Exeter Times, 1875-8-19, Page 1'13POWNIN
/min ulm1 11letticta. riate4
f taaa,to tatialagartlk.oprk
I)roxix,ciwatt, loixt
u,k4, kkra4,46p ow
10go :rhysi9,14,1*:
itirtut cute vrwrat,
, 10a0 „isavstaigastrait
la...Laura Oftige
)7,10 (LOW.' n741.41
etor, ate -
((!iTtA, -uoipor,it
r„Koat maystf,11
. &Mho. 1.!0 ,171Noter. Out,
Oilice flours- 'am:11t,tal ta
)110, MOMPALN;• 11011.10N1patiltlie
pliysielan and.Shrdeoa,
0i,Prop,-Noxt door toilaWdet1;&,inart110 wOrkS.
usanomM--Central Hotel.
' 1,artievilitr attention paid taIronie di&oasos,
an calls promptly attende0 ad" free.
l'I.Notor, March 2:3, 1275 8.1-y
R."LANG, LS1).3 ,L. 0,
P. 5,0. Qrattuate of Trinity College, 111ein.
- her of the College of Physielanii t1114 SnrgennS
oaarrio. 0010e -Drug Stole, Main St, Crouton
mad la ids() propriotoa; of the 1)rug storo, and con-
stantty keeps on hand. &large stock of pure drugs
ratentlqedieines, aaa Dye stuffs,
(Ironton, slaine 1.8.1674.. 4541m.
1 A RDING , s Barris
tors ttornoys Solicitors Commissitmers
B. it., aaa
traraeu-arayro.sas nao0a, wator stre0t, St,
Jo 'IN 13, flialmnet. E. W. 111711DING
JAL. Barristers, ,A,ttorneys-iit-law, Solioitors
r.lhancery, Convevaneors, Commissioners in Q.B,
, and Notaries Priblic, St, Marv's, - '
ert cE--lluttou's Block, Water St., St. Mary's.
• 'Marriage Lie,enses under the now Ao
at the Post Oilicestore, Ont:: 4641.
BROWN Pnblic Auctioneer
• Winchelseit. Sales promptly attended to
Torais reasoned/1er
, Oot. 15, 1873."
as....4 Forth° County of Huron.
las-cia-ta, W. If A.W.E.S.1-1.1.W, Proprietor. Thi
now mud 11011111.10lthnIS 110.0 is 110W completed, a int
!Med un throughout with lirst-furuiturei(1 11lie
bast of Liquors and the choicest of Cigars the
Pn.r. Tim Munro oitpable acemontudatinit 113
guests. Bxeellorit stables mul an, attentive hos-
t! ors. (04-1Y.)
tlE E IN'S. HOT aL, LUCA_Ia „.
isoovena Proprietor. This first-clai 'hotel
11:151 taely 'changed hands (from. W. AVM. ins to
Ilowtryi, unit is, fitted iture
t ireugliont. Prue 'bus to and frOni9tAiriitsition
0 Mee for tliti new, line of "Inisses Eirt The
bit* -replete with the elmierisi i.rqueits Mid frog-
). rut 11 Follr cohonerci Pample r0010.
,'(loodst.thlillg and attentive hostleTS 22-ty
asaaai. wanam Streets, Illean. The
bo.Ite 7,o has lawn rented hy Mr. Isaac White.
limit thoroughly refitted fm: the • comfort of tbe
1,:aveling public, 0000 lionors and cigars at the
Yeti% Atten blVe 110..411.11` always in attend:nice.
I.A.A '1V1411`.1..), Prop -
7 .11 OP31. Al Aril 1 5. 1 Stile.. 83-2.20.
',ER].) Ay it o All
VA." • - chisrias or vairlcing pecr,0e. of et-
her sex. y(41.vng or 010, mitlip more 21 tonyy at wort;
17,3•••115 in their spirre *Moments, or all the Lint.
.11110 at an ytlinig cfise. l'artictilgrs .l'ost
ctorril to States costs Int ono cent. Ad.lress G.
STINSON at Port -lain d.l1hyine. 62-7y.
..s..1.41' 0 AND Lea" FOR, A."
A A. i10011 0 10-StOrey 1.011.010 110115e. e01,1,1.1.11ing
„:"St,11 rooms ; also acre of lima, 11djOinilig; tal 31011;ot
4 quare, x.1ter. On the lot 15 110 e77.e0liellt ot
atir. pitrtionlairs apply to BAW-
D1.1N, F, or.
)11-1 111.11,
. riber o tr.a.-s for sals ale N.W. et' 1ot Z.
oral, u,040.410, containing 30 acroc ot 0i:colloid
tad, 40 (terns cleare,l, welt timbered.
.g house, hire mud stalmi tlic preinis.ts,
good youltq t•et ,111.11 of graft truit and a tie
v tr-failing sluing. 3)101,011 from 1.1xoter
1.010s. tr fuytner particulars applyto I1EMP
S proprieror, „Fixo ter P.O.
To. ;FAIN ST1ZEET, 0110 (1(tor south of
I,JlL' Bri tannin X. SOTJTFICOTT
rt 1 hand it -number of 1 limps. Orclers filled on.
,0 shortest netiee, Satisfaction ,,Miltriinteed both
n.:1 10 -Work 5.11,1 teri.:11, A large
o'f' hic'i star( for ininipin rite 115 for salem
0.1.1. NO. 02,1
Night of meet -
rut. --Fir: t in ev-
ery monthiyantirer
ley 0 inl :train sts,
tit ut lireNtron cordially
inTiteii trio at tine'.
„ ,
Jr) 1IN IvifiTr„ ,
Livery and Sale Stables
connection with the Central Hotel).
• 4,,
1. I-vv,rtY
asserasssa 1,4'07
't 00D T1011SIilS ANT) COMF()111.
\Jr .71 vehicles rt1W:1,- 011 110.1111.
ts.made, with 00,1101orelAl troy/ACTS.
