HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 26nme 1994 HensallSpring Fair results Mini Pedal Pull 25-50 lbs.: Robin Hammond, Scott Stire, Jamie Taylor. 51-75 lbs.: Artemysia Fragiskatos, Jason Beierling, Craig Traquair. 76-100 lbs.: Derek Taylor, Guy Kirk, Matt Mousscau. Parade Non-commercial: Hensall Tinker Tots Co-op, Canada Unemployment Centre. Commercial: Beckers Farm Equip- ment. Hyde Bros. Farm Equipment, Hay's Reconditioning, Cook's, Co-op. Freak/Comic outfit: "Elder Clan", Homer Taylor. Antique Car. 0. Reichert, I. Reichert, Paul Munn. Antique Machinery: Fred Elder, Ken Elder, Shorty Caldwell. Theme float: Hensall Calf Club, Hen- sall Economic Development Commit- tee, Hensall Public School. Best Wagon/trike: Amanda McGre- gor, Jocelyn Stire, Scott Stire. Wagon/trike (over 10): Scott Forrest, Rachel Wood, Steve Forrest. Children's Float: Justin Campbell. Baby show 6 months and under: Jenna -Lyn Rei - ger, Kaitlyn Marie Hem. 6 months to 1 year: Grant McGregor, Lori Taylor, Tyler Regier. 12 months to 18 months: Andrew Kipfer, Jade Weurch, Dustin Mathonia, Miranda Buzzell. Twins: Alicia and Marissa Binkle. Sheep Oxford Down: Yearling Ram - B. Benedict, L. Emke, D. Dearing, L. Emke. Ram Lamb - L. Emke, L. Enke, B. Benedict. D. Dearing. Champion Ram - B. Benedict. Yearling Ewe - B. Benedict, D. Dearing, B. Benedict, L. Emke. Suffolk: Yearling ram - Callaghan. Polled and Homed Dorset: Yearling Ram - L. Welsh, Callaghan, L. Welsh, D. Dearing. Yearling Ewe - L. Welsh, L. Welsh, Callaghan, D. Dearing. Breeder's flock - L. Welsh, Callaghan. Lincoln: Breeder's Flock - D. Dear- ing. Yearling Ram - L. Emke, L. Emke. Ram lamb - Callaghan, L. Emke, L. Enke. Yearling Ewe - D. Dearing, Callaghan, Benedict, Calla- ghan. Ewe Iamb - Dearing, Callaghan. Breeder's flock - Callaghan, Emke. Southdown: Yearling ram - Welsh, Welsh, Callaghan, Benedict. Ram Iamb - Welsh, Callaghan, Emke, Emke. Yearling Ewe - Welsh, Callaghan. Cal- laghan, Welsh. Ewe Iamb - Welsh, Welsh, Callaghan. Callaghan. Any other breed: Emke. Junior market: Tyler Welsh, Chris Canters. Market: Welsh (79 lbs.), Benedict (100 lbs.), Benedict (96 lbs.), Emke (96 lbs.). Champion flock: Welsh. Callaghan. Benedict. Best ram: Callaghan, Welsh. Best ewe: Welsh, Benedict. Western horse Show at Halter. Laura Mill. Halter (13-18 years): Bonye Baker, Chad Thomas, Chad Carruthers, Aman- da Schussler. English Pleasure: Amanda Schussler, Cathy Cofell. English Equitation: Amanda Schuss - ler. Polebending: Dave Beynon, Reid Beynon. Jessica Lucas, Jenny Swartz, Josh Beynon. Trail: Cathy Cofell, Rebecca ;Miller, Beth Neeb, Sarah Beynon, Bonye Bak- er. Western Pleasure (13 ar,: under): Amanda Schussler, Laura Miller, Angie Tapely. Western Pleasure Junior. Chad Car- ruthers, Chad Thomas, Bonye Baker, Sarah Beynon. Rebecca Miller. Western Pleasure Senior: Beth Neeb, Sue Leddy, Cathy Cofell, Brenda Elli- ott. Western Pleasure (open): C. Cofell, S. Beynon. A. Schussler, B. Baker, R. Miller. Cloverleaf: A. Geiger. S. Lucas, J. Lucas. R. Beynon, D. Beynon. Reining: C. Cofell, B. Baker. Command: B. Baker, C. Cofell, Miller, S. ).eddy, A. Schussler. Midwest horse show Showmanship Jr. A: D. Eaton, Baker, B. Smith. S. Cronkite. Showmanship Jr. !3: R. Andersen, S. Spruyt, 1. Thompson. A. Thompson. Walk/jog/trot: S. Broadfoot, M. Pat- terson, R. Anderson. S. Spruyt. Trail: B. Neeb, C. Cofell. B. Baker, R. Smith, S. Beynon. Western Pleasure: C. Danyluk-Moh, D. Eaton. C. Cofell, S. Cmnkite, C. Thomas. Jr. A Western Pleasure: D. Eaton. B. Smith, S. Cronkite, A Spruyt. Jr. B Western Pleasure: R. Anderson, S. Spnryt, J. Thompson. Horsemanship: R. Smith, C. Cofcll, K. Fernandes, C. Danylyk-Mohr, A. Lockhart. Jr A Horsemanship: B. Baker. S. Cronkite, D. Eaton, T. Anderson. Jr B Equitation: J. Thompson. R. An- derson, S. Spruyt. Reining: C. Cofell. English Pleasure: C. Danyluk-Mohr, C. Cofell, S. Cmnkite, T. Anderson Barrels: M. Manson, A. Geiger. E. Minim 8. Ropp. Flag: A. Geiger. B. Ropp. M. Man- son, D. Beynon, M. Salisbury. Poles: A. Geiger. B. Ropp, M. Man- son, R. VanWeiren, D. Beynon. Homecrafl Dlvbdon Plants and Flowers Flowering house plant.''ntea Wisch, Rita Van Wieren, Betty Simmons; cacti dish garden: Rita Van Wieren, Thea Wisch, Dianne Andrews; African violet single: Mary Brintnell, Thea Wisch, Rita VanWieren; Housewives dream - fresh flower arrangement in coffee mug: Thea Wisch, Rita VanWieren, Mary Brintnell; Wild flowers, weeds and grasses in a pitcher: Thea Wisch, Mary Brintnell, Rita VanWieren, Specials: When spring flowers are few: Thea Wisch, Helen Toornstra, Rita VanWieren; A poem in colour. Rita Van Wieren, Thea Wisch; Most points in Class 30: Thea Wiwi'. Domestic Carrot cake with pineapple: S Moussan; 5 chocolate es, Anna Dolmage, Diane A Batty na loaf: Diane Andrews, Hazel R. B. 5 banana muffins: Hazel Corbett. Diane Andrews, Shirley Mousseau; 5 peanut butter cookies: Hazel Corbett, Diane Andrews. Shirley Mousseau; Rhubarb pie 2 crusts: Hazel Corbett, Mary Brint- nell; Rhubarb custard pie: Elaine Steb- bins, Diane Andrews, Hazel Corbett; 5 tea biscuits: Mary Brintnell, Hazel Cor- bett, Anna Dolmage; 5 chocolate brownies: Betty Simmons, Shirley Mousseau. Specials: 7 chelsea buns: H)�zel Cor- bett; 5 fibre rich bean muffins: Betty Simmons, Anna Dolmage; 5 butter tans: Mary Brintnell, Lillian Beer, Diane Andrews; 5 bran muffins made with Neilson sour cream: Anna Dolm- age; Lemon meringue pie: Hazel Cor- bett; Pecan pie: Lillian Beer, Elaine Stebbins; coffee cake: Mary Brintnell, Diane Andrews; 60% whole wheat loaf bread: Hazel Corbett; 6 white dinner rolls: Hazel Corbett; 5 pieces peanut brittle: Mary Brintnell, Shirley Mous- seau; decorated birthday cake: Beth Jennison, Mary Brintnell. Most potents in class 31: Hazel Cor- bett. Diane Andrews, Mary Brintnell. Apple pie: Lillian Beer, Mary Brint- nell; chocolate cake: Lillian Beer, Shir- ley Mousseau; Butter tarts: Lillian Beer. Diane Andrews. Favourite dessert made with cocoa: Diane Andrews, Anna Dolmage; Reci- pe of their choice made wiht Crisco shortening: Anna Dolmage, Diane An- drews; Recipe of their choice using both cocoa and shortening: Anna Dolmage. 25 cookies, 5 varieties. 5 of each, dis- played in suitable container. Diane An- drews, Hazel Corbett, Shirley Mous- seau; 9" pie shell using Robin Hood flour. Lillian Beer, Hazel Corbett, Diane Andrews. 