HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-8-11, Page 4()Dick (*);), 11.1XfogoaP40.) Yeatetsitroa last we met ve oaa change in thee ; Thati et'4 /Orli:et tans/i Watery, woultleitsp tlat Lana, t tho 4o eyes once mere, iextbi. thy gide would groats hare eteria Of cre. ii,417 the vary' tonthat thrit14 IsZa Rua dirrurt'st trOy 'sow, by the entel wears bliehttee ").*44. 'cc ntialltreetasurle. siiia yet laug boo thee spealt, *peat- some 'bygone *Itheati4 ate chow I the e11ou14 Sek Vert} 1.14teiltai fel; in 'Vain. 1 WonlanOt Wish the years tetra Ceuta such a choice be male, Nor talts. la the onaltE4 track:, Piougn several far hens thiee. "tat oilerime nosy from hal.d.wou, heights, Pe.'..leatuts Irararra survey, anal givd a siah to past delights, Yet, eighing--tura 4 Perreelle" COW CONV got into Mr. Cobleigit's gar- deu, Suultty afternoon,. Cobleigh was lying down, •thinking of this ,yery gat. den, over which he had , lahored all the rapare tiaio ithlee the 4rst •of May. It P9 eeling its way across the lawn to low of early cabbages. Mr. Cohleigh tyais aroused a t oueer and without stop-, ktiK,1 L9 put op his haf ‘4.: his boots) ixe hastened mat to, the yard with a lively sPipe of impending danger. The ay iu the next lionse saw the cow, bat • diecreetls, forbore to call attention to it until he saw I. Cobleigh, appear, then he hastene4 upon the scene with com- mendableapeed.The one of the tt,ardria was liorr4etr on gaining the • yard to sae the cow with 4er fyqut feet on Le lettuce bed, and lier tongoe jut Aelsing in the to* of q, 4rum-1er.4. • WheY, ,t4Pre !" 1.04, shouted, dashing at her flourishing his arms. The cow looked around, and seeiug. dohleigh, and not recognizing her as an acquaint - Mee, immediately set abeut to extricate ).serself from the dilemma by turniug arouud and backing 011G ; but just then he hoy,catue up with all tho fire and • ,ardor of youth, and a chuuk of coal, and the poor atifinal dashe4 iu another direction.. Woosh, you beast," yelled Mr. .Cobleigh, in an agony, as he saw her ;:atrom on the tomatoes. " Drive her he shouted to the boy. That yowl.,°man inetautly complied by hst ning her with the hunp of coal, and stooling her over the beets. Woosh wooeli 1" yelled Gobleigh. ." Hi, there !" screamed the boy. Si, boy ! si, boy !" shrieked COI - high, as the animal soddenly dropped horns, and, thie'y two dollars' worth t.)f pea vines into the air. - But the animal was not to be direct - ad. It either loett:all control of itself, oy was determined on revenge. Cob - 1h grabbed up clothes pole and `eleAsei at her with desperate fury; the by snatched up another and put after 46r in an 'opposite direction ; where- apoo Mrs. Cobleigla who had been an isacited observer of the battle; caught #11 ltoe, with the evident intention of piaing in the pursuit, but becoming mysteriously taugled in the handle, was precipitated headlong in the grass, to the ill concealetl disgust of her hus- band. But she was on her feet in an instant, and would have undoubtedly 'rendered efficient service, had not ,ALly. Cobleigh abruptly intimated to ber that he would put an ounce of lead in her if she didn't clear into the house. Thereupon she gained the stoop at once, •where she remained, eaerly looking for an cipporttihity to hurl the hee at the devaatating, beast, which she finally did, and with such marvelous prenision is to hither husband at the same time; 'the former in the middle of the back with the handle and the latter on the •top of the head with the blade. The boy was just on the point of jumping up to give a stroke a' the cow, but in- stantly changeu his mind, and emitting ft yell of poignaut distress, lost no time in getting over the tetiee into his own p''ard, where he stood, robbing his head, 'and stariug at Mrs. Cobleigh as if fas- echalted. What remarks Mr. Cobleigh pitended to make will never be known. probably, as just 'as the hoe struck • Liza, theanintal suddenly raised both hind legs, and hit him square in the -lace with a hill of cucumbers, blinding