All .1". r left at Bissett's illiifshop will ire
21.0;1140 ...ttencled to.
it T. JriSSETT, Prop.
lac.0t,a, sem 1872. 24y.
rrii:E,FA.v04.4TE LINE, ,
011,011`1Y,T AN ,) Fr.,t 'GAN
naviaa arsigat b.110"e •
Good Horses, Comfortable Stages and
'Fast Time. •
0tletsti'thr,ii;tot(,12rcillt4,,neigi, 110(1,164((:),. ae0010111
oveii'Y after:moon, itt .2 p.m, arriving hi Itte0 ifi
tint' cl moot with tditriart for tlre oast and Werit
ni„.1 rionne,.11 rig 111.,I.X0104 With Vie Clinton and P).
no..,,:oo 11tieC.40F4.
d.(10 001silooling In Tilicdti and r,oltd on
141V00 "11(1 , Cli.OWLTS
irsiwir, • asoaaotal
rotareitig tbanks to 1,1'10
aiSia Otis for the liberal, patrOnfigii be -
o 11, h the= pig ..yeftr itt, the ("nal
law -.aro t„ar Anna ‘vtqf ,ter; to state thut Hwy-
pitrims,•: (ton 911.1,(ig wtirlt tite'rrt dining 'OW
b4uniu;;" su(aLn41 11:(0.1(1,:z kt.OLt/11 theft., fox a
Ilfriabitn• of ',kefl,'",t, ',ping 1,1) ti0 0' in (fie fiLL'Uto
the S.1,1112 in,q4action its in the past.
,1 on) ).Ve o'
ti•`!1,11. flt nt if a t [Uri It 2'.
itinh Ein,b11 itt, &e. 11:nio on 3110,
()aria t 10100, (ma fr' l',I 100.,
• '
01 IN sToN
1.0p4, of, Zarifill "Mils
11 )11 11' .o (6,014,,
, , '
!re "Mew._ aoo. , .„
D .PV;
• VOL. 2, NO 51,—WHOLE NO. 103
The Dominion Laboratory
Go to the Doininiop. Laboratory
jf york; Want
P lig:)3,1) RUGS !
Chemicals or y e
Stuffs •
1.1 R,
Boot- & 'Shoe
wonld inform att.-pc tple fltrit Ite 11 ilS 00111;1130-
cp.a business iu tta.,.thove ties neat ,10ortel3ell's
Lialt.el all.(1 Confectionery. 1 -le bus nu 11:111,1
*sPlein'icl stock. of Leather of (11511 from
bis general knowledge/it the business; antl
ing 11 nit elass work 11..pes to- obtain a laxge ens -
Sowed work receive his
spt,ci al attention. s
Repairing dem: with. neatness and des-
• patch, and. modean,te ,c rges.
11. T.ROTT.
Earter, May, (3, rf-375..
. .
T 1-7 T -t 281 1.4.1, S
Ana 5(,,,,i,..,,ireed000.
of -
t)atinie -
gas removed his office to ono door north of e.
.taerert's harness slum, and u early opposite John
rius1111101 silo Ve teri in try 11 Leah, ir 1 es 1.1-
ivays on hand, Citils promptly attended. to.
lit017500...:X•L'11111Pa as to their 5.01110.111es
Aintes 128111. '1070.
'Efarness ii,Shop 1
Alanclaeturer of 14110 and Tioavy Illtrnoss, would
inform toe inhabitants of 17shorne ain11311111 hard
that 110 11 0 s on lintel and is prepared to nuo rufac-
and those in Want M. r111 ything his line will
F !PA ly their 0 V:11 i II to„.Ncg-ts by giving, liim lie.
f. ire puree. sing elscrWhere. promittly
attended to. Carriage, t-imining clone, 73-111u.
. LINET-MA.11(111D UttTD ',ETA KUM S, talce
this opportanity to inform the inhabitants of this
and Surroundingsections that their New Hoarse
Is now 0211100100; and they 00 not hesitate in Say-
ing Chat it i..•011e of tbe liost in this western part,
Our 1,11.i.DP11.TANITNC-Doliarlartent, as heretofore,
will be 101111(1 in a very ellicient condition.
Coffins -plain and ornamental,- also, shrouds,
etc lounerals furnished 0.1 the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms,
3:..11,-A good assortment of rtflt:NT.Tunlil 1(1-
'10:Lys in Stock ' August 28, "74 52-ly
irq ft9 74 _1-.27)e:en 1.
),/• .
(%,i/Pilet/i (0-
=3-2r• ewer,/ iv,'
C/ ...Z....4p) Co
1),0 C e2e9o,
c eV ?Atte,' ';!'-'.:/te'lk
(I}e. ;30,711.h1e../:,4
,w,..f.,;;:'Zr i•/)'y '
/4/r4 ((cel ea.! /X6
6 6 '444/ /froaq
.1)0; Il*e, ;04; ereoreie/4:79 4
4,0101, 'v4/4
ic.EEP eonotantly on hand tile Lugest and
Boot Atosortment of
• •
Patent Medicines !
TootbaNail, Hair, and Cloth
School Books, Toy Books,
BlfulkoBoolts, Magazines,
A. lbuinsFarmy Goods
Pencil Slates, Lead Pen-
cils, tee.
,•.-aitegsas.";..I.asN a a
-1,- -V:
01,',111Agplitr :or LA ZADT.LS, NORMS, it
0 00.'8 enraittl l'crfeeted Spectacles an
Prescriptions anti riecipes quickly and accu-
rately (Espoused. Ilernember the Ploce-1A-
rectly opposite the " Central Hotel,"
Exetm. 0. VA.NDUSEN & Co.
E....oter, Jaunt -try 7, 3 574, 71 -yl,
Ilan iine!
