Exeter Times, 1875-8-19, Page 2TIM:1 TA:1? :LAR,
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menu, Nino° 1,1875,
Owe Wt151!
libely thing possible,. His nseal taot of '
benne very WO ll MOO things eliews
'kelt: very plainly. We itre astomehed
though, to see some of the press of the
peovince on the gOV(Ilthreht side laY
hold of the tot previded by these let-
ters and seekte therefrom, deriving
nourishment fillkU edililt to pour forth
columns of glory awl laineut over
Nor '4%11nm-1's'. defeat, and antielpat-
ed expulsion from the lienao, The
strangest part of the affair is that the
party is divided oe the question, souse
ever ring that he is eligible, and would
prove a fitting representative, while
others more hot•headedaleclare he is au
impositiom aud by taking his seat in
the House, renders himself liable to the
infliction of a fine of $2,000 .per day
every day he retains his seat. What
great magnate iu authority is a privy
councillorlie was ono of those elle-
sen at the time of Confederation toles'.
vise and assist his stmeriors in the
cousumusation of that, great ev.int. He
was called in by the premier to tender
advice. This Win. McDoneall did, so
long as he remained a 'Member of the
government, and so long as the consti-
tution gave him power to do so in a le-
gal manner. That day has long since
passed, and it is only a few days since,
that the qttestion suggested itself to
those who are now agitating it, and
who, although they unwillingly admit
that 11IcDougad's power will make it-
self known, and assist iu the country's
welfare, are afraid of his hand of
strength in connection with that of his
colleague, Hon.M. C. Cameron. Wm.
McDougall is possessed of iscarcely a
particle of the statesmanlike abilities
his enemies are forced to give him cre-
dit for if he has not looked this matter
thoroughly in the face, weighed it ac-
curately and pronounced his decision
upon it _before entming thus far. It
wouldshow nsuch better grace.. on the
part of those iaborers after justice, if
they would take the same atneunt of
trouble in searching ont a resting place
on which the dove of the treasury of
their pet GovermnPnt might rest his
weary foot. If McDongell is the man
who was to bestow upon the govern-
ment and oountry as many number.
less blessings ill his connection with
opposition, owing to his extensive po-
litical experience, why are such heavy
stones upturned its order to find the
tiny worm beneath ?
A FOREST girl says that nothing
makes Mr SO mad as to ' have a grass-
hopper crawl up and down her back
just as her lover has come to the pro-
posing point.- Exp ress. Unless it's to
have the editor of the ssxpress talk
love to her.
Ara .1,11,ting, down prices closer than
ever, being determined to rrisb off as
touch as possible of the paesent atoek
before their fall purchases arrive, Pre-
terring ratlierto sell their slimmer good,
at a saerifiee for caali than to keep them
over until next settecon loosing the in-
test:1st on their m'eney and the benefit of
the hard col( in which they place 00 -
Ranee for the pi:treatise of their fall
Owihe 6P der 'Cime.s
The only Liberal.couserratire journal in Goat
.7144.11'UFACTI1 ICES ilIG.41.11'.
1.1(eee Ac lIodgeoo &
kslotw t darned on $atisrday last,
vi Lwidu froili their trip upthe
lakee. Toey WON bWIAOti to pOrfe
FIXING (20.—We are pleased te no-
tice the carpenters at work on Mr. O.,
Soutlicott's building, In a few days
we hope to SOO Mr. S. iu hie old stand,
ruebing businees sof -old, at even
spreading th3 wings of his plimnix, and
taking io a larger share o custom ill
his tailoring departinent.
ReeerEn.--We must congratalate the,
merchants of Exeter that their fellow-
tnerehant, mr,,Itauton, has rented the
1\1117.6I -it '$st.° roe] do of tisitIL-Peainsstir°111 aptkeealsTebiln711e.
a note of the filet that he intends open-
ing out in time to secure a portion of
the Fall trade.
The snbject of manufactures has
been so thoroughly discussed through
these columns that•it would almost
seem useless to again refer to it, only,
that since our issue of the 5th inst.,
'while in conversation, with one of our
business men, we learned that it was
altogether likely the Q0111161 would ere
long, inayhap at its next meeting, le
asked to submit a by-law to the people
asking for a bonus. •
The idea of granting a bonus does
not take into consideration the grant-
ing' of snob to establishments of mum -
moth size. unless they supply work for
a given number of hands. It is not
the possession of a. stately building,
with all the improvements of modern
art embellishing it, that gives to a
place, prosperity, wealth and greatness.
It is the number of hands employed in
such an establishment which as-Sists itt
building up towns and cities. It is not
then to the factory nor to the man who
builds it, that bonuses are graeted, but
to tbe laborers—the men who do the
work and earn their livelihood by the
sweat of their brow .It is not
Cle manufacturer who directly
benefits the place. He does soindirect-
ly.- It is the man he hires who helps
to build up the place, and the greater
number of such we can secure so much
the richer has our town become. .For
comparison and proof of the asser-
tion that it is the working men builds
hp the. place, we have only for a min-
ute to look at the prond and stately
town, with its magnificent ' private
dwellings whose owners are the only
living souls to be seen on the ,streets.
Then, a glance at the town of industry
with its thousand and one homely and
dove -like cottages, tokening thrift and
industry, the owners of whishanpy be
seen at the early Lours making their
way to the shots or warehouse, return-
ing in the eveniug With pride in dis-
playing their honest and toil -worn
hands. Ask the merchants in the for-
mer town as to the financial sticcess
of the places and the reply is 'alwaye the
same, "dull, dull." What a contrast is
the reply of the merchant of the latter
place, "can't complaiingood ; very good,
etc." As a general rule, bonuses are
not granted unless those obtaining them
guarantee to employ year in and year
out r less than a stated number of
hands, the choosing of which is not
left in his hands. In our case, we
should say that a bonus should. not be
given unless under other than very or-
dinary cit.° imstances to an ind istry
unless they employed at least sixty
skilled hands for every $5,000 invested
without a fractional figure less than
that -amount. Say that sixty skilled
laborers were etnployed, all or nearly all
of their 'wages would be disbursed
amongst our business men. Thus, by
granting $10,000 we get a weekly ad-
dition of at least $500 per week ; or,
$26,000 a year. Can ' a bonus be
granted. without increasing, our taxes.?