his eyes, choking his speech, aad filling his neck with earta. Then the beast Alasbed through the peas, over the lawn, atud through the gate, with a prize to. mato pled on each horn, and swinging •4er tail in vindictive triumph, while the ',Imfortunater Dfr. Cobleigh, sittiug ou the ground, was malting strenuous en- deavors to catch Lis breath. When he went into the house to get •the dirt out of his month and ueck,DIrs. obleigh told the woman, in tho next house that been a montlsat flobleigh try'aito get a catch', Pu t on ;ti4,14gtAor ' She guessed it would'he at tended tic) ;;ow. rtlias been. 1...1/t5 Miff It Ccir MEETING.---Countil Diet to- day. Presott all the members. „Min- utes of preview, tneettng „were read and approved. Dloved by Mr. Diusniore, Bedonded by Mr. DieVannell, That the Reeve grant orders for the fullowitw pArtounts 'Armstrong, gravelling ; 'Wnitee Stoyeils. $18.81, gratliwz towtiline ; N.. Wilson, $7.70, 'fiaravelliang ; Elford, $25, ,grav- towuline; John afcCauly, $6 gpaVel ; Oscar Nixon, $18, stone Cul- _ ' t i William Dickey, $21.50, building •*a., repairing stone culvert ; James Bothwell, $38.1in, gravelling; James %fcGallottqlt, $23,25, ealvert Jaluee Bothwell, $25, gravelling townline ; S. lore, $3.70, t.;t'avel ; Won Hays, SSA°, e,ravel ; Peter •Diamond, $18,- /6,ctilvert ; John I)iiwsott, $16, attivert ; Thomas Murray, $, timber for culvert ; -George Buckle. $38.50, gradinc"; • war_ ' 0bbf, *17 reittri ng ten go ; J'IdttolIS Szttoro, $12, repairing. bride; Wan, Stapherrs, $1.50, cutting drain ; Thoitbis Bugg, $81,25, stone culvert ; 441116e1 110tItTitY, $38.50, 4 ett.tne ettl, ; IOLlopit Ct uthci,f, fireikking Attpe and repatriag calVert Adam Ittrlt, $16, gravelling ; gionael Ash, $5, WO' hrSIniner aud repair'ing scraper; 7 Ito/10414; $5, Atxtuto labor ; $ij. OtilVert; Sdlitt Boll, $31 e culvert ; Waa. kirk, $18, gvitvel clan:rages ; J. Kingdom, $0.804 Vet ;1 igford, $20 42/ calved ; - Kith's $11,, gravel ; Falwits Broolta, , re Airing scraper t John LIttstou, tots Lill on lifiL01.01 I tea: Illett, ;llulh Bitchio. ; rwpil ,Viciov Tobin, )Vidow ottpe, Ague 4 4'4, 6 $0Vge V151.1till* 1 $01k and Alex. Vrasere $8, eliarity.--- se -Carried, atoved by Conn. DIOCI.11101gh, $00013" 4:14 y (i‘oue. Diu nor, That the ouia of $40 be exTendea oh beat No '24 Prolded the ratepayers in said beat grant ao equal amount in labor. ---(Jar ried. A communication from the ()polity Clerk requiting the Oeuacil of 1,3leoe1iard to levy and Celleet the SQUI, Of $8,68t3 21 fur Comity purposes ; and a farther sum of $578 county ephool rata, wire laid on the taint) and read. i\foved by Conn. DiloVannel. eecooded by Coma Sawyeir, That a rate of 811 'ih the dollar for county ad pin ty sehool rate parpoires, and a further suns 01 4j mille in the dollar for totin- ship parpeses be levied and collected in all the real and pereonal property within the townehip of Blaueshard for' the year 1875, anti that the clerk draft a by-law confirming this motion. The Council then irdjourned to meet on the first Monday in September at the hour of 10 0.01,,,ok wiLL/An jonasaost, Clerk. 4Tailled 03:ene Very little is said or written concern- ing the ox, while mueli valuable space ' is riven hi„showino fortligthe excellent qualitiee of the horse and the necessity for cul tivatiog or training • the same, - But tyliy not educate the ox, as:well as the bin's°, so long as he is required to do,a portion of farin or?labWe know that many fine oxen aye sent tu the bn: tcher, at the early ago of five 9r six' years, whieh litiely trained for work .would bang n price far outside of that 'paid for beef; and itnot eufficiently fat for tlx blitelier will sell nearly as well. The time or pains it costs to bring our oxen or steers to n stain of thorough discipline is very in comparison to thin generatly wasted in the carelese, awk- ward, not to say eruelsmanner in which So many teams are haudled. Within the scope of my own obsenatioo not more than one-fourth of the oxen are capable of handling the plow