5 otameal cookies using toasted oat- meal: Diane Andrews, Mary Brintnell, Anna Dolmage; Oatmeal muffins: Anna Dolmage, Mary Brintnell, Betty Simmons. Golden Age 5 bran muffins: Queensway Baking Club, Mildred Gingerich, Exeter Villa; 5 old fashioned sugar cookies: Exeter Villa; Whole banana loaf: Mildred Gingerich, Exeter Villa, Queensway Baking Club. Sewing Child's dress: Jean Crerar; Casual blouse: Marlene Zwaan; Half apron: Mary Brintnell, Hazel Corbett. Specials: Embroidered pillow: Rita VanWieren; 2 embroidered tea towels: Anna Dolmage, Mary Brintnell. Seniors: Chair pad: Anna Dolmage, Hazel Corbett; Covered hanger. Bea Dykstra, Helen Toornstra, Anna Dolm- age; Crochet lap: Anna Dolmage. Special: Knit Slippers: Helen Toorn- stra, Bea Dykstra. Teresa Wynja. Crochet Afghan: Helen Toornstra, Teresa Wynja, Anna Dolmage; Baby shawl: Bea Dykstra. Helen Toomstra; Child's hat and mitts: Anna Dolmage, Diane Andrews; 2 doilies under 12": Rita VanWieren, Diane Andrews, Teresa Wynja; Adult novelty slippers: Anna Dolmage, Diane Andrews, Helen Toomstra; Pillow case with crochet edge: Rita VanWieren, Diane Andrews. Specials: Door draft dodger. Anna Dolmage; Crochet tea cosy: Diane An- drews, Helen Toomstra; crochet cush- ion: Teresa Wynja, Anna Dolmage, Helen Toornstra. Knitting Afghan: Helen Toornstra, Mary Kinsman, Bea Dykstra; Variegated baby sweater: Mary Kinsman. Betty Brand, Bea Dykstra; Hooded cardigan for child under 2: Mary Kinsman, Betty Brand; Child's fancy mitts with design: Betty Brand, Helen Toornstra, Anna Dolmage; Child's Fair Isle Pullover: Betty Brand, Teresa Wynja, Helen Toomstra; Adult cardigan: Shirley Mousseau; Child's fancy socks: Bea Dykstra, Betty Brand, Anna Dolmage; Adult work socks: Betty Brand, Helen Toornstra, Bea Dykstra; Pillow case with knit edging: Mary Kinsman. Specials: Adult Fair Isle in Paton's Shetland Chunky: Bea Dykstra; Child's pullover in Paten's Canadian: Betty Brand, .Anna Dolmage; 3 piece baby set - carriage cover, sweater and bonnet: Bea Dykstra, Helen Toornstra, Mary Kinsman. Quilts Quilt, whole clooih, fancy quilted: Marg Cole; Quilt, pieced, hand quilted: Hazel Corbett; Quilt preprinted: Sandra Turner, Quilt, tied: Mary Brintnell; Crib quilt. comforter style, quilted: Sandra Turner; Crib quilt, preprinted panel: Sandra Turner, Crib quilt, tied: Marg Cole. Specials: Most points in 1-13: Sandra Turner, Best of Show: Marg Cole; Quilt in pillow: Rita VanWieren; Cush- ion preprinted fabric and hand quilted: Mary Brintnell, Diane Andrews. Arts and Crafts Article of paper twist: Mona Alder - dice, Diane Andrews; Article of podg- ee: Jean Crerar, Betty Simmons, Bea Dykstra; Decorated sweatshirt: Mona Alderdice; Folk art painting on wood: Mona Alderdice; Potpourri in a sachet: Rita VanWieren, Jean Crerar, Diane Andrews; Decorated wreath or swag for summer: Bea Dykstra; Jar of Rhu- barb jam: Diane Andrews, Mona Alder - dice, Hazel Corbett; Something useful from something useless: Helen Toom- stra, Rita VanWieren; Diane Andrews. Specials: 10 items for Father's Day: Anna Dolmage; Kitchen display: Diane Andrews, Rita VanWieren, Mary Brint- nell. Youth Specials: Picture or design gluing seeds and grains: Dana Mania, Megan Dickens, Michael Dayman; Print using stamps from fruits and veg- etables: Dana Martin, Jordan Reid. Jor- dan Verhey. Junior and School Section Baking Grade 5 and 6: Chocolate chip cook- ies: Scotty Forrest; Banana muffins: Scotty Forrest. Grades 7 and 8: Nutritious Squares: Karie Jennison; Oatmeal cookies: Ste- ven Forrest, Scotty Foust; Bran muf- fins: Karie Jennison, Steven