Cam,0ng tbo Canadian end 'United States .11fails.
line of 910 first-class, 1•1111-1,owered
stearn4Mips of the above lino, construeted mote-
cially for the navigation of t Atlantic, averag-
hig l'0111 8,0r)0 to 4,200 tons, wi ve Quebec every
Saturday for Liverpool aud 1 anulonderry, as fol-
lows --
Polynesian Aug. 14th
Scanciiititt-ian " 21st
Sarmatian " 0011
:Moravian Sctpt, 4th
011.SS1.1111 " I tit
rertrVill.11 .. "
rre1511(1 1018514N Cori:inn Lt.e0 iS5110ei 1\ est
rates to purse as wishing to bring out friends.,
GLASG ow -
.The rterouslifits of the- 011 Line will he
despatched from Quebec as lellows:•.-
Pliceiacirui, from Quebec, on cw.. about 10111 A ug
2nd Sept
n11 Sept
2:1rd Sept
For tickets and every information apply to
JOIEN 11 1--trry. soNs,
Times 017110, Ex0ter.
01: T7111
Silver Tongue
Clough & Warren
Senior s Phothgraph Gallery
..aa T11111 CANA.7)A COMPANY'S LAND8.
Thereby Caution. all persons against gritting or
rrmoving timber from tile lands of the Oanaclit
CoMparry, an 6111 (111thOri.Xen to prosecute all
trespassera with the utmost rigor of the
• 301{11 sPAO7(11,1AN, •
Timber Agent Can. (ie.
Exeter, May 111, 1875. 60-tf,
XI C)C4111:6•1311S
IIA.SgSENIC)13, having removed to
the standl rttely ocribpied by 11.f r. C. Sontili-
ootte, 1.11)F1 e0111pletely renovated the prein•
4006 and arranged his studio KO WI to eminnaml
One of the Best Lights in Canada
15 prepared to execute mrIc first..class ;Oyler-
Acitnowledgin g past patronage, he begs a con.
1,11011,1100 of the favdrs the n111010. Attention
is called stoolt of leramcs, &.e„ having 011
hand a good selection f mmildings, and being
prepared to make frames at in 0(101'10,0
1.1.0Sni en ees 'Photographed. l'hetograiitti; Wh 011 re,
tone:hod, per 50z.; 0810.1101s, 3:4; Impericos, ••.1;
Enlargement of rremises,
begs to retinal his 011100(0 thanks Mr the Very lib-
eral pe 14 one ge 1)0610)005 'upon 111111 sioce
biotic:1:g In:sinew: in ItNeter. This large patt(nt.
ago he 00.11sitiera owiag. to trio reel( lie has
in NM 010thing litre mid given nniversal saiiistac-
Mon loafs Custom erg'. lid 106111d. aligl State that.
110 has 111 eyed in.10 110 lloW 11111M1.11g,
fattaa, awning considerably )01(1011 10 111s al-
ready fargo voied
Ana fibiltt,' Vitrnishings 51 every 400001511on.
Rt111 ittl.fi 031130, of the Wit,flot‘111.1.1 lleitttrIonent
.cat itr the litimi,,frishiond,111ct
(LI totoeil of in e'en I, free of ,011tii•ge. •
14((tNi! lt CO,
1,11A DlAYOLA.
glided into the reem. It stopped; am
laying its haral on the back of a chair
as iffor support casting a searellin
'glance,arourid the room matil ita eye
rested on the pets:ire of bra , thavoat
and there -remained as if fascinated. ft
o I will relate an incident which o
curred tb me when I was a young nian,4,' was Isabel 1 4t a l.°Ss wilat t° saY °I' (.10
eaa!,11.a,),.1111.14.dgoef.,13,c —illy_a. , f, 0, awl oiLlittrisl ,enaglitii.iiatti7pial. lionolii...1:cel iai orao'euli ...ii)efsoitrioniiii, iTaesatif acs1 ;tiullsetivritcol
it, had a lasting influence 1.1301.1 my life,. Ao. at„ school whoa I dicfn's know iny
1 belwiged to a clith, of Yollug Ilion it leSs°21' 'Ibis tinie;lleKerve!''' .I 'got °T2° ;
my native city, New York; magi bah_ v ler a largo mirror which eame :within
we were rather a wild set--studentS ' y ran,ge' of vi:sior.: reflected: ti,1,1,6 open
law, medicine sand chemistry. 'So' deer, andlurking iiatho sliftdoW behind
belonged to 'wealthy families, and'. , tile er(analranss fonn and smistea taee
Arra Dia -vela, , IS:WI the stealthy arid
plenty of money at their Ilisp,oait.1„ vskP
others wore iroor enoitglra'hat-,‘If`. toe eliit'is:4'-tlaci 'ff a Palltb°1' bo 'stelei.,h-
e",reilat&itt &glIdeal towardS Isalreb.
,shouhler, to sh a uldersalike's'ir,' au
of numberless difficUlties. Por iiiY1N1N.t.
brothel's, and helPed, ono .another out Di4 he inten4 to l'.11.1rder bey ? No ; a
littlachaan of goldglittered ittatio meshes
, • ,
I had nothing to depend 'on but ray, of her hair and helped to confine it
own exertions, and I was unclotibted- 11 Was this the villain coveted ; fel
that hio felon hand was extended, wham
ly falling. into habits that would 'lead.
ine to' ruin, if' not to dishonor and I fell. Kam him' 1: 8P°11 'found that /
death. 'Well, in company with another bid a powerful foo to contend with.
student, 1 tarts walking clown broadway, II s. grasp almost crushed me, yet I sus.
a graceful attitude against the railing .).1
by 11.17taes€11-1alk'neY 111noeldo- ,,,,Finding that he coultl
in 1 and, and thrasting it in his vest, lie
when my attention was attracted
a half Military looking 1211711 leaning it he freed his right
of St. Paul's Church. Ile liacra foreign cVmw tbrth a long, 17.001) 'lugger' Isabel
look, In faet lie might have sat for saw my dagger, anti tried to ' scream,
a pictine of Era Diavola or [buy other but 110 sound passed hes pallid lips as
famous brigand with dark i ;„ as ithe crouched upon the floor , with
eyes, 1003 alma; hair, maggigee-i),itel.1.12c-11-88: c,lapecl. hands and eyes mixed in
tache, and swarthy complection. Ile ter.°1'. 1 111rule a super -human effort
wore a felt hat, cavalier fashion, and a bt oil irlaisipati int e. lirrtnotir athsiteteloileildclitthfleatsviei easy iini
short cloak.