proper]f while the drivers hold the handles ; wheu a few hours of time at most spent in edacating thous would prevent the cost of hiringa, man day after day to loiter by their side. I refer to the practice of plowing stubble or head - ground with one pike of oxen only. - Poor Richard's maxim was excellent in lila day, but if we would keep pace with the pre sent times we would. say : Re who by the plough N‘ unlit doubly thrive Himself must learn to held at drive. Besides this, a few lessous given in tire yard without the yoke ‘‘ ill prevent many seveie steps, and sometimes ill - humor in &dying to and from the pas- ture, or in yoking them in the fields at a distance from the feuce, should occa- sion require. There are also many other ways in which, uy kindness and a little pain-tahiug, time may be saved aad the value of your auhnals increas- ed. OF'indows fc Stabics We find in a German exchange some carious observations on the manner of which the position of the windows in the stable affects the eye of the horse. In one instance the horses of a farmer -fine-animals, in excellent condition - were kept in a stable lighted only by a small Window at the side. When light was needed for \veldt, the: &Mc was temporarilyleft open; the result was that nearly all of these annuals hacl eyes of unequal strength; and. iu 'time a number of them became blind on the side toward the window. A strong light directly in the horse's face has been found to weaken the sight. The worst "position of all for a witalow is iu front of tele hers and much higher that) their heads. An officer had bought a 40tainisia /*spot ..SItat niter taforrit. Moses r1 owed divorces te the oh drenof ftli ael, not that the divOre weN justifiable, bat, We aro told, b cause "el t he hardness of their heaas In much the sante fashion we must co anew to allow the system of naked ft lowing for wheat to American ferule because of the 1.),ardlIQ8 Of their 10144 A gaol summer fallow is tioniettmes ti only really good culture that farme will give nny of their land, aud itt case of course bummer fallows are a( visable. But for teachable 111011-a mers who aro \villing to think and learn -the uld-fashionod way is expel sive, wasteful aud unprofitable. 11Io of the advantages of a nal:ed fallow a uldpinable by a hoed crop well car for to precede wheat, and •what U soil loses in fertility ityihe crop Olt off can be repaid t wo or threefold purchased manure of some kind. this be nut so, then it logieully folio \ that all cropping is ruinous to the fa and the larer the crop the fast I the soil is extra istiug iteelf and. ti riser, poorer the farmer becomes. "Killing weeds it in generally be doi or better with co u or potatoes tlo donee, QQpuit i the verY error he WaS trmIng to AVOi4, Or when,. ever anything trying o uniblebappeas to any peraowe that J$ 110t OW tittle) to Lutghs lf yen de by Others ae you would he done by,, If you are the portion who litnghed at in any suolt ease rionsider that, at least, yoa Iwo 4 great deal bet' tor than thecn 401k/ugh at you. The towbashful girl or boy altnotst always turns out better than the too bold, The people who iLl'O Always right side out in hookd deess and style, are not nee- eescarily by any means' the best or the InighteSt. NOtIling wore surely indi- caters good breeding aid large heart tharr oot seeming" to notice a blonder? whether,of friend or etritnaters-un;ess it is by (L word orsimpIe act of kindness to showeynmathy or render aeoistance, vvheu this can spare the feelings or can lighten a iniefortune.-C.Wristiatt Union imepoilmomposuplapft, AssionsitIl 111. 