No, but such a bonus can be granted
without us feeling this increase of
taxes. In fact, each ratepayer should
feel it a noble privilege to be able in fu-
ture years to say he was, one of these
whe helped to raise the town to its pre-
sent high standing amongst the towns
of the West; that he bole part ,of the
burden ottaxation. But' we said Ile
.would not feel any burden by the mat.
ter. And we still maintain it. The
natural raise of property would more
than counterbalance thefew extra cents
be would have to pay ,as funds to the
torpotation, By the Seaforth cotem
last week wesee that Messrs. Cole.
mao lnd agree -to est db.
lish a foundry, baying a Working capital
•of $20,000 providing- the Corporation
would grant them $10,000,nothing said
about taxes. The council will shoW their
'wisdom by at once submitting the mat-
ter to the ratepaerers, The Lowe of
11460 by its push, we take it, will
not be long in sup-plahting the Thom-
son & Williams' works,
Hunte was the patriereli of large fa,
mUy lie owe to Uehorhe the
prime of life,' many years eqe, nd
howoa out a home for ltitheelf and faini
ly. He lived to tito ripe age of eig4ty-
moo, and had the gratitioation of atm -
Mg the labor of the wilderneea brought
to cOnnietion lq his sons Ana grand-
sons. .Aittny much, yousiger than him-
self bas lie seen pass to their last rest -
in the cold, darop °milt since
he came to Vshorne. For aome those
before his death lie 11114 been ailing,
and he breathed his last on Thursday
CoNsumarsoN.-- Hudson City, New
PMisoatan'."—Mr: Thextoin late man-
ager of Flickson's Drug Store, Seaforth,
has taken charge of the Dominion La-
boratory in this town. We
understand that he is thoroughly versed
in his business; we are aure he will find
a Pleasant home in our midst.
last, Mr. john Pratt, of "the Britannia
House was robbed of $100. It appears
that it was hidden away in a burean
drawer, and the loss was not discover --
ed till towards evening. On Tuesday
there w ere a great many stragglers in
town, on whose shoulders will probably
he laid the commission of the crime.
Doter no is Aoaiat.---Afew days since
two brothers were aeen tearing down
and, defacing some posters which hail,
but a few minutes `before, been put up
by Messrs. -Stanley & Jermyn. These
gentlemen inform us that they are go -
Mg quietly to submit to no such thing,
aud. the next person caught in the act
will have the law to deal with.
Y. P. C. A. --An interesting meeting
of the above association was held on
Tuesday evening last. Essays on 'Ca-
nada' were read by four members of
the ussociation. Programme for next
evening's entertainment .Essay by Mr.
George Powell, and readings by Messrs.
T. M. Winte awl W. Grigg. Public
cordially invited to attend on Tuesday
evening, the 28th inst.
Jersey. Mrs. WM, Lawrence, writing
to Mr. Fellowa, says; I cannot tell you
hOW Many have called to se° me to
inquire if / really had been as ill as
reported, and if it was the Syrup alone
which so wonderfully restored me (a
ethp;WasnuiedtMehosPogytyl:evirdiepyu)oeis: t8Toily 05ptIoel oll t )1 nil ;It levas$1111 °C:vt°11, th. iat t' II home he still possessed enough of the
I ibeinsn to not forget Ins principle of
making himself at home wherever he
was, for 1 found him calmly enjoying
a breakfast of Shamwano with a party
of Indians. Seeing him so home like
and chatting away in the most vehe-
ment but ntosquointelligible manner to
the 3avages, as he would tell theta wine
beautiful story in broken* English he
telling mo it was inai,,n, infidelity eyes
to water, and my spirit to leap with
jealousy that 1 was unable to converse,
althoogh knownig as much "Irwin" as
he did. Asfew hours drive took us
through theaThOst desolate country I
ever ."clapped eyes on." The scene
WaS most picturesque as WO drove
around McCoy's mountain from the
Pacific) R. R. On Monday morning
at 8 o'clock u. m., we once more sot
foot on the good steamer Manitoba. A
word here as to the conduct of Captain
Symnes might not be out of place.
From the startswants of the passengers
seemed to be anticipated by him and
'every wish supplied. Nothing was
missed by way of gallantry and fle 301110-
th.tion that could be done on board this
boat to make everyone enjoy themsel-
ves. The trip down the lake to Port
Huron had no matter of interest wor-
thy of note excepting upon leaving
Goderich. The boat was not allowed
to leave without its passengers having
something to be excited over, and food
for table talk for a few hours. Just as
the steamer was leaving the dock at
Godericn, a gentleman was taking a
Friend on board not having noticed the
boat starting till too late. He made a
jump for the dock, but fell short, and
wont into water. tie managed how-
ever, to get hold of the wharf, and got
out none the worse for his ducking;
Yours Truly,
think that thia ditninieh on the
oompletion of tit° 0, I), It. It, aa it has
ite teeminus situated at Vert Wit.
linen, some distance from, the Lamalng•
The latter plaeo wonld the oeurse of
time, be of considerable iinnortallee,
heal not the government verY foolishly
placed the terminus. at euelt,
tepee from the mouth omwalinistiquiR,
quite a lug° stream up wirieh veseele
can make passage for Borne distanee.