"1)0 you know that fellow ?" asked the air, and. l' felt a sickening sensation.
my companion as we passed. Ary hold on the assassin relax.ecliand I
,. i sank npon my knee.. I-Iis eyes flashed
trie‘dTill'oisilirctice(ilnot;il'icsiatyiditI:a diae‘nYmansidl'urolb10- fire as they rested on Iaabel, and the
bery last winter ?" bright blado rose about her
. "The sinne," replied myfrientl, "and 1164(1. With a fiendish smile the Itali-
he calls Iiitmelf Antonia ..13rettiai." an stayed the uplifted arm for a moment,
By this time we had reached. the 6a0n1.0.then 'drove the dagger into her bo -
'loot. of kt, noted gattnbling dell, and I
was aberit to follow my compauions lip no room, the lights, the faces of the
the stops, when .1 was captured. Yes murderer and his victim danced before
gentlemen, call it what you please_ my eyes, and I became unconscious.
love at first---Mfatuation--1 den't care. When 1 regaiued my 11se, it was
I can't describe her loveliness -it was so daylight, I felt -weak and my limbs itch -
pure, so sweet ; she walked like the iel(113. eff10(1).1t)et:0101100111.11Yogele13.S. 11‘1.1itt-'1111,(1a,,,,801e1t1i1alotivEler",
Queen of Night,ancl yet her face wore -a
sweet expressionof confiding innocence. hoping for strength to drag myself to
For n. single moment, as -she passed biss her --to 'kiss her lips—to expire
antler the gaslight, our eyes .met, L 1 upou her bosom. 'Wha,t was it that 1
something like a smile tickled 'the c'eurc. still grasped "with energy of tartan, ven-
geance and despair ? The throat of the
ners of her mouth. 1 ..nnule ' a hasty accursec1 u.ssassm ?
excuse to 1113r friend, and followed ner. ,
Pl'a Diavola still 1011110(1 against the "No gentlemen ; it was the bolster !
St. Paul. His eager, sinister eyes do- I had fallen mit of bed in my imaginary
voured her as she passed iiim, and struggle with the imaginary villain rep -
when she stepped into an Eighth resented by the bed clothes. There
4 WaS no trace of a struggle—no blood—
avernie:ear be f°11'wea' It IV" hair Pas' nothing to indicate the tragic ‘evelat of
eight and the car Wil S full. The Ital-
ian had secured the Iasi, seat, almost, the night. I scrambled out of the pile
opposite to the lady, and I was obliged of sheets tunkblaulfets among which I
to stand. 'When WC reached l'ifteenth litad bacome entangled and searched
street, ltowever,tbere nimbler]: only the toe wall for a pieture of Pl'a DiaVOlit.
tat:if:aid myself. on one side of the car, it was not there ; but in a frame..where
and Frit Diavola on the other other. 1 I had seen it was a copy of the por-
observed that she was g,rowing restless train of Charles the First, I\ ii,11 its grave
under Ins ardent gaze, and also that lie beaeded face, aud tall Ina and feathers,
was more intent upon examining the "That I turned over a new leaf and
rings which she wore upon her fingers, witlid ew from my ()Id associated was
and the little gold watch in her bolt, due to another cause than indigestion
Hian attracted by her beauty. Once or and its consequences. I studied bard,
twice she threw a timid glance at me, was a,(linitted. to the bar, and turaing
as if implorinp; my aid in case of need, lily back on the overcrowded city, came
and I resolved that she should have to the West."
it. At twenty.fourth street she signed " And Isabel?" asked one of the
to the conductor, and the car stopped. atoll; yeso
a ri di en co.
As she passed me she threw me another said the judge ; I forgot to
signal of' distress, and her face was very 13031 yeam_g,
mention that we have been married fif-
pale. The Italian rose and stopped
out on the front platform. I I follow- '
ed the lavely stranger. "I bog that
yon will accept "ay protection," said, I, 7.-- .
offering' my arin -which she accepted The time•keeper left hie seat by the
21.2111.(11.y, fIll 1. then I remarked that the door as tile whistle Sarunle.1 from the.
colnr had returned to her face. I saw roof o' the b )ifer-liouse and the echoes
the Italian standing on the corner or of its booming shriek came back 'from
the street watching us, and wifen I left the hills across the ravine through
the avenue I felt instinctively that lie tt hich the 131ack River found its -way.
WftS clogging our steps, although' could He had handed ill his report at the of -
neither see or hear him. We walked the before the slit6keniass speed of band
on almost in silence until we arrived at itad wheel aud Shitftitig had softened
hex 1101110. the cl'aineroas whir of the spindles and
"I must ask you for another favors'. the ,rtnilirlinis of the mules, to It whisper
said she in the sweeteat toile -I ever 'and theaPllioatasilenoca; when down the
beard. ' , . stair-4r3'.e,,,(0.31r4roft.t centrat tatver,
"Ask what you will 2" I answered past thenow'aingrriaraled. door, and out
melon tfy ; "1 conliiii't rains° yon.". .'' nito•the g'ray' dirrktieSS of the late twi-
, - . .., ,,
.„ . ..,..,. _ ,.