10 00 eh to et re 10 od 511 by 11 VS V- 00 10 10 111 with a naked fat ow, -with the advan- tage that the inereased crop of corn or potatoes will repay the expense. The advontage of summer fallow is ou hea- vy soils remote from market wnere clo ver that mild not otherwise 're market- ed eould be plowed under. Even then a crop of hay can usually be cut and the grouud plowed immediately after so 85 te owe time for the soil to rot. If will be strange indeed if the average farmer does • not find this clover hay come haudy nefore the following sprivg. The risk fhr losing two years for a crop of' wheat at present prices of that pri- ces of ,that grain and its uncertain yield are more than most farmers would care to take. A eafer plan, where amelior- ation of the soil is alined at, would be to plow in fall, and leave the land ex- posed to the freezinnband g thawinof winter. Thep seed to clover with°bar- ley in the spring. Sfti it Ilic air. Air, D. Thomas, press agent,- of the Hippodrome Combination' and plucky amateur balloonist, arrived at St. Lon. is about 11 o'clock on the morning of the 23n1 ult., thoroughly bespattered with mad, and .presentibg the appear.: Lice •generally of a pilgrim and a. strati - ger. He said: I left the hippodrome about 4.20. in two minutes the altitude was 1,200 feet ; in four minutes, 2,70f.; in seven 8,400; in °levels minutes, 4,100 ; which, remained uniform while passing cver the city. At five o'clock landed an I1- linojs Side. one mile from the river. - 1 -laving lost but little gas 1 seaseeaded to an attitude of 4,200 feet, and contin tied a southerly course. I was sailing 'pleasitutly along over heavy timber when the drag -rope became fast, and, after exhaustiug coneiderable time, pa- tieneel at:4 endurance 1 concluded. I was booked for the night. Believing' that it sodden and perpeudicular ascent woald seehre my freedom, I let go all the :neck of the drag rope and itt, the ,sitthe time threw over a bag of ballast. The movement had the (leaned effeet. The limb brokee off; and the balloon shot upwards with a -Velocity quite new to me. It was now dark, aud as my barometer would oolyreeister one mile 1 had no 10011115 of ascertaining my ele- vation. A t tine' henr there was consid- erable, electricity in the air, and the flashes of lightuing heueath the balloon seemed vivid enough,however faint they May have looked from terra firma. I am sure 1 Lever 'heard distant thunder wand as near:as it did on that Light. would have gladly avoided it all, ,but ie escape -valve "relased tt) work, Mid I omprehended in it amnion t that the eenliat: grease used to facilitate the workieg of this valve had become chill- ed aud stiff. All this, however, would not have itnuoyed me but for the ,ap- proaoh of the etoran its the certain eel:7 densieg of gas at eight is certain to bring about a landing in due time. After 8 o'clock the ittniosphere" was very heaVyand, the .buoyancy of the balloon coosiderably nicreaSed, Which fact; together vith the sudden loss' of ballast, aettounted,for my unusual vationo Although it was very dark, I could seo. by the 'frequent thiShes of lightning I.conld see .the • halal or duclie eater of the beeanuetee without tlkstio- guishiug the fig urea. It is surpeisiog ow,my mind at this tithe .wandered ack to unfoettitiate mronants, 'tied 00- eeially to poor Donaldson.' :Presently id peculiar anugiug 111" My eats gttvC ositive assurruice, that I was deeeead- g, andleaning eagerlyover the bas- ea:1 peered dowa into the darkneseiu y auaiety to „discover something, in- catuag my proximity to the earth, Meaging ,saddeoly from the lower rata of clouds; I could . discover now ad" then ivelim light but wits 'unable to stingoish timber froin the open cowl. - y. With a view Of making, a respelet- ellt 100Sothe anohor and ;apnel, aol deterthhied -to make not somethiog. - The susppose was but O 11 noment, andthea the basket ruck and settled gracefully down in - one of tho dirtiest mod ponds lever toeinbee to'have net. After repeated ailings Ss party of nagrocantere approach to withiu 90e hundred yde., here they halted for conseitatien.