At Thunder Bay sniping prospects are
improving. This small commercial
world boasts of having no less than
forty liceoeed groggeriee, saloons and
hotelS, so, M. Editor, when you go
that way you can get “whiskey galore,"
A. newspaper has just been 5tarted
which presents a very neat appe,arance,
Procuring a conveyance we made all
haste possible to make a tour of the
surrounding country. But on looking
around I could see friend H. nowhere.
At last I found that even away front
Fail Shows.
• • •
East Wawanosh, at Belgrave, on 30th
Western Fnir, Londen., on 281h,
20th, .30th of September, and 1st of Oc-
Morris at Blyth on the 14th and 15th
of September.
West Huron at•Ditugannon, on 5th
and 6th Of October.
Huila, at Clinton, or 21s1 and 22nd
rf September. •
Stephen and Usborne, at Exeter, on
-Oetober 7111 and 8th.
larcknow, at Lsicknedv, on Friday
Oct. lst.
I3iddelph, at Granton, on Friday,
Sept: 24th..
North Isfiddloex, at Ailsa Craig, on
5th and 6111 Oetober.
Blanshard, Kirkton; on Wednes-
day, October 12.
Is JP1IttliOlUIGI.4 IL IL ,IbiLctlria 141.
The London AaVertiaer for a eottple
ref Weeks past Ilse had the pleasure of
piiblishing letters which the publie, are
to metre hair-splitter Mills (4 Sett
Met lel fame father. The point at issue
eeem4 to be whethet Hon. Wm, Me-
Pougall is eligible to set in the Pro-
Vineial Legislature while °couple§
nominally the position ot Privy Coundii.
Ior to her majesty. That the paren.
fitgo of this quibble (41(0 shoula
Ivo Ur. soerns to bo thit most
Ma and ri chide.
then adjourned,
SPatees pgs'.—Mz' Win Tay.
ler, en oid apd highly respected, reel.
dent ef oar village, met with 6 serious
aeeident ti,t the railway crossing on
Main street. It appeare Mr. Taylor
1(114 a. friend were out walking ; retun-
ing helm), and coming to the crossing
of the Cea.1.1., 6 train being veey near,
Mr. Taylor, 'agairtst the wishea of hie
friend, determined to ()roes. As he
neared the opposite side by some
means he slipped, and before lie eould
rebever the train wee upon bint, crush-
ing his right foot to the ankle, The
friend, upon the passing of the train,
rushed acrose, only to find Mr. Taylor
helpless. r.Phe alarm was at once given,
and scores Of friends were soon at hand.
Amputatien was performed by Drs.
Hossack, of Liman, and Going, of Lon-
don, D. Sutton being unfortunately
away from home. ,Mr. Taylor is doing
well. The 'earnest wish of the Qom-
munity is, may he soon recover.
the blessing of God upon it.
Fellows' Ilypoptiosphitea, being pe-
culiar in its effects and cdmpositien,
110 other preparation is a oubstitute
for it.
Ueeten, BooKs..--eelThe Mutual Life'
Insurance Compauy of New York will
send free on appliertidon two very its-
ful books respectively entitled "Case
of the Sick," and "Accident.e, Emer-
gencies, and Poisons."
To the Editor of the Vamter NES.,
DEAR 5111,—Mesers, John and Naie.
Hawkshaw with myself, started frem
our own snug little town, EX.eter, on
Tuesday, the 3rd August, intending to
see nature in her grandeur. Our in-
clination led us up old Huron, to, reach
which we had to secure boat at . Godes-
ich. The drive between here and
Clinton was accomplished without any-
thing Earticular to note. The train
being on time at Clinton we sbon left
it far in the distance, and the whistle
blowed, the braskesman helloed, and
the bus -drivers yelled. We 'mew ,we
were now at Goderich. I think no one
in existence can yell like those Godes-
ich drivers ; they vie to a great extent
with the whistle of the Manitoba,which
while I am writing,' imagineI ean hear
sending forth its loud and prolonged
noise from its brazen mouth. Wednes-
day inorning at 10 a. m. the cry "all
aboard," told us we had to make consi-
derable haste if we intended to take pas-
sage on the Manitobs, which was now
ready to start. As such was our -in-
tention we soon ensconced In comfor-
table quarters on board. The day was
pleasant;old sol, seemed to have temper-
ed his passion for sending, out heat just
to suit our taste- The passage from
Goderich to Kincardine was made in
about two hours. Along the shore
between these two places, the scenery
is magnificent, clusters of small pines
growing frotn the _shore to the top of
the hill, and seemingly burying Ltheir
heads in the horizon which from the
deck of the steamer seems to have form-
ed itself. We only caught a glimpse of
the much talked of Point Farm. ,Point
Clark lighthouse, one of tite finest and
largest on the lakes, told us we were
but ten miles from Kincardine: We
entered Kincardine harbor, viewed its
viewers, took a birds eye glimpse of the
town, and went away with a good im-
pression of it and its inhabitants.
Seemingly more monotonous was the
scenery from Kincardine to Southamp-
ton. This harbor has latelyabeen made
a harbor of -refuge by the Government.
From this we sailed joyfully along until
we reached Bruce Mines, about sixty
miles from Southampton,and in it most
desolate part of the country. At this
place that which is most worthy of note
are the mines. tMr. Wm. Hawk-
shaw and myself, Mr. John Hawkshaw
haying got off the boat at Kincardine,
descended one of them to the depth of
200 feet, not caring to go the other 120
feet or more farther down. 'We secured
some of the ore, and after an hour's so-
journ,waited anxiously for theCaptain's
now well-known cry "all-aboatd."—
Saturday maim brought us to the Is-
let, when our inquisitorial genius held
sway,and ordered us offon a tour of in-
vestigation through the Silver mines.