Forrest, Scotty Forrest. Sewing Pencil case with zipper. Tara Fidder, Jayden Russell, Jeff Campbell; Pillow: Pam Lovell; Stuffed toy: Karen Jenni- son; Fabric lunch bag: Jason Corbett. Crafts Grades 7 and 8: A clock: Jay Mal- Iette, Julie Forrest; Scroll saw project: Becky Corbett, Samantha Funston, Ka- rie Jennison. Grades 5 and 6: A greeting card: Stephanie Hovius, Tanner Ingram, Ben Forrest; A deorama: Angie Towle, Ka- tie Barley, Tasha Moody; An assem- bled model from a kit: Matthew Mous- seau, Nick Reid, Ben Reabum. Grades 3 and 4: A greeting card: Ka- tie Schultz, Denise Bisback, Denise Ri- chie; Create a picture using shapes: Ke- vin Ferris, Danny Moir, Megan Bisback; Assembled model from Lego on a board: Rob Erb, Trestalyn Russell. Charlsey O'Rourke. Grades 1 and 2: Paper bag creation: Amur Elder, Jane Simmons, Erik Lawrence; Paper plate animal: Laura Elder, Bevan Butson. Stacey Crerar; Bouquet of handmade flowers: Fragis- kos Fragiskatos, Katey Jennison. Sta- cey Crerar. Kindergarten: 3 flower creations in a container. Natasha Raymond, Bryan Parker, Laura Kennedy; A paper plate creation: Brett Crerar, Amy Jennison. Art Grades 5 and 6: A self portrait: Katie Bailey. Brianne Webber, Rachel Wood. Grades 7 and 8: A landscape in oil pastels: Ryan Munn. Jeff Campbell. Alicia Lawrence. Kindergarten: My family: Matt Campbell. Sherri Lyn Moir, Artemysia Fragiskatos. Grade 1: My pet and I: Kelsey O'Rourke, Greg Campbell, Shannon Wedge. Grade 2: Summer Fun: Jane Sim- mons, Mathew McAuslan, Shari Aus- tin. Grade 3: Fun at Hensall Spring Fair. Denise Bisback, Jocelyn Stire, Jacob Hovius. Coming events FISH FRY, Sunday, July 3, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.. Masonic Hall. 248 McConnell Street Adults 510.00 advance, S11.00 at the door, children $6.00. (All you can eat.) Tickets available from Order of Eastern Star members or phone 234-6377. 17,24,25,(26)c PANCAKE BREAKFAST. Saturday, July 9, 7 a.m. to 12 noon, Brucefreld Fire Hall. Sponsored by Brucefield I.O.O.F. 26c BRINSLEY UNITED CHURCH Chicken Barbecue, Wednesday, July 13, 1994. Time: 5 to 7 p.m. Adults 58.50. children 53.50. 22,24.25,26 • KEITH BURTON SHOW 'TRIBUTE". Dance to your favourite stars) Seaforth Are- na, July 23, 1994. Dancing 9 to 1 (doors open at 8) Age of majority, lunch provided. $10 advance; 512 at the door. Call 235-1346 for tickets and reservations. 26,27,(28),29c INVITATION FOR EHMIMci POPOSEILS Huron Industrial Tr fining Advisory Committee is inviting pro- posals from qualified trainers for the design and delivery of the following employment training programs during the period from September 1994 - March 1995. Computer Literacy Word Perfect Lotus 1-2.3 Computer Accounting Windows Customer Service Introduction to Small Business Train the Trainer AutoCed Basic Dietary Aide Gas Fitter Pr e Course specifications and Proposal forms are available at: TRAINING- THE RAININ -111E ((PMT TO YOUR FUTURE H HURON INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ADVISORY' COMMITTEE Proposals for the above courses will be accepted until 12:00 neOn, 29 July 1994 Lowest or any propo®al not rteoessti►ril� aooep ed, 50 SOUTH STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 3L5 Phone: 524-7722 Font: 524.5812 Grade 4: The Spring Fire Parade: Tri- stalyn Russell. vviro W