-a hey conjcatn;e4 all manner of evils ising from any ploser ineXimity to o monster, and were only , brought la- SerVice after a. fall and 'elaborate his. ry of the erig,fii, rise and progress of llooning to vehicle of aerial naviga. on perfectly sound mare from a gent -come is *hose stables were lighted by windows 1,1 at the rear of the stalls. The auinal Was soaud and perfectly satisfactory. - After three mouths she became sudden- ly ground -shy ; on examining her eyes they were found diractly upwards, arid this was elpldined by the fact that the fact that the wiudows. ia the officer's stable were situated above the head of Otto stalls, the eyes being generally daawn in that directio She \VOA re- moved to another stable, where the wss admitted from all sides, mid in three months' time the difficulty had disappeared. Aeother officer reportr that daring Otto dampaign: of 1859, la France , he rode a horse that was a capital juniper. On his retura front the war he placed the animal. in his stable, tho windows of winch. were above the front of the jj st dila 111 a shart time the horse b became PO shy of the ground that he p had to sell it,. He had had a similar ex- ti perieace with other saddle horses, p Of Whi011 became grouter -L -811y in the in 801111. ()ne animal particalar, a k thorouuh-bred mare, renowned for her m jumping (pato:ties, iefueral In a shoit di time to cross the smallest obstacle', and E when forced to erose a foot -wide gully et tnade a leap th.tt would have cleared a fourteen feet ditch. Owners of horses di who find that their animals shy at ob- se jects on the ground or at their side, el would do well, to look to the windows of go thdir stablei for at Ert2lan ttion of tiro to evil,• Lo st THE CURE OF E11.1A1 MACHINERY to re we have heard competent machinists h s:ty 0110,0 fully one-T.1)141,er of the value to of inacliinero was loss by a failure w keep the''1)actring, surfaces well • oiled.- T o ie itbieryation is, that farmers ltS . 1• 1 the i al rit a, nee oo Inuit o on ie ear ngs of farm thacliinery„, and to 0110 cletrim. ent of tlie boarings. They prtt en litrge to quantities, of oil, but not sufficiently of- ba ten. The use and value , of oil ales to ti keep the surfaces apart; so they may not grind, and to funnel' a medium which they may slide or roil upon each tathet with the lest tioeeible To do this properly judgramit must be go, used, If too netteli oil is gintei the si r or pltia immedLitely runs away and is lo It; lao if not etion,,li is, given the bearings01111 sli ittld 500111 upou each other, or are ren- pe dewed eo 100,413 ai4tai beeetne eompartt- at, tively worthless, • §o, the first thing to po be ctinsiderecl is he exact quantity 01 se oil to viol) erly lubricate Olio 'slirliteea11 Wityliout, waste, and Oho tittle in which tic Otto oil will be worn tt\vity, which will he bo itt proportibu to`the swiftness of the in. ntotion. According' experiments in Feitace,,tho friction' of woqiled,stirfaees g,F.) rubl)ing on wood atheitutecl" td (Me. on (matter to cnehalf of forces enine - pier)/ The friction. of Metal on wood Or wag soniething less ; while the friction yo of Metal on Metal stlrfacee waS front Or 011e,fiftlt to olic.soventil. •Lard applied of to Wood on wood rectuced the friction111 from one.tenth to out- tWelt tit of ele tws ptower regaling to novo the surfa- alt,‘ pos dry; and oil metal 'rtioning 111100tuotal the fkiction was reduced to te lf of *hat it Was beforf',, it6 goosponemmorpaamerilmisorm.ase,mar if4/1011 Wag' gti Pnless yon would be set down Its vul. 0, draft lattgli at peOple's mistakes misfortitnee. l'Itere'e a time to igh ; hot when your ;3013.0o101;tte 1111,S 1)110d (1'.)W11. 011 0ic 10 f,e, and i 'hurt lamps, or by asteiloot the fruit etand 'the scorner 'is, overturimila and the or el 01111 0.1:811'l.res and apples are altered Oho muds or seine lover of nerY low quality' of fun has 1 innati for alas)" on a person's back, as walks about Olio' street,: or at: ' absent mdecl lady thinking more of the poor she is going to visit than', herself, Imo ,ue out 'ivi.th.one 1)0013'11nd one slipPor , or a 0000.sighted person whoni you ver saw before tultiteeseit yOtt ;fain: , joint, and cordially inquires after 010 grandma, when yea haven't any, the new boataler neat door iti bloek a(o 1 zen hi use's till 3 f arty into' yo.iir hall and ,eatraie to a ..:4 stop