I must confess, filiat although having
traversed the greater portion of Onta-
rio,I never met with so striking:an illus-
tration of the phrase, "one half the
world knows not what the other is do-
ing" as I did on the hurried visit I
-paid to the stamping works at the Sil-
ver mines. 'With clock -work system,the
huge unwrought and cruderocks,stones
and dirt are committed to the process
through which the stamping machine
take them, and are in a few minutes
sent forth -a refined metal, I was aboat
to say, devoid of all this superfluous
combination. We gazed on this in
wonder, and were forcibly led to the
opinion that the longer we live the more
WO can learn. Leaving this WO passed
on up Lake Sitperior, where we met
with slight fogs, the only drawback to
the pleasure of sorrie few before this
being that they held an undisputed ti-
tle to do, the utmost obeisance to Nep-
tune, and hand over to that deity what,
over little nourishment they may have
been fdoliali enough to invest in. I had
almost forgotten to say that at IVIichipi-
eoten and Sento other points on the
lake which we could see and not renal,
the steamer landed at each 100 bids. of
flour. They were taken to the shore by
Small boats, propelled generally by ono
Whit e man mid thirty times ae many
dusky braves,, who gave in exchange,
fish and whatever other barter they
Were possessed of. Lauding ra. Prinee
Miller's Landing on Saturday we just
made up our minds to see all that was
Worth seeing, The only fault I found
with frietid Ilawkshaw was, that he
Was indestantly propottmling to inn the
queetion of beauty in young squaws
and 6.7.presaing his doubte with regard
to the eorreetness ef my deeison,
Prince Arthur's LandingelaiMe to herve
A TROT AGAINST Tims.--On Tuesday
evening, for the purpose of deciding a
bet that " Black Raid " couldn't trot
a mile in three minutes and ten sec-
onds, the Exeter track was resorted to,
when those present testify that the
man who said such couldn't be done
lost the bet, as a jog 'nought the trot-
ter under the winning rine in 3.08.
$300 flxrins.--By advertisement in
another column it will be seen that by
the efforts of private individuals, three
hundred dollars have been subscribed
additional to the three hundred already
offered by the Council of Usborne and
111r. Armstrong for the conviotion of the
villain who perpetrated the horrible
outrage on a valuable mare belonging
to the latter gentleman.
ENDED IN 'SMORE.—It now appears
that the supposed incendiary in Messrs.
Broderick and Browning's new block,
reported in the TIMES of last week, was
but a fizzle. One of the carpenters
had built a small fire of chips in order
to dry a piece of sand -paper 01) the
Monday previous. Ibis had burned its
way into the floor, but had been put out
by Mr.. Spicer, who placed it there.. He
being absent the next clay, and saying
nothing about it, it hadescaped the eye
of the other workmen until Weduesday
THAT'S JOHNS.—Comical enough read -
Mg is the Danbury IV ews, comical en-
ough, too., are some of the. advertise-
ments which we read in some of out
exchanges; but the comicalest thing
which has met our eye in the way of
advertising is the effort of Mr. D. Johns
which appears in another columns If
you don't believe what he says there, go
and ask him if it isn't so.
LOTS of harvesting.
STANLEY & Jermyn's change next
APPLES, pears and peaches in the
MAIN Street was treated to the sight
of a row, on Tuesday last.
THE B. C. 8. .8. Anniversary comes
off 2nd of next month.
You can get tickets,for the old coun-
try by the Allan Line at this office.
CHANGE of advertisement from the
Dominion Laboratory will appear in
our issue of next week. Look for it.
WHAT about that civic holiday; is
Exeter to be the only town in the West
which is to be without such this year ?
WE at once -inferred from the doleful
looks aud hanging heads of some of our
village urchins that school commenced
on Monday morning, last.
IF your huildingS' are not insured or
your policy has expired, get insured in
the Ontario Mutual, of London. John
White, general agesit,
TriANKS.—I takiP• thig means of
thanking the Waterlog' Fire insurance
Co. for the promptness they displayed
in settling my claim of losses caused by
the late fire. .rOms BANTON,
Exeter, Ont., August 17, 1875.
THE ATAAN Lisa.—The steamer
"Waldensian " of this famoua line of
ocean eteamers sails from Quebec on
Augnet 25th. Passeng,ers from this
section can have their tickets supplied
them by applying at this office.
BROKEN.--" COppeT Bottom's" sulky
was to be seen at the blacksmith snop
on Tuesday morning last. The shak-
ing he gave it at the race on the race
course on two evening premiss
rendering it unfit for use until a couple
of spokes had beet' placed in one of the
FALL Minermu.--What the Exeter
sportsmen say they hope to call the
best Fall Meeting ever held on a half -
mile &Anse will occupy two days on the
best track of that magnitude in Catiadai
some time during the next month. --
The track is in the Exeter Dtiving
Park, ?ester, programmes, etc, f
Mal, in due time, giveall particulars,
Wotnen Aoxen.--On Tnesday morn-
ing last as Mr, 3. Henley vote lifting
Bette Wood near MeNabb's Bending
Factory, the Wound in his &ego catieed
same there since by a hayknifeaflhig
tipon burst the etitohee bolding it
together, and presented ne horrible a
gash as at first. It appears that neve
arteriee .were being formed and the
Wound Wag slow in healhig. Dr.ltoore
was SOOn in attendance. In the oven.
ing the patient WAS so for reeevered, is
tO be able to Widle around toelen,
ing match for a shake purse was indulg-
ed in on Monday evening last on the
Exeter Driving Park. Mace's " Phil.
Riley," Drew's " Copper Bottom," and
McGlochlon's "Yorkshire Boy," enter-
ed the lists, each hoping to carry off
first money, bunas usual in sual cases,
only one of the horses managed to do
that. Yorkshire Boy took the first heat
wnile Riley quieted all feais as to the
result by dusting the faces of his comn
panions in the next three heats. About
two hundred persons were present.