Issues Grades 1 and 2: Picture showing a way to help save our environment: Lau- ra Corbett. Scott Keys, Amber Preszca- tor. Grades 3 and 4: Picture showing a way to reduce, reuse and recycle: Tri- stalyn Russell, Joycelyn Stire, Megan Bisback. Grades 5 and 6: Michelle Zwart, Ra- chel Wood, Joe Hay. Grades 7 and 8: A poster with an en- vironmental theme: Tara Fidler, Karrie Consitt, Ryan Munn. Computer Grades 5 and 6: A picture drawn on a computer Jason Ingram. Tara Camp- bell. David Huston. Language Grade 1: Student authored book: Greg McTaggart, Mallory Greenhill, Timmy Hay. Grade 2: Student authored book: Am- ber Lea Elder. Matt Alexander, Shari Austin. Grade 3: Student authored book: Ja- mie Willer(, Denise Ritchie, Diana Tay- lor. Krista Taylor. Grade 4: Student authored book: Tri- stalyn Russell. Laurel Shapton, Amy Shapton. Grades 5 and 6: Student authored bock: Carol Anne Munn, Rachel Wooif, Steve Sangster. Grades 7 and 8: An 8 line poem: Dawn Corbett. Justin Shaw, Cherisse Knip. Huron County Library Hensall branch Kindergarten: Best bookmark: Amy Jennison. Grade I: Best bookmark: Amber Caldwell, Danielle Ritchie, Ashley In- gram. Grade 2: Best bookmark: Kayle Jen- nison, Amber Lea Elder, Stacey Crerar. Grades 3 and 4: Best bookmark: Megan Bisback, Tristalyn Russell, Ja- mie Bengough. Grades 5 and 6: Best book cover. Tammy Cluett, Janine Kaufman, Gina Graham. Grades 7 and 8: Best book cover: Kelly Dayman, Cheryl Hoffman, Jamie Reabum. Huron County Farm and Home Safety Poster Contest Grades 1 and 2: Laura Elder. Grades 3 and 4: Denise Bisback, Ma- thew Forrest, Jocelyn Stire. Grades 5 and 6: Dustin Elder, Shawn Willed, Greshan Bayley. Daryl. Joshua Alexander. Grades 7 and 8: Ryan Munn, Gerald Corbett, Justin Shaw. Huron County Historical Society Native people in Huron County: Grades 1 to 5: Scott Forrest, Megan Bisback. Grades 3 and 4: Joshua Knip, Britta- ny Caldwell. Pioneers in Huron County: Grades 6 to 8: Steven Forrest. Winner of tickets Winner of 2 tickets to Blue Jays Ball Game from Ellison Travel: Deanna Brock, Staffa. Hensall Agricultural Society draw winners Hand made quilt: Sandra O'Rourke; Loin beef from Veal's Meats: Lee Dorsser: Collector's plate from Brus- sels Livestock: Phil Conlin; Toy tractor from Hyde Bros.: Steve Johnston; Side of pork from Metzgers Meats: Phil Conlin; 6 green fee passes from Exeter Golf Course: Richard Denomme;.$50; 550 gift certificate from Thea's Dried Flowers: Jack Simmons; $40 gift certif- icate from Hessenland Restaurant Sueanne Adkins; Draw prize from Us - borne -Hibbert Fire Insurance: Isabelle Hunt, Seaforth and Larry Welsh, Sar- nia. Your Health Food Store & Finelle Skin Care Products OPEN NOW at 6 Queen St. Grand Bend 238-58S4 uuuta gt7Ll1-1131- yy11 R.R.31147 to the 1st Kirkton Guiding Par- ent's Committee, all former and present Guiding members and leaders, friends in the Commu- nity and my family for the won- derful Open House on Sunday. I will really miss my Guiding ac- tivities but let us remember to keep in touch and not forget the happy times we all shared in the wonderful sisterhood of Girl Guides of Canada. CC Dun Marie Bottrtir returns to Playhouse 11 4 GRAND BEND - London na- tive, Marie Bottrell, returns to Huron Country Playhouse as one of country music's brightest stars, Patsy Cline, in