on the 'stairs, or the bashful idont comes to a (toad attep 04, Ole htfOrtill rnid brealat .doens tn an 11,t, liript to dedlaim, or the', oort ot thkoilsit exhouto linlarceement of Premises M. T. p.3).4(0=Thimgraz begs to return his since, e thanks for the very lib- eral patronage bestowed upon him since 'mincing bUtillieSs in Exeter. Phis large patron. age he considers is owing to the fact be UoS TURNED OU' PERFECT FITS, in the clothing lino and. given universal satistag• tion to his customers, ;ii o would also state that' he bus moveOl into his now building, Fishburn'e Ohl stand, Lin8 lias considerably added to his al- ready large and varied STOCK OF TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, , Rea Gents' Furnishings' of OTorY doscriptiou. Air. Bright - still has chalge of the Tailoring Depaitnient PERFECT FITS ARE GUATtANTEED. Cut in the most fashionable style. Cloth pur- chtysed of me cut free of charge, J, MoINT YR & CO. FARMERS LOOK TO YOTJR INTEREST. JAM ES McNABB has now on hand a number of those CELEBRATED SPRING HAY RAKES' said Champion Pea Harvester, which have TAKEN PRIZES 'WHEREVER SHOWN. These Implements require uo pulling, but have al„,, ready spoken for themselves. They eau be wen at the EXETER STEAM BENDING AND' HUB FACTORY. Tho rakes are manufactured by himself from the very best of dry 'notarial, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFAC- TION. Tho subscriber is determined to WI out bis stock at redueed'prices, and DEFIES COMPETITION. ALL KINDS OF Tui nino. Done to Order and kept constantly on hand. Also all hinds of SPINNING WHEELS ON HAND. Remember the spot -near &AAA() Bridge. ,TAS. JOHN BELL' , 'Taker anci. Confectioner, begs to ram-. thanks to the people olExoter and vicinity tor the lar,„.,,e patronage iastewed upon hint Sine° he commenced burliness in Exeter, and hopes by payiog attention to business and giving satisfaction to his customers to merit a contiuu- once' of the soma, IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J. BELL'S BAKERY. IF YOU WANT GOOD CONFEC- TIONERY, . CALL AT J. BELL 8, - If you want the very best cakes, etc., i tea ntraes picnics cti.se LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH J. BELL; and it will reeeive prompt attention. Satis- • factio3i guaranteed. IF YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES at prices as low as they can be purchased for at any store in Exeter, (10 TO j. BELL'S. Give me It call. J. BELL. xE TER STEAM RAKE &GRADE FACTORY o r_r TILE • ottsturagretem 011 Wooden Ilarvest 'rools Rakes, Suaiblies, • Fork Handles, Grain (lraclles, Hewitt ',lave ready for the coMing harvest, the, celebrated •Sulkey Hay Rake 'A Novelty in tills Seetion. 1tfl1iCFtANS win Ana it c) Their S'ilyantoge to Itrty their Sto k front 051 an' prep .red to deal With thrna e rna sopa., bly as ally Other estabtisholent,end to 0,701,mi-tut attention to alt entere, 4110LESAIIII urn i 0601 1W013n.tle 5 saeastits, te the yettlueS GEOTIGE COV1'111 r,ApOiL6, 105, 111111JSPEleliDWOUfIDA09.0.4.1alta t110 tult4bituut8 o Z*13ter anti, surround. - 4104 country, tltat ),A0 lure opened oat in elarrto steck of 0111C11111 Boos= a 021:0106 Ready - Made etc., ete„ and from the facilities he POW11138 ha e 170411 eueble(1 to purchase in the Cheapest Market I and Ito is hound to let those who feaor him with their,patronage have tile benefit. A °Allis only necessinyto convinee that 51111 • ti'ea Teas, S-tigars, Coffees, Raisins Rice, Ete. ria everything in the Grocery Line at L000n pt033, tit it my stook of Boots& Sh.00$ complete in all its departments. Farm prattle° taken in in Exchange, and the highest price allowed., On hand a first-class lot of Bacon. Just received a opienclid lot of Crockery J. CRUNICAN Excler, May 6, 1875. 88 THE W.D.MuGLOCHI,oN WATCH is the best in the market 13e sure ana get the W. D.MeOloolilon watch before buying. You will have no other after see- ing them, All who wear them l'ecommend them. 'Gold and Silver, Ladies and Gentleman's sizes. 