- LIGHTNING. -011 Friday last the ele-
ments seemed to have entirely. lost
control of themselves, and vied. with
any former occasion in their efforts to
throw the nervous into fits of conster-
nation and alarm. The electric fluid
played in the most fantastic shapes,
distorting itself so as to shoot a keyhole
and do a chimney at one flash. On
the farm of Mr. Swinerton a large ma-
ple tree was struck, and burned' to its
roots. The fire ccmmunicated itself to
an adjoining beech, but was but out be-
fore any material damage was done.—
It also tried its powers on a maple near
Dr. Browning's residence", running
down it and splitting a post close by.
of last week the Benedicks and bachel-
ors of this place amused themselves
with a game at cricket. You may now
see the martyrs to 'single blessedness
treading as much of this mundane
sphere as Call be found in and around
Exeter; with bowed head but not an
winless mien, for ten of the eleven have
vowed not to rest until each finds a
partner for his joys and sorrows, so
that he may play cricket with success
The eleventh has given up all hopes of
ever being a successful cricketer, -for
he has now bent his knee to all the la-
dies in town whe lie thought would
have the slightest compassion for him ;
but his case, he says, is a hopeless one.
Emmen ROUGHLY USED.—A few even-
ings since, as Crowley & ilanagan s
late stage was waiting at Centralia for
the Crediton mail, two young men were
testing thrsrunnilig powers of the re-
spective beasts which they bestrode.
On coining near the stege, one of the
equines, probably fancying he would be
bettet employed if in the place of one
of the stage herses, made a bee line for
the position, but barely missed bis mark,
going past the stage, but la the bolting
procese succeeded in unseating his rid-
er and sending hint head first through
One of the stege windowa. IfIffects
were gathered up, noses and ears count-
ed, and none being missed% " All ee:
retie" was then sounded.,
Oist. Iitssineno ANn Teveterv-Ftve.—It
is admitted by all that the funeral of
Simon Henter, Whieh teek plate
from the residence of hie sou, Mr, It.
Minter, Veborrie, Siniday last, Was
the largest that ever followed in the
wake of a eorpee to Exeter cemetery,
124 teams in all followed the rernainS
tit Exeter, where seine Were forded to
Indian was on Friday ran over by a
Grand Trunk train a short distance
west of Liman. He was fearfully hian-
gled, and death must have been in-
Asz,ar,rrotriArtip OTICI-4 TO FAI1M
eieeee eeetee »,5qp, .t 0L8Iab)6
vapoierllilglonattief aiial0Pas hai, okiag
ligwGIOniOn.,--A. new gratiOe A4,1110(i wrimebine,4>ego Po, er44 f4rPook
4P• juts boon orsouized ITA4?")11411it:kr:tgetitt._taq,613131;litilarotztil:
in Bliiiiel4tig'iCo, Perth, ,f)ke • follow- teea. 03.01tO .44.DWOltP.4,.190.1x ..ta
Mg (awe, ,earere werer eleeted aria in
etelled; 16reirthy Utrste, Them aa Ev
alls; Overeeer, Matthew Forsyth; Lee
truer, 'Win. liamitton; Stewart, Robert
Sommerville; Treae. Jas, Sperling
Gate Keeper, Jae, Bea; Seey, J.' Mo
Lurg; Chap. Wm. Carmichael; Asst.
Stowited, lino. Hayes; Ceree, Mrs,
JR),f;1, $parling; Poreena, James
Bea; Flora, M,E, Senarnerville; Lady
Asst. Stewards Miss' Lucy .yruis.
Welti4-41 $01'IIGS
Mr. John Cox well known in and a,
rpmad Guelph as night watchman 3 few
years age has ,been bequeathed a, for-
tune of £19,000 sterling by an English
relative. The lucky man is at ptesent
on a visit to Guelph.
BASE, BALL.—A very exciting game
of base ball was played here on August
12th, between the Nine Spots club, of
Point Edward, and the Irish Nine, of
Lucan. As usual, Lucanites were vic-
torious, OS the score will show :
Laveu 2 4 Duffy 2 3
Mullins 4 1
Bonn . 2 3
Cain 5 I
R. Weafer 2
Johnson , 2 3
W. Weafer 3 1
McEwen 4 1
Quigley 8 8
Porte '8 8
McLean 8 4
Murdoch 5 2
Gleason 0 0
Watt 5 1
Connolly 4 3
Stanley 2 3 I McDonald 2 8
The best qf feeling prevailed. After
the match, luncheon was partaken of at
McLean's hotel. In the afternoon the
Nine Spots started for St. Mary's.
COUNCIL MEETING. --Pursuant to ad-
jeurnment the Uouncil met in the Town
Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, Aug. a. All
the members present. The Reeve hav-
ing taken the chair, the minutes' of last
meeting were read and approved; It
was movei by Mr. MColl tecanded by
Mr. Kalbffiesch, that the Reeve and
Deputy Reeve, be a Committee to re-
ceive ten lers up to Tuesday at noon on
the 17th inst„ for the purpose of contin-
uing the drain on Con. 10, from Lot 25
to the North Boundry and that the
Clerk advertise tha same the Huron
Rdpositor and Exeter TIMES, and that
the :Reeve and Deputy Reeve. have
'power to let the.same and get proper se-
curity, and have the work done as soon
as possible—Carried. Moved by Mr.