Dean Re- gan's A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline, playing from July 5 - July 23 in the intimate cabaret setting of Playhouse 11. A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline is generously sponsored by Country 1110 CKTY and Grand Bend Heat- ing/Napoleon Fireplaces and is a co -production with Lighthouse Festival in Port Dover. Canadian recording artist and songwriter, Marie Bottrell has appeared on many TV shows in- cluding the Tommy Hunter Show, Nashville Now, The Al- lan Thicke Show, Sun Country, The Ronnie Prophet Show, Country West and Star Parade (Germany). She is the winner of many County Music awards for her singing and writing skills and in 1984, Ms. Bottrell, Cana- da's Female Vocalist of the Year, was '. teamed—"wit Lie— Greenwood, ieGreenwood, U.S. Male Vocalist of the Year for what turned out to be the `perfect concert pair." The live, Hack -up band is comprised of Colin Stewart (band leader/bass guitarlvocals), Ken Stewart (drums/vocals), Don Paulton (keyboard/vocals) and John Kenny (guitar/vocals), all making a welcome return from last year. Lucan Community Bingo June 29 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game 52 calls or less $600. bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence 41537495 26th Annual Heywood Family Reunion Sun., July 10 Potluck lunch -1:00 p.m. MacNaughton Park, Exeter RAU On Saturday, May 28, Wesley - Willis United Church was the site of the wedding of Stacy Joy Hicks, the daughter of Carl and Barbara )licks of Clinton, and Steven John Rau, the son of Clarence and Sharon Rau of Zurich. The beautiful bride was attended by her sister Robyn Richmond -Hicks as maid of honor, and her bridesmaids were Naomi Duddy and Debbie Dra- per, friends of the bride, and Vicki Rau a sister of the groom. Also making the ceremony special was the two -and -a -half year old flowergirl, Jenna Richmond- Ilicks, a niece of the bride. The ecstatic groom was attended by bis brother Rob Rau as best man, and his ushers were Ger Rau and Ken Rau, brothers of the groom, and Elvis Vincent, a friend of the groom. The scripture readers %%ere Tracy Talbot and Jennifer llarris and the soloist was Shauna Jackson of Stratford. Following a lovely dinner and fun -filled reception, including the groom's elder brothers "dancing in the pig tough", the groom whisked away his bride to a romantic honeymoon in the I'oconus. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rau wish to thank all who made their day so memorable and invite friends and family to visit, as they make their home in London. We your news... To reach the correspondent in your area: Centralia Mary Peterson Granton Muriel Lewis 228-6992 225-2578 Saintsbury H. Davis 227-4153 Staffa Roberta Templeman 345-2346 Thames Road Rhoda Rohde 235-0327 Varna Joan Beierling 233-7443 Zurich Carmel Sweeney 236-4702 Hensall Liz Sangster 262-2715 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 Arena Parkhill -93aliCe CJ BX -92.7 Country Good Time Video Dance Party 3 Big Screens 20' x 60' Saturday July 2, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tickets $10. advance $12. at the door For tickets call 2946497 Special permit LCBO A free flowing, honest -to -goodness comedy! II.Y 5 — JULY 16 by Ken Ludwig DIRECTED BY MAX REIMER (519) 238-6000