77 Dundus street, Loudon. See the testimonials. The largest, bestand cheapest stook of tine Gold Jewelry, Clocks, Silver, and Plated Ware, Fancy GOChls, Lte., ate., in the Province, ltepairing of every description. W. D. Mc:GLUM/I:LON. 77 Dundas'et., London, Oht. New Tailor Shop. W. Mc A. T E J3EGS to intimate to the inhabitants _ of 1611imville and Vicinity that lie has opened Tailor shop At Elimville where by strict attention to business 11( [hopes to merit a fair share of patronage. A GOODFIT GUARANTEED, IVT -CL -123X G. A SPECLLL7Y. W. MeAlITNEY, Blimville, July 8,1875. UST RECEIVED Carload of SEED. CORN We have also on hand 0 large stock of Clover, Timothy, Hungarian Qrass, and other Seeds Warranted All Fresh No old' Seeds kept in Stock 'Sutherland Bros. S3.,farY's, April 8.1875. THOMPSON& WILLIAMS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT S Boi er and Engine Works MITCHELL, ONT. l'ao-borse perali wood Sawing Machine lids machine has been thoroughly tested au& • given ENTIRt SATISFACTION It is supplied with a 13.AND AVETEEIA 'f or driving a Straw Cutter, Grain. CrUsher, Or other reach1net41', without extra expense ex eept kr the belt. ' • A TRIAL OFFRED, All kinds of Farming plements kept eonstantly on „ BOILER ST4:01c) full operation, • • EZTGIMES al all eiees to oaten IZAlltS Kept At Bis8ett'g slfc)p, kit:gofer, iivoniptly attended to, TIFIOUPSON Out, SUNIVIER STOCK, SAIYI.W4L: PIPKARD haying perehased largely in England for.the Foll trede, nave decided to IVICark Down the Balance of their Summer Stock' • I,ss Q to ensn0p a complete elearanee, 411(1 natlice room for new aul aoos, wi1 ne. we expect to arrivo in a few weeks: We thereldre oner the balance of our Summer Stook at -VERY LOW PRICES The etoelt consists of Valley Silk Dress Goods, Fsney and Plain.Dress Goods, Ready made Clothing, White and. colored Shirts, Millinery, Boots & Shoes, Felt Hats and Caps, a gen- eral selection of Teas and Groceries CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, July 28, 1875. PRICES OF S T 0 AT 1-A S HAVE Dropped Right Down AT THE GOLDEN STONE, ST. MARY'S. J. C. GILPIN. X E z - ICE TIC, TE llViI SZTINTZTER, • FANCY DREAD AND BIP3CUIT BAKER, & CONFECTIONER, EXETER. while returning Ids sincere, thanks to the inhabitants of Exeter and. surrounding villages for their pnst liberal 1 atronage, hoping to merit a continuance of their favors, would call their attention to his large stook of Cakes, CraelTeis, and Confectionery. PRUIT CAKES, 15 CENTS PER POUND Weddings and Parties a Speciality. 10?' Fresh 'Bread con.0.vitly 01 11(001 (It Exotor !0•11 t n•t't Flx.:tor Post Officos, a J. SI(,". Creditm, and Mitchell's, Centralia. Ftnuljss 101101 on d lily. Exeler, April 10, 1874. 67 -If. A. SKINNER, PH NIX FOUND EY Corner Bathurst & Wellington Sts., LONDON, -,isi•T 1' A_ R I C JOW:i Eilerr;RREPNETCV. It capers and Mavreis. PI c ,Carz-7.1ows9 'Cultivators, AND ALL KINDS OF DIPLEITENTS MANI:FACTLEED. FARMERS' SEED DRILL. This implement Iia a double distributing Oro0•1 cup, and is admitted o he Ow beSt befor • he I ubiie. I am now busily eng,a,red trh utkimr te n for tho si'ring seeding, and will bo pre pared to supply them 9, 10, 11, 3..21rthes e0117, with tube shifter or without, according to or ger, 7.nd will endeavor to keep on hand eitliTrkind ALM) to 8 mply any wlm may not have wen their order. The style, finish,: and matrial -used will be found all that can be desired dud if equalled, not surpassed in 'Western Cana,la. '• • 0 •Le,z, TICS 1(408 itt) no nureduatien. 71 11)10 1,00010 u.bk 0(5& 1» et, • < rmcs,1,0 v a lobe( sovieg itoplein nt, but in the inere0s0 131140001104 et to sib av (1 ralting tee 111, hilt a t( be ve,la(r. 1 Varions wrr,(,s eon be n tied in 0(1) 01 reg'i . The txperb me of the 1 0 tfo, HoatX,' ti 6(1(6 1041 10 n)e 18,0 2 0111 d '00(1 if 01 he oval for tett)). 0s being Ibe , o laP1( d for 10 o Wot k, not only Chont otqo SI and 1,11st, liable to bre n 0, but la,hls 111 pesil ion dle hes( , 4 o1 api to strati& 0 opal t tool 3 Iso 111 30011130 O ae Weston lair 1 teek 11:s' Prizo 0,":('Illky Pither, tho 15 0. In )100» I am n,aking the titebgeld 111040. 