Geiger, seconded by Mr. McColl, the
following accounts be paid : Paul D.Bell
for cedar, $15.81 ; John Diecharts re-
pairing scrapers, $0.25 ; G. & J. Brooks,
timber for roads, $42.30 ; Francis Arm-
strong, timbor for bridges, $18.03 ; Ed-
ward Johnston, for graveling $10 ;
John Desch, 127 loads gravel, $0.35 ;
John Wainer, -work on side -line, $22.25;
Conrad Webler, $1075 ; Ernest Risty-
meyer, $5 ; Conrad Strulens: 621ca,
Abram Wainshold, $4; Fred. Schroe-
der, grant at Freidsburg, $40.12 ;—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Wilson, see.
by Mr.' Geiger, that the clerk be and
is hereby instructed to prepare by-laws
to be submitted to and passed at the
next meeting of the council to raise
atal levy upon all the ratable real and
personal property of the tow/1St-lip the
following slims, for the purposes herein
sot forth, for the current year, viz. :
For County purposes, as pea statement
from the, County Clerlr.! $2.805; for
Legislative school equivalent, as per
statement from the County clerk, $571;
for township:purposes, $850 ; for paying
the interest upon the South Boundary
Debentures, 5150 ; for interest and
sinking fund under drainage by-law
affecting lands benefitted on Con 10,
S609 ; for school purposes, per special
rate, as applied for by the: trustees of
the following school sections,' viz. Uni,
on Hay and Stanley, No 1, $t55 ; No.
2. $520 ; No. 3, $340; No 4. 5200 ; No.
5, no application ; No. 0, no applica-
tion ; No. 7, no app'ication ; No. 8
5400; No. 9, 5106; Mo. 10, $$42;
No 12. $280—Carried. Moved by Mr.
Kalbflieseb, seconded by Mr. Wilson,
that the following sums be taken from
the general atcpunt and charged to the
drainage:account, viz.: Cost Of publish-
ing by-law and 12 slips; 540.75; Clerk
correcting proof sheets at Seafortin$3 ;
legal papers. $6 ; two Council meetings,
$20--sCarried. Moved by Mr. McColl
seconded by Mr. Kalbflieitch, that the
Clerk be and is hereby authorized to•
-sign certificates to draw $1,500 of the
Wfunicipal Load and Snrplus Fund. of
this township -Carried. Moved by
Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. McColl,
that the Reeve and Clerk be and are
are:by instructed, and authorized t
,catrespond with the proper parties as to
the Boundray debentures, and to bity
them, if .offered on favorable terms, and
to sign a,nd certify orders against. the
METEOROLOGICAL.—Three inches of
rain fell between Tuesday morning and
Saturday night. Two inehes fell on
Friday alone.
DAMAGE.—MUCh damage has be,en
done to crops, especially barley, which
Will be dark in color. •
Busssress.—Business prospects here
are brightening. Seven • enterprising
farmers have resolved to build: a grain
warehouse, 36 x 60 feet and 24 feet
high. To be fitted with all convenien-
ENTETiPMSE:—Grant Bros., not be-
ing able to effect it lease on suitable,
terms of Jermyn's new store, have re-
solved to purchase some property up
town aml remove their present buthling
thereon, enlarge it , and fit it suitable
for their purpose.. Their enterprise is
$1,000.—Our Church of England
friends have secured about '51,000 on
their subseriptionlist for the erection of
their new church.
consequence seems to have been taken
to secure the punishment of the fiends
who mutilated Caswell's horses.
Everyone feels satisfied at • whose in-
stigation it was committed, and, ropes
will be forthcoming, if anything occurs
again on that place of it like nature.
11., it E Di Torr.
A citizen who was driving along
the Jackson road, the other day, says
the Vicksburg Herald saw a man up a
tree ndar the roadside, and. halting -he.
inquired: "What are doing op there?"
The man made no reply, and tbe
zen continued “What's the cause of
your being hp there?" At that moment
a woman rose up from the fenee cor-
ner, rested a club On' the fence, and
remarked: "I'm the cause, stranger,
and ifyou'll wait till he comes down
you'll see the worst field of carnage
around here that ever laid out doors
The citizen drove on, and she turned
to the man up the tree and continued:
"Polhemus, I can't climb, and you
know it; but if you'll drop down hero
for two minutes I'll give you a quit-
claim deed of the farm!"
The man Gongliew who received
five stabs from Conway, a follower of
Forepangh's Show, died in the Gen-
eral Hospital, Kingston, on Saturday
Lulu,that trotted a mile last week at
Buffalo in2:15, beat Goldsmith Maid
on • Saturday at Rochester, and now
takes the position of queen of the
trotting turf.
On a recent Sabbath service in Ut-
terson, the church being comfortably
filled, it was remarked as It singular
oceurrence that not a single man or
lad was in the church. So much for
female piety.
The Keely motor is said to be a
large humbug set afloat by the New
York Herald The officers of Ilia PO -
tent Office, at Washington, affirm that
no patent has been applied for, nor a
caveat issued.
The abortionist Davis of Toronto
now sets np it new defence, that the,
girl Gilmour was poisoned by the acci-
dental administration of a strong mod:
icine in the treatment of some ordin-
aryOnailV,mreadnnLosday last, a 5011 of Mr. Dun
can McLen,n's of the township of Lobo
aged 7 years, got his leg :broken a
log falling against it.
On Wednesday, last it colt on Bur-
lington Heig,hts, belonging to Mr. Isa-
ac Stevens, was most cruelly ,stabbed
and mained by some cowardly ruffian
unknown, who bore contemptiblespite
n$c.lian named Samson Williams
taolliAlOfuriliesided on the Tuscarora reserve.
tion, near the Falls of Niagara, was
murdered one day last week e'by Henry
Wihliams and Charles Green, two say
ages of bad repute.
In the late COSO of rape and incest
at Ailsa Craig it is complained that
the medical men' of that village have
obstructed the ends of justice by refus-
ing to make medical exarnination ef
the victim of a father's brutality. 'They
were ordered to do so by the presiding
magistrate, but r fused to do so and
the evidence for the prosecution will
suffer 'naterially thereby.
At St. Mary's, one day last week, the
house occupied by the Widow Trainor
at the G. T. R. station, was, with most
of its contents, completely consumed.
