year-old Filly One -year-old Gelding Span Carriage Home Baggy Horse Best pair Driving Horses (Roadsters) Best Saddle Horse Lady & Gentleman Rider 2 00 2- 00 2 00 1 00 00 1 00 FRESH • GROCERIES CHEAP, AT G. gANDERS' Store, roal Office Mock. An excellent stock of GroCeries and Confection ery on hind. CHOICE TOBACCOES sad aoeRs. SportsMen supplied with Ammunition. School Books, Stationary, Magazines. ALL THE LATES r NOVELS. G. SANDERS. FAR1V.CERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. JAME.S McNABB hasinow on hand a number of- those CELEBRATED SPRING HAY RAKES and Champion Pea Harvester, whicb Irmo TAKEN PRIZES WHEREVER SI1OWN, Thesel;lintlements require no puffing, but hivro al- ready spo fen for:thems'elves., Thy can bo ROA at tho EXETER '8TEAlti BENDING AND liti8 FACTORY. The raket are Mannftictured by hintself from the very best of dry material. and , WAltRANTED TO GIVE SATISFAC. TION, IW3 411» 'Di eliceteete On ' tor ogfiteArit, teelirettpt toot eta. ce 4f0 okttic,400 linidY to IonAt leof9r. • Iv. A, aesinible triune 9044e for sole oti gi2rOti Ars9t, g?4otor. tceeem,peayfiqc eettega lea freme eerpeater awl atehht, _thetwoln. fu e ene.tiith acre lets, teeeititufsnswg'Ill° cottette containe tea eooms,* -SRA ea the premise*. ger bother paotieolartOPtflo JOB', an the Premises 040 J. v. cuoplatit, PPP-, 094/0r$17 _ 14zeter, 4..oly14tb,1870. .9941. NOTICE! NOTICE Begs M inform pis klnd friends and suppertera that he has taken )?art of the store latelreecitpiod by Thompson Next Store South of Treble's and takes this. opiortf*nity of thanking the= let p,itet favor*. rirat.Cittais Toba coo Smoking and Chewing, Fine Out, 'CIGARS, Spc. • alo-Alia a great variety of PIPES alwaye ou hen& GEORGE KEMP. Exeter, Aug 2, 1575, DOMINION T,JABORATORY Just receiving and will be opened in few' day an entirely new stook of PERFUMERIES, of celebrated makers HAIR OILS AND POMADES, DRESSING k FINE' COMBS, ENGLISH HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTH BRUSHES, , TOOTH BRUSHES, *e. All the English, American and Canadian Patent Medicines, PURE DRUGS and DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. We test our • i3D-Y-JE STUFFS yreyioua to offering them for sale and can there. fore rely upon bright and durable colors. A FRESH STOCK OF e Flavoring Extracts, Spices, &c. Horse it Cattle Mecticines. To this brandh of our business we pay partiouler attention. To customers wanting POWDERS, BALLS,IININENTS, for their horses, we guarantee satinfaction, one manager having had 12 years' experienee hi that, line. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes Carefully Prepared. itSs- Remember the stand -one door noath 05 Davis' Blacksmith Shop and onPosito ths Brick Store, EXETER STEAM RAKE CRADE FACTORY GEO. C 0 T TLE MANIIPACTTMER OP 'Wooden Harvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles, ETC. Ho will have ready for the coming harvest, tho celebrated Sulkey Hay. Rake' A Novelty in this section. • MERCHANTS will And it to Their Adrantage to Buy their Stock from me, as I 'air prep .red to deal with them as ressoni, bly as any other establishment, and to give pr,ompt , attention to all orders: " WHOLESALE &,,RETAIE, Turning ofall kinds made a specialty in the businesat xoter, April a 1878.GEORGE COTTLE 82-ete JOHN BELL, ?,aker an Confectioner. a begs to return thanke M the people of Exeter and vicinity for the large patronage oestewed upon him since he eommenced business in Exeter, and hopes by paying attention to business and giving satisfaction to his cuetornere to merit a continu- ance of the same„ IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J. BELL'S BAKERY. IF YOU WANT GOOD con-Ec, TIONERY, CALL AT I. BELL'S. If you want the very kest masa, etc.; or isn parties, &e, LgAvn youB ORDER WITH X, BELE, atul it will retteire prdnipt ottention. Satitt faction guarenteeSS rzo you Ny.A.1,1T,' ictool) ett d ; I)EFIE8 CtrallsETITION. The subscriber IA detormined to sell out bit stock ALL .1i1N1)4 OF ttt Order Ind 1160 constantly en him& Aldo all kindii 05 SPINX/I1/41G WREEDS ON HAND. „ tar Remember the tipot—near si.ubis triage, XAS. MeN-A:13B. PA.C1rOltt ere 'klitlict for ' ulittlidtkoini! bait AIN STIZEtT one door smith of the' tuitain4 Pfouso. SOttltd011tinitt 611,hithil of 1 IlinDa, °Mora the itherteat totide...Sittitiftietieb iptitrittiteed beth ftsth tti Work slid ineitoilal, littp tpitititity 3001190 ,r11COT GROCERI at prlcos es love es they den .be phielianellee • gg istly siote 01E14144 ' '1'r; GO TO I, BMA/S. • tar Give me a can. le BELL 0.L. Xer. 924 Night of meet - lelinvited to attend. , :11*tliggitr::3441 ttththarFle6Afirg :ref t66144:rtd111131151.111111i OATEN WILLIS • 40/Ill 'WHITE, ' ' miy: a*crttarli .