" nen," said she ringing, theadoola .figlit, -rustled it crowd in Calico, (livid -
bell, "come in mid let me. hitiaiclace: ,ing into three steeitnis ats it flashed
yon to my fittlAr and stop -mother." ' over the. tliteshohl, one going north to
"Her father Avas a, lawyer aml he re. the corpoiation boardiug-hooses, ano-
cognize(1 'me at once, for he haul brisi- they taking the opposite direction to -
tress relations wit!' our firm ; arnbashi,; wards .the meaner part of the small
daughter somewhat exaggerated the ini- village, and the third sros3ing the canal
portance of my service, lie Was profuse directly to the tenenients dimly seen on
in his thanks I was, paessed to stay its other bank. The hundred windows
for supper which was reacly,after which of the lingo mill shoae yellow.' To tra-
We play0C1 WlliNt and talked ; and I can yellers 'oil the " down express" that
fissure you I clicl my, bpst to make a stood , by the station platform, the
favorable Impression, net only on the pump of its safety -brake panting as if
fair Isa.bel, but alSo on her fallico., with impatient of the delay, these lights
ulferier designs ofcourse. Finally soMe spenied golden fl.pelis in a mine of pros -
one discovered that,,it WILS imirly twelve perbas aaclusbry, and their distant gleam
o'cloek and I was 'nvited to stay' all 'sriggested.plertsfgat ,thoughts of, a bilSY
nightartaid I consented. I ' suppose 1 Multitacle. NOM' 'to- the walls the
would have 'acenpted the positien of alanting rays lighted up indiatinct fig -
watch -dog and submitied to wear n col- 11T03, hustling away iti 10113 processions
lar and a chain mid to live ih the baek- that broke into knots, find, separttted in-
ya,rd, just to have her pat Me on the to individuals. They were mainly those
head sometimes arid say •G000d Dog 1 Of women ; 8ome, wore shawls drawn
G-ood Dog !' l3ut :f wasn't put into a over their heads; others were still shel-
kennel, by no means I occupied the tered by 1110 straw hat.4 ' tha,t had 80011
guest chamber and a very hand- service under the neat .of the saintlier
smile room it WaS, with mirrors and sun ; some stepped 0o:1,g with it sort of
pictures on tlie'wa,11, and rosewood fur- sorry jauntiness in feathers and feint -
Ili bare, an il, it big. 0(15121010d chair 'into nine trappings that flatterilal and S 11(1.1 11 g
Wlliell I threw myself to collect my in the glancing reflections from above.
thoughts ; for the events of tlie evening With a clang , of the L211 the belie
seemed like a dreath, and I fell into ti, moved on totvard the.great city. The
reverie from which 1 taas aroused by a lights disappeared by.sections froM the
current of cool air, as if a door had front of the mili—a score of eyes being
been opened: I looked around the blotted mit at 'once like a, witik of Aro
roorn, mm1,111011 at the windows, i•nd at gals—and the few hurrying feet that
last with it start of surprise I noticed a sped awity through, the gathering dark -
new picture on fille W1111—FrA Diavola nos's, loft behind them rl'loWering black
himself as litrge as life, just as I had monument, 'whose brow stony exPfinse
seep 1.11in leaning against tlip church wits relieved only by the glimmer of a
railing; but now he'grasped a dagger lantorri here and thorn as it passed)via-
in his hand and 'his face Wore a tritinis dow after windotv at 1116 1)300 of l'' illall's-
pliant smile. • , walk, •
,I got lip and shook myself to make The mill luta, elosed for the night.
, , - .
sine 1 wits not asleep. The picture Rat before the , last raw of lights weal,
hung titer° still, , A strange uneasiness out, there stepped through file Vflnilnfi
11,(„0 116,0" 30880_85i011 0,,f ,1110, T pl1110(1 doorway yot another figure in calieo,
ritf my boots and paced. the roomy vain- no( 15A11,1 , imt with FM bKin}attl,tit, nil',
ty endeaVoling to °Alfa My mind,. The 0,5 if the delay had boort with a Tor-
cloek,oll a neighboring, chare11 struck pose. Even. in the ' dinf tight( and
two- . . . ' . clothed in 11121011 114111 1110,10(101•011a.Pitaory
",V01.1 if re 11, foal r 1 5111(1 to mataelf, 'clresa, it could bo 800,11 110 that 01 5 yon 113
and, prepared to go to beds I 'Wit+ W0.0111.111 6111 11100 (1 the ustial liCi'g,ht
Filtm and graeohlT to movement. The
girl came +lowly out arid paused at the
bottom, of the granite, steps, ' A (illicit'.
1 bat shuffling' fodtfall ..was heard upon.
, the path of cindere,leading up from the
3 canal. It ca1710 110aree, alld a 411111'8
s form appeared in tile oloona. The girl
atepped oat teward it.
-'aet15111:1:1'lejel t't°1-1.:1111::11:1:0i1.11s,l1;:evl.t•11813:51 01 1.t1t.17v1.5nio'131,11: \INI.'tilit''':ielblat.1:eli)1111.1gl)i-1(:1)(r
turret of a monitor, tii" oonekly and
Peeled at filo speaker.
'1 Why, ;Mary !" Ise said, avith some-
thing. like annoyan'ec in his 'toiie ; 1
didn't want you tonv nit fol. me te-raight.
I'm late now, and the boss'll be mad
enough. You'd better go right, home.
wanted- to see.you par-
ticuliti-'16"-night. Can't y011 Spit1:0
minute ?" Then, with a certain irrele-
vancy 'contrasting with the earnestness
of her voice : " What's maclo you so
late fel. the last week, Joe 2"
'8 No matter ,what' made rim late.
The boss has asked that question too
often now. and aon't want him to a,s1;
it again. Give me a 1(1.084 all 11
11.111 off,"
With ft lighter tone in these last
words, the man's figure leaned towitial
that of the and blended with it for
a moment ill the darkness. But one
who aortic' have seen this would have
noticed that the simclowy beads did not
meet, and that a movement of the
shawl itincated a gently repellent mo-
tion of the girl's baud.
"No ; it isn't kisses that I want,"
said the woman, sadly. " Don't you
know ? 0 ! ,Toe, don't you know why
I've tried to get a talk with yon all this
week. I've cried myself to sleep, and
01100 I Went to your boarding-
"Don't you do that again, Mary,"
said the man. I don't want anyone
ranninn. after too there. "Ther&is the
boss's cantern corning through the dry-
ing -room. You just l'1111 along, and
we'll settle all that the day after to-mor-
l'OVI. I 111.1•VO 1111 clay Sunday. If you
won't give ale hiss----"
" As many as you ward, Joe, dear.
There there And the shawl rose
mid ;joined the shadow of the Mall S
S110111d01'S 11S 11' IWO 110111S had 140011 flung
around his neck, and they° Wa0 a whis-
per : Only don't go to the Falls Sun-
day, joe, but conie and Mik with me
about what you said."