Mrs. T., in trying to save her svearing
itshpepa,e.was pretty badly burped about
The Jersey City Argus says, it
has reliable information to the effect,
that Charlie Ross, who was so myster-
iously abducted from Jermaintown, Pa.
a htle over it year ago, is at home
again. His . return at present- is as
much involved in mystery as his ttbduc
tion. The Argus, this information is
reliable and was obtained from a trust-
worthy source in Germantewn. The
family are keeping the matter quiet.
4 desirable frame cottage for saIc Omen'
Irta".niPO' ell,a4rplenrt'er°cZeixiT, aanfles'tgabt Ave°11,t14g:w (5;4'0°1:
four (medial). item lets, to suitamrclawer.Elie
cottage contains ten rooms with good well on
the premises, Ver lartherAmatieulare apply to
1,C,/.11°tUC)erl,SIP:1°y1RIIP:1;°',u1Set1471564).x1)13i.'68. t:8 -4 ;1.V.
13041S Be Cordwood
13P.ItSONS valuiriug Rails, Cedar l'osts, or
Cordwood, eau be eupplied by apoying to
onuE oSn: GheltErEenNliiWs,ALY:
Nertill3onadary, Stephe:.ex4r111:49-;tfor,
W.H. NW t p e ts 7
ACCIDENT.—On Sunday evening last,
as two ladies, sitting in the back seat of'
a democrat wagon, were being driven
along the 4th Con. of Stephen, a sudden
jolt precipitated them backwards on the
hard road, injuring them considerably.
The seat had not been securely fastened.
A great slumber of acsidents happen
yearly in the same manner, wholly the
result of carelessness. The back seat
in such a vehicle should always be se-
curely fastened.
the fad that about a dozen dwellings
were built the present summer in this
village, the place is now and has all
summer been overcrowded, two and
three families living in each house that
is'at all large enough to render such a
thing possible. Every hovel and room
is occupied. We hope that some of our
men with land and money will see to it
that this state of things is bettered in
future Mimieipal Lean and Surphis Fund for
the "'payment of the same—Carried.
Moved by Mr.' McColl, seconded by Mr.
Kalbffiesch, that this council do now
adjourn to meet again Tuesday, October
10, at 10 o'clock, A. M.—Ciartied.
H. Love, So.,
FALL Snow.—The show under
the auspices of the Hay Branch Agri-
cultural Society will be held this year
118 Zurick, TrieSday and Wednesday,
October 5 and 6. The prize list is lar-
ger this year than: formerly, and
the coming show promiSes to be thio
most important yet held under the aus-
pices of the Society,
In addition to the reward of $11K1 already offered
fo°r1. PTA eall'ePwrelhmellosniptt 714tdhe °O4rivlYi cutil°A°101tlte 1.'0;11,UL'
tongue of a valuable ros4e_hbeloongialfituorttleri?ocucx.;
4'rmltrong, lot 55, 4t11 neff he me pp a d con -
01 1300—th8kj1i let0(1t1U04,k1t)K/0--rehto,e40401k
10__.8 been raised
Eer any further information apply to
Lot 23, eon. 4, Umborne,
Bilmx.—An immense quantity of
brick is being manufactured on the riv-
er banks this season, six yards being
now In operation.
'tent: aild ity.
Mr, ;TS. Savage, two doori rano islcfi00,11'8 110-
th), has boon dppointed our agent for lateen and
vicinity; is authorised to receive orders for 800-
seriptions, job printing, &c., and to collect accounts
and give reempts for the Sahli).
0 The agent is not reSpotisible for all corn:18500(1-
nee' (From "onr own Corrosnonpent).
COUNCTL.—The regular meeting of
the Council was held in the Council
mama on Friday, August Gth, at 7.30
p.m. Present—T. Dight, Reeve, in the
chair, and Councillors McRoberts and
McLean. Mieutes of last meeting read
and signed. Moved by D, McRoberts,
seconded by R. McLean, That tthe
Reeve Bien an 'order in favor of J. Olin-
ningham for 517.50 for work done on
sidewalks. --Carried. Moved by R.
McLean, seconded by D. MatObertS,
That new timber abutments be put un-
der the bridge on Water street, and
that the clerk let the same by public
competition, of which notice, is to be
given.—Carried, Moved by R, Mc-
Lean seeonded by D, McRoberts, That
the Jieeve sign an order tor 55 in favor
of Themes Culbert' for horse hire. --
Carried.. Moved by R. Me,teae, seder',
(led by D. Melloberta, That the Reese
sign an order in favor 'of Meesrs. Has-
kett & Atkinson for $14.0 or timber
and plan k . —Cat ri ed.
A special meeting of the imean Cool"
ell was held on Monday evening, Aug -
net Oth. Present—T: Dight, "Zoete,
arid Gonimillere Porto end McLean.
Minutest of last meeting were read end
approved, Bylew 4Vas read
Daniel 'Webster said : Small is the
sum that is regime(' to patronize a
nesvspaper, and \veil rewarded is ite
patron, I care now how hanrible nod
unpretending the gazette which he
takes. It is next to impossible to fill
a sheet with nrinted matter without
petting something into it that, is Worth
the st-d)ecription price. Every pateut
whose son iS away from henie at selteol
should eupply him sfith 11 0Wflp011Or.
Well remember' what a marked. differ -
01100 there WM between these of Illy
schoolmates who had and those who
bad not, 111CCOFIS to nowapapers. Other
tliinga belt, g eqUal,tlie first were alsvitys
decided superior to the lost . (lobate,
eoniposition itua intelligetieta
A Bayheld yontli named Harrison
was e01e:510d at Binesels on Monde,y tir
lost week for cetnYnitting rope on" a
therried NVOillan naintd Mrs. Emile, in
a berry petch near Listowell. Ilirrri.
s011 WaS fortnerly'bue driver for Knox's
, ,
POO sholtor froot flie‘ lieavy ram, - 0,1300t. 1(31,3() of it population, hitt tbree times ftini passe0, (otatoll clintoot
Store, Post Office .11110ek4
An excellent stock of Groceries and Confection-
ery ou band.
sa- sportsmen supped with AininAriftien.