11 Youch liko the 1 thion. 10 1110 000,101 n States and 011 I.Mv( 0 P1 0511)0') 3 ints 4111 en the 0» rdif 33s. 1 made ten Of 00e1n aSt SCA son tik (0 P1')11100 0, 0111 y 115 'iv(404 M 1 Will 1 rendy in 309 1031 145 lilt lletb 81161,, ttbd 4110 30 14 ab1e., 10 •1,01,1: n11 ,V3 0.141 110. , oith 11 10 vaor, 711 1 se non 1 v 1,11)11111315' Orle lit 111,P .1,'(o0P1it/01 fo rl TI l 13(03)Cf ( it • • •• • • ssa rio el- 7.2 ST. MARY'S. 0N331.°1:EkotrIllVilit:13)11:1.,e11;1•C17(:::Itn.i1;;1116.:111'01Citti°iii°12:11aNlilrb(121ite;1:1:ti:13:1';11.1:111SStt: BtSut:;:ttleiLilla`eye t'0.17.e,4:enirer7;et;1)°,1_ilni!1:2,'Ut,Litct 1. it''16', :t<1 1;17 ' :1<:- ,purt. ot to,e,..11..niti,..t..,.(t‘l wuy's Pillsund Ointro elit,Lo% don ' .- ,' ' ' °I' - - 011.'0n, the label is Ile to 1, ,...'. .,,',.'4,1.5.Qadv.1%•=c-Ot, Loud° ' / This 1.00-- ...,%- rt..!eonie useesrarv, in t,e cense nee of vile and spr,riowa.imirations of lis.b.etle•.iiiv,i‘7; civirj 18:161e.bi'lliyeolt.,:cpti :la: yc8r1644' : c..,? ''':''' ,.!t.''''''1. ,. Is.2t17)saM.C1'1Wettur412; (insulted tr,de 3 131 Du rill elided ; , tail: t is trash at z-.7..,......,...:, 24 V313( Ivy', 50(0 law/.5. and . s° cceive you . by ' s',Iling th, tl saute. or my genuine Holloway's Pills ta.d. .. Obit- - meat, vhich ore ratinufacturctl °only at 51350xford street London. PersouS ,W1.0 linty be ‘1,-coived. pleas& c01miluicatewiti,m,1.1\ lany respect'blen rills ill t1103Tit iS11 PI ovir.ces who obtain toy 20 udiCilA(4 diroctfrom lore, 0 LI n very properly 001)51502(1 that 1 should, for the benefit of themselves 11n13 , the pablic, insert their names in the papers, -that it ma • be known that 1 , tedicines can be had 5011)- inc from them. The Miler', ing is a list of the 11).1.r.s awllionlde000og cltronn ; tde get my particularly lecumuiend t00010h of the houses nriltitillyedr":--eli:eeitilisTs!rbAtR•el'rPyl,Y13roowg.411)thic" Co., Halifax, N. 5; Ttlessrt,. Forsyth & Co., N. S. Afessrs. T 13 Barker & SODS, 01 John, N B; Mr. ,I! Dos Ilrisay, Charlotte ToNVII, 1, E 1; 3)1osi4r8.1.nog- ley...t. Co., Victoria, 13 C.; Messrs, Moore dr Co.,Vie- torts, 13 0; Dr. John PaBel, Ch atom. N 13; :Messrs. Munro & Co., Montreal ; Messrs. J Winer & Co., 11 milton; Mr. H J Dose, Toronto; Mr. A- Chip. man Smith, St, ;John. N 15 ; Mr. Joint Bond, °odor- ich ; Messrs. Elliot & Co., Toronto ; Mr., Cluiloner„ St 30111,. N Id; Messrs. HanIngton Bros., St. John. N B ; Mr It l'riddy, Windsor; Mrs Orycrt,Mordem N 5: 111r GeOrgo Hunt, jr., Fredriehton, 'N 13; lir. WH l' hompson, liarbor Grne.e. N a.; lir 3 11 , Wilfry,l'redrickton, N 13; Messrs W & 1) linile. Montreal. Tee medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale nett pricts, in quantities of not Icsa than .2.20 worth -viz., Ss. (1,1332*, Dial als.per dozen , boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, fur which. 06. - 'pittance int st be sent in ear- lice. • THOMAS HOLLOWAY 1100 (.10li230 them- aud 1.01 1111 • volelmS 'can INTERESTING. 0___ EDICAL men say tbat nothing 15 80 11111 itiL portant gord health as a room Coln fortably warmed, 'The season of year is,now n,t hand when yon will require the very best STOVES 0 E-1 AND BISSETT BROS beg to say that they have just re.ceived one or the largest stooks in the county, consisting oi Stoves of the very latest design atia the best • numufsetures, which WILL 13E.SOL'D IREASONABEY CHEAP ' 'I'lieir itito is and t'lways has been to matitsfy cut' tt:iners. Hardware, Tinware, Copper -ware, etc. always on hand. Also tho Warnock Azto find 1,000 LB 80,%ItE5r011 Old Bags, Copper, Iron, ete., brnight.' BtSl1TT Bltos. `I'lte suhscriber/i liafe started alninan Pa tory ,1 the, VI1lage 00 Carronbrook, eta ,,nrso.10, the ;.'ofvfinhip of Hay oxr, 1i1E vottuil OF d (;( 0.44 Jr 1t Solotten , E4 'C till be nblo to not enir 11301 (Al suer tiro tbene who,blive 101 try VW Ief& 14 403(0 41urling tho n-DrQn t '00k 0( -1t 0 flu 0(0134 1)110114 m343( t553355 ITC,Zb IV •-t ttiWit/1.