One of the figures disappeared in the
darker shade of the mill. The other
paused a moment, as if gazing after its
late conipanion, and then glided straight-
forward along the path leading to the
narrow bridge of a single plank across
the canal. The girl Wit6 11 Ot -walking
rapidlyo and as she neared the frail
Structure she saw another form, clad
similarly to herself, seated on the sltone
coping of tlfe bank. She would have
pasSed it unconsciously, but for t110 L'act
that a long ray of light, possibly from
Joe's lantern, shining through one of
the windows of ehe mill, fell by clmnce
directly cm thia object. Theface show.
ing plainly it., the nistant reflection,
Mary recognized it.
" !" said she, " what are you
doing out here in the cold 2"
"0! how you frightened me ! Have
you jast got throussli work 7 I thought
you were at the house long ago 7"
The speaker was a girl smaller ill
structure and younger isa tone and hi
manner than the one whom she addres-
aed. In the darkuess of a Noveniber
abr0et t() plata; illy vitte,1 1)e.
reertlit the pilltrtvs the lutudie of tile'
door turned, krul a. white 2.017e1 figure
evening in New England silo also ap-
peared only as a shadow, pet tie and
round, if the dim outlines could bo
trustOd t o give 1171 accurate token ; and
lier taller conipitilioil enveloped
with a dusliy and indefinite arm, the
gestare itself told of a sentiment c°i`f af-
fect.ionate protection which doubtless
the, 0\ovieinitie
a fuller liggIlitoat7.110:0'.0o.rtailctlogliact-ti,leor:1,i,sisi::atiyaedtiiitel
ga,t1,erin,7 the little figore closer
to her. " Wha't (lid you want to CO 11.13
out here in the a.lotie for 2''
"I hadn't, been here but a minute,
and 1 was thinking. 11tary, I might as
well tell you now—all 1110 help will
lolow it to -morrow -they tire gi)ing
send off lialf the hands 11 EX.L week, and
run the mill on short tbne. There,
now, isn't that just my hick, as soon as
I'd got a good place ; and father's out
of work, too, down to the Falls, and
mother's sick."
The brevity of this statement 1)y 110
meting measured its vast import, To
prodactioa one-half ineant
want and stifferiug sto at least three
hundred wiles() wages came from labor
in tile granite mill, possibly to both of
the conipainions who 110W aiSCUSSN1 the
evot1ti. It 11,013 a personal inatter to
each, fill: beyond the laws of demand.
mad supply tyllich regalr,tte the niove-
ments of corporations.. Fully realizing
what it implied the cheerfulness of the
elder tra,apoinpelled oy the c-aisid.
or:1101108s of love as slip responded:
" Well, you won't llaVe tO go, Aggie,
I don't believe. 'Tisn't likely no way
at all 1"
" Yes, I shall," said the other. "I'm
0110 of the liew and they will go
first. ' 'You are safe'cnougli, but I don't
know what do. I can't go
„ ,
" I don't believe it," said the taller.
" I 1;tiow it's so."
" AVlio told you ?"
" ;foe l)rtnitain, He's sine of the
night watchmen, you L.now,,, 21,0
little Figaro, with a certain fiesitn,tion,
4, boss told him ICilpitt,riol got the
order from. the city last week."
,4 jot) sheald have told me," tile 0211.
er, began ander her breath, 'But who
was this to 'whom joo lout 30110 with
his ffeshest, 'gossip, while she herself
VMS put off with a Inirrted mooting ?
Iler only clinic( in the throng, of mil)
opo.:•ativos that, swarmed around 1101a
:3'110 0110 11,1101:11 0110 1 1 11(1 Of 00011 10 1 WO-
tect and love, and to slutro 'every se.
era ONCepi, 010 single great mystcry
that of 1 ite had oppressed lior 50111 wl I 11
happiness and fool% She \\ors
truo to 34 ggie, 1111d. ;Too ntf:11, 140, 1 rtyt11 (0
11 Oil. ylle, \yo were all 811e hat), and
6110 bravely c niquered 11M plug of 5its-
picion 0144, \vos about lo find a veico in
11,ry \\Tits witsortito alone the
World, 112 11'58 11'1101 1 1110 Wil.soris
'Iv+,,(e)1).:° 1t11)1170 , generations a Wilson had
r a amity of tbat region.
preached Calvinistic. theology from the
pulpit of the, obi whi 20 011112011 (1154110W
stood, brown rind diinianti:(1, deserted
for aomore,'„Iivoly edifice. in tho centre of
tho new t,n, About thi,, chno, tra
ditiona,haawilieh all- the \Vilsona had
part. '1.0116, Icier in littbitants still elinclt-
leg and,,,,s',' '401atheir heads whorl they
told the' fl .y'of t it, bcpalle \N tlsoraltho
besr1)(;)thiesiQaC1' 107,0(.1016TotiL:io0ft. cicita:ittlisi0t;','"Ld11101111111iis-
ed a sten rory.' Vow, .wheat the latter
licerf.olacilai'lalo. ho pulpit the thanksolting
aiding .11.Gou ,s,c\oy, the
fjoinuip,Tt 3.1,,'„„' adt1h14, .(lf his' (lw11
loyal \ in olatin , ‘• And' 1--sTay, (l bd save
the iiiiig 0' the doughty squire had 715 -
en in his square pew at 1,1,10 liead. Of tile
aisle, and uommitted blasphemy in .the
sanctuary by exclaiming : ', And I say
GortillIcil:,uNi\l‘inui tollilee pkrbtifiertritaitions. nva
the 1Vilsons bad passed aw,ay from,
Aslitoil ; and. like inany 'strong falai:
lies, had suffered a sharp descent from
prosperous days to obsctrity ancl almost
extinetion. The gossips stiook their
heads over this decadence, and mum-
liled finother tradition to account for it.
Par 1)501: of the profane patriot squire
there was 1111 11,11005I01! 3(04 inore strange.
It wets in the clays when Ashten and
tinny -wooded leagues beside were lield
by Captain Wilson with other coloriiits
who owned him leader. These were
the days wlien men went to plow with
a gun slung from the shoulder as well
as a goad in the hand, and when the
muskets were stacked iii the aisle of the
church for use in repelling any sudden
assault of the Indian foe.