School Books, Stationery, • Magazines.
& U. AG. SOClETY.---,THE
• followingprizes will be offered for horses
iu the se% oral classes by the Stephen & Usborne
Agricultural Society at the show to be held inIli-
eter, gm Thursday and Friday, 7t5 and fah 0ctob-
or,1875. Si,, large posters.
1st. 2nd.
Foal $2 00 $1 00
'2 00 1 00
Best Brood Mate
Three-year-old Gelding 2 60 1 00
Three-year-old Filly 2 00 1 Ou
Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00
One -year-old Gelding, 22 0000 . 11 0000
Two-year-old Gelding
Span of Draft Hoisee 3 00 , 2 00
Bit Brood Mare . 2 00 1 00
. 2 ,00 1 00
Three-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00
Three-year-old Filly 2 00 1' 00
Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00
Two-year-old Gelding 22 (0100 11 0000
One -year -01(l Filly
One -year-old Gelding .2 0. 0 1 00 '
Span of General Purpose
Best Brood Mare . ...,.--... 52 00 $1 00 i
Foal 2 00 1 00 f
Three-year•old Gelding 2 00 .,1 00
Three-year-old Filly , 2 00-. . 00
Two-year-old Filly '2 00 00
One-yeer-oldFilly 2 00 1 00
2 00 i 1 00
Two-year-old Gelding
One -year-old Gelding 2 00--.1 00
Span Carriage Horses - ' 8 00 2 00
Buggy Horse 2 00 1 00
Best pair Driving Horses
Best Saddle Horse 2 00 1 00
Lady & Gentleman Rider 22' 0000'. 11 0000
To business Mtn.
If you want circulars.
If you want hand -bills,
If you want envelopes, ,
If you want business cards,
If you want neat bill -heads,
If you want shipping tags,
If yen want tasty letter heads,
If you want nice visiting cards,
If you want the best of ball work.
If you want any kind of job printing.
Leave your orders at the Tiaras office
and you can secure them oli short no -
ape, at low rates, and the Let style.
1- frame store and dwelling house situate in
Exeter North at pretont occupied by M:Dag.g.
Site of lot Sox198. Title perfect. Apply postpaid
to J. MILNE, SI Alludes st, Loudon. les-st
Cis PH liar Tender, one having a thorough
knowledge of Business. Must be a young ma
Apply innnedistety to A. LEVE TT, Revere liorar
Liman. 302-9
lac goat two-storey brick cottage with brick
kitchen and woodshed attached. Also nearly one
fifth acre of land. A number of fruit trees and ft
good well. Situated on William street, ror terms
apply to WILLIAM A, BAI11011t, Exeter. 101-3
Harry Brown, or Winchelsort, infortris his friends
that ho can supply thorn all manner of reap.,
ing; mowing and threshing machine repairs. lie
19 alv ays ready to meet his friends, and do his
bast for them by supplying them 'with wood or
iron work. ItAltItY BROWN.
, offers for fislo smith half lot 24, con. 7,
borne, 00 acres land -40 r.tlettted good oui-
tivation, house, ham 26158, and log
stable 00 1)0 preiniacs, gnod wells, it good. bona-
ifig orchard of oyer tresS, ti miles from nao-
it.:01,1r,310t,j,o, 10(3'151)1)0111e. Vor further lutrtioulO411
anply homer:lb:10y to G1;10E4'411 .811ITILtootiltitthe
1 5, Ilay, about 7, miles from Exeter, c'entain
11AII,11t FOR SAL1.11--LOT 12, cots.
ins see aoros, 01)014 0111 10)1, tee remainder In
hardwood bush ; crook running throUgh the lot,
;Mit well on prtralscs. (100(1. brick house and
frame barn nn d I'or further particular
tt nply mornises or hy lottor to DONALI) TAY
1010, itodgeryille 0, 0. 95-tf4
rinowNslup US.130PNE.
-LITOT14]1.144-7 LIST
iscalso it iisseby awes. Stiat thd .110 nIVetera
for the Teivnshin of 1141010f for thk year Ism.
flrat pested hp in toy Ottlee OU Friday,. the
11115lAlay of auelea, 1878. . And heteby 'anon
tillnleetere eXitinifin the Said hat, and 11 8105
eithieieinfor. (Abet', etriire are PeiteiVed thetoin,
te takelitiineillate'pr0000atiaa haVe the Smile
Coltii0ed iteetittling tOlaWl, All iioniblaiiita
inWriting, and rednite(1 tri.„WriAged. witlo
daywattok (1406
Ip 01 srk
Pti0i'ibd3 A3hgn11 10 181
has -now on band e6 number of those
Champion Pea Harvester,
which have
These implements require no pulling, but have al-
ready spoken for themselves. 'They can be seers
at the
TIM rakes are manufactured by himself front the
very hest of dry material. and
Tile shasoriner is determined toaell out his stook
at reduced prices, and -
TuYnin.g Done to Order
and kept cOnstently on band. Also ill] kinds et
I23* Itenierober the spot -near Sauble praise.
.1.1ev4;194 &ate/ .,50eVetdripeote
edi 6,4044
eziteklif 660, 660
asCaceteive.,....444104 110)40
r'efri. 04 144:0 drerria
0 0 0)0 00.6C .joiVegi•feel
.07akeeate aihified ote
46 44tne ite44: teat'
itOtoti,e0".0 oereoi.e4;0o 4
enon.elei.ze „at:t4tt,