On ft Sunday iiiglitaso the story ran,
tile great attatcht,wits made wliose mem-
ory is preserved in the name of Blacic
River. The settlers Lunde ' their last
stand 113013 its lia11128. I Of those who
fell dead among the rui' s of their burn-
ing honses, and of th se who fled to
the, woods to return aft r mally days.
famished and half -frozen; to the ashes
of their homes, the recolds of Aslit)n
preserve a fall list. The Mary Wilson
of those days was not among the num.
bet. When Captain Wilsen, coming
back from Ili+ mission to the neighbor-
ing. settlement, lower (-Iowa the valley,
searched the blacicmied foini,clations of
his dwelling, lie found neither charred
corpse 1100 Inutilitted body. His clarigla
ter ,was gone, and. he mourned without
I.t WAS years after; when a trea3her-
oils peace ruled between the colonists
0 n a the Indians, that a woman, wearing.
a blanket with inicoverecl head, came to
his (loor alai elititned him as father.
She carried the degrading -in -arks of In-
dian servitnde, and she told. him of
children balm. to her ia Indian -wedlock,
and. (if a home runlet: the hide -covered
poles of the wigwam. They elad her
(ince more in the skirts of civilized wo-
manhood, the tradition goes on to shy;
wept over her, wondering at her strange
stoicism ; phtced lier apio on lier fath-
er s right 111111(1 at the table, and took.
her to the family seat in tile meeting
house. Tile 13ible, over which the
stern 'captain leaned as he offered up
the prayer of thmiksgiving for release
from captivity, was that evening wet
with 11 11 ItC01.113400.10.1 1Cill'S.
'But in the morning the wanderer was
gone. She had wrapped her blanket
about her aud-stolen away in the night.
Again it IVaS years before word Call" e
froal 111ary Wilson. A boy, through
tvlicaie copper -colored skin shone the
bright C meashin blood, brought a leaf
torn -from the Gospel of St. John, upon
whose narrow margin was scrawled her
history', The tribe was smitten with
sinn.11-pox.. 1-11.1,,band, children, all had
died. She herself wa,; dying • aud this.
her el(lest son, only remained. Alight
the God of the Ilible and of her fathers
turn the hearts of t he grandparents to
this licr offspring of the .wilderness.
To ba e 11111'0rue (1.
.4 flit .711itZt eltriSIO„
saa Frsasi200 chronicle.
Dunias' wild story of the adventore.s
of the Count of 11Ionte Christ° been
generally reg,arded as an example of
the utinoat extravagance of ronirtnee.
But the plain, unvarnished llistory of
the c freer of the boy -speculator, Clias.
Kncliel, as revealed to the public with-
in tile last few days discloses features
scareol,y less exiravag,rant and incredible
than the strange and high -wrought fic-
tion of' the Preuch novelist. I-Iere tv'e
11;130 a bOy Cif 11 i 11240011, without capital
or rivailable 111e:1110 of his own, aeoing
into tile stock inarltet arid operating on.
a scale scarcely inferior to that of. the
"Ein`g of the Comstock," or of the
chief magnates of _California, street,
'This adventurous -find enterprising
youth, ft Mere broker's clerk, 110
capital except his Dative audacity and
craft, actttally 71v:tiled in themagnitucle
of his otock tratisactiOns the veteran
milliolittires win) aro popplarly stippos-
ad to control tile marltet, make cora
tiers and send corners up and down ac
cording to their pleastro. Ilia „operas
tionstlras last January amounted to
li;159,(100, while during the months of
11fity /tad Jane they figured tip to in-
credible suni of over $100,000. I-Iis
transactions from the begiuninf; of the
);Ne.101,11: t it,11.1 00,2)316'soto of 3J3unlyt tgeldirtoos
stunning as they rnay seem only cover
111,3 salcs and purchases threngli two
brokers, lin 18 315 qd,Vd' else)
operated through othess, ard the full
cahoot, of Ids (.41,1501: dealings has hot
yet bceti ascertitined. 1\111110 carrying
busi iess upoir i5,1 ntivfni ticon1 scale
youog Monte (Ihristolived like a prince
of tho blat,st blood. Ito drove high.
spirited trotters on the road. and
5)61 Inivo boon the owner of
three dashing double towns. Ito ‘v110
gorgooris,ly n ppa reled, fared somptil-
°wily every day and had imst of
everything ;Tang., Chat could bo obtain -
6:1 for money, There \vas nothing
11'g „;Iiirdly n1)001 th.is precocious pro,l'uv),
lie bad lavished Ilia money freely it
was 11(A itll expended tipott hinaself
end Ilia iralividaa,1 plea:airy& ()lily a
few weel:s ita6 11.0 ti0111, 1114 11771110r and
'NM la
ister lt)on E t
lnaia §'Qbeitude whorl kly, (*PA tn
1)e lest they shoulfl lleftr of his diegt400.,
The fact that tIte boy \v:t.s able ti? eon.
tin no such. a career long undetected.,
11,,ing: the stocks anti the aroilit of 1110
enirioreo 011 '01011 All P',F4t011SiVel
secIns inexplicable. ail bro4e
,Tvinee this conlidiDg and. unonspieloi
disposition toward their clerics they
simply ofl'er almost tempta-
tions to dishonesty, and me ill ft mea,-
auro morally responsible: for the lapsea
411111.6go 0i;;1g2 1.)111111, 71 1 t1 itt c)bi nellc)01 {48. 111X91 td.
receive ttml exeeoto 'heavy orders "fiom
clerkii S7 411011 t it word of i)otilleatiol to
tj(1111s5eeultsn'ilt,L(.1:11i(?)0).sist.g:el'11. l'14)ovai,21111sei'eli)311'1111.
and breath i's Girceral atmosphere k
moral poison. calculated to sap to form -
thins of sober integrity. The habitat
oolitomplatio11 'of yentnrea wnialt, if
if successful, bring sudden allinellee,
prorlaces a disgust for tlio patient. ru d.
indnatrious efforts tile economy and
set denial by whielt tvealt11 and contpc-
trine° can be safely and honestly won,
It 'bindles a loves fo specnhttim
turhs the conacience end the .
nient anal makes ine11 reckless regard
to rialcs of means (Ind even of reputa-
tion. It iiiduces, especially the
31,111niael,1;\ :1;1f oraer1..1.,
tlections 5110111(1 have suggested them-
selves forcibly to the 'defrauded 1)roker
orothat when a- friend. <applied to, him
asking the situation made vacant by
liaaeliers detection for another youth,
he rnacle answer : yon love . buy
that yori eare anything about, Fet him
at anything but the stock trade. 'Put
into a grianbling don if you like; set
him at dealing faro, brit don't intake a.
broker'a clerk. of' 1111n., alio real gam-
bling: will be less trying to his morals
than the base California street iinita-
Calgadlatt Enoch •41f-•
fa tr.
A WAILiAN TaxsaciNer Han 111.181ANTI) D114.13
•11115'1' DOVE11,.
runais nre AYTER 11E11)(0 LOST Pon Ls17N13.4;
YEARS. , •
Nine years ago a ec;lored. won?aP
Charletom N. B., named Hamilton,
married a man, who, being ft -
soon lefb 1101110 on a vessel. After
waiting a few years, and the lidslaind.
returning not, the woman gavelrim up
as lost, and eonsideredherself a widow.
Sheanarried again, and now has two or
three enildren from the second marriage.
A few days since she received ' a, letter
from the long lost husband, informing
her that, he had been wrecked oft the
African coast, and was captured by one
of the many tribes, and citaried into
slavery. He had, 'he wrote, 'after a
gieat deal of trouble, snoceeded,ih ef-
fecting his escabe, and was then on his
Way home to greet ber. The joy- pf the
woman was great on reading the
gene°, but it wts changed to pyrow
iminediatelyrts she thought of Ole` second
marriage. Tiotvever, it ‘could 4.141,s; be,
1101pe(1, and tlie situaiien was irlitde
known to the second slitvrer ortherioys
(fitivitderstourirnoend-s.to Twheekowinoemahne,r
'husband, and take up her abode with
him, .told. the. one. wilo /IAA/ ^
that position cf her intention, but he
refused to leave her. She is, therefore
much perpi sxed what to do under the
circimistituces, and she anxiously awaits
the arrival of lier first husband; which
is.exnected soon. It is hardly '- ossi-
hie tiett, "he lifts` licen made aware of
Nrhat has transpired in. 'hi+ absenco,
and for this reason the friends of all in-
terested are ii2 a flutter of excitement,
awaiting developments. Meanwhile,
'Oharletoil has a sensation and a, 'great
dealt) talk about.
TerrIble 1'ra-cut y al Sea,
A private letter received in- Sheffield
from one of the crew of the iron, ship
Glance, of Loni.on, which arrived itt
the Thames from Adelaide on r Thurs-
(lay, brings intelligence of a .;terrible
even t which occurred on the ,27th ult.
On. that day the Glance passelthe Jos -
sic Osborne, outward bound, quid, was
Imiled by the captain. He, reported ,
'that one of his crew had gone mad,liad
for five days stationed himself- aloft,
and that nothing could induce 'him to
return on. (leek. It was furthers. ,pstated
that tlie alai) had armed himaelf. with
a large chisel, with which lie waa cut-
ting the ropes ; that the boatswain, had
endeavored to bring him dirwW, but
that the nittnittc had thrownort blocl at
him which strucic hirp auotheallead,
and, that lie nut fallen ou, the, deck,
breaking an arm and a leg. As a 'flat,-
ter :of safety to his vessel and' crew,
the cantain considered it was ilec'essary
to shoot the man, and tliisaafter some
consultation, was decided upon., The
creW 511(1 cers of tile Glance 'were
regnested to be present as°,:witnesses,
and in their presence the rinforiunate
man was shot ith it revolver.'' ;Incon-
sequence of the Way ill which holm -wed
about the rigging, three shots,haal to be
fired at ,lrim"before he was stinek, lie
was then mortally WO undo 1;' clied
soon afterwal•t
ALLA.Ig LINE.,Artyparties
inteliditis; to, go tO Europe,' woirld do
well to.01211 at the 'TINine oflitie, and bly
ticicet for the Alla» Line of :Steiuners,
olio of leaves Queliec 'arid ,Port-
land for IJivorpool anti GlitSgOW' every
Saturday.' AVliett senclias' Ifoine for
friends V7 is , $teved 011 r every
intsseiirter by getting, tlie ticiceta
from the ,Allan Lute Agents
count,ryi iustead of sending tile i-noiley
' l)irn S.tara- -A dire bill oft
Illessrs. aca 'Co.,' Inanraftictirrers or
organs, inelotleons tool piavos,„.411101311
()at., the eitme beiag g()ed ,lota 11(1 per,
cent,. an the retail price
of not leas thert $l 2.9 .,;'tirctvill
received ins one-third liner
Ifor Alurelias-
int,: ;,;,(,;(„)f, piasio the doe hill Wiluld
worth ;1000. val df\etiiiient
wilt be dist:osed of at„ 1110dern
n(l.vortisers, (411 ft 111511101n1,,0,101sacrificti,,
while villidity, iiti',,pfes,tit'2nable.'
A pPly i.31.31V,s ()rt•/,',1-•;. -"`" ,
(0,1 T1111 (• s41,1,3 cvetilog yottlig NV 0.
to11,12 101,2110a 01111illytea by
41 2, 1 1 Wfiltlh 111/1.1(IrtfliT'111'011t0
118' 001'1"110iI) disoppint c11,i `,11.',`4.,olllts 1 (At
(11200 13oen hoard tar, The daypeaY,„08 tra
working it the eat ao, A 1 iirgeh 'amour' t
of tairresr(indenee littalraeit r
tr.fuk, all writf,,:tti 1),v ft t yMI'Agt
47141,\11 is 'lit 10:\ t)AE;;Itolita..